Teaching Strategies For Tle

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ALICIA G. RUDIO Technology and Livelihood Education or TLE is an important subject,
and teachers create an impact as to whether or not the students have captured the
concepts of TLE every time they deliver topics on technology and livelihood or
entrepreneurship. The interest on TLE is often generated by the teacher. Group learning
is the main approach to organize collaborative learning. There are many collaborative
learning methods, which also can be considered as group learning methods and
popularly used in classroom based environment, especially in the instruction of TLE.

A good strategy in TLE instruction is finding a common approach, which can be used to
stimulate small learning group based on different collaborative learning methods.
Collaborative learning is often used as synonym for cooperative learning when, in fact it
is a separate strategy that encompasses a broader range of group of interactions such
as developing learning communities, stimulating students and faculty discussions and
encouraging the use of technology available at school.

The importance of teacher and student involvement in the learning process must be
emphasized. In TLE, the demonstration method can be exercised in several ways.
It provides opportunity in learning new exploration and visual learning tasks from a
different perspective where the teacher is also a participant. He or she will do the work
with his students for their help.

Another strategy is the service learning method which increases motivation and
retention of academic skills as specific learning goals and which are tied to existing
community needs in terms of TLE instruction.

By solving real problems and addressing real needs, students learn to apply TLE
classroom learning to real word context. It provides more authenticity and purpose for
classroom learning.

Delivering lectures is the most common strategy in TLE classroom especially TLE. But
there are calls to move away from the traditional lecture to interactive computer learning
systems that allow students access to information when and where they need it,
especially in TLE.

As such, the use of discussion to veer away from traditional classroom procedure of the
question and answer and recitation style, best suits TLE instruction. This way, the
teacher and students cooperatively consider certain TLE topics or problems in an
interactive and two-way manner. — oOo— The author is Teacher III at Justino Sevilla
High School, Arayat, Pampanga
Cooperative Learning. Cooperative Learning is a systematic pedagogical strategy that
encourages small groups of students to work together for the achievement of a common
goal. The term 'Collaborative Learning' is often used as a synonym for cooperative
learning when, in fact, it is a separate strategy that encompasses a broader range of
group interactions such as developing learning communities, stimulating student/faculty
discussions, and encouraging electronic exchanges (Bruffee, 1993). Both approaches
stress the importance of faculty and student involvement in the learning process.

Cooperative learning

Encourage students of mixed abilities to work together by promoting small group or

whole class activities.

Through verbally expressing their ideas and responding to others your students will
develop their self-confidence, as well as enhance their communication and critical
thinking skills which are vital throughout life.

Active Learning. Meyers and Jones (1993) define active learning as learning
environments that allow �students to talk and listen, read, write, and reflect as they
approach course content through problem-solving exercises, informal small groups,
simulations, case studies, role playing, and other activities -- all of which require
students to apply what they are learning� (p. xi). Many studies show that learning is
enhanced when students become actively involved in the learning process. Instructional
strategies that engage students in the learning process stimulate critical thinking and a
greater awareness of other perspectives. Although there are times when lecturing is the
most appropriate method for disseminating information, current thinking in college
teaching and learning suggests that the use of a variety of instructional strategies can
positively enhance student learning. Obviously, teaching strategies should be carefully
matched to the teaching objectives of a particular lesson. For more information about
teaching strategies, see the list of college teaching references in Appendix N.


Differentiate your teaching by allocating tasks based on students’ abilities, to ensure no

one gets left behind.
Assigning classroom activities according to students’ unique learning needs means
individuals with higher academic capabilities are stretched and those who are struggling
get the appropriate support.

This can involve handing out worksheets that vary in complexity to different groups
of students, or setting up a range of work stations around the classroom which
contain an assortment of tasks for students to choose from.
Moreover, using an educational tool such as Quizalize can save you hours of time
because it automatically groups your students for you, so you can easily identify
individual and whole class learning gaps
Technology in the classroom

Incorporating technology into your teaching is a great way to actively engage your
students, especially as digital media surrounds young people in the 21st century.
Interactive whiteboards or mobile devices can be used to display images and videos,
which helps students visualize new academic concepts. Learning can become more
interactive when technology is used as students can physically engage during lessons
as well as instantly research their ideas, which develops autonomy.

Mobile devices, such as iPads and/or tablets, can be used in the classroom for
students to record results, take photos/videos or simply as a behaviour
management technique. Plus, incorporating educational programmes such as
Quizalize into your lesson plans is also a great way to make formative assessments
fun and engaging.

Project-based Learning An inquiry-driven strategy that allows learners to work for a

project for an extended period of time so they can investigate and respond to a complex
question, problem, or challenge which culminates in realistic products or presentations
(Jones, Rasmussen, & Moffitt, 1997; Thomas, Mergendoller, & Michaelson, 1999;
Onuebunwa, 2005; Mergendoller, 2006)
Essential Elements of PBL
1. Need to Know – students see the need to gain knowledge, understand concepts, &
apply skills in order to answer the Driving Question & create products, beginning with an
Entry Event that generates interest & curiosity
2. Driving Question – project is focused by an openended question that students
understand & find intriguing, which captures their task or frames their exploration
3. Significant Content – project is authentic/realitybased ideas focused on important
knowledge & skills, derived from standards & key concepts at the heart of academic
4. Voice & Choice – choices are available as to what products to create, how students
work, or how to use time but still guided by the teacher depending on age level & skills
5. In-depth Inquiry – students are engaged for extended, rigorous process of asking
questions, using resources, & developing answers.
6. 21st Century Competency – process develops problemsolving, critical thinking,
collaboration, communication, & creativity/innovation, which are explicitly taught &
assessed 7. Critique & Revision – project includes processes for students to give &
receive feedback on the quality of their work for revision & additional inquiry 8. Public
Audience – work is presented to other people beyond their classmates & teacher
As to how important Technology and Livelihood Education is as a subject, teachers
create an impact as to whether or not the students have captured the concepts of the
said subject every time they deliver certain topics. The interest felt by the students for
the subject is generated by the teacher. If Social Studies is taught in interesting and
inviting way, it is certain that students will gain at least enough interest to listen and
learn from the lessons discussed.
Group learning is the main approach to organize collaborative learning. There are
many collaborative learning methods, which also can be considered as group learning
methods and popularly used in classroom based environment. One of the purposes of
this study is to find a common approach, which can be used to stimulate small learning
group based on different collaborative learning methods, on the other hand, the optimal
solution is to model any small group learning method, but it is very difficult to realize.
Some experiences can be applied to small common group learning process.
Collaborative learning is often used as synonym for cooperative learning when, in fact
it is a separate strategy that encompasses a broader range of group of interactions such
as developing learning communities, stimulating students and faculty discussions and
encouraging electronic exchanges (Bruffee, 1993). Both approaches stress the
importance of teacher and student involvement in learning process. Demonstration
method can be exercised in several ways. It provide opportunity in learning new
exploration and visual learning tasks from a different perspective. Teacher will be also a
participant. He will do the work with his students for their help.
Service learning method increases motivation and retention of academic skills as
specific learning goals are tied to community needs. By solving real problems and
addressing real needs, students learn to apply classroom learning to real word context.
It provide more authenticity and purpose for classroom learning.
Lecturing is the most common strategy in classroom especially in Math, Science,
English and Social Studies. But there are calls to move away from the traditional lecture
to interactive computer learning system that allow students access to information when
and where they need it . The use of discussion is an attempt to get away from the
traditional classroom procedure of the question and answer (QandA) and recitation
style. It is used to designate group classroom activities in which teacher and students
cooperatively consider certain topics or problems.

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