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Academic Section
Academic Calendar for 2023-24

July – December 2023: Monsoon Semester

Reopening after the summer vacation
For Teachers 30.06.2023 (Friday)
For Students 24.07.2023 (Monday)
Academic Schedule for Monsoon semester
Schedule for semester-wise registration
Monsoon semester - Ongoing students 24.07.2023 31.07.2023 Without fine
Monday Monday

01.08.2023 07.08.2023 With a fine of

Tuesday Monday Rs.700/-
Schedule for supplementary/improvement examinations
Supplementary/improvement examinations of 01.08.2023 04.08.2023
II/IV/VI/VIII/X/XII semesters Tuesday Friday

Results to be sent by the Schools / Departments / 09.08.2023

Centres Wednesday
Notification of results 16.08.2023
Teaching I* /III/V/VII/IX/XI semesters 24.07.2023 04.12.2023 90 days
Monday Monday
Semester Examinations 05.12.2023 12.12.2023 7 days
Tuesday Tuesday
Evaluation Upto
Results to be sent by the Schools/ 15.12.2023
Departments/Centres Friday
Display of the list of students who failed by 18.12.2023
Deans/Heads in respective Schools/Departments/ Monday
Notification of results 26.12.2023
Period of winter vacation
For students 13.12.2023 01.01.2024 20 days
Wednesday Monday
For teachers 15.12.2023 01.01.2024 18 days
Friday Monday

*Academic Calendar for I semester students is subject to change based on admission

schedule and changes, if any, will be notified separately.

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January – June 2024: Winter Semester
Reopening after the Winter vacation
For Teachers 02.01.2024 (Tuesday)
For Students 02.01.2024 (Tuesday)
Schedule for semester-wise registration
Winter semester 02.01.2024 08.01.2024 Without fine
Tuesday Monday

09.01.2024 13.01.2024 With a fine of

Tuesday Saturday Rs.700/-
Schedule for supplementary/improvement examinations
Supplementary/improvement examinations of 03.01.2024 08.01.2024
I/III/V/VII/IX /XI semesters Wednesday Monday

Results to be sent by the 11.01.2024

Schools/Departments/Centres Thursday
Notification of results 16.01.2024
Teaching II/IV/VI/VIII/X/XII semesters 02.01.2024 10.05.2024 90 days
Tuesday Friday
Semester examinations 11.05.2024 22.05.2024 8 days
Saturday Wednesday
Evaluation Upto
Results to be sent by the 31.05.2024
Schools/Departments/Centres Friday
Display of the list of students who failed by 31.05.2024
Deans/Heads in respective Schools/Departments/ Friday
Notification of results 10.06.2024
Period of summer vacation
For students 23.05.2024 14.07.2024 53 days
Thursday Sunday
For teachers 24.05.2024 27.06.2024
Friday Thursday 35 days
Number of teaching days
Monsoon semester 90
Winter semester 90
Total number of teaching days 180
Reopening after the summer vacation
For Teachers 28.06.2024 Friday
For Students 15.07.2024 Monday
Supplementary/improvement examinations of 22.07.2024 26.07.2024
II/IV/VI/VIII/X/XII semesters Monday Friday

Suspension of classes on the following occasions

Students Union Elections Sept./Oct. 2024 1 day
Celebration of University’s Foundation Day October 2024 1 day
SUKOON March 2024 2 days
Any other important occasion 1 day

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Schedule for the meetings of School Boards and Academic Council
A minimum of 2 School Boards and 2 ACs are to be held per year as per the provisions of the Statutes.
Note: At least fourteen days notice should be given for the AC meeting. Keeping these minimum
requirements in view, the dates have been proposed.
School Board Meetings Before 7th September, 2023 for Monsoon semester
& before 15th February, 2024 for Winter semester
AC meetings 20.09.2023 Wednesday
21.03.2024 Thursday
1. As conducting of exams and evaluation is the responsibility of the teachers, no teacher is allowed to
proceed on vacation without submitting the semester results of the subject/s taught and exams conducted
and evaluated by the teacher concerned, to the Dean/Head.
2. If some Schools/Departments/Centres would like to have more days for the end semester exams, such
Schools/Departments/Centres may propose the same in writing to the Controller of Examinations as per
the existing practice, to obtain the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

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Semester Month No. of Sundays Satur- Public Days of Total No. of Actual
days in days Holi- exams, days without teach-
the days vacations etc. teaching ing
month (excluding including days
Sun/S.Sat./ holidays and
Holidays vacation
University Re-opens on 30.6.2023 after summer vacation
Supplementary/ --
Improvement Exams
Classes for 7/2023 8 1 1 -- -- 2 6
Semesters commences on
8/2023 31 4 4 1 -- 9 22
9/2023 30 4 5 2 -- 11 19
10/2023 31 5 4 2 -- 11 20
11/2023 30 4 4 1 -- 9 21
Upto 4.12.2023 12/2023 4 1 1 -- -- 2 2
Total 134 19 19 6 -- 44 90
Semester Exams & 12/2023 10 1 1 -- 8 10 --
5.12.2023 to 14.12.2023
TOTAL 10 1 1 -- 8 10 --
Winter vacation for 12/2023 17 3 3 1 10 17
teachers from 1/2024 1 -- -- -- 1 1
15.12.2023 to 1.1.2024
Total 18 3 3 1 11 18
Winter semester 1/2024 30 4 4 2 -- 10 20
Teaching classes for
from 2.1.2024
2/2024 29 4 4 0 -- 8 21
3/2024 31 5 5 1 -- 11 20
4/2024 30 4 4 1 -- 9 21
Upto 10.5.2024 5/2024 10 1 1 -- -- 2 8
Total 130 18 18 4 -- 40 90
Semester Exams & 5/2024 13 2 2 -- 9 13
Evaluation from
11.5.2024 to 23.5.2024
TOTAL 13 2 2 -- 9 13
Summer Vacation for 5/2024 8 1 1 -- 6 8 --
teachers from
24.5.2024 to 27.6.2024
6/2024 27 4 4 -- 19 27 --
TOTAL 35 5 5 -- 25 35 --

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Semester No. of Sundays Satur- Public Days of Days Total No. Actual
days days Holi- exams, of of days no. of
days vacations exams without teaching
etc. teaching days
(excluding including
Sun/Sat./ holidays
Holidays and
Teachers reporting on 1 -- -- -- -- -- 1 --
Days without teaching 23 4 4 -- 15 -- 23 --
1.7.2023 to 23.7.2023
Monsoon semester 134 19 19 6 -- -- 44 90
24.7.2023 to 4.12.2023
Semester Exams and 10 1 1 -- -- 8 10 --
5.12.2023 to 14.12.2023
Winter vacation for 18 3 3 1 11 -- 18 --
15.12.2023 to 1.1.2024
Winter semester 130 18 18 4 -- -- 40 90
2.1.2024 to 10.5.2024
Semester Exams and 13 2 2 -- -- 9 13 --
11.5.2024 to 23.5.2024
Summer vacation for 35 5 5 -- 25 -- 35 --
24.5.2024 to 27.6.2024
Total 364 52 52 11 51 17 184 180

Teachers Reporting on 1
29.6.2024 (Saturday) 1
Grand Total (one calendar 366

Total No. of teaching days 180 days

Winter vacation for teachers 18 days

15.12.2023 to 1.1.2024
Summer vacation for teachers 35 days
24.5.2024 to 27.6.2024
Total No. of days of vacation to the 53 days

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