Lesson Exemplar

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MATATAG School Tabuk City national Grade Level 7

K to 10 High School
Curriculum Name of Teacher Brendamin L. Learning Area Mathematics 7
Weekly Lesson Log Bautista
Teaching Dates July 12, 2024 Area
and Time
Quarter 1

Content Standards The learners should have knowledge and
understanding of the determination of measures of
angles and numbers of sides of polygons.
A. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to
Standards draw and describe the features/ properties of
regular and irregular polygons. (MG)
Learning Competencies The learners describe and explain the relationship
between angle pairs based on their measures.
D. Learning 1. define the pairs of angles like; -
a. supplementary angles
b. complementary angles
c. congruent angles
d. vertical angles
2. identify the pairs of angles ac-
cording to measure like
a. supplementary angles
b. complementary angles
c. congruent angles, and accord-
ing to positions like
d. vertical angles

II. CONTENT Angle Pairs

A. References K to 10 MATATAG Mathematics Curriculum Guide
B. Materials Soaring the 21st Century Mathematics
by: Chua, S. et.al. pp.134-145
C. Other Learning Resources Distance Learning Module for Mathematics 7
Developed Interactive Material through PowerPoint
presentation with hyperlink and printed Activity

IV. Integration Science

A. Activating Prior Using activity 1: Match Me in the worksheet, the
Knowledge (Minds and learners will perform the activity individually.
The teacher will show the answer using a slide
presentation to facilitate the checking of the
learner’s responses.

1) Where you able to get all items correct?
2) What mathematical expression did you find
the easiest?
What mathematical expression did you find the
most challenging?
3) How can we solve a multi-operation
mathematical expression?

This activity is intended for 5 minutes.

Using Activity 2: Replace and Sing Me! of the

worksheet, the learners will accomplish the task.

After one minute, the teacher will let the students

stand and sing along with, Tong-Tong-Tong-Tong
Pakitong-kitong while a video is presented using the
slide presentation.

1) How was the activity?
2) After hearing the song with all the vowels
replaced, what happened to the song?
3) What feelings did the activity give you?
This activity will last for 5 minutes.
B. Establishing Lesson The part will be presented in a slide presentation.
Purpose (Aims) Through Think-Pair-Share, learners will answer the
following questions/instructions, to wit:
Q1: Arrange the letters ELAGACBIR ESIONREPXS to
come up with the words that fits the definition “any
combination of one or more constants and variables
with at least one mathematical operation”
Q2: Come up with 3, 4, or 5 letter words that can be
constructed using the letter of the word EVALUATE.
Q3: Give me a sport that uses a ball. Does this sport
require substitution?

The teacher presents the key terms,

- Algebraic expression
- Value
- Substitution/Replace

This activity will last for 5 minutes.

C. Developing and Deepening Using Activity 3: The World of Evaluating
Understanding of the Key Algebraic Expression, learners will read silently the
Idea/ Stem (Tasks and discussion.
This is intended for 3 minutes.

Using Activity 4: Spell Its Worth of the worksheet,

the learners will work with the pair he/she found
during the activity 2.
After 3 minutes, the learners will share their

A teacher-prepared slide decks will be used in the

presenting example in evaluating algebraic
expressions (one variable).

The learners will be asked to answer Activity 5:

Evaluate To Get My Value on the worksheet.

This activity will be enough for 5 minutes.

Using Activity 6: Sheldon and His Solution of the

worksheet, learners will work with his/her pair.

1. Did Sheldon follow the steps in evaluating
algebraic expressions?
2. Did he arrive to the correct answer:
If yes, what comment could you give him?
If no, what went wrong to his solution?
3. If you are to present your solution, will you be
using the solution of Sheldon?
If yes, why? If no, why?
D. Making Generalizations Using Activity 7: Arrange Me of the worksheet,
(Abstractions) learners will accomplish the task and answer the
questions. After 5 minutes, the teacher will ask one
learner to answer one question.

Q1: Were you able to arrange the steps in evaluating

algebraic expression?

Q2: What do we do with the variable when we are

evaluating algebraic expressions?

Q3: What is the main reason why we evaluate

algebraic expressions?

Q4: What previous lessons do we have to apply to

successfully evaluate an algebraic expression?

Q5: In real life, where can we apply the lesson in

evaluating algebraic expression? Why is it important
to us?

E. Evaluating Learning To evaluate the learning of learners, the teacher will

(Tests) example from Science.
The learners will finish the table in Activity 7: The
Plant Nation of the worksheet.
The learners are given 5 minutes to finish the task.
Teacher’s Remarks (Annotations)

Reflection (Gains)


Demonstration Teacher



PSDS – SDO Baguio City School Head – SDO Abra EPS – SDO Ifugao

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