Eng HL Gr.6
Eng HL Gr.6
Eng HL Gr.6
English Home
Subject Term 1
Grade 6 Week 7-8
Listening and Reading and Writing and Presenting Language Structures and
Speaking Viewing Writes a dialogue Conventions
Listens to and Reads a simple play Word level work: • Adverbs
discusses a or drama (manner, time)
Link to Teaching Spelling and punctuation:
and Assessment quotation marks
Plan Sentence level work: • Sentence
types (statements, questions,
Word meaning: • synonyms,
Introduction Theme: Plays/dialogue
• Learners will discuss the differences and similarities between plays and stories.
• Learners will answer discussion questions based on a virtual text.
• The teacher will introduce learners to theme vocabulary.
Consolidation • Learners will complete the different activities.
Paper based resources: Digital resources:
DBE Workbook; any examples of plays, scripts, Quotation marks:
dramas; Textbook; Dictionary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5IN7Qw0z4
Sentence types:
Synonyms and antonyms:
Resources / LTSM
Skills Teaching Methodologies/
(WHAT I am going to
(WHAT I am going to (HOW I am going to
use to
teach/guide/support) teach/guide/support…)
Listening & Speaking: • Learners will read through an Worksheet Week 7 and 8
explanation of what plays
are. Learners will look at a
book cover with the titles of
plays and answer questions
about it.
• Read the text to the learners
and allow them to answer
the questions independently.
Reading & Viewing: • Before learners read the text
TEACHER’S in Activity 1.2 and 2.1
ACTIVITIES independently, the teacher
must direct their attention to
the text features of a
dialogue. Learners must
engage in active reading
and make notes where they
observe similarities and
differences between stories
and plays/dialogue writing.
You may follow the same Only read the text to a child The links above may be
instructions as written for during the Listening and Speaking helpful to explain lesson
the teacher and for the activity. Allow your child to read plan content.
learners. the instructions independently
and then have your child explain
to you what he/she should do.
Rather than reading the
instructions to the child if he/she
does not understand, let your
child read it again and ask,
“What part do you not
PARENT’S Have a conversation about your
ACTIVITIES favourite play, movie or television
programme that you enjoyed
watching or seeing as a child or
even recently and share your
own experiences. Do not lecture.
Allow your child to discuss the
advertisement with you. Discuss
dialogue (a conversation
Activity 1.1
A play is a story that is written to be acted out on stage. The text elements that plays
consist of include dialogue; setting; characters and a plot which follows a sequence of
events. It also has stage directions written within brackets which provide the character
with information about their actions or thoughts. Do you think it is possible to change
stories into plays? What are the differences and similarities between stories and plays?
Answer the following questions after looking at the book cover that follows.
1.1.1 Which of the original titles or fairytales, now written as plays, do you recognise on
the book cover?
1.1.2 Which of the plays, based on their titles, would you like to watch or read? Give a
reason for your answer.
1.1.3 Say or write the definition of a play in your own words.
1.1.4 What do you think is the main difference between a play and a story?
cicada - a large homopterous insect with
long transparent wings, found chiefly in warm
countries. The male cicada makes a loud,
shrill droning noise by vibrating two
membranes on its abdomen.
ladybug - a small beetle with a domed back,
typically red or yellow with black spots; a
moth - an insect with two pairs of broad
wings covered in microscopic scales, typically
drably coloured and held flat when at rest.
Moths are chiefly nocturnal, and lack the
clubbed antennae of butterflies.
Narrator: Spiderella lived with her two ladybug stepsisters. The stepsisters were
very mean. They were constantly making fun of Spiderella. They
always made Spiderella do all the chores.
First Ladybug: We’re both beautiful ladybugs. We have pretty spots and dainty wings.
We have six legs. You have eight legs.
Second Ladybug: Yeah, you’re weird, Spiderella. You have two extra legs. The only thing
your extra legs are good for is doing housework.
First Ladybug: Hop to it, Spiderella. Put those extra legs to work. Sweep out the
pantry! Clean up the kitchen!
Second Ladybug: We’re ladybugs. We’re too sweet and pretty to do housework. Besides,
we might hurt one of our beautiful wings.
Narrator: Spiderella went about her work sadly. Her two mean ladybug stepsisters
simply sat around the house chattering and gossiping. They were both
very excited. There was going to be a big Bug Ball thrown by the
Cicada Prince.
First Ladybug: I’m so excited. I want to look beautiful so that the Cicada Prince will
fall in love with me.
Second Ladybug: I’m going to wear a lovely ball gown and the Cicada Prince will ask me
to marry him.
Spiderella: I’d like to go to the Bug Ball, too.
First Ladybug: That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. You have eight legs, not six.
How would you even dance?
Second Ladybug: The only thing you’re good for is cleaning and spinning webs. Go spin
us gowns for the ball.
Narrator: The day of the ball arrived. The cruel ladybug stepsisters set off
wearing the gowns that Spiderella had spun. Spiderella stayed home
dressed in ragged clothing and doing chores. Spiderella washed and
dried the dishes with her eight legs. She was very sad.
Spiderella: Oh, I wish I could go to the Bug Ball. It would be so much fun.
Narrator: Spiderella was crying so hard that she didn’t even notice that she had a
visitor. It was a brown insect with wings and a tiny tiara. It was her
Fairy Godmoth.
1.2.2 Name one difference between the main character and her sisters mentioned in the play.
1.2.3 What were the female characters in the play excited about?
Narrator: The Fairy Godmoth flapped her wings. Suddenly, Spiderella’s rags
turned into a beautiful dress. The Fairy Godmoth flapped her wings
one more time. Glass slippers appeared before Spiderella. There
were eight of them, set up in a neat row. Spiderella put on the eight
glass slippers and climbed into the acorn coach drawn by the four
strong ants.
Spiderella: (happy and excited) Well, I’m off to the Bug Ball.
Fairy Godmoth: Have a wonderful time, dear. But remember, be back home by the stroke
of midnight. Otherwise, your acorn coach will turn back into an acorn
and your gown will turn back to rags.
Narrator: At the Bug Ball, Spiderella had a wonderful time. She danced with
a very handsome cricket and an extremely humorous roly-poly.
Cicada Prince: And now, I’d like to play a song for the most beautiful bug at the ball.
First Ladybug: He’s walking right toward me.
Second Ladybug: You’re bugging out, sis. He’s obviously walking toward me.
2.1 Name on thing the stepsisters made Spiderella do that proved how mean they were.
Inferencing questions
When you infer, you reach a conclusion using evidence and facts from the text, but your answer
is not stated in the text.
2.3 Why do you think stepsisters wanted to marry the prince? (1)
2.4 Why do you think the author chose a moth to be the Fairy Godmoth and not any other
insect? (1)
2.5 How do you think this story ends? (1)
2.5 Do you think it is right to treat people in the same way the stepsisters treated Spiderella?
Justify your answer. (1)
Appreciation question
This type of question helps you to understand social and emotional aspects.
2.6 How does it make you feel when you see or read about people/characters being mean
to others? Give a reason for your answer.
2.7 Literary questions to discuss
2.7.1 Explain the use of the narrator in the play.
2.7.2 What is the setting of the play?
2.7.3 Which character in the play is really sweet and innocent?
2.7.4 Which character in the play comes to the rescue?
2.7.5 What could the theme of this play be?
2.7.6 List four differences and similarities between plays and stories. Include the style of writing
You are going to write your own play using dialogue format. You will read through the following
short fairytale and then rewrite as a dialogue. Remember the following:
Ensure that you keep the text features and structure of a dialogue in mind such as the
title; stage directions; characters; setting and the lay-out of a dialogue using colons.
Remember: Although a dialogue is written in direct speech, quotation marks or inverted
commas should NOT be used.
Read the following story first, then rewrite the story in dialogue format. Think whether you would
like to include a narrator to guide the story.
List of characters
Criteria – My dialogue or x
Has a title.
Is written using the names of the characters first; then a colon; then the spoken
Has stage directions written within brackets.
To find an adverb of
If you are not sure how
manner, ask HOW
to find an adverb or
the verb is done.
time or manner, these
questions may help you! To find an adverb of
time, ask WHEN the
verb is done.
4.1.1 She and her mother worked hard to make ends meet. _________________________
Quotation marks or inverted commas are used to indicate a speaker’s direct words.
Punctuate the following sentences correctly by adding quotation marks and other
punctuation marks.
e.g. He asked her: “Why are you in such a hurry?” or He asked her, “Why are you in
such a hurry?”
Identify what type of sentence each of the sentences in Activity 4.2 is. Start with 4.2.1
and work your way down to 4.2.5.
The following words are printed in bold in the text, The Legend of the Chrysanthemum.
Read the words within the context of each sentence and then complete the table by
adding a synonym and an antonym for each word.