1. Describe the food guide pyramid. List the number of servings required
from ach group each day. Why is it important to eat a balanced diet?
The pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day. It is not a rigid prescription, but
a general guide that let’s us choose a healthful diet that is right. The pyramid
calls for eating a variety of foods to get the nutrients we need and at the same
time the right amount of calories to maintain or improve our weight.
Eating a balanced diet gives our body the nutrients needed for good health.
Everyday, our body renews itself, building new muscles, bone, skin and blood.
The food we eat should provide the building blocks for these new tissues.
Day 1
Day 2
6. Why is it important to drink plenty of water every day? How much water
should you drink every day?
Water speeds the metabolism and helps a person burn more calories (helps you
process stored fat). Water will flush the system and keep things moving and help
eliminate the toxins. Water regulates all body function. The functions of water are
so important, everything from maintaining temperature to distributing nutrients
throughout the body to providing the shape and rigidity of our cells. It'll be a
lubricant in our joints. Water actually functions as a cushion for body tissues. All
the way around our organs and around every cell, there's a layer of fluid. Water
is a solvent to dissolve sugars in the bloodstream, digestive tract, saliva. It's a
source of trace minerals.
It is recommended that eight 8-ounce glasses of water be drank each day, but a
better and simpler rule is to divide your body weight in pounds in half and then
drink that number of ounces every day.
Colon Cancer
Common colds
8. What is the difference between whole wheat flour and white flour, and
which one has the higher nutritive value.
Whole-wheat flour contains the bran (the fibrous outer layer) and the germ (the part
that sprouts) of the whole-wheat berry. Therefore it has a higher nutritional, fibre, and
fat profile than white flours, which have had both the bran and germ removed.
Bleached white flours not only have had the bran and germ removed, taking with it
essential vitamins and nutrients, they have been "whitened." White flour can be
bleached naturally, as it ages, or it can be bleached chemically.
The RDA or recommended daily allowance is the intake level for a particular vitamin
or mineral that's sufficient to prevent a nutritional deficiency.
Nutrition Advance
3. Do the following:
a. Keep a food diary on yourself for one week.
b. Calculate the total nutrients for each day of the following: calories,
protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin and
Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid.
c. How does this compare with the Recommended Dietary Daily Allowance
4. Explain why a high fiber diet is important and tell how this can be obtained.
Beriberi: The symptoms associated with beriberi are, appetite loss, tiredness,
irritability, muscle aches, limb pains, swollen joints, hand paralysis, foot paralysis,
heart problems.
• Loss of appetite
• Diarrhoea
• Numbness and tingling of hands and feet
• Paleness
• Shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Weakness
• Sore mouth and tongue
• Confusion or change in mental status in severe or advanced cases. This is
sometimes confused with dementia. More importantly, even a moderate
deficiency of this important vitamin and its counterpart, folic acid, may
ultimate contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or other related
9. Why is it advisable to use less sugar in our diet and suggest ways in which
this may be accomplished?
Our body transforms refined sugars into, hard, sticky fats and cholesterol. Sugars
increase our blood fat (triglyceride) levels, which increase atherosclerosis, make
platelets sticky, and increase risk of heart attack, stroke, embolism, high blood
pressure, kidney failure, and heart failure. Sugars inhibit immune function, feed
cancer, feed Candida, yeast, and bacteria, prevent vitamin C transport (glucose
and vitamin C use the same transport mechanism), rob our body of minerals,
cause hypoglycernia and diabetes, burn out our adrenal glands and pancreas,
increase internal stress which increases cholesterol production, can also cause
tooth decay and unruly behaviour. All refined and concentrated sources of sugars
do this and should be avoided as much as possible. Even sweet fruit eaten in
excess can have this effect in some people. Fruit should be eaten in moderation.
Fizzy drinks should be avoided, reduce the intake of sweet foods.
10. Using the book Counsels on Diet and Foods, write a paragraph on the
benefits of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.