Postoperative ST Segment Elevation Not A Blocked.8
Postoperative ST Segment Elevation Not A Blocked.8
Postoperative ST Segment Elevation Not A Blocked.8
Wai‑Ching Sin1, Joy Melody Kwong1, Tiffany Cho‑Lam Wong1, Charlotte Kwong2, Carmen Chan3, Chung‑Wah Siu3
Departments of Adult Intensive Care Unit and 2Radiology, Queen Mary Hospital, 3Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine,
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
ST‑segment elevation is well known for its diagnostic value for transmural myocardial infarction due to acute thrombotic occlusion of a
coronary artery and often requires emergency reperfusion therapy. However, ST‑segment is by no means pathognomonic for acute coronary
events. Here, we report a case of ST‑segment elevation after hepatectomy secondary to an unusual etiology.
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DOI: How to cite this article: Sin WC, Kwong JM, Wong TC, Kwong C, Chan C,
10.4103/2470-7511.248349 Siu CW. Postoperative ST-segment elevation: Not a blocked coronary artery,
then what? Cardiol Plus 2016;1:42-3.
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