Explain the working principle of sprinkler fire protection system with suitable sketches
Automatic Sprinkler Fire Protection system: This fire protection system can detect
and extinguish fires in an early stage. A building sprinkler system is an active security measure
comprising a network of pipes filled with pressured water, linked to strategically placed automatic
fire sprinkler heads throughout the structure. Every sprinkler head includes a heating element,
which is regularly represented by a glass bulb that comprises of fluid or liquid; the rapid expansion
of this fluid causes it to burst. The liquid inside the bulb causes it to break when sufficiently heated,
and allows water from piping around the floor above or directly connected sprinkler system to be
piped in on top of a fire. Localized activation prevents the destruction and spreading of fire, which
is perfect to suffocate. With real-time triggering the system will respond as soon as an event occurs,
increasing life safety and security of your possessions.
02. Explain three different fire suppression systems and their applications in industry.