1 s2.0 S0254058424001743 Main
1 s2.0 S0254058424001743 Main
1 s2.0 S0254058424001743 Main
Keywords: In this work, multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs with 1, 3 and 5 wt.%) are mixed with zinc oxide (ZnO) to
Nanocomposites prepare nanocomposites for energy conversion and storage applications. Further, UV–Vis spectra of synthesized
Light harvesting pure ZnO and ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite material shows enhanced light absorption in the visible region.
Hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure of the nanocomposites is confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra. Field
Charge transfer
emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and High resolution-transmission electron microscopy (HR-
TEM) images explores the formation of nanocomposite with flake like ZnO and tube structured MWCNTs at
nanoscale region. Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) are constructed with pure and nanocomposite material as
photoanode and the effect of addition of MWCNTs on the performance of solar cells are studied. Further, the
cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanic charge-discharge (GCD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
are employed to examine the electrochemical characteristics of the prepared electrode in a 1 M Na2SO4 elec
trolyte. In three electrode configuration, the CV and GDC curves exhibits good reversibility and attains a specific
capacitance value of 115.7 F g− 1 with the addition of MWCNTs onto the ZnO. Also, the asymmetric super
capacitor device exhibits the improved storage performance. The EIS spectra shows lowest Rs and Rct resistance,
indicating the prepared electrode is favorable for DSSC and supercapacitor application.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Eswaramoorthy), [email protected] (K. Rajaram).
Received 7 November 2023; Received in revised form 24 January 2024; Accepted 11 February 2024
Available online 13 February 2024
0254-0584/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
chemicals and solvents were used as received without any further Here, open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current density (Jsc),
purification. Maximum voltage Vmax and maximum current density (Jmax), FF is the
fill factor and Pin is input photons.
2.2. Sonochemical synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles
2.6. Characterization
The pure ZnO were prepared by ultrasonic technique by utilizing 0.1
M zinc acetate as a starting precursor. Further, the precursor is dispersed The composite absorbance analysis using ultraviolet–visible spec
in 100 ml MilliQ water (pH 6.7) using ultrasonic bath (Bandelin troscopy (UV–Vis, JASCO (V-670 PC)). The crystallographic parameters
Sonorex, (35 kHz)) at room temperature condition. In addition, 3 M of the fabricated electrode substances were evaluated by X-ray diffrac
NaOH solution was slowly added during sonication until the PH of the tion (XRD) using nickel-filtered Cu-Kα radiation exhibiting a λ of 1.5418
solution reaches 11. The process continues till the solution reaches white Å. Moreover, the functional groups (400–4000 cm− 1 range) of the
colour formation. Further, the obtained solution was then washed and composite material were measured by Fourier transform-infrared spec
centrifuged (5000 rpm at 5 min) for several times. The collected pure troscopy (FT-IR, JASCO-6800). The surface morphology and elemental
ZnO nanoparticles was dried at ~100 ± 5 ◦ C in hot air oven until the composition of the product were characterized by Field emission elec
moisture were removed. Finally, the prepared pure ZnO powder was tron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive (FE-SEM-EDX, Quanta
stored in glass bottle for further characterization. 200-FEG) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM, FEI-Tecnai G2
20 Twin) operated by 200 kV. The chemical states of the prepared
2.3. Preparation of ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite composite were examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,
PHI 5000) instrument.
The ZnO and MWCNTs material composition ratio is used as 5:0 wt.
%, 10:1 wt.%, 10:3 wt.%, and 10:5 wt.% for this present work. Initially, 3. Results and discussion
50 ml of DD water is poured in the 100 ml glass beaker. Simultaneously,
white colored 5 wt.% of ZnO powder was added slowly and sonicated for 3.1. UV–visible absorbance spectra
about 20 min at 30 Hz. Further, 1 wt.% MWCNTs was added in the above
solution during the sonication. The obtained solution was centrifuged at The UV–Visible spectra is used to measure the light absorption
3500 rpm for 10 min. Then, the collected ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite capability of synthesized pure ZnO, 1, 3 and 5 wt.% of MWCNTs mixed
was dried at ~60 ± 5 ◦ C in hot air oven to remove the moisture present with ZnO material. In general, pure ZnO and MWCNTs sample has less
in the material. Finally, it is cooled down to room temperature and visible absorption region (Fig. 1a (a, b)); however, when MWCNTs are
stored in the glass bottle, named as ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs. Similar pro incorporated with ZnO nanostructure, the band gap narrows and visible
cedure is adopted for the preparation of 3 wt% and 5 wt% of MWCNTs absorption is observed. Fig. 1a (c-e) demonstrates an increase in ab
mixed with ZnO to obtain ZnO/3 wt.% MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.% sorption due to the formation of effective nanocomposites after loading
MWCNTs. different percentages of MWCNTs on ZnO. When compared to pristine
ZnO and MWCNTs, the light absorbing property of nanocomposite is
2.4. Fabrication of supercapacitor electrode improved. The bandgap of pristine ZnO, MWCNTs and ZnO/MWCNTs
nanocomposites are determined using the Tauc plot, as shown in Fig. 1
The fabricated supercapacitor electrode materials pure ZnO, ZnO/1 (b). ZnO has high energy bandgap (3.06 eV). When the MWCNTs is
wt.%MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs were loaded on the surface of ZnO, the bandgap is reduced due to the for
first ground with PVDF and acetylene black in the agate mortar at a mass mation of effective heterojunction and rapid π conjugation [43]. The
ratio of 8:1:1, and an appropriate amount of NMP was added as the bandgap of different percentage loaded nanocomposites such as ZnO/1
solvent. After stirring into a paste, evenly apply the paste on the carbon wt.%MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs are
cloth that has been cleaned by 1 cm2 and dry it in a vacuum drying oven calculated as 3.12, 3.17 and 3.20 eV, respectively.
at 75 ± 5 ◦ C for 8 h to obtain the pure ZnO, ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs, ZnO/
3 wt.%MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs supercapacitor electrodes. 3.2. XRD analysis
2.5. Fabrication of DSSCs XRD spectrum analysis is used to investigate the structural modifi
cation as well as crystallinity of the nanocomposites. Here, different
The fabrication of DSSC was given as follows: The photoanode was materials like MWCNTs, ZnO and ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.%
prepared using synthesized nanomaterial (ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs, 95%) MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposites have been exam
with the addition of binding agent (PVDF 5%) and it was continuously ined. The sharp peaks of pure ZnO at 32◦ , 34.5◦ , 36.4◦ ,47.7◦ , 56.86◦ ,
agitated using n-methyl pyrrolidine for 6 h. The prepared slurry was 63.19◦ , 66.4◦ , 68.2◦ , 69.4◦ , 72.6◦ and 77.0◦ denote its crystalline nature
coated on cleaned fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate via Dr.Blade with hexagonal wurtzite ZnO phase having corresponding h k l planes
coating method and followed by drying at 80 ◦ C for 12 h. The prepared (100), (002), (101), (102), (110), (103), (200), (112), (201) (004) and
photoanodes were dipped in 5 mM of N719 organic dye for 24 h. The (202). The absence of additional peaks proven that the purity of the
counter electrode were prepared using 10 mM of chloroplatinic acid was formed ZnO nanoparticle with well matched with JCPDS No: 89–1397
spin coated on FTO plate annealed in 500 ◦ C for 30 min. Then, both (Fig. 1c (a)) [44]. The XRD pattern of a single sharp peak at 26◦ and a
photoanode and counter electrode was sandwiched with iodide- mere hump at 43.5◦ for elemental carbon with amorphous character
triiodide gel electrolyte. The prepared Devices were subjected to the denotes the equivalent reflection of the planes (200) and (100) for the
characterization under 1 sun simulation (A.M. 1.5) light. The photon presence of elemental carbon (Fig. 1c (b)). Even with a range of loading,
conversion efficiency of the DSSC has been calculated using the the peaks of ZnO are kept in the composite’s XRD spectra at their
following formula. respective 2 theta values, which indicates a stronger crystalline char
acter. The peaks corresponding to the MWCNTs are not visible in the
Voc X Jsc X FF
η= (1) composite spectra due to their less concentration. The peak intensities of
all the nanocomposites are identical, indicating the synthesized com
Vmax X Jmax posite’s predominance in crystalline nature which is shown in Fig. 1b
FF = (2) (c-e) [45]. The main benefit of this material is that the XRD reflections of
Voc X JSc
bare ZnO are preserved during the nanocomposite formation process, it
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
Fig. 1. (a) UV–Vis (b) Tauc plot and (c) XRD analysis of pure ZnO, pure MWCNTs, ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs nano
composite, (d) 2theta (24–38 range) values of nanocomposite.
nevertheless performs well as a nanocomposite with hexagonal wurtzite region, the distinctive ZnO peak has been seen at 467 cm− 1. Fig. 2 de
character shown in the enhanced spectra in Fig. 1 (d). scribes the intermolecular hydrogen bonding arises between the –COOH
of ZnO and hydroxyl functional groups of MWCNTs [48]. The devel
3.3. FT-IR analysis opment of sharp peaks for the corresponding ZnO at higher loading
percent of MWCNTs justify the bond formation between the ZnO surface
FT-IR spectrum analysis is used to explain the functionalities around groups and functional groups of MWNCNTs and dominating Zn–O bond,
bare ZnO and interaction between ZnO and MWCNTs with various which has not been undergone any modifications.
loading. The –OH functional group with credible intramolecular
hydrogen bonding is shown by a strong peak in the FT-IR spectra of bare
ZnO over the range of 3400 cm− 1 (Fig. 2). The range between 1800 and 3.4. PL analysis
2200 cm− 1 was indicated the weak alkyne C ≡C and allene C=C=C)
stretching vibration [46]. The peak position at 2981 cm− 1 indicted the Fig. 3 displays the emission and electrochemical changes of the
asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of organic moieties (C–H). Zn synthesized pure ZnO, excited under 410 nm and the strong emission
acetate is one of the precursors used to make ZnO and contributes to the
acid C=O and O–C–O with respective asymmetric and symmetric
stretching at 1412 and 1290 and 886 cm− 1 [47]. In the fingerprint
Fig. 2. FT-IR analysis of (a) pure ZnO, (b) pure MWCNTs (c) ZnO/1 wt.% Fig. 3. PL analysis of (a) pure ZnO, (b) ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs (c) ZnO/3 wt.%
MWCNTs (d) ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs (e) ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposites. MWCNTs (d) ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite.
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
peak is observed at 620 nm. It indicates pure ZnO which has less pho 3.5. Morphological studies
toelectric conversion and electrochemical activity because of higher
electron hole pair recombination. To overcome this drawbacks, The morphology of the pure ZnO, MWCNTs, and different 1, 3, and 5
MWCNTs is introduced in different wt.% into the pure ZnO. Due to wt.% of MWCNTs added ZnO composites are studied using FE-SEM
effective formation of nanocomposite, the intensity is reduced gradually analysis. Fig. 4 (a, b) shows flake like-ZnO structure, measured over
with the increase of MWCNTs. This reduction indicates the lower elec the range of 30–50 nm. The fiber nature of MWCNTs tangled up together
tron hole pair recombination and increased photovoltaic performance and forms a mesh as depicted in Fig. 4 (c, d). The radius of each strand of
[49]. MWCNTs is measured and exhibits the range of 20–30 nm. The FE-SEM
images (Fig. 4 (e-j)) of ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs and
ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs composites are analyzed and observed the com
bined structures of spherical nanoparticles mess up with single-stranded
Fig. 4. FE-SEM analysis of (a, b) pure ZnO, (c, d) pure MWCNTs, (e, f) ZnO/1 wt.% MWCNTs (g, h) ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs (i, j) ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite.
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
wires. A substantial number of wires has been observed in the case of 5 composition and existence of various elements in the ZnO/MWCNTs
wt.% loaded composite. Moreover, EDX analysis confirms the presence composite. In Fig. 6 (a), the survey spectrum clearly shows the presence
of pure ZnO, MWCNT and composites without impurities, which is of C, O and Zn elements in nanocomposite. The presence of different
illustrated in Figure S1 (a-e). The percentage of material compositions orbits of ZnO including Zn 2p3/2, Zn 2p1/2, Zn 3p, Zn3s, Zn 3d, ZnLMM,
are tabulated as inset of EDX analysis. In addition, the presence of car ZnL2MM and ZnL3MM that confirms the existence of ZnO nanoparticles
bon, oxygen and zinc elemental distribution are illustrated in elemental in ZnO/3 wt.% MWCNTs nanocomposite. The deconvoluted Zn2p
mapping analysis (Figs. S2–S4) respectively. spectra exhibits two binding energy transition peaks at 1021 and 1045
Fig. 5 consists of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), lattice eV with respective spin orbits is Zn 2p3/2 and Zn 2p1/2. The difference in
fringes and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of ZnO/3 binding energy between these two lines is 24 eV which is in good
wt.% nanocomposite samples. The curled circular structured MWCNTs agreement with the ZnO reference value, shown in Fig. 6 (b). The
aggregate and formed with bundle like structure is observed. Also, these deconvoluted spectra of O 1s exhibits two Gaussian fits at 530 and 531
material surface coupled with flake like tiny size ZnO nanostructure is eV, with the peak at 530 eV attributed to physically adsorbed oxygen in
observed in Fig. 5 (a). In addition, several places are observed at dark the surface of the nanocomposite. Another peak at 531 eV denotes ox
colored formation due to the aggregation of ZnO nanomaterial. Fig. 5 (b, ygen vaccines of nanocomposite, represented in Fig. 6 (c). The carbon
c) illustrates the stacked thin carbon walls that are confirmed with deconvoluted spectra depicts three different peaks at 283, 284 and 288
MWCNTs material. This material cross-section is zoomed with 10 nm eV (Fig. 6 (d)) which indicates C–C/C–H, adventitious hydrocarbon and
range for observed at lattice fringes pattern. Also, it clearly indicates structural carbonate species containing C=O [52].
inter planar distance of ZnO (d = 0.26 nm) and MWCNTs (d = 0.34 nm)
material corresponding to the (101) and (002) planes and these results 3.7. DSSC photovoltaic performance analysis
are closely matches with previously reported d spacing values of Kim
et al. [50] and Wang et al. [51] respectively. Moreover, Fig. 5 (d) dis 3.7.1. J-V characteristics and EIS analysis of fabricated DSSCs
plays SAED pattern of ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite, indexing to Fig. 7 (a) represents J-V characteristics of pure ZnO, ZnO/1 wt.%
(002) (100), (002), (101), (102), (110) and (103) h k l values that are MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs composite
well matched with XRD results ((Fig. 1 (c)). In addition, the bright ring photoanodes. The short circuit current density (Jsc), open circuit voltage
formation with clear dotted SAED pattern confirms the MWCNTs surface (Voc), fill factor (FF) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) are calcu
immersed in polycrystalline in ZnO material. lated by equations (1) and (2). The observed results are listed in Table 1.
As observed, 1, 3 and 5 wt.% MWCNTs added ZnO photoanode exhibits
3.6. XPS analysis Jsc (~7.10, ~10.20 and ~8.90 mA/cm2) and Voc (~0.71, ~0.71 and
~0.71V) electrical characterizes better than pure ZnO photoanode (Jsc
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used to measure the chemical ~8.80 mA/cm2, and Voc ~0.70V). Moreover, FTO/ZnO/3 wt.%
Fig. 5. (a) TEM image (b, c) Lattice fringes and (d) SAED pattern of ZnO/3 wt.% MWCNTs nanocomposite.
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
Fig. 6. XPS analysis of ZnO/3%wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite (a) full survey (b) C1s (c) O1s (d) Zn 2p.
Fig. 7. (a) J-V Characteristics and (b) EIS spectra of 1, 3, and 5 wt.%MWCNTs incorporated ZnO nanocomposites in DSSCs (c) possible working mechanism of ZnO/
MWCNTs nanocomposites.
MWCNTs/N719 dye/Pt constructed DSSC has achieved the maximum ZnO. This composites network provides electron transfer to the external
performance as compared with other DSSC devices. The overall circuit of DSSC. The 3 wt.% MWCNT added ZnO photoanode Jsc (10.10
MWCNTs modified photoanode exhibit FF of 0.62 and pure ZnO (FF of mA/cm2) values is higher than FTO/ZnO/1 wt% MWCNT/N719 dye/Pt
0.50) are observed. Commonly, MWCNTs added ZnO photoanode and FTO/ZnO/5 wt.% MWCNTs/N719 dye/Pt) whose values are ~7.10
enhance the light harvesting and power conversion efficiency (PCE of and 8.90 mA/cm2 respectively. Particularly, pure ZnO photoanode (Jsc
3.18%, 4.57% and 3.99%) under AM 1.5 solar lighting condition. The of ~8.80 mA/cm2) is obtained as lower than 1% of MWCNTs added ZnO
presence of MWCNTs materials act as (i) electron transfer bridges be due to mismatch bandgap alignment of fabricated DSSC. Therefore, the
tween the FTO and ZnO grain boundaries (ii) visible light absorbance obtained results show that the MWCNTs modified DSSC device perfor
enhancement for formation of Zinc-oxygen-carbon (Zn–O–C) bonds in mance and light absorption is slightly reduced due to the addition of
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
Fig. 8. (a–d) Cyclic voltametric curves of pure ZnO, ZnO/1 wt.%MWCNTs ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite at different scan rates
ranging from 5 to 150 mVs− 1 and (e) Electrochemical performance of pure ZnO, 1, 3 and 5 wt.% MWCNTs mixed ZnO nanocomposite electrodes investigated in three
electrodes configuration in 1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte.
Table 3 Table 4
Specific capacitance values of ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite electrodes. Comparative studies on different electrode materials for supercapacitor-specific
Materials Specific Capacitance Values at various scan rates (mVs− 1)
capacitive behavior.
Electrode Material Electrolyte Scan Specific Ref.
5 10 20 40 60 80 100 150
rate capacitance
ZnO 73.6 70.3 68.3 58.6 51.3 44.9 41.1 34.8 (mV) (mVs− 1)
1% 79.9 66.0 58.6 54.0 46.8 41.4 37.7 31.8
PANI/SnO2 1 M H2SO4 5 305.3 [62]
3% 115.7 85.8 74.3 70.6 65.4 59.8 55.7 48.4
AC/ZnO composite 1M 5 123 [63]
5% 87.4 79.3 68.9 58.6 51.4 46.0 41.9 35.4
G-ZnO composite 1 M KCl 100 11 [64]
diffusion and charge transfer. The ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite CNT-ZnO 1 M KCl 50 323.9 [65]
exhibits a lower resistance as compared to other electrode materials, nanocomposites
which is primarily attributed to enhance charge transport within the ZnO/RGO 1M 10 95 [66]
electrodes. composite Na2SO4
ZnO/3 wt.% 1M 5 115.7 Present
The as prepared ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite was carry
MWCNTs Na2SO4 work
forward to the fabrication and analysis of supercapacitor. The following
procedure was followed for the fabrication of asymmetrical device: the C- Carbon; AC- Activated carbon; G- Graphene; CNT-Carbon nanotube; RGO-
nanocomposite coated Ni foam and activated carbon were considered as Reduced graphene oxide.
cathode and anode respectively. 1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte was used with
separator of cellulose paper (Whatman filter paper) and the electrodes were sandwiched and sealed for further analysis. The cyclic
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
Fig. 9. (a–d) Charge-discharge profile at different current densities of pure ZnO, ZnO/1 wt.% MWCNTs, ZnO/3 wt.% MWCNTs and ZnO/5 wt.% MWCNTs nano
composite electrodes (e) Cyclic voltametric curves of pure ZnO, 1, 3 and 5 wt.% MWCNTs incorporated ZnO nanocomposites at a scan rate of 20 mVs− 1.
Table 5
ElS parameters of ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite electrodes.
Electrodes RS (Ω) RCT (Ω)
N. Eswaramoorthy et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 316 (2024) 129049
Fig. 11. Asymmetric supercapacitor device (a) Cyclic voltametric curves at different scan rates (b) Charge-discharge profile of at different current densities (c)
specific capacitance value for different current densities and (d) EIS spectra for ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs nanocomposite.
back into the electrolyte, generating an electric current that can power Thiyagarajan Krishnan: Validation. G. Kumaresan: Formal analysis.
connected devices. Supercapacitors are prized for their high power Kamatchi Rajaram: Supervision.
density and rapid charge/discharge cycles. The electrochemical spec
troscopy was performed and depicted in Fig. 11 (d) which reveals that
the charge transfer resistance of the fabricated device. It was observed Declaration of competing interest
that the Rct was 1.32 Ω and series resistance (Rs) was 1.58 Ω respec
tively. It clearly delivers that the prepared ZnO/3 wt.%MWCNTs The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
nanocomposite is suitable for the supercapacitor devices. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
4. Conclusion
Data availability
In summary, ultrasonic techniques is followed to prepare 2D/1D
structured ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite electrode for dye sensitizer Data will be made available on request.
solar cell and supercapacitor applications. In general, the performance
of DSSCs is affected the presence of hydroxyl groups on the surface of Acknowledgement
ZnO. To overcome this, different wt.% of MWCNTs are mixed with ZnO
to improve light absorbance and tuning the band gap. Here, 0.3 wt.% Nandhakumar Eswaramoorthy gratefully acknowledges the Center
MWCNTs mixed with ZnO device has achieved a maximum PCE under for Computational Modeling, Chennai Institute of Technology, India for
solar light condition. In DSSCs, the ZnO/MWCNTs nanocomposite providing support under the following funding number: CIT/CCM/
photoanodes improves the charge separation and significantly reduces 2024/RP-013.
the recombination losses. In supercapacitor, these electrodes show good S. Sambasivam acknowledges the UAEU-AUA joint research program
reversibility on oxidation and reduction process in the presence of 1 M under grant no. 12R179 and the National Water and Energy Center,
Na2SO4 electrolyte. The fastest redox kinetics of Zn ion, charge carriers United Arab Emirates University, UAE.
mobility of electrolytic ions, surface morphological of the composites Kamatchi Rajaram thanks to Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,
improve the electrochemical properties with lowest Rs and Rct resis India for providing financial support under Seed Grant: SG20220026.
tance. 3 wt.% MWCNTs mixed ZnO demonstrated the improved energy
storing performance in supercapacitor device. The fabricated 2D/1D Appendix A. Supplementary data
architectural nanocomposite is favorable for future integrated energy
conversion and storage device applications. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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