Ufgs 33 05 23

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USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC UFGS-33 05 23 (August 2015)

Change 2 - 08/16
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-33 05 23.19 (April 2006)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2024




SECTION 33 05 23


08/15, CHG 2: 08/16


1.2.1 Microtunneling
1.2.2 Jacking Precast Concrete Pipe
1.2.3 Jacking Precast Concrete Box Sections
1.6.1 Handling
1.7.1 General
1.7.2 Equipment
1.7.3 Sheeting, Shoring and Dewatering
1.7.4 Tunnel Bore
1.8.1 Microtunneling PlanBoring and Jacking Plan Operational Layout Layout Plan Pedestrian Access Around Site Method and Procedures



2.1.1 Design Requirements Excavations Highway Crossing Criteria Railway Crossing Criteria

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 1 Design Calculations of Pipe Casing
2.2.1 Microtunneling System General Requirements Control System
2.2.2 Boring and Jacking System
2.2.3 Pipe Jacking Equipment
2.3.1 Pipe Casing Reinforced Concrete Pipe Pipe Joints and Jointing Material Internal Diameter Wall Thickness End Squareness Roundness Length of Pipe Length of Two Opposite Sides Steel Pipe Pipe Joints Roundness Circumference Straightness Pipe Ends
2.3.2 Grout
2.3.4 Lubricating Fluid (Bentonite or Polymer)
2.4 Incidental Materials
2.4.1 Casing Insulators/Bore Spacers
2.4.2 End Closures/Bulkheads


3.1.1 Access Shaft and Pit Construction Plan Design Requirements
3.2.1 Access Shafts Construction Requirements
3.3.1 Installation of Tracer Wire
3.3.2 Connections to Existing Lines
3.3.3 Advancing the Pipe Installation Requirements
3.3.4 [Carrier Pipe] [Conduit] Installation Cleaning [Carrier Pipe] [Conduit Joints] Casing Insulators/Spacers End Closures/Bulkheads and Grouting of Casing Pipe
3.3.5 Ventilation
3.3.6 Lighting
3.3.7 Spoil Transportation
3.4.1 Tolerances
3.5.1 Instrumentation/Survey Mandatory Requirements

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 2 Supplemental Requirements
3.5.2 Field Tests Pipe Casing Testing Requirements for Gravity Mains Non-Standard Pipe Lengths Elevations
3.5.3 Inspections
3.6.1 Site Cleanup
3.6.2 Drilling Fluid
3.6.3 Record Drawings and Daily Work Logs

-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 3
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC UFGS-33 05 23 (August 2015)
Change 2 - 08/16
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-33 05 23.19 (April 2006)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2024


SECTION 33 05 23


08/15, CHG 2: 08/16

NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for work related to the installation of
utility pipelines (i.e., electrical power,
communications, water, gas, oil, petroleum products,
steam, sewage, drainage, irrigation, and similar
facilities) utilizing microtunneling or boring and
jacking trenchless construction methods.

Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide

Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing
this guide specification or preparing new project
specification sections. Edit this guide
specification for project specific requirements by
adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed
items, choose applicable item(s) or insert
appropriate information.

Remove information and requirements not required in

respective project, whether or not brackets are

Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for

this guide specification are welcome and should be
submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).


and Section 23 03 00.00 20 BASIC MECHANICAL
MATERIALS AND METHODS, apply to this section with
additions and modifications specified herein.

NOTE: Boring and jacking is a term applied to a
horizontal auger boring process characterized as
mechanically boring and casing a hole through the
soil with a cutting head on a continuous flight of
augers mounted inside the casing pipe. The casing
is advanced simultaneously with the boring operation
via a hydraulic jacking system. Line and grade

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 4
accuracy may not be achieved to the degree of
microtunneling, but this method is often used to
economically install 100 mm to 1.8 m 4 inch to 72
inch diameter casing pipe under roads and railroads
through a wide variety of soil types (including
weathered rock and small cobbles/gravels) up to
distances of 122 m 400 feet.

Microtunneling is a process characterized as a

highly sophisticated, laser guided, remote
controlled system using a microtunnel boring machine
(MBTM) and providing the capability of continuous
accurate monitoring and control of alignment and
grade. MBTMs are categorized as being either
slurry-type or auger-type, referring to the method
in which spoil material is carried from the cutter
head to the jacking pit area.

There are a limited number of manufacturers of

equipment that can perform the work described in
this specification; a few of those manufacturers are
located in the United States.

Use ASCE Standard 36-15, Standard Construction

Guidelines for Microtunneling for the planning,
design, and construction of microtunneling projects.

Microtunneling can be used to install larger

diameter gravity pipelines. Pipes used in
microtunneling can range in diameter from a minimum
of 300 mm 12 inches to a maximum of 3454 mm 136
inches. Microtunneling is ideally suited for placing
600 mm 24 inch to 2438 mm 96 inch diameter gravity
carrier pipes and 600 to 2438 mm 24 to 96 inch
casing pipe for containing utility lines. Distances
can exceed 300 m 1000 linear feet. Large diameter,
straight gravity pipelines under highly congested
roadways, railroad crossings and wetlands are
typical microtunneling projects. Section 33 05 07.13
for use for smaller diameter pipelines.

Microtunneling is typically not suited for

installations with soil cover less than 1.8 m 6 feet
or twice the diameter of the pipe being installed
due to concerns of heave or settlement of the ground
surface or installations with numerous service
laterals located between manholes.

Microtunneling is generally well suited for use in

sands, clays, and gravel soils. In soils containing
rock, cobbles, boulders, or in mixed-face soils
(softer overlying harder material) in-depth
consideration given to ground conditions, proper
cutter head and guidance equipment selection is
recommended in order to achieve desired results.
When microtunneling is utilized, also include

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 5
In microtunneling boring and jacking permanent pipe
casing can be used as the carrier pipe or a separate
pipe may be placed inside the casing. The Designer
of Record specifies the pipe materials to be used.
The Contractor is responsible for proper selection
of equipment and methods for installation.

In microtunneling boring and jacking the Contractor

typically uses a lubricating fluid to reduce
friction on the pipe/soil interface. The possible
damage to the exterior of the pipe due to stresses
and friction should be accounted for in the design.

In "dry boring and jacking" operations, water or

other fluids are not used in the removal of spoils.
Dry boring and jacking is often specified for
highway and railroad crossings.

Cathodic protection for steel pipes should be

considered where the anticipated degree of corrosion
is so great that coating systems are not adequate to
protect the piping for the desired life of the

Jacking and receiving shafts are required to be

clear of all obstructions in the shafts and above
the shafts - including overhead lines.

Microtunneling Boring and jacking through

contaminated soils or areas anticipated to have
numerous underground obstructions is not recommended
unless special provisions for handling, disposal, or
treatment of contaminated soil or obstructions
encountered are included in the contract documents.

Refer to ASCE Standard 36-15 for guidance on

addressing obstructions anticipated during

NOTE: Project Drawings:

1. The following information should be shown on the

project drawings:

a. Plan and location of all new pipelines,

including size of pipe casing and carrier pipe.

b. Location and profiles of soil sampling and bore


c. Location, size, and type of service of existing

connecting, intersecting, and adjacent pipelines and
other utilities.

d. Paved areas and railroads which pass over new


SECTION 33 05 23 Page 6
e. New pipeline profiles, to show existing

f. Monitoring survey test locations to check for

heave and settlement before, during and after

g. Manhole and lateral piping bedding conditions.

h. Details for the connection of the pipe casing to

manholes and infiltration control.

i. Location of surrounding structures (including

foundation type) and any sensitivity to settlement
and any subsurface structures that could be affected
by the operation.

j. Show traffic plans for work near roadways or

railroads. Show possible equipment staging areas
and spoil storage areas. Spoil storage and removal
requires a relatively large area for dewatering and
must be strictly controlled. This should be
addressed in Section 01 57 19 TEMPORARY
sections for specific removal and disposal of
hazardous materials. Spoil storage locations and
construction operations need to consider possible
runoff into wetlands, streams, or storm drains.

k. Class or thickness of pipe used in the work,

including material identification, and limits for
same where class or thickness will differ along
length of pipeline.

l. Designate Shaft Locations. Most microtunneling

boring and jacking equipment requires unobstructed
overhead clearance, free of overhead lines and
trees. Large equipment (excavators, cranes, etc.,)
and vehicular access to the shafts as well as
adequate surface workspace adjacent to jacking shaft
work area, is critical. The microtunneling boring
and jacking system requires adequate shaft
construction areas to successfully complete the
operations. For pipe diameters of less than 1200 mm
48 inches, a minimum area needed is approximately
650 square meters 7000 sf. For pipe diameters of
1200 mm 48 inches to 2438 mm 96 inches, the minimum
jacking shaft work area is approximately 929 square
meters 10,000 sf.

m. All construction requirements conforming to the

standards of the railroad or highway owner.
Indicate limits of right-of-way and any other site
requirements or dimensions.


Provide utility installation using microtunneling boring and jacking

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 7
techniques at locations indicated. The Contractor is responsible for all
work related to the provision of utilities installed, including assessing
surface, subsurface, and environmental (seasonal) conditions.


NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a Reference Identifier (RID) outside of
the Section's Reference Article to automatically
place the reference in the Reference Article. Also
use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature
to update the issue dates.

References not used in the text will automatically

be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by
the basic designation only.


API Spec 5L (2018; 46th Ed; ERTA 2018) Line Pipe

API Spec 13A (2010; Errata 1 2014; Errata 2-3 2015)

Specification for Drilling-Fluid Materials



AREMA Eng Man (2017) Manual for Railway Engineering


ASCE 27-00 (2000) Standard Practice for Direct Design

of Precast Concrete Pipe for Jacking in
Trenchless Construction

ASCE 28-00 (2001) Standard Practice for Direct Design

of Precast Concrete Box Sections for
Jacking in Trenchless Construction

ASCE 36-15 (2015) Standard Design and Construction

Guidelines for Microtunneling


AWWA C200 (2012) Steel Water Pipe - 6 In. (150 mm)

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 8
and Larger

AWWA C203 (2020) Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and

Linings for Steel Water Pipelines - Enamel
and Tape - Hot-Applied


AWS D1.1/D1.1M (2020; Errata 1 2021) Structural Welding

Code - Steel

AWS D1.5M/D1.5 (2020; Errata 1 2022) Bridge Welding Code


ASTM A53/A53M (2024) Standard Specification for Pipe,

Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated,
Welded and Seamless

ASTM A139/A139M (2022) Standard Specification for

Electric-Fusion (ARC)-Welded Steel Pipe
(NPS 4 and over)

ASTM A716 (2018; R 2022) Standard Specification for

Ductile Iron Culvert Pipe

ASTM A746 (2018; R 2022) Standard Specification for

Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe

ASTM C33/C33M (2023) Standard Specification for Concrete


ASTM C76 (2022a) Standard Specification for

Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain,
and Sewer Pipe

ASTM C76M (2022a) Standard Specification for

Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain,
and Sewer Pipe (Metric)

ASTM C150/C150M (2022) Standard Specification for Portland


ASTM C1091 (2003a; R 2013) Standard Test Method for

Hydrostatic Infiltration Testing of
Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines


EM 385-1-1 (2024) Safety -- Safety and Health

Requirements Manual


As used herein, the terms "shaft" and "pit" are synonymous.

1.2.1 Microtunneling

Unless otherwise specified or indicated, see ASCE 36-15 for definitions.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 9
1.2.2 Jacking Precast Concrete Pipe

Unless otherwise specified or indicated, see ASCE 27-00 for definitions.

1.2.3 Jacking Precast Concrete Box Sections

Unless otherwise specified or indicated, see ASCE 28-00 for definitions.


NOTE: Review Submittal Description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list, and corresponding submittal
items in the text, to reflect only the submittals
required for the project. The Guide Specification
technical editors have classified those items that
require Government approval, due to their complexity
or criticality, with a "G." Generally, other
submittal items can be reviewed by the Contractor's
Quality Control System. Only add a "G" to an item
if the submittal is sufficiently important or
complex in context of the project.

For Army projects, fill in the empty brackets

following the "G" classification, with a code of up
to three characters to indicate the approving
authority. Codes for Army projects using the
Resident Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy
and Air Force projects.

The "S" classification indicates submittals required

as proof of compliance for sustainability Guiding
Principles Validation or Third Party Certification
and as described in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL

Choose the first bracketed item for Navy and Air

Force projects, or choose the second bracketed item
for Army projects.

Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" or "S"

classification. Submittals not having a "G" or "S" classification are
[for Contractor Quality Control approval.][for information only. When
used, a code following the "G" classification identifies the office that
will review the submittal for the Government.] Submit the following in
accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES:

SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals

Microtunneling Plan; G[, [_____]]

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 10
Boring and Jacking Plan; G[, [_____]]

Statement of Contractor Qualifications; G[, [_____]]

SD-03 Product Data

NOTE: Use other specifications to require
submittals for the actual carrier pipe unless the
pipe casing is going to act as the carrier pipe.

Pipe casing [and couplings]; G[, [_____]]

Lubricating Fluid for pipe exterior; G[, [_____]]

Submit manufacturer's standard drawings or catalog cuts, except

submit both drawings and cuts for push-on [and rubber-gasketed
bell-and-spigot] joints. Include information concerning gaskets
with submittal for joints and couplings.

SD-05 Design Data

NOTE: Suggested Submittals:

1. Submit the following for review by the designer:

a. Manufacturer's literature describing in detail

the microtunneling boring and jacking system to be
used. Detailed descriptions of projects on which
this system has been successfully used, giving total
pipe length, soil conditions, accuracy achieved,
project duration, and number of restarts.

b. Method of spoil removal (from the boring to

final disposition).

c. Anticipated jacking loads.

d. Method(s) of controlling surface and groundwater

throughout the work, including at access shafts and
adjacent surface workspaces.

e. Shaft dimensions, locations, surfaced

construction, profile, depth, method of excavation,
shoring bracing, and thrust block design.

f. Verification that the pipe complies with the


Design calculations for pipe casing; G[, [_____]]

Access Shaft Construction Plan; G[, [_____]]

SD-06 Test Reports

Monitoring Survey; G[, [_____]]

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 11
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions

Installation procedures for pipe casing; G[, [_____]]

Safety Data Sheets; G[, [_____]]

SD-11 Closeout Submittals

Record Drawings; G[, [_____]]

Daily Work Logs of installation operations, including records of

the volume of materials removed, daily progress and grout volumes
used, and as-built drawings of location and alignment of
[casing][pipeline]; G[, [_____]]


No later than 45 days prior to commencement of the work, submit the

following to the Contracting Officer for review and approval:

Microtunneling Plan

Boring and Jacking Plan

Access Shaft Construction Plan

Statement of Contractor Qualifications

Submit a complete list of all drilling fluids, additives, and mixtures to

be used along with Safety Data Sheets.



Contractors are required to have proven and successful experience in

microtunneling boring and jacking. The experience is the successful
completion of similar projects to the tolerances indicated for the size of
pipe and quantities shown on the plans, in the anticipated soil conditions
indicated in the geotechnical report included in the contract documents.
Submit a description of at least three such projects which include, at a
minimum, a listing of the location(s), date of projects, owner with
contact information, pipe type, size installed, length of installation,
type, and manufacturer of equipment used, and other information relevant
to the successful completion of the project.


Maintain a work log of construction events and observations. Include the

following information for each days work:

a. Hours worked.

b. Location of boring machine face or shield by station and progress made

in advancing pipe.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 12
c. Completed field forms, such as steering control logs, for checking
line and grade of boring operation, showing achieved alignment
relative to design alignment.

d. Maximum pipe jacking pressures per drive.

e. Ground water control operations and piezometric levels.

f. Descriptions of soil conditions encountered.

g. Any unusual conditions or events, including observed ground movement.

h. Reasons for operational shutdown in event drive is halted.


Inspect materials delivered to site for damage. Unload and store with
minimum handling. Store materials on site in enclosures or under
protective covering. Store [jointing materials and] rubber gaskets under
cover out of direct sunlight. Do not store materials directly on the
ground. Keep inside of pipes free of dirt and debris.

1.6.1 Handling

Handle pipe in a manner to ensure delivery to the excavation site in sound

undamaged condition. Avoid damage to coatings and linings on pipe; make
repairs if coatings or linings are damaged. Carry, do not drag pipe to
the excavation site. [Store jointing materials and] [rubber gaskets that
are not to be installed immediately, under cover out of direct sunlight.]
[Handle steel pipe with [coal-tar enamel] [coal-tar epoxy] coating in
accordance with the provisions for handling coal-tar enamel coated pipe in
AWWA C203. Handling coal-tar epoxy coated steel is not permitted below
4.4 degrees C 40 degrees F.]


1.7.1 General

Provide procedures for safe conduct of the work in accordance with

EM 385-1-1. When and where installations temporarily disrupt pedestrian
use of sidewalk areas for periods exceeding 2 consecutive work days,
provide an alternate route that meets current ABA Accessibility Standard
for Department of Defense Facilities.

1.7.2 Equipment

Utilize equipment that employs a common grounding system to prevent

electrical shock in the event of underground electrical cable strike.
Ensure the grounding system connects all pieces of interconnecting
machinery; the drill, mud mixing system, drill power unit, drill rod
trailer, operators booth, worker grounding mats, and any other
interconnected equipment to a common ground. Utilize equipment having an
"electrical strike" audible and visual warning system that notifies the
system operators of an electrical strike.

1.7.3 Sheeting, Shoring and Dewatering

Provide sheeting, shoring and dewatering as specified in Section 31 00 00

EARTHWORK, and as specified herein.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 13
1.7.4 Tunnel Bore

Unprotected mining of the tunnel bore is not permitted. Fully support the
tunnel face and bore at all times.


1.8.1 Microtunneling PlanBoring and Jacking Plan

Provide a plan prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed Professional

Engineer and include the following: Operational Layout Layout Plan

Provide a plan location of the operation, discussing relationship of

equipment, the method of construction and details for the following:

a. Access pits configurations and details, including equipment layout.

b. Location of intermediate jacking stations, if required.

c. Casing pipe with connection details. Pedestrian Access Around Site

When and where installations disrupt pedestrian use of sidewalk areas for
periods exceeding 2 consecutive days, provide an alternate route that
meets current ADA requirements. Method and Procedures

Provide an outline of the methods and procedures, including drawings,

schedule of operations, specifications, and manufacturer's catalog data
for products in lieu of specifications, methods of operation for
microtunneling boring and jacking operations, and specifically the

a. Jacking Equipment and Methods: Provide drawings of the jacking frame,

jacking head, reaction blocks, jacking installation, pipe guides,
procedures for lubricating exterior of pipe during jacking (if
applicable), maximum force that jacking equipment can deliver.

b. Boring Equipment and Methods: Provide a discussion of the methods of

operation, design and specifications for boring operation, steerage
control, line and grade control methods, proposed procedures for
removing or clearing obstructions, and a description of proposed
methods for ground stabilization and minimizing overexcavation and
loss of ground. Submit safety data sheets for fluids, grout, or
chemical products.

c. Casing Annulus and Interior Space Grouting: Identify casing

insulators/spacers/centralizers/tiedowns (type, number, spacing and
installation instructions,) grout materials and method of placement,
description of equipment used and grout pressure employed.

d. Survey Alignment Control: Identify method and equipment to install

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 14
pipe within specified tolerances.

e. Ground Stabilization: Discuss dewatering and grouting, identification

of measures and methods used to stabilize face at heading (if
necessary), narrative of equipment, procedure and grout mix, and
identification of subcontractor who will perform any required
stabilization grouting.

f. Excavation Support System Plan: Provide a plan and discussion of

methods to be employed, including design drawings and calculations,
sealed and signed by a licensed Professional Engineer.

g. Monitoring/Survey Plan: Develop and provide a discussion of the

monitoring/survey plan to be employed to protect structures and
utilities from settlement and/or heave, including the following.
Incorporate into the plan any supplemental requirements specified in
Part 3, paragraph entitled "Field Quality Control".

(1) Structures Assessment: Provide a discussion of structures and

utilities to be protected, and measures to be employed for
preconstruction and postconstruction assessment of critical
structures, namely those located within the [zone of active
excavation][a distance equal to [5] [_____] times the depth of the
boring from the ground surface] from proposed pipe centerline.
Include photographs or video of existing damage to structures in
the vicinity of sewer alignment in assessment reports.

(2) Instrumentation Monitoring Plan: Describe of instrumentation

design, layout of instrumentation points, equipment installation
details, manufacturer's catalog literature, and monitoring report

(3) Surface Settlement Monitoring Plan: Identify on a plan the

location of settlement monitoring points, reference benchmarks,
survey frequency and procedures, and reporting formats.

[ h. Contingency Plan: Provide a plan and discuss protection of

pavements, adjacent structures, and utilities affected by adverse
movements detected by instrumentation. As a minimum, include the

(1) Names, telephone numbers, and locations of persons responsible for

implementation of contingency plans.

(2) Materials and equipment required to implement contingency plans.

Identify the location of all required materials and equipment.

(3) Step-by-step procedure for performing work involved in

implementation of the contingency plans.

(4) Clear identification of the objectives of the contingency plans

and methods to measure plan success.



The work includes providing labor, materials, and specialized equipment

for the installation of utility pipelines utilizing the boring and jacking

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 15
microtunneling methods of installation.

2.1.1 Design Requirements

NOTE: Use ASCE 36-15, ASCE 27-00, ASCE 28-00 as
************************************************************************** Excavations

Design excavations, including access shaft walls, considering loadings

from reaction blocks, traffic loads and any surcharge loads. Highway Crossing Criteria

For loadings under highways use HS20 vehicle loading distribution in

accordance with AASHTO. Railway Crossing Criteria

For pipe crossings under railways use Cooper E-80 locomotive loading
distributions in accordance with AREMA Eng Man specifications for
culverts. Account for loading due to any multiple tracks. Design Calculations of Pipe Casing

Submit design calculations for pipe casing demonstrating that the

equipment used in installing the pipe will not distort or otherwise damage
the pipe. Provide calculations of maximum allowable jacking force to be
used based on pipe materials to be used. The calculations are to be
sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer using soil properties derived
from subsurface investigations performed along the utility route.


2.2.1 Microtunneling System General Requirements

Utilize a continuously monitored laser guided Microtunneling Boring

Machine (MTBM) system matched to the expected subsurface conditions, a
hydraulic jacking system to jack the pipeline, a process to remove the
slurry from the slurry water, a guidance system to provide installation
accuracy to within the indicated tolerances, excavation equipment,
material handling equipment, a dewatering system, and sheeting/shoring
required to provide the work indicated and meet the following minimum
performance requirements:

a. Capable of providing positive face support both during excavation and

during shutdown regardless of the MTBM type.

b. Capable of handling and removing materials of high water content from

the machine head.

c. All functions are controlled remotely from a surface control unit.

d. Capable of controlling rotation utilizing a bidirectional drive on the

cutter head or by using anti-roll fins or grippers.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 16
e. Capable of injecting lubricant around the exterior of the pipe being

f. Capable of controlling heave and settlement.

NOTE: Specify the maximum allowable overcut of the
advancing equipment to satisfy settlement or heave
tolerances. usually overcut is not to exceed 25 mm1
inch on the radius of the pipe.

g. Minimize overcut during the operation. Do not exceed 25 mm1 inch

[_____] on the radius, unless approved by the Contracting Officer. Control System

The main control system of the MTBM is to provide the following

information to the operator, as the minimum, required for successful
operation of the MTBM:

a. Deviation of the MTBM from the required line and grade of the pipeline
(normally by reference to a laser beam).

b. Grade and roll of the MTBM.

c. Jacking load.

d. Torque and RPM of the cutter head.

e. Instantaneous jacking rate and total distance jacked.

f. Indication of steering direction.

g. Progress of pipe advancement via CCTV at the pipe head.

2.2.2 Boring and Jacking System

Utilize a continuously monitored boring and jacking system matched to the

expected subsurface conditions, a hydraulic jacking system to jack the
pipeline, an auger to remove boring spoils, a guidance system to provide
installation accuracy within the indicated tolerances, excavation
equipment, material handling equipment, a dewatering system, and
sheeting/shoring required to provide the work indicated.

2.2.3 Pipe Jacking Equipment

Provide main jacking equipment with a capacity greater than the

anticipated jacking load. Provide intermediate jacking stations when the
total anticipated jacking force needed to complete the installation may
exceed the capacity of the main jacks or the designed maximum jacking
force for the pipe. The jacking system is to supply a uniform
distribution of jacking forces on the end of the pipe by use of thruster
rings and cushioning material.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 17

2.3.1 Pipe Casing

Provide straight wall pipe casing [of type and diameter indicated] of
[reinforced concrete pipe (RCP)] [steel pipe].

[ Reinforced Concrete Pipe

NOTE: This section covers tongue and groove,
straight wall reinforced concrete pipe intended for
use as conveyance systems of sewage and storm water,
and for the construction of culverts and industrial
casings installed and constructed by microtunneling
boring and jacking methods.
************************************************************************** Pipe

Pipe, [[_____] mm inch inside diameter,] class [_____], nominal length

[_____] and concrete strength [_____] MPa psi in accordance with ASTM C76M
ASTM C76. Joints and Jointing Material

Form joints of concrete and as detailed in the Contract drawings. Utilize

a rubber gasket or mastic to provide the seal. [Incorporate an assembly
of [steel bands] [or] [steel bell ends] and spigot rings and rubber
gaskets in accordance with Contract drawings.] Internal Diameter

The internal diameter of [ 300 to 600 mm 12 to 24 inch pipe cannot vary by

more than plus 6 mm 1/4 inch from the design diameter.][ 600 mm 24 inch
and larger pipe cannot vary from the design diameter by more than plus one
percent or plus 10 mm 3/8 inch, whichever is less.] Wall Thickness

At any location along the length of the pipe, or at any point around its
circumference, the wall thickness cannot vary by more than plus five
percent of the design diameter. End Squareness

Ensure that each pipe end lies within two planes perpendicular to the
longitudinal center line of the pipe, spaced at 10 mm 3/8 inches apart.
Square the tongue or spigot end to within 5 mm 3/16 inches and the groove
or bell end of the pipe to within 5 mm 3/16 inches. Roundness

Ensure that the outside diameter of the pipe does not vary from a true
circle by more than one percent. Permissible out-of-round dimensions are
one half the difference between the maximum and minimum outer diameter of
the pipe at any one location along the barrel.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 18 Length of Pipe

Do not deviate from the finished pipe design length by more than plus 3 mm
per 300 mm 1/8 inch per foot with a maximum variation of plus 13 mm 1/2
inch in any length of pipe. Length of Two Opposite Sides

Variations in laying length of two opposite sides of the pipe cannot

exceed [6 mm1/4 inch for all sizes through 600 mm 24 inches internal
diameter] [3 mm per 300 mm1/8 inch per foot for all sizes larger than 600
mm 24 inches in internal diameter], with a maximum of 10 mm 3/8 inches in
any length of pipe.

][ Steel Pipe

NOTE: This section covers steel pipe used as a
casing pipe for other carrier pipes. This section
also covers steel as the carrier pipe for
stormwater, sanitary sewer or other utility lines.
************************************************************************** Pipe

Provide steel pipe in conformance with [ASTM A139/A139M, Grade B with a

minimum yield strength of 242 MPa 35,000 psi] [AWWA C200] [API Spec 5L
Grade B] [ASTM A53/A53M] [ASTM A716] [ASTM A746]. [Weld steel pipe
seamless, square cut with even lengths that complies with Articles 4.2,
4.3, and 4.4 of the API Spec 5L]. Pipe shall have an inside diameter of
[_____] mm[_____] inches and a minimum wall thickness of [_____] mm[_____]
inches [as indicated].

NOTE: Choose the first paragraph for microtunneling
and the second for boring and jacking. Modify as
************************************************************************** Joints

[ Accomplish the connection of adjacent pieces of microtunneling steel pipe

by [field buttwelding,] [internal weld sleeves,] [integral press fit
connectors,] by a certified welder, in compliance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M as
long as loading and installation design criteria are met.

][Utilize casing pipe having beveled ends with a single V-groove for field
welding. Butt weld joints using a full-penetration weld on the outside
circumference of the pipe prior to jacking. The welds are to conform to
the latest AWS Welding Code by a certified welder. Unless otherwise
specified, inspect and test welds using a non-destructive testing method
consisting of magnetic particle examination (MT), in compliance with the
AWS code. Visually inspect in compliance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M visual
inspection criteria by a certified welder and by the QC manager welds on
casing pipe that is sacrificial (fully grouted internally).
Non-destructive testing is not required on welds on casing pipe that is

] Grouting Plugs: On large pipe, (600-mm24-inch diameter or greater),

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 19
provide pipe with 51-mm 2-inch diameter tapped holes with threaded plugs
for exterior grouting. Roundness

The maximum difference between the major and minor outside diameters
cannot exceed one percent of the specified nominal outside diameter or 6 mm
0.25 inch, whichever is less. [For pipe exceeding 1200 mm 48 inches in
diameter, a maximum deviation of 13 mm 1/2 inch is permitted provided the
circumference tolerance is maintained within 6 mm 1/4 inch.] Circumference

Ensure that the outside circumference is within plus one percent of the
nominal circumference or within plus 13 mm 0.50 inches, whichever is less. Straightness

The maximum allowable straightness deviation in any 3 m 10 foot length

cannot exceed 3 mm 1/8 inch. [For lengths over 3 m 10 feet, the maximum
allowable deviation of the entire pipe length is computed by the following
formula, but not to exceed 10 mm 3/8 inch in any length exceeding 9.1 m 30
foot length: Maximum Allowable Deviation in mm equals (1/8) times (total
length in meters) divided by 0.125 Maximum Allowable Deviation in inches
equals (1/8) times (total length in feet) divided by 10.] Pipe Ends

Ensure that the end of the pipe is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
of the pipe and within 5 mm per meter 1/16 inch per foot of diameter, with
a maximum allowable deviation of 6 mm 1/4 inch measured with a square and
straightedge across the end of the pipe.

]2.3.2 Grout

Provide cement grout for pressure grouting to fill the voids around the
casing and for filling the interior annular space between carrier pipe and
the casing composed of Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150/C150M, Type
II, and sand meeting requirements of ASTM C33/C33Mfor fine aggregate,
sufficiently fluid to inject through the casing and fill voids, with
prompt setting to control grout flow. Utilize a grout with a minimum
compressive strength of 0.70 MPa 100 psi attained within 24 hours.
Admixtures are to be free of chlorides, corrosive or other material
detrimental to the materials the grout contacts.


Provide 25 MPa 3000 psi concrete in accordance with Section 03 30 00


2.3.4 Lubricating Fluid (Bentonite or Polymer)

Provide material for lubricating the exterior of pipe. Provide bentonite

machine requirements of API Spec 13A and having the capacity of mixing
with water to form a stable and homogeneous suspension.


Provide soil materials in accordance with the requirements specified in

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 20
Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK.

2.4 Incidental Materials

2.4.1 Casing Insulators/Bore Spacers

Provide carbon steel with polyvinyl chloride coating or stainless steel

casing insulators/bore spacers 200 mm 8 inches in length for pipe 300 mm
12 inches and less in diameter, and 300 mm 12 inches in length for pipe
350 mm 14 inches and greater in diameter, having a 51 mm 2 inch minimum
runner width. Orient spacers to allow for grout to flow easily to
completely fill the casing pipe with grout throughout its length.

NOTE: If casing pipe transitions to carrier
pipe/utility duct without a structure, provide an
end closure/bulkhead detail for the casing pipe
transition and modify the following as to suit the

2.4.2 End Closures/Bulkheads

Provide Temporary End Closures to contain grout used for filling the
annular space between conduits and the casing. Provide Permanent End
Closures of [_____] meters [_____] feet length as indicated consisting of
brick and mortar (one part cement/two parts sand/water) to completely
encapsulate the conduits transition into the casing. Center the closure
on the casing pipe end.



3.1.1 Access Shaft and Pit Construction Plan

No later than 45 days prior to start of construction submit an Access

Shaft Construction Plan. Include in the plan a discussion of the method
of construction of access shafts used for microtunneling boring and jacking.
Address the excavation methods, dewatering system, sheeting/shoring and
bracing systems proposed for use, and any ground stabilization to be
employed for the shaft work area or thrust block. Acceptable construction
methods include the use of interlocked steel sheetpiling or precast
circular concrete segments lowered in place during excavation. Design Requirements

a. Construct shafts of a size commensurate with safe working practices

[at locations indicated]. [Coordinate shaft locations with the
Contracting Officer.] The Contractor may propose to relocate shafts
to better suit the capabilities of the equipment/methods proposed, but
may not alter either the indicated pipeline alignment or structures
associated with the installed pipeline, nor result in additional
claims for compensation.

b. To the extent possible, keep shaft locations clear of pavements [and

within a single traffic lane,] in order to minimize disruption to the
flow of traffic. Locate support equipment, spoil piles, and materials
to minimize disruption to traffic.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 21
c. Support all excavations and prevent movement of the soil, pavement,
utilities or structures outside of the excavation. Furnish, place,
and maintain sheeting, bracing, and lining required to support the
sides of all shafts and to provide adequate protection of the work,
personnel, and the general public. Provide a concrete floor in the
jacking access shaft. Design loads on the sides of the jacking and
receiving pit walls are dependent on the construction method and
flexibility of the wall systems.

d. Consider the loading from boring or pipe jacking when preparing the
design of the jacking and receiving pit supports as well as special
provisions and reinforcement around the breakout location. Design the
base of the pits to withstand uplift forces from the full design head
of water, unless approved dewatering or other ground modification
methods are employed.

e. Construct a thrust block to transfer jacking loads into the soil.

Ensure that the backstop and the proposed pipe alignment are square to
each other and are designed to withstand the maximum jacking pressure
to be used with a factor of safety of at least 2.5. Also, design the
thrust block to minimize excessive deflections in such a manner as to
avoid disturbance of adjacent structures or utilities or excessive
ground movement. Begin jacking operations only after concrete thrust
block or treated soil has attained the required strength.

[ f. If tremie concrete sealing slabs are placed within the earth support
system to prevent groundwater inflow when access shafts are dewatered,
furnish and install sealing slabs of sufficient thickness to provide a
minimum factor of safety of 1.2 against hydrostatic uplift in order to
prevent bottom blowout when the excavation is completely dewatered.


3.2.1 Access Shafts Construction Requirements

a. Provide ground stabilization in the work area and the thrust block as
required to accomplish the work.

b. Construct a jacking access shaft to accommodate the installation of

pipe casings, equipment and piping jacking device. Install thrust
blocks(s) as required and consolidate the ground (grout) where the
casings exit the shaft. Provide a dry jacking work area having a
stable concrete floor that drains to a recessed sump pump to handle
nuisance inflow. Groundwater inflows into the jacking shaft are not
to exceed 0.32 Liter/second 5 gallons/minute; soil inflows are not to
exceed a total volume of 57 Liters 2 cubic feet.

c. Construct a receiver shaft to accommodate the installation of pipe

casings and the equipment used in the work. Consolidate the ground
(grout) where the casings enter the shaft.

d. Furnish, install, and maintain equipment to keep the jacking shaft

free of excess water. Provide surface protection during the period of
construction to ensure that surface runoff does not enter shafts.
Adhere to the dewatering plan and do not affect surrounding soils or
structures beyond the tolerances stated in paragraph entitled

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 22

e. Provide security fence around all access shaft areas and provide shaft
cover(s) when the shaft area is not in use.

f. Pit Backfill and Compaction: Upon completion of the pipe jacking and
all tests or inspections are complete remove all equipment, debris,
and unacceptable materials from the pits and commence backfilling
operation. Complete backfilling, compaction, and pavement repairs in
accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK.


3.3.1 Installation of Tracer Wire

Install a continuous length of tracer wire for the full length of each run
of nonmetallic pipe in accordance with the American Public Works
Association Uniform Color Code. Attach wire to top of pipe in such a
manner that will not be displaced during construction operations.

3.3.2 Connections to Existing Lines

Schedule connections to existing lines with the Contracting Officer to

cause a minimum interruption of service on the existing line. [Make
connections to existing lines under pressure [in accordance with the
recommended procedures of the manufacturer of the pipe being tapped] [as

3.3.3 Advancing the Pipe

Jack each pipe casing section forward as the excavation progresses in such
a way to provide complete and adequate, ground support at all times.
Utilize a bentonite slurry applied to the external surface of the pipe to
reduce skin friction. Provide a jacking frame for developing a uniform
distribution of jacking forces around the periphery of the pipe. Place a
plywood spacer on the outer shoulder of the pipe casing joint. Design and
construct the thrust reaction backstop to withstand the jacking forces.
Continuously maintain a square alignment between the backstop and pipe
casing and support the maximum obtainable jacking pressure with a safety
factor at least 2.0. Continuously monitor the jacking pressure and rate
of cutter head advancement. Exercise special care when setting the pipe
guard rails in the jacking pit to ensure correctness of the alignment,
grade and stability. Installation Requirements

a. Utilize boring equipment capable of fully supporting the face of the


b. Maintain face pressure exerted at the heading by the MTBM as required

to prevent loss of ground, groundwater inflows, and settlement or
heave of the ground surface by balancing soils and groundwater
pressures present.

c. Dewatering for groundwater control is allowed at the jacking and

receiving pits only.

d. Do not jack pipe casing until the concrete thrust block and tremie
seal (if selected), and grouted soil zone in jacking and receiving

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 23
shafts have attained the required strength.

e. Jack the pipe into place without causing damage to the coatings,
joints or completed pipe section.

f. After completion of the jacking operation between jacking and

receiving shafts, displace the lubricate material from between the
pipe casing exterior and the surrounding ground with a cement grout.
Control pressure and the amount of grout to avoid pipe damage and
displacement of the pipe and soil beyond the tolerances specified in
paragraph "Tolerances." Grout within 48 hours after pipe installation
has been completed to prevent any surface settlement due to movement
of soil material into the void space or loosened zone around the pipe

g. Replace pipe casings damaged during installation.

h. Ensure that the welds of steel pipe attain the full strength of the
pipe and are watertight before jacking of the pipe section. Ensure
that the inner face of the internal weld seam is flush with the pipe
to facilitate the installation of the carrier pipe in the pipe casing.

i. Perform all welding in accordance with requirements for shielded metal

arc welding of AWS D1.5M/D1.5 for bridges and AWS D1.1/D1.1M for
buildings and other structures.

j. Provide a pipeline that has a consistent diameter across assembled


k. Once the tunneling process has begun, continue with that process
uninterrupted until the pipe reaches the receiving shaft. Continue to
push any damaged pipe until that damaged pipe section is pushed into
the receiving shaft and is removed. Notify the [Contracting
Officer][Engineer] immediately if any pipe is known to be or believed
to be damaged.

3.3.4 [Carrier Pipe] [Conduit] Installation Cleaning

Clean the inside of the casing of all foreign matter by using a pipe
cleaning plug. [Carrier Pipe] [Conduit Joints]

[Bond all metallic conduit joints within the casing pipe.] Inspect with
the Contracting Officer, prior to backfilling trenches, the transition of
[carrier pipe] [conduit] within the casing to non-cased trenching. Casing Insulators/Spacers

Install casing insulators/spacers in accordance with approved submittals

and the drawings. On center spacing is not to exceed 1.2 meters 4 feet. End Closures/Bulkheads and Grouting of Casing Pipe

a. Closures: Seal ends of casing with [brick and mortar][___________].

b. After installing, inspecting and acceptance of the [carrier

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 24
pipe][conduit] and spacers within the casing pipe, pressure fill the
annular space between the [carrier pipe][conduit] and the casing pipe,
with cement grout specified herein. Regulate pump pressures to
refusal or in accordance with the approved grouting plan. Place grout
in a sequence and manner that will preclude voids or pockets of
entrapped air or water. Use a refusal pressure equal to 8.0 kg/sm per
meter 0.5 psf per foot of overburden.

3.3.5 Ventilation

Provide adequate ventilation for all tunnels and shafts, following

confined space entry procedures. Include such factors as the volume
required to furnish fresh air in the shafts, and the volume to remove dust
that may be caused by the cutting of the face and other operations which
may impact the laser guidance system. In the design of the ventilation
system, the minimum amount of fresh air to be supplied is [_____] cubic m/s
CFM. [Routinely test the air in areas accessed by workers in accordance
with the most current OSHA methods and standards. The current OSHA
allowable gas concentrations or those presented below, whichever are more
stringent, shall be met:

Carbon Monoxide <0.005 percent

Methane <0.25 percent

Hydrogen Sulfide <0.001 percent

Oxygen >20.0 percent

3.3.6 Lighting

Provide adequate lighting for the nature of the activity being conducted
by workers. Separate and insulate with ground fault interrupters power
and lighting circuits. Comply with requirements with regards to shatter
resistance and illumination requirements.

3.3.7 Spoil Transportation

Match the excavation rate with rate of spoil removal. Utilize a system
capable of balancing groundwater pressures and adjustment to maintain face
stability for the particular soil conditions of the project.


NOTE TO DESIGNER - The tolerances for a typical MTBM
project are 125 mm 5 inches on line and 38 mm 1 1/2
inches on grade in a 91.4 m 300 foot installation.
In order to meet local sewerage regulations
regarding slope, it is recommended to design at the
desired slope plus tolerances. Also, consider
adding between 30 - 75 mm 0.1 - 0.25 foot drop
across manholes.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 25
3.4.1 Tolerances

Maximum allowable lateral deviation is [125][_____] mm [5][_____] inches;

maximum allowable vertical deviation is [_____] mm [_____] inches in the
position of every completed 91.4 m 300 foot section of jacked pipe
casings. [Water must be free draining between any two points at the pipe
invert. Reverse grades are not permitted.]


Employ the monitoring/survey plan. Maintain daily records in accordance

with the paragraph titled RECORDS.

3.5.1 Instrumentation/Survey

NOTE: The Engineer should specify minimum
monitoring requirements using the following,
supplemental as required by the project specific
************************************************************************** Mandatory Requirements

[ Include the following, as a minimum, to supplement Contractor Quality

Control measures employed to monitor ground surface heave or settlement in
the monitoring/survey plan.

] a. Monitor ground movements associated with the project using established

survey points and make changes in the construction methods that
control ground movements and prevent damage or detrimental movement to
the work and adjacent structures and pavements.

b. Record in the daily work log a summary of monitoring survey results.

Clearly identify work not meeting specified requirements,
out-of-tolerance results, and impacts on new or existing work from
settlement or heave.

c. Install instrumentation and perform monitoring to determine ground

settlement surrounding each jacking and receiving pit.

d. Prior to any excavation activities, perform a pre-construction survey

of the areas in and surrounding excavations and along the proposed
utility alignment to identify any structures, facilities, underground
or above ground utilities to be protected within a radius of [five]
[_____] times either the depth of any excavation or the depth of
trenchless excavation. Supplemental Requirements

[ a. Prior to the start of advancing the pipe or any dewatering operation,

install surface settlement markers along the trenchless excavation
centerline using the following guidelines:

(1) Locate surface settlement markers in a grid, spaced 3.0 [_____] m

by 3.0 [_____] m 10 [_____] feet by 10 [_____] feet extending not
less than 9.1 [_____] m 30 [_____] feet on either side of the
trenchless excavation centerline. Use wooden hubs in unpaved
areas with the hubs driven flush with the surface and a tack

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 26
driven in the top for level rod placement. Use temporary paint or
other approved materials in pavement areas. Minimize the size of
temporary markings to the greatest extent practical. Remove all
markers and markings prior to completion of work.

b. Prior to the start of advancing the pipe or dewatering operations,

survey all monitoring points a minimum of three times to establish
baseline readings. Perform all surveys to an accuracy of 3.0 mm 0.01
foot. Survey [daily][every [_____]] m feet of casing pipe
advancement. In addition, if settlement exceeds Limit Level 2 survey
all monitoring points within 6.1 [_____] m 20 [_____] feet of the
heading hourly when the heading is approaching or passing beneath the
monitoring points.

c. Evaluate all monitoring survey data immediately to determine

corrective or mitigation action should be taken using the following
evaluation criteria:


Surface - Unpaved +/- 6 [_____] mm +/- 1/4 +/- 19 [_____] mm +/- 3/4
[_____] inch [_____] inch

Surface - Paved +/- 6 [_____] mm +/- 1/4 +/- 13 [_____] mm +/- 1/2 [_____]
[_____] inch inch

d. If the survey readings indicate settlement or heave is greater than

Limit Level 1 in the above table, provide notification to the
Contracting Officer immediately and increase the monitoring frequency
of the instruments as directed. Proceed with advancing the pipe after
providing mitigating measures to limit additional movements.

e. If the survey readings indicate settlement or heave is greater than

Limit Level 2 in the above table, cease work and provide notification
to the Contracting Officer immediately and implement the Contingency

f. Perform all repairs and/or rebuilding of the pavement or adjacent

structures to their condition existing prior to settlement/lifting.

g. Continue to monitor by the survey at 2 week intervals for a period of

6 [_____] weeks after tunneling. When the survey identifies that
heave or settlement has occurred that is greater than Limit Level 2
values, make repairs to new or existing work that is affected.
Discontinue topographic surveys when settlement is no longer detected.

]3.5.2 Field Tests

NOTE: Indicate appropriate Section number and title
in blank below. Specify testing of gravity mains in
accordance with ASTM C1091.

Perform field tests, and provide labor, equipment, and incidentals

required for testing [, except that water and electric power needed for
field tests will be furnished as set forth in [_____]] Section. Submit

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 27
test results, identifying any results that do not meet specified
requirements, to the Contracting Officer within 4 days of test
completion. Provide corrective action and retest pipe not meeting
specified requirements. Provide corrective action as recommended by the
pipe manufacturer and subject to approval by the Contracting Officer. Pipe Casing

Inspect and verify that pipe material meets the dimensional tolerances
specified prior to use. Record each days inspection results in the daily
work log. Testing Requirements for Gravity Mains

Perform low pressure air test of all gravity mains (structure to

structure) in accordance with ASTM C1091 Standard Test method for
Hydrostatic Infiltration testing of Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines. Non-Standard Pipe Lengths

Cut non-standard joint lengths from full length pipe having satisfactorily
passed the hydrostatic test. Elevations

Prior to removal of MTBM equipment, sheeting, and backfilling of access

shafts, collect invert information on pipeline installed. Confirm that
the elevations meet stated tolerances.

3.5.3 Inspections

Prior to the removal of MTBM equipment, sheeting, and backfilling of

access shafts, conduct CCTV inspection of the mains installed in
accordance with Section 33 01 30.16 TV INSPECTION OF SEWER LINES.


3.6.1 Site Cleanup

Immediately clean "blow holes" or "breakouts" of drilling fluid to the

surface and fill depressions with satisfactory fill material. Dispose of
all drilling fluids, soils, and separated materials in compliance with
Federal, State, and local environmental regulations.

3.6.2 Drilling Fluid

Immediately upon completion of work of this section, remove all rubbish

and debris from the job site. Remove all construction equipment and
materials leaving the entire area involved in a neat condition equal to
existing conditions prior to construction, unless indicated otherwise.

3.6.3 Record Drawings and Daily Work Logs

Submit an electronic copy and three hard copies of the record drawings to
the Contracting Officer within 5 days after completing the work. Include
in the record drawings a plan, profile, and all information recorded
during the progress of the work. Clearly tie the record drawings to the
project's survey control. Maintain and submit upon completion final Daily
Work Logs of installation operations, signed by the superintendent.

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 28

[Dispose of waste in Government disposal area] [as indicated on the

drawings] [which is located within a haul distance of [_____] kilometers
miles]. Remove [from Government property] surplus or other soil material
not required or suitable for fill or backfilling.

Store or legally dispose of excavated material and fluids used in the

boring process and shaft construction [away from the construction site
and] in compliance with all permits and applicable Federal, State, and
local regulations.[ Comply with Section 01 57 19 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL
CONTROLS.][ Only store or stockpile materials in areas shown on Contract
drawings.][ Stockpiling is permitted on the construction site provided
material is removed at regular intervals not exceeding 48 hours.]

-- End of Section --

SECTION 33 05 23 Page 29

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