English - G1-3 - Diagnostic Test

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Quarter Domain CG Code MELC No. of Learning Competencies
Quarter 3 PA EN1PA- 1 10 Recognize rhyming words in
IIIa-e-2.2 nursery rhymes, poems,
songs heard
G 2 5 Recognize sentences
(telling and asking) and
LC, OL 3 12 Listen to short stories/poems
1. note important details
pertaining to a.
character b. setting c.
2. Give the correct
sequence of three
3. Infer the character
feelings and traits
4. Identify cause and
effect/or effect of events
5. Identify the speaker in
the story or poem
6. Predict possible ending of
a story read
7. Relate story events to
one’s experience
8. Discuss, illustrate,
dramatize specific events
9. Identify the problem and
10. Retell a story listened to
11. Ask simple questions
about the text listened to

OL EN1OL- 4 8 Use/Respond appropriately

IIIa-e-1.5 to polite expressions:
greetings, leave takings,
expressing gratitude and
apology, asking permission,
offering help

OL 5 5 Talk about oneself, one’s

family and one’s personal

Quarter 4 G EN1G-IVa- 6 5 Recognize common action

e-3.4 words in stories listened to
G EN1G-IVf-j- 7 12 Recognize describing words
5 for people, objects, things
and places (color, shape,
size, height, weight, length,
distance, etc.)
V EN1V-IVa- 8 5 Sort and Classify familiar
e-3 words into basic categories
(colors, shapes, foods, etc)
V EN1V-IVf-j- 9 8 Give the meaning of words
12.1 using clues (TPR, pictures,
body movements, etc.)
LC EN1LC- 10 6 Follow one-to-two step
IVg-h-3.6 directions
OL EN1OL-IVi- 11 4 Give one-to-two step
j-1.17.1 directions
Quarter Domain CG MELC No. of Learning Competencies
Code Days
Quarter 1 PA EN2PA- 1 5 Classify/Categorize sounds
Ia-c-1.1 heard (animals,
mechanical, objects,
musical instruments,
environment, speech)
AK,PA 2 8 Read the alphabets of
English and associate to
G 3 3 Recognize common or
proper nouns in simple
sentences listened to
G 4 4 Recognize the use of a/an +
noun in simple sentences
listened to
VD EN2VD- 5 8 Identify the English
Id-e-1 equivalent of words in the
Mother Tongue or in Filipino
AK EN2AK- 6 4 Give the beginning letter of
IIa-e-3 the name of each picture
G EN1G- 7 4 Recognize common action
IIa-e-3.4 words in retelling,
conversation, etc.
LC EN2LC- 8 4 Identify and discuss the
IIa-b-2.2 elements of a story (theme,
setting, characters, and

Quarter 2 BPK EN2BPK- 9 3 Recognize the common

Ib-c- terms in English relating to
part of book (e.g. cover,
title page, etc.) book
BPK EN2BPK- 10 4 Discuss the illustrations on
IIIa-1 the cover and predict what
the story may be about
BPK EN2BPK- 11 4 Identify title, author and
IIIb-2 book illustrator and tell what
they do
WC 12 5 Generate ideas through
prewriting activities
WC 13 4 Writing some words, a
phrase, or a sentence
about an illustration or a
RC EN2RC- 16 8 Identify the basic sequence
IIId-e- of events and make
2.4 relevant predictions about
S 14 8 Spell high-frequency words
with short a, e, i, o and u
sound in CVC pattern
G 15 4 Use common action words
in retelling, conversations,

Quarter 3 RC 17 4 Use clues to answer

questions, clarify
understanding and justify
predictions before, during
and after reading (titles,
pictures, etc)
V 18 4 Create or expand word
V 19 3 Recognize that some words
may have the same
(synonyms) or opposite
(antonyms) meaning
LC EN2LC- 20 3 Recognize the difference
IIIf-g- between “made-up” and
3.15 “real” in texts listened to
LC EN2LC- 21 4 Identify important details in
IIIh-3.1 expository text listened
LC EN2LC- 22 6 Retell and/or reenact
IIIi-j-2.6 events from a story
OL 23 4 Talk about texts identifying
major points and key
OL EN2OL- 24 8 Participate in choral
IIIc-d- speaking and echo reading
1.2 of short poems, rhymes and
stories with repeated
patterns and refrains in
OL EN2OL- 25 4 Listen and respond to texts
IIIe-f-1.1 to clarify meanings heard
while drawing on personal
Quarter 4 PWR 26 5 Read words with short e, a,
i, o , and u sound in CVC
PWR 27 4 Match the picture with its
sight word
PWR EN2PWR- 28 5 Spell 2-syllable words with
IIId-f-7.1 short e, a, i, o, and u sound
in CVC pattern
G EN2G- 29 5 Use personal pronouns(e.g.
IVa-b- I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
4.2.1 in dialogues
G EN2G- 30 4 Use demonstrative pronouns
IVc-d- (this/that, these/ those)
G EN2G- 31 3 Use the most frequently
IVg-i-7.3 occurring preposition (e.g.
on, over, under, to, from,
above, etc.)
PWR 32 3 Differentiate words with
different medial vowels (eg:
cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun)
V 33 6 Read phrases, short
sentences and short stories
consisting of words with
short e, a, i, o, and u then
answer the Who, What and
Where questions about
S 34 5 Write the names of pictures
with the short a, e, i, o, and
u words
Quarter Domain CG MELC No. of Learning Competencies
Code Days
WC 1 3 Describe one’s drawing about the
Quarter stories/poems listened to using simple and
1 compound sentences
WC 2 3 Write a short descriptive paragraph about
a character or setting in stories listened to

WC 3 3 Write a short paragraph providing

another ending for a story listened to

WC EN3WC- 4 3 Write a diary


G 5 3 Use different kinds of sentences in a

dialogue (e.g. declarative, interrogative,
exclamatory, imperative)
G EN3G-If- 6 3 Use common and proper nouns in a
2.2 sentence

G EN2G- 7 3 Use plural form of regular nouns by

Ig-h-2 .3 adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish,
G EN3G-Ii- 8 3 Use plural from of frequently occurring
j-2.4 irregular nouns (e.g. children, feet, teeth)

PWR EN3PWR- 9 4 Review reading and writing short e, a, i, o,

Ia-b-7 and u words in CVC pattern

PWR EN3PWR- 10 4 Read phrases, sentences and short stories

Ij-21 consisting of 2-syllable words

OL EN3OL- 11 4 Initiate conversations with peers in a

Ia-3.8 variety of school settings

OL 12 4 Summarize and restate information

shared by others


Quarter G EN3G- 13 3 Use the be-verbs (am, is, are, was, were)
2 IIa-b-3.4 correctly in sentences

G 14 4 Use simple verbs (past, present, future) in

PWR 15 4 Read words with initial and final
consonant blends

PWR 16 4 Read familiar words and phrases in texts

PWR EN3PWR- 17 4 Read words, phrases, sentences and short

IIi-j-22.1 stories consisting of words with consonant
digraph ch and sh and other words
previously studied

S 18 2 Spell one- to- two syllable words with initial

and final consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr)
and consonant digraphs (ch and sh)
RC EN3RC- 19 3 Identify commonly used possessive
IIIa 2.7.1 pronouns and use them in a sentence

RC 20 3 Identify several effects based on a given


RC EN3RC- 21 4 Make inferences and draw conclusions

IIIa 2.11 based on texts (pictures, title and content
RC EN3RC- 22 2 Distinguish fact from opinion
IIIa 2.13

RC EN3RC- 23 3 Use different sources of information in

IIIg-j-2.5 reading

V EN3V- 24 2 Recognize some words represented by

IIIa-7 common abbreviations (e.g. Mr. Ave.,


Quarter V EN3V- 25 2 Homonyms (e.g. flower/flour)

3 IIIe-f13.6

V EN3V- 26 2 Homographs (e.g., read-read)

V EN3V- 27 2 Hyponyms – type of (e.g. guava - type of
IIIi-j-13.7 fruit)

LC EN3LC- 28 2 Identify possible solutions to problems


LC 29 2 Identify the elements of an

informational/factual text hear
PWR 30 2 Read words with long a sound(long a
ending in e)

PWR 31 2 Read words with long i sound(long a

ending in e)

PWR 32 2 Read words with long o sound(long a

ending in e)

PWR 33 2 Read words with long u sound(long u

ending in e)

RC 34 3 Read sentences, stories, and poems

consisting of long a words and questions
about them
RC 35 3 Read sentences, stories, and poems
consisting of long i words and questions
about them
RC 36 3 Read sentences, stories, and poems
consisting of long o words and questions
about them
RC 37 3 Read sentences, stories, and poems
consisting of long u words and questions
about them
RC 38 4 Read phrases, sentences, stories and
poems consisting of long a, i, o, and u
OL 39 2
EN1OL- Ask and respond to questions about
IIIg-h- informational texts listened to
3.2 (environment, health, how-to’s, etc.)
OL EN3OL- 40 2 Compare and contrast information heard

V EN1V- 41 2 Read word with affixes



Quarter G EN3G- 42 3 Use the degrees of adjectives in making

4 IVi-j-5.2 comparisons (positive, comparative,
G EN3G- 43 3 Recognize adverbs of manner

SS/RC 44 2 Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar

places, signs and symbols
SS/RC 45 1 Interpret simple graphs

SS/RC 46 1 Interpret simple tables

SS/RC 47 1 Interpret pictographs

LC EN3LC- 48 2 Restate facts from informational texts

IVi-j-3.5 (climate change, children’s rights, traffic
safety, etc.) listened to
PWR 49 2 Read words containing vowel digraphs -

PWR 50 2 Read words containing vowel digraphs -

ai, ay

PWR 51 2 Read words containing vowel digraphs -

ai, ay, ea

PWR 52 2 Read words containing vowel digraphs -

ai, ay, ea, ee

PWR 53 2 Read words containing vowel digraphs -

ai, ay, ea, ee, oo

PWR 54 2 Read words containing vowel digraphs -

ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa

RC 55 1 Read phrases, sentences and stories with

vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
with questions

PWR 56 2 Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy


PWR 57 2 Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy

(boy), oi (boil)

PWR 58 2 Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy

(boy), oi (boil), ou (out)

PWR 59 2 Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy

(boy), oi (boil), ou (out) ow (bow)

RC 60 2 Read phrases, sentences and short stories

consisting vowel diphthongs: oy, oi, ou,
ow with questions
PWR EN3PWR- 61 2 Recognize and read some irregularly
IVj-22 spelled words (e.g. such as enough,
through, beautiful)

OL EN3OL- 62 2 Present information in varied artistic ways

IVa-e- (e.g. role playing, show and tell, radio
1.19 play/podcast/broadcast/reporting/poster

Name: _________________________ Date: _________

Grade and Section: ____________ Score: ________

1. Read the poem inside the box. Which word rhymes

with pan?
a. brook
b. fry
c. hook
d. man

2. Which word rhymes with high based on the poem in

the box?
a. are
b. sky
c. twinkle
d. wonder

3. Which is NOT a sentence?

a. to the table
b. Mia is my friend.
c. I like to eat ice cream.
d. Father is resting on the couch.

4. Which of the following is a sentence?

a. I like
b. planted trees
c. ate chocolate
d. Liza is reading a book.
5. This is Maria. She is a Filipino like you.

What is the color of her skin?

a. black
b. fair
c. white
d. yellow

6. This is Ana. She is six years old. She lives in the province
of Isabela, and she loves to drink milk.

What is the name of the girl?

a. Ana
b. Isabela
c. Lana
d. Maria

7. Which words describe the dog based on the poem

a. fat and tall
b. pretty and thin
c. pretty and kind
d. kind and helpful

8. How many toys does the dog have?

a. one b. two c. three d. four
9. Read the passage above. Which is the proper
sequence of the story?


10. Nathalie received a chocolate cake as her birthday

What do you think would Nathalie feel?
a. happy
b. mad
c. sad
d. scared

11. Daniel goes outside to bike. A few meters away from

their house, a dog barks and runs after him.

What do you think he would feel?

a. afraid
b. angry
c. excited
d. happy
12. Ms. Cruz informs her class that they will have a test on
Friday. When the test results came out, Ben got a
perfect score.
Why did Ben get a perfect score?
a. He watched TV.
b. He ate nutritious food.
c. He read and studied well.
d. He copied from his classmate.

13. Yesterday, my brother Carlo and I were playing in the

park. “Let’s go home. Mother would be looking for us
now,” said my brother. “Yes, it would be better if we
run,” I replied.
Who is talking in the story?
a. Carlo’s father
b. Carlo’s friend
c. Carlo’s mother
d. Carlo’s sibling

14. It is Sunday. All your family members woke up early,

dressed up, and prepared to leave.
Where do you think your family members would go
a. to school
b. to church
c. to the market
d. to the hospital

15. Mother gave you a present because you got a perfect

score on an English test. In return, what would you say?
a. Sorry, mother.
b. Thank you, mother.
c. Excuse me, mother.
d. You’re welcome, mother.
16. You went to school early in the morning and you met a
teacher. What would you say?
a. Good morning, ma’am.
b. Good afternoon, ma’am.
c. Good evening, ma’am.
d. Goodbye, ma’am.

17. Mother _________a cake for my birthday. Looking at

the picture, which action word best fits the sentence
a. bakes
b. cleans
c. cooks
d. waters

18. We live in a blue house. Which word in the sentence

best describes the house?
a. house
b. blue
c. clean
d. live

19. If you are asked to raise your two arms and smile, how
would you do it?
a. c.

b. d.

20. Which directions were followed based on the picture?

a. Put your right hand on your chest and smile.
b. Put your right hand on your chest.
c. Put your right hand on your chest and walk.
d. Put your right hand on your tummy.

Name: _________________________ Date: _________

Grade and Section: ____________ Score: ________

Directions. Read the statements carefully. Write the letter

of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the animals give the sound meee-meee?

A. cat B. dog C. goat D. hen

2. Which of the pictures below produce a loud sound?

3. Which is the noun in the sentence: The boy dances

A. boy B. dances C. happily D. The

4. What is an example of a proper noun for a person?

A. boy B. celebrity C. girl D. Zarina

5. I saw _____ cow in the field.

A. a B. an C. in D. of

6. What is the beginning letter of the picture below?

A. b
____eb B. k
C. p
D. w
7. Ivan and Ian sweep the floor. What is the action word
in the sentence?
A. Ivan B. ball C. sweep D. the

8. What does the picture tell about the story?

A. Gardening with Family

B. Spending time with Family
C. Fun Day with Grandparents
D. Reading a Story with Parents

9. Look at the picture below. What is the name of the

author of the book?

A. Leo Espinosa
B. Sally Espinosa
C. Sally Lloyd Jones
D. Goldfish on vacation
10. Which CVC word with short vowel /a/ sound is used in
the sentence?
The boy gets his pen in the bag.

A. bag B. boy C. gets D. his

11. Which of the following is the correct name of the


A. bet B. net C. pet D. pit

12. Complete the sentence with the appropriate CVC

I drink a _____ of milk in the morning.

A. cap B. cop C. cup D. kap

13. A huge stone was used in the stone painting. What is

the antonym of the underlined word?
A. big B. long C. small D. tiny

14. Which is the correct pronoun for the underlined word

in the sentence?

Lito is watching a movie. _____ is watching an action

A. He B. It C. She D. We

15. Which is the correct pronoun in the sentence below?

Look at _____ birds up in the tree.
A. that B. these C. this D. those
16. Which sentence tells something about the picture?

A. The dog is in the desk.

B. The dog is on the desk.
C. The dog is under the desk.
D. The dog is behind the desk.

17. Which is the correct preposition in the sentence


There are ten bananas _____ the fruit basket.

A. at B. in C. on d. under

18-20. Listen to the selection the answer the questions

Fun Run
There is fun run in the farm.
My family joins the fun run.
We see some nuns too.
We shared buns with the nuns.
It is fun!

18. Which activity was joined by the family?

A. fun bun B. fun fam C. fun nun D. fun run

19. Where did the fun run take place?

A. in the mall
B. in the farm
C. in the plaza
D. in the church

20. Who did they see?

A. buns B. nuns C. runs D. suns

Name: ____________________________ Date:___________

Grade and Section: _______________ Score: __________

Directions. Read the statements carefully. Write the letter of the

correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following best describes the drawing?

a. The family brought a tree to sell in the market.

b. The family helped each other in planting a tree.
c. The father taught his children how to plant a tree.
d. The children did not listen to their parents on how to a
plant tree.

2. Read the passage in the box carefully.

Lyka is a Grade 3 pupil who loves to read and write. Last

Saturday, she reviewed their lessons well in English because
their teacher announced that they will be having a test.

Which is the best possible ending of the passage?

a. She got a high score.

b. She didn’t pass their exam.
c. She got half of the passing rate
d. She was not able to take their examination

3. What kind of sentence is used in the statement below.

Are you a Grade 5 pupil?
a. Imperative sentence
b. Declarative sentence
c. Exclamatory sentence
d. Interrogative sentence
4. Which of the following statement is an example of an
exclamatory sentence?
a. Yehey! I made it!
b. Please, do not liter.
c. Kids, are you okay?
d. The girl wore a red dress.

5. Which of the following proper noun can best replace the

underlined common noun in the sentence?

She loves to review her lesson every night.

a. Maria c. Mario
b. Martin d. Rodel

6. What is the correct plural form of the word box?

a. boxs b. boxies
c. boxes d. boxss

7. There are _______ (child) playing in the plaza. What is the

correct plural form of child?
a. child c. childish
b. childs d. children

8. Which of the following is CORRECT about summarizing a text?

a. It retells all the important parts of the story.
b. It is a shortened version of a story.
c. It includes the main idea, supporting details and theme of
the story.

9. What be-verb should be used to complete the sentence


Where are you from? I _____ from Benito Soliven, Isabela.

a. am b. is
c. are d. was
10. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Last week, I attend my cousin’s birthday
b. Last week, I attends my cousin’s birthday.
c. Last week, I attended my cousin’s birthday.
d. Last week, I will attend my cousin’s birthday.

11. What verb should be used in the sentence below?

Mica _____ my grandparents every weekend.

a. visit c. visiting
b. visits d. visited

12. Which of the following possessive pronouns should be used to

complete the statement below?

Elizabeth submitted ______ project on time.

a. hers b. him
c. her d. its

13. Elsa loves to eat chocolates and candies every day. She
does not also brush her teeth after eating. What do you think
will happen?
a. She will go to the dental clinic.
b. She will have more cavities in her teeth.
c. She will hate eating chocolates and candies.
d. She will keep eating more chocolates and candies.

14. What is the most appropriate conclusion based on the given

statement below?

Arman woke up late and was in a hurry to go to school.

He forgot to bring his snacks. During recess, his teacher
approached him and asked why he is crying.

a. His teacher gave him snacks.

b. He went home and got his snacks.
c. He bought his snacks in the canteen.
d. He asked his classmates to give him some food.
15. Which of the following statements is an example of a fact?
a. The sun is hot.
b. I saw a man flying.
c. I think will pass the test.
d. Maybe it will rain today.

16. What is the correct word to use in the sentence below?

Marlo can _________ his name on the board.
a. right b. rite
c. write d. write

17. Which of the following best fits the picture below?

a. Rica loves to watch cartoons.

b. My friends invited me to watch a movie.
c. Ronnie loves to wear his watch everyday.
d. My mother told me to lessen watching television.

18. Which of the following sentences expresses a solution to a

a. Jom and Jam are worried.
b. My friends got wet in the rain.
c. My brother’s right hand was swelling.
d. Sam brushes her teeth every after a meal.

For items 19-20. Read the text and answer the question that

Lara has a pet.

It is a dog.
Her pet’s name is Eli
One Saturday, Eli met a cat name Elias on
the street.
They played together and became friends.
19. Who are the characters in the story?
a. Lara, Eli, and Elias b. Lara, Elias, and Lily
c. Lara, Eli, and Lisa d. Eli, Elias, and Lisa

20. Where did Eli and Elias meet?

a. at a party
b. in the plaza
c. in the street
d. in the house of Lara

21. Which of the following words has a long /ō/ sound?

a. log b. note c. stop d. clock

For items 22-23. Read the text and answer the question that

Animals in the Environment

Wherever we go, we can see different kinds of animals. We can
see them in our surroundings where they live and seek their basic
needs like food for them to live. Oftentimes, we can see dogs,
cats, chickens, and ducks in our homes and backyard. Some
animals like carabaos, cows, and goats are usually seen on our
farm and field. There are also tilapias, mud fishes, dalag, and
karpa in rivers and streams.

22. Based on the text, where can animals be seen?

a. in school
b. in the market
c. inside our house
d. in our surroundings

23. If dogs, cats, chickens, and ducks can be seen in our homes
and backyard, what animals can be seen in rivers and
a. ducks and chickens
b. dalag, karpas, and cats
c. carabaos, cows, and goats
d. tilapias, mud fishes, dalag, and karpa
Tita Lucy has two children. They are Lita and Lino. Lita
is a Grade 3 pupil while Lino is a Grade 4 pupil at
Mabuti Elementary School. They both loved reading
books like comics and storybooks.

The following are the similarities between Lita and Lino,

EXCEPT one. Which is not?

a. Lita and Lino are children of Tita Lucy.

b. Lita is a Grade 3 pupil and Lita is a Grade 4 pupil.
c. Lita and Lino is a pupil of Mabuti Elementary School.
d. Lita loved to read comics and Lino loved to read

25. Which of the following adjectives should be used to complete

the statement?

Ronmar is the ______ among his five siblings in their family.

a. young b. younger
c. youngster d. youngest

26. What adverb of manner is used in the sentence below.

The Grade 3 – Sampaguita of Magalang Elementary School
welcomed their new teacher respectfully.

a. new b. respectfully
c. teacher d. welcomed

27. Which of the following statements corresponds to the sign and

symbol below?

a. Mica leaves her ID at home.

b. Mica keeps her ID inside her bag.
c. Mica wears her ID before entering school.
d. Mica hides her ID from the security personnel.
For items 28-29. Study the graph and answer the questions that

28. Which is the most favorite vegetable of the Grade 3 pupils?

a. ampalaya b. beans
c. eggplant d. squash

29. Which is the least favorite vegetable?

a. ampalaya b. beans
c. eggplant d. squash

30. Which of the following phrases has a diphthong?

a. enjoy the day b. in the room
c. friendly school d. washed hands

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