Techno-Economic Assessment and Wind Energy Potential of Nagad in Djibouti
Techno-Economic Assessment and Wind Energy Potential of Nagad in Djibouti
Techno-Economic Assessment and Wind Energy Potential of Nagad in Djibouti
Corresponding Author:
Abdoulkader Ibrahim Idriss
Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Université de Djibouti
Street Djanaleh, BP 1904, Djibouti, Djibouti
Email: [email protected]
The future of the East African population is uncertain due to two major challenges which are the
lack of access to modern energy services and the vulnerability associated with climate change. These
challenges are at the origin of the reflections engaged to reinvent the energy future by carrying out the
necessary transitions towards energy systems that allow responsible growth and reconcile economic
development, environmental protection, and the reduction of inequalities.
Access to electricity is a key indicator of a country's level of development. Generation of electricity
from renewable energy such as wind, sun (solar thermal and photovoltaic), hydro, and geothermal can play a
major role in electricity production in Eastern African countries. Several programs are defined by the
Sustainable Energy for All [1], [2] as well as the renewable capacity statistics from the International
Renewable Energy Agency [3] to offer a new form of planning centered on needs and to redefine the energy
model of the region and the associated policies. Wind energy is the most non-polluting, sustainable and can
potentially make a significant contribution to developing countries with poor infrastructure for power
generation. The cost, performance, and reliability of renewable energy technologies are significantly
improved to the point that they can now compete with conventional energy sources in several applications
[4], [5]. Numerous studies have been done to assess the wind speed characteristic and wind power potential
in the world [6], [7] and especially in Africa [8]–[10]. According to [11], the levelized cost of electricity and
net present cost in Yanbu region of Saudi Arabia are estimated as (0.0885$/kWh and 23.8$) for Enercon
E-126 EP4 wind turbine that leads their corresponding values of (0.142$/kWh and38.3$) for WES 30 turbine.
Abd in [12] has provided a strategy based on a weather change to find the optimal designing and modelling
for four types of wind energy conversion system models using HOMER software. The study has focused on
the technical, economic, and profitability calculation for any renewable energy system. In Saswat et al. [13],
India have demonstrated the effectiveness of the hybrid PV/solar/wind power system, which is given the best
and most efficient alternative to conventional energy sources. Idriss et al. [14] conducted the potential of
wind and solar energy in two rural sites in Djibouti which are Herkalou and Lake Assal. They showed that
the studied sites receive the greatest amount of solar radiation compared to other places in the world with the
global radiation value of 2,898 kWh/ (m². year). In addition to that, the sites have an encouraging potential to
develop a hybrid power system for any application. Queen et al. [15] have investigated the advantages of
integrating natural source of energy from the renewable energies to the prevailing electric power systems. For
the two studied standard IEEE system (IEEE 14 bus and IEEE 30 bus), the price of electricity acquired from
the grid is lowered by 30% with incorporated renewable energy systems. In addition, Sakhrieh et al. [16]
provided a techno-economical study of the optimized hybrid system includes photovoltaics, a biogas
generator, batteries, and a diesel generator in the rural sites. The levelized cost of energy of 0.06$/kWh and a
net present cost of 2,100,000$ have been estimated for the optimized hybrid system. In Egypt,
Abdelrahman et al. [17] have examined the wind energy potential and the economic feasibility to develop the
first wind farm at Elkharga Oasis. With 50 MW wind farm at Elkharga, they concluded that the cost of
energy is much cheaper by > 50% than the current tariff in Egypt. Daoudi et al. [18] have demonstrated the
economic viability of the two onshore wind farms located in the province of Tantan. The results have shown
that the two wind farms have a good potential to develop the wind farm with the cost of the production values
of 3.45$/kWh and 3.87$/kWh in Tantan-1 and Tantan-2, respectively.
The total potential of wind energy is estimated at 1,300 GW in the Sub-Saharan African regions.
The use of micro and small wind turbines in urban and rural installations is increasing over the world, and it
is still in the developing phase in East Africa. Djibouti imports all its energy needs while the country has a
high potential in renewable energies, untapped until now. Recent surveys conducted as part of the strategy to
combat poverty reveals that 49.7% of sedentary households (99.5% of which are in urban area) use electricity
to power lighting systems with an average consumption estimated at 228 kWh/year per capita. However, this
prominence of energy for Djiboutian households’ masks huge disparities in access linked to the availability
and high production costs of around 52 DJF/kWh (0.32$/kWh set by Electricité de Djibouti). The country
survived until May 2011 on electricity produced from imported petroleum products. Consequently, high
production costs are a barrier to access to energy sources for the poorest of the population. In the Republic of
Djibouti, a few studies have been conducted to analyze wind power generation [19], more attention should
concentrate on the resource of wind speed potential in the urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the country.
During the implementation of the wind project, it is recommended to evaluate the character of the wind speed
data, the feasibility depending on the location, the characteristics of wind turbines (horizontal or vertical axis
models, cut-in and cut-out velocity, rated velocity, power energy output, and capacity factor), the cost
analysis (initial cost, maintenance costs during the lifetime of the turbine), and the energy potential before
any wind energy system. Researchers have studied the integration of micro, small, and mid-sized wind
systems using several statistical and probability distribution analyses of wind speed data [20]–[22].
According to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC:614-00-12), the Weibull 2-parameters are
becoming a standard indicator of probability distribution function (PDF) to describe the wind characteristics
[23]. Others have investigated by using several numerical methods for fitting the wind speed data as well as
the graphical (GM), the moment (MM), and the energy pattern factor (EPFM) methods [24]–[26].
In this work, the wind potential assessment, and the economic feasibility of using commercially
available wind turbines are evaluated for the Nagad peri-urban site, located in the southern part of Djibouti-
city. Potential Djibouti sites for wind energy generation have not been thoroughly explored as the
development of wind project continues to be hampered by the lack of reliable and accurate wind datasets in
many parts of Djibouti, as well as the lack of both qualified human resources and accessibility of
mountainous and hostile areas of the northern and southern regions for scientists and researchers. Therefore,
the objective of this paper is to evaluate the cost of energy production from micro, small and mid-sized wind
turbines which will serve as a benchmark in the national energy plan. The statistics and costs provided by this
study have enabled government officials and potential investors to propose a strategy to reduce the weight of
energy consumption bills in the household budget and to make energy more accessible for all. The
fundamental contributions and research originality of this paper can be summarized as:
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- Estimating the wind energy, for the first time, in Nagad owing to its windy and less strict topography
- Illustrating the performance comparisons of nine wind turbines with various technologies (horizontal and
vertical) and characteristics
- Evaluating the economic viability by analysing the cost of energy production
The rest of this paper is subdivided into four sections. Section 2 presents the methodology including
the site description and the wind data analysis are presented. In section 3, the results are discussed. Finally,
the section 4 presents the conclusion and the recommendation of this study.
2.1. Study area: Nagad site description and wind data
Nagad is a coastal site (at 11.3124° N and latitude 43.0739° E, altitude 8 m) located near to the
International Airport of Djibouti. The site is situated in the south of Djibouti city and is identified as a peri-
urban area. Due it’s to rather close proximity to the equator, Djibouti is classified as a hot and humid country.
This type of climate receives the highest amount of solar radiation compared to other regions. The high level
of solar radiation also causes high air temperatures. The meteorological actual wind data were collected and
analyzed hourly and every 10 min taken by a mast at 10 m height for a period of five years from 2015 to
2019 using Vantage Pro2 equipment. It includes a mast, an anemometer, a wind vane, a thermometer, and a
barometer. The equipment was installed in July 2014 on the roof of the Department of Electrical and Energy
in the Faculty of Engineering. Daily average wind speed, wind directions, and temperatures were measured in
10 min time intervals, at 10 m height above the ground level.
Figure 1(a) displays a histogram that illustrates the monthly average temperature (including
minimum and maximum). This graph highlights the cold and hot seasons. The period extends from October
to April where the climate is rather pleasant, with average temperatures between 18 °C and 34 °C during the
day and 17 °C and 32 °C at night. The second season extends from May to September, with very high
temperatures. Ranging from 24 °C to 46 °C during the day, and at night it ranges from 20 °C to 42 °C. The
difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures in the hot summer months is slightly higher
than in the cooler months.
Figure 1(b) shows a monthly average contour map of diurnal mean wind speeds over the studied
period. The average wind speeds are higher during the hot period (5-7.5 m/s from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.) than
during the coldest one (4-6 m/s from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.). The wind characteristics information for a specific
site can be combined visually in a wind rose. The latter allows the three essential pieces of information to be
grouped in a single graph: wind speed, direction, and frequency by sector.
Figure 1(c) reveals an omnidirectional wind with a dominant wind from the west (5%, 9 m/s)
generated by the Ethiopian highlands in summer. This wind which is called "Khamsin" is dry and hot. During
the cold season, the city is swept by easterly winds (11.5%, 11 m/s) generated by the trade winds, humid
winds from Arabia, and the Gulf of Aden. The annual mean wind speed is 4.28 m/s during the period
considered, here 5 years. These representations are the first approach, allowing to have a quick overview of
the wind profile of a site for a wind energy application.
Further analyses of wind data were performed in Figure 1(d). The EPFM method is adopted in this
study to describe the power density function (PDF) and the cumulative density function (CDF). The EPFM
method requires less computation, and easier implementation to calculate the wind power density with less
error at any height and location. Based on the latter method, the scale and shape parameters are estimated,
which will be discussed in section 3.
𝑘 𝑣 𝑘−1 𝑣 𝑘
𝑓(𝑣) = ( ) ( ) 𝑒𝑥𝑝 [− ( ) ] (1)
𝑐 𝑐 𝑐
𝑘 𝑣 𝑘−1 𝑣 𝑘
𝑓(𝑣) = ( ) ( ) 𝑒𝑥𝑝 [− ( ) ] (2)
𝑐 𝑐 𝑐
where v is the wind speed, c (scale) and k (shape) are the Weibull parameters, respectively.
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To calculate k and c values, several methods are proposed in the literature [28], [29]. In this work,
the EPFM is selected because it is a valuable and direct method that does not demand repetitions, simple and
̅̅̅3 ) to the cube
easy to tool and formulate. 𝐸𝑝𝑓 is defined the as ratio between the mean of cubic wind speed (𝑣
of mean wind speed (𝑣 ). The 𝐸𝑝𝑓 can be calculated as (3) [21].
1 𝑛
𝑣3 ∑ 𝑣3
𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑖
𝐸𝑝𝑓 = 3 = 1 3 (3)
𝑣 ( ∑𝑛 𝑣)
𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑖
𝑐= 1 (5)
𝛤 (1+ )
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. Nagad site wind data covering 2015-2019 (a) monthly mean temperature of Nagad’s wind speed
data, (b) monthly (and daily diurnal) contour map of the hourly mean wind speed data, (c) wind rose
diagram, and (d) PDF and CDF curves compared to the observed wind data
Where 𝑣0 is the wind speed at the initial height ℎ0 and α is the power-law commonly admitted to be 1/7. As
the wind speed varies with height, similarly, the Weibull parameters c and k are also functioning of hub
height. Using (7) and (8), the parameters can be calculated.
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ℎ 𝑛
𝑐(ℎ) = 𝑐0 × ( ) (7)
(1−0.088𝑙𝑛( ))
𝑘(ℎ) = 𝑘0 × ℎ (8)
(1−0.088 𝑙𝑛( ))
(0.37−0.088𝑙𝑛(𝑐0 ))
𝑛= ℎ (9)
(1−0.088 𝑙𝑛( ))
2.2.3. Evaluation of wind power density, energy density, capacity factor, power, and accumulated
annual energy of the wind turbines
The wind power is mathematically expressed as (10) [31].
1 3
𝑃(𝑣) = 𝜌𝐴 𝑣 (W) (10)
The air density ρ is assumed to be 1.225 kg/m3 and the rotor area of the turbine is A (m²). The wind power
density (WPD) in a selected site at a period with Weibull parameters can be expressed as (11).
𝑃 (𝑣) 1 3
𝑊𝑃𝐷 = = 𝜌 𝑐 3 𝛤 (1 + ) (𝑊/𝑚²) (11)
𝐴 2 𝑘
While wind energy density (WED) is defined as the power density over a period, energy density can be
evaluated using (12). Where T is a period of time (hour).
To evaluate the efficient and best-suited wind turbine for the Nagad site, nine commercial turbines
of the site were selected. Average power output (𝑃𝑒.𝑎𝑣𝑒 ), capacity factor (CF), and accumulated annual energy
(AEP) are the important performance parameters to study wind speed installed in a given site. The 𝑃𝑒.𝑎𝑣𝑒 and
CF of a wind turbine are calculated by (13) and (14).
𝑣 𝑘 𝑣 𝑘 𝑣𝑓 𝑘
−( 𝑐𝑐 ) −( 𝑟 )
𝑒 −𝑒 𝑐 −( )
𝑃𝑒.𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 𝑃𝑒𝑅 ( 𝑣 𝑘 𝑣 𝑘
−𝑒 𝑐 ) (13)
( 𝑟) −( 𝑐 )
𝑐 𝑐
Where 𝑣𝑐 , 𝑣𝑟 and 𝑣𝑓 are the cut-in, rated, and cut-off wind speeds respectively. PeR is the rated electrical
power of the wind turbine. The AEP is calculated over a period by using (15) [32]. Where t is the time,
example for one a year period it has 8760 in hours.
The cost of produced energy (in kWh) by turbines at the respective location was estimated as 20%
for the investment cost (I), the inflation (i) and interest (r) rates are 2% and 11.2% [34], with the lifetime (lt)
of wind turbines is 20 years. The operation, maintenance, and repair cost (Comr) are 15% (minimum cost)
and 25 % (maximum cost). The scrap value (S) is 10 %. The cost per kWh of electricity generated (UCE) can
be determined by (17) [33].
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𝑈𝐶𝐸 = ( ) (17)
Table 1. Mean wind speed, Weibull parameters, WPD and WED over the considered period
Period 𝒗 (m/s) k (-) c (m/s) WPD (W/m²) WED (kWh/m²)
Jan 4.7 1.91 5.6 125.52 93.39
Feb 3.99 1.83 4.82 93.87 63.08
Mar 3.89 1.82 4.58 92.73 68.99
Apr 3.38 1.71 4.33 68.32 49.19
May 3.39 1.72 4.13 68.53 50.99
Jun 3.89 1.83 4.59 94.05 67.71
Jul 4.9 1.98 5.42 222.56 164.84
Aug 5.30 1.99 6.11 222.06 165.21
Sep 3.39 1.72 4.33 68.53 49.34
Oct 3.99 1.83 4.82 94.09 70.00
Nov 3.89 1.83 4.59 93.78 67.52
Dec 3.99 1.83 4.82 93.94 69.89
Cold season 4.10 1.72 4.59 94.88 482.78
Hot season 4.54 1.65 5.08 136.10 499.78
Annual 4.05 1.83 4.84 111.49 976.65
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(a) (b)
Figure 2. Extrapolation for (a) monthly and (b) annual and seasonal results of mean wind speed and power
density at selected heights
3.3. Performance of nine small wind turbines: monthly, yearly and seasonal analysis
In this part of the study, the performances of the nine different wind turbines were calculated. These
turbines are selected based on their availability in the Republic of Djibouti and for their tower heights. The
characteristics of the wind turbines are given in Table 3. Here, HAWT and VAWT mean the type of
Horizontal and Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, respectively. Seven HAWTs namely Aeolos, Antaris, RX30,
Vestas V20, Enercon, Nordex, and Vestas V44, and two VAWTs namely Turby and Sun surf were used to
estimate the energy production for all the considered years and were analyzed.
The annual and seasonal mean variation of 𝑣̅ , k, and c are shown at different hub heights
corresponding to the wind turbines heights 12 m, 15 m, 18 m, 24 m, 30 m, and 50 m. At 50 m, the mean wind
speed value is 5.37 m/s, k and c values are 1.96 and 7.41 m/s, respectively. The shape parameter shows a
small variation for different heights and periods, whereas the scale parameter values vary between 5.30 m/s
(at 12 m height) to 7.78 m/s at 50 m in the hot season. For the cold season, the c parameter variation ranges
from 4.8 m/s (at 12 m height) to 7.15 m/s at 50 m, which is a sign that the site is suitable for
wind applications. For all heights, it is noted that the hot season presents high wind characteristics than the
cold season.
Thus, Pe,ave, CF, and AEP given by these wind turbines are calculated using (13), (14), and (15).
Additionally, Figure 3 shows the monthly variation of estimated CF and AEP of wind turbines. For the
monthly analysis, the outcomes can be listed as:
- The mean capacity factors and annual energy output values were recorded in August, as 28.97% and
215 kWh for Aeolos small-scale wind turbine, whereas the minimum values were 22.80% and 59.3 kWh
for Antaris turbine, given in Figure 3(a). In this case, depending on the hub height of the wind turbine and
PeR of the turbine, the Aeolos turbine produces maximum energy compared to Antaris.
- Figure 3(b) depicts the mean CF and AEP for the VAWT turbines. The maximum mean CF value is
obtained as 50.86% in August and a minimum value of 27.29% in April for the Sun surf turbine. The
maximum mean AEP value is obtained as 378.4 kWh in August while the minimum value is computed as
196.6 kWh in April. The result shows that the Sun surf turbine generates more energy than the Turby
wind turbine.
- For the Enercon turbine, the mean AEP was maximum for August with 1515 kWh and least for April with
713 kWh as described in the Figure 3(c). The highest mean CF occurs in August with a value of 37.03%
and the lowest mean CF occurs in April with a value of 17.99%. On observing the RX30 turbine, it can be
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observed that the maximum AEP available in August was 899.2 kWh (with CF=40.28%) and the
minimum mean AEP value of 402.8 kWh (with CF=18.64%) was present in April.
- The mean CF and AEP generated by different mid-sized wind turbines namely Nordex, Vestas V20, and
Vestas V44 at three hub heights are estimated and shown in Figure 3(d). In August, the highest capacity
factor was 32.33% for the Nordex turbine followed by 21.22% for Vestas V44 and 13.20% for Vestas
V20. Also, for the same month, the minimum AEP values of about 3.60 MWh, 9.82 MWh, and
9.47 MWh are observed for the Nordex, Vestas V20, and Vestas V44 respectively.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. Monthly variation of CF and AEP for (a) Aeolos and Antaris, (b) Sun surf and Turby,
(c) Enercon and RX30, and (d) Nordex, Vestas V44, and Vestas V20
Table 4. Results of PVC (in $) and UCE (in $/kWh) for each turbine
(min. and max. represent 15% and 25% of the total investment)
Type Turbine model PVC($) Annual Cold season Hot season
UCE ($/kWh) UCE ($/kWh) UCE ($/kWh)
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.. Min. Max.
HAWT Antaris 19691.89 20447.24 2.22 2.31 6.05 6.28 3.30 3.42
Aeolos 20849.23 21648.97 0.67 0.69 1.81 1.88 0.99 1.03
RX30 17466.80 18136.79 0.12 0.13 0.33 0.35 0.19 0.20
Vestas V20 28653.04 29752.12 0.21 0.22 0.61 0.63 0.30 0.31
Enercon 19481.20 20228.55 0.081 0.085 0.21 0.22 0.12 0.13
Nordex N27 32780.19 34037.58 0.058 0.060 0.15 0.16 0.08 0.09
Vestas V44 46182.22 47953.69 0.033 0.034 0.08 0.09 0.04 0.05
VAWT Turby 16302.32 16927.65 2.35 2.44 6.34 6.58 3.54 3.68
Sun surf 37179.34 38605.47 0.59 0.62 1.53 1.58 0.93 0.97
The local average electricity cost value is 0.32$/kWh in Djibouti. Comparing the estimated tariffs
obtained by the RX30, Vestas V20, Enercon, Nordex N27, and Vestas V44 wind turbines with the local cost
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price of electricity (0.32$/kWh), indicate that the estimated tariffs are lower than the local cost price of
electricity. The latter remark is highlighted in bold in Table 4. Their cost reveals that the horizontal wind
turbines are viable renewable energy sources to serve local communities and to intensify the production of
electricity in the Nagad site.
The authors of this article wish to acknowledge the financial support from the University of Djibouti
and the contributions of Eng. Omar Abdoulkader Mohamed (INSTAD).
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