HTML Programs XII

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HTML Program List (for Commerce and Science)

1) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Patients Name, his mobile number
and Date of Birth keep all fields compulsory?
2) Write HTML program to create registration form to accept Name, mobile number,
Date of Birth.The form should have register Caption on the button to submit the data?
3) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Name of the College, Total number
of students in college, Total number of Halls(range till 100).The data should be sent to
4) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Name of the hospital, Email Id of the
hospital, Number of Beds in hospital. The data should be sent to server?
5) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Email ID of the Hotel, Date of
Foundation, Number of tables in hotel. The Data should be send to server.
6) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Student Name, Date of Birth and
Attendance in percentage keep all fields compulsory?
7) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Student Name, Number of practical
completed and Upload certificate and submit button?
8) Write HTML program to create a form to accept Employee Name, Employee Email
ID and Salary(max 50000) and submit button?
9) Write HTML Program to accept Name of the Student(Cannot be blank), Email ID,
Gender (Male and Female),The data should be sent to server?

10) Write HTML program to create ordered list having Name of two friends, Add
unordered list of their hobbies under each name as shown below
 Sanika 1 IT 2 Maths
 Sachin 1 English 2 PT
11) Write HTML program to display names of two department and also display
course like B.Sc, M.Sc, M.A, B.A under department name using unordered list?
12) Write HTML program to create ordered list of 3 languages used for speaking
and unordered list having 2 computer languages?
13) Write HTML program to create a list of 3 flowers in ordered list and list of 3
fruits in unordered list?
14) Write a html code to create an ordered list of Tea,Coffee and Milk and
unordered list under Milk as Turmeric Milk and Plain Milk?
15) Write html program to create an ordered list having names of two friends. Add
unordered list of their hobbies under each name(The program code should display
nested list)?
16) Write a html code to create an ordered list of Tea,Coffee and unordered list
under Coffee as Black coffee and Cold Coffee?

17) Write html program to create an unordered list having names of two students.
Add ordered list of their subjects which they have selected in FYJC below each name?

18) Write HTML program to create an ordered list of 3 commerce subjects and
unordered list having 2 Science Subjects?

19) Write a html program using internal CSS to display two paragraphs. The first
paragraph should have cyan background color and second should have yellow text
color(Write Topic of Your Choice in Paragraph)?
20) Write html code to display “Hello” having bold effect and underline using inline
21) Write HTML program to Display “Ecommerce” having Arial font using inline
CSS, Add ordered list having any two advantages of it?
22) Write html program to display “E Commerce” Having Underline using Internal
CSS. Add any 2 sentences about “Ecommerce” subject below having cyan color
background for the text?
23) Write html code to display scientist name “Homi J Bhabha” having text color
blue, underline the same and align it to the center of the page using internal CSS?

24) Write HTML program to Display “Cyber World” having Arial font and
background color cyan .Add any two advantages having blue color for the text using
25) Write HTML program to Display “Web Designing” in italic format and Having
Underline using Internal CSS. Add any 2 sentences about “Web Designing” in green
26) Write a html code to display “Good morning” Having bold effect and underline.
Also display “Welcome To Our Page” centrally in 30 pixel font size? Use inline CSS
to achieve the above?
27) Write a html program to display “Maharashtra State Board” in blue color and
font size 30 pixels using internal CSS. Give background color yellow for the web?
28) Write HTML program to display inline frame on web page?(Frame name:

JavaScript Program list (only for Science)

1) Write a program using JavaScript to check whether the entered number is even or
2) Write a program using JavaScript to display circumference of a circle?
3) Write a program using JavaScript to calculate Area of triangle?
4) Write a program using JavaScript to display addition and multiplication of three
entered number?
5) Write a program using JavaScript to calculate Perimeter of square (Hint:
6) Write a program using JavaScript to display Multiplication table of a entered number?
7) Write a program using JavaScript to display square of a number from 2 to 10?
8) Write a program using JavaScript to display square and cube of a number?6

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