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3.1: Total Quality Management Unit-I: TQM-History and Evolution

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1: Total Quality Management Unit-I: TQM- History and Evolution: Connotations of Quality, Quality Dimensions Product and Service. The concept of TQM, Evolution of TQM Inspection, SQC, QA and TQM.Conventional quality management versus TQM. Customersupplier focus in TQM. Benefits and Costs of TQM. Historical perspectives of TQM. Quality SystemAwards and Guidelines ISO, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), EuropeanFoundation for Quality Management (EFQM). Unit II: Tools of TQM: Measurement Tools: Check Sheets, Histograms, Run Charts, Scatter Diagrams, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Paretos Chart, Process Capability Measurement. Analytical Tools: Process Mapping,Regression Analysis, Resource Utilization and Customer Service Analysis, The Five Whys, Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Improvement Tools and techniques: Kaizen, JIT, Quality Circles, Forcedfield Analysis, Five Ss. Control Tools: Gantt Chart, Network Diagram, Radar Chart, The PDCA cycle,Milestone Tracker Diagram and Earned Value Management. Unit III: Techniques of TQM: Quantitative techniques: Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Statistical Process Control (SPC),Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Design of Experiments (DOE), Quality by Design and MonteCarlo Technique (MCT). Qualitative techniques: Benchmarking, The Balanced Scorecard, Sales and Operations Planning, Kanban and Activity Based Costing (ABC). Taguchi methods: Quality lossfunction, Orthogonal arrays, Signal-to-Noise ratio: Nominal- the- best, Target-the-best, Smallerthe-best, Larger-the-best. Parameter design, Tolerance design. Unit IV: Six Sigma: The concept of Six Sigma, Objectives of Six Sigma, The frame-work of SixSigma programme, SixSigma Organization: roles and responsibilities, Six Sigma problem solving approach: The DMAICmodel, Six Sigma Metrics: Cost of poor quality, Defects per million opportunities and First pass yield. Benefits and costs of Six Sigma. Unit V: TQM in the Service Sectors: Implementation of TQM in service organization: Framework for improving service quality, Model to measure service quality programs. TQM in Healthcare services, Hotels and financial services Banks, Investment Company and Mutual Funds.

3.2: International Business Unit - I: Global Imperative: An overviewInternational Business: A global perspectiveEmergence of GlobalizationDrivers ofGlobalizationInternationalization ProcessStages in International BusinessApproaches toInternational Business; The World of International Business: Regional and Global StrategyThe Multinational EnterpriseTriad and International BusinessInternational Trade Theories; Environment of International Business-Cultural Environment and Political Environment. Unit - II: Global Business & National Regulation: Rationale for Government InterventionForms of Trade Regulation at National Level-Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers. Regional Economic Integration: Levels of Economic IntegrationBenefits & Costs of Economic IntegrationMajor Trading Blocks: EU, NAFTA, ASEAN and SAARC. Multilateral Regulation of Trade and Investment-Basic Principles of Multilateral Trade Negotiations GATT and its early RoundsWorld Trade OrganizationStructure and functionsTRIPs & TRIMs-WTO & IndiaUNCTAD. Unit III: Global Business and Entry Strategies: Global Market Entry StrategiesExporting, Licensing, Franchising, Contract Manufacturing,Assembly and Integrated Local manufacturing. Global Ownership Strategies: Strategic AllianceTypes of Strategic Alliances Selection of Strategic Alliance Partner, managing and sustaining Strategic AllianceCost and Benefit Analysis of Entry Strategies: Entry Analysis and Entry strategy configuration. Unit IV: Global E-Business: Conceptual Framework of E-businessPrerequisites for Effective E-business TransactionsE-enabled Business Process Transformation and ChallengesEbusiness Technology and EnvironmentEBusiness ApplicationsE- Business ModelsAlternative E-business StrategiesGlobal E- Marketing Electronic Processing of International Trade Documents Policy Framework for Global E-business Unit - V: Managing Global Business: Strategy and Global Organization -Global Strategic PlanningGoing Global and Implementing StrategiesIntercultural CommunicationsIntercultural Human Resources Management in Global Context.

3.3: Managerial Communication Unit I: The role of and process of communication. Barriers to communication Surmounting barriers to communication, Types of communication; Listening processElements of good listeningimproving listening competence. Importance of feedback Principles of feedback Unit II: Characteristics of non verbal communicationTypes and functions of non verbal communicationInterpreting non verbal communication; NegotiationsApproaches to negotiationsPreparing for and conducting negotiations Unit III: Making PresentationsChoosing a method of speakingAnalyzing the audienceNonverbal dimensions of presentationsSpeeches for commemorative occasionsEffective presentation strategies. Persuasive speaking Unit IV: Report writingTypes of reportsStructure of reportsIndividual and committee reportsEssentials of good report writing. Business letters Drafting letters relating to enquiries and replies; orders and replies; complaints and claims. Effective business correspondence . drafting a resume Unit V: Media relationsBuilding better relations with media. Investor relations Framework for managing investor relations. Managing government relationsways and means of managing governing power.Crisis communicationDos and donts in the wake of a crisis.

3.4.1. (F): Investment Management Unit I: Investments: Concept; Real vs. Financial assets; Investment decision process; Sources of investmentinformation;Investment vs. Speculation; Factors to be considered in investment decision-Liquidity,Return, Risk, Maturity, Safety, Tax and Inflation. The concept and measurement of return-realized and expected return. Ex-ante and ex-post returns. The concept of risk. Sources and types of risk.Measurement of risk-Range, Standard Deviation and Co-Efficient of Variation. Risk-return trade-off.Risk premium and risk aversion. Approaches to investment analysis-Fundamental Analysis;Technical Analysis; Efficient Market Hypothesis, Behavioural Finance and heuristic driven biases. Unit II: Fixed Income Securities - Analysis, Valuation and Management: Features and types of debt instruments, Bond indenture, factors affecting bond yield. Bond yield measurement-Current yield, holding period return, YTM, AYTM and YTC. Bond valuation:Capitalization of income method, Bondprice theorems, Valuation of compulsorily / optionally convertible bonds, Valuation of deep discount bonds. Bond duration, Macaulays duration and modified Macaulays duration. bond convexity, Considerations in managing a bond portfolio, term structure of interest rates, risk structure of interest rates. Managing Bond Portfolio: Bond immunization, active and passive bond portfolio management strategies. Unit III: Common Stocks - Analysis and Valuation: Basic Features of Common Stock, Approaches to valuationBalance sheet model, dividend capitalization models; earnings capitalization models; PriceEarnings multiplier approach and capital asset pricing model, Free Cash flow model, relative valuation using comparables-P/E,P/BV,P/S; Security Market Indexes, their uses; computational procedure of Sensex and Nifty. Unit IV: Portfolio Theory: Concept of portfolio. Portfolio return and risk. Harry Markowitzs Portfolio theory, construction of minimum risk portfolio, the single-index model. Capital market theory: Introduction of risk-free asset, Capital Market Line, Separation theorem. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM): Security Market Line. Identifying over-priced and under-priced securities. Arbitrage pricing theory (APT):The Law of one price, two factor arbitrage pricing, Equilibrium risk-return relations. A synthesis of CAPM and APT. Unit V: Portfolio Evaluation: Performance measures-Sharpes reward to variability index, Treynors reward to volatility index,Jensens differential index, Famas decomposition of returns. Mutual funds: genesis, features, types and schemes. NAVs, costs, loads and return of mutual funds, Problems and prospects in India,Regulation of mutual funds and investors protection in India.

3.4.2. (F): Strategic Management Accounting Unit I: Introduction to Management Control: Strategic Management accountingMeaningScopeStrategic importance nature and characteristics of Management Control system. Cost behaviour and decision makingFixed andvariable costsC.V.P analysisMarginal Costing-Concept of break even analysisUses for decision making Optimization of product mixMake or buyCapacity UtilizationPlant shutdownKey factor analysis. Unit II: Strategic Planning and Control & Accounting for Control: Strategic Planning, Management Control and Operational ControlMeaning and Concept andpurpose. Standard costingConcept and purpose of standardstypes of standardsStandard settingVariance analysis Interpretation-Budgetary controlMeaning & purposeComponent of effective budgeting programPerformance budgetingZero based budgeting ConceptImportance and relevance. Unit III: Responsibility Accounting: Responsibility CentersNeed for divisionalizationtypes of responsibility centersPerformance reportsresponsibility accountingBehavioural aspects Segmented Performance evaluationTransfer Pricing. Unit IV: Activity based Costing and Customer account profitability analysis: Activity based costing systemsMeaningtracing costs from activities to products and servicesActivity based ManagementActivity Cost drivers Activity based Costing vs traditional costing.Customer account profitability analysisMeaning and need for CAP analysisManaging Customer Profitability Managing RelationshipsCustomer Costs in Service Companies. Unit V: Strategic decisions for Product life cycle, Activity Based Costing and Competitor analysis: Product life cycle costingPLC assessmentCost assessmentPricing and evaluation criteria for products at different stages of PLC. Competitor accountingConcept and ImportanceSources of Competitor information Competitive pricing and bidding. Target Costing and Cost analysis for Pricing decisions.

3.6.2. (M): Promotion & Distribution Management Unit-I: Marketing Communications: The nature of marketing communications. The integration of marketing communication. Integrated marketing communication planning process. Model of marketing communications decision process.Establishing objectives and budgeting for the promotional programme. Unit II: Developing Integrated Marketing Communications: Creative strategy development. Process of execution of creative strategy: Appeals, execution styles and creative tactics. Media planning & Strategy: Developing Media Plans & Strategies and Implementation with IMC perspective. Unit III: Personal Selling: Role of personal selling in IMC programme. Integration of personal selling with other promotional tools. Personal selling process and approaches. Evaluating, motivating and controlling sales force effort. Unit IV: Sales Promotion and Support media: Sales Promotion - objectives, consumer and trade oriented sales promotion. Developing and operating sales promotion for consumers & trade: Sales promotion tools: off - shelf offers, price promotions, premium promotions, prize promotions. Coordinating Sales promotions and advertisement. Support media Elements of Support media and their role.Direct marketing, the internet & Interactive Marketing, publicity and public relations. Monitoring,evaluating & controlling promotion programme. Unit V: Distribution Management: Role and functions of channels of distribution. Distribution Systems. Distribution cost, control and customer service. Channel design, and selection of channels, selecting suitable channel partners.Motivation and control of channel members. Distribution of Services, market logistics & supply chain management.

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