الشيت المسرب اوسكي
الشيت المسرب اوسكي
الشيت المسرب اوسكي
43 دفعة المقلوبة
Case 1
How can we exclude endometrial cancer in a women with post menopausal bleeding ?
Endometrial biopsy
What is menopause ?
Cessation of menstruation
Why is it important to give women with a uterus combined HRT( Estrogen and
progesterone rather than estrogen ?
The result of ultrasound shows empty uterus . you suspect endometritis how will you
manage ?
Broad spectrum antibiotic
On examination the cervix was open. She had heavy vaginal bleeding and the uterus
was 10 weeks size , ultrasound showed a viable intrauterine pregnancy of 10 weeks
gestation what is your diagnosis?
Inveitable abortion
After the patient delivered the sac she still has bleeding , ultrasound showed retained
products of conceptions . what is the diagnosis ?
Incomplete abortion
What are the first initial steps in the management of this patient ?
Vital signs , pulse 120 and very week , BP 90l50
Insert at least 2 large canules
Deliver the placenta
As you star to deliver the placenta the cord snaps with the placenta still inside ? the
patient is still bleeding heavily . what would be the next step in her management ?
Send blood for CBC and cross match at least 4 units of blood
Start intravenous fluid
Embty the urinary bladder
Give ergometrin
Remove of placenta under anesthesia urgently
After removing the placenta the bleeding continues. What could be the cause and how
will you mange now ?
Uterine atony
Drugs to stimulate uterine contraction
Name two drugs that can be used ?
Syntocinon . ergometrin . prostaglandin F2 alpha . misopristol
How would you manage a case of placenta acreta that bleeds heavily ?
Case 10
How will you manage such a case if presented at 32 weeks gestation with no
symptoms ?
Admission to hospital
Prepare blood at least 4 units
Check and correct hemoglobin
If both methods show bilateral tubal block . what would be the options of management?
Tubal surgery . IVF
Name 2 complications of IVF ?
Multiple pregnancy , ovarian hyperstimulation . failure
Case 18
Her platelet levels were low and LFT were high . What complication has developed ?
HELLP syndrome
What are the types of benign trophoblastic disease and how are they formed ?
Complete mole :
One or two sperms fertilizing an ovum with no nucleus
Partial mole : two sperms fertilizing an ovum
Case 22
Name 4 symptoms of endometriosis ?
Pelvic pain . dysmenorrhea . dyspareunia . menorrhagia . infertility
How is it diagnosis ?
Name 2 women who have increase risk of having a baby with anencephaly ?
Diabetic . drugs e.g anti epileptic or previous history
Ask the candidate . what important points he / she would like to consider in the
Pallor result = very pallor
Abdominal examination= a firm irregular mass is palpable up to umbilicus
Speculum examination= normal
What investigations would the candidate like to perform for this patient ?
Result :HB= 6g/dl
Ultrasound show 3 large fibroids
Define menorrhagia ?
Menstural bleeding > 80 ml per cycle
what important points he/ she would like to consider in the examination ?
pulse and temperature { p = 120 bpm . temp = 39.5 c }
examination of the breast
redness and tenderness in the right breast
test for fluctuation { no fluctuation }
What could be the problem and how will you treat her ?
Case 29
Enquires about her name and uses it when speaking with her
Establishes age and pairty
Establishes main complain of urinary incontinence and duration
Ask about leaking when coughing and laughing
Asks about leaking with urgency
Asks about leaking at night
Asks about urinary symptoms
Enquires about chronic cough . constipation
Enquires about obstetric history
Restrictions in her social activities
What important points he/ she would like to consider in the examination ?
General tract examination for prolapsed ….. no prolapsed
Demonstrating incontinence with cough
What risk factors does she have for developing this condition ?
Name one surgical procedure that used in the management of stress incontinence ?
Burch colposuspension . TVT
Case 30
Enquires about the name of the patient and uses it when speaking to her
Enquires about age and establishes that the patient is single
Establishes the main complain and duration
Ask about menarche and enquires about cycles
Ask directly about hirsuitism
Asks about galactorrhea
Ask about headache , and visual problems
Asks about medical history and drugs
Asks about any previous treatment for her condition
Tries to establish if the patient has had any underlying stress or sudden loss od weight
and severe exercise
Case 31
Enquires about the name of the patient and uses it when speaking to her
Establishes that her daughter complains of amenorrhea
Enquires about the age of the daughter
Asks about axillary and pubic hair
Asks about breast formation
Asks about chronic illness and drugs
Asks about galactorrhea
Asks about cyclic pain
Asks about any previous treatment for her condition
Tries to establish if the patient has any underlying stress
Asks about sudden loss of weight and sever exercise
What important points he / she would like to consider in the examination ?
BMI = 25
Axillary and pubic hair distribution = present
Breasts = well formed
Examination of external genitalia = finding bulging of hymen
What is the her problem ?
Primary amenorrhea
What important points he / she would like to consider in the examination ?
Abdominal examination for mass and tenderness result= no tenderness
Pelvic examination for tenderness and discharge
Result = tenderness in uterosacral ligament
Case 33
A 32 years old primigravida is presented to the antenatal clinic for routine follow . 32
weeks she has no complain on examination her blood pressure was 160/100 her urine
albumin is +++ what is her most likely diagnosis ?
At what level is protein urea considered significant in pregnancy ?
>300 mg / 24 hour
On examination her fundal height corresponding to 28 weeks gestation what would be
the most likely cause in her case ?
IUGR / oligohydramnios
How will you manage this patient now ?
Hospital admission
Observation of BP
Maternal assessment ( investigation )
Fetal assessment ultrasound
Consider aldomate
What other investigations would you like to perform on this patient and why ?
CBC for platelets
LFT for liver failure
Uric acid . prognostic
RFT for renal failure
Coagulation screen for DIC
Show the candidate the result of the investigation and ask them about the diagnosis
Help syndrome
How will you mange this patient now ?
Termination of pregnancy
Case 34
A G2 P1 presents at booking clinic at 8 weeks gestation . she is known diabetic on
insulin how can you determine long term blood sugar control ?
Glycosylated hemoglobin ( HBA1c)
Show the student the result of the hbA1 what would this indicate ?
She needs control of blood sugar
Show the student the results of serial blood sugar what action is required ?
Increase in dose of insulin
Increasing dose of insulin may lead to hypoglycemia what are the symptoms of
hypoglycemia ?
Sweating . palpitation . dizziness
What fetal complication may occur as a result of this high level of blood sugar in early
pregnancy ?
Congenital anomaly
Case 35
After delivery of the fetal head in G7p6 with diabetes . the shoulders failed to follow
what is your first immediate action ?
Call for help
Senior obstetrician
Senior midwife
If these basic maneuvers fail name 2 other maneuvers that can help ?
Fracture clavicle . symphysial separation . zavanelie . repeat maneuvers with mother on
all fours
How can we reduce the risk of post partum haemorrhage in this patient ?
Active management of the third stage
Case 36
A G3P2 with 2 pervious cesarean section , she had no problems antenatally and is
admitted at 38 weeks gestation for elective cesarean section
Why does she need an elective cesarean section ?
She has high risk of rupture uterus
Why is 38 weeks best time for a cesarean section ?
<38 risk of RDS
>38 risk of spontaneous labor
Her cesarean is tomorrow morning how will you prepare her for a cesarean sections ?
Blood group and cross match
Fasting from midnight
This is the result of her CBC what is the abnormality ?
Microcytic hypochromic anemia
How will you manage this patient now ?
Blood transfusion
Name 2 complications of blood transfusion ?
Hypersensitivity reaction . transmission of viral infections
On the day of the operative she had a urinary catheter inserted why is this necessary
before cesarean section ?
To avoid injury to the bladder
How can we reduce her risk of having DVT ?
Early mobilization
Good hydration
Elastic stocking
Prophylactic heparin
Case 37
What are the criteria of PCO ?
Oligomenorrhea / Amenorrhea
Biochemical and clinical sings of hyperandrogenism
Polycystic ovary on USS
What are the option of management for a pt with PCO complaining of infertility ?
Wt reduction
Ovulation induction
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling
You started Augmentin . 2 days later you received the result of C/S . this strain is
resistant to Augmentin but sensitive to cephalosporine what is your next step ?
( provided that the pt. clinically improved on Augmentin )
ANSWER : continue Augmentin as the pt. improved
( if the pt. didn’t improve change to cephalosporine
Case 40
Her blood pressure was 180/120 . what anti-hypertension would you use?
Hydralazine ------- direct vasodilators
Labetalol --------- alpha and beta blocker
Liver size and blood flow remain the same, metabolic, synthetic and excretory
function are affected by increased estrogen and progesterone in pregnancy.
- What are the clinical features observed in acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
The incidence is 1:1000, more in 3rd trimester, associated with maternal obesity and
male fetus, associated with multiple pregnancy, has considerable overlap with HELLP
Presented with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, signs and symptoms of liver failure
and hepatic encephalopathy, DIC, HTN, proteinuria in 50% of cases, polydipsia,
Rarely after delivery.
- What are lab abnormalities seen in HELLP syndrome nd acute fatty liver?
Acute fatty liver: hypoglycemia, low platelets (moderate), slight elevation of
transaminases, increased bilirubin, increased WBCs, increased ammonia
HELLP: low platelets, increased bilirubin, elevated transaminases, hemolysis in
peripheral blood smear, increased LDH
- Hoe to treat?
Maternal resuscitation and stabilization/ admit to ICU/ fetal monitoring/ parenteral
glucose/ packed RBCs, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, platelets/ continuous
monitoring of glucose level/ monitoring fluid status and renal function/ Neomycin and
Lactulose/ urgent delivery
Define maternal mortality?
Death of women during pregnancy or within 42 days post-partum due to causes related
to pregnancy and its complications.
Name 4 causes of maternal mortality?
Case 43
35 years, at 32 weeks gestation, presented with swollen leg and you suspect DVT
Name 4 risk factors of DVT?
Age, thrombophilia, parity, operative delivery, previous DVT, family history of DVT.
How would you confirm your diagnosis?
By duplex Doppler US
How will you manage her?
Why should warfarin be avoided?
CTG, gross body movement, amniotic fluid index, fetal tone, fetal breathing
What are the advantages and disadvantages of kick chart?
35 years para 4, 3 days post CS, complains of chest pain, dyspnea, cough and
What examination you would perform?
Pulmonary embolism
CT angiography
Ventilation perfusion scan
How will you manage?
Following rupture of membrane of a patient in the labour ward there was sudden fetal
bradycardia, vaginal examination confirmed cord prolapse, the cervix was 6 cm
- What is your immediate action?
Call for help
- Why is cord compression associated with fetal distress?
Due to cord compression, and vasospasm when the cord is exposed to
the room temp.
- Name 2 measures to relieve cord compression?
Elevate the presenting part with fingers to relieve pressure, knee-chest
position, filling the bladder with saline.
- What is the mode of delivery?
Emergency C/S
- Name 4 predisposing factors for cord prolapse?
Polyhydramnios, malpresentation, long cord, multiparity, prematurity,
- Name one situation that you will consider vaginal delivery?
The cervix is fully dilated, non-pulsating cord, anencephaly.
- Name 4 complication of emergency C/S?
Complication of anesthesia, injury of the bladder, injury of the
bowels, hemorrhage, increased risk of DVT post-operative.
Case 48
Pregnant lady at 32 weeks of gestation complains of severe lower abdominal pain
On examination: pale, tense abdomen, BP 80/60 mmHg, pulse 120 bpm
- What is your diagnosis?
Abruption placenta
- How will you manage this case?
Call for help
Inset 2 large poor canula
Blood transfusion
Stabilize and deliver
- Her Hb level was 6 gm%, what is your next step?
Blood transfusion
- What are the complications?
Fetal: IUFD
Maternal: hypovolemic shock, multiorgan failure, DIC, PPH, death
- She received 5 units of blood, name 2 complication she may suffer?
Hypersensitivity reaction, transmission of infections, over load.
Case 49
- What are the complications of twins pregnancy?
Maternal: increased risk of hyperemesis gravidarum, anemia, miscarriage, pre-
eclampsia, GDM, placenta previa, operative delivery, PPH
Fetal: increased risk og congenital anomalies, IUGR, preterm labour, IUFD
- How can you differentiate between monochorionic and dichorionic twins?
Lambda sign
- Name 2 specific complications of monochorionic twins?
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome, conjoined twins.
Case 50
- To whom anti-D should be offered?
Nonsensitized Rh –ve women after any sensitizing event: post-partum, miscarriage,
antepartum hemorrhage, ECV, amniocentesis….
Within 72 hr
- How does it work?
Blocks the antigenic sites in fetal RBC to prevent the stimulation of maternal immune
- What is the dose?
250 IU in pregnancies less than 20 weeks
500 IU in pregnancies more than 20 weeks
The dose may be increased based on Kleihaur test.
- What are the features of hydrops fetalis?
Ascites, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, polyhydramnios, scalp edema.
Case 51
32 years old, P2, with 8 weeks amenorrhea, complaining of abdominal pain and
vaginal bleeding
- What are your DD?
Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, vesicular mole
- What investigation would you like to do to discriminate between them?
Beta HCG, U/S
-provided that beta HCG was 2000IU/L, U/S showed no intrauterine sac, what is your
Ectopic pregnancy
- While the patient was talking to you she felt dizzy and fainted, how will you
Call for help, resuscitation, emergency laparotomy and salpingectomy.
- Name 4 risk factors of ectopic pregnancy?
Previous ectopic, PID, previous pelvic surgery, adhesions, IVF/ICSI.
IUGR case
Kawther Juma is a 32 years old G2P1 presented to tha antenatal clinic at 32 weeks
gestation for follow up. She had booking visit early in her pregnancy but had no follow
up since then. She has no complaints in her pregnancy. On examination, her blood
pressure was 110/70 mmHg, abdominal examination showed fundal height of 28
- What is your initial diagnosis?
Small for gestational age
- What are the differential diagnosis for small for date?
Wrong date/ small for GA/ IUGR/ oligohydramnios/ abnormal lie/
anencephaly/ IUFD/ pendulous abdomen/ presenting part deep in the
- How will you confirm that she is 32 weeks?
Check an early USS
We confirm her date and her US shows a cephalic fetus with normal
The measurement of the fetus are corresponding wih 29 weeks.
- What measurements are usually taken by US at this stage of
Biparital diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference,
femoral length, amniotic fluid index, estimated fetal weight
- What is small for gestational age fetus?
Estimated weight of the fetus is below 10th percentile for its GA
(severe SGA is classified as EFW below the 3rd percentile)
- What are the causes of IUGR?
Maternal: chronic maternal disease DM, HTN, cardiac disease/
substance abuse/ smoking/ autoimmune disease APL/ thrombophilia/
uterine mal formation/ poor nutrition/ low socioeconomic status.
Placental: abnormal trophoblastic invasion pre-eclampsia, placenta
accrete/ infarction/ abruption/ placenta previa/ chorioangioma/
abnormal umbilical cord.
Fetal: genetic abnormalities/ congenital abnormalities e.g cardiac,
gastroschisi…/ congenital infection/ multiple pregnancy twin twin
transfusion syndrome
- How can you confirm the diagnosis?
US: fetal weight < 10th centile
Serial growth scan every 2-3 weeks
Umbilical artery Doppler
Screening of fetal infection
Offer karyotyping in severe IUGR
- How will you manage this case?
History: weight gain in pregnancy, tobacco use, drugs, previous
history of low birth weight.
Examination: maternal BMI, blood pressure
Investigation: CMV and Rubella serology, antiphospholipid
Fetal assessment: USS to detect fetal anomalies, evaluation of the
placenta, Doppler US, NST (nonstress test), biophysical profile, kick
- What are the components of biophysical profile?
CTG, amniotic fluid index, fetal breathing movements, fetal gross
movements, fetal tone
2 weeks later, Kawther was seen in the antenatal clinic and the fetus
showed no growth in the last two weeks, the US showed reduced
liquor, CTG was normal, she is now 34 weeks what is your
management plan?
Hx , examination to exclude PROM
Investigation: BPP, UA Doppler (abnormal), admission to hospital
(check nursery facility), dexamethasone, delivery
- What are the complication of IUGR?
Neonatal: hypothermia, hypoglycemia, RDS, hypocalcemia,
polycythemia, necrotizinf enterocolitis
Adulthood: type 2 DM, HTN, cerebrovascular disease