Counter IO
Counter IO
Counter IO
Statements and views expressed in this document are solely those of the authors and do not
imply endorsement by Harvard University, the Harvard Kennedy School, or the Belfer Center for
Cover photo: Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow and the 28 Permanent Representatives
to the North Atlantic Council visit NATO’s cyber defence centre at Supreme Headquarters Allied
Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons, Belgium on Friday, 23 January 2015. (NATO Photo)
The Cybersecurity
National Counter-Information
Campaign Playbook
Operations Strategy
Our Approach...........................................................................................................6
1.. Create Factual Counter-Narratives...............................................................................................................12
2.. Publicly condemn IO and identify malicious actors.....................................................................................13
3.. Freeze assets and ban visas ..........................................................................................................................13
4.. Interrupt Channels of Influence....................................................................................................................14
5.. Leverage U.S. force posture to impose costs and strengthen deterrence against future IO attacks..........15
6.. Create a Defensive Public Communications Strategy.................................................................................15
7.. Create a National Counter-Information Operations Center........................................................................16
8.. Increase Media Literacy.................................................................................................................................17
9.. Update Political Advertising and Campaign Finance Laws.........................................................................17
10. Improve Public-Private Sector Collaboration.............................................................................................19
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 1
Defending Digital Democracy Project: About Us
We established the Defending Digital Democracy Project (D3P) in July 2017 with one goal: to
help defend democratic elections from cyber attacks and information operations.
Last year, we set out to provide campaign and election professionals with practical guides to
the most applicable cybersecurity best practices in advance of the 2018 midterm elections. In
November 2017, we released “The Campaign Cybersecurity Playbook” for campaign pro-
fessionals. In February 2018, we released a set of three guides designed to be used together
by election administrators: “The State and Local Election Cybersecurity Playbook,” “The
Election Cyber Incident Communications Coordination Guide,” and “The Election Incident
Communications Plan Template.” What follows is a collaborative research and policy paper
on countering information operations from members of the D3P team. This paper is the launch
of D3P’s efforts to help understand and counter information operations. We hope this Playbook
will illustrate some of the possible strategic solutions to countering information operations and
making our democracy more secure.
D3P is a bipartisan team of cybersecurity, political, and policy experts from the public and private
sectors. To better understand both the cybersecurity and other challenges that elections face, our
team spent six months researching state and local election processes in 2017. We visited with 34
state and local election offices, observed the November 2017 elections in three states and the 2018
midterms in five different states, and interviewed leading academic experts, election equipment
manufacturers, and representatives of federal government agencies. We conducted a nationwide
security survey with 37 participating states and territories, which identified detailed nuances in elec-
tion processes and their corresponding risk considerations. We hosted three state election cyberse-
curity conferences where we engaged state and local election officials in “tabletop exercise” election
simulations to increase awareness of the cybersecurity threats they face and improve their ability to
mitigate those threats.
Good luck,
The D3P Team
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 2
Authors and Contributors
Gabe Cederberg, D3P, Harvard College Mari Dugas, Project Coordinator, D3P
Jordan D’Amato, D3P, Harvard Kennedy School Frank White, Independent Communications Consultant
Kunal Kothari, D3P, Harvard Kennedy School BE LFE R CE NTE R WE B & DESI GN TE AM
Irene Solaiman , D3P, Harvard Kennedy School Andrew Facini, Publications and Design Coordinator,
Belfer Center
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 3
American democracy is under attack. From the daily news to our social media feeds, nation-state
competitors target the United States and its citizens, seeking to fuel division and chaos at home
while undermining our interests abroad and our will to defend them. It is critical that policymak-
ers and citizens understand these threats and how to counter them. This playbook seeks to ensure
that U.S. citizens, not foreign actors, determine the future of U.S. democracy.
While nation-state competitors have employed propaganda and information operations (IO)
targeting the United States for decades, in recent years their efforts have changed dramatically.
The rise of the Internet and social media as mechanisms for disseminating news has made our
country both more globally interconnected and simultaneously more vulnerable to foreign efforts
to destabilize our democracy. There is now clear evidence that Russia used influence operations
designed to undermine U.S. democracy and citizens’ trust in its integrity in both the 2016 and
2018 election cycles. Adversaries are actively using information as a weapon to attack the United
States, our political system, and citizens’ trust in it.
The consequences for the United States are severe. Foreign actors stoke social tensions and drive
partisan politics in our elections. America’s competitors undermine our willingness to defend our
beliefs and the rules-based international system—from Ukraine to the South China Sea. The prin-
ciples upon which our nation was founded are now under ongoing attack, with no letup in sight.
Across each of these dimensions, strategic competitors seek to use the free and open nature of
our social and political system against us. Russian efforts to undermine our elections are the most
significant near-term threat, but it is far from the only challenge we face. In the medium- to long-
term, China seeks to displace the United States from the Indo-Pacific and rewrite the rules-based
international system to suit its own interests. Iran and North Korea both harbor ambitions to funda-
mentally change their regional security environments. In each of these cases, information operations
targeting the United States are a key tool that our competitors use to pursue their goals.
As a result, the United States urgently needs to understand how it can better prevent information
operations and mitigate their effects on our citizens and our democracy.
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 4
This report helps address the challenge posed by IO by defining the IO threats that the United
States faces and then outlining an overall approach for countering them in a manner consistent
with American values. This approach reflects an integrated, whole-of-nation effort—with a focus
on the federal government, but also including relevant players in the private sector and civil soci-
ety. Finally, the report concludes with a set of concrete actions that each of these actors can take to
better counter and mitigate IO.
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Our Approach
Information operations target society as a whole, so it is difficult for any one actor to respond to
them. As such, the United States needs a coordinated approach that spans the public and private
sectors rather than allowing each group to react, thereby risking a duplicative and ineffective
response. Proactively determining a national counter-IO approach can help the United States
leverage the complementary strengths of different sectors, organizations, and technologies.
This report offers concrete actions to counter state-sponsored information operations targeting
the United States. Because the volume and scope of recent information operations impacts the
United States at the national level, we focus primarily on recommendations for the federal gov-
ernment. However, a federal-led effort must also draw on the private sector, civil society, and
international allies and partners. As such, this report outlines actions that federal departments
and agencies can take both in cooperation with one another and with other entities in the private
sector, civil society, and abroad.
Similarly, because information operations target U.S. democracy broadly, any response must
defend our entire social, political, and economic system. While information operations targeting
our elections may be the highest visibility attacks, they are just one part of a broader campaign
to undermine the United States, our interests, and our way of life. The recommendations in this
report offer options to counter information operations that target:
The open society that makes the American democratic system possible.
Finally, any coordinated response must also align with the fundamental values that our adversar-
ies seek to undermine and disrupt. Information operations deliberately exploit the free and open
nature of our society. As with U.S. counterterrorism and cybersecurity efforts, counter-IO actions
need to balance any measures to prevent attacks on American institutions against the basic values
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 6
and principles of freedom that constitute the foundation of our security and prosperity. Our
efforts to counter disinformation must reflect and bolster these values, including:
The right to individual self-determination, specifically that citizens have the information
and transparency to make informed decisions (e.g., on political ads);
The right to national self-determination, specifically that the decisions in U.S. democracy
should be determined by U.S. actions alone; and
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Understanding the Threat
Information operations, also referred to as influence operations, are the dissemination of informa-
tion, true or false, that seeks to manipulate public opinion and/or influence behavior. The motiva-
tion for conducting information operations ranges from political to social to economic, with state
and non-state actors leveraging technological and psychological tools to achieve their goals. Digital
technologies like social media and encrypted messaging apps have made it possible for nation-states
to conduct and organize information operations on an unprecedented scale. Because the tools
needed for information operations are cheap and widely accessible, adversaries that cannot chal-
lenge the United States through conventional tactics often use IO as an asymmetric means to under-
mine the United States and compete for global influence.
Common information operation tactics include spreading fake or misleading information online,
leaking stolen information online, and using social media to amplify opposing views and stir politi-
cal conflict. Attackers may also penetrate networks to obtain sensitive information with the intent to
manipulate or leak it as part of a broader IO campaign
What’s at Stake?
Information operation campaigns undermine America’s core democratic values by hijacking the
public narrative and manipulating perceptions for the benefit of foreign actors. These actions
represent a direct attack on American interests. Previous campaigns have undermined trust in
democratic institutions, increased suspicion of the media as a check on power and a force for the
public good, exacerbated social tensions and national unrest, falsely discredited political figures
and groups, and directly attacked U.S. economic interests. Campaigns sponsored by Russia, for
instance, have incited rallies by extremist groups, amplified hate speech and themes of excluding
minority groups, and made false claims about the safety of domestic energy production methods.
Simply put, these attacks have been levied with explicit goals to promote foreign interests and
inflict harm on the U.S. political system and on the institutions that serve American citizens.
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The “Who” Behind Information Operations
The information operations threat landscape is multifaceted, but nation-states dominate this
domain of strategic competition. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and other state-level actors have
both the capacity and intent to influence democratic politics and public opinion, and to sow division
across the American electorate.
Russia’s efforts have been most noticeable and widely discussed in the public domain. The U.S.
intelligence community has assessed with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin
ordered coordinated operations to influence the 2016 Presidential elections with the intent to
undermine public faith in the democratic process.1 Moscow has made ample investments in its
capabilities in recent years and has demonstrated its willingness to use them, targeting not only
the United States but also former Soviet republics. Interference with public opinion and informa-
tion has been observed in a variety of channels, from state-owned media outlets to professional
trolls.2 As with cyberattacks and physical attacks, information operation threats should be viewed
as assaults on the American people and the institutions that serve and protect them.
China has actively employed information operations to promote its interests and undercut those
of the United States, but in a subtler manner than Russia. Under President Xi Jinping, China has
made both overt and covert investments in the U.S. media landscape to shape narratives regarding
the Chinese and U.S. roles in the world. Since 2012, China has increased foreign direct investment
in U.S. entertainment, media, and education from nearly zero to some $9 billion while expanding
English-language coverage of the state-run media organizations Xinhua and China Daily.3 Beijing
has also pursued more deceptive approaches to influencing U.S. audiences. For example, a 2015
Reuters investigation reported that China state-run media employed a series of shell companies
to obscure its ownership of 33 radio stations in the United States and 13 other countries.4 These
radio stations actively sought to influence U.S. listeners’ perceptions of key topics, from the South
China Sea to democratic elections in Hong Kong.5 As a strategic competitor, China has used
information operations to undermine U.S. citizens’ commitment to the rules-based international
order and democratic norms and to weaken this country’s willingness to respond.
Iran has also been found to be operating information operation campaigns. In August of 2018,
U.S. cyber threat intelligence firm FireEye tipped off social media companies to over 600 fake
accounts that were likely to have originated in Iran. These accounts and “inauthentic news sites”
were aimed at promoting Iranian political interests in the United States. FireEye characterized the
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.3: November 20, 2017 9
accounts as evidence that actors beyond Russia continue to engage in and experiment with online,
social media-driven influence operations to shape political discourse.6
North Korean capabilities include the country’s influence over South Korea to secure attendance
at the 2018 Winter Olympics and to spread their message that they are established as a nuclear
power. Officials suspect that the intent may have included attempting to drive a wedge in the U.S.-
ROK alliance.7 In 2015, the state’s “Cyber Army” reportedly reached 6,000 troops with the mission
to cause “physical and psychological paralysis.”8 Organizations like APT37, a state-connected
North Korean cyber espionage group, focus on intelligence gathering and target media, and as of
2018, North Korean is reported to be running over 160 propaganda websites with approximately
7,000 active agents supporting these operations.9 A reported 300 agents specialize in “online opin-
ion-rigging activities.” These numbers are expected to grow as state-run websites like Pyongyang
Times are becoming more user-friendly and heavily trafficked.10
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The following 10 recommendations provide concrete actions that the U.S. government can take
now to address the threat posed by foreign information operations. The first half of this section
summarizes the recommendations. The second half elaborates on these recommendations by
providing an overview, bullet points that describe subordinate objectives, and finally a table that
outlines specific actions that U.S. federal departments and agencies can pursue in concert with
one another to best counter or mitigate information operations.
Clearly signal to allies and adversaries alike that the United States will
Publicly condemn IO and not permit foreign powers to influence its democratic processes. Con-
identify malicious actors demn information operations both through public messaging and by
employing technical tools to “name and shame.”
Leverage U.S. force posture to Increase engagement, military-to-military cooperation, and foreign
impose costs and strengthen military sales in key states to fight the growing influence of Russia,
deterrence against future IO China, and other competitors, while clearly identifying U.S. actions as a
attacks response to IO targeting our national interests.
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Increase media literacy training in the education system to build resil-
Increase media literacy
ience of at-risk populations.
Engage “Big Tech” and the private sector more broadly to draw on the
Improve public-private sector
expertise of U.S. citizens to prepare and protect the whole of society
from IO attacks.
Competitors have systematically targeted the United States with false narratives about
our democratic system, political candidates, government officials, and government
actions. Instead of allowing the cycle of disinformation to continue, the U.S. government
should respond with factual counter-narratives. This strategy should provide citizens
of designated IO-offensive countries (e.g., Russia, China) with credible and accurate
information about the actions of their leaders and should highlight how propagandists
within the country attempt to manipulate narratives to mislead their own citizens. The
strategy can draw on the experience of existing programs focused on China and Iran.
There are programs currently in place that provide useful models for this strategy.
For example, “Current Time” is a 24/7 Russian-language TV network operated by the
Atlantic Council, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, and Voice of America (VOA) that
provides accurate and independent local, regional, and international news in more than
10 strategically significant countries.11 Although the platform connects Russian speakers
around the world using digital platforms, social networks, and satellite and cable TV,
“Current Time” does not target Russians inside Russia. Reaching Russian citizens is
challenging because the Russian government has the ability to jam transmissions, arrest
and kill journalists, control the travel of journalists, and close news bureaus.12
• Develop and implement a strategy for creating credible and accurate international
reporting. This effort would likely build on the “Current Time” model by expanding its reach
to include other critical languages and countries. This strategy could benefit by tracking
how foreign audiences are targeted with disinformation to calibrate its reporting so that
those audiences are most receptive. Ensuring that reporting incorporates open source
analysis from other countries, such as the UK’s BBC Monitoring service, can also help
ensure its objectivity.
• Design and execute a plan to deliver the factual counter-narrative content to key
foreign audiences. This may also be done in concert with partners and could include the
decision to avoid targeting certain audiences if the potential ramifications are determined
to outweigh the benefits.
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2. Publicly condemn IO and identify malicious actors
In messaging the nation’s stance on election interference, a clear, consistent, and direct
message is essential. Without a commonly understood framework for what constitutes
illegal information operations, perpetrators go unpunished and a disparate set of affected
candidates, organizations, and agencies will struggle to respond effectively. Therefore, it is
essential that the government identify foreign interference in our democratic processes,
and detail means of response against information operations in domestic elections.
Send a clear, bipartisan message by Congress that the United States does not tolerate
foreign interference in our democratic processes. A unified statement defining information
operations and outlining a response to provocations will demonstrate to foreign actors and
American citizens the bipartisan support for taking action, and help set a framework for
Increase investment in attribution capabilities. In order to fully leverage the value of the
United States’ economic power, the government must identify which entities and individuals to
target for sanctions. Building out the capacity for U.S. agencies to attribute attacks without the
risk of exposing valuable sources and methods will help make targeted sanctions a simpler and
more easily employed tool. This may include partnering with private sector organizations.
Carry out clear, swift, legal punishments for foreign information operations. The United
States should lead efforts to use legal and reputational tools to indict and punish nations and
entities that use cyberattacks and information operations. These punishments may include
corresponding asset freezes, strict travel restrictions, and other sanctions at the disposal of the
U.S. government.
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Implement economic sanctions against propaganda posing as journalism. The U.S. should
impose sanctions, fines, and other barriers against the practice of propaganda under the guise
of journalism. State-controlled media outlets that use their national or international media
platforms to advance influence campaigns must be punished.13
Pick up and pass the Cyber Deterrence and Response Act of 2018 (HR 5576).14 This bill
would direct the Secretary of State to publish names of identified actors who have engaged
in cyber attacks, and direct them to sanction those actors appropriately. Such a bill would
require the State Department to work with Congress to detail the nature of attacks and develop
sanctions, creating a framework for punitive response.
The federal government must think creatively about how it can tackle and disrupt IO.
Preventing terrorist attacks is a useful point of comparison because a large swath of
agencies and departments have had to demonstrate institutional flexibility and ingenuity
in adapting to emerging threats. As with terrorism, it is more effective to prevent IO than
respond to it. This means disrupting the structures and circumstances that enable and
facilitate IO before disinformation campaigns are launched. The government can disrupt
IO channels of influence in a number of ways:
Embrace a whole-of-society response. The federal government can draw on private sector
and not-for-profit support more broadly than it has in the past. This could be conducted in a
number of ways, including offering bounties for the identification of substantial troll factories
and botnets; recognition for white hat hackers and groups that expose IO vulnerabilities; and
hosting hackathons and conferences with the tech sector to share ideas and strategies on
combating IO.
Identity and access management. The federal government can also offer ways to verify and
validate online identities. As with the Twitter “blue check,” which denotes a verified account,
the government’s standards of identity management could be applied to other forums so
that citizens can trust comments posted online. Solutions would be especially relevant to
online political campaigning. While Facebook’s policy of required identification for political
advertisements is welcome, it is unclear whether these measures would have prevented the
IO conducted during the 2016 presidential election, noting the identity and financial fraud that
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 14
has been uncovered. A federal government-delivered online identity and access management
system that allows firms and social media companies to validate customers and users online
could help to keep U.S. citizens safer in cyberspace.
Improving deterrence starts with deploying the right capabilities and shaping the
perceptions of foreign leaders. Because these perceptions reflect a broad assessment of
U.S. intentions and capabilities, deterrence should employ the full spectrum of foreign
policy tools, not just those within the cyber domain. U.S. force posture and readiness
offer a wide range of options to impose costs on strategic competitors and deter future
information operation attacks. On the low end, this includes actions such as increasing
military-to-military cooperation with allies and partners to fight the influence of strategic
competitors like Russia and China. On the high end, this includes actions such as
permanently increasing troop levels or capabilities, prepositioning equipment in strategic
locations, and expanding bilateral and multilateral military training and exercises.
Clearly link U.S. actions to hostile information operations targeting our national interests:
Clearly labeling U.S. force posture actions as a response to Russia’s previous and ongoing
attacks on our democratic system is critical to improving deterrence. Signaling that these
actions are a consequence of Russia’s attack on our democracy demonstrates to Russia and to
other competitors that the United States will forcefully defend its interests.
In addition to combatting the flow of information operations, the U.S. government should
actively communicate with the American public to counter the objectives of foreign
propaganda. Competitors like Russia use information operations to disseminate false
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information and incite social unrest. A defensive public communications strategy would
provide an asymmetric counterbalance to propaganda by focusing on ends rather than means.
Counter the objectives, rather than the propaganda itself: Given the volume and content of
information operations that competitors can spew out through social and traditional media, the
U.S. government cannot and should not respond to each false narrative individually. Addressing
the content directly adds fuel to the narrative’s fire. In a world where news stories are often
read only in sound bites and headline scans, any response is likely only to spread the false story,
rather than effectively combat it. Instead, the government should counter the objectives of
propaganda rather than its content. For example, Russian IO often contains messages reflecting
American weakness and corruption or inciting chaos and distrust in American democratic
institutions. A defensive public communications strategy should focus on countering these
overall objectives.
Share best practices across sectors: Run workshops with government officials and members
of the private sector and civil society to share best practices and learn how to effectively
identify and counter disinformation. Draw on subject matter expertise from Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) and the private sector (e.g., social media companies).15
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8. Increase Media Literacy
Strengthen public service media: The government should invest in public broadcast and
investigative units to emphasize the importance of a free press. This effort should include
a public information campaign to educate at-risk global populations on how to recognize
the signs of disinformation. As part of this initiative, the United States should leverage the
authorizations proposed in CAATSA to increase foreign assistance to European and Eurasian
states and build resilience by supporting civil society initiatives, including media literacy
The 2016 U.S. presidential elections exposed many of the legal loopholes and flaws that
competitors leveraged to employ information operations using political ads, campaign
finance, and other forms of influence. The United States urgently needs to modernize
campaign finance and political advertising laws to cover a broader range of online activity,
enhance transparency requirements, and prevent political spending by foreign nationals.
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Pass the Honest Ads Act: By taking advantage of disparate requirements around identifying
foreign countries’ involvement in advertising buys on different platforms, nation-state
competitors have exploited legal loopholes in our political advertising landscape. The
framework proposed in the Honest Ads Act would bring the requirements for online advertising
in line with those of traditional media platforms, as mandated by the Federal Election Campaign
Act of 1971. Online platforms must have a degree of accountability to disclose buyers of online
campaign ads, and prevent foreign buyers from making such purchases. Platforms should
also be required to include clear, legible disclosures around the buyer and funding for ad
transparency, as an online equivalent to disclosures required for television and radio ads.
The framework of this regime has already garnered some support from companies like Twitter
and Facebook. However, formalizing the framework and setting guidelines around reasonable
expectations for identity verification is needed to help create an enduring barrier to overt
information operation campaigns, and a structure with flexibility to adapt to new channels
of information distribution and advertising going forward. Further, formalization will develop
an expectation of accountability and clarity around enforcement. Indeed, Facebook’s recent
discovery of foreign engagement in coordinated influence campaigns illustrates that identifying
these networks is technically feasible, and platforms selling campaign- or issue- related ads
to U.S.-based users can reasonably be expected to develop systems similar to “know your
customer” regulations to protect platforms from coordinated campaigns and violation of the
Honest Ads Act.22
Update campaign finance Laws: The recommendations above represent a baseline approach,
given existing campaign finance law frameworks. They will pose a deterrent to malicious actors
and a higher cost barrier, but will not protect the public from loopholes and the opportunity for
disguised and “pass-through” campaign influence by well-funded state actors. Strengthening
campaign finance laws to improve transparency, especially around foreign actors, will help to
insulate elections from foreign influence. Legislation should strengthen beneficial ownership
disclosure requirements to prevent foreign influencers from establishing shell corporations
to purchase ads or conduct information operations under domestic addresses. Establishing
disclosure requirements for shell corporations and for corporate or foreign contributions to
Political Action Committee groups can help to prevent a common workaround for making
foreign contributions.
Strengthen the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA): FARA has been leveraged
increasingly to enforce disclosure of government ties and affiliations from lobbyists and
agents, along with details around financial arrangements and the distribution of informational
materials. Originally passed in 1938 to combat Nazi propaganda and information
dissemination, FARA needs to be modernized to cover emerging frontiers for running
information operations. The DOJ took the step of requiring Russia Times and Sputnik to
register under FARA, and should further strengthen the definitions and enforcement of FARA to
encompass organizations distributing information on smaller, more targeted scales online.
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10. Improve Public-Private Sector Collaboration
Based on the nature of the tactics, techniques, and procedures used by hostile nations,
the success of new initiatives to combat IO and disinformation will depend on better
public-private partnerships. Private firms and not-for-profit organizations often find
themselves targeted by disinformation and the U.S. government can do more to prepare
and protect the whole of society and draw on the expertise and insight of U.S. citizens.
There are a number of ways to accomplish this goal, including:
Rebuild the links between social media companies and the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement
communities: The Snowden leaks severely damaged links between the U.S. government and social
media companies. Since then, social media has become a key focal area for hostile nations to compete
with the United States, the European Union, and other allies and partners. Both sectors could do more
to collaborate in countering IO. This must be done in a transparent and open way that allows both sides
to better understand emerging threat pictures and tactics, techniques, and procedures.
Promote social media company voluntary codes of conduct: Competitors often use a
number of different channels and platforms simultaneously to propagate information operations.
Awareness and knowledge of the activities conducted on each platform could prove instrumental
in responding to IO as each platform captures different information from users.23 Twitter, for
example, captures a large amount of information on users from the point of registration onwards.
This includes the IP address used to create the account, basic information about the device
used, and when the account and content was created. Social media companies could establish
information-sharing arrangements among themselves in the event that they suspect users of
disseminating disinformation, helping to disrupt IO. This could be modeled on the efforts of
banks to share information on financial crimes and fraudulent transactions.
Develop Algorithm and Security Measure Audits: The U.S. government could also introduce
rules requiring social media companies to submit algorithms and security measures for auditing.
This would give the government a greater understanding of how social media algorithms can be
targeted and exploited by IO, enhancing its ability to react and respond to disinformation. As part
of this audit, the government could red-team measures implemented by social media platforms
after the 2016 presidential election, including identity requirements for political campaigns, and
make recommendations to strengthen these measures.
Develop incident response and business continuity plans: As with other events, such as
terrorist attacks and civil disasters, the government could offer advice and guidance to the
private and not-for-profit sectors on how to react and respond to IO and disinformation. This
advice could include best practices for cybersecurity measures and cyber forensics around
data breaches and how to work with law enforcement agencies to investigate incidents.
Provide open source threat assessments and alerts: In line with the UK’s National Cyber
Security Centre, the United States could offer open source assessments and alerts on IO-
related threats and incidents.24 This might include cyber-attacks, attempts by trolls to fuel
violent protests, and use of botnets to amplify disinformation. This would allow the private
sector and civil society to better understand threats and prepare themselves accordingly.
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Department- and Agency-Specific Tasks
5 Rotate high-end capabilities through the Eastern Europe and Indo-Pacific theaters—particularly air
assets, including F-35s and B-2s, maritime assets, and Patriot systems. Creating “variable geometry” of
U.S., allied, and partner forces disrupts military planning of competitors.
5 Increase NATO’s presence in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, to seven brigades, including three Armor
Brigade Combat Team equivalents, in addition to the armed forces of the Baltic nations. Starting in the
Baltics aligns with the president’s priority of increasing the number of NATO allies who are spending
two percent of GDP on defense.25
5 Increase the number of Armor Brigade Combat Teams in the U.S. Army.26
5 Along with DoS, communicate to Russian counterparts that a force posture change of this size should
not be seen as a credible threat to Russian sovereignty or territory.27
7 Encourage NATO to build strategic communications and counter-IO efforts into its operational planning
and incident management processes.
7 Develop a center or fund to focus on building and deploying mitigation and enforcement capabilities to
visualize, identify, and monitor patterns and trends in IO campaigns and media manipulation.
7 Align the U.S. counter-IO operations center with NATO’s Intelligence Fusion Centre (NIFC).
10 With DHS, lead the development of incident response and business continuity plans for critical
infrastructure, as well as private sector firms critical to the Defense Industrial Base and the Defense
Innovation Base.
10 Work with DHS to develop open source IO threat assessments and alerts.
Dept. of State 1 Develop a strategy both for creating credible and accurate content and delivering the content to key
foreign audiences.
2 Send a clear message stating that the United States does not tolerate foreign interference in our
democratic processes.
2 Cooperate with Congress and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at the Department of the
Treasury to impose sanctions and economic restrictions against entities advancing information
3 Assist Congress and the Department of the Treasury (OFAC) in enacting effective sanctions by
providing complete and accurate lists of individuals and entities engaged in IO campaigns against U.S.
elections in 2016 and 2018.
5 Along with the DoD, conduct Foreign Military Sales with allies and partners. For example, consider
providing secure communications, counterbattery radars, reconnaissance UAVs, and armored
transport vehicles to Ukraine.29
7 Leverage Global Engagement Center resources and funding to develop and operate tools that more
efficiently identify and attribute IO campaigns.
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 20
Dept. of 4 Develop programs to convene, collaborate with, and incentivize private sector, white-hat hacker
Homeland community, and tech industry innovation and involvement, in countering disinformation (e.g., “bot
Security bounties”).
10 With DoD, develop incident response and business continuity plans for critical infrastructure, as well as
private sector firms critical to the Defense Industrial Base and the Defense Innovation Base.
10 Work with DoD to develop open source IO threat assessments and alerts.
Dept. of Justice 7 Increase FBI and police collaboration and information-sharing with law enforcement bodies, including
Europol and Interpol to pursue and prosecute those conducting IO.
Fedral Bureau of
Investigation 9 Take the lead in modernizing the structure and details of FARA as it relates to the spread of information
on social media networks; develop a structure for enforcing the law and treating foreign nationals
attempting to influence the public discourse through social media platforms and other media under the
same framework as those disseminating content through printed media or TV and radio.
Central 1 Invest and expand open source analysis capabilities, including the Open Source Enterprise, and
Intelligence continue to partner with allies.
Agency 4 Deliver more intensive operations to disrupt IO and disinformation.
Congress 2 Impose sanctions and economic restrictions against entities advancing information operations.
3 Pass the Counteracting Russian Hostilities Act of 2017 to further enact sanctions against individuals
who were engaged in the 2016 IO campaign against U.S. elections. These proposed sanctions would
expand the range of individuals targeted by sanctions and related measures while also providing a
strong threat of cost to future actors.
8 Authorize an increase in foreign assistance to European and Eurasian states to build resilience in
response to information operations.
9 Pass the Honest Ads Act. This would be the first step before the more nuanced work of revising
campaign finance laws to close key loopholes. Congress must also work in tandem with the DOJ to
update and modernize FARA.
10 Emphasize to the private sector the importance of cooperating with U.S. government departments and
U.S. Gov’t Chief 4 Deliver identity and access management solutions for cross-platform and private sector identity
Information verification and validation.
Platform 9 Strengthen the ability to identify foreign accounts routinely amplifying political and issue-related
Companies content on their platforms, as well as paid promotion of related content coming from entities with
affiliations to foreign governments. Doing so will leave companies more prepared to help enforce FARA
once the DOJ and an intra-agency task force begin identifying likely violations.
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 21
1 Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and 11 “Current Time: the Independent Russian-Language
Intentions in Recent US Elections:” The Analytic News Network.” BBG, Broadcasting Board of
Process and Cyber Incident Attribution. DNI, 2017. Governors, 7 Feb. 2017, current-time-independent-russian-language-news-net-
2 “Innovations in Warfare & Strategy—Russia’s
Improved Information Operations: From Georgia 12 Hill, Thomas M. “Is the U.S. Serious about Countering
to Crimea.” Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), Russia's Information War on Democracies?” Brookings,
2017. Brookings Institution, 21 Nov. 2017, www.brookings.
parameters/issues/Summer_2017/8_Iasiello_ edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2017/11/21/is-the-u-s-seri-
RussiasImprovedInformationOperations.pdf ous-about-countering-russias-information-war-on-de-
“Modern Political Warfare: Current Practices and
Possible Responses.” RAND, 2018. 13 One of Congress’ strongest actions in response to the
org/pubs/research_reports/RR1772.html 2016 Russian IO campaign was the passage of H.R.
3364 “Countering America’s Adversaries Through
3 “The U.S.-China FDI Project.” Sanctions Act” (CAATSA), which passed with an overwhelming majority and was signed into law by
President Trump on August 2, 2017. While the bill itself
4 “China is spending billions to make the world
allows for greater action against Russian individuals
love it.” The Economist, 23 May, 2017. https://
and entities involved in IO campaigns, many of the
provisions have yet to be acted on by the Trump
5 Ibid.
14 United States Congress, House, “Cyber Deterrence
6 “Suspected Iranian Influence Operation Leverages and Response Act of 2018.” Congress, 18 Apr.
Network of Inauthentic News Sites & Social Media 2018,
Targeting Audiences in U.S., UK, Latin America, Middle house-bill/5576
East.” FireEye, 2018.
The sanctions bar funds from going to support any indi-
viduals or countries that back Russia’s 2014 annexation
of Crimea, and any persons who engaged in “malicious
7 “Countering North Korea’s Political Warfare.” RAND, cyber-enabled activities.” Specifically, Congress calls
2018. for the President to “impose the sanctions…with respect
ing-north-koreas-political-warfare.html to any person…[who] knowingly engages in significant
activities undermining cybersecurity against any person,
8 “North Korea boosted 'cyber forces' to 6,000 troops, including a democratic institution, or government on
South says.” Reuters, 2015. behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation,”
article/us-northkorea-southkorea/north-korea-boosted- with sanctions including freezing assets and visa sus-
cyber-forces-to-6000-troops-south-says-idUSKBN0KF- pension. In a section specifically labeled “Countering
1CD20150107 Russian Influence and Aggression,” the bill also outlaws
any federal money flowing to the Russian government
9 “Lesser-known North Korean cyber-spy group goes and authorizes $250 million for the Countering Russian
international: report.” Reuters, 2018. Influence Fund.
north-korea-cyber-spy-group-goes-international-re- 15 “Information warfare in the Internet: Countering
port-idUSKCN1G42CH Pro-Kremlin Disinformation in the CEE Countries.”
StopFake, June 2017,
10 “North Korea’s Influence Operations, Revealed.” The content/uploads/2017/07/Information-warfare-in-the-
Diplomat, 2018. Internet_report_19.07-2.pdf
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 22
16 The Atlantic Council. “Democratic Defense Against 25 RAND, “Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic
Disinformation.” 2018. States: What it Takes to Win,” Testimony presented
democratic-defense-against-disinformation-3/ before the House Armed Services Committee,
Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces on 1
RAND. “Modern Political Warfare.” 2018. March 2017: pubs/testimonies/CT400/CT467/RAND_CT467.pdf;
NATO, “Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2011-
17 The Atlantic Council. “Democratic Defense Against
2018),” 10 Jul 2018:
Disinformation.” 2018.
18 United States Congress, “Countering America’s
26 RAND, “Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic
Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.” 2017. https://
States: What it Takes to Win,” Testimony presented
before the House Armed Services Committee,
Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces on 1
19 “Introducing Source Criticism in the Classroom.” March 2017:
Sharing Sweden, Swedish Institute, 13 Dec. 2017. pubs/testimonies/CT400/CT467/RAND_CT467.pdf; NATO, “Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2011-
ing-source-criticism-classroom/; Roden, Lee. “Swedish 2018),” 10 Jul 2018:
Kids to Learn Computer Coding and How to Spot Fake fl2014/assets/pdf/pdf_2018_07/20180709_180710-
News in Primary School.” The Local, The Local Europe pr2018-91-en.pdf.
AB, 13 Mar. 2017,
27 RAND, “Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic
States: What it Takes to Win,” Testimony presented
before the House Armed Services Committee,
20 Brattberg, Erik, and Maurer, Tim. “Russian Election Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces on 1
Interference: Europe’s Counter to Fake News and March 2017:
Cyber Attacks.” Carnegie Endowment for Peace. 2018. pubs/testimonies/CT400/CT467/RAND_CT467.pdf; NATO, “Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2011-
sian-election-interference-europe-s-counter-to-fake- 2018),” 10 Jul 2018:
news-and-cyber-attacks-pub-76435. fl2014/assets/pdf/pdf_2018_07/20180709_180710-
21 Santalo, Janetta. “Sweden Prepares for Fake
News Ahead of Election.” Mundus International, 28 CFR, “Containing Russia, Again: An Adversary
2018, Attacked the United States—It’s Time to Respond,” 19
sweden-prepares-for-fake-news-ahead-election/. Jan, 2018:
22 “Removing Bad Actors on Facebook.” Facebook spond.
Newsroom, 31 July, 2018.
news/2018/07/removing-bad-actors-on-facebook/ 29 CFR, “Containing Russia, Again: An Adversary
Attacked the United States—It’s Time to Respond,” 19
23 Shaffer, Kris. “Spot a Bot: Identifying Automation Jan, 2018:
and Disinformation on Social Media.” Medium, 5 again-adversary-attacked-united-states-its-time-re-
June 2017, spond.
Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 23
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Harvard Kennedy School / Defending Digital Democracy / Version 1.0: February 7, 2019 25