EM 1110-2-1602 Part 20

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EM 1110-2-1602

15 Oct 80
61. Loftis, B., and Fontane, D. C. 1976 (Apr). "Falls Lake Water-
Quality Study; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation," Miscellaneous
Paper H-76-6, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

62. Loftis, B., Saunders, P. E., and Grace, J. L., Jr. 1976 (Feb).
"B. Everett Jordan Lake Water-Quality Study," Technical Report
H-76-3, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE,
Vicksburg, Miss.

63. Louis, D. S., and Allen, A. E. 1971 (Jan). "Trash Rack Studies-
Seneca Pumped-Storage Plant," Meeting Preprint 1284, National
Water Resources Engineering Meeting, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Phoenix, Ariz., 11-15 Jan 1971.

64. Madison, R. D., and Parker, J. R. 1936. "Pressure Losses in

Rectangular Elbows," Transactions, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Vol 58, pp 161-176.

65. Marchetti, M. , and Noseda', G. 1960 (Apr). "Head Losses in

Symmetrical Penstock Bifurcations with a Constant Diameter,"
L'Energia Electrica, Vol XXXII, No. 4; also published as Transla-
tion No. 63-2, Aug l963, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

66. Mattimoe, J. J., Tinney, E. R., and Wolcott, W. W. 1965 (Oct).

"Rock Trap Experience in Unlined Tunnels," Journal, Power Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 90, No. P03, Paper 4067,
PP 29-45.
67. Maynard, S. T., Loftis, B., and Fontane, D. G. 1978 (Jan).
"Temperature Analysis and Selective-Withdrawal Design Study,
Tallahala Creek Lake, Mississippi; Mathematical Model Investiga-
tion," Technical Report H-78-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

68. MelsheimeT, E. S. 1969 (Dec). "Outlet Works for Beltzville Dam,

Pohopoco Creek, Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation,"
Technical Report H-69-18, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

69. 1973 (Jun). "Outlet Works Stilling Basins, Clinton

and Fort Scott Dams, Wakarusa and Marmaton Rivers, Kansas; Hydrau-
lic Model Investigation," Technical Report H-73-6, U. S. Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
70. Melsheimer, E. S., and Oswalt, N. R. 1969 (Oct). "Outlet Works
for New Hope Reservoir, Cape Fear River Basin, North Carolina;
Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report H-69-14, U. S.
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

71. Mercer, A. C. 1970. "Vane Failures of Hollow-Cone Valves," Pro-

ceedings, IAHR, Stockholm, Sweden.

72. Miller, D. S. 1971. "Internal Flow; A Guide to Losses in Pipes

and Duct Systems," British Hydromechanics Research Association,

73. Moody, L. F. 1944. "Friction Factors for Pipe Flow," Transac-

tions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol 66, pp 671-684.

74. Moore, M. 0. 1968 (Oct). "Incrustation in Water Pipelines,"

Journal eline Division American Societ of Civil En ineers
Vol 94, No. PLl, Paper 161, pp 37-47.

75. Munsey, T. E. , and Neilson, F. M. 1971 (Apr). "Prototype Observa-

tions of Snettisham Project Diversion Tunnel, Long Lake, Alaska,"
Miscellaneous Paper H-71-7, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experi-
ment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

76. Murphy, T. E. 1959 (Jun). "Entrances to Conduits of Rectangular

Cross Section; Investigation of Entrances Flared in Three Direc-
tions and in One Direction," Technical Memorandum No. 2-428,
Report 2, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE,
Vicksburg, Miss.

'T'T. 1971 (Mar). "Control of Scour at Hydraulic Struc-

tures," Miscellaneous Paper H-71-5, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

78. Nag, P. K. 1970 (Aug). "Free Discharge Regulating Valves; Their

Characteristics, Uses, and Limitations," Control of Flow in Closed
Conduits, Proceedings of the Institute, held at Colorado State
University, Ft. Collins, Colo., 9-14 Aug 1970, pp 451-470.

79. Naudascher, E., Kobus, H. E., and Rao, Ragam Pondu R. 1964 (May).
"Hydrodynamics Analysis for High-Head Leaf Gates," Journal,
draulics Division American Societ of Civil En ineers Vol 99,
No. HY3, Proc Paper 390 , pp 155-192.

EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
80. Neilson, F. M. 1971 (Sep). "Rowell-Bunger Valve Vibration,
Su:mmersville Dam, Prototype Tests," Technical Report H-71-6, U. S.
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

81. Neilson, F. M., and Carstens, M. R. 1967 (Jul). "Hydraulic Model

Studies of Pahlaui Dam Sluiceways," Industrial Research Project
A-962, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.

82. Nikuradse, J. 1932. "Gesetzmassigkeiten der Turbulenten Stromung

in Glatten Rohren" (in German), VDI Forschungsheft 356.

83. Office, Chief of Engineers. 1970. "Alternate Conduit Gate Con-

trol Structure," ETL 1110-2-84, 13 Mar 1970, Washington, D. C.

84. 1971. "Additional Guidance for Riprap ·Channel Pro-

tection" (Change 1), ETL 1110-2-120, 14 May 1971, Washington, D. C.

85. 1974. "Stilling Basins for Reservoir Outlet Works,"

ETL 1110-2-193, 30 Aug 1974, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experi-
ment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

86. 1978. "Nitrogen Supersaturation," ETL 1110-2-239,

15 Sep 1978, Washington, D. C.

87. Ortoano, L. 1974 (Jan). "Issues in Water Resources Impact Assess-

ments," Journal, Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil
Engineering, Vol 100, No. HYl, Proc Paper 10292, pp 173-187.

88. Oswalt, N. R. 1971 (Mar). "Pomona Dam Outlet Stilling Basin

Modifications," Memorandum Report, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, 4ti.ss.

89. 1973 (Apr). "Outlet Works Stilling Basin for

Tallahala Dam, Tallahala Creek, Mississippi; Hydraulic Model
Investigation," Technical Report H-73-5, U. S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss.

90. Parmakian, J. 1955. Waterhammer Analysis, 1st ed., Chapter 3,

Prentice-Hall, New York.

91. Petermann, F. 1929. "Loss in Oblique-Angled Pipe Branches , 11

Transactions, Hydraulic Institute, Technical University, Munich,
Bulletin 3; published by ASEM, Bulletin 3, 1935.


. /
EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
92. Peters, H. 1934 (Mar). "Conversion of Energy in Cross-Sectional
Divergencies Under Different Conditions of Inflow" (translation),
Technical Memorandum No. 737, National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, Washington, D. C.

93. Pickett, E. B., Hart, E. D., and Neilson, F. M. 1970 (Aug).

"Prototype Experiments with Large Gates and Valves," Control of
Flow in Closed Conduits, Proceedings of the Institute, held at
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., 9-14 Aug 1970,
PP 495-518.

94. Prandtl, L. 1932. "Zur Turbulenten Stromung in Rohren und Langs

Platten" (in German), Ergebnisse der Aerodunamischen
Versuchsanstalt zu Gottinhen, IV Lieferung, R. Oldenberg, Munich
and Berlin, pp 18-21.

95. Reddy, Y. R. , and Pickford, J. A. 1972 (Mar). "Vortices at

Intakes in Conventional Sumps," Water Power, pp 108-109.

96. "Report to the Vice-President and to the President's Council on

Recreation and Natural Beauty," 1 Nov 1968, Working Committee on
Federal Construction, Washington, D. C.

97. Ripken, J. F. 1970 (Aug)-. "Fundamentals of Cavitation," Control

of Flow in Closed Conduits, Proceedings of the Institute, held at
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo., 9-14 Aug 1970,
PP 353-378.

98. Robertson, R. A., and Ball, J. W. 1971 (Jul). "Model Study of

Power Intake Gate of Mossyrock Dam," Journal, Hydraulics Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 97, No. HY7, Proc Paper
8229, pp 889-906.

99. Rouse, H. 1946. Elementary Mechanics of Fluids, Wiley, New York.

100. 1946. "Use of the Low-Velocity Air Tunnel in Hydrau-

lic Research," Proceedings, Third Hydraulics Conference, State
University of Iowa.

101. 1950. Engineering Hydraulics, Wiley, New York.

102. Rouse, H., Bhoota, B. V., and Hsu, En-Yun. 1951. "Design of
Channel Expansions," Transactions, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Vol 116.

EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80

103. Rueda-Briceno, D. 1954 (Feb). "Pressure Conditions at the Out-

let of a Pipe," M.S. Thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

104. Russell, S. 0., and Bell, J. W. "Sudden Enlargement Energy

Dissipaters for Mica Dam Outlets," Western Canada Hydraulic
Laboratories, Ltd., Port Coquitla.m, B. C., Canada.

105. Ruus, E. 1970 (Mar). "Head Losses in Wyes and Manifolds,"

Journal, Eydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Vol 96, No. HY3, Proc Paper 7130, pp 593-608.

106. Schlichting, H. 1968. Boundary-Layer Theory, 6th ed., McGraw-

Hill, New York; translated by Dr. J. Kestin, Brown University,
Providence, R. I.

107. Schader, E. W., and Dawson, F. M. 1934. Hydraulics, 2d ed.,

McGraw-Hill, New York.

108. Schoklitsch, A. 1937. Hydraulic Structures; A Text and Handbook,

Vol II, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.

109. Scott, L. R., Jr. 1970 (Dec). "Scott's Plots for Compressible
Flow Through Duct System Elements," NASA Technical Brief No.

110. Sell, L. E. 1971 (Jan). "Hydroelectric Power Plant Trashrack

Design," Journal, Power Division, American Society of Civil Engi-
neers, Vol 97, No. POl, Paper 7819, pp 115-121.

111. Sharma, H. R. 1976 (Nov). "Air-Entrainment in High Head Gated

Conduits," Journal draulics Division American Societ of
Civil Engineers, Vol 102, No. HYll, Proc Paper 12523, pp 1 29-1646.

112. Silberman, E., and Dahlin, W. Q. 1971 (Apr). "Further Studies of

Friction Factors for Corrugated Aluminum Pipes Flowing Full,"
Project Report No. 121, St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory,
University of Minnesota, Minn.

113. Simmons, W. P., Jr. 1959 (Jan). "Air Model Studies of Hydraulic
Downpull on Large Gates," Journal, Hydraulics Division, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 85, No. HYl, Paper No. 1903.

114. Singh, A. 1969 (May). "Transition from Circular to Rectangular

Section," Journal, :Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Vol 95, No. HY3, Proc Paper 6562, pp 893-906.

EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80

115. Smith, P. M. 1964 (May). "Hydraulic Downpull on Ice Harbor

Powerhouse Gate," Journal, Hydraulics Division, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Vol 90, No. HY3, Proc Paper 3903, pp 193-213.

116. Sprenger, H. 1969 (Mar). "Head Losses in 90° Elbows for

Rectangular Pipes," Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Vol 87, No. 13,
pp 223-231; also published as Translation No. 70-3, Sep 1970,
U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg,

117. Straub, L. G., and Morris, H. M. 1950. "Hydraulic Tests on

Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipes," Technical Paper No. 5, Series B,
St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, University of Minnesota,

118. Streeter, V. L. 1961. Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill,

New York.

119. Syamala Rao, B., Lakshmana Rao, N. S., and Shivaswamy, M. S. 1968
(Nov). "Energy Losses at Conduit Trifurcations," Journal, Hydrau-
lics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 94,
No. HY6, Proc Paper 6207, pp 1363-1374.

120. Thomas, C. W. 1955 (Jul). "Discharge Coefficients for Gates and

Valves," Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers, Paper
No. 746.

121. Thompson, W. T. 1965. Vibration Theory and Applications,

Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.

122. U. S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources, CE. 1972 (Jun).
"An Analysis of Environmental Statements for Corps of Engineers
Water Projects," IWR Report 72-3, Ft. Belvoir, Va.

123. U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE. 1947 (Jun).

"Model Studies of Conduits and Stilling Basin, Bull Shoals Dam,
White River, Arkansas," Technical Memorandum No. 2-234, Vicksburg,

124. 1952 (Jun). "Outlet Works Stilling Basin for

Texarkana Dam, Sulphur River, Texas; Hydraulic Model Investigation,"
Technical Memorandum No. 2-346, Vicksburg, Miss.

125. 1953 (Apr). "Pressure and Air Demand Tests in

EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct SO
Flood-Control Conduit, Denison Dam, Red River, Oklahoma and Texas,"
Miscellaneous Paper No. 2-31, Vicksburg, Miss.

126. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE. 1954 (Dec).
"Flood Control Outlet Structures for Tuttle Creek Dam, Big Blue
River, Kansas; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical
Memorandum No. 2-396, Vicksburg, Miss.

127. 1956 (Mar). "Cavitation at Baffle Piers; CWI Item

No. 806, Cavitation Investigation (Hydraulics)," Miscellaneous
Paper No. 2-154, Vicksburg, Miss.

128. 1956 (Mar). "Entrances to Conduits of Rectangular

Cross Section; Investigation of Entrance Flared in Four Directions,
CWI Item No. 802, Conduit Intake Model Tests," Technical Memoran-
dum No. 2-428, Report No. 1, Vicksburg, Miss.

129. 1956 (Mar). "The Effect of Artificial Stimulation of

the Turbulent Boundary Layer in Rectangular Conduits," Miscellane-
ous Paper No. 2-160, Vicksburg, Miss.

130. 1959 ( Jun). "Outlet Works for Abiquiu Dam, Rio Chama,
New Mexico; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical Report
No. 2-513, Vicksburg, Miss.

131. 1959 ( Jun) . "Prototype Tests in Flood-Control

Conduit, Enid Dam, Yocona River, Mississippi," Technical
Report No. 2-510, Vicksburg, Miss.

132. 1960 ( Sep) . "Outlet Works for Oa.he Dam, Missouri

River, South Dakota; Hydraulic Model Investigation," Technical
Report No. 2-557, Vicksburg, Miss.

133. 1963 (Mar). "Impact-Type Energy Dissipater for Storm-

Drainage Outfalls, Stilling Well Design; Hydraulic Model Investiga-
tion," Technical Report No. 2-620, Vicksburg, Miss.

134. "Tuttle Creek Prototype Tests" (unpublished),

Vicksburg, Miss.

135. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1938. "Model Studies of Penstocks

and Outlet Works; Boulder Canyon Project, Final Report, Part VI--
Hydraulic Investigations," Bulletin 2, Denver, Colo.

136. 1958 (Jul). "Importance of Smooth Surfaces on Flow

EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
Boundaries Downstream from Outlet Works Control Gates," Hydraulic
Laboratory Report No. HYD-448, Denver, Colo.

137. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1958 (Sep). "Hydraulic Design of

Stilling Basin and Energy Dissipaters," Engineering Monograph
No. 25 (Revised Jul 1963), Denver, Colo.

138. 1963 (Jan). "Hydraulic Model Study of the Diversion

Tunnels for Oroville Dam, California," Department of Water Re-
sources, Hydraulic Branch Report No. HYD-502, Denver, Colo.

139. 1969 ( Jun). "Progress Report No. XIII, Research

Study on Stilling Basin Energy Dissipaters and Associated Appurte-
nances - Section 14, Modification of Section 6 (Stilling Basin for
Open Channel Outlets- Basin VI)," Report No. HYD-572, Denver, Colo.

140. 1971 (Feb) . "Hydraulic Model Studies of Folsom

Spillway-Outlet Junction," REC-ERC-71-12, Denver, Colo.

141. Vogel, G. 1926 and 1928. "Investigation of Loss in Right-Angled

Pipe Branches," Hoschule-Munchen No. 1, 1926, and No. 2, 1928,
Hydraulic Institute, Technical University.

142. Von Karman, T. 1930. "Mechanische Aehnlichkeit und Turbulenz"

(in German), Proceedings, Third International Congress for Applied
Mechanics, Stockholm, Vol 1, pp 85-93; A graph labels the smooth
pipe curve "Von Karman-Prandtl, 1921."

143. Wang, T. S. 1972 (Jun). Turbulent Flow in a Pipe Inlet Region,

Ph. D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colo.

144. Wasielewski, R. 1932. "Loss in Smooth Pipe Bends with Bend Angles
Less Than 90°" (in German), Mitteilungen des Hydraulischen Instituts
der Technischen Hochschulen Muenchen, Munich, Heft 5, pp 53-67.

145. Williamson, J. V., and Rhone, T. J. 1973 (May). "Dividing Flow in

Branches and Wyes," Journal, Hydraulics Division, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Vol 99, No. HY5, Proc Paper 9729, pp 747-769.

146. Yarnell, D. L. 1937 (Oct). "Flow of Water Through 6-Inch Pipe

Bends," Technical Bulletin No. 577, U. S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C.

147. Zanker, K. J. , and Brock, T. E. 1967 ( Jul). "A Review of the

Literature on Fluid Flow Through Closed Conduit Bends," TH 901,
British Hydromechanics Research Association.

EM 1110-2-1602
Chan~e 1
1 ) ~ar 87



Symbol Term Units

a Length of miter bend segment

A Cross-sectional area (subscripts denote


B Width (in breadth) ft

c Distance in fillet detail ft

c Circular shape
Discharge coefficient
Pressure drop coefficient (subscripts denote
dimension of flow)
Celerity (velocity) of pressure wave ft/sec
Resistance coefficient in Chezy's equation ft /sec
Relative loss coefficient
Half width of conduit ft
Critical-slope ~urface profile (subscripts
denote relation to depth)

cc Contraction coefficient

Conveyance factor (1.486 AR2 13 ) ft 19/6 /sec *

Coefficient for modified center-line trajectory
for stilling basins subject to low-flow
eddies *
cp Pressure drop parameter

CORPS Conversationally Oriented Real-Tfme

- !rogram-Generating !Ystem

d Diameter ft
Depth of flow ft

Depth of flow entering hydraulic jump ft

(Sheet 1 of 8)

EM 1110-2.-1602
.i.5 ~.ar 87


Symbol Term Units

Depth of flow leaving hydraulic. jump ft

Differential of y with respect to x ft/ft

D Diameter or height of conduit (subscripts ft

denote locations)
Dimension of conduit in plane of entrance ft
Valve diameter ft
Depth of gate slot ft

Equivalent hydraulic diameter (-4 x hydraulic ft


Median diameter of riprap stone (by weight) ft

e Half of transition wall conveyance ft

E Modulus of elasticity lb/ft
Gate passage invert elevation ft msl

EGL Energy grade line

f Resistance coefficient (factor) in Darcy-

Weisbach formula

Forcing frequency H
Natural frequency H
JF Froude number
g Gravitational acceleration ft/sec
G Gate opening ft

Bend loss ft
h Entrance (intake) loss ft
(Sheet 2 of 8)


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