Artificial Intelligence - The Death of Creativity - FactCore
Artificial Intelligence - The Death of Creativity - FactCore
Artificial Intelligence - The Death of Creativity - FactCore
a dm in 2024- 04- 29 0
AI generated artwork
In t he modern age, AI syst ems can produce ent irely new paint ings, music,
poems, and more. Trained on examples, t he algorit hms st udy st yles and
pat t erns bef ore coming up wit h t heir own creat ions. T hey range f rom weird t o
unexpect edly meaningf ul. By learning st yles and working f rom examples, AI
could help generat e new ideas or spot relat ionships we miss.
Customized content
Ar t if icial int elligence is used by media plat f orms t o recommend cust omized
cont ent t o every viewer. For example, when scrolling t hrough a st reaming
service, you will see movies and shows t hey believe you will like. News apps
will recommend ar t icles under which t opics int erest you t he most . Ar t if icial
int elligence monit ors your pref erences associat ed wit h behavior and provides
similar cont ent t hat you will most probably love t o see. T heref ore, such
recommendat ions drive f or more diverse media consumpt ion and new ideas.
Automated design
AI makes graphic design quick and easy. Right af t er you input some basic inf o,
t his web- based AI sof t ware will generat e a social media post , f lyer, business
card, or anyt hing else you can imagine— all in seconds. Based on t he rules of
good design and t he specif ics of your request , an AI will choose t he right f ont ,
colors, and layout . AI result s might lack originalit y, but on t he ot her side, it
let s more people t o creat e prof essional- qualit y graphics.
However, AI is bound t o change creat ivit y in more ways, human imaginat ion,
empat hy, and wisdom are irreplaceable. AI t ools are bound t o enhance human
creat ivit y and not replace it . When we use AI t hought f ully and keep t hese
values in mind, t he f ut ure of innovat ion is bright .
An opportunity to collaborate
Inst ead of looking at it as “humans vs. machines,” we should view it as an
oppor t unit y t o work t oget her. Human creat ivit y and AI can do amazing t hings,
of f ering humanit y wit h oppor t unit ies beyond imaginat ion. AI is a t ool wit h
which humans can use t heir creat ivit y t o creat e and express t heir imaginat ion.
Simult aneously, human creat ivit y and insight lead AI t o develop more
meaningf ul creat ive work. It is a collaborat ion t hat allows you t o enjoy
unprecedent ed creat ivit y. Not hing can be done wit hout human creat ivit y, as
machines may increase our creat ivit y, but t hey never kill it .
Ult imat ely, human creat ivit y is t he product of a complicat ed int eract ion of
human experience, emot ion, t hought , and f ree choice, and it is an innat e
f eat ure of human imit abilit y. While AI will cont inue t o help and expand human
creat ivit y, it will not be able t o imit at e t he human moment of genius on it s
own. Humans are nat urally creat ive creat ures.
AI art projects
Many project s have at t empt ed using AI t o make visual ar t . T he Next
Rembrandt used a mat ure AI t o t rain on every Rembrandt paint ing and make a
new por t rait f rom t hem. It ’s int riguing as an experiment but lacks all of
Rembrandt ’s mast erf ul subt let y and soul.
DeepDream is a Google program t hat uses AI t o f ind and augment pat t erns in
t he image. T his makes t hem more like a hallucinat ory and psychedelic dream
rat her t han ar t . While t hese project s and ot hers demonst rat e t he pot ent ial of
AI as a t ool f or ar t ist s, real people st ill need t heir creat ivit y, f eelings, and lif e
experiences t o make pieces t hat speak t o a person.
AI-composed music
Finally, AI has been employed t o creat e music, t hough wit h limit ed levels of
success. For example, Sony’s Flow Machines composed a song in t he t une of
T he Beat les t hat was underwhelming, at best . T he Ant hropic’s Claude can
provide shor t melodies, but t hey are unoriginal and unmemorable. Even if , in
t he f ut ure, an AI creat es music t hat mat ches a person’s pref erred st yle,
composers and musicians are always going t o perf orm bet t er in
communicat ing mood or narrat ing a t ale.
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