I-Summary of Loan
Type Loan No Loan Date Loan Amount Interest Tenure in Months 1st Inst Date Last Inst Date Fut.Prin Status
II-Statement of Accounts
For the period ending 23/07/2024
| Billed Transaction |
| Date | Particulars | | | |
----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Due | Receipt | Arrears |
| Value | Tran | Transaction | Cheque No/Date | | | |
|10/08/2023|10/08/2023|Receipt On Account - MTISVL308100117 | | | 4487.00| -4487.00|
|10/08/2023|10/08/2023|INST 1/24 | | 4487.00| | |
|10/09/2023|10/09/2023|INST 2/24 | | 4487.00| | 4487.00|
|11/09/2023|11/09/2023|Receipt On Account - MTISVL309110036 | | | 4490.00| -3.00|
|09/10/2023|09/10/2023|Delayed Payment Interest | | 4.43| | 1.43|
|10/10/2023|10/10/2023|INST 3/24 | | 4487.00| | 4488.43|
|14/10/2023|14/10/2023|Receipt On Account - MTISVL310140008 | | | 4490.00| -1.57|
|09/11/2023|09/11/2023|Delayed Payment Interest | | 4.43| | 2.86|
|10/11/2023|10/11/2023|INST 4/24 | | 4487.00| | 4489.86|
|27/11/2023|27/11/2023|Receipt On Account - AXBP23112711333 |BD013331BABAAAP957XJ/ | | | |
| | | | | |27.11.2023 | | 4487.00| 2.86|
|09/12/2023|09/12/2023|Delayed Payment Interest | | 66.46| | 69.32|
|10/12/2023|10/12/2023|INST 5/24 | | 4487.00| | 4556.32|
|26/12/2023|26/12/2023|Receipt On Account - AXBP23122610379 |BD013360BACAAAACX5NF/ | | | |
| | | | | |26.12.2023 | | 4487.00| 69.32|
|09/01/2024|09/01/2024|Delayed Payment Interest | | 68.51| | 137.83|
|10/01/2024|10/01/2024|INST 6/24 | | 4487.00| | 4624.83|
|25/01/2024|25/01/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL401250028 | | | 4500.00| 124.83|
|09/02/2024|09/02/2024|Delayed Payment Interest | | 70.40| | 195.23|
|10/02/2024|10/02/2024|INST 7/24 | | 4487.00| | 4682.23|
|24/02/2024|24/02/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL402240029 | | | 4500.00| 182.23|
|09/03/2024|09/03/2024|Delayed Payment Interest | | 49.60| | 231.83|
|10/03/2024|10/03/2024|INST 8/24 | | 4487.00| | 4718.83|
|26/03/2024|26/03/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL403260003 | | | 4487.00| 231.83|
|31/03/2024|31/03/2024|Combined Arrears as at 31 Mar 2024 (DPI) | | 71.42| | 303.25|
|10/04/2024|10/04/2024|INST 9/24 | | 4487.00| | 4790.25|
|28/04/2024|28/04/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL404280019 | | | 4600.00| 190.25|
|10/05/2024|10/05/2024|INST 10/24 | | 4487.00| | 4677.25|
|23/05/2024|23/05/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL405230023 | | | 4500.00| 177.25|
|30/05/2024|30/05/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL405300006 | | | 330.00| -152.75|
|10/06/2024|10/06/2024|INST 11/24 | | 4487.00| | 4334.25|
|12/06/2024|12/06/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL406120013 | | | 4500.00| -165.75|
|10/07/2024|10/07/2024|INST 12/24 | | 4487.00| | 4321.25|
|16/07/2024|16/07/2024|Receipt On Account - MTISVL407160011 | | | 4503.00| -181.75|
|23/07/2024|23/07/2024|Arrears As On 23/07/2024 | | | | -181.75|
| | | | | |
|UnCleared Cheque Receipts | | | | 0|
| | |-----------|-----------| |
|Total | | 54179.25| 54361.00| |
| Un - Billed Transactions
| Value Date/ Billing Date Tran Date Transaction Due Amount Receipt Am
| 23/07/2024 23/07/2024 Unbilled Interest 571.00 0
| 23/07/2024 23/07/2024 Unbilled DPI 185.59
Total 54179.25
| III - Settlement Amount as on date valid upto 23/07/2024 |
|Arrears As On 23/07/2024 -181.75|
|Future Principal 44630.00|
|Pre-Closure charges on Future Principal @ 3.00 % 1339.00|
|Tax on Pre-closure Charges @ 18.00 % 241.00|
|Unbilled Transaction Balance (Due-Receipts) 756.59|
|UnCleared Cheque Receipts 0|
|Total 46784.84|
For the period ending 23/07/2024
|Value Date From Date To Date Arrears DPI Rate Gapdays DPI DPITotal
|09/09/2023 04/09/2023 09/09/2023 0 36% 5.00 0 0