Dar Administrative Order No. 07-94
Dar Administrative Order No. 07-94
Dar Administrative Order No. 07-94
Prefatory Statement
Policy Statements
E. The PARCCOM, through the PCIT, shall serve as a forum for resolving
operational problems and issues. It shall actively work for collective
operational strategies among agencies and sectors in the province.
Definition of Terms
1. The PARCCOM shall serve as the forum for policy formulation and
inter-agency work programming in accordance with the guidelines set by the
PARC. It shall submit an annual inter-agency work and budget proposal for
consideration and approval by the PARC. IT shall take into consideration the
existing plan under the Department's Agrarian Reform Community (ARC)
development program while insuring that the land tenure improvement,
beneficiaries development and support services programs in areas outside of
the selected ARCs are not unduly jeopardized.
In areas where the CARP Implementing Teams are in place, the PARCCOM
shall utilize these teams to conduct activities under IV. A and B.
C. Recommend to the PARC, through the DAR Regional Director and the
PARC Secretariat, a priority land reform area, ahead of schedule under
Sections 7 and 45 of R.A. No. 6657, for immediate acquisition and
distribution to qualified ARBs.
B. Members
1. Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO), who acts as Executive
Officer of the PARCCOM.
C. Elective Members
A. Chairperson
3. Have been existing for a period of at least two (2) years reckoned
from the date of registration.
1. List of officers and members for the current year and terms of office
as certified by the Secretary of the Organization.
Selection Process
A. Pre-Election Activities
3. The PARO shall direct the MAROs under his supervision to conduct
community assembles participated in by concerned sectors and persons on
the mandate and objectives of the PARCCOM and the process of selection of
representatives. The BARCs shall assist the MARO in the preparation and
conduct of these assemblies.
5. The MARO shall submit to the PARO a listing of landowners and non-
organized farmer and farmworker beneficiaries who are eligible and willing to
serve as representatives in the PARCCOM.
B. Nomination of Delegates
There shall be two (2) representatives each of Landowners and Farmer and
Farmworker Beneficiaries, one of whom shall be a Landowner or
Farmer/Farmworker representing the principal crop of the province.
a. Representatives of Landowners
C. Basic Qualifications
a. Landowner
Immediately after the last day for filing of the Certificates of Nomination, the
PARO shall post a list of nominees at the DARPO or at strategic public places
in the province. TESDcA
B. Duties and Responsibilities — The PEC shall have direct control and
supervision in the conduct of the election proceedings. The Committee, in
consultation with the sectoral and non-sectoral organizations, shall formulate
necessary guidelines to govern the conduct of the elections.
Tenure of Office
Chairperson — He/she shall serve office for the term of three (3) years at the
pleasure of the President. In case he/she fails to satisfactorily discharge the
functions and responsibilities of his/her office, he/she may be replaced for
the unexpired portion of his/her term.
Any elected member who fails or refused to serve or complete his/her terms
of office for any cause, shall be replaced by a candidate who obtained the
second highest vote during the last election.
Upon its organization, the PARCCOM shall plan and operationalize the
implementation of its function. The PARCCOM and the PCIT shall meet and
discuss their respective roles, functions and responsibilities under R.A. No.
6657, E.O. No. 406 and these Guidelines.
F. The PCIT shall elevate to the PARCCOM all policy-related issues arising
from the performance of its functions. The PARCCOM shall primarily be
concerned with policy-making activities while the PCIT shall be responsible
for the operational aspects of the CARP.
The PARO shall allocate a specific amount for the maintenance and
operations of the PARCCOm upon approval of the PARCCOm work and budget
plan and in accordance with the guidelines set for the purpose.
Effectivity/Repealing Clause
This Administrative Order shall take effect ten (10) days after its publication
in two (2) newspapers of general circulation pursuant to Section 49 of R.A.
No. 6657. This Order repeals the PARCCOM provisions under Administrative
Order No. 5, Series of 1989 and all other orders, circulars, rules and
regulations which are inconsistent herewith. ITDHSE