RL.6.1 Reading: - Identify signposts -“Greyling” - CPA 1- September or Q1 RL.6.2 - Introduce Notice and Note Signposts - Use signposts to understand reading & literary -“Stray“ early October (2pt RL.6.3 - Topic, Central/Main Idea, Theme elements -“The Drive-in Movies” Response) RL.6.4 -Word, Sentence, Passage evaluation of - Answer signpost anchor questions - “The Lady and the RL.6.5 words in context; denotative and --Identify Topic, Central/Main Idea, and Theme Spider” - Teacher created RL.6.6 connotative meaning and use them to analyze literature - “Eleven” assessments (Reading RL.6.9 -Define, discuss, and collaborate to determine - “The Tail” Comprehension and 2 RI.6.2 Writing: the most accurate meaning of a word - “Dragon, Dragon” point written RI.6.9 - Making a claim - “The All-American responses) L.6.1a-e - Supporting a claim with relevant text -Make a claim and support it with relevant text Slurp” L.6.2a,b evidence evidence. -Student-Teacher L.6.3a,b - Use evidence-based terms (direct quotes, - Compare and contrast texts in different forms PAIRED TEXTS: Conferencing L.6.4a-d wording, etc.) or genres in terms of their approaches to -“Why Monkeys Live in L.6.5.a-c -Introduce “Hamburger Paragraph” similar themes and topics Trees” -Essay (to put into L.6.6 -Utilize the Writing Process -Identify and use the parts of an essay to write -“The Case of the District Writing W.6.1c -Write to inform a typed analytical essay Monkeys That Fell From Folder) W.6.10 the Trees” SL.6.1a-d Reinforcing Literary Elements: (Elements of Plot, Theme & Main Idea, -Scholastic SCOPE Characterization, Point of View, Tone & Mood, Symbolism) -Interactive Notebook
Conventions of Language: -Communicate using grade-appropriate
Grammar, Punctuation, Types of Nouns, conventions of language Pronouns, Prefixes, Suffixes, & Word Roots, Figures of Speech, Vocabulary
Collegial Discussions: -Participate in collaborative discussions with
-Kagan Structures peers and adults RL.6.9 Reading: -Evaluate and grade example 2 point responses -Wonder by RJ Palacio - CPA 2- 1st week in Q2 RI.6.8 - Reinforce Notice & Note Signposts (State released questions and responses) January (essay) SL.6.1a - Annotating the Text -Identify claims, text evidence, and analysis that - Creative Writing -Journal entries (2 W.6.1b -Theme links evidence to the claim Project (with lab) – point responses) W.6.1e Writing: -Write successful 2 point response Write and publish a - Creative Writing W.6.3 -Evaluate 2 point response questions book (elements of plot, Project (with lab) – W.6.3a -Write 2 point response -Identify the best possible theme of a story and signposts) Write and publish a SL.6.1a - Making a claim support it with relevant text evidence. book (elements of SL.6.1b - Supporting a claim with relevant text -Identify N&N Signposts and literary elements in plot, signposts) SL.6.1c evidence Wonder - Evidence-based terms (direct quotes, -Apply N&N Signposts and Elements of Plot wording, etc.) work to create a children’s book English Grade 6 -Write a Children’s book -write creatively -Discuss copyright infringement -Identify a copyrighted image -Cite a resource RI.6.1 Reading: -Identify the best possible theme of a story and Mythology: - Winter Benchmark Q3 RI.6.2 - Reinforce Notice & Note Signposts support it with relevant text evidence. - “Demeter and (2pt Response) RI.6.6 - Reinforce theme (Greek Mythology) -Identify and change point of view to rewrite a Persephone” - NYS Exam RL.6.7 -Theme myth - “Icarus and Daedalus” - Writing a Greek myth RL.6.10 - “Prometheus the Fire- as a news reporter W.6.1d Writing: Bringer” (using grammar, W.6.4 - Two-Point Responses - “Pandora’s Box” signposts, W.6.5 - Multiple Choice literary/story W.6.6 -Point of View Scholastic SCOPE – elements) L.6.3b -Author’s purpose Paired Texts: “The -Reinforce Notice & Note NF Signposts Golden Curse” and “Can Money Buy Happiness?” W.6.1 - Persuasive essay writing -infer meanings of new terms in a foreign - Scholastic SCOPE - Persuasive essay Q4 W.6.6 - Making a claim/argument culture based on prior experiences and context articles final exam (nutrition & W.6.8 - Supporting claim with text evidence -Identify literary devices authors use to - Informational texts sugar) W.6.9a - Reinforce grammar and writing skills persuade and articles about W.6.9b -Introduce different purposes for writing -Compare two different types of media: novel nutrition (Persuade, Inform, Explain) to movie