Batch 5
Batch 5
Batch 5
Mr. E. Sankar[1]
Assistant professor, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, TamilNadu, India.
Thota Sai Divya[2]
CSE, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India.
Rangu Gunasri[3]
CSE, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India.
Many Medical organizations use the cloud-based Electronic Health Record(EHR) services due
to the high risk of the data of a person that is accessed by the unauthorized user and the resulting
compromise of patient data. To use EHR Management many organizations follow a patient-
centric method so that the patient can authorize every access of their health records as the
control is given to the patients. It is impractical as the patient may not always be available to
provide authorization. To secure and to use cloud-based EHR services there is a need to develop
a proper authorization delegation mechanism. The main objective of this project is to create a
mobile application for patients through web-based management that provides secured access
to patient’s records through cloud storage services. Admin remotely stores the patient’s data in
the cloud safely and the patients can access easily their data that are stored in cloud-based EHR
management. In some cloud storage systems, cloud files may contain some sensitive
information. The sensitive information hiding can be found by encrypting the file but this
makes the shared file unable to use by the other person. In this project we propose a document
reference id that automatically converts to the QR code then just scan and then download the
document, Signatures are used to verify the file.
Keywords: Attribute Based Encryption, Attribute Based Access Control, Electronic Health
Record, Cloud Storage, Semantic Web, Access Broker, Cloud Computing.
An EHR (Electronic Health Record) is a or acquired from vendors like care cloud,
digital version of a patient’s medical history Athena health, egocentricity, clinical
maintained by the authorities of an works, etc... By maintaining the many
organization over a period of time. It helps digital copies of patient’s records increase
the medical organization by providing the possibility of attacks on patient’s
services that automatically access the information, so they need high-security
patient’s record. Many service providers controls. EHR security requirement
are rapidly moved to cloud-based EHR to includes functionality, interoperability,
manage the patient’s information and they password protection, audit trails, data
are platform-independent, provide patients encryption.
information with vigorous data searching,
easy retrieval, anywhere accessibility, cost-
effective. Services are developed internally EXISTING MODEL
The Existing concept is a proper security and protection issues that can be
authorization delegation mechanism to use tended to that we leave for future work.
cloud-based EHR service management
using Attribute-Based Encryption in web
technologies that involve the combination Predictive Learning of auditing
of using semantic web technic with
attributes based schemes. Real-time business analysis summary
In this module, we have created a QR code
that generates a using Encrypt the value link
medical records data and patient details that SECURITY SCANNER
can be created are login users.
In this module are security scanner like the
three security can be using the projects are
security patch, unique QR code Reader and
Make QR code that particular person can be
used in the application.
Security QR
Patch Code
otp Scanner
MEDICAL FILE DOWNLOAD personal health records in cloud computing
using ABE, “IEEE transactions on parallel
We have to create a medical file download
and distributed systems, vol.24, no 1, pp.
are overall data stored in the cloud the
131-143, 2013.
specific user medical records find to view
and download the particular user records. [4] M. Lavin and M. Nathan, “System and
method for managing patient medical
s records,” Jun. 30 1998, uS Patent 5,
[5] S. Narayana, M. Gagne, and R. Safavi-
Naini,” Privacy preserving her system
using attribute-based infrastructure,” in
Medical CCSW, 2010.
EHR System helps to facilitate the use of e-
health and are the most important and most
complex type of health information system.
EHR services improve the quality of health
care by making healthcare data secure,
providing anywhere easy access. However,
providing the security to data the chances of
data breaches are more. Therefore, identify
and eliminate those breaches before
implementing it.
[1] K. H” ayrinen, K. Saranto, and P.Nyk”
anen, “Definition, structure, content, use
and impacts of electronic health records: a
review of the research literature,”
International journal of medical
informatics, vol. 77, no. 5, pp.291-304,
[2] Maithilee Joshi, Karuna P. Joshi and
Tim Finin, “Delegated Authorization
Framework for EHR Services using
attribute based encryption”, IEEE
Transactions on Services Computing, 2019.
[3] M. Li, S. YU, Y. Zheng, K. Ren, and W.
Lou, “Scalable and secure sharing of