Managing Editor
Mary Knight
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Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3
Parulidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4
Drepanididae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Vireonidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Icteridae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Fringillinae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Carduelinae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Estrildidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Viduinae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
This 11th part of ‘‘Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History’’
includes taxa in the passerine families included in volume 14 of Peters’ Check-list of birds of the
world (Paynter, 1968). The original description of each name has been consulted and the
currently accepted name of the taxon has been listed with reference to recent publications. The
coordinates and modern names of type localities are given when found and comments on
taxonomic history are provided. In this part, 352 names are treated; for 20 of these, name-
bearing types are not in AMNH or were not found.
This part of the type list, as well as all previous parts, are searchable and available for
download from the AMNH Library website (
Now Setophaga pitiayumi roraimae (Chapman, Oyacachi, AMNH 176217, 176218, 180647,
1929). See Hellmayr, 1935: 355; Curson, 2010b: three males, January and August 1923, Olalla
743; and Lovette et al., 2010: 765). and Sons.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 237071, adult male,
collected at Arabopó (5 Arabupu), 4200 ft, Dendroica petechia flaviceps Chapman
05.06N, 60.44W (Paynter, 1982), 13 km Dendroica petechia flaviceps Chapman, 1892: 310
southeast of Mount Roraima, Bolı́var, Ven- (Rum Cay, Bahamas).
ezuela, on 7 January 1928, by T. Donald Now Setophaga petechia flaviceps (Chapman,
Carter (no. 1250) on the Lee Garnett Day 1892). See Hellmayr, 1935: 371; Lowery and
Expedition. Monroe, 1968: 16; Browning, 1994: 38, 42;
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH Curson, 2010b: 745–746; and Lovette et al.,
number of the holotype in the original 2010: 765.
description and listed two specimens exam-
ined. Unfortunately, the sex symbols were
108076), adult male, collected on Rum Cay,
reversed; only two specimens were collected,
Bahamas, on 4 March 1886, by naturalists on
the male holotype and a female from Paulo.
the Fish Commission steamship Albatross.
The paratype is: AMNH 237070, female,
Presented by the Smithsonian Institution.
Paulo, 11 km southeast of Mount Roraima,
29 October 1927, by Carter (no. 468). Chap- COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH
man (1931) discussed and compared the number of the holotype and said that he had
upper zonal birdlife of mounts Roraima examined 21 adult males from Rum Cay,
and Duida and gave an itinerary for the New Providence, Conception, Wattling, Eleu-
Day Expedition with photographs of the thera, and Cat islands, all from the Albatross
localities where roraimae was collected. expedition. None of the paratypes are in
AMNH. A female specimen from Rum Cay
Compsothlypis pitiayumi alarum Chapman came to AMNH via the Lawrence Collection
but was not cataloged until 1902, long after
Compsothlypis pitiayumi alarum Chapman, 1924: 2 the description of flaviceps.
(Chaupe, 6100 ft, east of Huancabamba, north-
See Lovette et al. (2010: 765) for the use of
ern Peru).
Setophaga instead of Dendroica.
Now Setophaga pitiayumi alarum (Chapman,
1924). See Hellmayr, 1935: 355–356; Zimmer,
1949: 2–3; Curson, 2010b: 743; and Lovette Dendroeca (sic) capitalis Lawrence
et al., 2010: 765. Dendroeca (sic) capitalis Lawrence, 1868: 359
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 181604, adult male,
Now Setophaga petechia petechia (Linnaeus, 1766).
collected at Chaupe, 6100 ft, ca. 05.10S,
See Hellmayr, 1935: 376; Browning, 1994: 40–
79.10W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983), Caja- 42; Curson, 2010b: 745–746; and Lovette et al.,
marca, northern Peru, on 17 February 1923, 2010: 765.
by Harry Watkins (no. 7017).
COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the SYNTYPES: AMNH 39858, adult male,
holotype was given in the original description AMNH 39867, adult female, collected on
and 15 specimens were listed in addition to Barbados (5 Barbadoes) Island, West Indies,
the holotype. Paratypes are: Peru, Chaupe, by A.H. Alexander. From the Lawrence
AMNH 181599–181603, four females, one Collection.
male, January–February 1923, by Watkins; COMMENTS: Lawrence described both
Huarandosa, AMNH 182203, 182204, one male and female but did not say how many
female, one sex ?, September 1923, by Watkins. specimens he had, only saying that the
Ecuador, Zamora, AMNH 167932–167934, types were in his collection and collected by
two females, one juvenile, November–Decem- Alexander. The above two syntypes are the
ber 1920, by Cherrie; Sabanilla, AMNH only Barbados specimens that came to
167931, female, November 1920, by Cherrie; AMNH with the Lawrence Collection and
Lower Sumaco, AMNH 183556, male, De- both were marked ‘‘Type’’ by Lawrence. He
cember 1923, by Olalla and Sons; below also included a specimen in USNM brought
in alcohol from Barbados by Prof. Gill and the paratypes are: Mount Rusilla, AMNH
mentioned by Baird (1864–1866: 202). 166325, male, AMNH 166326, female, col-
lected in February and March 1917, by Beck.
Dendroica petechia oraria Parkes
and Dickerman Leucopeza Bishopi Lawrence
Dendroica petechia oraria Parkes and Dickerman, Leucopeza Bishopi Lawrence, 1878: 150 (151 in
1967: 87 (2 miles south of Buena Vista (5 about separate) (St. Vincent).
9 miles north of Tlacotalpan), Veracruz, Mex- Now Setophaga bishopi (Lawrence, 1878). See
ico). Hellmayr, 1935: 414; Raffaele et al., 1998:
Now Setophaga petechia oraria (Parkes and Dick- 406–407; Curson, 2010b: 761; and Lovette
erman, 1967). See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: et al., 2010: 765.
19; Browning, 1994: 43, 47; Curson, 2010b: 745–
746; and Lovette et al., 2010: 765. SYNTYPES: AMNH 40016, female, AMNH
40017, juvenile male, collected in the crater
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 817690 (MMNH of Soufrière, 13.21N, 61.11W (Times atlas),
14594), adult male, collected 2 mi south of St. Vincent Island, West Indies, on 1 and 2
Buena Vista, about 9 mi north of Tlacotal- November 1877, respectively, by F.A. Ober
pan, 18.38N, 95.40W (Times atlas), Veracruz, (nos. 426 and 428, respectively). From the
Mexico, on 16 November 1958, by Robert George N. Lawrence Collection.
W. Dickerman (no. 9067). COMMENTS: In the original description,
COMMENTS: The MMNH number of the Lawrence discussed the four specimens col-
holotype was cited in the original description lected by Ober and noted that the types were
and the specimen was exchanged to AMNH in USNM. Deignan (1961: 541), in discussing
in October 1986. Parkes and Dickerman con- this species, noted that two of the four
sulted many collections and said that speci- syntypes, both marked ‘‘Type’’ by Lawrence,
mens of oraria they examined were from the were in USNM, but USNM 74100 and 74101
following localities: near Lomas del Real, ‘‘have vanished from the collection without
Tampico, Laguna Tamiahua, Boca del Rı́o, trace.’’ AMNH 40016 bears the number 74100,
near Tlacotalpan, and Sánchez Magallanes. and AMNH 40017 the number 74101 without
The following five paratyes of oraria are in any indication that they are USNM numbers.
AMNH: Tampico, AMNH 85253–85256, Neither of these specimens is marked ‘‘Type’’
three males, one female, collected on 25 May by Lawrence, but because he did not distin-
1888, from the Sennett Collection; 9 mi east- guish in the original description as to which
northeast of Tlacotalpan, AMNH 781744, male, specimens he considered his types and the
7 April 1962, by Dickerman.
above specimens had been cataloged at
USNM, these two specimens must also be
Dendroica pinus chrysoleuca Griscom
considered syntypes of bishopi. They had not
Dendroica pinus chrysoleuca Griscom, 1923: 5 (Mt. previously been included with type specimens
Tina, Santo Domingo). at AMNH.
Now Setophaga pinus chrysoleuca (Griscom, 1923). The tip of the upper mandible of AMNH
See Hellmayr, 1935: 407; Keith et al., 2003: 192; 40016 is broken off.
Curson, 2010b: 755; and Lovette et al., 2010:
The species bishopi had formerly been
included in the monotypic genus Catharo-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 166327, adult male, peza, but see Lovette et al. (2010: 765) for its
collected on Loma Tina (5 Mount Tina), inclusion in the genus Setophaga.
18.46N, 70.42W (Keith et al., 2003: 238),
Dominican Republic (5 Santo Domingo), Geothlypis trichas coloradonicola Oberholser
Hispaniola Island, West Indies, on 10 Janu- Geothlypis trichas coloradonicola Oberholser, 1948:
ary 1917, by Rollo H. Beck on the Brewster- 3 (Las Vegas, New Mexico).
Sanford Expedition (no. 6915). Now Geothlypis trichas occidentalis Brewster, 1883.
COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 40; Guzy and
holotype was cited in the original descrip- Ritchison, 1999; Curson, 2010b: 771; and Lov-
tion. Griscom had two additional specimens; ette et al., 2010: 764–765.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 384387, adult male, (1995), Dickerman and Parkes (1997: 229),
collected at Las Vegas, 35.36N, 105.15W and Curson (2010b: 769) retained the genus
(Times atlas), New Mexico, on 27 May 1915, Oporornis. Dickerman and Parkes (1997:
by Arthur Smith. From the Jonathan Dwight 229) considered intermedia a synonym of O.
Collection (no. 43071). t. tolmiei while Curson (2010b: 769) equated
COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the it with O. t. monticola. The recent studies of
holotype was given by Oberholser in the Lovette et al. (2010: 764–765) recommended
original description. He did not list paratypes. that Oporornis be merged into Geothlypis.
Okanagan Centre, British Columbia, is at
Geothlypis speciosa limnatis Dickerman 50.02N, 119.23W (Times atlas).
Geothlypis speciosa limnatis Dickerman, 1970: 95
(Lago Yuriria, State of Guanajuato, México). Teretistris fornsi Gundlach
Now Geothlypis speciosa limnatis Dickerman,
1970. See Dickinson, 2003: 764; Curson, Teretistris fornsi Gundlach, 1858: 274 (eastern part
2010b: 773; and Lovette et al., 2010: 764–765. of the island [Cuba]).
Now Teretistris fornsi fornsi Gundlach, 1858. See
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 788641, adult (?) Hellmayr, 1935: 424; Garrido, 2000; Dickinson,
male, collected at Lago Yuriria, 20.12N, 2003: 764; and Curson, 2010b: 777.
101.10W (Times atlas), Guanajuato, Mexico,
on 9 December 1963, by R.W. Dickerman SYNTYPE: AMNH 40019, adult male,
(no. 11756). collected on eastern Cuba, in 1857, by J.
COMMENTS: Dickerman cited the AMNH Gundlach. From the George N. Lawrence
number of the holotype in the original Collection.
description and noted that he had examined COMMENTS: In the original description,
31 specimens of limnatis. Only one of the Gundlach did not indicate how many spec-
paratypes is in AMNH: AMNH 788642, imens he had, only saying that plumage did
adult male, collected at Lago Yuriria, on 9 not vary with age or sex. In the short article
December 1963, by Dickerman. following Gundlach’s, Lawrence (1858: 275–
277) noted that Gundlach had sent him
Oporornis tolmiei intermedia Phillips specimens of the birds described in the
preceeding pages. Although not specifically
Oporornis tolmiei intermedia Phillips, 1947: 299
mentioned, the above specimen probably
(Okanagan, British Columbia).
Now Geothlypis tolmiei monticola (Phillips, 1947).
came into Lawrence’s hand at this time.
See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 48; Pitocchelli, The AMNH label on this syntype bears a
1995; Dickerman and Parkes, 1997: 229; Cur- note by L.L. S[hort] indicating that it might
son, 2010b: 769; and Lovette et al., 2010: 764– be a holotype or syntype of fornsi, but it had
765. lain unnoticed in the AMNH collection until
it was recognized by Garrido (2000: 89). The
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 384003, adult male,
other syntype was in Gundlach’s private
collected at Okanagan, British Columbia,
collection and subsequently deposited in the
Canada, on 23 June 1906, by Allan Brooks.
IES, Havana (Roman and Garrido, 2000: 2).
From the Jonathan Dwight Collection
Because he thought further study was re-
(no. 16985).
quired, Curson (2010b: 777) did not recog-
COMMENTS: Phillips cited the AMNH
nize T. f. turquinensis Garrido, 2000, and thus
number of the holotype in the original
description. Because Phillips visited many treated T. fornsi as monotypic.
collections while studying Oporornis tolmiei
and did not indicate the number of speci- Cardellina rubrifrons bella Griscom
mens he examined, it has been impossible to Cardellina rubrifrons bella Griscom, 1930: 2
determine paratypes. (Chichicastenango, Guatemala).
Lowery and Monroe (1968: 48) placed this Now Cardellina rubrifrons (Giraud, 1841). See
species in the large genus Geothlypis and Hellmayr, 1935: 456; Lowery and Monroe,
considered intermedia a synonym of the 1968: 51; Curson, 2010b: 779; and Lovette
nominate subspecies, G. t. tolmiei; Pitocchelli et al., 2010: 765.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 397111, adult male Now Myioborus miniatus pallidiventris (Chapman,
(sexed as female on original label), collected 1899). See Hellmayr, 1935: 463; Zimmer, 1949:
at Chichicastenango, Guatemala, on 27 Jan- 10–14; Curson, 2010b: 781; and Lovette et al.,
uary 1925, by A.W. Anthony (no. 1345). 2010: 765.
From the Johathan Dwight Collection (no.
60472). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 70341, sex?, collected
COMMENTS: Griscom gave the Dwight at Quebrada Seca, Venezuela, on 9 December
Collection number of the holotype in the 1898, by F.W. Urich (no. 50).
original description and examined one female COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH
and two male specimens. The female para- number of the holotype in the original
type is AMNH 397112 (Dwight no. 60473), description and noted that Urich had sent
female, collected at Chichicastenango, on 17 five specimens. The four paratypes are: Los
February 1925, by Anthony (no. 1485). The Palmales, AMNH 70339, 70340, female, male,
male paratype is MCZ 146669, collected at 5 December; El Guacharo, AMNH 70342,
Chichicastenango, on 17 February 1925, by sex?, 14 December; Montana del Guacharo,
A.W. Anthony (no. 1486), Dwight Collection AMNH 70343, female, 28 November, all
no. 60474 (J. Trimble, personal commun.). collected by Urich in 1898. AMNH 70340
and 70343 were exchanged to USNM.
Myioborus miniatus sanctaemartae Quebrada Seca is now known as Villarroel,
J.T. Zimmer 10.18N, 63.57W (Paynter, 1982)
Myioborus miniatus sanctaemartae J.T. Zimmer,
1949: 11 (Las Nubes, Santa Marta, Colombia). Myioborus miniatus subsimilis J.T. Zimmer
Now Myioborus miniatus sanctaemartae J.T. Zim- Myioborus miniatus subsimilis J.T. Zimmer, 1949:
mer, 1949. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 55; 13 (Alamor, Perú; altitude 4450 feet).
Curson, 2010b: 78; and Lovette et al., 2010: 765. Now Myioborus miniatus subsimilis J.T. Zimmer,
1949. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 55; Pérez-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 70525, adult sex?,
Emán, 2005; Curson, 2010b: 781; and Lovette
collected at Las Nubes, 4500 ft, ca. 11.10N, et al., 2010: 765.
73.56W (Paynter, 1997), Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia, on 10 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 172201, adult male,
December 1898, by Grace H. Hull. Gift of collected at Alamor, 4500 ft, 04.02S, 80.02W
Morris K. Jesup. (Paynter, 1993), Loja, Ecuador, on 22 August
COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH 1921, by George K Cherrie (no. 23651) and
number of the holotype in the original Geoffrey Gill.
description and listed the specimens he COMMENTS: Zimmer cited the AMNH
examined. The paratypes are: Las Nubes, number of the holotype in the original
AMNH 70521–70524, 70526, five specimens description. He listed 47 paratypes: Ecuador,
sex? (in addition to the type), November– Guachanamá, AMNH 167968, male; Punta
December 1898; Lı́bano, AMNH 72325, sex?, Santa Ana, AMNH 167979, sex?; Zaruma,
2 May 1899; Valparaiso, AMNH 72326– AMNH 130198–130203, two males, four
72328, one male, one female, and one sex?, sex?; San Bartolo, AMNH 172208–172212,
18–23 March 1899. All but one of the para- five males; Celica, AMNH 167973–167976,
types was collected by G.H. Hull. one male, three females; El Chiral, AMNH
On the original label, printed with Mrs. 167969–167971, two males, one female?;
H.H. Smith’s name, ‘‘Smith’’ has been Cocó, AMNH 173509–173511, one male,
marked out and G.H.H. substituted. Grace two females. Ecuador (not Peru), Alamor,
H. Hull was Mrs. Smith’s niece (Todd and AMNH 152507–152509, 167972, 172202–
Carriker, 1922: 36), not Mr. H.H. Hull as 172207, five males, four females, one sex?;
listed by Allen (1900: 122). Cebollal, AMNH 172213, male; La Puente,
AMNH 172214, male. Peru, Palambla,
Setophaga verticalis pallidiventris Chapman AMNH 175568–175573, one male, three
Setophaga verticalis pallidiventris Chapman, 1899: females, two sex?; Seques, AMNH 236100–
153 (Quebrada Seca, Venezuela). 236105, three males, two females, one sex?.
in July 1928. The two paratypes from above February 1926, by Watkins, AMNH 505656,
Baeza are AMNH 176261 and 176262, both 505657, two females, December 1894, by O.T.
sexed as males, collected on 14 and 17 Baron; Chachapoyas, AMNH 505658, fe-
November 1922, by the Olallas. The four male, 7 October 1894, by Baron; Leime-
paratypes from Baeza are: AMNH 173844, bamba, AMNH 505655, male, 8 July 1894, by
176263–176265, all males, collected in Sep- Baron; LaLejia, AMNH 229392–229394,
tember and November 1922. 235076–235079, four males, two females,
Lovette et al. 2010: 763, 766) included one sex?, February and March 1925, by
the species coronata in the feminine genus Watkins. Of these, I did not find AMNH
Myiothlypis. 235636 in the collection. Paratypes listed by
Zimmer from Molinopampa and Uchco were
Basileuterus castaneiceps chapmani Todd in FMNH.
Basileuterus castaneiceps chapmani Todd, 1929a:
32 (Chaupe (6,100 feet), north Peru). Basileuterus culicivorus occultus J.T. Zimmer
Now Myiothlypis coronata chapmani (Todd, 1929). Basileuterus culicivorus occultus J.T. Zimmer, 1949:
See Hellmayr, 1935: 518; Zimmer, 1949: 50–51; 42 (Peque, Antioquia, Colombia; altitude
Curson, 2010b: 789–790; and Lovette et al., 5000 feet).
2010: 763, 766. Now Basileuterus culicivorus occultus J.T. Zimmer,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 181624, adult male, 1949. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 67; and
collected at Chaupe, 6100 ft, ca. 05.10S, Curson, 2010b: 793; Lovette et al., 2010: 765–766.
79.10W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983), Caja- HOLOTYPE: AMNH 134102, adult male,
marca, Peru, on 10 (not 14) February 1923, collected at Peque, 5000 ft, 06.59N, 75.51W
by Harry Watkins (no. 6963). (Paynter, 1997), Antioquia, Colombia, on 4
COMMENTS: Todd cited the AMNH num- February 1915, by Leo E. Miller (no. 11066)
ber of the holotype in the original descrip- and Howarth Boyle.
tion and noted that he had four specimens, COMMENTS: Zimmer cited the AMNH
including the type, from Chaupe and two number of the holotype in the original
from Tambillo. Paratypes in AMNH: AMNH description and listed (on p. 46) his type
181622, sex?, AMNH 181623, 181625, males, series. The paratypes are: Primavera, AMNH
Chaupe, 6100 ft, Peru, in February 1923, by 505739–505743, five males, collected in 1904,
Watkins. The Tambillo specimens were col- by Raap; Miraflores, AMNH 109169, sex?,
lected by M. Stolzmann and are not in collected on 23 April 1911, by Chapman and
AMNH. Richardson.
AMNH 109169 bears the stamped locality
Basileuterus coronatus inaequalis J.T. Zimmer
‘‘e. of Palmira, 6800 ft, Cauca, but the field
Basileuterus coronatus inaequalis J.T. Zimmer, tag gives the locality as ‘‘Mir.,’’ 6200 ft.
1949: 48 (San Pedro, south of Chachapoyas, Chapman (1917b: 22) explained this apparent
Perú, altitude 8600–9400 feet). discrepancy. The field party were guests at
Now Myiothlypis coronata inaequalis (J.T. Zim- the sugar estate of Charles Elder 5 mi north
mer, 1949). See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 61;
of Palmira until 18 April when they moved to
Curson, 2010b: 789–790; and Lovette et al.,
2010: 763, 766.
his bungalow, Miraflores, at about 6100 ft,
on the western slope of the Central Andes,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 235638, adult male, until 1 May.
collected at San Pedro, 8600–9400 ft, south
of Chachapoyas, 06.13S, 77.51W (Stephens Basileuterus culicivorus austerus J.T. Zimmer
and Traylor, 1983), Amazonas, Peru, on 23
Basileuterus culicivorus austerus J.T. Zimmer,
January 1926, by Harry Watkins (no. 10025). 1949: 41 (Buena Vista, above Villavicencio,
COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH Eastern Andes, Colombia; altitude 4500 feet).
number of the holotype in the original Now Basileuterus culicivorus austerus J.T. Zimmer,
description and listed his type series. Para- 1949. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 67;
types in AMNH are San Pedro, AMNH Curson, 2010b: 793; and Lovette, 2010: 765–
235635–235637, two males, one female, 766.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 122674, adult male, Monroe, 1968: 68; Curson, 2010b: 793; and
collected at Buenavista, 4500 ft, 04.10N, Lovette et al., 2010: 765–766.
73.41W (Paynter, 1997), above Villavicen- HOLOTYPE: AMNH 237060, adult male,
cio, Meta, Colombia, on 4 March 1913, by collected at Paulo, ca. 05.08N, 60.49W (Paynter,
George K. Cherrie (no. 16389). 1982), Mount Roraima, 4000 ft, Bolı́var, Vene-
COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH zuela, on 4 November 1927, by T. Donald Carter
number of the holotype in the original (no. 553), on the Lee Garnett Day Expedition.
description and (on p. 46) listed his type COMMENTS: Zimmer and Phelps gave the
series. The paratypes are: Buenavista, AMNH AMNH number of the holotype in the
122673, 122675, females, 4 March 1913, by original description and listed the specimens
Chapman and Cherrie; Villavicencio, AMNH they examined. The following paratypes are
308749, sex?, 8 December 1943, by Bro. in AMNH: Paulo, AMNH 237059, 237061–
Nicéforo M. (no. 249); Mount Macarena, 237067, seven males, one female, collected
AMNH 833886, male?, 24 January 1942, by October–November 1927, by Carter; Aru-
E.T. Gilliard. bupú, AMNH 237053–237058, four males,
one male?, one female, collected December
Basileuterus vermivorus olivascens Chapman 1927–January 1928, by Carter. Additional
Basileuterus vermivorus olivascens Chapman, 1893: paratypes listed are in CP.
343 (Princestown, Trinidad). Soon after B. c. roraimae was described, it
Now Basileuterus culicivorus olivascens Chapman, was found to be preoccupied by B. roraimae
1893. See Chapman, 1894: 24–25; Hellmayr, Sharpe, 1885, and Zimmer and Phelps (1949b:
1935: 500–501; Curson, 2010b: 793; and Lovette 1) provided the replacement name, B. c.
et al., 2010: 765–766. segrex. The two names share the same type.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 58974, adult male,
collected at Princestown, 10.16N, 61.23W Basileuterus culicivorus azarae J.T. Zimmer
(Times atlas), Trinidad, on 1 March 1893, by Basileuterus culicivorus azarae J.T. Zimmer, 1949:
Frank M. Chapman (no. 2770). 44 (Sapucay, Paraguay).
COMMENTS: In his preliminary description Now Basileuterus culicivorus azarae J.T. Zimmer,
of olivascens, Chapman listed only the holo- 1949. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 68;
type, giving its AMNH number and noting Curson, 2010b: 793; and Lovette, 2010: 765–766.
that his paper on the complete collection had HOLOTYPE: AMNH 505746, adult male,
been delayed and the collection would be fully collected at Sapucaı́ (5 Sapucay), 25.40S,
documented later. Chapman (1894: 24–25), in 56.55W (Paynter, 1989), Paraguarı́, Para-
his paper on the entire Trinidad collection, guay, on 3 June 1900, by William Foster
reported that he had six specimens from (no. 15). From the Rothschild Collection.
Trinidad. These would have been available COMMENTS: Zimmer cited the AMNH
to him for the earler paper, and I consider the number of the holotype in the original
five additional specimens paratypes of olivas- description and listed 111 paratypes: Argen-
cens (ICZN, 1999: 76, Art. 72.4.1). These tina: Tucuman, AMNH 505750, male; above
paratypes are: AMNH 58975–58979, two San Pablo, AMNH 142036–142040, one
males, three females, collected at Princestown male, four females; Tafı́ trail, AMNH
in March 1893, by F.M. Chapman. 142032–142034, two males, one female;
Sarmiento, AMNH 142035, female; Ocampo,
Basileuterus culicivorus roraimae J.T. Zimmer AMNH 505751, male; Barracas al Sud,
and W.H. Phelps, Sr. AMNH 146790, 505752, 505753, one male,
Basileuterus culicivorus segrex J.T. Zimmer two females. Paraguay: Sapucay, AMNH
and W.H. Phelps, Sr. 505744, 505745, 505747–505749, five males;
Basileuterus culicivorus roraimae J.T. Zimmer and Rio Negro, AMNH 127058, female; east
W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1949a: 7 (Mt. Roraima, State of Caaguassú, AMNH 320642–320644, two
of Bolivar, Venezuela). males, one female; upper Iguassú River,
Now Basileuterus culicivorus segrex J.T. Zimmer AMNH 320645, female; east of Yhú, AMNH
and W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1949b: 1. See Lowery and 320647, sex?; Colonia Independencia,
AMNH 320193–320197, two males, two and Olson, 2008), Varaguas, Pacific slope of
females, one sex?; Abai, AMNH 320646, male; western Panama, on 26 February 1926, by
Niu Poná, AMNH 319874, 319875, one male, Rex R. Benson.
one sex?. Brazil, Mato Grosso, Utiarity, COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the
AMNH 128110, male; Rio Amambahy, holotype was given in the original descrip-
AMNH 319551, female. Brazil, Rio Grande tion and a type series of eight specimens
do Sul, Candiota, AMNH 322015, male; was obtained at the type locality. The seven
Sapyranga, AMNH 315820–315826, five paratypes are: AMNH 246430–246436, two
males, two females; Hamburgo Velho, males, one male?, three females, and one
AMNH 315817–315819, two males, one female? (according to the labels), all collected
female; Nonohay, AMNH 315808, 305809, in late January and February 1926 by Rex
two sex?; Erebango, AMNH 315810–315813, Benson.
one male, one female, two sex?; Lagoa de
Forno, AMNH 315830, male; Santa Cruz, Basileuterus tristriatus chitrensis Griscom
AMNH 315827, 315828, two males; Campo
Basileuterus tristriatus chitrensis Griscom, 1927a:
Bom, AMNH 315814–315816, two males, one 13 (Chitrá (4000 ft), Veraguas, Pacific slope of
female; Sananduva, AMNH 315806, 315807, western Panama).
one male one sex?; Sinimbú, AMNH 315829, Now Basileuterus tristriatus melanotis Lawrence,
male. Brazil. Santa Catharina, Ilha Redonda, 1868. See Hellmayr, 1935: 491–492; Zimmer,
AMNH 315802, male; Salto Pirahy, AMNH 1949: 38; Blake, 1958: 561–562; Lowery and
315795–315801, one male, three females, Monroe, 1968: 72; Wetmore et al., 1984: 314–
three sex?; Cerro Verde, AMNH 315804, 315; Dickinson, 2003: 767; Curson, 2010b: 795;
sex?; Palmital, AMNH 315805, female; Rio and Lovette et al., 2010: 765–766.
Cascalho, AMNH 315803, female. Brazil, HOLOTYPE: AMNH 257138, adult male,
Paraná, Tibagy, AMNH 319091–319095, collected at Chitra, 4000 ft, ca. 08.32N,
three males, two sex?; Porto Almeida, AMNH 80.55W (Siegel and Olson, 2008), Veraguas,
319096, 319097, two sex?; Foz de Iguasú, western Panama, on 29 January 1926, by Rex
AMNH 319106–319111, five males, one R. Benson (no. 2055).
female; Guayra, AMNH 319100–319103, COMMENTS: Griscom cited the AMNH
two males, two females; Porto Mendez, AMNH number of the holotype in the original
319104, 319105, two males; Castro, AMNH description and listed two males from Santa
140130, female; Corvo, AMNH 319098, Fé and seven males (in addition to the type),
319099, one male, one female. Brazil, São seven females and three sex? from Chitra.
Paulo, Fazenda Cayoá, AMNH 406542–406544, Paratypes in AMNH are: Santa Fé: AMNH
505755, three males, one female; São Sebas- 187748, 187749, males, 7 and 8 April 1925,
tião, AMNH 505756, 505757, two females. by Benson; Chitra, AMNH 246437–246453,
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Monte Serrat, AMNH seven males, seven females, three sex?,
189254, female; Maceiras, AMNH 189255– December-March 1926, by Benson. I did
189260, five males, one sex?; Ponte Maromba, not find AMNH 246438 in the collection.
AMNH 189261–189263, one male, one fe- Hellmayr (1935: 491–492) and Zimmer
male, one sex?. (1949: 38) recognized both melanotis and
chitrensis; Lowery and Monroe (1968: 72)
Basileuterus bensoni Griscom
omitted melanotis, not listing Costa Rica
Basileuterus bensoni Griscom, 1927a: 12 (Chitrá within the range of tristriatus; Dickinson,
(4700 ft), Veraguas, Pacific slope of western 2003: 767) apparently followed Lowery and
Panama). Monroe and omitted melanotis. Blake (1958:
Now Basileuterus melanogenys bensoni Griscom, 560–561) questioned the distinctness of mel-
1927. See Hellmayr, 1935: 506; Wetmore et al., anotis and chitrensis ‘‘in view of the variabil-
1984: 320–321; Curson, 2010b: 794; and Lovette
ity apparent in a representative series of
et al., 2010: 765–766.
melanotis from Chiriquı́’’; Wetmore et al.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 257139, adult male, (1984: 314–315) considered chitrensis a syn-
Chitra, 4700 ft, ca. 08.32N, 80.55W (Siegel onym of melanotis and correctly used the
older name, melanotis Lawrence, 1868; Cur- the specimen bearing that number is a
son (2010b: 795) said ‘‘melanotis (described specimen of Hemithraupis; the data cited for
from Costa Rica) is treated as [a] synonyn of the holotype are correct. Chapman listed his
chitrensis,’’ but, of course, if the two forms type series: Baeza, five (including the type),
are synonyms, melanotis is senior by nearly lower Sumaco, nine, and Macas region, one.
60 years. The 14 paratypes are: Macas Region, AMNH
156839, sex?, undated, by E. Feyer; Baeza,
Basileuterus tacarcunae Chapman AMNH 176257–176260, two males, two
females, November 1922, by Olalla and sons;
Basileuterus tacarcunae Chapman, 1924: 6 (east
and Lower Sumaco, AMNH 183483–183491,
slope, Mt. Tacarcuna, 4600 ft; below Colombia-
four males, five females, December 1923–
Panama line).
Now Basileuterus tristriatus tacarcunae Chapman, January 1924, by Olalla and sons. The
1924. See Hellmayr, 1935: 492; Lowery and catalog opposite AMNH 176258 has been
Monroe, 1968: 72; Curson, 2010b: 795; Lovette marked that it was exchanged to MCZ in
et al., 2010: 765–766; and Gutiérrez-Pinto et al., July 1928, but this is an error as the specimen
2012: 156–165. is now present in the AMNH collection and
shows no evidence of having ever left it.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 136203, adult male,
collected on the east slope of Cerro Tacarcuna, Basileuterus tristriatus inconspicuus
4600 ft, 08.05N, 77.17W (Paynter, 1997), J.T. Zimmer
Chocó, Colombia, on 1 April 1915, by Harold
Basileuterus tristriatus inconspicuus J.T. Zimmer,
E. Anthony (no. 163) and D.S. Ball.
1949: 35 (Inca Mine, southern Perú).
COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH Now Basileuterus tristriatus inconspicuus J.T.
number of the holotype in the original Zimmer, 1949. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968:
description and listed 13 paratypes: Tacar- 73; Dickinson, 2003: 767; Curson, 2010b: 795;
cuna, western slope of Cerro Tacarcuna, Lovette et al., 2010: 765–766; and Gutiérrez-
Panama, AMNH 136199–136201, three Pinto et al., 2012: 156–165.
males, collected 1 and 14 April 1915, by
William B. Richardson; eastern slope of HOLOTYPE: AMNH 74071, adult male,
Cerro Tacarcuna, Colombia, AMNH 136202, collected at Inca Mine, near Santo Domingo,
136204–136212, six males, four females, 31 13.51S, 69.41W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983),
March–16 April 1915 by Anthony and Ball. I Puno, southeastern Peru, on 3 August 1900,
did not find AMNH 136202 in the collection. by H.H. Keays (no. 81).
This locality, noted on the label as eastern COMMENTS: Zimmer cited the AMNH
Panama, is essentially on the Panama-Colombia number of the holotype in the original
border. See Siegel and Olson (2008: 392) for a description and listed 17 specimens in his
discussion. type series. Of the 16 paratypes, six are in
AMNH: Peru, Inca Mine, AMNH 74070,
male, 23 June 1900, by Keays (no. 38); Santo
Basileuterus tristriatus baezae Chapman
Domingo, AMNH 146388, 146389, female,
Basileuterus tristriatus baezae Chapman, 1924 male, 25 September 1916, by H. Watkins.
(Baeza, East Ecuador). Bolivia, Nequejahuira, AMNH 229268, 229-
Now Basileuterus tristriatus baezae Chapman, 269, male, sex?, 23 May 1926, by G.H.H.
1924. See Hellmayr, 1935: 494; Lowery and Tate; ‘‘Bolivia,’’ AMNH 30547, sex and date
Monroe, 1968: 73; Curson, 2010b: 795; and unknown, by H.H. Rusby. The remaining 10
Lovette et al., 2010: 765–766.
paratypes were said to be in ANSP. AMNH
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 176256, adult male, 30547, 74070, 74071, 146388, and 146389 are
collected at Baeza, 00.27S, 77.53W (Paynter, also paratypes of B. t. punctipectus.
1993), Ecuador, on 26 November 1922, by
Olalla and sons. Basileuterus tristriatus punctipectus Chapman
COMMENTS: In the original description, Basileuterus tristriatus punctipectus Chapman,
Chapman gave the number of the holotype as 1924: 5 (Yungas, 3600 ft, Dept. Cochabamba,
186256, an obvious typographical error, as Bolivia).
Now Basileuterus tristriatus punctipectus Chap- 168001–168003, four males, four females, 21
man, 1924. See Hellmayr, 1935: 495; Zimmer, July–4 August 1920; La Puente, AMNH
1949: 36–37; Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 74; 172276, male, 10 October 1921; Zaruma,
Curson, 2010b: 795; Lovette et al., 2010: 765– AMNH 130211–130216, 155204, one male,
766; and Gutiérrez-Pinto et al., 2012: 156–165.
four females, one female?, one sex?, 17
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 137961, adult male, September–4 October 1913; Punta Santa
collected at Yungas, 3600 ft, 16.20S, 66.45W Ana, AMNH 167989–167994, five males,
(Paynter, 1992), Cochabamba, Bolivia, on 5 one female, 18–23 December 1900; Lunamá,
June 1915, by Leo Miller (no. 12217) and AMNH 172257–172259, three males, 13
Howarth Boyle. August 1921; Las Piñas, AMNH 172273bis,
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH male, 12 September 1921; San Bartolo,
number of the holotype in the original AMNH 172269–172273, four males, one
description and (on p. 7) listed his type series. female, 3–6 September 1921; Loja, AMNH
Paratypes are: Bolivia, Locotal, AMNH 130217, female, 11 October 1913; Alamor,
137958–137960, two males, one female, 30– AMNH 172260–172267, 152491–152495,
31 May 1915, by Miller and Boyle; Inca- 168009, 10 males, four females, July 1919,
chaca, AMNH 137955–137957, one male, September 1920, August 1921; Guachanama,
two females, 15–21 May 1915, by Miller AMNH 168007, 168008, two females, 8–9
and Boyle; Roquefalda, AMNH 148767, October 1920; Celica, AMNH 168004–
148768, one male, one sex?, 18 February 168006, one male, two females, 25 September
1915, by G.K. Cherrie; Yungas, AMNH 1920; Guainche, AMNH 172268, female, 25
137962–137964, two males, one female, 4–8 August 1921; Cebollal, AMNH 172274,
June 1915, by Miller and Boyle; Mapiri?, 172275, females, 1, 5 October 1921.
AMNH 30547–30549, unsexed, undated, by Of these paratypes, AMNH 130211,
152493, 167992, 167999, 172259, 172271,
H.H. Rusby. Peru, Inca Mine (5 Santo
and 172276 were exchanged to MCZ in July
Domingo), AMNH 74070, 74071, two males,
1928; AMNH 130216, and 172272 were
23 June and 3 August 1900, by H.H. Keays;
exchanged to ANSP in July 1928.
Santo Domingo, AMNH 146388, 146389,
female, male, 25 September 1916, by H. Basileuterus fulvicauda gaffneyi Griscom
Watkins. AMNH 74071 is also the holotype
and AMNH 30547, 74070, 146388, and Basileuterus fulvicauda gaffneyi Griscom, 1927a:
146389 are paratypes of B. t. inconspicuus. 14 (Guaval, Rio Calovevora, humid tropical
forest of Veraguas, Caribbean slope of Western
Basileuterus trifasciatus nitidior Chapman Panama).
Now Myiothlypis fulvicauda leucopygia (Sclater
Basileuterus trifasciatus nitidior Chapman, 1924: 8 and Salvin, 1873). See Hellmayr, 1935: 525–526;
(El Chiral, 5350 ft, Santa Rosa-Zaruna trail, Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 75–76; Wetmore et
Prov. del Oro, southwestern Ecuador). al., 1984: 325–330; Dickinson, 2003: 767–768;
Now Basileuterus trifasciatus nitidior Chapman, Curson, 2010b: 796; and Lovette et al., 2010:
1924. See Hellmayr, 1935: 497; Zimmer, 1949: 766.
41; Curson, 2010b: 790; Lovette et al., 2010:
765–766; and Gutiérrez-Pinto et al., 2012: 156– HOLOTYPE: AMNH 257140, adult male,
165. collected at Guaval, ca. 08.35N, 81.14W
(Siegel and Olson, 2008), Rio Calovevora,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 168000, adult male, humid tropical forest of Bocas del Toro,
collected at El Chiral, 5350 ft, ca. 03.38S, Caribbean slope of western Panama, 800 ft,
79.41W (Paynter, 1993), Santa Rosa-Zaruma on 22 August 1926, by Rex R. Benson (no. A-
trail, Oro, Ecuador, on 25 July 1920, by 179).
George K. Cherrie (no. 21302). COMMENTS: Griscom cited the AMNH
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original
number of the holotype in the original description and had two additional speci-
description and listed the 55 specimens he mens from the type locality. Paratypes are:
examined. The following specimens are para- AMNH 246936, 246937, males, 14 and 26
types: El Chiral, AMNH 167995–167999, August 1926, by Benson and Gaffney. See
Siegel and Olson (2008: 196) for a comment HOLOTYPE: AMNH 186071, adult female,
on this type locality. collected at Pomará, 05.16S, 78.26W (Ste-
See Lovette et al. (2010: 766) for inclusion phens and Traylor, 1983), 1100 ft, lower Rı́o
of fulvicauda in the genus Myiothlypis. Marañón, Amazonas, Peru, on 8 August
1924, by Harry Watkins (no. 8408).
Basileuterus fulvicauda toddi Griscom COMMENTS: Todd gave the AMNH num-
ber of the holotype in the original description
Basileuterus fulvicauda toddi Griscom, 1927a: 14 and noted that he had five specimens in his
(Boqueron, Chiriqui, Pacific slope of western
type series. The four paratypes, all from Peru,
are: Huarandosa, Rı́o Chinchipe, AMNH
Now Myiothlypis fulvicauda veraguensis (Sharpe,
1885). See Hellmayr, 1935: 524–525; Zimmer, 182205, 182206, females, 10 and 12 Septem-
1949: 57–58; Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 76; ber 1923, by Watkins (nos. 7807 and 7813);
Wetmore et al., 1984: 325–330; Dickinson, 2003: Pomará, Rı́o Marañon, AMNH 186069,
767–768; Curson, 2010b: 796; and Lovette et al., 186070, males, 8 August 1924, by Watkins
2010: 766. (nos. 8399 and 8407).
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 77774, adult male, Basileuterus rivularis significans Zimmer
collected at Boqueron, 08.30N, 82.34W
(Siegel and Olson, 2008), Chiriqui, Pacific Basileuterus rivularis significans Zimmer, 1949: 56
slope of western Panama, on 11 October (La Pampa, southeastern Perú, Tropical Zone).
Now Myiothlypis fulvicauda significans (Zimmer,
1901, by J.H. Batty.
1949). See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 77;
COMMENTS: In the original description, Dickinson, 2003: 768; Curson, 2010b: 796–797;
Griscom gave the AMNH number of the and Lovette et al., 2010: 766.
holotype and listed his paratypes: Panama,
interior of Cape Mala Peninsula, AMNH HOLOTYPE: AMNH 146394, male, col-
233273, female, Cerro Montosa, 5 August lected at La Pampa, 13.39S, 69.36W (Ste-
1925; AMNH 233274, male, Cerro Lago, 4 phens and Traylor, 1983), Puno, southeastern
July 1925; Wilcox Camp, San Lorenzo River, Peru, on 6 October 1916, by Harry Watkins
AMNH 182948, male, 4 April 1924. South- (no. 220).
western Costa Rica, Boruca, AMNH 391949, COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH
391950, male and female, 11 September 1923; number of the holotype in the original
Buenos Aires, AMNH 391955, female, 17 description and on page 58 listed his type
September 1923. series. The paratypes are: La Pampa, AMNH
Zimmer (1949: 57) considered toddi a 146395, sex?, 8 October 1916, by Watkins
synonym of veraguensis and listed four (no. 239); Rı́o Tavara, AMNH 132791,
specimens of veraguensis from Costa Rica, 132792, male and female, 25 and 23 May
1915, AMNH 147767, male, 22 December
but his male specimen from Buenos Aires
1919, all collected by H. and C. Watkins;
came to AMNH in 1932 with the Rothschild
Astillero, AMNH 145393, female, 2 February
Collection and would not have been available
1917, by H. Watkins (no. 645).
to Griscom when toddi was named.
There is apparently no reason to suspect Muscicapa rivularis Wied
either the date or locality of this holotype
collected by J.H. Batty (see Olson, 2008: 8). Muscicapa rivularis Wied, 1821: 103 (Villa d’Il-
héos, Bahia, Brazil).
Phaeothlypis semicervina annexa Todd Now Myiothlypis rivularis rivularis (Wied, 1821).
See Hellmayr, 1935: 520–521; Zimmer, 1949:
Phaeothlypis semicervina annexa Todd, 1929a: 15 58–59; Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 77; Dick-
(Pomara (1,100 feet), lower Rio Marañon, inson, 2003: 768; Curson, 2010b: 797; and
northern Peru). Lovette et al., 2010: 766.
Now Myiothlypis fulvicauda fulvicauda (Spix,
1825). See Hellmayr, 1935: 523; Zimmer, 1949: SYNTYPES: AMNH 4292, female, AMNH
53–56; Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 76; Dick- 4293, male, AMNH 4294, male, collected at
inson, 2003: 768; Curson, 2010b: 796–797; and Ilhéus (5 Ilhéos), 14.49S, 39.02W (Paynter
Lovette et al., 2010: 766. and Traylor, 1991), Bahia, Brazil, ca. mid to
late December 1816 (Bokerman, 1957: 232– collection was not cataloged until after
233). From the Maximilian Collection. Sanford’s death in 1951. Miller and Griscom
COMMENTS: Under Basileuterus strangula- (1925: 1) borrowed specimens from other
tus, Allen (1889c: 215) listed these three institutions and perhaps the paratypes are
specimens as syntypes of Wied’s Muscicapa widely scattered.
rivularis. AMNH 4292 and 4294 were appar- Zimmer (1948: 126–127) first realized that
ently mounted together and the original Giraud’s 1841 name for the Olive Warbler,
label, glued to the AMNH label of the male, Sylvia olivacea, was preoccupied by Sylvia
notes both ‘‘Mas.’’ and ‘‘Fem.’’ The original olivacea Vieillot, 1817. The next available
label for AMNH 4293 is glued to its AMNH name for the species is Sylvia taeniatus Du
label and only ‘‘Mas.’’ is noted on it. Bus, 1847.
Allen (1889c: 215) gave Rio Belmonte as The genus Peucedramus was considered by
the type locality, and Wied (1821: 103) noted Lowery and Monroe (1968: 77) as genus
that he had found it first on the Rio incertae sedis at the end of the Parulidae,
Belmonte; however, the description of rivu- thus its inclusion in that position here. There
laris accompanied the report of his travels has been much research regarding its rela-
around Villa Ilhéos. tionships (see George, 1962, 1968; Webster,
1962; Sibley and Ahlquist, 1990: 691–692;
PEUCEDRAMIDAE Groth, 1998, 2000; and Ericson and Johans-
son, 2003), the American Ornithologists’
Union (1998: 532) accepting it as comprising
Peucedramus olivaceus arizonae Miller and its own family, the Peucedramidae. This has
Griscom been followed by most recent authors,
although the placement of the family varies;
Peucedramus olivaceus arizonae Miller and Gris-
com, 1925: 10 (Paradise, Chiricahua Mts., see the discussion in Curson (2010b: 660–
Arizona). 662). The generic name Peucedramus should
Now Peucedramus taeniatus arizonae Miller and be attributed to Coues rather than Henshaw
Griscom, 1925. See Hellmayr, 1935: 359–360; (Chesser, et al., 2011: 606). Also see Banks
Zimmer, 1948: 126–127; Lowery and Monroe, (2011) for clarification of the type locality of
1968: 78; Dickinson, 2003: 739; and Curson, the nominate subspecies of P. taeniatus.
2010b: 660–665.
Peucedramus olivaceus jaliscensis Miller and
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 380799, adult male,
collected at Paradise, Chiricahua Mountains,
Arizona, on 4 April 1917, by Austin Paul Peucedramus olivaceus jaliscensis Miller and Gris-
Smith. From the Dwight Collection com, 1925: 9 (Zapotlan, Jalisco).
(no. 47606). Now Peucedramus taeniatus jaliscensis Miller and
COMMENTS: Miller and Griscom cited the Griscom, 1925. See Hellmayr, 1935: 361; Zim-
unique Dwight Collection number in the mer, 1948: 126–127; Lowery and Monroe, 1968:
78; Dickinson, 2003: 739; and Curson, 2010b:
original description and (on p. 13) noted that
they had examined from Arizona 20 adult
males, nine adult females, 14 immature males HOLOTYPE: AMNH 36826, adult male,
and one immature female, and from Mexico, collected at Zapotlán, 21.08N, 104.52W
three adult males from Chihuahua and one (Times atlas), Jalisco, Mexico, on 23 Decem-
adult male from Miquihuana, Tamaulipas. ber 1889, by A. Buller.
The following paratypes are in AMNH: COMMENTS: Miller and Griscom cited the
Arizona, AMNH 27850, 36463, 53478, AMNH number of the holotype in the
380789–380798, 380800–380809, 11 adult original description and (on p. 11) listed the
males, three adult females, eight immature specimens they examined. Paratypes are:
males, one immature female; Mexico, Chi- La Pisagua, AMNH 105996–105998, adult
huahua, AMNH 60069, adult male. I have not males, AMNH 105999, adult female; Volcan
considered specimens in AMNH that came Colima, AMNH 105994, 105995, adult
with the Sanford Collection as paratypes; that males; Volcano de Nieve (Sierra Nevada de
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 507758, adult male, locality was definitely Stockton, California,
collected at Prata, Pará, Brazil, on 17 based on the fact that Holden had collected
November 1905, by W. Hoffmanns the type of Larus californicus there, but
(no. 141). From the Rothschild Collection. Holden had also collected birds in Sacra-
COMMENTS: In the original description, mento (see Lawrence, 1853: 4, Ephialtes
Rothschild gave Hoffmanns’ unique field choliba). The AOU checklist (1910: 324) gave
number of the holotype and described both the type locality as ‘‘probably near Sacra-
male and female. There are only two mento or Stockton,’’ which would seem to be
specimens in AMNH from the Rothschild correct. Grinnell further stated that the type
Collection that were collected by Hoffmanns specimen was ‘‘at one time given a number
in Pará. The paratype is: AMNH 507757, in the register of the U.S. Nat. Mus., now
female, collected at Prata on 15 November no. 40028 in the American Museum of
1905 by Hoffmanns (no. 132). Natural History, New York City.’’ There is
According to Paynter and Traylor (1991: no indication of a former USNM number
563) Prata is a former name of São Jorge, on this specimen, and James Dean (personal
01.18S, 47.36 or ‘‘may be a site different commun.) has found no evidence that
from, but close to, Santo Antônio do Prata,’’ USNM received a specimen of Icteria from
ca. 01.20S, 47.37W. Holden.
Grinnell (1932: 300) gave the number on
Icteria longicauda Lawrence the Lawrence label as @177 and considered it
the ‘‘Baird Catalogue number’’; James Dean
Icteria longicauda Lawrence, 1853: 4 (California).
Now Icteria virens auricollis (Deppe, 1830). See (personal commun.) found no. 177 in Baird’s
Grinnell, 1932: 300; Hellmayr, 1935: 447; catalog to be a specimen of Picus pubescens
Dickinson, 2003: 768; Curson, 2010b: 798–799; from Pennsylvania, and he noted that Baird
and Chesser et al., 2011: 607. did not use letters with his numbers. I
interpret it as ‘‘a 177,’’ especially as AMNH
SYNTYPE: AMNH 40028, adult unsexed, 40029 is numbered ‘‘b 177,’’ and I think
collected in California, undated, by E.S. ‘‘177’’ is a Lawrence number for the species.
Holden. From the G.N. Lawrence Collection
(a 177). [Sylvia speciosa Temminck]
COMMENTS: Although Lawrence did not
designate a type in the original description, Sylvia speciosa (ex Wied ms) Temminck (in
Temminck and Laugier 1820–1839), 1824,
AMNH 40028 is marked ‘‘Type. Presented
livraison 49, pl. 293, fig. 2 (Rio de Janeiro,
by E.S. Holden’’ by Lawrence. He apparently
based his description on this single specimen Now Conirostrum speciosum speciosum (Tem-
with a black bill but with the ‘‘edges of both minck, 1824). See Wied, 1831: 710; Allen,
mandibles and an oblong spot on the lower, 1889: 217; Hellmayr, 1935: 314–316; Lowery
near the base, greyish-white.’’ He had a and Monroe, 1968: 82–83, Dickinson, 2001: 46,
second specimen differing from the former Dickinson, 2003: 815, Dekker and Quaiser,
in having the ‘‘upper plumage olive brown, 2006: 37; and Hilty, 2011: 261.
and the bill entirely black; in other respects
precisely the same.’’ There is a second Temminck (1824: livr. 49, pl. 293, fig. 2)
specimen in AMNH from the Lawrence based his name, Sylvia speciosa, on a Wied
Collection, AMNH 40029, an undated spec- manuscript name and pictured it in plate
imen from California, presented by Dr. A.L. 293, figure 2. A specimen, RMNH 90238, is
Heerman. I do not consider this specimen a considered the holotype of speciosa (Dekker
syntype as it has the edges of the upper and Quaiser, 2006: 37). Wied was generous in
mandible and almost the entire lower man- sending specimens to Temminck, already
dible lighter in color. Lawrence may have had labeled with the names he intended to give
a second Holden specimen that he exchanged them. Because Wied’s own publication was
before the collection came to AMNH. delayed for many years, Temminck’s use of
Grinnell’s (1932: 300) discussion of this some of the names Wied had written on his
type is puzzling. He thought that the type labels made Temminck the author of those
(5 Conirostrum bicolor bicolor). The original labeled as coming from E. of Palmira, but
Maximilian label is glued onto the reverse of the field label indicates that it is from
the AMNH label and the specimen is there Mir[aflores]. See Chapman (1917b) for a
unsexed, although it is labeled ‘‘U’’ on the description of the various AMNH expedi-
front of the AMNH label; it is considered an tions to Colombia.
adult male by Allen and the AMNH type
label is so marked. It matches specimens of Coereba flaveola dispar J.T. Zimmer
either sex in the AMNH collection and is the Coereba flaveola dispar J.T. Zimmer, 1942b: 4
only specimen of this form that came to (Candamo, southeastern Perú).
AMNH with the Wied collection. The Now Coereba flaveola dispar J.T. Zimmer, 1942.
locality on the label is ‘‘Brasilia,’’ but in the See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 88; Dickinson,
original description, Wied noted that he had 2003: 776; Schulenberg et al., 2010: 614; and
obtained it on the Mucuri. The number Hilty, 2011: 328–329.
‘‘139,’’ written in pencil on the original label,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 146441, adult male,
is of unknown significance. Allen did not find
collected at Candamo, 13.31S, 69.41W (Ste-
it listed in Wied’s catalog.
phens and Traylor, 1983), Puno, Peru, on 10
December 1916, by Harry Watkins (no. 431).
Coereba mexicana caucae Chapman
COMMENTS: Zimmer cited the AMNH
Coereba mexicana caucae Chapman, 1914: 186 number of the holotype in the original
(Cali (alt. 3500 ft), Cauca Valley, Colombia). description and (on p. 9) listed the specimens
Now Coereba flaveola caucae Chapman, 1914. he examined. The paratypes in AMNH are:
See Hellmayr, 1935: 299; Lowery and Monroe, Bolivia, Mapiri, AMNH 30561–30563, un-
1968: 88; and Dickinson, 2003: 776; Hilty, 2011:
sexed, April 1886, by H.H. Rusby; Apolo-
bamba, AMNH 78969, male, 7 September
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 109240, adult male, 1903, by R.S. Williams; Pitiguaya, AMNH
collected at Cali, 3500 ft, 03.27N, 76.31W 229292, unsexed, 9 May 1926, by G.H.H.
(Paynter, 1997), Cauca Valley, Colombia, on Tate. Peru, Rı́o Inambari, AMNH 132796–
10 May 1911, by F.M. Chapman and W.B. 132798, three males, 18 March–15 April
Richardson. 1915, by Harry and Casimir Watkins; La
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH Pampa, AMNH 146439, 146440, two males,
number of the holotype in the original 14 October and 25 November 1916, by H.
description and based his description on 11 Watkins; Camdamo, AMNH 146442, 146444,
adult specimens from the Cauca Valley and male, immature male, 11–13 December 1916,
the subtropical zone of the Western Andes. I by H. Watkins; Tulumayo, AMNH 170070–
could account for only nine of these speci- 170074, three males, two immature males, 10–
mens, including the holotype. The paratypes 17 May 1921, by H. Watkins; La Merced,
are: Cali, AMNH 71904, female, undated, AMNH 169364, female, AMNH 169365,
collected by Batty, AMNH 108478, 108481, male, 15 November 1919, by H. Watkins;
108483, two males, one female, 20–27 De- Chanchamayo, AMNH 507887, female, May
cember 1910, by Richardson; Rio Frio, 1905, by C.O. Shunke; Largato, AMNH
AMNH 112859, 29 November 1911, by 239552–239555, three males, one female, 17–
A.A. Allen and L.E. Miller; San Antonio, 28 March 1928, by Olalla and Sons; Santa
AMNH 108480, female, 24 January 1911, by Rosa, AMNH 240471, 240472, two males, 22
Richardson; Las Lomitas, AMNH 108479, December 1927, 5 January 1928, by Olalla
108482, males, 11 March and 28 February and Sons. Other specimens of dispar exam-
1911, by Richardson. Of these, I did not find ined by Zimmer were borrowed from FMNH,
AMNH 108479 in the collection and AMNH ANSP, and MCZ.
108482 was exchanged to BMNH in May
1921. Chapman questioned the inclusion of Certhiola atrata Lawrence
an immature specimen from Miraflores in Certhiola atrata Lawrence, 1878: 149 [150, in
caucae, and it is therefore not a paratype. repaginated reprint] (Island of St. Vincent, West
That specimen is AMNH 109241 and is Indies).
Now Coereba flaveola atrata (Lawrence, 1878). See obtained them, but they were not examined
Hellmayr, 1935: 303–304; Deignan, 1961: 523– by Lowe. Salamon Briceño’s name is some-
524; Dickinson, 2003: 776. times written S. Briceño G. or S.B. Gabaldon.
SYNTYPES: AMNH 40276 (USNM 74097), AMNH 100882–100886 were collected by
adult male, and AMNH 40277 (USNM ‘‘S.B. Gabaldon’’ but were never part of the
74096), adult female, both collected at the Rothschild Collection.
foot of La Soufrière, 13.21N, 145.06W
(Times atlas), St. Vincent Island, West Indies, Coereba flaveola bolivari Zimmer and Phelps
on 30 October 1877, by F.A. Ober (nos. 420 Coereba flaveola bolivari Zimmer and Phelps, 1946:
and 418, respectively). 20 (Ciudad Bolı́var, State of Bolı́var, Vene-
COMMENTS: In the original description, zuela).
Lawrence said that he had four black Now Coereba flaveola bolivari Zimmer and Phelps,
specimens, two of each sex, and that the 1946. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 92;
Dickinson, 2003: 776; and Hilty, 2011: 328–329.
types were in USNM, but he did not further
designate them; therefore, all four specimens HOLOTYPE: AMNH 507901, adult male,
are syntypes. Deignan (1961: 523–524) noted collected at Ciudad Bolı́var, 08.08N, 63.33W
that only two of the types, both marked (Paynter, 1982), Bolı́var, Venezuela, on 30
‘‘Type’’ by Lawrence, were in USNM. These November 1898, by Samuel M. Klages. From
two specimens are the two missing syntypes the Rothschild Collection.
even though they are not marked ‘‘Type’’ by COMMENTS: Zimmer and Phelps cited the
Lawrence, as they bear USNM numbers in AMNH number of the holotype in the
the same sequence as the USNM number on original description and (on p. 21) listed
the syntypes in USNM and were collected on the specimens they examined. Paratypes in
the same day by Ober. They came to AMNH AMNH are: Ciudad Bolı́var, AMNH 73611–
with the Lawrence Collection and had not 73617, five males, two females, collected by
previously been recognized as types. Klages in 1898, AMNH 439917, female,
collected by Cherrie in 1905, AMNH
Coereba luteola montana Lowe 507900, immature male, AMNH 507902,
Coereba luteola montana Lowe, 1912: 509 (Merida female, collected by Klages (based on hand-
(1600 metres)). writing) in 1898; Agua Salada de Ciudad
Now Coereba flaveola montana Lowe, 1912. See Bolı́var, AMNH 177935, male, collected in
Hellmayr, 1935: 293–294; Lowery and Monroe, 1907 by Cherrie. Because all of the above
1968: 92; Dickinson, 2003: 776; and Hilty, 2011: specimens were labeled ‘‘Coereba flaveola
328–329. boliviari Z. & P.’’ by Zimmer and because
females of boliviari were listed as present in
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 507910, adult male,
the Phelps Collection, I believe the AMNH
collected in the Cordillera do Mérida, 1600 m,
females were inadvertently omitted from the
western Venezuela, on 20 February 1897, by
list of examined specimens, and I have
Salamon Briceño. From the Rothschild
considered them paratypes. The remainder
of the specimens was in the Phelps Collection
COMMENTS: In the original description, in Caracas.
Lowe said that he had examined 19 specimens
from the mountainous district of Mérida, all Coereba guianensis roraimae Chapman
of which were in the Rothschild Collection.
His type of montana was the only specimen Coereba guianensis roraimae Chapman, 1929: 6
bearing the date 20 February 1897. The 18 (Arabupu, 4200 ft, Mt. Roraima, Venezuela).
paratypes are: AMNH 507911–507926, seven Now Coereba flaveola roraimae Chapman, 1929.
See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 92–93; Dick-
males, two females, seven unsexed, all col-
inson, 2003: 776; and Hilty, 2011: 328–329.
lected by Briceño; AMNH 507932, 507933,
unsexed, from the Boucard Collection. There HOLOTYPE: AMNH 237272, adult male,
are five additional Rothschild specimens from collected at Arabopó (5 Arabupu), 4200 ft,
Mérida, apparently collected by Mocquerys. 05.06N, 60.44W (Paynter, 1982), Mount
There is no information on when Rothschild Roraima, Venezuela, on 29 December 1927,
by T. Donald Carter on the Lee Garnett Day Pyle (2011: 116–117) has recently called
Expedition. attention to the many spellings of the species
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH name and has shown that the spelling fraithii
number of the holotype in the original descrip- is correct, even though the person for whom
tion and listed the specimens he examined. it was named spelled his name Freeth. There
Paratypes are: Paulo, AMNH 237269, 237270, is no evidence in the original publication of
males, 30 October and 29 October 1927, H. fraithii that there was an inadvertent error
respectively; Arabopó, AMNH 237271, male, in the spelling of the specific name, therefore
27 December 1927, AMNH 237273, male, 2 that spelling must be used (ICZN, 1999: 39,
January 1928, AMNH 237274, female, 4 Art 32.5.1).
January 1928, all collected by Carter. This species is extinct.
Rothschild (1893f: 113) had considered description in an earlier list of the Mills
mirabilis a species in the Meliphagidae and collection without supplying a name; I have
had described the genus Palmeria at the same not seen this list. I agree with Olson that
time. He (Rothschild, 1893e: ix) soon realiz- the description of anna applies only to the
ed his error and noted that mirabilis was a specimen in BBM and that that specimen
synonym of Himatione dolei, which should be should be considered the holotype (ICZN,
placed in his genus Palmeria. Wilson and 1999: 79, Art. 73.1.2).
Evans (1890–1899: 15–16, unnumbered pl.) In the years between 1878, when anna was
discussed and illustrated this species. described, and 1888, when Bishop is known
In August and September, Palmer (Roth- to have exchanged rare Hawaiian birds with
schild, 1900: (Di)) was on the slopes of Mt. Scott Wilson, including the specimen of anna,
Haleakala, 20.43N, 156.10 W (Times atlas). Bishop was acquiring specimens that had
been owned by Mills (Manning, 1979: 41).
[Fringilla anna Dole] Wilson’s statement concerning the acquisi-
tion of his specimen gives credance to its
Fringilla anna Dole, 1878: 49 (Hawaii).
having come from Mills’ collection; however,
Now Ciridops anna (Dole, 1878). See Rothschild,
1900: 183–184; Amadon, 1950: 174–175; Green- there is no information on when it came into
way, 1968: 96; Pratt, 2002; Dickinson, 2003: Mills’ hand. I have found no indication that
759; Pratt, 2005: 273–275; and Olson, 2012. Dole saw a second specimen of anna, and it
seems strange that he would have failed to
COMMENTS: AMNH 459008, sex? [sub- mention the plumage differences between the
adult], ‘‘Hawaii,’’ date? From the Rothschild two had he seen both. It seems impossible at
Collection. This is the specimen about which this late date definitely to link the AMNH
Scott Wilson (Wilson and Evans, 1890–1899: specimen to Dole and his description of anna.
23) said: ‘‘I procured a stuffed specimen AMNH 459008 was not listed as a type by
from the Hon. C.R. Bishop, which had been Rothschild (1900: 183–184) or by Hartert in
obtained from the late Mr. Mills of Hilo. Mr. his lists of types in the Rothschild Collection.
Bishop has a much finer example remaining Based on Amadon’s (1944: 12; 1950: 175)
with more grey about the head and neck, statement that the AMNH specimen was one
taken by the same gentleman.’’ Rothschild of two specimens from the Mills collection
(1900: 183) purchased it from Wilson and it that ‘‘became cotypes of Fringilla anna, as
came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collec- described by Judge Dole,’’ an AMNH type
tion. It is this specimen that is illustrated in label was added. However, based on the
Wilson and Evans (1890–1899: 23–24, un- above uncertainities, I agree with Olson that
numbered pl.) and about which Wilson said ‘‘the AMNH specimen probably has no
that the outer webs of the last three status as a type’’ (Olson, 1994: 342). It
secondaries and the secondary and lesser remains with the types, but with an added
coverts were ochraceus buff. (Rothschild label to call attention to its questionable
called this pl. xix; it is no. 11 in the list of status.
plates, but they are unnumbered in the text. Rothschild had a second specimen of C.
The significance of Rothschild’s number has anna, collected for him by Palmer and
not been discovered.) preserved in the flesh. This specimen is now
Olson (1994: 342) discussed the type of in BMNH as part of the Rothschild Bequest.
Fringilla anna in detail. As he stated, Dole It has no type status.
(1878: 49), in his original description, did not A second AMNH specimen of C. anna,
say how many specimens he had, but his AMNH 230275, female, was exchanged on 7
description applied to an adult with white July 1927 to AMNH from MCZ (Bangs,
secondaries, not to a probable subadult with 1930: 363), MCZ no. 10987, and bears a note
brown secondaries as in the AMNH speci- signed ‘‘O.B[angs]’’ saying that there is no
men. Dole also did not say that the specimen information concerning its provenance. It
he described was in the Mills Collection. has no type standing. Olson (1992: 495–
According to Olson (1994: 342) this was an 500) provided evidence that this specimen
oversight, as Dole in 1876 had given the same and another at MCZ were almost certainly
collected by William T. Brigham in 1864– August, AMNH 453174 (–), unsexed and
1865 and that they may have come from undated; AMNH 454598 (1654), male, 18
Molokai Island instead of Hawaii Island, July. This last specimen has no melanin in the
where other specimens of C. anna were feathers and is entirely yellow and white, but
collected. Palmer mentioned in his diary (Rothschild,
The species is extinct; there are only five 1900: Di 9) that the iris, bill, and legs of this
specimens known (Olson, 1992). Based in specimen were of normal color; it had been
large part on earlier work by Olson, the shot on the evening of 17 July. Other
above was written prior to the appearance of specimens may be in BMNH as part of the
a summary article by Olson (2012) of all the Rothschild Bequest. AMNH 453357 was
information known about Ciridops anna. originally identified by Rothschild as Oreo-
This recent article supports the conclusions myza newtoni and only later corrected to H.
listed above and greatly extends our knowl- v. wilsoni. It is not a paralectotype of wilsoni.
edge of this rarest of the drepanidines. In mid-July 1892, Palmer’s diary (Roth-
schild, 1900: (Di)) indicated that he was
Himatione wilsoni Rothschild camped north of Olinda, 20.48N, 156.16W
Himatione wilsoni Rothschild, 1893c: xlii (Island of
(Times atlas) on his way to Mount Haleakala.
Mauai). In addition to Himatione and Hemi-
Now Hemignathus virens wilsoni (Rothschild, gnathus, wilsoni has been listed in at least
1893). See Rothschild, 1900: 137–138, pl. 59; the following genera: Chlorodrepanis (Roth-
Amadon, 1950: 165; Greenway, 1968: 97; Olson schild, 1900: 137, Mathews, 1930: 810),
and James, 1995; American Ornithologists’ Loxops (Amadon: 1950: 165), and Viridonia
Union, 1998: 673–674; Dickinson, 2003: 758; (Greenway, 1968: 97). For a discussion of the
Pratt, 2005: 240–243; and Pratt, 2010: 657. history of the generic name Hemignathus, see
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453159, male, col- Olson and James (1995). Pratt (2010: 657)
lected on Maui (5 Mauai) Island, Hawaii, on treated wilsoni as a full species.
17 July 1892, by Henry Palmer (no. 1650).
From the Rothschild Collection. Viridonia sagittirostris Rothschild
COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate Viridonia sagittirostris Rothschild, 1892: 112
a type or enumerate his specimens in the (Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands).
original description, describing both male Now Hemignathus sagittirostris (Rothschild,
and female and giving the range as Maui 1892). See Rothschild, 1893g: 109–110, pl. 54;
Island. Rothschild’s statement that ‘‘the Rothschild, 1900: 312; Amadon, 1950: 165;
Greenway, 1968: 97; American Ornithologists’
types of C. wilsoni were shot by Palmer on
Union, 1998: 674; Dickinson, 2003: 758; Pratt,
the 14 July on Maui’’ does not serve to
2005: 243–244; and Pratt, 2010: 647.
designate a lectotype. Hartert (1919: 171)
listed Palmer’s specimen no. 1650 as the type, LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453235, adult male,
thereby designating it the lectotype. The collected on Mauna Kea, 19.50N, 155.25W
following paralectotypes, collected by Palmer (Times atlas), Hawaii Island, Hawaii (5
on Maui in 1892, are in AMNH: AMNH Sandwich Islands), on 30 April 1892, by
453160 (Palmer’s no. 1644), male, 16 July; Henry Palmer (no. 1601). From the Roth-
AMNH 453161 (1651), male, AMNH 453162 schild Collection.
(1759), female, AMNH 453163 (1753), male, COMMENTS: Rothschild described both
17 July; AMNH 453164 (1757), female, 17 male and female but did not designate a type
August; AMNH 453165 (1778), female, 6 in the original description. Later, he (Roth-
October; AMNH 453166 (1795), female, 30 schild, 1893g: 109) gave measurements for
October; AMNH 453167 (1755), unsexed, two adult males and two adult females, with
AMNH 453168 (1761), female, AMNH one of each sex indicated as the type. This
453169 (1758), female, AMNH 453170 does not give type status to the two speci-
(1760), female, 17 August; AMNH 453171 mens. Hartert (1919a: 171) by listing Palmer’s
(1642), AMNH 453172 (1643), females, 14 specimen no. 1601 as the type, designated it
July; AMNH 453173 (1695), female, 7 the lectotype; it was also marked ‘‘Type -’’
specimen bearing Palmer’s no. 1688 as the number in Rothschild, 1893g). The following
type, thereby designating it the lectotype. paralectotpes, collected on Hawaii Island
This specimen is also marked ‘‘Type,’’ ‘‘pl. by Palmer in September and October 1891
11’’ (?), ‘‘52’’ (plate no. in Rothschild, 1893g), and February 1892, are in AMNH: AMNH
and ‘‘p. 123 Ibis 1893’’ (should be page 112). 453542 (Palmer no. 1359), AMNH 453543
The following 10 paralectotypes, collected by (1350), males, 29 September; AMNH 453544
Palmer on Maui in 1892, are in AMNH; the (1328), AMNH 453545 (1329), males, 25
remainder were probably exchanged by September; AMNH 453546 (1325), immature
Rothschild before the collection came to male, 25 September; AMNH 453547 (1559),
AMNH or may be in BMNH as part of the AMNH 453548 (1561), males, 15 February;
Rothschild Bequest: AMNH 453529 (Palmer AMNH 453549 (1364), female, 1 October;
no. 1689), male, 4 August; AMNH 453530 AMNH 453550 (1385), female, 6 October;
(1697), AMNH 453531 (1696), males, 9 AMNH 453551 (1794), female, 30 October;
August; AMNH 453532 (1712), male, 10 AMNH 453552 (1352), female, 29 September;
August; AMNH 453533 (1717), male, 11 AMNH 453553 (1327), female, AMNH
August; AMNH 453534 (1743), immature 453554 (1324), unsexed, 25 September.
male, 16 August; AMNH 453535 (1719), AMNH 453554 is also marked ‘‘pl. 12’’ of
male, AMNH 453536 (1729), AMNH unknown significance. Two additional spec-
453537 (1730), females, 13 August; AMNH imens, AMNH 453540, male, collected by
453538 (–), unsexed, only 1892 on label, all S.B. Wilson in March 1888 and AMNH
collected by Palmer. AMNH 453536 is also 453555, female, collector and date unknown,
marked ‘‘pl. 11’’ the significance of which I but marked ‘‘U no. 3’’ may also be para-
was unable to determine. lectotypes of H. wilsoni, but I do not know
According to Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, when they came into Rothschild’s possession.
1900: (Di)), he was camped at 5000 ft 1–6 Others may be in BMNH as part of the
August 1892 and then moved up to the crater Rothschild Bequest.
of Mount Haleakala (20.43N, 156.10W, From Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, 1900:
Times atlas) for the remainder of August. (Di)), one can determine that he reached
H. l. affinis may be extinct. Kealake[a]kua (19.31N, 155.56W, Times
atlas) on 5 September 1891 and on 22
Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild September he camped at 5000 ft; on 5
October he noted that he was on the slopes
Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893g: 95 of Mauna Loa. Munro’s journal, which was
(key), 97, pl. 50 (Hawaii). transcribed by Storrs Olson, indicated that
Now Hemignathus munroi H.D. Pratt, 1979. See the type of H. wilsoni was almost certainly
Amadon, 1950: 169; Greenway, 1968: 99; Pratt, collected on 24 September (S. Olson, person-
1979: 1581; Olson and James, 1995: 383;
al commun.).
American Ornithologists’ Union, 1998: 675;
Dickinson, 2003: 758; Pratt, 2005: 254–257;
Pratt (1979: 1581) provided Hemignathus
and Pratt, 2010: 657. munroi as a replacement name for Hetero-
rhynchus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893, preoccu-
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453541, male, col- pied by Himatione wilsoni Rothschild, 1893,
lected on Hawaii Island, Hawaii, on 26 when both are included in the genus Hemi-
September 1891, by Henry Palmer gnathus. Pratt (2010: 656, 657) included
(no. 1342). From the Rothschild Collection. Hematione wilsoni in Chlorodrepanis virens
COMMENTS: In the original description, and therefore again used Hemignathus wilsoni
Rothschild did not designate a type, describ- for this form.
ing the adult male and female and ‘‘young
birds.’’ He did not enumerate his specimens Loxops ochracea Rothschild
but gave measurements for 12 adult males Loxops ochracea Rothschild, 1893f: 112 (Island of
and seven adult females. Hartert (1919a: 170) Mauai).
listed Palmer’s no. 1342 as the type, thereby Now Loxops coccineus ochraceus Rothschild, 1893.
designating it the lectotype. The label was See Rothschild, 1900: 173–176, pl. 64; Amadon,
only marked ‘‘pl . 12’’ (?) and ‘‘50’’ (the plate 1950: 168; Greenway, 1968: 99; American
Ornithologists’ Union, 1998: 677; Dickinson, 2003: Now Loxops coccineus wolstenholmei Rothschild,
759; Pratt, 2005: 226–229; and Pratt, 2010: 653. 1893. See Rothschild, 1900: 177–178, pl. 65;
Mathews, 1930: 812; Amadon, 1950: 168;
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453428, adult male, Greenway, 1968: 99; Olson, 1986: 148–149;
collected on Maui (5 Mauai) Island, Hawaii, Olson, 1996: 15; American Ornithologists’
on 20–26 September 1892, by Henry Palmer Union, 1998: 677; Dickinson, 2003: 759; Pratt,
(no. 1770). From the Rothschild Collection. 2005: 226–229; and Pratt, 2010: 647.
COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate
a type in the original description but de-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 459001, male, col-
lected in the Waialua District, 21.35N,
scribed both male and female; later, he
(Rothschild, 1900: 174) said that Palmer 158.08W (Times atlas), Oahu Island, Hawaii
‘‘sent a fair series.’’ Hartert (1919a: 170) (5 Sandwich Islands), on 20 April 1893, by
listed as the type of L. ochracea an adult male Wolstenholme and Palmer (no. 2050). From
bearing Palmer’s no. 1770, thereby designat- the Rothschild Collection.
ing it the lectotype. The date on the Roth- COMMENTS: In the original description,
schild type label is 20–26 September 1892, Rothschild said that the form was ‘‘named
and this is the date given by Hartert, but the after Henry Palmer’s companion, who shot the
‘‘26’’ has been scratched off the type label. only specimen at present known.’’ The date of
The following paralectotypes, collected by collection on the label and the one given by
Palmer on Maui in 1892, are in AMNH: Hartert (1919a: 171) is 24 April, whereas,
males, AMNH 453429 (Palmer no. 1772), Rothschild (1900: 178, Di 19) said that the
AMNH 453430 (1771), 25 September; single male was shot by Wolstenholme on 20
AMNH 453431 (1798), 30 October; AMNH April. Plate 65, reproduced on the cover of this
453432 (1738), 15 August; AMNH 453433 bulletin, shows front and back views of this
(1709), AMNH 453434 (1706), 10 August; single specimen (Rothschild, 1900: 178).
AMNH 453435 (1705), 9 August; AMNH Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, 1900: (Di))
453436 (1701), 7 August; AMNH 453437 indicates that he spent the period from 21
(1691), 5 August; AMNH 453438 (1687), 4 March–3 May 1893 in the Waialua district.
August; AMNH 453439 (1669), 3 August. Beginning with Rothschild (1900: 177),
Females, AMNH 453440 (1732), 13 August; wolstenholmei had been considered a syno-
AMNH 453441 (1702), 9 August; AMNH nym of Fringilla rufa Bloxam, 1827, but as
453442 (1686), 4 August; AMNH 453443 Olson (1986: 148–149) showed, that name is a
(1692), 5 August; AMNH 453444 (1685), 4 junior homonym of Fringilla rufa A. Wilson,
August; AMNH 453445 (1673), 3 August; 1811, which is in turn a synonym of F. iliaca
AMNH 453446 (1710), 10 August; unsexed, Merrem, 1786. As such Bloxam’s name is
AMNH 453447 (1720), 10 August; female, unavailable (ICZN, 1999: 59, Art. 57.2), and
AMNH 453448 (1796), 30 October. Other Rothschild’s name must be used. Also see
specimens may be in BMNH from the Olson (1996) for his discussion of Bloxam’s
Rothschild Bequest. specimens from the voyage of H.M.S. Blonde
Palmer mentioned in his diary (Rothschild, and publication of Bloxam’s notes.
1900: (Di)) that on 6 August 1892 he started for This subspecies is extinct.
the crater of Mt. Haleakala (20.43N, 156.10W,
Times atlas). By 2 September he was on his way Oreomyza perkinsi Rothschild
down the mountain; by 23 September he had Oreomyza perkinsi Rothschild, 1900: 129 (Puule-
reached Kipahulu (20.39.N, 156.04W, Times hua, Hawaii).
atlas), where he stayed until 28 September. Now considered an intergeneric hybrid between
Pratt (2010: 653) accorded Loxops ochra- Oreomystis mana and Hemignathus virens virens.
ceus full species status. L. coccineus ochraceus See Hartert, 1919a: 171; Bryan and Greenway,
is probably extinct. 1944: 139; Amadon, 1950: 176–177; and Green-
way, 1968: 100.
Loxops wolstenholmei Rothschild HOLOTYPE: AMNH 453280, male, col-
Loxops wolstenholmei Rothschild, 1893d: lvi (Is- lected at Puulehua, Kona District, Hawaii
land of Oahu, Sandwich group). Island, Hawaii, on 25 September 1891, by
Henry Palmer (no. 1332). From the Roth- no. 1700), 3 August, AMNH 453346 (1693),
schild Collection. 5 August, AMNH 453347 (1675), immature,
COMMENTS: There is only one example of 3 August, AMNH 453348 (1658), 18 July,
this supposed hybrid. Rothschild himself AMNH 453349 (1648), immature, 16 July;
thought that it might be a hybrid, others females, AMNH 453350 (1656), immature, 18
have thought it to be an aberrant individual July, AMNH 453351 (1657), 18 July, AMNH
of one or the other of these two species, and 453352 (1647), 17 July, AMNH 354353
Hartert (1919a: 171) thought that it was (1655), young, 18 June, AMNH 453354
‘‘probably a somewhat rare species which has (1713), 10 August; unsexed, AMNH 453355
been overlooked.’’ Amadon (1950: 176–177) (1733), 13 August, AMNH 453356 (1677), 3
placed both of the supposed parental forms August, AMNH 453357 (1754), 17 August,
in the genus Loxops and considered AMNH AMNH 453358 (1775), 26 September; prob-
453280 an interspecific hybrid between L. able Palmer specimen without data, AMNH
maculata mana and L. v. virens and consid- 453359. AMNH 453350 is also marked ‘‘pl.
ered it very close to virens, but with ‘‘slight 17’’ of unknown significance. AMNH 453357
divergences’’ toward mana. I agree that it is was originally identified as newtoni by Roth-
very close to virens morphologically, and schild and would have been part of his type
given the amount of variation among spec- series for the species. It was later reidentified
imens of virens in AMNH, it may be only an as Loxops virens wilsoni and is included with
extreme of this variation. that form in the AMNH collection. There
According to Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, may be other specimens in BMNH from the
1900: (Di)), Puulehua is the spot at 5000 ft Rothschild Bequest.
where he set up camp on 22 September 1891 Henry Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, 1900:
on his way up the slopes of Mauna Loa. (Di)) noted that on 8 July 1892 he was
camped north of Olinda (20.48N, 156.16W,
Himatione newtoni Rothschild Times atlas) and by 1 August, he was camped
Himatione newtoni Rothschild, 1893c: xlii (Island
at 5000 ft on his way up Mount Haleakala.
of Mauai).
Now Paroreomyza montana newtoni (Rothschild, Pseudonestor xanthophrys Rothschild
1893). See Rothschild, 1893g: 115–116, pl. 56; Pseudonestor xanthophrys Rothschild, 1893b:
Amadon, 1950: 166; Greenway, 1968: 100; xxxvi (Island of Mauai, Sandwich Islands).
Dickinson, 2003: 759; Pratt, 2005: 192–195; Now Pseudonestor xanthophrys Rothschild, 1893.
and Pratt, 2010: 649–650. See Rothschild, 1900: 187–188, pl. 67; Amadon,
1950: 169; Greenway, 1968: 101; Dickinson,
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453344, male, col-
2003: 758; Pratt, 2005: 257–259; and Pratt, 2010:
lected on Maui (5 Mauai) Island, Hawaii, on
9 August 1892, by Henry Palmer (no. 1699).
From the Rothschild Collection. LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453557, adult male,
COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate collected on Maui (5 Mauai) Island, Hawaii
a type in the original description but gave (5 Sandwich Islands), on 4 August 1892, by
measurements for more than one specimen. Henry Palmer (no. 1690). From the Roth-
Hartert (1919a: 171) listed the type as schild Collection.
Palmer’s no. 1699, thereby designating it the COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate
lectotype of newtoni. It is marked ‘‘Type,’’ a type in the original description, describing
‘‘pl. 17’’ (of unknown significance) by Roth- male and female without giving the number
schild. Rothschild (1893g: 115) described of his specimens. Hartert (1919a: 170) listed
adult male and female and young birds and as the type of xanthophrys Palmer’s specimen
noted that it ‘‘was discovered by Palmer on no. 1690, thereby designating it the lectotype.
the 16th of July, 1892, in the thick forest on It is marked ‘‘Type’’ and ‘‘Recd Jan. 1893’’
the slopes of Mount Haleakala, in the district by Rothschild. The following paralectotypes,
of Makawao.’’ The following paralectotypes, collected by Palmer on Maui in 1892, are in
collected by Palmer on Maui in 1892, are in AMNH: AMNH 453558 (Palmer no. 1661),
AMNH: males, AMNH 453345 (Palmer male, 3 August; AMNH 453559 (1744), male,
16 August; AMNH 453560 (1739), female, 15 thereby designating it the lectotype. There
August; AMNH 453561 (1665), female are two additional numbers on the Galathea
(‘‘type’’), 3 August; AMNH 453562 (1663), label, ‘‘no. 68 Sch’’ and ‘‘92’’ of unknown
unsexed, 3 August; AMNH 453563 (1662), significance. Hartert incorrectly listed Roth-
female, no date. AMNH 453558 is marked schild’s name olivacea as having been de-
‘‘Figured in book’’ and ‘‘pl. 30’’ of unknown scribed as a subspecies of P. psittacea;
significance. There may be other specimens Rothschild described it as a full species.
in BMNH from the Rothschild Bequest. There is one paralectotype in AMNH:
Rothschild (1893b: xxxv) also introduced AMNH 458999, female, Oahu, 29 October
the generic name Pseudonestor with P. xan- 1846, collected by Behn (no. 109, and ‘‘no. 68
thophrys the type species. Sch’’); Kiel Museum no. 1274g. Other
Rothschild (1900: 187–188) noted that Galathea expedition specimens came directly
Palmer had secured a small number of to AMNH and were not part of the Roth-
specimens of xanthophrys in July and August schild Collection.
1892 in the highest forest on ‘‘Haleopala.’’ The species is probably extinct.
Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, 1900: (Di)) indi-
cated that 1–6 August he was camped at Telespyza flavissima Rothschild
5000 ft on his way to the crater of Mount Telespyza flavissima Rothschild, 1892: 110 (Laysan
Haleakala, 20.43N, 155.56W (Times atlas). Island, Sandwich group).
Now Telespiza cantans S.B. Wilson, 1890. See
Psittirostra olivacea Rothschild Rothschild, 1893g: 5–7, pls. 10, 11; Rothschild, 1900:
Psittirostra psittacea deppei Rothschild 305; Amadon, 1950: 172; Greenway, 1968: 102;
Olson and James, 1986: 84–86; Dickinson, 2003:
Psittirostra olivacea Rothschild, 1900: 193 (Oahu). 758; Pratt, 2005: 198–200; and Pratt, 2010: 650.
Psittirostra psittacea deppei Rothschild, 1905: 45,
nomen novum. LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453646, adult male,
Now Psittirostra psittacea (Gmelin, 1789). See collected on Laysan Island, 25.46N, 171.44W
Mathews, 1930: 815; Bryan and Greenway, (Times atlas), Hawaii, on 18 June 1891, by
1944: 134–135; Amadon, 1950: 170–172; Dick- Henry Palmer (no. 1095). From the Roth-
inson, 2003: 758; Pratt, 2005: 213–216; and schild Collection.
Pratt, 2010: 651.
COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 458998, male, col- a type in the original description, describing
lected on Oahu, on 30 October 1846, by Prof. male and female without listing his speci-
Behn (no. 111) on the ship Galathea. From mens. Hartert (1919a: 169) gave Palmer’s
the Kiel Museum (no. 1274H) via the Roth- no. 1095 for the type of flavissima, thereby
schild Museum. designating it the lectotype; it had been
COMMENTS. Rothschild (1900: 193) intro- marked ‘‘Type’’ by Rothschild. The follow-
duced Psittirostra olivacea as the name for ing paralectotypes, collected by Palmer on
Psittina olivacea, a nomen nudum introduced Laysan, are in AMNH: AMNH 453647
by Lichtenstein in 1854 (see Mauersberger, (Palmer no. 1096), male, undated; AMNH
1988: 134). Rothschild had a male and a 453648 (1094), unsexed, undated; AMNH
female of this form, received on exchange 453668 (1156), female [male], undated;
from the Kiel Museum and listed many other AMNH 453669 (1095), female, undated;
specimens known to him. AMNH 453670 (1097), female, 18 June
Later, Rothschild (1905: 45) introduced 1891; AMNH 453671 (1144), female, 19 June
the replacement name, Psittirostra psittacea 1891. Other paralectotypes may be in BMNH
deppei, after C.W. Richmond notified him as part of the Rothschild Bequest.
that olivacea was preoccupied, having been See Olson and James (1986: 85) and David
used as ‘‘an amended name for Psittirostra et al. (2009: 5) for the correct spelling of Telespiza.
psittacea (Gm.)’’ by Ranzani in 1823.
Hartert (1919a: 170) listed the type of both Rhodacanthis Palmeri Rothschild
names as the male in the Rothschild Collec- Rhodacanthis Palmeri Rothschild, 1892: 111
tion with the numbers 111 and 1274H, (Kona, Hawai, Sandwich Islands).
Rhodacanthis palmeri Rothschild, 1892. See Roth- LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453640, adult male,
schild, 1900: 203–204, pl. 68; Amadon, 1950: 172; collected in the Kona District, Hawaii (5
Greenway, 1968: 102; Olson, 1999; Dickinson, 2003: Hawai) Island, Hawaii, on 1 October 1891,
758; Pratt, 2005: 207–209; and Pratt, 2010: 647.
by Henry Palmer (no. 1360). From the
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453628, adult male, Rothschild Collection.
collected in the Kona District, Hawaii (5 COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate
Hawai) Island, Hawaii (5 Sandwich Islands), a type in the original description, describing
on 5 October 1891, by Henry Palmer adult male, adult female, and young male.
(no. 1380). From the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1919a: 169) noted that Palmer sent
COMMENTS: In the original description, eight specimens and listed Palmer’s specimen
Rothschild described adult male, adult fe- no. 1360 as the type of flaviceps, thereby
male, and young male but did not designate a designating it the lectotype. A note by
type. Hartert (1919a: 169) cited Palmer’s Amadon on a label added to the type:
no. 1380 for the type, thereby designating it ‘‘Unique–the only ad. - of this extinct
the lectotype of palmeri; it is marked ‘‘Type’’ species ever collected,’’ and on the reverse
by Rothschild. The following paralectotypes, someone has written: ‘‘No! Is one in Lon-
collected by Palmer on Hawaii Island in 1891, don’’ (5 BMNH). A male and a female are in
are in AMNH: males, AMNH 453623 (Palm- BMNH from the Rothschild Bequest. The
er no. 1624), 26 June, AMNH 453624 (1582), following paralectotypes, collected by Palmer
19 March, AMNH 453625 (1587), 21 March, on Hawaii Island in 1891, are in AMNH:
AMNH 453626 (1586), 21 March, AMNH male, AMNH 453641 (Palmer no. 1384), 6
453627 (1579); immature [adult female?], 21 October; females, AMNH 453642 (1444), 19
November, AMNH 453629 (1371); juvenile, 3 October, AMNH 453643 (1421), 13 October,
October, AMNH 453630 (1381); immature, 6 AMNH 453644 (1413), 10 October, AMNH
October, AMNH 453631 (1370), 3 October, 453645 (1383), 6 October. A separate tag is
AMNH 453632 (1402), 10 October, AMNH attached to AMNH 453644: ‘‘skull, humeri,
453633 (1412), 11 October, AMNH 453634 and one tarsus removed and skin remade by
(1442), 16 October, AMNH 453635 (1448), 20 J.P. Angle, USNM. Skull replaced by cast’’
October; females, AMNH 453636 (1361), 1 (see Olson et al., 1987).
October, AMNH 453637 (1346), 29 Septem- Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, 1900: (Di)) indi-
ber, AMNH 453638 (1404), 11 October. cated that on 1 October 1891 he was on the slopes
AMNH 453631 is marked ‘‘Cotype’’ by of Mauna Loa. According to Munro’s journal,
Rothschld. AMNH 453623 bears a separate the type of flaviceps was almost certainly
label reading: ‘‘skull, humeri, and one tarsus collected on 30 September (S. Olson, personal
removed and specimen remade by J.P. Angle, commun.). As noted by Olson (1999: 16) the
USNM. Skull replaced by cast’’ (see Olson dates written by Palmer on his labels did not
et al., 1987). Other specimens may be in necessarily refer to the date the specimen was
BMNH from the Rothschild Bequest.
actually collected, but might instead indicate
Palmer’s diary (Rothschild, 1900: (Di))
the date the specimen was skinned or even the
indicated that he was on the slopes of Mauna
date when the label was written. Olson’s
Loa on 5 October 1891. Munro’s journal,
transcription of Munro’s journal often pro-
transcribed by Storrs Olson, indicated that
vided a more exact date of collection.
the type of H. palmeri was indeed collected
The species is extinct.
on 5 October (S. Olson, personal commun.).
The species is extinct.
Rhodacanthis flaviceps Rothschild CYCLARHINAE
Rhodacanthis flaviceps Rothschild, 1892: 111
(Kona, Hawai, Sandwich group). Cyclarhis flaviventris nicaraguae Miller and
Now Rhodacanthis flaviceps Rothschild, 1892. See Griscom
Rothschild, 1900: 205, pl. 69; Amadon, 1950:
172–173; Greenway, 1968: 102; Olson, 1999; Cyclarhis flaviventris nicaraguae Miller and Gris-
Dickinson, 2003: 758; and Pratt, 2005: 209–210. com, 1925: 6 (Matagalpa, 2200 ft, Nicaragua).
Now Cyclarhis gujanensis nicaraguae Miller and Island. Later, he (Hartert, 1920: 456) listed the
Griscom, 1925. See Hellmayr, 1935: 196; Blake, adult male collected on 20 April 1901 as the
1968: 104; Dickinson, 2003: 482; Martı́nez- type, thereby designating it the lectotype. Both
Sánchez and Will, 2010: 84–85; and Brewer, Hellmayr (1935: 197) and Wetmore et al. (1984:
2010: 415.
204) mention the fact that this type specimen is
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 144472, adult male, immature, based largely on the fact that it has
collected at Matagalpa, 2200 ft, 12.52N, a uniform blackish brown bill. Neither the
85.58W (Times atlas), Nicaragua, on 21 original Batty label nor the Rothschild label
April 1917 by W. DeW. Miller and Ludlow indicated that the bird was immature. Howev-
Griscom (no. 530). er, Hartert wrote ‘‘ad -’’ on the Rothschild
COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the type label of AMNH 505413, confirming that it
holotype was cited in the original description, was his intended type specimen.
the authors examining eight males and seven Two male specimens from the Rothschild
females, including the type. The following Collection, collected by Batty on 20 April
14 specimens, as well as one juvenile male 1901, were cataloged at AMNH. The second
specimen that was available to Miller and specimen, AMNH 505414, is a paralectotype.
Griscom, are paratypes: collected by W.B. Hartert made no comment on the Batty or
Richardson, AMNH 101398, male, Leon, 30 Rothschild labels as to the age of this
April 1907; AMNH 101399, 101400, males, specimen. It was also examined by Hellmayr,
Volcan de Chinandega, 15 May 1907; who commented that it was fully adult, with
AMNH 101401, female, Matagalpa, 7 March the ‘‘bill pale horn brown with a plumbeous
1907; AMNH 102967, male, Ocotal, 3 May spot at the base of the lower mandible.’’
1908; AMNH 103777, female, Uluce, 31 July Ornithologists have long been suspicious
1909. Collected by Miller, Griscom and of Batty’s collecting localities on the islands
Richardson, in 1917, AMNH 144468, male, off Panama (Wetmore, 1957: 6–8), and Olson
Matagalpa, 16 March; AMNH 144469, fe- (2008) has studied the Batty specimens that
male, Jinotega, 21 March; AMNH 144470, were bought by Rothschild, showing that
female, San Rafael del Norte, 24 March; many of the localities were falsified. That the
AMNH 144471, female, Matagalpa, 13 April; two Coiba Island specimens of C. coibae did
AMNH 144473, male, 4 mi NE Chinandega, come from that island was verified by
11 June; AMNH 144474, 144475, females, Wetmore (1957: 82–83) when he visited the
Corinto, 15, 16 June; AMNH 144476, male island and collected it there. The form is still
juvenile, Corinto, 17 June. Collected by Richard- considered valid.
son, AMNH 423551, male, Matagalpa, 25
January 1917. Cyclorhis (sic) flavipectus trinitatis Allen
Cyclorhis (sic) flavipectus trinitatis Allen, 1889a:
Cyclorhis (sic) coibae Hartert 131, 134, 135 (Island of Trinidad and Venezue-
Cyclorhis (sic) coibae Hartert, 1901e: 33 (Coiba lan coast region?).
Island, off Panama). Now Cyclarhis gujanensis flavipectus P.L. Sclater,
Now Cyclarhis gujanensis coibae Hartert, 1901. See 1859. See Chapman, 1894: 26–27; and Hellmayr,
Hellmayr, 1935: 197–198; Blake, 1968: 105; 1935: 198–200.
Wetmore et al., 1984: 203–204; Dickinson,
2003: 482; Olson, 2008; and Brewer, 2010: 415.
SYNTYPES: AMNH 40154, AMNH 40155,
unsexed, collected on Trinidad Island, Trini-
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 505413, [immature] dad and Tobago, undated. From the George
male, Coiba Island, 07.28N, 81.47W (Siegel N. Lawrence Collection.
and Olson, 2008), Veragua Archipelago, COMMENTS: Allen did not designate a type
Panama (Col. S.A., as on label), on 20 April in the original description, saying only that
1901, by J.H. Batty. From the Rothschild he had examined 10 specimens from Trini-
Collection. dad. The above specimens seem to be the
COMMENTS: Hartert, in the original de- only specimens that were in AMNH at the
scription, did not designate a type or say how time trinitatis was described, and they are
many specimens he examined from Coiba marked ‘‘Type’’ in Allen’s hand and bear
AMNH type labels. Allen (1889a: 130) one of two from San Antonio and one of
borrowed widely for the specimens used in two from Villavicencio in addition to the
his study, and the other eight syntypes type; Zimmer (1942a: 16) had also found only
probably lie unrecognized in other museums. one from Villavicencio additional to the type.
Allen thought that the type locality of C.
flavipectus was Santa Marta, Colombia, but Cyclorhis (sic) cearensis Baird
Chapman (1894: 26–27) noted that the type Cyclorhis (sic) cearensis Baird, 1866: 391 (Bahia
of Sclater’s C. flavipectus was from Trinidad and Ceara, Brazil).
and that Allen’s trinitatis was a synonym. Now Cyclarhis gujanensis cearensis Baird, 1866. See
Zimmer (1942a: 15) noted that two ‘‘cotypes’’ Allen, 1889a: 123–130, fig. 4; Hellmayr, 1935:
of trinitatis were in AMNH. 202–204; Zimmer, 1942a: 15; Deignan, 1961: 480;
Dickinson, 2003: 482; and Brewer, 2010: 415.
Cyclarhis flavipectus parvus Chapman
SYNTYPE: AMNH 40156, unsexed, col-
Cyclarhis flavipectus parvus Chapman, 1917b: 541 lected in Bahia, Brazil, undated. From the
(Villavicencio (alt. 1600 ft), Colombia). George N. Lawrence Collection (no. 179).
Now Cyclarhis gujanensis parva Chapman, 1917. COMMENTS: In the original description,
See Hellmayr, 1935: 199–200; Zimmer, 1942a: Baird listed three specimens in his type series, two
14–15; Blake, 1968: 105; Dickinson, 2003: 482;
of these are in USNM and are listed as [syn]types
and Brewer, 2010: 415.
by Deignan (1961: 480); the third specimen listed
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 122537, adult male, by Baird is the above specimen, no. 179 in the
collected at Villavicencio, 1600 ft, 04.09N, Lawrence Collection. This specimen bears an
73.37W (Paynter, 1997), base of eastern AMNH type label, apparently attached by Allen
Andes, Meta, Colombia, on 7 March 1913, (1889a: 123–130). In his treatment of Cyclarhis
by George K. Cherrie (no. 16454). viridis, Allen synonymized cearensis with
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH viridis, but in fig. 4 (p. 125) noted that the
number of the holotype in the original specimen pictured (‘‘No. 179, Coll. Law-
description and listed the specimens he rence’’) was a type of cearensis. For some
examined (including the type). The following reason, probably because Hellmayr (1935:
paratypes are in AMNH: Venezuela, Cri- 202) noted that the ‘‘type’’ of cearensis was in
stobal Colon, AMNH 121034–121040, five USNM, Zimmer (1942a: 15), in his list of
males, two females, 30 May–17 June 1913, Bahia skins of cearensis, called the above
Leo Miller and F.X. Iglseder (these speci- specimen a paratype, and someone, perhaps
mens are now considered C. f. flavipectus, see Zimmer, has so annotated the AMNH type
Zimmer, 1942a: 14); Cumanacoa, AMNH label. On the reverse of the AMNH type label
68085, 73302, males, 30 and 29 June 1896, is the following pencilled comment: ‘‘This is
W.H. Phelps (nos. 1139 and 1115); San not a type! Type from Ceara see refer-
Antonio, AMNH 73303, male, 30 July 1896, ence above. G.K.C[herrie].’’ The ‘‘reference
W.H. Phelps (no. 1453); Maripa, AMNH above’’ is a reference to Baird’s description of
78486–78488, two males, one female, 6 cearensis, which includes Bahia specimen
December 1901–18 February 1902; Mai- no. 179 from the Lawrence Collection about
pures, AMNH 121041, 121042, females, 16 which he (Baird, 1866: 391) says: ‘‘A specimen
January and 28 April 1913, Leo Miller and from Bahia (thus likewise from the eastern-
F.X. Iglseder. Colombia, Villavicencio, most part of Brazil) is quite similar’’ to the
AMNH 122536, male, 14 March 1913, Ceará specimens. Thus, as no holotype was
Chapman, Cherrie et al.; Buena Vista, designated by Baird, and Deignan (1961: 480)
AMNH 122538, female, AMNH 122539, listed syntypes, indicating that no lectotype
male, 3–14 March 1913, Chapman, Cherrie had been designated, the above specimen
et al. AMNH 121040 was exchanged to the retains its syntype status.
BIM (no. 12536) and later, when the BIM
bird collection was donated to AMNH, it Cyclarhis gujanensis dorsalis J.T. Zimmer
was renumbered AMNH 439855. Of the Cyclarhis gujanensis dorsalis J.T. Zimmer, 1942a: 13
specimens Chapman listed, I found only (Parotani, Cochabamba, Bolivia, altitude, 8800 feet).
Now Cyclarhis gujanensis dorsalis J.T. Zimmer, Now Vireolanius melitophrys crossini Phillips,
1942. See Blake, 1968: 107; Dickinson, 2003: 1991. See Dickerman and Parkes, 1997: 230;
482; and Brewer, 2010: 415. Dickinson, 2003: 482; and Brewer, 2010: 416.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 137910, adult male, HOLOTYPE: AMNH 831494, male [imma-
collected at Parotani, 17.34S, 66.21W (Paynter, ture?], collected at Chimicotitlán, ca.
1992), 8800 ft, Cochabamba, Bolivia, on 27 June 17u229300N, 99u229300W, ESE of Chilpan-
1915, by Leo Miller (12628) and Howarth Boyle. cingo, Guerrero, Mexico, on 13 February
COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH 1976, by Sóstenes Romero H.
number of the holotype in the original descrip- COMMENTS: Although there was no num-
tion, and (on p. 15) listed the specimens of ber or year given or place of deposit
dorsalis that he examined. The paratypes, all mentioned in Phillips’ description of crossini,
collected by Miller and Boyle in 1915, are: this specimen is marked ‘‘crossini type’’ by
Pulque, AMNH 139567, male, 6 November; Phillips on the Phillips Collection label. The
Rı́o Cachimayo, AMNH 139574, male, 7 AMNH number of the holotype is given by
December; Parotani, AMNH 137908, male, Dickerman and Parkes (1997: 230). Phillips
29 June, AMNH 137909, female, 27 June; gave measurements for males and females
Tujma, AMNH 139572, 139573, males, 23, 24 and said that the form was resident in
June; Chilon, AMNH 139568, 139569, males, ‘‘coastal mts of Michoacán, Guerrero, and
6,8 October; Valle Grande, AMNH 139570, Sn Oaxaca, and probably coastally from Sn
female, AMNH 139571, male, 31 October; Jalisco (Sa. de Autlán 5 Miahuatlán) all the
California, AMNH 139566, female, 15 October. way to Veracruz, etc.,’’ but did not enumer-
ate his specimens. The holotype is the only
Cyclarhis nigrirostris mindoensis Chapman specimen that came to AMNH.
Cyclarhis nigrirostris mindoensis Chapman, 1924: 1
(Mindo, western Ecuador). Vireolanius pulchellus viridiceps Ridgway
Now Cyclarhis nigrirostris atrirostris P.L. Sclater, Vireolanius pulchellus viridiceps Ridgway, 1903:
1887. See Chapman, 1926: 592; Hellmayr, 1935: 108 (Panama).
210–211; Blake, 1968: 108; Dickinson, 2003: Now Vireolanius pulchellus viridiceps Ridgway,
482; and Brewer, 2010: 415. 1903. See Hellmayr, 1935: 189; Blake, 1968:
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 180646, adult male, 109; Wetmore et al., 1984: 207–208; Dickinson,
2003: 482; and Brewer, 2010: 416.
collected at Mindo, 00.02S, 78.48W (Paynter,
1993), Pichincha, western Ecuador, on 2 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 40148, female, collected
August 1923, by Olalla and sons. in Panama, in 1882, by J. McLeannan (no. 314).
COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH From the George N. Lawrence Collection.
number of the holotype in the original COMMENTS: Ridgway cited the AMNH
description and listed three additional spec- number of the holotype in the original
imens in his type series. Paratypes: Ecuador, description but did not give the number of
Mindo, AMNH 180644, female, AMNH specimens he examined. McLeannan was the
180645, male, 15 August 1923, by the Olallas. stationmaster at the Lion Hill station of the
Colombia, Ricaurte, AMNH 118107, male, Panama Railroad and that is usually consid-
14 September 1912, by W.B. Richardson. ered the type locality of new forms collected
Chapman (1926: 592) noted the syonymy of by him. No other specimens were mentioned
his mindoensis with atrirostris. by Ridgway and there are no other specimens
of this form in AMNH collected early
VIREONIDAE enough to have been seen by him.
Vireolanius mikettae Hartert
AMNH, all collected by Watkins: Pucará, 140132, male, September 1904, from Museu
AMNH 186047, female, 26 September 1924; Paulista (no. 4877); Fazenda Cayoá, AMNH
Huarandosa, AMNH 182192, sex?, AMNH 504984, 504985, males 14 September and 22
182193, female, AMNH 182194, male, 6–10 October 1903, by Hempel; Estaçao de Rio
September 1923; Perico, AMNH 182195, Grande, AMNH 140134, 140135, males,
male, AMNH 182196, 182197, females, 1905, from Museu Paulista (–); São Sebas-
AMNH 182198, male, 14–25 July 1923; San tião, AMNH 379255, male, 24 September
Ignacio, AMNH 181587, female, AMNH 1901, from the Dwight Collection no. 22939).
181588, sex?, AMNH 181589, 181590, males, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Mt. Itatiaya, Monte
AMNH 181591, female, 3–18 May 1923; Serrat, AMNH 189243, male, 24 December
Cabico, Rı́o Chamaya, AMNH 186048, 1921, by E.G. Holt. Brazil, Rio Grande do
female, 21 September 1924; Sauces, Rı́o Sul, Nonohay, AMNH 322124–322130, three
Chamaya, AMNH 186049, 186050, males, males, two females, two sex?, 14 February–3
15–16 September 1924; Jaen, AMNH 186045, March 1929; Lagôa Vermelha, AMNH
186046, females, 6 August 1924; Lomo 322122, 322123, two males, 30 December
Santo, AMNH 186044, female, 28 May 1928; Erebango, AMNH 322110, 322111, one
1924. AMNH 186045 is apparently the male, one sex?, 4 April 1929; Sananduva,
specimen Zimmer (1941: 13, fn. 2) exchanged AMNH 322107, male, 6 January 1929;
with SMF, although the catalog was not so Sinimbu, AMNH 322112–322115, 4 males,
marked. Two paratypes from Hacienda 30 September 1928; São Francisco de Paula,
Limón were on loan from FMNH. AMNH 322116–322121, 322130bis, five
males, two females, 10–27 November 1928;
Vireo olivaceus diversus J.T. Zimmer Lagôa de Forno, AMNH 322108, 322109,
Vireo olivaceus diversus J.T. Zimmer, 1941: 7
one male, one female, 27–29 October 1928.
(Roca Nova, Paraná, Brazil, altitude 930– All of the Rio Grande do Sul specimens were
1150 meters). collected by E. Kaempfer. Brazil, Paraguay,
Now Vireo olivaceus diversus J.T. Zimmer, 1941. Abai, AMNH 320623–320627, two males,
See Blake, 1968: 124–125; Dickinson, 2003: 484– one female, two sex?, 5–9 February 1931, by
485; and Brewer, 2010: 430–431. E. Kaempfer. I did not find in AMNH the
specimens from Uruguay listed by Zimmer.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 504979, adult male,
Paratypes that he listed from Argentina were
Roça Nova, 930–1150 m., Serra do Mar,
borrowed from FMNH. Mato Grosso spec-
25.00S, 48.00W (Paynter and Traylor, 1991),
imens were questionably included in diversus
Paraná, Brazil, on 12 October 1901, by
and are not considered paratypes.
Alphonse Robert (no. 669). From the Roth-
schild Collection. Vireosylvia (sic) atripennis Lawrence
COMMENTS: Zimmer cited the AMNH
number of the holotype in the original Vireosylvia (sic) atripennis Lawrence, 1863: 106
description and listed (on p. 14) the speci- (Sombrero Island, W.I.).
mens he examined. The following paratypes Now Vireo altiloquus altiloquus (Vieillot, 1808). See
Baird, 1866: 330–331; Hellmayr, 1935: 146–148;
are in AMNH: Brazil, Paraná, Roça Nova,
Blake, 1968: 125–126; Dickinson, 2003: 485; and
AMNH 504976–504978, 504980–504983, five Brewer, 2010: 432.
males, two females, 3 October–5 November
1901, by A. Robert; Guayra, AMNH HOLOTYPE: AMNH 40076, sex?, collected
319051–319053, one female, two sex?, 15–17 on Sombrero Island, 18.37N, 63.26W (Times
April 1930, by E. Kaempfer; Porto Almeida, atlas), administered by Anguilla I., Lesser
AMNH 319046–319050, two males, three Antilles, West Indies, on 19 April 1862, by
females, 21–29 March 1930, by E. Kaempfer; A.A. Julien. From the George N. Lawrence
Corvo, AMNH 319038–319045, four males, Collection.
two females, two sex?, 7–21 February 1930, COMMENTS: Lawrence apparently had the
by E. Kaempfer. Brazil, São Paulo, Ubatuba, single specimen and remarked that ‘‘the most
AMNH 140133, female, March 1905, from distinguishing character is the black quill feath-
Museu Paulista (no. 5336); Itapura, AMNH ers.’’ Baird (1866: 330–331) was convinced the
darker coloration was due ‘‘in part at least, to a COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH
blackish foreign matter, partly deposited in number of the holotype in the original descrip-
grains, which can be rubbed off, and is tion and listed (on p. 19) the six specimens he
removable to a considerable extent by benzine, examined. The five paratypes are: Santa Elena,
but not by water. After washing the quills on one AMNH 134057, 134059, 134061–134063, one
side in benzine, I found no appreciable differ- male and four females, 18 November–2
ence there from V. calidris [5 V. altiloquus] of December 1914, collected by Miller and
Jamaica and St. Croix.’’ There remains, after Boyle; ‘‘Bogota,’’ AMNH 505093, sex?.
Baird’s treatment, slight indication of black AMNH 134058 and 134060 were exchanged
on the quills. The published measurements to other museums before Zimmer named this
are the same as those written by Lawrence on form and were not part of his type series.
his label, and he has marked it ‘‘Type’’ and Olson (1981: 363–365) found that dissors
‘‘Vireosylvia atripennis.’’ When Lawrence Zimmer (see below) and disjunctus Zimmer
(1865a: 98) received an additional specimen were inseparable and, as first revisor, chose
from Julien, he named it as a different species dissors to ‘‘represent the subspecies of Vireo
(see below). gilvus inhabiting the entire extent of the
Western and Central Andes of Colombia.’’
Vireosylvia (sic) virginalis Lawrence Studies by Johnson et al. (1988: 442) support-
Vireosylvia (sic) virginalis Lawrence, 1865a: 98 ed earlier treatment of leucophrys as a full
(Island of Sombrero, W.I.). species, distinct from Vireo gilvus. This has
Now Vireo altiloquus altiloquus (Vieillot, 1808). See been followed by more recent ornithologists.
Baird, 1866: 330–331; Hellmayr, 1935: 146–148;
Blake, 1968: 125–126; Dickinson, 2003: 485; and Vireo josephae mirandae Hartert
Brewer, 2010: 432.
Vireo josephae mirandae Hartert, 1917: 32 (Gali-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 40077, female, col- paro, Cerro del Avila).
lected on Sombrero Island, 18.37N, 63.26W Now Vireo leucophrys mirandae Hartert, 1917. See
(Times atlas), Leeward Islands, West Indies, Hellmayr, 1935: 154–155; Zimmer, 1941: 15;
on 1 April 1864, by A.A. Julien. From the Blake, 1968: 128; Olson, 1981: 363–364; John-
George N. Lawrence Collection (no. 142). son et al., 1988; Dickinson, 2003: 484; and
Brewer, 2010: 429–430.
COMMENTS: Lawrence noted that he had a
single specimen and said ‘‘I think it may possibly HOLOTYPE: AMNH 505095, adult male,
be distinct; should it so prove on a future collected at Picacho de Galipán (5 Galiparo),
comparison I suggest for it the specific name of 2000 m, 10.34N, 66.54W (Paynter, 1982), Pico
virginalis.’’ He did not compare it with his Avila (5 Cerro del Avila), Venezuela, on 15
specimen of ‘‘V. atripennis,’’ listed immediate- December 1913, by S.M. Klages (no. 1178).
ly prior to this description (see above). Baird COMMENTS: Hartert cited Klages’ unique
(1866: 330–331) found both of these specimens field number of the holotype in the original
indistinguishable from V. altiloquus. description and noted that he had five
specimens. The four paratypes are: Picacho
Vireo gilvus disjunctus J.T. Zimmer de Galipán, AMNH 505096–505098, three
Vireo gilvus disjunctus J.T. Zimmer, 1941: 18 females, 18 December 1913–31 January 1914;
(Santa Elena, Antioquia, Colombia; altitude Loma Redonda, N. coast mountains, AMNH
9000 feet). 505099, male, 9 January 1914, all collected by
Now Vireo leucophrys dissors J.T. Zimmer, 1941. Klages. Several Klages specimens in AMNH
See Blake, 1968: 128; Olson, 1981: 363–365; from the same localities were never in the
Johnson et al., 1988; Dickinson, 2003: 484; and Rothschild Collection and are not part of
Brewer, 2010: 429–430. Hartert’s type series.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 134056, adult male,
collected at Santa Elena, 9000 ft, 06.13N, Vireo gilvus dissors J.T. Zimmer
69.55W (Paynter, 1997), Antioquia, Colom- Vireo gilvus dissors J.T. Zimmer, 1941: 18 (Cerro
bia, on 18 November 1914, by Leo Miller Munchique, west of Popayan, Colombia, alti-
(no. 10115) and Howarth Boyle. tude 7000 feet).
Now Vireo leucophrys dissors J.T. Zimmer, 1941. all collected by Watkins, are: Chaupe,
See Blake, 1968: 129; Olson, 1981: 363–365; AMNH 181592, 181594–181597, three males,
Johnson et al., 1988; Dickinson, 2003: 484; and two females, 3 February–16 March 1923; La
Brewer, 2010: 429–430.
Lejia, AMNH 235056, male, 19 March 1925;
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 109938, adult male, Palambla, AMNH 175545–175550, one male,
collected on Cerro Munchique, 7000 ft, four females, one sex?, all on 9 October 1922;
02.32N, 76.57W (Paynter, 1997), Coast Taulis, AMNH 236077–236080, two males,
Range west of Popayan, Cauca, Colombia, two females, 16–19 June 1926; Seques,
on 8 June 1911 by W.B. Richardson. AMNH 236081, 236082, male, female, 30
COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH July–9 August 1926.
number of the holotype in the original Johnson et al. (1988) treated leucophrys as
description and listed (on p. 19) the 15 a full species, and this has since been
specimens he examined. The 14 paratypes followed.
are: Cerro Munchique, AMNH 109937,
109939, 109940, two males, one female, 3–7 [Sylvia poicilotis Wied]
June 1911, by Richardson; E. of Palmira,
AMNH 6762 bears a type label with the
AMNH 109129–109132, three males, one
Wied name Sylvia poicilotis in what appears
female, 19–30 April 1911, by Chapman and
Richardson; Primavera, AMNH 505089, to be Allen’s hand, but he did not list this
female, 1904, by Raap; San Antonio, AMNH name in his (Allen, 1889c) paper on the
108344, 108345, 109134, three females, 5 Maximilian types in AMNH. It is labeled
February–30 March 1911, by Chapman and ‘‘not a type, J.T.Z[immer].’’ It is apparent,
Richardson; Salento, AMNH 112614, both from the original Wied label pasted on
112615, two males, 27–29 September 1911, the reverse of the AMNH label and from
by Allen and Miller; El Eden, AMNH Wied (1831: 715) that his use of Sylvia
112613, female, 21 October 1911, by Allen poicilotis is intended as a new combination
and Miller. of Hylophilus poicilotis Temminck. When it
As noted above under disjunctus, Olson was shown not to be that species, Nordmann
(1981: 363–365), as first revisor, selected (1835: 14) introduced the name Sylvia amaur-
dissors as the valid name of the form ocephalus, based on a Wied specimen in ZMB
inhabiting the Western and Central Andes (Hellmayr, 1935: 159). It is now considered
of Colombia, and Johnson et al. (1988), a full species, Hylophilus amaurocephalus
treated leucophrys as a full species. (Nordmann, 1835) (see Willis, 1991, Raposo
et al., 1998, and Dickinson, 2003: 485).
Vireo gilvus maranonicus J.T. Zimmer AMNH 6762 had been placed in the general
collection, but because it bears an AMNH
Vireo gilvus maranonicus J.T. Zimmer, 1941: 17 type label, it has been returned to the type
(Chaupe (near San Ignacio, Rio Chinchipe), collection with a separate label noting that it
northern Perú; altitude 6100 feet).
is not a type.
Now Vireo leucophrys maranonicus J.T. Zimmer,
1941. See Blake, 1968: 129; Johnson et al., 1988;
Dickinson, 2003: 484; and Brewer, 2010: 429– Hylophilus thoracicus griseiventris Berlepsch
430. and Hartert
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 181593, adult male, Hylophilus thoracicus griseiventris Berlepsch and
collected at Chaupe, 6100 ft, near San Hartert, 1902: 11 (Suapure).
Ignacio, 05.08S, 78.59W (Stephens and Tray- Now Hylophilus thoracicus griseiventris Berlepsch
and Hartert, 1902. See Hellmayr, 1935: 162–163;
lor, 1983), Rı́o Chinchipe, northern Peru, on
Zimmer, 1942a: 1; Blake, 1968: 130; Dickinson,
3 February 1923, by Harry Watkins (no.
2003: 485; and Brewer, 2010: 435.
COMMENTS: Zimmer gave the AMNH HOLOTYPE: AMNH 505219, adult male,
number of the holotype in the original collected at Suapure, 07.14N, 65.10W (Payn-
description and (on p. 19) listed the 19 ter, 1982), Bolivar, Venezuela, on 11 Febru-
specimens he examined. The 18 paratypes, ary 1899, by Samuel M. Klages.
505283 (424), AMNH 505284 (420), two Now Hylophilus flavipes acuticauda Lawrence,
females, 18 February; Quebrada Secca, 1865. See Hellmayr, 1935: 175–176; Dickinson,
AMNH 505285 (352), female, 16 February; 2003: 486; and Brewer, 2010: 437–438.
Celci Puede, AMNH 505286 (1606), female, 5 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 40133, unsexed, col-
May; Forest of los Palmales, AMNH 505287 lected in Venezuela, by S.C. Nash. From the
(392), female, 17 February, all collected by H. George N. Lawrence Collection (no. 399).
Caracciolo in 1898. Trinidad, Caparo, COMMENTS: Lawrence apparently had the
AMNH 505292–505297, four males, two single specimen. The measurements pencilled
females, April–May 1902, all collected by E. on his label of this specimen are the same as
André. those given in the original description and
See Phelps (1945: 339) for information on it is marked ‘‘Type’’ by Lawrence. Todd
H. Caracciolo. (1929b: 198) thought that the holotype of
acuticauda came from the coastal region of
Hylophilus viridiflavus Lawrence northern Venezuela and designated Puerto
Hylophilus viridiflavus Lawrence, 1861b: 324 (At- La Cruz, Carabobo, Venezuela, as the type
lantic side of the Isthmus). locality. Phelps and Phelps (1963: 302) place
Now Hylophilus flavipes viridiflavus Lawrence, this locality in the state of Aragua, and
1861. See Hellmayr, 1935: 174–175; Wetmore Paynter (1982) in the Distrito Federal at
et al., 1984: 238–241; Dickinson, 2003: 486; and 10.32N, 67.21W.
Brewer, 2010: 437–438.
Now Hylophilus ochraceiceps bulunensis Hartert, ‘‘two females and one sex?.’’ This was
1902. See Hellmayr, 1935: 179; Dickinson, 2003: undoubtedly a misprint for ‘‘two males and
486; and Brewer, 2010: 438. one sex?.’’ The two paratypes are AMNH
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 505298, adult male, 233499, male, and AMNH 233500, sex?, both
collected at Pulún (5 Bulún), 160 ft, 01.05N, collected at Cape Garachiné on 5 March
78.40W (Paynter, 1993), Esmeraldas, Ecua- 1927 by Griscom et al.
dor, on 6 December 1900, by G. Flemming
(no. 253). From the Rothschild Collection. ICTERIDAE
COMMENTS: Hartert had a single specimen ICTERINAE
when this form was described and Flem-
ming’s field number of the holotype was
given in the original description. Ostinops decumanus maculosus Chapman
Ostinops decumanus maculosus Chapman, 1920: 26
Hylophilus pusillus Lawrence (Yungas (alt. 3600 ft), Prov. Cochabamba).
Hylophilus pusillus Lawrence, 1861b: 323 (Atlantic Now Psarocolius decumanus maculosus (Chapman,
side of the Isthmus). 1920). See Hellmayr, 1937: 14–16; Blake, 1968:
Now Hylophilus decurtatus decurtatus (Bonaparte, 140; Dickinson, 2003: 768; and Fraga, 2011:
1838). See Todd, 1929b: 204–205; Hellmayr, 754.
1935: 183–184; Blake, 1968: 137; Wetmore et al.,
1984: 229–230; Dickinson, 2003: 486; and
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 138547, adult male,
Brewer, 2010: 438–439. collected at Yungas, 3600 ft, 16.20S, 66.45W
(Paynter, 1992), Cochabamba, Bolivia, on 3
SYNTYPES: AMNH 40125, male, AMNH June 1915, by Leo Miller (no. 12186) and
40126, male, AMNH 40127, female, collected Howarth Boyle.
on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus of COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH
Panama, Panama, in the ‘‘winter’’ of 1860– number of the holotype in the original
1861, by James McLeannan and John R. description and listed (on pp. 27–28) speci-
Galbraith. From the George N. Lawrence mens that he included in maculosus. Of the
Collection (nos. 400, 174, and 401, respec- 12 male (in addition to the type) and eight
tively). female Bolivian specimens he included, I
COMMENTS: Lawrence did not designate found the following nine male and six female
a type or enumerate his specimens in the paratypes cataloged in AMNH: Yungas,
original description, but both male and AMNH 138546, 138548–138554, four males
female were described. All three of the above and four females, June 1915, by Miller and
specimens are marked ‘‘Type’’ by Lawrence. Boyle; Locotal, AMNH 138556, 138557, two
females, May 1915, by Miller and Boyle;
Pachysylvia minor darienensis Griscom Todos Santos, AMNH 138544, 138545, two
Pachysylvia minor darienensis Griscom, 1927b: 7 males, July 1915, by Miller and Boyle;
(Cape Garachiné, eastern Panama). Mission San Antonio, Rio Chimoré, AMNH
Now Hylophilus decurtatus darienensis (Griscom, 138555, male, August 1915, by Miller and
1927). See Hellmayr, 1935: 185; Wetmore et al., Boyle; Tres Arroyas, Rio Espiritu Santo,
1984: 230–231; Dickinson, 2003: 486; and AMNH 148980, male, February 1915, by
Brewer, 2010: 438–439.
G.K. Cherrie; Beni River, AMNH 30651,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 257146, adult male, male, August 1886, by H.H. Rusby. Of these
collected at Punta Garachiné (5 Cape I did not find AMNH 138550 in the
Garachiné), 08.06N, 78.25W (Siegel and collection. I found only one of the Peruvian
Olson, 2008), Darién, Panama, on 5 March paratypes in AMNH: Chauillay, Urubamba
1927, by Ludlow Griscom, Maunsell S. Cañon, AMNH 145816, male, July 1916, by
Crosby, and others. Paul F. Covel (no. 247) Chapman and Cherrie. I found 32 of the 33
was taxidermist. Brazilian paratypes in AMNH: Urucum
COMMENTS: Griscom cited the AMNH near Corumbá, AMNH 128324–128327, two
number of the holotype in the original males and two females, December 1913,
description and noted that he examined by Miller and Cherrie; Chapada, AMNH
been accessible to Chapman but may not specimens in AMNH or USNM (C. Milen-
have been measured. These are also included sky, personal commun.) that might have been
as paratypes, as is a specimen from Guineo, part of the Yale University–National Geo-
Rio Calima, Colombia, recorded by Hell- graphic Society Expedition to the Urubamba
mayr (1911: 1122) and included in flavirostris Valley that Chapman had been studying
by Chapman. Paratypes in AMNH: Colom- when he described this subspecies. Most of
bia, ‘‘Bogotá,’’ AMNH 41929, 41930, sex?, the specimens from that expedition are in
undated, from the G.N. Lawrence Collec- USNM, with a subset deposited at AMNH.
tion; El Piñon, AMNH 123122, female, 6 Therefore, I have not been able to identify his
April 1913, by Chapman et al.; Rio Toché, paratypes.
AMNH 113198, female, 26 October 1911, by There are four Peruvian specimens that
Allen and Miller; Los Tambos, AMNH would have been available to Chapman when
71624, male, 18 August 1898, by J.H. Batty; he described australis. AMNH 166625, male,
Alto Bonito, AMNH 134540, female, 17 and AMNH 170769, female, collected by
February 1915, by Miller and Boyle. Ecua- Watkins on 11 March 1917, from Limbani,
dor, Esmeraldas, AMNH 119044–119046, Puno, Peru, have ‘‘Nat. Geog. Soc.’’ stamped
males, AMNH 119047, 119048, females, 21 on Watkins’ field label; the male was cata-
October–8 November 1912, by Richardson; loged with specimens from that expedition.
Naranjo, AMNH 125220–125222, one male, AMNH 146600, male, and AMNH 146601,
two females, 8–11 May 1913, by Richardson; female, were collected by Watkins at Santo
Santa Rosa, AMNH 130542, 130543, two Domingo, Puno, Peru, on 24 September 1916
females, 8–11 September 1913, by Richard- and purchased by AMNH from Watkins in
son; Guayaquil, AMNH 130544, male, 15 1918. Both of these localities are near the
August 1913, by Richardson. AMNH 119044 Bolivian border and far from the Urubamba
was exchanged to ANSP in 1928, and Valley, and nothing on the labels of these
AMNH 119046 was exchanged to MCZ in specimens indicates that either pair might
1928. have been part of Chapman’s description.
The affiliation of this species with the
Icteridae is uncertain and more than one Icterus hondae Chapman
species may be involved (See AOU, 1998: Icterus hondae Chapman, 1914: 191 (Honda, alt.
656, and Fraga, 2011: 747). 600 ft, Magdalena River, Colombia).
Now Icterus chrysater hondae Chapman, 1914. See
Amblycercus holosericeus australis Chapman Hellmayr, 1937: 131–132; Blake, 1968: 151;
Olson, 1981: 369–370; Omland et al., 1999;
Amblycercus holosericeus australis Chapman, 1919:
Dickinson, 2003: 771; and Fraga, 2011: 759.
333 (Incachaca (alt. 7700 ft), Prov. Cocha-
bamba, Bolivia). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 123163, adult male,
Now Amblycercus holosericeus australis Chapman, collected at Honda, 600 ft, 05.12N, 74.45W
1919. See Hellmayr, 1937: 44–45; Blake, 1968:
(Paynter, 1997), Magdalena River, Colom-
149; Dickinson, 2003: 769; and Fraga, 2011:
bia, on 3 February 1913, by Frank M.
Chapman and George K. Cherrie.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 138594, adult male, COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH
collected at Incachaca, 7700ft, 17.14S, number of the holotype in the original
65.49W (Paynter, 1992), Cochabamba, Boli- description and noted that he had only one
via, on 12 May 1915, by Leo E. Miller additional specimen. The paratype is:
(no. 11714) and Howarth Boyle. AMNH 123162, adult male, collected at
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH Honda on 4 February 1913 by Chapman
number of the holotype in the original and Cherrie. Olson (1981: 369–370) and
description and examined an additional two Dickinson (2003: 771) recognized hondae;
Peruvian specimens from the Urubamba Fraga (2011: 759) synonymized it with I.
Valley. Chapman (1921b) did not include chrysater giraudii. Olson (1981: 370) gave
this species in his list of Urubamba Valley characters for recognition of hondae based on
specimens and there are no Urubamba Valley the above two specimens, and noted that
additional specimens of hondae from the original description and noted that he had 48
upper Magdalelna River Valley are needed. specimens (including the type) from Guate-
mala and three from Nicaragua. Later,
Icterus xanthornus trinitatis Hartert Griscom (1932: 398) listed the localities from
Icterus xanthornus trinitatis Hartert, 1913: 76 which his Guatemalan specimens had come,
(Savannah Grande, Trinidad). but by that time did not include Nicaragua in
Now Icterus nigrogularis trinitatis Hartert, 1913. the range. Of the 47 Guatemalan paratypes,
See Hellmayr, 1937: 134; Blake, 1968: 152; 35 came to AMNH: Finca El Cipres, AMNH
Omland et al., 1999; Dickinson, 2003: 771; and 398801, 398803–398806, 398808–398811, five
Fraga, 2011: 764–765. males, four females, 27 July–1 August 1924;
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 521859, adult male, Finca El Espino, AMNH 398807, female, 23
collected at Savannah Grande, Trinidad, on July 1926; Hacienda California, AMNH
13 February 1897, by Percy Rendall (no. 56). 398812–398824, 398826–398828, eight males,
From the Rothschild Collection. eight females, 5–27 June 1926, 25 September–
COMMENTS: This is the single specimen 10 November 1927; Ocos, AMNH 398825,
from the Rothschild Collection with these 398829, males, 24 October 1927, all by A.W.
data and it was listed by Hartert (1919a: 136) Anthony; Pantaleon, AMNH 399361–399366,
as the type. In addition, specimens of this two males, four females, 22 October–2 No-
form in the Rothschild Collection, collected vember 1919; San Felipe, AMNH 399367,
by André, were included. The paratypes, all male, 4 December 1919, all by Austin Paul
collected by André, are: Trinidad, Caparo, Smith. I did not find paratypes AMNH
AMNH 521836–521846, eight males, one 398816 and 398819 from Hacienda California
immature male, two females, March–April in the AMNH collection and they were
1902; ‘‘Trinidad,’’ original label lost, AMNH perhaps exchanged later, without the catalog
521847, 1902; Pointe Gourde, AMNH having been marked. The Guatemalan collec-
521848–521850, males, January 1903; Lavan- tion was divided with MCZ before it was
till, AMNH 521851, 521852, males, March cataloged at AMNH and the other paratypes
and April 1903; Chaguaramas, 521853– are probably there. I also did not find the
521855, males, January 1903; Leelet, AMNH three Nicaraguan specimens from Leon,
521858, male, July 1903. Two specimens, Chinandega, and Volcan Viejo; these were
AMNH 521856 and 521857, collected by perhaps borrowed from other institutions by
Carr at Caguaranas in May and June 1894, Griscom.
were not mentioned by Hartert and are not Dickerman (1987: 84) called attention to
considered paratypes. the error in the location of the type locality
given in the original description. Griscom
Icterus pectoralis anthonyi Griscom (1932: 398) did not correct this in his text, but
Icterus pectoralis anthonyi Griscom, 1930: 18
he did make a correction (Griscom, 1932:
(Finca El Cipres, near Ocos, Pacific coast of 417, map) without calling attention to the
Guatemala [error]). earlier error. Mazatenango is at 14.31N,
Now Icterus pectoralis guttulatus Lafresnaye, 1844. 91.30W (Times atlas).
See Griscom, 1932: 398–399; Hellmayr, 1937: The subspecies anthonyi was recognized by
145; Blake, 1968: 154–155; Dickerman, 1981; Hellmayr (1937: 145), synonymized with I.
and Dickinson, 2003: 770. pectoralis pectoralis by Blake (1968: 154–
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 398802, adult male, 155), and synonymized with I. pectoralis
collected at Finca El Cipres, 9 mi from guttlatus by Dickerman (1981), Dickinson
Mazatenango, Pacific slope, at base of (2003: 770), and Fraga (2011: 766).
Volcan Zumail, Suchitepequez (Griscom,
1932: 417, map), Guatemala, on 28 July Icterus gularis troglodytes Griscom
1924, by A.W. Anthony (no. 473). From the Icterus gularis troglodytes Griscom, 1930: 13 (San
Jonathan Dwight Collection (no. 58330). Felipe, Retalhuleu, Pacific slope of Guatemala).
COMMENTS: Griscom cited the Dwight Now Icterus gularis mentalis Lesson, 1831. See
Collection number of the holotype in the Griscom, 1932: 396; Hellmayr, 1937: 148; Blake,
1968: 156; Dickinson, 2003: 771; Dickerman, probably at MCZ. See Casto and Burke
2007: 35–38; and Fraga, 2011: 765. (2010: 13) for information on Austin Paul
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 399358, adult male, Smith.
collected at San Felipe, 2500 ft, 14.40N,
Icterus gularis gigas Griscom
91.30W (Times atlas), Retalhuleu, Pacific
slope of Guatemala, on 7 December 1919, Icterus gularis gigas Griscom, 1930: 13 (Sacapulas,
by Austin Paul Smith (no. 19209). From the Rio Negro Valley, central Guatemala).
Johathan Dwight Collection (no. 56504). Now Icterus gularis gularis (Wagler, 1829). See
COMMENTS: Griscom cited the Dwight Griscom, 1932: 396; Hellmayr, 1937: 148–149;
Blake, 1968: 156; Dickinson, 2003: 771; Dicker-
number of the holotype in the original
man, 2007: 38; and Fraga, 2011: 765.
description, and noted (on p. 14) that he
had 29 specimens from Ocos to San José HOLOTYPE: AMNH 398742, adult male,
(including the type), one male from Antigua collected at Sacapulas, Rı́o Negro Valley,
and one male from San Lucas. Later, he central Guatemala, on 4 February 1928, by
(Griscom, 1932: 396) listed these 31 speci- A.W. Anthony (no. 6513). From the Jona-
mens by locality. Of the 30 paratypes, the than Dwight Collection.
following 21 are in AMNH: Finca El Cipres, COMMENTS: Griscom cited Anthony’s
AMNH 398723, 398725–398730, two males, unique field number for the holotype in
one immature male, four females, 23 July–24 the original description; it had no Dwight
August 1924; Antigua, AMNH 398724, male, Collection number. Griscom (1932: 396) noted
6 June 1924; Hacienda California, AMNH that he had eight males and 10 females,
398731–398736, 398738, two males, four including the type, from Sacapulas. Of the 17
females, one immature female, 7 June–3 July paratypes, there are 11 at AMNH: AMNH
1926, 29 September 1927; Ocos, AMNH 398741, 398743–398752, four males, seven
398739, male (as on label), AMNH 398740, females, 4 February–13 March 1928, by A.W.
female, 14–16 October 1927; San Lucas, Anthony. This collection was divided with
AMNH 398737, male, 27 May 1927, all MCZ before cataloging, and the remaining
collected by A.W. Anthony. Pantaleon, paratypes may be in that institution.
AMNH 399356, male, 18 October 1919; San Hellmayr (1937: 148–149) recognized gigas
Felipe, AMNH 399357, female, 5 December and considered xerophilus a synonym of it.
1919; San José, AMNH 399359, male, 29 Both Blake (1968: 156) and Dickinson (2003:
January 1920, all collected by Austin Paul 771) followed him. More recently both
Smith. Dickerman (2007: 38) and Fraga (2011:
Hellmayr (1937: 148) noted that Icterus 765) synonymized gigas and xerophilus with
mentalis Lesson, 1831, could not be identified nominate gularis.
with certainty because the type locality was Sacapulas is on the Rı́o Negro, 25 mi north
not recorded and recognized instead I. g. of Quiché, at ca. 15.15N, 91.10W (Griscom,
tamaulipensis Ridgway, 1901. Blake (1968: 1932: 421 and map). See Griscom (1932: 11–
156) and Dickinson (2003: 771) apparently 15) for a summary of Anthony’s collecting
accepted Hellmayr’s analysis and listed ta- localities.
maulipensis, yucatanensis, and troglodytes as
valid subspecies of Icterus gularis without Icterus gularis xerophilus Griscom
mentioning mentalis; Dickerman (2007: 35– Icterus gularis xerophilus Griscom, 1930: 14
38) accepted mentalis Lesson, 1831, as a valid (Progreso, Motagua River Valley, central Gua-
name, restricted the type locality to the city of temala).
Veracruz and considered yucatanensis, ta- Now Icterus gularis gularis (Wagler, 1829). See
maulipensis, and troglodytes to be synonyms Griscom, 1932: 396; Hellmayr, 1937: 148–149;
Blake, 1968: 156; Dickinson, 2003: 771; Dicker-
of mentalis. This was accepted by Fraga
man, 2007: 38; and Fraga, 2011: 765.
(2011: 765).
As in the previous form, the collection was HOLOTYPE: AMNH 398756, adult male,
divided between AMNH and MCZ before it collected at Progreso, 17.18N, 90.08W
was cataloged. The remaining paratypes are (Times atlas), Motagua River Valley, central
1937: 155–156; Blake, 1968: 157; Dickinson, Now Icterus pustulatus maximus Griscom, 1930.
2003: 771; and Fraga, 2011: 763. See Griscom, 1932: 397; Hellmayr, 1937: 155–156;
Blake, 1968: 157; Howell and Webb, 1995: 748–
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 398792, adult male, 749; Dickinson, 2003: 771; and Fraga, 2011: 763.
collected at Progreso, 17.18N, 90.08W
(Times atlas), Guatemala, on 17 September HOLOTYPE: AMNH 398772, adult male,
1924, by A.W. Anthony (no. 830). From the collected at Sacapulas, Rı́o Negro Valley,
Jonathan Dwight Collection (no. 58978). interior of Guatemala, on 12 February 1928,
COMMENTS: Miller and Griscom gave the by A.W. Anthony (no. 6563). From the
Dwight Collection number of the holotype in Jonathan Dwight Collection.
the original description and listed one Gua- COMMENTS: Griscom cited Anthony’s
temalan specimen collected by von Patten, unique field number of the holotype in the
three males, three females, one sex?, collected original description (the specimen had no
at Progreso, one female from Volcan Zunil, Dwight number), and (on p. 17) noted that he
and one male from El Tanque, Nicaragua. At had 17 specimens. Griscom (1932: 397) gave
the time of publication of this name, Miller these as 14 males and three females; the 11
and Griscom (1925: 1) were working on their paratypes, all from Sacapulas, in AMNH
Nicaraguan collection and had borrowed are: AMNH 398769–398771, 398773–398780,
specimens from Dwight and others for eight males, three females, 4 February–24
comparison. It is not now possible to tell March 1928, by A.W. Anthony. Part of the
which specimens from Progreso are para- collection was sent to MCZ before catalog-
types of alticola as all of the Dwight ing, therefore, the additional paratypes may
specimens were cataloged together and Gris- be in that institution.
com identified and initialed them all as Hellmayr (1937: 156) considered maximus
alticola. As the description was published in a synonym of alticola, and was followed by
1925, it seemed possible that only specimens Blake (1968: 157). Howell and Webb (1995:
collected in July 1924 were available. But this 748) recognized maximus, as did Dickinson
is not correct, because the type was collected (2003: 771) and Fraga (2011: 763).
in September 1924. Later, Griscom (1932: Griscom (1932: 421, map) noted that
397), when working with the entire Dwight Sacapulas was 25 mi north of Quiché, at ca.
Collection, noted that he had 22 specimens of 15.15N, 91.10W.
alticola; there are 15 alticola, including the
type, in AMNH. Because the collection was Icterus cucullatus masoni Griscom
divided with MCZ, the remaining specimens Icterus cucullatus masoni Griscom, 1926: 18
may be in that institution and some of them (Manatee, British Honduras).
may be paratypes. There are, however, two Now Icterus cucullatus igneus Ridgway, 1885. See
definite paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 42020, Hellmayr, 1937: 152; Blake, 1968: 158; Omland
male, Guatemala, from Dr. v[on] P[atten], et al., 1999; Dickinson, 2003: 770; and Fraga,
from the Lawrence Collection; and AMNH 2011: 769.
144752, male, El Tanque, Nicaragua, 11 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 59876, adult male,
April 1917, by Miller, Griscom and Richard- collected at Manatee, Belize (5 British
son (now considered a specimen of I. Honduras), on 26 December (not February)
pustulatus sclateri). I did not find the female 1889, by D.C. Ingraham.
specimen from Volcan Zunil, Guatemala, COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the
listed by Miller and Griscom (1925: 4), and holotype was given in the original descrip-
it was perhaps also borrowed. See Griscom tion, although AMNH was not mentioned.
(1932: 11–15, 420, map) for a summary of There are four paratypes: Mexico, Quintana
Anthony’s collecting localities. Roo, AMNH 254755, Chunyaxche, adult
male, 30 January; AMNH 254756, immature
Icterus sclateri maximus Griscom male, Palmul, 9 February; AMNH 254757,
Icterus sclateri maximus Griscom, 1930: 15 (Saca- female, Vigia Chica, 27 January, all collected
pulas, Rio Negro Valley, interior of Guate- in 1926 by Griscom. ‘‘Honduras,’’ AMNH
mala). 42001, male, from the Lawrence Collection.
Xanthornus icterus ridgwayi Hartert for exhibit by John G. Bell, a New York
taxidermist, and were put on display in the
Xanthornus icterus ridgwayi Hartert, 1902b: 299
(Aruba). Arsenal in Central Park, headquarters for the
Now Icterus icterus ridgwayi (Hartert, 1902). See new museum until a permanent home could
Hartert, 1919a: 137; Hellmayr, 1937: 138–139; be provided (Anon., 1915: 133). At the same
Blake, 1968: 159; Omland et al., 1999; Dick- time, Elliot was authorized to purchase in
inson, 2003: 769–770; and Fraga, 2011: 766–767. Europe for the new museum several collec-
tions of specimens of birds and mammals.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 521891, adult male, His selections included a large number of
collected on Aruba Island, Dutch West Maximilian, Prince of Wied, specimens from
Indies, on 26 June 1892, by Ernst Hartert Brazil. These were mounted specimens also
(no. 105). From the Rothschild Collection. intended for display. It was not until 1883
COMMENTS: In the original description, that the AMNH bird catalog was begun with,
Hartert designated as holotype the male at that time, separate volumes for mounted
specimen he collected on Aruba on 26 June specimens and study skins. The Elliot and
1892 and said that he had five specimens Wied collections, along with several other
from Aruba and Curaçao. Only four speci- collections of mounted birds were combined
mens from those two islands came to AMNH and arranged systematically before they were
with the Rothschild Collection, and they entered in the catalog.
were, in fact, the only four specimens listed
AMNH 2230 was originally entered in the
by Hartert (1893a: 297), although the date
catalog as a male from the upper Missouri
for the Aruba specimens was incorrectly
River from the Elliot Collection. In addition
given as 27 June. The whereabouts of the
to his collections in Brazil, Wied led an
fifth specimen is not known. Paratypes in
expedition to the upper Missouri River in
AMNH: Curaçao, near Beekenburg, AMNH
1832–1834. It is entirely possible that Elliot
521889, female, AMNH 521890, male, 2
had this specimen, which appears to be a
August 1892, by Ernst Hartert (nos. 264
Wied specimen, in his North American
and 266, respectively); Aruba, AMNH
collection and had purchased it long before
521892, female, 26 June 1892, by Ernst
he purchased the Wied South American
Hartert (no. 106).
specimens for AMNH. Later, someone has
Hartert (1893a) had earlier reported on his
overwritten ‘‘Elliot Collection’’ with ‘‘Max-
visit to the Dutch West Indies.
imilian Coll.’’ On the type label is a note ‘‘See
mounted catalogue for note by J.T.Z.’’
Psarocolius auricollis Wied
Zimmer, opp. #2230, noted ‘‘Type of Psar-
Psarocolius auricollis Wied, 1839: 367 (Fort Pierre, ocolius auricollis Wied?’’
South Dakota). There is no longer an original label on the
Now Icterus bullockii (Swainson, 1827). See specimen, only an exhibit label, which is
Hellmayr, 1937: 104–105; Blake, 1968: 161; printed as being from the Elliot Collection.
Dickinson, 2003: 771; and Fraga, 2011: 763–
The locality on these exhibit labels is usually
printed, but in this case, a strip of paper has
TYPE: AMNH 2230. Information regard- been glued over the printed locality and
ing this specimen is here summarized, but no ‘‘western North America’’ added in pen. It
decision on its type status could be reached. probably originally said ‘‘Upper Missouri’’ as
In the mid-19th century, D.G. Elliot in the catalog.
owned one of the most complete collections Apparently, this specimen had been cho-
of species of birds from North America. In sen, and the catalog so stamped, to be sent on
1868, when Elliott was planning a lengthy but exchange to Queens College in August 1953.
indefinite stay in Europe, he became con- It was probably investigated by Zimmer at
cerned for the safety of his collection while he that time and found to be a possible type.
was away and offered it to the then-forming Hellmayr (1937: 104) had noted that the type
AMNH. The approximately 1100 specimens was in AMNH. The catalog was then marked
were purchased as the first collection for the ‘‘Dismounted for Study Collection’’ and a
new museum. His specimens were mounted ‘‘type?’’ label added by Zimmer.
Hellmayr (1937: 104) gave the type locality Foster, 1892: 2). In the original description,
as Fort Pierre, South Dakota, and Wied Lawrence said that affinis was found breed-
(1839: 367) described P. auricollis in Chapter ing in April and that his specimens had been
11, ‘‘Reise von Catonment Leavenworth bis collected in ‘‘the past year,’’ i.e., 1850. On the
zu den Punca-Indianern, vom 22. April bis labels of all three syntypes, Lawrence record-
zum 12. Mai.’’ The above specimen may well ed the collecting locality as Brownsville.
be one of the specimens collected by Wied Fraga (2011: 770) treated I. spurius as
at that time, but because of lack of definite monotypic.
information on its provenance, it seems im-
possible to be sure of its status. Icterus spurius phillipsi Dickerman and
Xanthornus affinis Lawrence
Icterus spurius phillipsi Dickerman and Warner,
Xanthornus affinis Lawrence, 1851: 113 (Rio 1962: 311 (1 mile west of Acámbaro, Guana-
Grande, Texas). juato, México).
Now Icterus spurius spurius (Linnaeus, 1766). See Now Icterus spurius phillipsi Dickerman and
Hellmayr, 1937: 105–107; Blake, 1968: 161–162; Warner, 1962. See Blake, 1968: 162; Scharf
Scharf and Kren, 1996: 3; Omland et al., 1999; and Kren, 1996: 3; Dickinson, 2003: 770;
Dickinson, 2003: 770; and Fraga, 2011: 770. Dickerman, 2007: 34; and Fraga, 2011: 770.
COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH Andros Island, Bahamas, on 3 June and 14
number of the holotype in the original April 1890, by John I. Northrop.
description and noted that he had four COMMENTS: Because syntypes were desig-
specimens. Two of the three paratypes are nated in the original description, other
in AMNH: AMNH 95907, immature male, specimens have no nomenclatural standing.
AMNH 95908, female, collected at the type Northrop (1891) published on his specimens
locality on 7 April 1910 by F.M. Chapman. and observations of the birds on Andros and
The fourth paratype remained in Fuertes’ illustrated I. northropi in a plate. I. northropi
Collection (no. 2201). This new form was has usually been considered a subspecies of
illustrated by Fuertes in plate 1, opposite I. dominicensis, but most recent authors
page 1 of the description. support full species status for it.
Scharf and Kren (1996: 3) and Fraga (2011:
770) treated I. fuertesi as a separate mono- Agelaius phoeniceus arthuralleni Dickerman
typic species, but other authors have main-
Agelaius phoeniceus arthuralleni Dickerman, 1974:
tained it as a subspecies of Icterus spurius. 8 (Lago Peten Itza, Departamento Peten,
Icterus prosthemelas praecox Phillips and Now Agelaius phoeniceus arthuralleni Dickerman,
Dickerman 1974. See Dickinson, 2003: 774; and Fraga,
2011: 789.
Icterus prosthemelas praecox Phillips and Dicker-
man, 1965: 298 (Almirante, Bocas del Toro HOLOTYPE: AMNH 803755, female, col-
Province, western Panamá). lected at Lago Petén Itzá, ca. 17.00N,
Now Icterus prosthemelas praecox Phillips and
89.30W, Petén, Guatemala, on 20 February
Dickerman, 1965. See Blake, 1968: 162; Wet-
more et al., 1984: 367–368; Dickerman and
1968, by Robert W. Dickerman (no. 14026).
Parkes, 1997: 231; Omland et al., 1999; Dick- COMMENTS: Dickerman cited the AMNH
inson, 2003: 770; and Fraga, 2011: 770. number of the holotype in the original
description and said that he examined
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 248065 (not 392316), specimens from Lago Petén Itzá, Laguna
juvenile male, collected at Almirante, 09.20N, Perdida, and L. de Zolz. The following
82.18W (Siegel and Olson, 2008), Bocas del AMNH specimens from Petén Itzá, sexed as
Toro Province, western Panamá, on 22 August females, are considered paratypes: AMNH
1927, by R.R. Benson (no. 797). 803748, 803750, 803752, 803754, 803756–
COMMENTS: As noted by Charles O’Brien 803758, 803760, all collected on 19–20
on the AMNH type card, the AMNH February 1968, by Dickerman.
number of the holotype was erroneously The AMNH number of this holotype is
recorded as AMNH 392316; Dickerman AMNH 803755, not 805755 as cited by
and Parkes (1997: 231) also call attention to Dickerman (1987: 83).
this error. The holotype is AMNH 248065.
There were four paratypes recorded from Agelaius xanthophthalmus Short
Costa Rica, only two of which are in
AMNH: Estrella Valley, Atalanta, AMNH Agelaius xanthophthalmus Short, 1969: 1 (15 km
north-northeast of Tingo Marı́a, 4 km north of
392315, 392316, immature males, both col-
the Tulumayo River, and about 2 km northwest
lected on 1 July 1921, by Austin Paul Smith. of the village of Pumahuasi, elevation approx-
imately 2150 feet, Depto. Huánuco, Perú).
Icterus northropi Allen Now Agelasticus xanthophthalmus (Short, 1969).
Icterus northropi Allen, 1890: 344 (Andros Island, See Johnson and Lanyon, 1999; Dickinson,
Bahamas). 2003: 772; Eaton, 2006; Schulenberg et al.,
Now Icterus northropi Allen, 1890. See Hellmayr, 2010: 628; and Fraga, 2011: 797.
1937: 117; Blake, 1968: 163; Omland et al., 1999;
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 789778, adult male,
Dickinson, 2003: 770; Garrido et al., 2005; and
Fraga, 2011: 771.
collected at 15 km north-northeast of Tingo
Marı́a, 4 km north of the Tulumayo River,
SYNTYPES: AMNH 49911, adult male, and ca. 2 km northwest of Pumahuasi, ca.
AMNH 49912, adult female, collected on 2150 ft, ca. 09.04S, 75.40W (Stephens and
Traylor, 1983), Huánuco, Peru, on 17 August female, AMNH 126900, male, to BMNH in
1968, by Lester L. Short (no. 2999). 1921. I did not find AMNH 126896 in the
COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the collection and it was perhaps exchanged
holotype was cited in the original description. without the catalog having been marked.
The type series comprised two specimens; the
second specimen, the paratype, is AMNH Icterus atro-olivaceus Wied
789779, female, collected on the same day at Icterus atro-olivaceus Wied, 1831: 1216 (an der
the type locality. In the original description, Ostküste von Brasilien, in der Gegend von Coral
Short designated this bird an allotype of de Batuba, bei der Lagoa Feia).
xanthophthalmus. According to the Code Now Agelasticus cyanopus atroolivaceus (Wied,
(ICZN, 1999: 75), ‘‘The term ‘allotype’ may 1831). See Allen, 1889c: 226; Hellmayr, 1937:
be used to indicate a specimen of opposite sex 180; Parkes, 1966: 1–12; Blake, 1968: 174;
to the holotype; an ‘allotype’ has no name- Dickinson, 2003: 772; and Fraga, 2011: 797–798.
bearing function.’’ SYNTYPE: AMNH 4731, female, Curral
In addition to Agelaius, this species has Ubatuba (5 Coral de Batuba), near Lagõa
been included in the genera Chrysomus Feia, ca. 22.10S, 41.20W (Paynter and
(Dickinson, 2003: 772) and Agelasticus Traylor, 1991), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From
(Fraga, 2011: 797). the Maximilian Collection.
COMMENTS: In the original description,
Agelaius icterocephalus bogotensis Chapman
Wied (p. 1218) noted that he had not seen a
Agelaius icterocephalus bogotensis Chapman, 1914: male and that his hunters had shot two
191 (Suba Marshes, Bogotá Savanna, Colom- females upon which he based his description.
bia). Allen’s listing of this specimen as Wied’s
Now Chrysomus icterocephalus bogotensis (Chap- type of atro-olivaceus was questioned by
man, 1914). See Hellmayr, 1937: 179; Blake, Hellmayr (1937: 180), who thought that
1968: 173; Johnson and Lanyon, 1999; Dick-
Wied’s description did not fit well with A.
inson, 2003: 772; Cadena et al, 2011: 540–545;
and Fraga, 2011: 798.
cyanopus and that the collecting locality was
far removed from the range of the species.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 123126, adult female, Parkes (1966: 1–12) made a detailed study of
collected in the Saba Marshes, 8750 ft, A. cyanopus, including a study of the type of
04.45N, 74.05W (Paynter, 1997), Bogotá atroolivaceus at AMNH. He was able to
Savanna, Colombia, on 21 February 1913, compare this type to other specimens of
by Frank M. Chapman. cyanopus from Rio de Janeiro sent him on
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH loan by Helmut Sick and commented:
number of the holotype in the original ‘‘Comparison of this series with Wied’s type
description and noted that he had a series makes it clear that all of these birds belong to
of seven males and nine females. The 15 an isolated population of Agelaius cyanopus,
paratypes are: Bogotá Savanna, AMNH whose distinctive characters account for the
123124, 123125, 123127, 123128, two males, discrepancies noted by Hellmayr’’ (Parkes,
two females, collected in February 1913, by 1966: 6). Parkes also noted Hellmayr’s
Chapman et al.; La Holando, AMNH inadvertant listing of the name as atro-
126891–126897, four males, three females, violaceus, a misspelling that has been repeat-
collected in May 1913 by M. Gonzalez; ed in a number of subsequent publications.
Puente Andalucia, AMNH 126898, female, Currently it is accepted as a valid subspecies,
AMNH 126899, male in female plumage, atroolivaceus, in the species cyanopus, but
AMNH 126900, male, collected in April included by some authors in the genus
1913, by M. Gonzalez; La Herrera, AMNH Chrysomus (e.g., Dickinson, 2003: 772), and
126901, female, collected in May 1913,by M. by others in the genus Agelasticus (e.g.,
Gonzalez. Of these, the following were Fraga, 2011: 797–798).
exchanged: AMNH 126892, male, to O. Bokerman (1957: 215) gave 20 September
Bangs in 1918, now in MCZ; AMNH 1815 as the date of Wied’s visit to Curral
126894, male, to USNM; AMNH 126895, Ubatuba.
Sturnella magna saundersi Dickerman and from Surinam and 14 from Amapá, Brazil.
Phillips Paratypes in AMNH are: Surinam, Zanderij,
Sturnella magna saundersi Dickerman and Phillips,
AMNH 348596–348603, 388079–388089,
1970: 308 (9 km S of Niltepec, Oaxaca, at an eight males, nine females, two juveniles, by
elevation of 5–25 m). Haverschmidt in 1948–1949; in the interior,
Now Sturnella magna saundersi Dickerman and AMNH 521462, female, 1 November 1905, by
Phillips, 1970. See Dickerman and Parkes, 1997: H.R. Putscher. Brazil, state of Roraima,
231; Dickinson, 2003: 775; and Fraga, 2011: Flexal, AMNH 237400–237403, 237405,
806–807. 237406, four males, two females, 4–15 Sep-
SYNTYPES in AMNH: AMNH 801592 tember 1927, on the Day Expedition; Limão
(RWD no. 13260), adult male, AMNH (not Lima), Rio Cotinga, AMNH 237407–
801595 (RWD no. 13258), immature male, 237410, two males, two females, 30 Septem-
collected 9 km S. Niltepec, 16.33N, 94.35W ber–1 October 1927, on the Day Expedition. I
(Times atlas), Oaxaca, Mexico, on 15 Janu- did not find specimens from Porto Platon in
ary 1966, by R.W. Dickerman. AMNH.
COMMENTS: In the original description, Joseph (2001: 69–71) discussed the type
Dickerman and Phillips designated 11 syn- locality of ‘‘Frechal’’ and showed that it must
types of saundersi, based on their field be the locality ‘‘Flexal’’ in Roraima given
numbers. Three of the syntypes collected by by Paynter and Traylor (1991). Paynter and
Dickerman originally came to AMNH. The Traylor (1991) did not locate a Flexal in
third syntype, AMNH 801593 (RWD Amapá, but subsequent to their publication,
no. 13262), was sent to USNM in November Vanzolini (1992) gave the coordinates for
1973. AMNH 801595 was thought to be such a place as 00.05N, 52.11W, certainly not
uncataloged as the number had not been in the vicinity of the Rio Surumu.
written on the label, so it was recataloged Tate (1930) provided a map of the Lee
with the number AMNH 810401. The earlier Garnett Day Expedition, showing it ap-
number is the correct one. proaching Mount Roraima from the south,
Dickerman and Parkes (1997: 231) listed through the state of Roraima in Brazil. As
AMNH 801594 as a syntype of saundersi, but Joseph (2001: 70) commented, ‘‘Frechal’’ and
this is incorrect. That specimen bears RWD Limão are close together in the Savannas
no. 13263, which was not given for any of the south of Mount Roraima. Chapman (1931:
syntypes. 133–134) assigned the same 11 specimens to
Because syntypes were specifically desig- S. m. monticola Chubb, 1921, type locality
nated, other specimens have no nomencla- Mount Roraima. Hellmayr (1937: 218–219),
tural standing. while he saw no differences between mon-
ticola and praticola, reluctantly recognized
Sturnella magna quinta Dickerman monticola, but Blake (1968: 180) considered it
Sturnella magna quinta Dickerman, 1989: 161 a synonym of praticola. Haverschmidt and
(Frechal, Rio Surumu, Amapa, Brazil). Mees (1994: 537) assigned Surinam birds to
Now Sturnella magna quinta Dickerman, 1989. See the subspecies praticola, where it is said to
Joseph, 2001: 69–71; Dickinson, 2003: 775; and occur in Surinam only in the area around the
Fraga, 2011: 806–807. Zanderij airport (ca. 05.26N, 55.08W, Ste-
phens and Traylor, 1985). Because of the
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 237404, adult male,
collected at Flexal (5 Frechal), 03.50N, error regarding the type locality, the subspe-
60.32W (Paynter and Traylor, 1991), Rio cies quinta should be reexamined.
Surumu, Roraima (not Amapa), northeast-
ern Brazil, on 10 September 1927, by T. Cassidix mexicanus loweryi Dickerman and
Donald Carter (no. 268, not 208) on the Lee Phillips
Garnett Day Expedition. Cassidix mexicanus loweryi Dickerman and Phil-
COMMENTS: Dickerman cited the AMNH lips, 1966: 129 (Chicxulub Puerto, Yucatán).
number of the holotype in the original des- Now Quiscalus mexicanus loweryi (Dickerman and
cription and listed (on p. 162) 20 paratypes Phillips, 1966). See Blake, 1968: 189; Dickerman
and Parkes, 1997: 230; Dickinson, 2003: 775; and said that the types were in his collection.
and Fraga, 2011: 780. Both of these specimens are marked ‘‘Type’’
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 803125, adult female, by Lawrence, and they are the only two
collected at Chicxulub Puerto, Yucatán, specimens of this form in AMNH from the
Mexico, on 25 January 1965, by Robert W. Lawrence Collection. A.H. Alexander was
Dickerman (no. 12595). From Cornell Uni- a New York taxidermist (Wynne, 1969: 4)
from whom Lawrence received specimens on
versity (no. CU 30456).
COMMENTS: Both the Cornell University
number and the Dickerman field number
Molothrus (Lampropsar) Cabanisii Cassin
of the holotype were given in the original
description, and 10 paratypes were listed Molothrus (Lampropsar) Cabanisii Cassin, 1866:
from the vicinity of Progreso, Yucatán. None 22 (Guiana and Santa Martha, New Grenada).
of the paratypes is in AMNH. Now Molothrus bonariensis cabanisii Cassin, 1866.
See Stone, 1891: 346; Stone, 1899: 34; Chapman,
Quiscalus quiscula stonei Chapman 1917: 361; Hellmayr, 1937: 65–66; Blake, 1968:
197; Dickinson, 2003: 773; and Fraga, 2011:
Quiscalus quiscula stonei Chapman, 1935: 25 786–787.
(Lakehurst, New Jersey).
Now Quiscalus quiscula stonei Chapman, 1935. See SYNTYPE: AMNH 42067, unsexed, col-
Blake, 1968: 191; Dickinson, 2003: 775; and lected in Santa Marta, Colombia (5 New
Fraga, 2011: 778. Grenada), undated, by ‘‘J.A.’’ From the
George N. Lawrence Collection.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 99687, adult male, COMMENTS: In the original description,
collected at Lakehurst, 40.01N, 74.19W Cassin said that he had one specimen from
(Times atlas), New Jersey, on 8 June 1907, ‘‘Guiana’’ in PNAS, and a second specimen
by W. DeW. Miller and James P. Chapin. from ‘‘Santa Martha, New Grenada’’ in the
COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH Lawrence Collection along with others in
number of the holotype in the original PNAS without locality data. Chapman
description. This form was based on inter- (1917: 631) listed as type the Santa Marta
grade individuals that have a breeding range specimen in AMNH labeled ‘‘Lampropsar
from southern Louisiana to southern New cabanisii’’ by Cassin. AMNH 42067 is so
York in the area between the breeding ranges labeled and is marked ‘‘Type’’ by Lawrence.
of Q. quiscula quiscula and Q, quiscula Stone (1891: 346) in his revision of species
ridgwayi. As the specimens were not labeled allied to M. bonairensis, listed the range of
by Chapman and the area involved is not cabanisii as Colombia and Venezuela, with
well-defined, I have not been able to decide birds from Guiana included in atronitens (5
which other specimens Chapman considered minimus) and later (Stone, 1899: 34) listed the
part of his type series. type of cabanisii as PNAS no. 3651 from the
Rivoli Collection but without a locality.
Quiscalus fortirostris Lawrence Hellmayr (1937: 65) noted that the locality
Quiscalus fortirostris Lawrence, 1868: 360 (Barba- ‘‘Guiana’’ was an error. Cassin’s type is not
does). listed by Meyer de Schauensee (1957: 239).
Now Quiscalus lugubris fortirostris Lawrence,
1868. See Hellmayr, 1937: 87; Blake, 1968: Molothrus bonairensis aequatorialis Chapman
193; Dickinson, 2003: 774; and Fraga, 2011:
Molothrus bonairensis aequatorialis Chapman,
1915: 661 (Barbacoas, Narino, southwestern
SYNTYPES: AMNH 42098, female, AMNH Colombia).
42099, male, collected on Barbados (5 Now Molothrus bonairensis aequatorialis Chap-
Barbadoes) Island, West Indies, undated, by man, 1915. See Hellmayr, 1937: 66; Blake, 1968:
197; Dickinson, 2003: 773; and Fraga, 2011:
A.H. Alexander. From the George N.
Lawrence Collection.
COMMENTS: Lawrence described both HOLOTYPE: AMNH 118355, adult fe-
male and female in the original description male, collected at Barbacoas, 01.41N, 78.09W
(Paynter, 1997), Nariño, southwestern Colom- AMNH 521047, female, collected at Lima,
bia, on 5 August 1912, by William B. Peru, on 6 October 1889, by J. Kalinowski
Richardson. (no. 140). From the Rothschild Collection.
COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH COMMENTS: No type was designated in the
number of the holotype in the original original description, Berlepsch and Stolz-
description and listed measurements for six mann describing male and female and noting
males and four females in addition to the only that Kalinowski had collected ‘‘nom-
holotype. In addition to the birds Chapman breux exemplaires; octobre et novembre 1889,
measured, there are four specimens that janvier 1890.’’ Hartert (1919a: 137) at first
would have been available to him but were listed only the adult male specimen as a cotype
either missexed or immature. These 14 (5 syntype), giving its Kalinowski no. 258,
specimens, all collected by William B. Rich- and it is marked ‘‘Typus’’ on the original
ardson, are considered paratypes of aequa- label. This specimen came to AMNH bearing
torialis: Barbacoas, AMNH 118356, imma- a Rothschild type label and was cataloged at
ture sex?, 5 October 1912; Tumaco, AMNH that time as the type. Hartert (1928: 192–193)
118357–118359, one male, one female?, one later added the female collected on 18 October
immature male, 28–30 July 1912; Esmeraldas, as a syntype, but it bears no Rothschild type
AMNH 119049–119054, three males, three label; it is also marked ‘‘Typus’’ on the
females, 5 November to 1 December 1912; original label. AMNH 521047 was not listed
Manavi, AMNH 120246, male, 16 December by Hartert and is not marked ‘‘Typus,’’ but is
1912, AMNH 120247, male, 14 February part of the same series and should also be
1913, AMNH 125225, ‘‘female’’ in male considered a syntype. AMNH type labels
plumage, 7 March 1913; Daule, AMNH have been added to the two additional
125224, female, 28 April 1913. Of these syntypes. There are four more syntypes in
AMNH 119053, female from Esmeraldas, MIZ (Mlı́kovský, 2009: 128).
was exchanged to ANSP in July 1928. Two
additional specimens, AMNH 155194 and Molothrus minimus Dalmas
155195, females, were collected by Richard- Molothrus minimus Dalmas, 1900: 138 (Ile de
son at Esmeraldas on 26 October and 4 Tobago).
December 1912, but these two specimens Now Molothrus bonariensis minimus Dalmas, 1900.
were not cataloged until August 1920, after See Hellmayr, 1937: 57–59; Blake, 1968: 197–
aequatorialis was described, and they are not 198; Dickinson, 2003: 773; and Fraga, 2011:
paratypes; one of these, AMNH 155194, was 786–787.
exchanged to MCZ in July 1928.
SYNTYPE: AMNH 521003, adult male,
See Chapman (1917b: 49–50) for an
collected on Tobago Island, Trinidad and
account of Richardson’s expedition.
Tobago, in 1898, by Comte de Dalmas. From
the Rothschild Collection.
Molothrus occidentalis Berlepsch and
COMMENTS: Dalmas, in the original de-
scription, did not say how many specimens
Molothrus occidentalis Berlepsch and Stolzmann, he had but described the male, female, and
1892: 378 (Peru occ. (Lima etc.)). young. Rothschild bought part of the Dal-
Now Molothrus bonariensis occidentalis Berlepsch mas Collection, other parts going to Munich
and Stolzmann, 1892. See Hartert, 1919a: 137; and Paris (Hartert, 1919a: 151; Hellmayr,
1928: 192–193; Hellmayr, 1937: 66–67; Blake,
1931: 163; Phelps, 1945: 333). Specimens that
1968: 197; Dickinson, 2003: 773; and Fraga,
2011: 786–787.
Rothschild purchased bear labels printed ‘‘E
Museo Dalmas,’’ as this syntype does. Other
SYNTYPES: AMNH 521045, male, collected syntypes, if extant, may be in one of the other
at Lima, 12.03S, 77.03W (Stephens and collections. The original tag on this specimen
Traylor, 1983), Peru, on 10 November 1889, is stamped Tobago 1898, and on the reverse
by J. Kalinowski (no. 258); AMNH 521046, is written: ‘‘Molothrus n. sp., -.’’ Dalmas
female, collected at Lima, Peru, on 18 (1900: 132) noted that he was on Tobago in
October 1889, by J. Kalinowski (no. 179); the months of November and December 1898.
A separate small tag bears the number Now Molothrus bonariensis bonariensis (Gmelin,
‘‘110.1.13’’ of unknown significance. A wing 1789). See Naumburg, 1930: 394; Hellmayr,
measurement of the male was given by Dalmas 1937: 59–64; Blake, 1968: 198; Dickinson, 2003:
as ‘‘112 [mm],’’ but I measure it as 102 mm, 773; and Fraga, 2011: 786–787.
indicating a misprint in Dalmas’ account. Six HOLOTYPE: AMNH 128345, female, col-
additional males from Tobago in AMNH had lected at Urucum, 19.09S, 57.38W (Paynter
wing measurements of 98–101 mm. and Traylor, 1991), near Corumbá, Mato
Grosso do Sul, Brazil, on 12 December 1913,
Icterus violaceus Wied by George K. Cherrie (no. 17389) on the
Icterus violaceus Wied, 1831: 1212 (Rio Parahyba Roosevelt Rondon Expedition.
and Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro). COMMENTS: Naumburg and Friedmann
Now Molothrus bonariensis bonariensis (Gmelin, cited the AMNH number of the holotype in
1789). See Allen, 1889c: 226; and Hellmayr, the original description, giving measurements
1937: 59–64. of four adult males, three adult females and
SYNTYPES: AMNH 6771, female, AMNH describing the juvenile plumage of the male
6772, male, and AMNH 4719, male, collected and the female. They had specimens from
in ‘‘Brasilia’’ by Maximilian, Prince of Wied. Corumbá, Descalvados, and Cuyabá. Para-
From the Maximilian Collection. types are: Urucum near Corumbá, AMNH
128339–128344, 128346, four males, one
COMMENTS: Allen (1889c: 226) listed
two Wied names under Molothrus bonarien- immature male, two females; Cuyabá,
sis: Oriolus violaceus Wied (1820: 53) and AMNH 128347, immature male, all collected
Icterus violaceus Wied (1831: 1212). The by Cherrie in November and December 1913
earlier name appears in Wied’s text but is a on the Roosevelt Rondon Expedition; Des-
nomen nudum there. It is not mentioned by calvados, AMNH 149800, female, collected
Hellmayr (1937: 59–64). on 27 December 1916, collected by Cherry on
a later expedition supplemental to the Roo-
As syntypes of Icterus violaceus Wied, Allen
sevelt Rondon Expedition.
(1889c: 226) listed only AMNH 6771 and
6772 (incorrectly given as 6671 and 6672). The
original Wied label that is glued to the back of FRINGILLIDAE
the AMNH label on AMNH 6772 was marked
‘‘Icterus violaceus mihi’’ in Wied’s hand and Zuccon et al. (2012) have published on the
had applied to two specimens, a male and phylogenetic relationships and generic limits
female. The female is AMNH 6771, and it was of the Fringillidae.
labeled ‘‘female’’ by Allen. The two specimens
had probably been tied together originally. FRINGILLINAE
There is a third syntype in AMNH, a Wied
specimen of violaceus in male plumage that
Fringilla coelebs ombriosa Hartert
was on exhibit and perhaps because of this
was overlooked by Allen. It is AMNH 4719, Fringilla coelebs ombriosa Hartert, 1913: 78 (Island
male, also with an original Wied label bearing of Hierro (Ferro)).
the name ‘‘Icterus violaceus mihi’’ in Wied’s Now Fringilla coelebs ombriosa Hartert, 1913. See
hand and applying to two specimens, a male Vaurie, 1959: 593; Mayr, 1968: 202; Dickinson,
and a male juvenile. I did not find the male 2003: 746; Fry and Keith, 2004: 453; and
juvenile in the collection although there is an Clement, 2010: 513–514.
entry in the AMNH catalog at number 4721 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 709989, adult male,
of a ‘‘male juv?’’ without other data. collected on Hierro Island, 27.45N, 18.00W
(Times atlas), Canary Islands, Spain, on 16
Molothrus bonariensis milleri Naumburg and February 1903, by Captain Polatzek. From
Friedmann the Rothschild Collection.
Molothrus bonariensis milleri Naumburg and COMMENTS: In the original description,
Friedmann, 1927: 494 (Urucum, near Corumbá, Hartert designated as type a male specimen
Matto Grosso, Brazil). collected by Polatzek on Hierro Island on 16
February 1903; the above specimen is the two males bearing the date 5 April 1884. In
only male specimen collected on that date. order to remove this ambiguity, I hereby
Hartert did not say how many specimens he designate Hartert’s intended type, AMNH
examined. The following eight specimens 709803, the lectotype of Fringilla spodiogenys
came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collec- koenigi Rothschild and Hartert, 1893, as it
tion and are paratypes: Hierro Island, males, has without question always been considered
AMNH 709986, 30 January 1903, AMNH the type. There are six paralectotypes in
709987, 26 January 1903, AMNH 709988, 5 AMNH, all marked as collected by Olcese:
February 1903, AMNH 709990, February AMNH 709805, [male], Tanger, Morocco,
1905; females, AMNH 709991, February collected 5 April 1884; AMNH 709806, male,
1905, AMNH 709992, 5 February 1903, Tanger, Moroc, no date, ‘‘3f,’’ marked ‘‘Co-
AMNH 709993, 12 February 1903, AMNH type’’ by Hartert; AMNH 709807, [male],
709994, 16 February 1903. Tanger, Moroc, no date; AMNH 709808,
male, Maroc, no date, ‘‘3e’’; AMNH 709810,
Fringilla spodiogenys koenigi Rothschild and [male], Tangiers, Morocco, no date; AMNH
Hartert 709811, female, Maroc, no date, ‘‘3g,’’
Fringilla spodiogenys koenigi Rothschild and Har-
marked ‘‘type of U’’ by Hartert. The
tert, 1893: 97 (Marokko). specimens listed above as [male], bore an
Now Fringilla coelebs africana Levaillant, 1850. upside-down female symbol, and Rothschild
See Hartert, 1904a: 128; Hartert 1919a: 156; and Hartert apparently based their designa-
Vaurie, 1959: 593; Fry and Keith, 2004: 452– tion of four males and three females on the
454; and Clement, 2010: 513–514. results of their measurements. I consider all
of them paralectotypes of koenigi.
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 709803, adult male,
The information concerning the prove-
collected in Morocco (5 Marokko), on 5
nance of the type of koenigi, ‘‘Ex. Coll.
April 1884. From the Rothschild Collection.
Bartlett, ex. Wilh. Schlüter’’ (Hartert, 1919a:
COMMENTS: No type was designated in the 98), must have been information known to
original description, the authors stating that
him but not appearing on any of the labels.
they measured four males and three females
There are two additional specimens of
from Morocco. Rothschild and Hartert
koenigi that came to AMNH with the
(1894: 76) later added that they had, since
Rothschild Collection: AMNH 709804 came
the description, seen additional material from
to Rothschild from the Museum Boucard,
Morocco, but only the original seven speci-
and AMNH 709809, came to him from the
mens comprise the type series. The only
Museum of Henry H. Slater. I do not
locality within Morocco mentioned in the
consider these specimens paralectotypes.
original description was Tangiers (5 Tanger)
in relation to the female specimens. Later, Fringilla teydea polatzeki Hartert
Hartert (1919a: 156), designated as lectotype
the male specimen from Tangiers, collected Fringilla teydea polatzeki Hartert, 1905b: 164
on 5 April 1884, by Olcese, from the Bartlett (Gran Canaria).
Collection, ex Wilh. Schlüter. AMNH Now Fringilla teydea polatzeki Hartert, 1905. See
Vaurie, 1959: 596; Mayr, 1968: 206; Dickinson,
709803 bears the Rothschild type label with
2003: 746; Fry and Keith, 2004: 453; and
the number ‘‘7167’’ (not elsewhere cited), Clement, 2010: 514–515.
locality of ‘‘Tanger’’ and reference to the
original description; on the original label it is HOLOTYPE: AMNH 710024, adult male,
sexed as a male, collected 5 April 1884 in collected on Grand Canary Island, Canary
Morocco. It bears an original number Islands, Spain, on 1 May 1905, by Captain
‘‘7167c’’ of unknown significance and is Polatzek. From the Rothschild Collection.
marked ‘‘Type’’ in hand unknown, without COMMENTS: In the original description,
further information about the collector. The Hartert gave the number of the holotype as
fact that Hartert did not cite the number ‘‘No. 1505, im Rothschildschen Museum.’’
‘‘7167’’ of his intended type has led to This number had been added to Polatzek’s
ambiguity in this designation, as there are label and was apparently contrived by
Hartert from the date of collection, as the Now Serinus serinus (Linnaeus, 1766). See Hartert,
Rothschild specimens were not cataloged. 1903: 83; Vaurie, 1959: 599; Howell et al., 1968:
His other specimens do not bear numbers. 210; Dickinson, 2003: 746; and Clement, 2010:
Hartert gave measurements for four males, 516–517.
however, five males in addition to the SYNTYPES: AMNH 456733, adult male,
holotype came to AMNH with the Roth- AMNH 456734, adult female, both collected
schild Collection and I have considered all of on 15 July 1820, in Tyrol. From the Brehm
them paratypes of polatzeki: Grand Canary Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Island, AMNH 710020, 24 April, AMNH COMMENTS: S. meridionalis Brehm was
710021, 24 April, AMNH 710022, 26 April, not among the Brehm types listed by Hartert
AMNH 710023, 1 May, AMNH 710025, 1 (1918). Three specimens labeled meridionalis
August, all collected by Polatzek in 1905. by Brehm were discovered in the AMNH
general collection when looking for the
syntype of S. orientalis (above). The adult
CARDUELINAE male and female were tied together and are
labeled as from Tyrol, given as a locality for
Serinus orientalis C.L. Brehm this form by Brehm. They are considered
Serinus orientalis C.L. Brehm, 1831: 254 (im syntypes of meridionalis. The third specimen,
südöstlichen Europa bis nach Wien). AMNH 456745, juvenile female, 8 August
Now Serinus serinus (Linnaeus, 1766). See Hartert, 1824, Wien, while labeled meridionalis is from
1903: 83; Vaurie, 1959: 599; Howell et al., 1968: a locality given for orientalis. It was also
210; Dickinson, 2003: 746; Kinzelbach et al., collected on the same day as a juvenile male
2009: 63–64; and Clement, 2010: 516–517. of orientalis (see above). I have not consid-
SYNTYPE: AMNH 456744, juvenile male, ered it a syntype of either name.
collected in Vienna (5 Wien), 48.13N, 16.22E
(Times atlas), Austria, on 8 August 1824. Spinus citrinelloides kikuyensis Neumann
From the Brehm Collection via the Roth- Spinus citrinelloides kikuyensis Neumann, 1905:
schild Collection. 356 (Kikuyu).
COMMENTS: S. orientalis Brehm was not Now Serinus citrinelloides kikuyensis (Neumann,
among the Brehm types listed by Hartert 1905). See Hartert, 1919a: 156; Howell et al.,
(1918) and was only discovered in the general 1968: 212; Fry and Keith, 2004: 460–462; and
collection at AMNH after enquiries by E. Clement, 2010: 521.
Dickinson in 2008. In the original description LECTOTYPE: AMNH 710620, adult male,
Brehm described male, female, and young. collected in the Kikuyu Mountains, Kenya,
The above specimen bears the original Brehm undated, by William Doherty. From the
label, marked ‘‘Serinus flavescens orientalis, - Rothschild Collection.
juv. 8. August 1824 Wien.’’ A juvenile female, COMMENTS: In the original description,
collected on the same day in ‘‘Wien’’ is labeled Neumann said that the type was an adult
meridionalis by Brehm (see below). Because of male in the Rothschild Collection, collected
the conflicting evidence, I have not considered by Doherty at Kikuyu, and added that he
it a syntype of either name. Other specimens had six such specimens. There are, in
labeled orientalis by Brehm were collected addition to the type, six adult male specimens
after the publication of the name. in AMNH from the Rothschild Collection,
Kinzelbach et al. (2009) found that Serinus collected by Doherty in the Kikuyu Moun-
estherae orientalis Chasen was preoccupied tains. Neumann’s designation of the type did
by Serinus orientalis C.L. Brehm, 1831, and not serve to distinguish it from one additional
provided a replacement name for that of undated Doherty specimen, nor did Hartert
Chasen. (1919a: 156) further distinguish the type.
Neumann has written his new name and
Serinus meridionalis C.L. Brehm ‘‘Typus’’ on AMNH 710620, and that is the
Serinus meridionalis C.L. Brehm, 1831: 255 (in specimen that bears the Rothschild type label
Tyrol und der Schweiz). and was cataloged as the type when the
Rothschild Collection came to AMNH. In thus designating the specimen that is now
order to remove the ambiguity from Neu- AMNH 713382 the lectotype. The following
mann’s intended type, I hereby designate specimens are paralectotypes: Senegal, Thiés,
AMNH 710620 the lectotype of Spinus AMNH 713383 (Riggenbach no. 515),
citrinelloides kikuyensis. Neumann, in the AMNH 713384 (518), 713385 (514), males;
original description also compared females AMNH 713386 (516), 713387 (517), 713388
and immature males from the Kikuyu (513), 713389 (521), females, collected in May
Mountains, of which there are four, with and June 1907; Gassam, AMNH 713390
specimens of S. c. citrinelloides. I consider all (1292), 713391 (1264), 713392 (1253), males;
of Doherty’s specimens from the Kikuyu AMNH 713393 (1243), female, collected in
Mountains in addition to the lectotype to be August and September 1907; Onomim,
paralectotypes: AMNH 710613, male, Octo- AMNH 713394 (872), male, collected in
ber 1900; AMNH 710614, immature male, September 1907. There are two additional
November 1900; AMNH 710615, immature undated Rothschild specimens from Gambia
male, November 1900; AMNH 710616, male, that are probable paralectotypes: AMNH
December 1900; AMNH 710617, male, Jan- 713395, ex Bartlett Collection; AMNH
uary 1901; AMNH 710618, male, January 713396, ex Boucard Collection.
1901; AMNH 710619, male, March 1901;
AMNH 710621, male, undated; AMNH Serinus leucopygius pallens Vaurie
710622, female, November 1900; AMNH Serinus leucopygius pallens Vaurie, 1956a: 6 (Azzal,
710623, female, March 1901. north of Agadés, Aı̈r Massif).
Neumann also included in kikuyensis an Now Serinus leucopygius pallens Vaurie, 1956. See
example from Naiwascha-See collected by Hartert, 1921: 135; Howell et al., 1968: 215;
Fischer in ZMB and Kenyan examples Dickinson, 2003: 746–747; Fry and Keith, 2004:
collected by Lord Delamere. 470–471; and Clement, 2010: 522–523.
This subspecific name is frequently mis- HOLOTYPE: AMNH 713404, adult female,
spelled as kikuyuensis (e.g., Fry and Keith, Azzal, north of Agadéz (5 Agadés), 17.00N,
2004: 461), but it was spelled kikuyensis in the 07.56E (Times atlas), Aı̈r Massif, Niger, on
original description. Hartert (1902g: 620) 14 July 1920, by A. Buchanan. From the
provided information on this collecting lo- Rothschild Collection.
cality. COMMENTS: Vaurie gave the AMNH
number of the holotype in the original
Serinus leucopygius riggenbachi Neumann description and (on pp. 5–6) listed the 10
Serinus leucopygius riggenbachi Neumann, 1908a: specimens of the new subspecies that he
44 (Thiés near Dakar). examined. These were the same Buchanan
Now Serinus leucopygius riggenbachi Neumann, specimens listed by Hartert (1921: 135). The
1908. See Hartert, 1919a: 160; Vaurie, 1956a: 5– nine paratypes of pallens are: Tatukut, Da-
6; Howell et al., 1968: 215; Fry and Keith, 2004: mergou, AMNH 713397–713399, three males,
470–471; and Clement, 2010: 522–523. 22–24 March 1920; Zinder, AMNH 713400–
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 713382, adult male, 713402, two males, one female?, 30 June 1920;
collected at Thiés, 14.49N, 16.52W (Times Azzal, AMNH 713403, female, 14 July 1920;
atlas), Senegal, on 24 May 1907, by F.W. Kano, AMNH 713405, male juvenile, 5
Riggenbach (no. 519). From the Rothschild December 1919; Farniso, near Kano, AMNH
Collection. 713406, male juvenile, 23 December 1919.
COMMENTS: In the original description, The subspecies pallens has been recognized
Neumann said that the male type, in the by most recent authors, but Fry and Keith
Rothschild Collection, was collected on 24 (2004: 470) include it in riggenbachi without
May 1907 at Thiés, but there are two explanation.
Riggenbach specimens collected on that date,
therefore the type designation is ambivalent. Serinus flavigula Salvadori
Hartert (1919a: 160) listed this type, giving Serinus flavigula Salvadori, 1888: 272 (Malca-
Riggenbach’s unique field number of 519, ghebdu).
Now Serinus flavigula Salvadori, 1888. See Rand, specimens mentioned by Hartert have no
1968: 116–119; Erard, 1974; Dickinson, 2003: nomenclautral standing. Apparently only one
747; Fry and Keith, 2004: 484–485; Ash and label originally served for both birds; this
Atkins, 2009: 365; and Clement, 2010: 524–525. label was copied and the copy tied on the
SYNTYPE: AMNH 713268, unsexed, col- other specimen. Only specimen AMNH
lected at Melka Ghebdu (5 Malca-Ghebdu), 713306 bore a Rothschild type label, which
09.31N, 39.56E (Ash and Atkins, 2009: 417), had been marked ‘‘syntypes of Serinus
Shewa (5 Shoa), Ethiopia, on 19 February angolensis somereni’’ by Hartert, and he
1885 (not 1886), by Vincenzo Ragazzi (Hartert, 1919a: 160) listed both as types. A
(no. 512). From the Rothschild Collection. type label has been added to the second
COMMENTS: This specimen was listed by specimen and it is now included in the type
Salvadori (1888: 272) as one of his three collection.
specimens of S. flavigula, although he mis-
read the date as 1886. It bears the original Serinus pseudobarbatus van Someren
label with the number 512 on it. On the Serinus pseudobarbatus van Someren, 1919: 56
reverse of this label, Salvadori has written: (Fort Ternan, Kavirondo).
‘‘Serinus flavigula Salvad., nov. sp. ?’’ (with Now Serinus mozambicus barbatus (Heuglin,
the ? marked out) ‘‘Typical specimen,’’ ‘‘b,’’ 1864). See van Someren, 1922: 172; Hartert,
and ‘‘7.a.’’ The ‘‘b’’ refers to the letter 1928: 199; Howell, et al., 1968: 218; Fry and
opposite this specimen in the original de- Keith, 2004: 479–482; and Clement, 2010: 527–
scription. I do not know the significance of
the ‘‘7a.’’ HOLOTYPE: AMNH 713851, adult male,
This type was not mentioned by Hartert in collected at Fort Ternan, 00.12S, 35.205E
any of his Rothschild type lists and was (Polhill, 1988), Kavirondo, Kenya, on 24
apparently first referred to as in AMNH by August 1918. From the V.G.L. van Someren
Erard (1974: 308), after which it was found in Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
the collection by Carlo Violani and added to COMMENTS: In the original description,
the AMNH types. Rand (1968) considered van Someren said that the type, bearing the
S. flavigula to be ‘‘yellow-throated aberrant above data, was in the Rothschild Collection;
specimens or mutants’’ of S. atrogularis he gave inclusive measurements but did
xanthopygius. Erard (1974: 320–322) thought not enumerate his specimens. Van Someren
it was best considered a full species as Irwin (1922: 172) gave eight measurements, men-
(1961: 138–139) had suggested. Subsequent tioned young specimens, and listed the
authors have followed them for this very rare following localities: Kisumu, Fort Ternan,
species. Kibigori, and Kibingei. Only one of the
paratypes came to AMNH with the Roth-
Serinus angolensis somereni Hartert schild Collection: AMNH 713852, female,
Serinus angolensis somereni Hartert, 1912: 63 collected at Fort Ternan on 24 August 1918,
(Toro, Uganda). from van Someren.
Now Serinus atrogularis somereni Hartert, 1912. The type locality is Fort Ternan, not Fort
See Hartert, 1919a: 160, Howell, et al., 1968: Fernan, misread by Hartert (1928: 199) from
216; Dickinson, 2003: 747; Fry and Keith, 2004: the original label.
471–473; and Clement, 2010: 523.
Serinus buchanani Hartert
713307, male and female, collected at Bwezu, Serinus buchanani Hartert, 1919b: 50 (Maktan,
Toro, Uganda, in November 1910, by R.A.L. British East Africa).
van Someren (nos 69 and 70 B.G.). From the Now Serinus buchanani Hartert, 1919. See Hartert,
Rothschild Collection. 1928: 199; Howell, et al., 1968: 221; Zimmerman
et al., 1999: 562; Dickinson, 2003: 747; Fry and
COMMENTS: In the original description, Keith, 2004: 488–489; and Clement, 2010: 528.
Hartert designated as types the male and
female bearing the numbers 69 and 70 B.G. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 713518, adult male,
Because syntypes were designated, other collected at Maktau (not Maktan), 03.25S,
38.07E (Polhill, 1988), Teita, Kenya, on 18 Dickinson, 2003: 747; Fry and Keith, 2004: 489–
September 1915, by Angus Buchanan (no. 1). 491; and Clement, 2010: 529–530.
From the Rothschild Collection. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 713613, adult male,
COMMENTS: In the original description, collected at Lumbo, 15.00S, 40.40E (Times
Hartert gave Buchanan’s field number of the atlas), Mozambique, on 10 July 1918, by
holotype and noted that he had one male, Arthur Loveridge. From the Rothschild
one female, and a nest with eggs. The Collection.
paratype in AMNH is: AMNH 713519, COMMENTS: In the original description,
female, collected at Maktau on 19 October van Someren designated as the holotype a
1915 by A. Buchanan (no. 26). The nest and male in the Rothschild Collection collected
eggs did not come to AMNH. at Lumbo on 10 July 1918 by Loveridge. He
This form had been treated as a subspecies apparently had two males, but the second
of S. donaldsoni, but Zimmerman et al. (1999: male, a paratype, did not come to AMNH.
562) treated it as a full species, and subse- Howell et al. (1968: 223) recognized S.
quent authors have agreed. sulphuratus shelleyi, with loveridgei a syno-
nym. More recent authors have synonymized
Serinus maculicollis taruensis van Someren shelleyi and loveridgei with S. s. sharpii (not
Serinus maculicollis taruensis van Someren, 1921a: sharpei).
114 (M’buyuni). Loveridge (1922: 837) listed his localities
Now Serinus dorsostriatus maculicollis Sharpe, for collections made during the years 1915–
1895. See Hartert, 1928: 199; Howell et al., 1919 and noted that new forms had been
1968: 221; Dickinson, 2003: 747; Fry and Keith, named by van Someren.
2004: 483–484; and Clement, 2010: 529.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 713666, adult male, Poliospiza striolata ugandae van Someren
collected at M’buyuni, 03.14S, 38.30E (Pol- Poliospiza striolata ugandae van Someren, 1921a:
hill, 1988), Kenya, 27 June 1918. From the 114 (Mt. Elgon).
V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the Now Serinus striolatus striolatus (Rüppell, 1840).
Rothschild Collection. See van Someren, 1922: 168; Hartert, 1928: 199;
COMMENTS: In the original description, Howell et al., 1968: 227; Dickinson, 2003: 748;
van Someren said that his type was a male Fry and Keith, 2004: 495–497; and Clement,
collected on 17 June 1918 at M’buyuni and 2010: 535.
that he had five male and three female HOLOTYPE: AMNH 714161, female, col-
specimens. Four specimens of taruensis lected on Mount Elgon, ca, 01.08N, 34.33E
came to AMNH in addition to the type. (Polhill, 1988), Uganda, on 18 July 1916.
The following two specimens are paratypes: From the V.G.L. van Someren Collection via
AMNH 713667, female, M’buyuni, 3 July the Rothschild Collection.
1918, and AMNH 713669, male, Manugu, 8 COMMENTS: In the original description,
August 1918. AMNH 713668, male, 2 July van Someren noted that his type, in the
1918 from Masongaleni is a probable para- Rothschild Collection, was a female, col-
type but this locality was not mentioned, and lected on Mount Elgon on 18 July 1916, and
AMNH 713670, unsexed, Manugu, 3 August said that he had seven males and three
1918, is also a probable paratype, but females from Mount Elgon and South
unsexed specimens were not mentioned in Ankole and that ‘‘Specimens from the Kivu
the description. districts appear to be indistinguishable from
Of recent authors, only Clement (2010: ugandae.’’ Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH
529) recognized taruensis. 714163, male, AMNH 714164, female, and
AMNH 714165, male, collected in July 1907
Serinus (? flaviventris) loveridgei van Someren by collectors for van Someren. AMNH
Serinus (? flaviventris) loveridgei van Someren, 714167–714181, seven males, eight females,
1921a: 114 (Lumbo, North Mozambique). collected in the Kivu district, in August and
Now Serinus sulphuratus sharpii Neumann, 1900. November/December 1907 by Grauer would
See Hartert, 1928: 199; Howell et al., 1968: 223; have been seen by van Someren in the
Rothschild Collection and are also paratypes series. Hartert (1928: 199) listed the male
of ugandae. collected on 16 November 1916 as the type,
Howell et al. (1968: 227) recognized S. thereby designating it the lectotype. This
striolatus affinis and considered ugandae a specimen, now AMNH 714358, is marked on
synonym of it. Recent authors have consid- the original label ‘‘TYPE Linurus elgonensis
ered affinis a synonym of nominate striolatus. vS’’ and bears a Rothschild type label. No
paralectotypes of elgonensis came to AMNH.
Serinus striolatus graueri Hartert
Chloris curvirostris C.L. Brehm
Serinus striolatus graueri Hartert, 1907: 84 (Ru-
wenzori, 7000 feet). Chloris curvirostris C.L. Brehm, 1855: 95 (in
Now Serinus striolatus graueri Hartert, 1907. See Schweden und Deutschland).
Hartert, 1919a: 159; Howell et al., 1968: 227; Now Carduelis chloris chloris (Linnaeus, 1758). See
Dickinson, 2003: 748; Fry and Keith, 2004: 495– Hartert, 1903: 61; Hartert, 1918: 10; Howell
497; and Clement, 2010: 535. et al., 1968: 235; Dickinson, 2003: 749; and
Clement, 2010: 542–543.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 714162, adult female,
collected in the Ruwenzori Mountains, LECTOTYPE: AMNH 456671, female, col-
7000 ft, ca. 00.05–00.50N, 29.45–30.25E lected in Stockholm, 59.20N, 18.95E (Times
(Polhill, 1988), Uganda-Congo (Kinshasa) atlas), Sweden, on 30 April 1849. From the
border, undated, by Rudolf Grauer Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
(no. 3571). From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: Hartert (1918: 10) listed the
COMMENTS: Hartert cited Grauer’s no. Brehm specimen collected in Stockholm on
3571 in the original description, and noted 30 April 1849 as the type, thereby designating
that Grauer collected two specimens. The it the lectotype of C. curvirostris. He also
paratype is: AMNH 714166, male, from the listed a pair and a nestling from Renthendorf
Ruwenzori Mountains, 7000 ft, undated, by as labeled curvirostris by Brehm. These three
Grauer. The number ‘‘3571’’ appears to have specimens were perhaps AMNH 456668,
been added by Hartert, the paratype has no male, 20 June 1817, AMNH 456669, male,
Grauer number. AMNH 456670, female, 4 September 1837,
cataloged as curvirostris but exchanged to
Linurgus elgonensis van Someren ZFMK. They may be paralectotypes of
Linurgus elgonensis van Someren, 1918b: 283
curvirostris. Hartert (1918: 10) listed W.
(forests on Elgon). Meves as the collector of this lectotype.
Now Linurgus olivaceus elgonensis van Someren, Hartert (1903: 61) restricted the type
1918. See Hartert, 1928: 199; Howell et al., 1968: locality of Carduelis chloris to Sweden and
282; Fry and Keith, 2004: 531–533; Arnaiz- listed C. curvirostris Brehm as a synonym, as
Villena and Moscoso, 2007: 826–834; and have subsequent authors.
Clement, 2010: 541.
Chloris septentrionalis C.L. Brehm
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 714358, adult male,
collected on Mount Elgon, ca. 01.08N, Chloris septentrionalis C.L. Brehm, 1831: 261 (Er
34.33E (Polhill, 1988), Kenya/Uganda bor- bewohnt schon Nord-deutschland, z.B. die
der, on 16 November 1916. From the V.G.L. Gegend bei Kiel geht aber warscheinlich viel
van Someren Collection via the Rothschild höher nördlich hinauf, lebt vom November bis
Collection. zum April in Mitteldeutschland).
Now Carduelis chloris chloris (Linnaeus, 1758). See
COMMENTS: In the original description,
Hartert, 1903: 61; Hartert, 1918: 10; Dickinson,
van Someren did not designate a type but 2003: 749; and Clement, 2010: 542–543.
noted that he had three male and two female
specimens. Van Someren (1922: 156) later LECTOTYPE: AMNH 456673, adult male,
mentioned that the type was in the Roth- collected at Kiel, 54.20N, 10.08E (Times
schild Collection without giving further atlas), Germany, in 1824. From the Brehm
information; by that time he had acquired Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
an additional male, but only the three cited in COMMENTS: Hartert (1918: 10) listed the
the original description were part of his type Brehm specimen collected in Kiel in 1824 as
the type of septentrionalis, thereby designat- 1916 and are both marked ‘‘Cotypus.’’ Wing
ing it the lectotype and said that the specimen measurements in pencil on the reverse of the
was the only one in the Brehm collection original labels are: male 82, female 77.5, both
from Kiel and was probably collected by measurements being given in the original
Boie. Other Brehm specimens in AMNH description. These syntypes were not listed by
labeled septentrionalis by him were collected Hartert in his lists of types in the Rothschild
after 1831. Collection and had not previously been
included with AMNH types. Töpfer (2013)
Chloris chloris smithae Koelz has recently discovered the whereabouts of
Chloris chloris smithae Koelz, 1939: 74 (Balkh, the remaining 10 syntypes: six, with an
Afghanistan). additional one lost in World War II, SNSK;
Now Carduelis chloris turkestanica (Zarudny, one, ZFMK; two, MCZ.
1907). See Vaurie, 1956a: 8–10; Vaurie, 1959:
601–602; Howell et al., 1968: 236; Dickinson, Chloris sinica ussuriensis Hartert
2003: 749; and Clement, 2010: 542–543.
Chloris sinica ussuriensis Hartert, 1903: 64 (Sidemi-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 466940, adult male, Mündung, Ostsibirien (Ussuri)).
collected at Wazirabad (5 Balkh), 36.46N, Now Carduelis sinica ussuriensis (Hartert, 1903).
66.50E (Times atlas), Afghanistan, on 1 See Vaurie, 1959: 602–603; Howell et al., 1968:
236–237; Dickinson, 2003: 749; and Clement,
December 1937, by Walter Koelz.
2010: 543–544.
COMMENTS: Koelz, in the original descrip-
tion, said that the type was an adult male HOLOTYPE: AMNH 709174, adult male,
(wing 91 mm), collected at Balkh, Afghani- collected at the mouth of the Sedimi (5
stan, 1 December 1937, and that he had an Sidemi) River, 43.00N, 131.29E (USBGN,
additional male and two females with the 1959), Ussuri, eastern Siberia, Russia, on 30
same data. AMNH 466940 bears the AMNH April 1884. From the Dörries Collection
type label and Koelz’s original label is (no. 2116) via the Rothschild Collection.
marked ‘‘type’’ by him; I measure its wing COMMENTS: In the original description,
at 91. Paratypes are: AMNH 466939, male, Hartert gave the Dörries Collection number
AMNH 466941, 466942, females, collected at of the holotype and the range from eastern
Balkh on 1 December 1937, by Koelz. Siberia to Amur, Korea, and Sachalin and
Askold islands. Paratypes in AMNH are:
Chloris sinica tschiliensis Jacobi AMNH 709169–709173, 709175–709194, 14
Chloris sinica tschiliensis Jacobi, 1923: 25 (Peking, males, seven females, four unsexed, collected
Jingschujingtsze, Balihandiën). on the Sedimi River, Amur Bay, 1884–1886,
Now Carduelis sinica sinica (Linnaeus, 1766). See from the Dörries Collection; AMNH 709195–
Vaurie, 1959: 602; Howell et al., 1968: 236; 709208, 12 males, two females, from Gensan,
Dickinson, 2003: 749; and Clement, 2010: 543– Korea, collected by Robert Hall in April and
544. May 1903. Of these, I did not find AMNH
SYNTYPES: AMNH 709209, adult male, 709187 in the collection.
AMNH 709210, female, collected at West- The name ussuriensis was published in
gräben bei Beijing (5 Peking) 39.55N, November 1903 (Hartert, 1910: XIII). Roth-
116.25E (Times atlas), on 11 March 1916, schild noted in his unpublished and incom-
by H. Weigold on the Stoetzner’sche Szetsch- plete list of purchases (Archives, Department
wan-Expedition. From the Rothschild Col- of Ornithology, AMNH) that he had received
lection. 212 specimens of Korean birds from Hall in
COMMENTS: In the original description, August 1903, so those specimens would have
Jacobi said that he had six males and five been in Hartert’s hand before the publication
females collected at Peking, Jingschujingtsze, of ussuriensis.
and Balihandiën, on 11 March, 2 May, and
26 June, and a juvenile female collected at Spinus obscurus C.L. Brehm
Peking on 26 June. The above specimens Spinus obscurus C.L. Brehm, 1855: 108 (Aeusserst
were both collected near Beijing on 11 March selten in Deutschland).
Now considered an aberrant specimen of Carduelis description and noted that he had collected
spinus (Linnaeus, 1758). See Hartert 1903: 71; an additional eight specimens (one of which
and Hartert, 1918: 10. was preserved in spirits). He also included in
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 456881, female, col- his new subspecies three specimens collected
lected in the Thüringer Wald, Germany, on 6 by Dorst (1962: 433) in 1960. Paratypes in
April 1819. From the Brehm Collection via AMNH: 117 km NE Tacna, AMNH 489481,
the Rothschild Collection. female, 6 January 1963; 20 km NE Tarata,
COMMENTS: Brehm described only the AMNH 489482, 489483, 489485, 489487,
female and said that it was very rare in 489488, three males, two females, 28 March
Germany. He probably had a single speci- 1963; 8 km N Lampa, AMNH 489484, male,
men, which is apparently lacking all yellow 19 October 1962, all collected by W. George.
pigment in the plumage. AMNH 1640 (alcohol collection), male,
Tarata, 28 March 1963, collected by George,
Spinus nigricauda Chapman is also a paratype. Tarata is at 17.28S,
70.02W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983).
Spinus nigricauda Chapman, 1912: 160 (Paramo,
Santa Isabel, alt. 12700 ft, Central Andes,
Spinus peruanus paulus Todd
Now Carduelis spinescens nigricauda (Chapman, Spinus peruanus paulus Todd, 1926: 51 (Zamora
1912). See Hellmayr, 1938: 273; Howell, et al., (3250 ft), Loja, Ecuador).
1968: 240; Dickinson, 2003: 750; and Clement, Now Carduelis magellanica paula (Todd, 1926).
2010: 549. See Hellmayr, 1938: 278; Howell et al., 1968:
241; Dickinson, 2003: 750; and Clement, 2010:
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 112752, adult male,
collected on the Paramo of Santa Isabel,
12,700 ft, ca. 04.47N, 75.26W (Paynter, HOLOTYPE: AMNH 168124, adult male,
1997), Central Andes, Colombia, on 15 collected at Zamora, 3250 ft, Rio Zamora,
September 1911, by Arthur A. Allen and Loja, Ecuador, on 29 November 1920, by
Leo E. Miller (no. 392). George K. Cherrie (no. 22655).
COMMENTS: Chapman based his descrip- COMMENTS: Todd gave the AMNH num-
tion on two specimens which he listed as ber of the holotype in the original description
adult males and gave the AMNH number of and typed (!) and initialed (WECT) his new
the holotype as AMNH 112752. This holo- name on the back of the AMNH label of the
type was unsexed by the collectors. The specimens he included as part of his type
paratype is AMNH 112753, adult male, series. Of the 50 paratypes Todd (1926: 52)
collected at the type locality on 20 September listed, the following were in AMNH: Ecua-
1911 by Allen and Miller (no. 515). Chapman dor, Calasnique, AMNH 41838, male, 30
(1917b: 32–40) described this expedition and September 1874; Alamor, AMNH 152925,
the collecting localities. 152926, male, female, 10, 13 July 1919,
AMNH 172407, 172408, males, 23, 30 August
Spinus crassirostris amadoni George 1921; Portovelo, AMNH 168122, female, 3
Spinus crassirostris amadoni George, 1964: 249 September 1923; Zamora, AMNH 168125–
(about 20 kilometers northeast of Tarata (via 168127, two males, one female, 1–4 Decem-
Tacna-Puno road), 12,000 feet elevation, De- ber 1920; Punta Santa Ana, AMNH 168128,
partamento de Tacna, southern Perú). male, 19 December 1920; El Paso, AMNH
Now Carduelis crassirostris amadoni (George, 168129–168138, seven males, three females,
1964). See Howell et al., 1968: 241; Schulenberg
9–14 January 1921; Bucay, AMNH 172410,
et al., 2010: 630; and Clement, 2010: 553.
male, 1 December 1921; Pallatanga, AMNH
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 789486, adult male, 173554, male, 29 July 1922. Peru, Milagros,
collected ca. 20 km northeast of Tarata (via AMNH 152923, 152924, male, female, 3–5
Tacna-Puno road), 12,000 ft, Tacna, Peru, on July 1919; Huancabamba, AMNH 175632–
28 March 1963, by William George (no. 1995). 175638, four males, three females, 20 No-
COMMENTS: George cited the AMNH vember–11 December 1922; Palamba,
number of the holotype in the original AMNH 175639–175642, two males, two
the specimens Allen had and the other four 1888, by Edgar A. Mearns. From the Mearns
specimens are paratypes of Ridgway’s name Collection (no. 6311).
(ICZN, 1999: 76, Art. 72.4.1): Chapada, COMMENTS: In the original description,
AMNH 31524, 32619–32621, one adult male, Mearns designated as holotype his no. 6311;
two young males, one female, colleted at this specimen bears an AMNH type label
Chapada dos Guinarães, in May and June and the original label is marked ‘‘Type’’ by
1883 (one dated June 1885), by H.H. Smith. Mearns. He gave measurements for 10 males
and 11 females from Arizona and his type
Spinus olivaceus Berlepsch and Stolzmann series included a ‘‘quite large series of winter
Spinus olivaceus Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1894:
specimens of both sexes’’ and six specimens
387 (Vitoc). in winter plumage collected by Scott, on
Now Carduelis olivacea (Berlepsch and Stolzmann, which Allen had commented (in Scott, 1887:
1894). See Todd, 1926: 46–47; Hellmayr, 1938: 198). Mearns’ paratypes from his series in
287; Howell et al., 1968: 243; Dickinson, 2003: AMNH are: Fort Verde, Arizona, AMNH
750; Schulenberg et al., 2010: 630; and Clement: 52667 (Mearns no. 5987), AMNH 52668
2010: 554. (5986), males, 20 January 1888; AMNH
52669 (4577), female, AMNH 52670 (4576),
SYNTYPE: AMNH 516205, adult male,
male, 6 March 1886; AMNH 52671 (3666)
collected at Vitoc, Garita del Sol, ca.
male, 30 December 1884; AMNH 52672
11.17S, 75.21W (Vaurie, 1972), Junin, Peru,
(3672), AMNH 52673 (3673), AMNH 52674
on 13 February 1893, by Jean Kalinowski
(3674), AMNH 52675 (3675), four females, 3
(no. 1872). From the Rothschild Collection.
January 1885; AMNH 52676 (4342), AMNH
COMMENTS: In the original description,
52677 (4344), AMNH 52678 (4346), AMNH
Berlepsch and Stolzmann said that Kali-
52679 (4348), two females, two males, 23
nowski collected three males and one female
December 1885; AMNH 52680 (4559), fe-
on 24 July and 13 February 1893 at Vitoc and
male, 5 March 1886. Two additional Mearns
also included two specimens in the Berlepsch
specimens from this series came to AMNH
Collection, collected by G. Garlepp at
with the Sennett Collection and are also
Huayabamba, in their type series; they did
paratypes of pallida: AMNH 83211 (4518,
not designate a type. Hartert (1919a: 157)
Sennett no. 5971), AMNH 83212 (4519,
recorded the above syntype in the Rothschild
5970), female, male, 1 March 1886.
Collection, now AMNH 516205; it is marked
Of these paratypes, AMNH 52667 also
‘‘Typus’’ by Berlepsch and Stolzmann and
bears a Rothschild type label. Mlı́kovský bears an AMNH type label and is marked
(2009: 141) reported two additional syntypes ‘‘Type of pallidus’’ by Mearns; it remains in
in MIZ. the type collection with a label attached to
explain its paratype status. AMNH 52676 is
Mlı́kovský (2009: 140) noted that Wolters
also marked ‘‘Type of pallidus’’ by Mearns,
(1953: 280) had provided a replacement name
but had no AMNH type label attached; it is a
for Spinus olivaceus Berlepsch and Stolz-
paratype and remains in the regular collec-
mann, 1894 [preoccupied by Fringilla olivacea
Rafinesque, 1810, now Carpodacus erythrinus
(Pallas, 1770), if Carpodacus is merged with The six paratypes collected by W.E.D.
Carduelis]. Scott are the following: Catalina Mills,
Arizona, AMNH 83205 (Scott no. 994, Sen-
Spinus tristis pallidus Mearns nett no. 3354, old AMNH no. 28731), female,
3 February 1886; AMNH 83206 (989, 3349,
Spinus tristis pallidus Mearns, 1890: 244 (Fort 28726),; AMNH 83207 (991, ?, 28728), males,
Verde, Yavapai County, in central Arizona). 19 December 1885; AMNH 83208 (993, 3353,
Now Carduelis tristis pallida (Mearns, 1890). See 28730),; AMNH 83209 (992, 3352, 28729),
Hellmayr, 1938: 296; Howell et al., 1968: 245;
males, 30 December 1885; AMNH 83210
Middleton, 1993; Dickinson, 2003: 750; and
Clement, 2010: 559.
(990, 3350, 28727), female, 19 December
1885. These six specimens had inadvertently
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 52666, adult male, been cataloged with the W.E.D. Scott Col-
collected at Fort Verde, Arizona, on 3 May lection when it was purchased by AMNH (5
old AMNH no.) and the catalog is marked et al., 2003: 432–434; Dickinson, 2003: 751; Fry
‘‘Belong to Mr. Sennett—cataloged here by and Keith, 2004: 541–543; and Clement, 2010:
mistake.’’ When the Sennett Collection came 561–562.
to AMNH, they were then cataloged with the HOLOTYPE: AMNH 710336, adult male,
rest of the Sennett specimens. AMNH 83207 collected at Mhoiwla, near Mazagan,
has both legs missing and neither a Scott nor 33.15N, 08.30W (Thévenot et al., 2003),
a Sennett label is present; the AMNH label is Morocco, on 1 February 1902, by F.W.
tied on around the neck. Scott’s number was Riggenbach (no. 78).
ascertained from the old catalog entry. COMMENTS: In the original description,
The holotype of pallidus is the only Hartert cited Riggenbach’s no. 78 for the
specimen among all of the above in AMNH holotype and said that he had 17 specimens
that is in full breeding plumage. collected by Riggenbach and himself in
Morocco, five from Tunis, one from Aguilas,
[Acanthis carduelis britannica Hartert] Spain, and others from Algiers. The follow-
Acanthis carduelis britannica Hartert, 1903: 68 ing paratypes, collected prior to 1903, came
(Rottingdean, Sussex). to AMNH with the Rothschild Collec-
Now Carduelis carduelis britannica (Hartert, 1903). tion: Mhoiwla, AMNH 710337–710341, five
See Hartert, 1919a: 156; Hellmayr, 1938: 264; males, February and May 1902, by Riggen-
Vaurie, 1959: 608; Dickinson, 2003: 751; and bach, AMNH 710345, female, 8 April 1901,
Clement, 2010: 561–562. by Hartert; Tunis, AMNH 710391, sex?, 19
April 1858, from the Jardine Collection.
COMMENTS: In the original description,
Spain, Alguilas, AMNH 710326, male, 3
Hartert gave the number ‘‘1100’’ for the type
February 1898, Gray Coll.
in the Rothschild Collection, a male, col-
See Hartert (1902c: 310–322; 1902d: 322–
lected at Rottingdean, Sussex, England, in
339) for an account of his trip.
April 1902, by the Brazenor Brothers. Later,
he (Hartert, 1919a: 156) listed this type, but
[Linaria americana Wied]
omitted any mention of the number ‘‘1100.’’
Hellmayr (1938: 264) noted that the type, Hellmayr (1938: 265) listed this name,
formerly in the Rothschild Collection, was in introduced by Wied (1858: 338), and said
the AMNH, New York, but did not say that that the type, from the upper Missouri River
he had examined it. As a matter of fact, the (winter) in the Wied Collection, was now in
holotype did come to AMNH with the AMNH. Allen’s (1889c) study of Wied types
Rothschild Collection in 1932, but was one was based on Wied’s Brazilian collection,
of the types of British birds that was specimens from which had been purchased
presented to BMNH in 1936. It had been for the newly founded AMNH and Linaria
cataloged as AMNH 450918 and now bears americana was thus not mentioned by him.
BMNH Reg. no. 1936.10.15.14 (Warren and There is an AMNH catalog entry of a
Harrison, 1971: 77). mounted bird from the Wied Collection from
Hartert (1903: 68) noted that he had 66 Missouri at AMNH 3063, with no indication
specimens of britannica but did not give that there was any reason to consider it a type.
further information that would assist in I have been unable to find this specimen.
recognizing them. Certainly the 32 specimens
in AMNH collected in Sussex by the Linaria Holboellii C.L. Brehm
Brazenors between December 1888 and April Linaria Holboellii C.L. Brehm, 1831: 280 (Er
1902 are paratypes: AMNH 710231–710235, kommt nur Selten…in das mittlere Deutsch-
710237–710260, 710264–710266. land).
Now Carduelis flammea flammea (Linnaeus, 1758).
Acanthis carduelis africanus Hartert See Hartert, 1918: 10; Vaurie, 1959: 617–618;
Dickinson, 2003: 751; and Clement, 2010: 564–
Acanthis carduelis africanus Hartert, 1903: 69 565.
(Mhoiwla bei Mazagan in Marokko).
Now Carduelis carduelis parva Tschusi, 1901. See SYNTYPES: AMNH 456888, male, 21 De-
Hartert, 1919a: 156; Vaurie, 1959: 608; Thévenot cember 1825; AMNH 456889, adult female,
15 Dcember 1825; AMNH 456890, adult holotype but did not mention additional
male, 23 December 1825; AMNH 456891, specimens. Later, Hartert (1919: 157) called
adult female, 23 December 1825; AMNH attention to the earlier introduction of the
456895, male, captured 20 November 1822, name montanella Hume, 1873, which applied
died 29 August 1823. All of these specimens to his form.
were collected in the Roda Valley (5 J. Scully and J. Biddulph collected together
Rodathal, as on label), Germany, and are and separately in Gilgit and in their reports
labeled Holboellii by Brehm. From the on their collections, they referred to this form
Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collec- as Linaria brevirostris (Biddulph, 1881: 86;
tion. Scully, 1881: 578–579). Biddulph did not
COMMENTS: Hartert (1918: 10) listed as obtain this species, but Scully, at a slightly
the probable type of Holboellii the specimen later date, obtained 66 males and 32 females,
that was captured on 20 November 1822 and for which he gave measurements. The num-
died 29 August 1823 (now AMNH 456895), ber W 3.03 (wing measurement in inches)
but he was unsure of its type status. It does appears on Scully’s label of the holotype.
not bear a Rothschild type label, although it Three specimens additional to the holotype
does have a red mark across the end of the came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collec-
Rothschild label, a mark Hartert sometimes tion, but because Hartert did not mention
used to indicate type status. Previously, other specimens, I have not considered them
someone had attached an AMNH type label paratypes.
with a reference to Hartert (1918: 10).
However, in the original description, Brehm Acanthis cannabina meadewaldoi Hartert
did not designate a type but said that he had
Acanthis cannabina meadewaldoi Hartert, 1901a:
specimens collected in November 1822 and in 323 (Esperanza, Tenerife).
1825; he also described the female and said Now Carduelis cannabina meadewaldoi (Hartert,
that ‘‘Die einmal vermauserten Männchen’’ 1901). See Hartert, 1903: 75; Hartert, 1919a:
(AMNH 456888) is like the female. There- 157; Vaurie, 1956a: 19–21; Vaurie, 1959: 616;
fore, I consider all of the above specimens Dickinson, 2003: 752; and Clement, 2010: 569–
syntypes of Holboellii. AMNH 456890 and 570.
456891 were tied together, indicating that
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 711702, adult male,
Brehm considered them a pair.
collected at Esperanza, Tenerife Island,
I do not consider AMNH 456887 a
28.15N, 16.35W (Times atlas), Canary Is-
syntype as it is a male captured 20 November
lands, on 22 March 1901, by C. Floericke
1820 and died on 10 August 1821, dates not
(no. 1283). From the Rothschild Collection.
mentioned by Brehm. Additional specimens
COMMENTS: In the original description,
labeled Holboellii by Brehm were collected
Hartert designated the male specimen col-
after the 1831 publication date of the name.
lected at Esperanza on 22 March 1901 as the
Acanthis flavirostris stoliczkae Hartert type. He did not mention Floericke or his
field number, but AMNH 711702 is the only
Acanthis flavirostris stoliczkae Hartert, 1903: 77 such specimen that came to AMNH with the
(Gilgit). Rothschild Collection, and it bears a Roth-
Now Carduelis flavirostris montanella (Hume, schild type label. Hartert (1901a: 335) com-
1873). See Hartert, 1919a: 157; Vaurie, 1956a: mented that his own stay on Tenerife had
17–18; Vaurie, 1959: 613–614; Dickinson, 2003:
been a brief one in April 1901 but that he had
751; and Clement, 2010: 566–567.
bought a few specimens from Floericke, who
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 710954, adult male, had collected there for a month.
collected at Gilgit, 35.54N, 74.20E (Times In the original description, Hartert gave
atlas), Kashmir, on 7 March 1880, by J. measurements for more than one adult male,
Scully (no. 738). From the Rothschild but gave no information about them. A
Collection. number of other specimens from Teneriffe
COMMENTS: In the original description, were in the Rothschild Collection, but they
Hartert gave Scully’s number 738 for the were all collected by R. Thanner. Those that
have a year of collection on the labels were COMMENTS: McGregor gave his collec-
collected between December 1901 and May tion number of the holotype in the original
1904; meadewaldoi was published earlier, in description, which had been miscopied as
October 1901. There are three males collected 3047 on his label and changed to 3048. This is
in March and one female collected in apparently the correct number as it is also
February, without a year, but there is no present on the small field tag. The specimen
indication that these entered into Hartert’s bears, in addition to the field tag, McGre-
description, especially as no female was gor’s collection label marked ‘‘TYPE’’ in red,
mentioned. a Dwight Collection label, and an AMNH
type label. McGregor noted that his speci-
Montifringilla brandti walteri Hartert mens were in such worn plumage that wing
Montifringilla brandti walteri Hartert, 1904a: 138 and tail measurements could not be made,
(Sung-Pan, Sue-shan, in Szetschwan im nord- and he gave average bill and middle toe
westlichen China). measurements for four males from Kodiak
Now Leucosticte brandti haematopygia (Gould, Island. Perhaps he meant that his compara-
1853). See Hartert, 1919a: 158; Vaurie, 1949: tive material was worn, as there are five male
27–28; Vaurie, 1959: 622–623; Howell et al., specimens in AMNH, all in fresh plumage
1968: 258–259; Dickinson, 2003: 752; and and apparently from the McGregor Collec-
Clement and Arkhipov, 2010: 571–572. tion, but only the holotype bears a label to
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 712199, male?, col- that effect. The other four have bracketing
lected at Sung-pan, Sue-shan, Sichuan, numbers on the field label and were collected
China, on 6 April 1894 (Russian date, over the winter of 1896–1897 (one of them on
according to Hartert, 1919a: 158), by Bere- the same date as the holotype). They are:
zowsky (no. 286). From the Rothschild AMNH 366290 (Dwight no. 37696, McGre-
Collection. gor no. 3049), AMNH 366291 (37694, 3052),
COMMENTS: In the original description, AMNH 366292 (37695, 3051), AMNH
Hartert had a single specimen and noted that 366293 (37698, 3047). I see no way to
Rothschild (1902: 167) had mentioned it determine which, if any, of these specimens
earlier as being ‘‘darker than the darkest of served as McGregor’s paratypes.
our Himalayan birds.’’ A footnote at the bottom of page 8 noted
Vaurie (1959: 622–623) and Dickinson that ‘‘an author’s edition of 100 copies was
(2003: 752) recognized walteri; however, distributed Nov. 25, 1900.’’
Howell et al. (1968: 258–259), while recog-
nizing walteri, included a footnote (initialed Erythrospiza githaginea amantum Hartert
R.A.P[aynter], Jr.) stating that Vaurie [in Erythrospiza githaginea amantum Hartert, 1903: 89
1968] considered walteri to be a synonym of (Oliva, Fuertaventura).
haematopygia. Clement and Arkhipov (2010: Now Bucanetes githagineus amantum (Hartert,
571–572) agreed with this. 1903). See Hartert, 1919: 158; Vaurie, 1956: 3–
5; Vaurie, 1959: 626–627; Howell et al., 1968:
Leucosticte kadiaka McGregor 263; Dickinson, 2003: 753; and Clement, 2010:
Leucosticte kadiaka McGregor, 1900 (1901): 8
(Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 712386, adult male,
Now Leucosticte tephrocotis griseonucha (Brandt, collected at Oliva, 28.36N, 13.53W (Times
1842). See Hellmayr, 1938: 260; Howell et al., atlas), Fuerteventura (5 Fuertaventura) Is-
1968: 260; Macdougall-Shackleton et al., 2000;
land, Canary Islands, on 22 March 1899, by
Dickinson, 2003: 752; and Clement, 2010: 573.
Ramon Gomez (no. 1211).
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 366294, adult male, COMMENTS: Hartert cited Gomez’s num-
collected at Karluk, 57.33N, 154.32W (Times ber of the holotype in the original descrip-
atlas), Kodiak (5 Kadiak) Island, Alaska, on tion. He gave wing measurements for multi-
14 March 1897, by Cloudsley Ritter (no. 96). ple males, giving no total number, and said
From the McGregor Collection (no. 3048) via that amantum occurred on Fuerteventura,
the Johathan Dwight Collection (no. 37699). Lanzarote, and Gran Canaria islands. The
followiing specimens in AMNH, collected numbers appear on the label), all collected by
before the publication of amantum in May Flückiger. AMNH 712364, male, 25 Decem-
1903, are considered paratypes: AMNH ber 1902 and AMNH 712365, female, 24
712387, 712388, 712390, 712391, 712398, December 1902, both collected at Gafsa,
two males and three females, collected at Tunisia, by Paul W.H. Spate. Three speci-
Oliva, Fuerteventura Island, 4–18 March mens, AMNH 712366–712368, undated and
1889, by Gomez; AMNH 712402, male, unsexed, collected near Gafsa by Hilgert,
collected on Lanzarote Island, on 24 March are possible paratypes. One male, AMNH
1902 by Polatzek. 712369, collected at Sidi Ali-ben-Aoun,
Tunisia, on 14 March 1897, is from a locality
Erythrospiza githaginea zedlitzi Neumann not listed by Neumann.
Erythrospiza githaginea zedlitzi Neumann, 1907:
Procarduelis rubescens Blanford
145 (westlich Biskra).
Now Bucanetes githagineus zedlitzi (Neumann, Procarduelis rubescens Blanford, 1872: 694, pl. 74
1907). See Hartert, 1919a: 158; Vaurie, 1956b: (in Sikkim, in montibus Himalayanis).
3–5; Vaurie, 1959: 626–627; Howell et al., 1968: Now Carpodacus rubescens (Blanford, 1872). See
263; Dickinson, 2003: 753; and Clement, 2010: Hartert, 1919a: 156; Vaurie, 1956b: 6; Vaurie,
578. 1959: 629; Howell et al., 1968: 268; Dickinson,
2003: 753; and Clement, 2010: 581.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 712339, unsexed
[male], collected west of Biskra, 34.50N, LECTOTYPE: AMNH 710175, adult male,
05.41E (Times atlas), Algeria, on 30 January undated, collected in Sikkim by Mandelli.
1903, by E. Flückiger (no. 423). From the From the Elwes Collection via the Rothschild
Rothschild Collection. Collection.
COMMENTS: In the original description, COMMENTS: Blanford did not designate a
Neumann designated as the type an adult type in the original description but based his
male in the Rothschild Collection collected description on a male and a female specimen,
west of Biskra on 30 January 1903 by noting that the female may be a young male.
Flückiger. AMNH 712339 was unsexed by The specimens were sent to Blanford by
Flückiger, but a male symbol had been added Mandelli.
to the Rothschild label; this specimen also Hartert (1919a: 156) listed the male as the
bears a Rothschild type label. Hartert (1919a: type of rubescens, thereby designating it the
158) listed as the type an adult male collected lectotype. Rothschild had received this spec-
on 20 January 1903; the data otherwise imen with the Elwes Collection and its label
matched and this was obviously a misprint was annotated in Blandford’s hand ‘‘Type
as no specimen was collected on 20 January. described P.Z.S. 1871, p. 693, pl. lxxiv.
The second specimen collected on 30 January W.T.B.’’ Hartert did not know what hap-
1903 west of Biskra, was also unsexed by pened to the female, ‘‘which came to
Flückiger, but no sex symbol had been added Blanford together with the male; probably it
to the Rothschild label. has been lost somewhere.’’
Neumann (1907: 146) studied over 30
Carpodacus mexicanus nigrescens Griscom
specimens of zedlitzi collected between No-
vember and April and held in a number of Carpodacus mexicanus nigrescens Griscom, 1928: 5
collections. He gave the range as Algiers and (Miquihuana, Tamaulipas, Mexico).
Tunisia with the localities and collectors Now Carpodacus mexicanus potosinus Griscom,
listed separately. Specimens in AMNH that 1928. See Hellmayr, 1938: 156; Howell et al.,
1968: 274; Dickinson, 2003: 754; and Clement,
are definitely paratypes are: AMNH 712340,
2010: 585.
male, south of Biskra, 7 January 1903,
no. 266; AMNH 712341, male, Biskra, 31 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 230408, adult male,
January 1903, no. 437; AMNH 712342, collected at Miquihuana, 23.35N, 99.46W
unsexed, west of Biskra 30 January 1903, (Times atlas), Tamaulipas, Mexico, on 10
no. 424; and AMNH 712343, unsexed, near [not 11] July 1922, by W.W. Brown. From
Biskra, 26 January 1903, no. 384 or 385 (both the Leonard C. Sanford Collection.
COMMENTS: Griscom cited the AMNH Now Pyrrhospiza punicea kilianensis (Vaurie,
number of the holotype in the original descrip- 1956). See Vaurie, 1959: 643–644; Howell et
tion and noted that he had two males and two al., 1968: 281; Dickinson, 2003: 755; Rasmussen
females of the form. There are two paratypes at and Anderton, 2005: 567–568; and Clement,
2010: 596.
AMNH: Miquihuana, AMNH 230409, male,
5 July 1922; and AMNH 230410, female, 20 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 258993 (not 258994),
June 1922, both collected by W.W. Brown. adult female, collected on the north side of
Kilian Davan, 15,000 ft, 36.45N, 78.05E
Carpodacus rubicilloides lapersonnei R. and (Times atlas), western Kun Lun mountains,
A. Meinertzhagen Xinjiang (5 Sinkiang), China, on 5 August
Carpodacus rubicilloides lapersonnei R. and A. 1893, by W.L. Abbott. Received on exchange
Meinertzhagen, 1926: 83 (Shushal, Eastern from the Smithsonian Institution (no. 150313).
Ladak (12,000’)). COMMENTS: In the original description,
Now Carpodacus rubicilloides lucifer R. and A. Vaurie cited the AMNH number of the
Meinertzhagen, 1926. See Hartert, 1928: 198; holotype that appeared on its label and (on
Vaurie, 1956b: 15–16; Vaurie, 1959: 641–642; p. 23) gave measurements of three males and
Howell et al., 1968: 280; Dickinson, 2003: 755;
two females (including the type). There is one
and Clement, 2010: 594.
paratype in AMNH: AMNH 295262, adult
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 712639, adult male, male, above Tar-Sar, 12,000 ft, Kashmir, 18
collected at Shushal, 12,000 ft (14,500 ft on August 1908, A.E. Ward (no. 3042). Vaurie
label), eastern Ladak, Kashmir, on 11 June added a note to the label concerning this
1925, by the Meinertzhagens. From the locality: ‘‘apparently north of 34u and west of
Rothschild Collection. 79u.’’
COMMENTS: In the original description, Until recently, this species was included in
the Meinertzhagens gave the above data for the genus Carpodacus (e.g., Dickinson, 2003:
the holotype in the Rothschild Collection and 755); however, it was originally described in
noted that the new subspecies occurred in the monotypic genus Pyrrhospiza and be-
Ladak and Gyangtse. There is only one cause of its striking differences from other
paratype in AMNH: Gyangtse, Tibet, AMNH rosefinches Rasmussen and Anderton (2005:
712638, male, 31 May 1905, by Capt. Stern. 567–568) returned the species to Pyrrhospiza,
as did Clement (2010: 596).
Erythrina rubicilla diabolica Koelz When this holotype was received on
Erythrina rubicilla diabolica Koelz, 1939: 75 exchange from the Smithsonian Institution
(Sanglech, Afghanistan). in 1928, it was given the number 258993 in
Now Carpodacus rubicilla diabolicus (Koelz, 1939). the AMNH catalog. An incorrect number
See Vaurie, 1949: 51–52; Vaurie, 1959: 642; was put on the specimen label and published
Howell et al., 1968: 281; Dickinson, 2003: 755; as the number of the holotype. Other
and Clement, 2010: 594–595. specimens received on exchange at this time
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 467040, adult male, are correctly numbered.
collected at Sanglich (5 Sanglech), 36.20N,
71.14E (Times atlas), Afghanistan, on 27 July Carpodacus puniceus sikangensis Vaurie
1937, by Walter Koelz. Carpodacus puniceus sikangensis Vaurie, 1956b: 20
COMMENTS: Koelz had only two speci- (Mt. Konka between 16,000 and 16,500 feet,
mens of diabolicus and designated the male southeastern Sikang).
the holotype in the original description. The Now Pyrrhospiza punicea sikangensis Vaurie, 1956.
paratype, female, collected at the same place See Vaurie, 1959: 644–645; Howell et al., 1968:
on 26 July 1927 by Koelz, is not in AMNH. 282; Dickinson, 2003: 755; Rasmussen and
Anderton, 2005: 567–568; and Clement, 2010:
Carpodacus puniceus kilianensis Vaurie 596.
Carpodacus puniceus kilianensis Vaurie, 1956b: 20 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 292130, adult male,
(north side of the Kilian Pass at 15,000 feet, collected in the Konka Risonquemba (or
western Kun Lun, Sinkiang). Risumgongba) (5 Konka), 16,000–16,500 ft,
Xizang (5 Sikang), China, in June 1928, by in the absence of types, may be regarded as
J.F. Rock. On exchange from the Smithso- final, the proper disposition of C. splendens
nian Institution (no. 312918). depends on a critical study of the original
COMMENTS: In the original description, example, now in the collection of the
Vaurie gave the AMNH number of the American Museum of Natural History,
holotype and (on p. 23) gave measurements New York.’’
for 10 males (including the type) and 10
females. There is only one paratype in Pinicola enucleator eschatosus Oberholser
AMNH: AMNH 292131, female, Mount Pinicola enucleator eschatosus Oberholser, 1914: 51
Konka, 16,000–16,500 ft, southeastern Si- (Harry’s River, Newfoundland).
kang, China, June 1928, by Rock (on Now Pinicola enucleator leucura (P.L.S. Müller,
exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, 1776). See Hellmayr, 1938: 257–258; Howell
no. 312923). et al., 1968: 286; Adkinsson, 1999; Dickinson,
These two specimens were part of an 2003: 755; and Clement, 2010: 599–600.
exchange received from the Smithsonian
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 388227, adult female,
Institution in September 1930. Riley (1931)
collected at Harry’s River, Newfoundland,
reported on Rock’s entire collection and
Canada, on 1 July 1913, by L.C. Sanford
noted (Riley, 1931: 1–2) that Rock collected
(no. 607). From the Leonard C. Sanford
in the Konka Risonquemba, between 14,000
and 17,000 ft, in June and August 1928. This
range is northwest of Mu-li (28.12N,
COMMENTS: In the original description,
Oberholser gave the above data for the
100.50E, Times atlas), and according to Rock
holotype. It is difficult to determine his exact
(1931: 7) they were in ca. 28.30N, 100.10E in
type series; he (Oberholser, 1914: 53) gave
late June. These mountains were visited by
measurements, apparently of the unflattened
Rock prior to his visits to the Muti Konka
wing, for two adult males from Fox Island
and Minya Konka, which are north and east
River, collected on 26 June 1912, and three
of Mu-li in Sichuan.
adult females from Harry’s River on June 30,
Riley (1931: 78–79) assigned Rock’s spec-
July 1, and July 21, 1913, from Sanford’s
imens to Pyrrhospiza punicea szetschuana on
collection. He apparently did not have
geographical grounds. Other paratypes are
Sanford’s entire series at hand for there are
probably in USNM.
11 specimens. I have measured the entire
Corythus splendens C.L. Brehm series and give my measurements of the
unflattened wing in brackets after those given
Corythus splendens C.L. Brehm, 1840: 590 (Nor- by Oberholser. As indicated, the female
damerika). collected on 1 July 1913 is the holotype, 104
Now Pinicola enucleator leucura (P.L.S. Müller, [104]. The two female paratypes, collected on
1776). See Hartert, 1918: 11; Hellmayr, 1938:
Harry’s River, are: AMNH 761427, sexed as
257; Dickinson, 2003: 755; and Clement, 2010:
an immature male, but in female plumage
and considered a female adult by Oberholser,
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457089, adult male, collected on 30 June 1913, wing 105.5 [106];
collected in North America, in January 1833. AMNH 761428, female, 21 July 1913, wing
From the Brehm Collection via the Roth- 105.5 [106]. The only other female collected
schild Collection. on Harry’s River was collected in 1914. There
COMMENTS: Hartert (1918: 11) listed this are five males and one female collected on the
specimen as the type of Corythus splendens, Fox Island River on 26 June 1912. The
thereby designating it the lectotype. following two come closest in measurements
Hellmayr (1938: 257 fn.) commented: to those given by Oberholser and are
‘‘Griscom [1934, Proceedings of the New considered paratypes of eschatosus: AMNH
England Zoological Club 14: 11] restricts 761432, adult male, 116 [116]; AMNH
leucura, canadensis, and splendens to the 761434, adult male, 112.5 [112]. Other
larger heavy-billed form, and while this paratypes measured and/or mentioned in
action with respect to the first two names, the text are in USNM.
Adkisson (1999: 3) and Clement (2010: four paratypes are in BMNH (LeCroy and
599) synonymized eschatosus with leucura; Dickinson, 2001: 192–193).
Dickinson (2003: 755) recognized it. Most recent authors do not recognize
intensior; the species subhimachala is placed
Propyrrhula subhimachala intensior by some authors in the genus Pinicola (Howell
Rothschild et al., 1968: 286; Dickinson, 2003: 755) and
Propyrrhula subhimachala intensior Rothschild,
retained by others in the genus Propyrrhula
1922: 12 (Lichiang Range). (Vaurie, 1959: 656; Rasmussen and Anderton,
Now Propyrrhula subhimachala (Hodgson, 1836). 2005: 568; Clement, 2010: 599).
See Hartert, 1928: 197–198; Vaurie, 1956b: 36–
37; Vaurie, 1959: 656; Howell et al., 1968: 286; Crucirostra brachyrhynchos C.L. Brehm
LeCroy and Dickinson, 2001: 192–193; Dick-
Crucirostra brachyrhynchos C.L. Brehm, 1853: 185
inson, 2003: 755; Rasmusson and Anderton,
(Er besucht nur zuweilen, wie im Winter 1818/
2005: 568; and Clement, 2010: 599.
19, die hiesige Gegend…).
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 714820, [male], col- Now Loxia pytyopsittacus Borkhausen, 1793. See
lected in the Lichiang Range, northwestern Hartert, 1918: 12; Vaurie, 1956b: 30–31; Vaurie,
1959: 647–648; Howell et al., 1968: 287–288;
Yunnan, China (no date), by George Forrest.
Dickinson, 2003: 755; and Clement, 2010: 603–
From the Rothschild Collection. 604.
COMMENTS: In the original description,
the only data given by Rothschild for the LECTOTYPE: AMNH 456981, adult male,
type was that it was an undated specimen collected at Renthendorf, 50.48N, 11.58E
from the Lichiang Range collected by For- (USBGN, 1959), Germany, in February
rest. While the specimen label is undated, it is 1819. From the C.L. Brehm Collection via
apparently the specimen referred to earlier by the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild (1921: 61), who declined to name COMMENTS: In the original description,
a new subspecies based on a single molting Brehm did not enumerate his specimens.
specimen; there it was said to have been Hartert (1918: 12) listed the above male,
collected in 1918 and was part of a collection collected at Renthendorf in February 1819 as
made by Forrest for botanist Stephenson the type, thereby designating it the lectotype.
Clarke, whose label remains on the type. It is labeled Crucirostra brachyrhynchos by
Rothschild (1922) received another collection Brehm, and on the reverse of the Brehm
made by Forrest in 1921 and named new label, it is labeled ‘‘Nr. 4’’ and compared with
forms included in that collection, as well as a ‘‘Nr. 3.’’ C. brachyrhynchos is number 4 in
few collected earlier. When he reported on the list of forms discussed in this 1853 paper
the entire 1921 collection (Rothschild, 1923: and is pictured as number 4 in the unnum-
53), he listed one adult male and three bered plate of heads shown opposite page
immature males from the Lichiang Range, 182. Most of the specimens cataloged at
collected in November 1921, and two females AMNH as brachyrhynchos were exchanged
collected on the Mekong-Salwin Divide in to ZFMK.
September 1921. He listed separately the type
from the Lichiang Range in the Rothschild Crucirostra major C.L. Brehm
Museum. AMNH 714820 is in heavy wing Crucirostra major Brehm, 1853: 181 (Dieser
molt and on the Clarke label is unsexed and Kreuzschnabel erschien in unserer Gegend in
undated; it bears a Rothschild Collection dem an Nordlichtern und andern auffallenden
label marked ‘‘Type’’ and a Rothschild type Erscheinungen reichen Winter 1847/48).
label and is undoubtedly the holotype (Le- Now Loxia pytyopsittacus Borkhausen, 1793. See
Croy and Dickinson, 2001: 192–193). Of the Hartert, 1918: 11; Vaurie, 1956b: 30–31; Vaurie,
six paratypes, two from the Lichiang Range 1959: 647–648; Howell et al., 1968: 287–288;
Dickinson, 2003: 755; and Clement, 2010: 603–
are in AMNH: AMNH 714821 (Forrest
no. 907), immature male, 10 December
1921; and AMNH 714822 (905), imature LECTOTYPE: AMNH 456971, adult male,
male?, 23 November 1921. The remaining collected in the Roda Valley (Rodathal) on
27 (not 28) December 1847, by one of Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758.
Brehm’s sons. From the C.L. Brehm Collec- See Hartert, 1918: 13, Vaurie; 1956b: 25–30;
tion via the Rothschild Collection. Vaurie, 1959: 648–652; Howell et al., 1968: 288–
293, Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement, 2010:
COMMENTS: Brehm, in the original de-
scription, noted that his son had shot a male
and two females on the 28 December 1847 SYNTYPES: AMNH 457006, ‘‘male bien-
and that he had obtained a first-year male on nis’’ [second-year male], caught in the Harz
12 February 1848 that had been shot a few Mountains, Germany, in March 1848, died in
days before. Hartert (1918: 11) listed the male captivity 10 August 1848; AMNH 457007,
collected on 27 December 1847 as the type of ‘‘male media aetate’’ [first-year male], caught
major, thereby designating it the lectotype, in the Harz Mountains 1 April 1851, died in
and noted that it was tied together with its captivity 20 May 1851; AMNH 457011, male,
female. This female, AMNH 456972, would died after three days, AMNH 457012, female,
thereby become a paralectotype of major. The died after 10 days, pair captured in the Roda
other two specimens mentioned by Brehm are Valley on 25 April 1847; AMNH 457009,
also paralectotypes: a second female collected young male, collected 29 August 1819 and
on the 28 December 1848 was cataloged as AMNH 457008, female, collected early in the
AMNH 456983 and was exchanged to ZFMK year 1817, two specimens collected much
and the first-year male obtained on 12 earlier at Renthendorf. From the Brehm
February 1848 is AMNH 456982. Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
In the description, Brehm noted that the COMMENTS: On page 201 of the original
three specimens collected on the same day description, Brehm listed the six specimens of
were collected on the 28 December 1847, but this form that he had, giving dates of their
the label on the two specimens still in AMNH, capture. Four of these survived in captivity
not in Brehm’s hand, is marked 27 December for varying amounts of time. All six of these
1847 and is labeled Crucirostra pityopsittacus birds came to AMNH with the Rothschild
Brm. The 28 December is perhaps the date on Collection. Hartert (1918: 13) considered
which he received it. Hartert (1918: 11) only two of these birds to be types of
thought the handwriting was perhaps that of erythroptera, but this did not serve to
Brehm’s son, Oskar; he also noted that designate a lectotype and all six must be
Brehm’s name, major, is a junior secondary considered syntypes.
homonym of Loxia major Billberg, 1828. Only AMNH 457006 and 457007, the two
specimens with Rothschild type labels, re-
[Loxia curvirostra anglica Hartert] main in AMNH; the other four syntypes
were exchanged to ZFMK. AMNH 457010,
Hartert (1904a: 119) noted in the original
cataloged at AMNH as erythroptera, un-
description that the holotype of this form,
sexed, from Roda Valley, 10 April 1847, was
male, no. 1890, was collected on 7 December
also exchanged to ZFMK, but I have not
1897 at Tring and was in the Rothschild
considered it a syntype as this date was not
Museum. Hartert (1919a: 160) added that it mentioned by Brehm.
had been collected at High Scrubs, Tring, and
AMNH 457007 was numbered ‘‘No. 14’’
that he considered the name a synonym of
by Brehm and this corresponds to illustration
Loxia curvirostra curvirostra. Type specimens
no. 14 on the unnumbered plate opposite
from the Rothschild Collection with type
page 182 in the text of Brehm (1853).
localities in the British Isles were presented to
BMNH in September 1936, this type having Crucirostra intercedens C.L. Brehm
formerly been AMNH 450917. It is listed by
Warren and Harrison (1971: 26) and is now Crucirostra intercedens C.L. Brehm, 1853: 187 (Er
BMNH register no. 1936.10.15.13. erscheint selten in unsern Wäldern).
Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758.
Crucirostra erythroptera C.L. Brehm See Hartert, 1918: 12; Vaurie, 1956b: 25–30;
Vaurie, 1959: 648–652; Howell et al., 1968: 288–
Crucirostra erythroptera C.L. Brehm, 1853: 199 293; Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement, 2010:
(Harz and Renthendorf). 600–602.
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457029, adult male, ‘‘Nr. 10’’ on the reverse of Brehm’s label
collected in the Roda Valley (5 Rodathal), refers to the figure in the unnumbered plate in
Germany, on 20 May 1819 (not 10 May 1819, Brehm (1853: opp. p. 182). In the text, this is
as on Rothschild label). From the Brehm referred to as ‘‘Nr. 8,’’ but ‘‘no. 8’’ appears
Collection via the Rothschild Collection. also for Crucirostra media on page 191. No. 10
COMMENTS: Hartert (1918: 12) listed this is the only number missing and is undoubt-
male, ‘‘the only adult male in the collection,’’ edly the correct number for this form.
as the type, thereby designating it the
lectotype. Another specimen, collected on Crucirostra pseudopityopsittacus C.L. Brehm
12 February 1847, was molting from striped Crucirostra pseudopityopsittacus C.L. Brehm,
juvenal into adult plumage. The six addition- 1853: 185 (Rodathal und Voigtlandes in der
al specimens cataloged at AMNH as inter- Nahe von Greiz).
cedens were exchanged with ZFMK, and this Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758.
paralectotype, as well as other paralectotypes See Hartert, 1918: 12; Vaurie, 1956b: 25–31;
marked intercedens by Brehm, may be there. Vaurie, 1959: 647–652; Howell et al., 1968: 287–
This form is illustrated as No. 6 on the 293; Dickinson, 2003: 755–756; and Clement
unnumbered plate in Brehm (1853: opp. 2010: 600–604.
p. 182). A corner of Brehm’s label on this LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457013, adult male,
specimen where that number might have collected in the Roda Valley (5 Rodathal),
appeared has been cut off. Germany, on 17 February 1834. From the C.L.
Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Curvirostra (sic) macrorhynchos C.L. Brehm COMMENTS: In the original description,
Curvirostra (sic) macrorhynchos C.L. Brehm, 1853: Brehm said that of 175 specimens of cross-
192 (Auch er bewohnt unsere Nadelwälder und bills in his collection, he had two specimens
geht bis Moskau). of pseudopityopsittacus, a male collected on
Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758. ‘‘17 February 1817’’ in the Roda Valley and a
See Hartert, 1918: 12; Vaurie, 1956b: 25–30; female collected on 20 October 1834 in the
Vaurie, 1959: 648–652; Howell et al., 1958: 288– neighborhood of Greiz. The date ‘‘1817’’ is
293; Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement, 2010: apparently a slip of the pen, as the original
Brehm label gives the date as 17 February
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457055, male, media 1834. Hartert (1918: 12) listed this male as the
aetate (Latin, ‘‘of middle age’’), collected in type, thereby designating it the lectotype of
the Roda Valley (5 Rodathal), Germany, on pseudopityopsittacus. He further commented:
10 May 1845. From the C.L. Brehm Collec- ‘‘The name pseudopytiopsittacus is very de-
tion via the Rothschild Collection. scriptive, as it is a real giant of Loxia curvir.
COMMENTS: Brehm, in the original de- curvirostra, though it does not come up to L.
scription, said: ‘‘Ich erhielt ihn im November pytyopsittacus; the bill is not so wide, more
1819, im Februar 1830, im Junius 1844, im elongated, especially the under mandible is
Mai 1845, etc.’’ Hartert (1918: 12) listed this less broad; the wing measures 100.7 mm.’’ I
specimen collected on the 10 May 1845 as the did not find cataloged at AMNH a female
type, thereby designating it the lectotype. He collected on 20 October 1834 in Greiz and
also noted that it was the only Brehm labeled pseudopityopsittacus; thus, no speci-
specimen in the Rothschild Collection that mens cataloged as this form and exchanged
had the name macrorhynchos written on it by to ZFMK would be paralectotypes.
Brehm and that it agreed ‘‘excellently with This form is referred to ‘‘Abbild. Nr. 5’’;
the description.’’ Brehm did describe this the reverse of Brehm’s label of the lectotype
form in the genus Curvirostra, although this bears ‘‘Nr. 5,’’ corresponding to figure 5 in the
specimen is labeled Crucirostra, as were all unnumbered plate in Brehm (1953: opp. p. 182).
the other forms described at this time. On the
Rothschild type label, the date of collection is Crucirostra rubrifasciata C.L. Brehm
incorrectly given as ‘‘1834’’; 1845 is the Crucirostra rubrifasciata C.L. Brehm, 1845: cols.
correct date. 245–250 (Renthendorf).
Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758. COMMENTS: Hartert questioned whether
See Hartert, 1918: 12–13; Vaurie, 1956b: 25–30; these specimens were syntypes of paradoxa,
Vaurie, 1959: 648–652; Howell et al., 1968: 288–293; presumably because dates on the specimens
Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement, 2010: 600–602. and dates cited in Brehm (1853: 190–191)
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457019, adult male, sometimes varied. However, in other such
caught at Renthendorf on 2 February 1844 cases, Hartert accepted the date on the
and died 14 February 1844 (2 March in Brehm label and considered the published
description, col. 250). From the Brehm date a misprint. I think the same applies to
Collection via the Rothschild Collection. these three specimens, all of which are labeled
COMMENTS: In the original description, only paradoxa by Brehm.
Brehm described a number of different In the original description, Brehm noted
plumages and especially noted the specimen that he had only obtained it six times in
that had been taken into captivity on 2 42 years, and listed the specimens, two of which
February 1844. It is this specimen that were a paired male and female collected on 15
Hartert listed as the type of rubrifasciata, March 1834. There is no discrepancy with this
thereby designating it the lectotype. In date and the two are tied together with string.
addition to the original Brehm label and the However, on page 191, reference is made to the
Rothschild type label, it bears two Rothschild female with a brood patch collected on 15
Collection labels. The reverse of one has a March 1835. I believe this was a typographical
note by Hartert: ‘‘Brehm sagt, er habe die Art error. AMNH 457059 is marked as an adult
in der Isis beschreiben, Wo?? S. Naumannia male collected on 13 March 1834 at Renthen-
1853, p. 194.’’ The type label has the correct dorf and this date does not appear in Brehm’s
reference to the description. The second list. However, on the reverse of its label, it is
Rothschild Collection label reflects a dis- marked ‘‘Nr. 7,’’ which refers to figure no. 7 in
agreement. It has a note on the front by ‘‘E. the unnumbered plate in Brehm (1853: opp.
H[artert]!’’: ‘‘Umstehende Behauptung spas- p. 182) and assures that the specimen was in
sig! Ist L. curvirostra aberr. aber nicht Brehm’s hand when paradoxa was described.
species!’’; and on the reverse: ‘‘Einziger The female supposedly taken with the male
wirklicher Loxia rubrifasciata! V. Bianchi.’’ was not found by Hartert or me.
Ten specimens were entered in the AMNH These specimens were not cataloged as
catalog as rubrifasciata, all except the lecto- paradoxa at AMNH. One additional speci-
type having been exchanged to ZFMK. men, AMNH 457056, a male collected in
Seven of them were collected before the date October 1827 at Rodathal, was listed by
of publication of the description and may be Brehm. It was exchanged to ZFMK and is a
paralectotypes, depending on how they were syntype if labeled paradoxa by Brehm.
labeled by Brehm.
Loxia curvirostra taurica Griscom
Crucirostra paradoxa C.L. Brehm Loxia curvirostra taurica (ex. Sushkin MS) Gris-
Crucirostra paradoxa C.L. Brehm, 1853: 190 com, 1937: 182 (Crimea, south coast).
(Dieser Kreuzschnabel ist sehr selten in unserer Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758.
Gegend). See Vaurie, 1956b: 27–28; Vaurie, 1959: 648–
Now Loxia curvirostra curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758. 652; Howell et al., 1968: 288–293; Dickinson,
See Hartert, 1904a: 117; Vaurie, 1956b: 25–30; 2003: 756; Clement, 2010: 600–602.
Vaurie, 1959: 648–652; Howell et al., 1968: 288– LECTOTYPE: AMNH 713126, adult male,
293; Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement: 2010:
collected at Mishor, Crimea (5 Krim, as on
label), south coast, southern Russia, on 29
SYNTYPES: AMNH 457057, adult male, September 1910 (16 September 1910, Julian
AMNH 457058, female, collected on 15 calendar), by P. Sushkin (5 Suschkin). From
March 1834, and AMNH 457059, male, 13 the Sushkin Collection via the Rothschild
March 1834, all at Renthendorf, Germany. Collection.
From the Brehm Collection via the Roth- COMMENTS: Vaurie (1956b: 27–28) noted
schild Collection. that Griscom inadvertently validated Sushkin’s
manuscript name written on the labels of two race] ARP ’75.’’ ‘‘minor 5 ‘sitkensis’ cotype (?)
specimens collected by Sushkin and in the ARP ’71.’’
Rothschild Collection. Griscom also included These two specimens are the only two
a second adult male. While Griscom did not Brehm specimens labeled minor that came to
designate a type, Vaurie (1956b: 28) noted that AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. They
because there is not a second male from the were not listed by Hartert (1918) in his list of
Crimea in the Rothschild Collection from Brehm types. The AMNH type labels were
Sushkin, the single male must be considered apparently added at the time of Phillips’
the type, thereby designating it the lectotype of studies, and investigation shows that they are
taurica. Sushkin on his original labels had not syntypes of minor.
written the dates according to the Julian According to Hellmayr (1938: 302–303),
calendar, but had converted them to the Crucirostra minor was named by Brehm
Gregorian calendar dates on his collection (1846: 532) based on a Lichtenstein manu-
labels. When discussing the two Sushkin script name (so stated by Brehm, 1853: 193).
specimens, Griscom reversed the dates of Brehm (1846) reported on his trip to North
collection. America, and his description on page 532 is
The second specimen labeled taurica by the following: ‘‘Im Januar [1846] schoss ich 2
Sushkin is the paralectotype, AMNH 713127, männliche und 1 weiblichen Kreuzschnabel;
unsexed (but considered an immature female die Männchen sind schön roth und scheinen
by Griscom), collected at Koreiz, Crimea, von den deutschen nicht verschieden zu sein.
south coast, southern Russia, on 7 August Diese Kreuzschnäbel haben keine weissen
1910 (25 July 1910, Julian calendar), by P. Binden.’’ He added in a footnote: ‘‘So
Sushkin. urtheilte unser Freund, welcher die deutschen
Vaurie (1956b: 28; 1959: 649) synonymized nicht zur Vergleichung hatte, denn die
taurica with nominate L. curvirostra. He amerikanischen sind viel kleiner als die
(Vaurie, 1959: 649) thought that the type deutschen und heissen deswegen Crucirostra
locality was possibly Mys Ay Todor. minor.’’ I think that ‘‘unser Freund’’ refers to
Brehm’s host during his stay in North
[Crucirostra minor C.L. Brehm] America who was not mentioned by name
and that the statement that the North
The following two specimens in AMNH American form did not differ from the
are marked ‘‘Crucirostra minor’’ by Brehm European one was the friend’s opinion; the
and were thought to be possible syntypes of footnote then reflects Brehm’s realization
the name by ‘‘ARP[hillips].’’ The labels bear that it did differ. It is apparent that,
the following information: according to the dates on AMNH 457078
AMNH 457078: Brehm label: ‘‘Crucirostra and 457079, neither can be among the three
minor Brm. U hieme [Latin, ‘‘in winter’’], 10 specimens collected by Brehm in North
Jan. 1833. Nordamerika’’; on the reverse: America in 1846 and referred to when he
‘‘Nr. 12. kleiner Körper, schlanker Schna- named the form (Brehm, 1846: 532). Fur-
bel.’’ (I much appreciate S. Frahnert’s thermore, there is nothing on Brehm’s labels
deciphering Brehm’s annotation.). On the of the two specimens in AMNH to indicate
reverse of the Rothschild label: ‘‘minor 5 that they came from Lichtenstein. Lacking
‘sitkensis’; a cotype (?) ARP ’71.’’ On the that connection, they are not considered part
reverse of the AMNH type label: ‘‘A fair of Brehm’s type series. The three specimens
match for U. Minn. Bell M.N.H. 16637 & collected by Brehm in North America in 1846
17651 ARP ’76.’’ This is also initialed and any specimens that may have been
‘‘J.F[arrand].’’ considered ’’minor’’ by Lichtenstein com-
AMNH 457079: Brehm label: ‘‘Crucirostra prised Brehm’s type series, but none of these
minor, Brm. U alt. [abbreviation for ‘‘adultus’’ is in AMNH.
in Latin] Mai, 1842, Nordamerika. Marked ‘‘5 Stresemann (1922: 41–42), van Rossem
‘sitkensis’ ARP ’71.’’ The reverse of this label (1934: 358–359), and Hellmayr (1938: 302–
and of the type label is blank. On the Roth- 303) discussed Loxia pusilla Gloger and C.
schild label: ‘‘[the tiny dark N.-mid-Continent minor Brehm in relation to the whereabouts
of the types and which populations the names The result of the above investigation is that,
represented. Stresemann (1922: 42) deter- while it is not the specimen illustrated by Brehm
mined that the type of L. pusilla is No. 6984 as minor, the Berlin lectotype of Crucirostra
in ZMB, and van Rossem (1934: 358–359) minor is old enough to have been seen by
designated ZMB 6982 as the lectotype of C. Lichtenstein, as is the second Berlin specimen
minor Brehm. Van Rossem was convinced mentioned by van Rossem (1934: 359).
that at least two of the specimens that Dickinson (2003: 756) and Clement (2010:
Lichtenstein had called ‘‘minor’’ were in 601) recognize Loxia curvirostra minor (C.L.
ZMB, although he does not cite evidence Brehm, 1846).
that Lichtenstein had ever used the name on
a specimen. Crucirostra bifasciata C.L. Brehm
Brehm (1853: 193) discussed minor and
Crucirostra bifasciata C.L. Brehm, 1827a: 85
illustrated its head as figure 12 on the plate (Thüringer Wald).
opposite page 182. AMNH 457078 is the Now Loxia leucoptera bifasciata (C.L. Brehm,
specimen figured there, and the number 12 1827). See Hartert, 1904a: 123–124; Hartert, 1918:
appears on the reverse of Brehm’s label. 13; Vaurie, 1959: 652–653; Howell et al., 1986: 293;
Others of the Brehm specimens in AMNH Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement, 2010: 604–605.
also bear numbers that correspond to the
numbers of the figures in Brehm (1853: pl. LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457068, male, col-
opp. p. 182). This is contra van Rossem lected in Thüringer Forest (5 Thüringer
(1934: 359, pl. 27), who thought that one Wald, as on label), Germany, on 10 August
might ‘‘infer’’ that Brehm had picked a very 1826. From the C.L. Brehm Collection via
small male as a model for his illustration of the Rothschild Collection.
the head of minor. He surmised that ZMB COMMENTS: In the original description,
6982 matched the specimen figured as no. 12 Brehm described in great detail the adult male,
in Brehm (1853: plate opp. p. 182) and added immature male, female, and young, without
further: ‘‘The illustration, which accompanies saying exactly how many specimens he
[Brehm’s] revision of the crossbills in ‘Nau- examined, except for two males molting into
mannia’ for 1853, so accurately depicts the adult plumage, the description of one of these
bill of [ZMB] number 6982 that in all having been sent to him by Gourcy-Droitau-
likelihood it was taken from that specimen. mont. Four Brehm specimens were cataloged
Since minor is a Lichtenstein manuscript as bifasciata at AMNH. Hartert (1918: 13)
name the basis must have been Berlin listed the type as the single male specimen
Museum specimens, and since Dr. Strese- collected on 10 August 1826, thereby desig-
mann’s action has eliminated the two larger nating it the lectotype. Two of the three
birds from consideration, and since Brehm’s additional specimens are paralectotypes:
figure matches exactly one of the smaller AMNH 457069, male, and AMNH 457070,
ones, it seems proper to designate adult male female, collected in the Thüringer Forest on
number 6982 as the type. It was collected in 12 August 1826. The fourth specimen,
‘Nord-America’ by Schumann, but further AMNH 457071, also collected in 1826, was
data are lacking.’’ exchanged to ZFMK and may be a para-
ZMB 6982 has been dismounted and now lectotype if it was labeled bifasciata by Brehm.
has a label with information added to it later Brehm (1827b: cols. 714–716) discussed
by Stresemann. It was collected on the ‘‘Black bifasciata and later, he (Brehm, 1853: 245–
River 50 engl. Meilen oberhalb seiner Mün- 248, fig. no. 16 on unnumbered plate, opp.
dung in Michigan, Jan/Mar 1834. Franz p. 182) provided a summary of his informa-
Schumann & Albert Koch.’’ Schumann col- tion on this form. The reverse of Brehm’s
lected with Albert Koch and his brother label of the lectotype is numbered ‘‘No. 16’’
roughly between 1832 and 1835 in North in Brehm’s hand.
America. There is nothing to connect this
specimen with Lichtenstein either on the label Crucirostra assimilis C.L. Brehm
or in Lichtenstein’s published catalogs of 1823 Crucirostra assimilis C.L. Brehm, 1853: 253
or 1854 (S. Frahnert, personal commun.). (Rhoda).
Now Loxia leucoptera bifasciata (C.L. Brehm, Now Pyrrhula nipalensis waterstradti Hartert,
1827). See Hartert, 1918: 13; Vaurie, 1959: 652– 1902. See Hartert, 1902e: 577; Hartert, 1919a:
653; Howell et al., 1968: 293; Dickinson, 2003: 161; Howell et al., 1968: 294; Dickinson, 2003:
756; and Clement, 2010: 604. 756; Wells, 2007: 721–723; Clement, 2010: 607.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 457076, juvenile fe- HOLOTYPE: AMNH 714783, adult male,
male, captured in the Roda Valley, Germany, collected on Mount Tahan (Gunong Tahan,
on 12 July 1846, by Dr. Richter, and died in as on label), 5000–7000 ft, 04.34N, 102.17E
captivity on 4 September 1846. From the Brehm (Times atlas), Pahang, Malaysia, in October
Collection via the Rothschild Collection. 1901, by J. Waterstradt. From the Rothschild
COMMENTS: Brehm had the single speci- Collection.
men when he described assimilis; the reverse COMMENTS: Only the adult male was
of Brehm’s label bears ‘‘Nr. 19,’’ the number described in the original description of water-
of the figure in the unnumbered plate in stradti, although Hartert mentioned that a
Brehm (1853: opp. p. 182). ‘‘pair in moult’’ had been obtained. The
second specimen was a female, collected at
Crucirostra orientalis C.L. Brehm the same time and is the paratype: AMNH
Crucirostra orientalis C.L. Brehm, 1853: 251 (near 714784. Hartert (1902e: 577) included this
Vienna). form in his report on Waterstradt’s entire
Now Loxia leucoptera bifasciata (Brehm, 1827). collection, and there he described the female.
See Hartert, 1904a: 123; Hartert, 1918: 13;
Vaurie, 1959: 632–633; Howell et al., 1968: 293; Pyrrhula erythaca taipaishanensis Rothschild
Dickinson, 2003: 756; and Clement, 2010: 604.
Pyrrhula erythaca taipaishanensis Rothschild,
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 457073, adult male, 1921: 63 (Tsin-ling Mts. (Mt. Tai-pai-shan)).
captured near Vienna, 48.13N, 16.22E (Times Now Pyrrhula erythaca erythaca Blyth, 1862. See
atlas), Austria, on 15 November 1826. From the Hartert, 1921: 2057; Hartert, 1928: 197; Vaurie,
Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection. 1959: 658–659; Howell et al., 1968: 295–296;
LeCroy and Dickinson, 2001: 189; Dickinson,
COMMENTS: Brehm apparently had two
2003: 756; and Clement, 2010: 608.
specimens when he described this form. The
male was captured near Vienna and pur- LECTOTYPE: AMNH 714691, adult male,
chased in the Vienna bird market on 15 collected on Taibai Mountain (5 Taipai
November 1826 by Count Gourcy-Droitau- Shan), Qinling Range (5 Tsin-ling Moun-
mont, who sent it to Brehm when it died. tains), Shaanxi, China (Chang, 1987: 997), on
This specimen was listed as the type of 17 June 1905, by collectors for Alan Owston.
orientalis by Hartert (1918: 13), thereby From the Rothschild Collection.
designating it the lectotype. Brehm mistak- COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate
enly thought this form lived in the Hima- a type in the original description but said that
layas, and it is so noted on the reverse of he had 33 male, 8 female, and one juvenile
Brehm’s label along with the number 18. This male specimens. Hartert’s (1928: 197) listing
refers to figure 18 in Brehm (1853: 251 and of a male collected on 17 June 1905 as the
unnumbered plate opp. p. 182), an illustra- type did not serve to unambiguously desig-
tion of this specimen. nate a lectotype, as there are three males
A second specimen, a female, was captured collected on that date. The male bearing
in the Thüringer Forest, Germany, in August Rothschild’s type label, now AMNH 714691,
[1826] and acquired by Förster Bonde, from was designated the lectotype of taipaishanen-
whom Brehm obtained it. It was cataloged at sis by LeCroy and Dickinson (2001: 189).
AMNH as AMNH 457072 and exchanged to The 41 paralectotypes, all collected by
ZFMK. It is the paralectotype. Owston’s collectors on Taipai Shan, Tsin-
ling Mountains, in 1905, are: AMNH
Pyrrhula waterstradti Hartert 714692–714717, 714719–714723, 714732,
Pyrrhula waterstradti Hartert, 1902h: 69 (Mount males, 4 June–23 July; AMNH 714724–
Tahan (5000–7000 feet) in North Pahang, 714731, females, 7–23 July; AMNH 714718,
Eastern Malay Peninsula). juvenile male, 18 July. All of the specimens
bear the number ‘‘79,’’ which probably unwilling at that time to accept that there
indicates a species number. were two species of Pyrrhula on Taiwan and
There are two specimens in AMNH from thought, instead, that owstoni should be
this series that are not paralectotypes: considered a subspecies of nipalensis, with
AMNH 295266, male, 12 July 1905, and uchidai a synonym. Later workers have
AMNH 295267, female, 18 July 1905. Both shown that there are, indeed, two species on
of these specimens had been purchased from Taiwan. Of Rothschild and Hartert’s type
the dealer W.F.H. Rosenberg and presented series, paratype AMNH 714758 has proven
to the Ornithology Department by Leonard to be a specimen of Pyrrhula nipalensis
C. Sanford in 1931. They had undoubtedly uchidai; the other three paratypes in female
been among specimens turned over to Ro- plumage appear to be P. e. owstoni, although
senberg for sale, as one of them still bears a there are no other specimens in AMNH of
Rothschild Museum label. However, because the two forms with which to compare them.
Rothschild listed his type series, all of which The ‘‘O.C.’’ numbers on the English and
came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collec- Japanese Owston labels differ. The number
tion, these two specimens must have been on the Japanese labels for all of these
turned over to Rosenberg before the descrip- specimens is ‘‘31,’’ which is crossed out.
tion was written. ‘‘F.38’’ appears on the reverse of the Japa-
Coordinates for Tai-pai-Shan are 33.57N, nese labels and on the English labels as the
107.40E (USBGN, 1974). ‘‘O.C.’’ number. Both of these numbers may
be species or collector’s numbers; the ‘‘F’’
Pyrrhula owstoni Rothschild and Hartert may indicate ‘‘Formosa.’’
Many authors give the describers of
Pyrrhula owstoni Rothschild and Hartert, 1907: 9
owstoni as Hartert and Rothschild, but
(Mt. Arizan).
Now Pyrrhula erythaca owstoni Rothschild and
Hartert never put his own name before that
Hartert, 1907. See Hartert, 1919a: 160; Howell of Rothschild. In the description, the title
et al., 1968: 296; Dickinson, 2003: 756; Clement, says: which ‘‘the Hon. Walter Rothschild and
2010: 608. he proposed to describe…,’’ and Hartert
(1919a: 160) himself listed it as ‘‘Rothschild
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 714757, adult male, and Hartert.’’
collected on A-li Shan (5 Mount Arizan),
23.32N, 120.48E (USBGN, 1974), Taiwan (5 Pyrrhula minor C.L. Brehm
Formosa, as on label), on 4 December
‘‘1907,’’ by collectors for Alan Owston. From Pyrrhula minor C.L. Brehm, 1834: col. 253 (bei
Greifswald erlegt).
the Rothschild Collection.
Now Pyrrhula pyrrhula europoea Vieillot, 1816. See
COMMENTS: The type, designated in the Hartert, 1918: 11; Vaurie, 1956c: 5–15; Vaurie,
original description, was the single male 1959: 661; Howell et al., 1986: 297; Dickinson,
collected; an additional three females and 2003: 756–757; and Clement, 2010: 609–610.
one young male formed the type series. These
four paratypes, all collected on Mount HOLOTYPE: AMNH 456757, adult male,
Arizan, are: AMNH 714758, male, 17 De- Greifswald, 54.06N, 13.24E (Times atlas),
cember ‘‘1907’’; AMNH 714759, male (con- Germany, on 16 February 1833, by E.F. von
sidered a female by Hartert), 4 December Homeyer. From the Brehm Collection via the
1906; AMNH 714760 and 714761, two Rothschild Collection.
females, 4 December 1906. Because this COMMENTS: In the original description,
description was published on 29 October Brehm based his name on a specimen sent to
1907, the December 1907 date of collection him by von Homeyer, collected in February
on two of the specimens cannot be correct. 1833. He described only the male and
These specimens all bear two Owston apparently had the single specimen.
labels, one in Japanese and the other with
the data translated into English. Hartert Eophona melanura migratoria Hartert
(1919a: 160) thought that the date error Eophona melanura migratoria Hartert, 1903: 59
might have arisen in translation. He also was (Sidimi).
Now Eophona migratoria migratoria Hartert, 1903. April). Only two males, two female plumaged
See Hartert, 1919a: 154, Vaurie, 1956c: 15–19, birds, and the immature male were found in
Howell et al., 1968: 301, Dickinson, 2003: 757, AMNH; the remaining paratypes were prob-
and Clement, 2010: 613.
ably among borrowed specimens. Paratypes
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 709253, adult male, in AMNH: City of Mexico, AMNH 41788,
collected in the Sedimi (5 Sidimi) River adult male, AMNH 41789, female, undated,
valley, Ussuri, eastern Siberia, Russia, on 24 from the G.N. Lawrence Collection, cata-
May 1884, by the Dörries brothers (no. 698). loged in 1889 and labeled mexicanus by
From the Rothschild Collection. Chapman; Las Vigas, AMNH 153359, im-
COMMENTS: Hartert designated the Dör- mature male, 21 April 1897, AMNH 153360,
ries brothers specimen no. 698 as the type in adult male, 21 April 1897, AMNH 153361,
the original description. He did not mention [female plumage], 24 April 1897, all collected
additional specimens. The Sedimi River is at by Chapman. These last three paratypes and
43.00N, 131.29E (USBGN, 1959). the holotype represent the four specimens
Howell et al. (1968: 301) included migratoria that Chapman (1898: 42) later said that he
in the genus Cocothraustes, but most other collected at Las Vigas.
authors have retained the genus Eophona. Grinnell (1917: 17–22), in a study of
Hesperiphona vespertina showed that USNM
Eophona personata magnirostris Hartert 35150 from Mirador, Vera Cruz, Mexico,
Eophona personata magnirostris Hartert, 1896d: 38 should be considered the type of H. v.
(Amur-land). montana Ridgway and that, therefore, H. v.
Now Eophona personata magnirostris Hartert, mexicanus became a synonym of montana
1896. See Hartert, 1919a: 154; Vaurie, 1959: (Grinnell, 1917: 18). Hellmayr (1938: 148)
665; Howell et al., 1968: 302; Dickinson, 2003: agreed with this conclusion as did Deignan
757; and Clement, 2010: 613. (1961: 606–607); also see below.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 709291, adult male,
[Coccothraustes vespertina montana Mearns,
collected in Amur Bay, Siberia, on 10 April
ex Ridg.]
1894, by the Dörries brothers. From the
Rothschild Collection. The two specimens bearing AMNH type
COMMENTS: In the original description, labels and marked as above, AMNH 52480
Hartert designated as type the Dörries’ and AMNH 52490, have no standing as types.
specimen collected on 10 April 1894 and did The type of Hesperiphona vespertina montana
not mention any other specimens. Ridgway, 1874, is in USNM (Grinnell, 1917:
17–22; Deignan, 1961: 606–607). AMNH
Coccothraustes vespertinus mexicanus 52480 is a female, collected at Fort Verde,
Chapman Arizona, on 14 August 1885, by Mearns
Coccothraustes vespertinus mexicanus Chapman, (no. 4163), long after Ridgway’s description
1897: 311 (Las Vigas, Vera Cruz, Mexico, alt., in 1874, and is his ‘‘type’’ of the adult female
8000 feet). (Mearns, 1890: 247). AMNH 52490 is a male,
Now Hesperiphona vespertina montana Ridgway, collected at Oak Creek, near Fort Verde,
1874. See Grinnell, 1917: 17–22; Hellmayr, 1938: Arizona, on 14 August 1885, by Mearns
148–149; Howell et al., 1968: 304–305; Dick- (no. 4165) and is discussed as a young male in
inson, 2003: 757; and Clement, 2010: 615–616.
first plumage (Mearns, 1890: 248). Because
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 68480, adult male, they have long been in the type collection at
collected at Las Vigas, 8000 ft, 19.39N, AMNH with type labels, they remain there
97.08W (Times atlas), Vera Cruz, Mexico, with an additional label to explain that they
on 24 April 1897, by Mateo Trujillo and have no nomenclatural standing.
Frank M. Chapman. Deignan (1961: 606–607) discussed the
COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH Ridgway type of montana in USNM. Ridg-
number of the holotype in the original way did not specifically designate a type
description and said that he had four males, when he named the form. Grinnell (1917: 18–
four females, and a young male (taken on 21 19) explained in detail why he considered
USNM 35150 from near Mirador, near Vera Now Nigrita canicapillus schistaceus Sharpe, 1891.
Cruz, Mexico, to be the type of montana and See Reichenow, 1892: 47; Hartert, 1919: 144;
so indicated in the original description (also, Mayr et al., 1968: 310; Dickinson, 2003: 726–
see above). Zimmer (1953: 213) accepted 727; Fry and Keith, 2004: 255–257; and Payne,
2010: 306–307.
Grinnell’s explanation and added relevant
details. Deignan accepted USNM 35150 as SYNTYPE: AMNH 727929, adult unsexed,
the type. But he adds: ‘‘Despite all this, the collected at Bukoba, 01.20S, 31.49E (Polhill,
label of a skin from Cantonment Burgwyn, 1988), Lake Victoria, Tanzania, November
New Mexico (No. 11960), is the one that 1890, by Emin Pasha. From the the Roth-
bears the words ‘Type of supposed ‘var. shild Collection.
montana’–RR.’’ It is this specimen that COMMENTS: Reichenow’s description of
Mearns (1890: 247) listed as the ‘‘type’’ of sparsimguttata was published 17 December
the adult male, USNM 11960, collected at 1891 in Sitzungsberichte der Allgemeinen
Cantonment Burgwyn, New Mexico, on 3 Deutschen Ornithologischen Gesellschaft zu
June 1859, by W.W. Anderson, and noted Berlin (9: 4) [reprinted in Journal fuer
that it was indistinguishable from nominate Ornithologie, 1892, 40: 132]. In the original
vespertina. I do not consider that Mearns, by description, Reichenow did not designate a
listing this specimen as the ‘‘type’’ of the male type or say how many specimens he exam-
of montana designated it the lectotype of the ined. Hartert (1919a: 144) listed this specimen
name montana because he also listed a ‘‘type’’ as a ‘‘Co-type’’ (5 syntype) of sparsimguttata
of the female, thus not treating a single and considered it a synonym of N. canicapillus
specimen as the lectotype. schistaceus Sharpe, which had been published
in January 1891 (Sharpe, 1891: 118). In his
ESTRILDIDAE report on Emin’s and Stuhlmann’s collections
Reichenow (1892: 47) gave details about the
Payne (2010: 235–248) has summarized the earlier publication of sparsimguttata and 1–25
results of recent mitochondrial and nuclear November as the dates when Emin was in
DNA studies of Estrildidae. Bukoba. In addition to the original label, the
specimen bears a Rothschild type label. Emin
Parmoptila ansorgei Hartert (1891) himself reported on this trip, and on
Parmoptila ansorgei Hartert, 1904b: 72 (Golungo page 346 listed this form as N. canicapilla.
Alto, North Angola). Mayr et al. (1968: 310) recognized both N.
Now Parmoptila woodhousei ansorgei Hartert, c. schistaceus and N. c. sparsimguttatus, using
1904. See Hartert, 1920: 432; Mayr et al., the incorrect publication date of 1892 for the
1968: 308; Dean, 2000: 321; Woodcock, 2003: latter. Most other authors have considered
274–277; Dickinson, 2003: 726; Fry and Keith, the two to be synonyms.
2004: 261–263; and Payne, 2010: 305.
that Doherty had collected ‘‘a series’’; four information on some of his collecting local-
specimens came to AMNH with the Roth- ities.
schild Collection. Hartert (1919a: 144), by
noting that the type was a male collected in Pytelia phoenicoptera emini Hartert
March at 8500 ft, designated as lectotype the Pytelia phoenicoptera emini Hartert, 1899a: 413
only specimen with those data, now AMNH (Lado).
727970. It bears a Rothschild type label. The Now Pytilia phoenicoptera emini Hartert, 1899. See
paralectotypes are: Escarpment, AMNH Hartert, 1919a: 143; Mayr et al., 1968: 312;
727971, adult male, March 1901, 8000 ft; Dickinson, 2003: 727; Fry and Keith, 2004: 352–
AMNH 727972, adult male, January 1901, 353; and Payne, 2010: 332.
8500 ft; AMNH 727973, female, February HOLOTYPE: AMNH 728593, adult male,
1901, 8500 ft. collected at Lado, 05.10N, 31.32E (Times
In his moving memorial to Doherty, atlas), Sudan, on 14 June 1881, by Emin
Hartert (1901c: 503–504) quoted from Doh- Pasha (no. 169). From the Rothschild Col-
erty’s letters concerning his whereabouts at lection.
the time his last collections were made and COMMENTS: The single specimen in the
(Hartert, 1902g: 620) made further comments Rothschild Collection with the above data
about the ‘‘Escarpment’’ locality. The ‘‘Es- was designated the holotype in the original
carpment’’ of Doherty’s collecting was on the description. A second specimen in BMNH
eastern side of the Rift Valley and was not ‘‘mentioned by Dr. Sharpe in Cat. B. Brit.
the ‘‘Mau Escarpment,’’ as reported in the Mus. v. XIII. p. 301, from Lado, agrees in
original description of this form, which is on every respect with the one in the [Rothschild
the western side. Doherty was in the Kikuyu Collection].’’ That specimen is a paratype of
Mountains near the Escarpment station of emini.
the Uganda Railroad at 01.01S, 36.37E Mayr et al. (1968: 312) synonymized emini
(Polhill, 1988), which was about ‘‘halfway with nominate P. phoenicoptera, but more
between Ft. Smith (Nairobi) and Naivasha recent authors have recognized it. Traylor (in
station’’ and was ‘‘in October 1900 the Mayr et al., 1968: 312, fn.) chose the earlier
terminus of the railway.’’ spelling Pytilia for the generic name, and
others have followed that spelling since.
Pytelia ansorgei Hartert
Pytelia ansorgei Hartert, 1899d: xxvi (Wemo Pytelia percivali van Someren
River, Toru, Uganda Protectorate). Pytelia percivali van Someren, 1919: 56 (Loita).
Now Nesocharis ansorgei (Hartert, 1899). See Now Pytilia melba percivali van Someren, 1919.
Hartert, 1900b: 25–53; Hartert, 1919a: 143; See Hartert, 1928: 196; Mayr et al., 1968: 314;
Mayr et al., 1968: 311; Dickinson, 2003: 727; Dickinson, 2003: 727; Fry and Keith, 2004: 354–
Fry and Keith, 2004: 268–269; and Payne, 2010: 358; and Payne, 2010: 331.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 728744, adult female,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451898, adult male, collected at Loita, Kenya, on 9 July 1918, by
collected on the Ruimi (5 Wimi, Wemo, or A. Blayney Percival. From the V.G.L. van
Wemi, as on labels) River, 00.26N, 30.00E– Someren Collection via the Rothschild Col-
00.20N, 30.17E (Polhill, 1988), Toro (5 lection.
Toru), Uganda, on 21 April 1899, by W.J. COMMENTS: In the original description,
Ansorge (no. 379). From the Rothschild van Someren said that the type of percivali
Collection. was a specimen in the Rothschild Collection
COMMENTS: No type was designated in the bearing the above data. Hartert (1928: 196)
original description, but Hartert (1900b: 42) noted that the type was the only specimen
noted that Ansorge collected ‘‘one male in a from the Loita Plains (ca. 01.15S, 35.35E,
wretched condition—the head smashed.’’ Polhill, 1988), in the Rothschild Collection.
This specimen was collected on Ansorge’s Van Someren described both male and
third collecting trip, on which Hartert female, but did not say how many specimens
(1900b: 25–26) reported in detail, giving he examined.
Pytelia melba mosambica van Someren Payne (2010: 311–312) synonymized virgi-
niae with M. n. schlegeli, whereas other
Pytelia melba mosambica van Someren, 1919: 55
(Lumbo). authors have recognized it. The entirely red
Now Pytilia melba grotei Reichenow, 1919. See bill and the wash of golden yellow on the
Hartert, 1928: 196, Mayr et al., 1968: 314–315; back of the male do not seem to be matched
Dickinson, 2003: 727; Fry and Keith, 2004: 354– by specimens of schlegeli in AMNH, and I
358; and Payne, 2010: 331. believe further study is warranted once more
specimens from Bioko are available.
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 728698, adult male,
Hartert (1919a: 146–147) introduced the
collected at Lumbo, 15.00S, 40.40E (Times
name Mandingoa as a new generic name for
atlas), Mozambique, on 6 August 1918.
Lagonosticta nitidula Hartlaub, 1886.
From the V.G.L. van Someren Collection
via the Rothschild Collection.
Pyrenestes ostrinus rothschildi Neumann
COMMENTS: In the original description,
van Someren said that the type, in the Pyrenestes ostrinus rothschildi Neumann, 1910: 528
Rothschild Collection, was a male collected (Warri).
at Lumbo on 6 August 1918 but did not Now Pyrenestes ostrinus (Vieillot, 1805). See
enumerate the specimens he examined. Only Hartert, 1919a: 144; Chapin, 1954b: 490–494;
two specimens came to AMNH with the Mayr et al., 1968: 319–320; Smith, 1990: 381–
414; Dickinson, 2003: 728; Fry and Keith, 2004:
Rothschild Collection, both males and both
317–321; and Payne, 2010: 322.
collected on the same date. Hartert (1928:
196) does not further distinguish between the LECTOTYPE: AMNH 728281, adult male,
two specimens. AMNH 728698 bears the collected at Warri, 05.36N 05.50E (Chapin,
Rothschild type label filled in perhaps by van 1954a), lower Niger River, southern Nigeria,
Someren, and his original label is marked on 11 May 1897, by Felix Roth. From the
‘‘Type’’ on the reverse. Because this is the Rothschild Collection.
intended type, I hereby designate AMNH COMMENTS: In the original description,
728698 the lectotype of mosambica in order Neumann designated as the type a male
to remove the ambiguity associated with collected at Warri on 11 May 1897 and listed
the presence of identical data on the two his type series: in the Rothschild Collection,
specimens. There is one paralectotype in three males, two females from Warri; two
AMNH: AMNH 728699, adult male, males, four females, one juvenile from Bu-
Lumbo, 6 August 1918, from V.G.L. van guma and Degama, Niger Delta; one female
Someren and marked ‘‘sp. nov.,’’ but no type from Abutshi. Also in his type series were a
status indicated. male and a female from Cameroon in the
Berlin Museum. All three of the males from
Hypargos nitidulus virginiae Amadon Warri were collected on the same date; one of
Hypargos nitidulus virginiae Amadon, 1953: 432 them is not the type as it is molting into adult
(Opu River, Fernando Po). plumage, but the other two males cannot be
Now Mandingoa nitidula virginiae (Amadon, differentiated on the basis of the type descrip-
1953). See Mayr et al., 1968: 316; Dickinson, tion nor from Hartert’s (1919a: 144) listing of
2003: 727; Fry and Keith, 2004: 275–277; and the type. AMNH 728281 was Neumann’s
Payne, 2010: 311–312.
intended type as the Rothschild Museum label
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 298108, adult male, is annotated by Neumann with the new name
collected on the Rio Opu, Bioko Island (5 and ‘‘Typus,’’ and it bears a Rothschild type
Fernando Po), Equatorial Guinea, on 8 label. This specimen was cataloged as the type
September 1929, by J.G. Correia (no. 2361). when the Rothschild Collection came to
COMMENTS: Amadon gave the AMNH AMNH and has always been so considered;
number of the holotype in the original in order to remove the ambiguity, I hereby
description and noted that Correia had designate AMNH 728281 the lectotype of
collected a female also. The paratype is Pyrenestes ostrinus rothschildi.
AMNH 298109, female, Rio Opu, 8 Septem- Paralectotypes in AMNH are difficult to
ber 1929, by Correia. list with certainty. The two additional males
and two females collected by Roth at Warri Ogowe (5 Ogooué, as on label) River,
are definitely paralectotypes: AMNH 728282, Gabon, on 22 September 1907, by W.J.
male; AMNH 728283, sexed as a male but in Ansorge (no. 756). From the Rothschild
female plumage; AMNH 728284, sexed as a Collection.
female but in male plumage with the only COMMENTS: Neumann, who noted in the
sign of immaturity a brown crown (these original description that the type was in the
latter two specimens may have had the labels Rothschild Collection, had a single female
put on the wrong bird), collected on 11 May collected at Lambarene on 22 September
1897; AMNH 728285, female, collected on 15 1907; Hartert (1919a: 144) cited Ansorge’s
May 1897. Also a definite paralectotype: field number of the holotype. Neumann listed
AMNH 728286, female, collected at Abutshi his type series; all of those that were in the
by Kemp in September 1901. The seven Rothschild Collection are now in AMNH;
specimens listed by Neumann from Buguma there are six additional paratypes in ZMB.
and Degama collected by Ansorge, all in Paratypes in AMNH: Congo (Kinshasa),
1902, are more problematic. There are nine Manyanga, AMNH 728297, male, no date;
specimens in AMNH from those localities, Buta, Welle District, AMNH 728302, un-
some of which bear both the names coccineus sexed [male], 1906. Gabon, Abanga River,
and rothschildi. In some cases coccineus is Ogowe River, AMNH 728304–728306, males
marked out, in other cases not. I have (not females, as listed by Neumann); Lam-
included as paralectotypes only those speci- barene, Ogowe River, AMNH 728307–
mens which bear the name rothschildi written 728309, 728311, 728313, four males, one
by Neumann, whether or not the name female (in addition to the type). AMNH
coccineus appears: Buguma, AMNH 728287, 728312, female from Lambarene is not
male, 5 June; AMNH 728289, female, 16 labeled gabunensis and is not considered a
July; AMNH 728290, female, 21 May; paratype.
AMNH 728291, female, 21 May; AMNH
728292, female, 9 May. Degama, AMNH Pyrenestes ostrinus maximus Chapin
728294, male, 15 March; AMNH 728295, Pyrenestes ostrinus maximus Chapin, 1923: 8
female juvenile, 9 May. AMNH 728288, (Faradje, Upper Uelle distr., Belgian Congo).
male, 16 July, from Buguma, and AMNH Now Pyrenestes ostrinus (Vieillot, 1805). See
728293, male, 3 August, from Degama have Chapin, 1954b: 490–498; Mayr et al., 1968:
only the name coccineus written by Neu- 319–320; Smith, 1990: 381–414; Dickinson,
mann, and are not considered paralectotypes. 2003: 728; Fry and Keith, 2004: 317–321; and
Species and subspecies recognition has Payne, 2010: 322.
varied greatly over time and the concensus
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 162176, adult male,
of opinion most recently is that three species
collected at Faradje, 03.45N, 29.43E (Times
comprising a superspecies should be recog-
atlas), Upper Uelle district, Congo (Kin-
nized: Pyrenestes minor, P. ostrinus, and P.
shasa) (5 Belgian Congo), on 14 April 1911,
sanguineus, with P. ostrinus monotypic (see
by James P. Chapin on the Lang-Chapin
Fry and Keith, 2004: 317–318, and Payne,
Congo Expedition.
2010: 322–323).
COMMENTS: Chapin gave the AMNH
number and measurements of the holotype
Pyrenestes ostrinus gabunensis Neumann
in the original description, mentioning no
Pyrenestes ostrinus gabunensis Neumann, 1910: other specimens.
528 (Lambarene, Ogowe).
Now Pyrenestes ostrinus (Vieillot, 1805). See Spermospiza haematina leonina Neumann
Hartert, 1919a: 144; Chapin, 1954b: 490–494;
Mayr et al., 1968: 319–320; Smith 1990: 381– Spermospiza haematina leonina Neumann, 1910:
414; Dickinson, 2003: 728; Fry and Keith, 2004: 523 (Bo, Sierra Leone).
317–321; and Payne, 2010: 322. Now Spermophaga haematina haematina (Vieillot,
1805). See Hartert, 1919a: 137; Mayr et al.,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 728310, female, Lam- 1968: 321–322; Dickinson, 2003: 728; Fry and
baréné, 00.41S, 10.12E (Chapin, 1954a: 685), Keith, 2004: 314–315; and Payne, 2010: 323.
November 1908, by Rudolf Grauer (no. 3767). same genus, both of Hartlaub’s names may
From the Rothschild Collection. be used.
COMMENTS: Rothschild did not designate
a type in the original description, describing Lagonosticta senegala erythreae Neumann
only the male but saying that Grauer had Lagonosticta senegala erythreae Neumann, 1905:
collected a small series. Hartert (1919a: 141) 349 (Adarte).
listed Grauer specimen no. 3767 as the type, Now Lagonosticta senegala rhodopsis (Heuglin,
thereby designating it the lectotype of 1863). See Hartert, 1919a: 147–148; Wolters,
graueri, but at the same time, because he 1958: 204–207; Mayr et al., 1968: 327; Dick-
included both Lagonosticta graueri Roth- inson 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004: 360–364;
schild, 1909, and Estrilda atricapilla graueri Ash and Atkins, 2009: 348; and Payne, 2010:
Neumann, 1908, in the genus Estrilda, where 337–338.
they are homonyms, he provided the new HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451148, adult male,
name Estrilda cinereovinacea rudolfi for collected at Adarte, Bogosland, Eritrea, on
Lagonosticta graueri. Because the two former 16 November (not February) 1899, by G.
names are not now included in the genus Schrader. From the Rothschild Collection.
Estrilda, Rothschild’s name can be used for COMMENTS: In the original description,
Euschistospiza cinereovinacea graueri, of Neumann designated as the type the single
which Hartert’s rudolfi now becomes an specimen of this form in the Rothschild
objective synonym; they share the same type. Collection and also included specimens in
Rothschild’s paralectotypes are: Near Bar- ZMB from ‘‘Nubien,’’ collected by Hemprich
aka, 1900 m., AMNH 451289–451300, five and Ehrenberg. Hartert (1919a: 147) called
males, seven females, 26 October–30 Novem- attention to the incorrect citation of the month
ber 1908; west of Lake Tanganika, AMNH of collection in the original description.
451301, 451302, males, 7 and 30 July 1908, all Ash and Atkins (2009: 399) gave two
collected by Rudolf Grauer. I did not find alternative spellings of Adarte. The correct
AMNH 451291 and 451299 in the collection one in this case must be Aderde, 15.40N,
and they were perhaps exchanged without the 38.08E, as the coordinates for the Bogos
catalog having been marked. Mountains are 15.46N, 38.30E (Ash and
Atkins, 2009: 405).
[Hypargus harterti Shelley]
Shelley (1903: 30) proposed Hypargus Lagonosticta senegala abayensis Neumann
harterti as a replacement name for Lagonos- Lagonosticta senegala abayensis Neumann, 1905:
ticta (5 Hypargus) nitidula Hartlaub, 1886, 349 (Giditscho im Abaya-See).
not Estrelda (5 Hypargus) nitidula Hartlaub, Now Lagonosticta senegala brunneiceps Sharpe,
1885, when the two nominal taxa are placed 1890. See Hartert, 1919a: 147; Wolters, 1958:
in the same genus. Hypargus harterti thus has 204–207; Mayr et al., 1968: 327; Dickinson,
the same type as Lagonosticta nitidula Hart- 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004: 360–364; Ash
and Atkins, 2009: 348; and Payne, 2010: 337–
laub, 1886, which is not in AMNH. Hartert
(1919a: 145–146) was in error when he
attempted to typify Shelley’s name, harterti, HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451152, adult male,
with a specimen from Sagua, Quanza River, collected on Gidicho (5 Giditscho) Island,
Angola, which Shelley (1903: 30) said had 06.25N, 37.54E (Ash and Atkins, 2009: 411),
convinced him that a new name was needed. Lake Abay (5 Abaya), Ethiopia, on 27
That specimen is now AMNH 451305, male, December 1900, by Oscar Neumann
collected at Sagua, Quanza River, on 21 (no. 502). From the Rothschild Collection.
May 1901, by C. Hubert Pemberton. For a COMMENTS: Neumann cited his unique
discussion, see Chapin (1954b: 531–533). field number for the holotype in the original
Because it bears a Rothschild type label, it description and did not mention other
remains in the AMNH type collection with a specimens. He included his specimens from
label added to explain its status. Because the Gelo in brunneiceps, of which his abayensis is
two forms named nitidula are no longer in the now considered a synonym.
Lagonosticta senegalla (sic) kikuyuensis van 328; Dean, 2000: 325–326; Dickinson, 2003: 729;
Someren Fry and Keith, 2004: 360–364; and Payne, 2010:
Lagonosticta senegalla (sic) kikuyuensis van Som-
eren, 1919: 55 (Nairobi). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451204, adult male,
Now Lagonosticta senegala ruberrima, Reichenow, collected at Humpata, 14.57S, 13.16E (Dean,
1903. See van Someren, 1922: 164; Hartert, 2000: 378), Huı́la, Angola, on 16 February
1928: 196; Mayr et al., 1968: 327; Dickinson, 1906, by W.J. Ansorge (no. 276). From the
2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004: 360–364; and Rothschild Collection.
Payne, 2010: 337–338. COMMENTS: In the original description,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451168, adult female, Zedlitz gave Ansorge’s original number of
collected at Nairobi, 01.17S, 36.50E (Times the holotype and said that it was in the
atlas), Kenya, on 17 February 1917. From Rothschild Collection. He described both
the V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the male and female but did not list specimens
Rothschild Collection. he examined.
COMMENTS: In the original description, L. s. pallidicrissa is usually synonymized
van Someren noted that his female type from with rendalli, but it was recognized by Dean
Nairobi, collected on 17 February 1917, was (2000: 325–326).
in the Rothschild Collection; he did not say
how many specimens he examined, but noted Lagonosticta rhodopareia umbriventer van
that males of kikuyuensis did not differ from Someren
ruberrima. The above holotype is the only Lagonosticta rhodopareia umbriventer van Som-
female van Someren specimen of this form eren, 1919: 54 (Embu, Kenia).
that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Now Lagonosticta rubricata congica Sharpe, 1890.
Collection. See van Someren, 1922: 163; Hartert, 1928: 196;
Mayr et al., 1968: 329; Dickinson, 2003: 729;
Lagonosticta senegala rendalli Hartert Fry and Keith, 2004: 371–373; Payne, 2010: 341.
Lagonosticta senegala rendalli Hartert, 1898a: 72 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 728829, adult male,
(Upper Shiré River). collected at Embu, 00.32S, 37.28E (Times
Now Lagonosticta senegala rendalli Hartert, 1898. atlas), Kenya (5 Kenia), on 9 June 1913.
See Hartert, 1919a: 147; Mayr et al., 1968: 328; From the V.G.L. van Someren Collection via
Dickinson, 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004: 360– the Rothschild Collection.
364; and Payne, 2010: 337–338. COMMENTS: In the original description,
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 451195, adult male, van Someren said that the type with the above
collected on the upper Shiré River, south of data was in the Rothschild Collection. I did
Lake Nyasa, Malawi, on 9 May 1895, by not find other van Someren specimens in
Percy Rendall (no. 13). From the Rothschild AMNH that could be considered paratypes.
Collection. Mayr et al. (1968: 329) and Dickinson
COMMENTS: In the original description, (2003: 729) synonymized umbriventer with
Hartert designated a male and a female ugandae; Fry and Keith (2004: 371–373) and
specimen as syntypes of rendalli. Hartert Payne (2010: 341) further synonymized ugan-
(1919a: 147) listed the male bearing Rendall’s dae with congica.
no. 13 as the type, thereby designating it the
lectotype of rendalli. The female, AMNH Lagonosticta jamesoni taruensis van Someren
451196, collected at the same locality on 4 Lagonosticta jamesoni taruensis van Someren,
March 1896 by Rendall (no. 183), is the 1919: 54 (Tsavo).
paralectotype. Now Lagonosticta rhodopareia jamesoni Shelley,
1882. See van Someren, 1922: 164; Hartert,
Lagonosticta senegala pallidicrissa Zedlitz 1928: 196; Mayr et al., 1968: 330; Dickinson,
2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004: 373–375; and
Lagonosticta senegala pallidicrissa Zedlitz, 1910: Payne, 2010: 342–343.
173 (Humpata (Angola)).
Now Lagonosticta senegala rendalli Hartert, 1898. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 728893, adult male,
See Hartert, 1919a: 147–148; Mayr et al., 1968: collected at Tsavo, 02.59S, 38.28E (Times
atlas), Kenya, on 14 March 1918. From the 728883–728889, five males, two females, 24–
V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the 27 July 1904; Bongo River, AMNH 728890,
Rothschild Collection. female, 5 August 1904; Pungo Andongo,
COMMENTS: In the original description, AMNH 728891, unsexed, 19 June 1903. Of
van Someren cited as the type the single male these, I did not find AMNH 728886 in the
in the Rothschild Collection bearing the above collection.
data. He noted that six males and two females Delacour (1943: 84) provided the replace-
were collected. The following two specimens ment name Estrilda jamesoni benguellensis for
are from the van Someren Collection and are Lagonosticta rhodopareia ansorgei Neumann,
considered paratypes: AMNH 728894, fe- 1908, preoccupied by Pytelia ansorgei Har-
male, Tsavo, 18 May 1918; AMNH 728895, tert, 1899, if Lagonosticta is merged with
male, Mombasa, 30 March 1916, collected by Estrilda. Traylor (1961: 164) then provided
Turner for van Someren. Other paratypes are the replacement name Estrilda jamesoni
in RMCA (Louette et al., 2002: 80). kabisombo for Estrilda jamesoni benguellensis
Delacour, 1943, preoccupied by Estrilda
Lagonosticta rhodopareia ansorgei Neumann paludicola benguellensis Neumann, 1908.
Estrilda jamesoni benguellensis Delacour Both replacement names share the same type
Estrilda jamesoni kabisombo Traylor as L. r. ansorgei Neumann, 1908.
Lagonosticta rhodopareia ansorgei Neumann, Uraeginthus bengalus schoanus Neumann
1908c: 58 (Kabisombo River near Quillengues,
Benguella). Uraeginthus bengalus schoanus Neumann, 1905:
Now Lagonosticta rhodopareia ansorgei Neumann, 350 (Ejere, Provinz Meta, Schoa).
1908. See Hartert, 1919a: 148; Mayr et al., 1968: Now Uraeginthus bengalus bengalus (Linnaeus,
330–331; Dean, 2000: 326; Dickinson, 2003: 729; 1766). See Hartert, 1919a: 140; Chapin, 1954b:
Fry and Keith, 2004: 373–375; and Payne, 2010: 560–562; Mayr et al., 1968: 333; Dickinson,
342–343. 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004: 327–329; Ash
and Atkins, 2009: 349; and Payne, 2010: 327.
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 728878, male, col-
lected on the Cabissombo (5 Kabisombo) LECTOTYPE: AMNH 451940, adult male,
River, 13.51S, 14.09E, near Quilengues (5 collected at Ejere, Meta, Shewa (5 Shoa),
Quillengues), 14.13S, 14.11E (Dean, 2000: Ethiopia, on 16 September 1900, by Oscar
370, 384), Huı́la, Angola, on 1 February Neumann (no. 14). From the Rothschild
1905, by W.J. Ansorge (no. 364). From the Collection.
Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description,
COMMENTS: Neumann noted in the orig- Neumann designated as syntypes the above
inal description that the type with the above male and a female (no. 15) with the same
data was in the Rothschild Collection. data. Hartert (1919a: 140) cited the male
However, there were two such specimens; (no. 14) as the type, thereby designating it
Hartert (1919a: 148) cited Ansorge’s unique the lectotype. The paralectotype is AMNH
specimen number 364 for the type, thereby 451941, female, collected at Ejere, on 16
designating it the lectotype. Neumann gave September 1900, by Neumann (no. 15).
the range of his new form as extending from Because Neumann designated syntypes, his
Pungo Andongo to South Benguella. This other specimens are excluded from the type
would include all of the Ansorge specimens series (ICZN, 1999: 77, Art. 72.4.6).
of this form that came to AMNH with the Neumann (1904: 321) listed his localities
Rothschild Collection. Paralectotypes in and noted that Ejere was now known as Adis
AMNH, all collected by Ansorge, are: Halem, listed by Ash and Akins (2009: 399)
Cabissombo River, AMNH 728879, male, 1 as Adis Alem, 09.03N, 38.23E.
February 1905; Fort Quilengues, AMNH
728880, male, 11 January 1905; Kimaholo Uraeginthus bengalus perpallidus Neumann
River, AMNH 728881, female, 29 January Uraeginthus bengalus perpallidus Neumann, 1905:
1905; Cabeca de Landroes, AMNH 728882, 351 (Goz abu Guma oder Kaka am Weissen
male, 29 July 1904; Elandswater, AMNH Nil).
Now Uraeginthus bengalus bengalus (Linnaeus, V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the
1766). See Hartert, 1919a: 140; Mayr et al., Rothschild Collection.
1968: 333; Dickinson, 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, COMMENTS: In the original description,
2004: 327–329; and Payne, 2010: 327. van Someren did not designate a type
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 451935, adult male, specimen, only indicating that the type was
collected at Goz abu Guma or Kaka, 10.41N, from Mombasa. Hartert (1928: 195) listed the
32.13E (Times atlas), on the White Nile, type as a van Someren specimen collected at
Sudan, on 15 or 16 June 1901 (as on label, Mombasa on 10 May 1918, thereby desig-
not 14 or 15 June as in description), by Oscar nating it the lectotype. It is labeled littoralis
Neumann. by van Someren on the reverse of his label.
COMMENTS: In the original description, Only this specimen from Mombasa is in
Neumann designated his two specimens, a AMNH, and no specimens from Lamu or
male and a female with the same data, as M’koi, the other two localities mentioned in
syntypes of perpallidus. By so doing, he the original description, came to AMNH
excluded other specimens from the type series with the Rothschild Collection.
(ICZN, 1999: 77, Art. 72.4.6). Hartert (1928: 195) called attention to the
Hartert (1919a: 140–141) listed the male as earlier mention of this form in van Someren
the type, thereby designating it the lectotype. (1918a: 258), where there is a description but
The paralectotype is AMNH 451936, female, no name is applied. There van Someren said
collected at Goz abu Guma or Kaka on the that he had five male and three female
White Nile, on 15 or 16 June 1901, by specimens collected at Manda, Mombassa,
Neumann. and Lamu. This earlier report was based on
specimens collected by Allen Turner in
Uraeginthus bengalus ugandae Zedlitz ‘‘April’’ 1916 and the entire collection ‘‘with
the exception of the European migrants and a
Uraeginthus bengalus ugandae Zedlitz, 1911: 606 few examples of African species’’ had been
(Entebbe, Uganda). placed in the museum of the East Africa and
Now Uraeginthus bengalus bengalus (Linnaeus,
Uganda Natural History Society.
1766). See Hartert, 1919a: 141; Mayr et al.,
1968: 333; Dickinson, 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, Mayr et al. (1968: 334) and Dickinson
2004: 327–329; and Payne, 2010: 327. (2003: 729) recognized littoralis, Fry and
Keith (2004: 327–329) and Payne (2010:
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 452036, adult male, 327) synonymized it with brunneigularis.
collected at Entebbe, 00.05N, 32.29E (Times
atlas), Uganda, on 28 April 1907, by Rudolf Granatina ianthogaster (sic) ugandae van
Grauer (no. 76). From the Rothschild Col- Someren
lection. Estrilda ianthinogaster somereni Delacour
COMMENTS: In the original description,
Granatina ianthogaster (sic) ugandae van Someren,
Zedlitz gave Grauer’s unique number of the
1919: 53 (Moroto, Uganda).
holotype, noting that it was in the Rothschild Now Granatina ianthinogaster (Reichenow, 1879).
Collection. He did not specifically mention See van Someren, 1922: 160; Hartert, 1928: 196;
other specimens. Delacour, 1943: 84; White, 1963: 198; Mayr et
al., 1968: 336; Dickinson, 2003: 730; Fry and
Uraeginthus bengalus littoralis van Someren Keith, 2004: 334–335; and Payne, 2010: 328.
Uraeginthus bengalus littloralis van Someren, 1922: HOLOTYPE: AMNH 452214, adult male,
160 (Mombassa). collected on Mount Moroto, 02.32N, 34.46E
Now Uraeginthus bengalus brunneigularis Mearns, (Polhill, 1988), Uganda, on 30 November
1911. See Hartert, 1928: 195; Mayr et al., 1968:
1917. From the V.G.L. van Someren Collec-
334; Dickinson, 2003: 729; Fry and Keith, 2004:
tion via the Rothschild Collection.
327–329; and Payne, 2010: 327.
COMMENTS: In the original description,
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 452018, female, col- van Someren cited the above specimen in the
lected at Mombasa, 04.04S, 39.40E (Times Rothschild Collection as the type of ugandae,
atlas), Kenya, on 10 May 1918. From the noting that 10 specimens had been collected;
van Someren (1922: 159) listed his localities. Kenya, on 22 May 1916, and AMNH 452247,
One paratype is in AMNH: Kerio, AMNH female, collected at Kisumu, Kenya, on 23
452215, male, 4 June 1917. May 1916. From the V.G.L. van Someren
G. ianthinogaster has been variously placed Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
in the genera Uraeginthus, Estrilda, and COMMENTS: In the original description,
Granatina. Fry and Keith (2004: 334) and van Someren listed the above two specimens
Payne (2010: 328) place it in Granatina. as types and said that over 30 specimens were
Delacour (1943: 84) provided the replace- collected. Because he designated syntypes,
ment name Estrilda ianthinogaster somereni the other specimens collected have no no-
for ugandae, preoccupied in Estrilda by menclatural standing (ICZN, 1999: 81, Art.
Uraeginthus [5 Estrilda] bengalus ugandae 72.4.6).
Zedlitz, 1911. The two names share the same
type. Estrilda cinderella Neumann
Estrilda cinderella Neumann, 1908a: 44 (Deep
Granatina ianthogaster (sic) montana van Sloot, Benguella).
Someren Now Estrilda thomensis Sousa, 1888. See Hartert,
Granatina ianthogaster (sic) montana van Someren, 1919a: 141; Amadon, 1953: 432–433; Chapin,
1919: 53 (Naivasha). 1954b: 527; Mayr et al., 1968: 338; Naurois,
Now Granatina ianthinogaster (Reichenow, 1879). 1994: 24–25; Dickinson, 2003: 730; Fry and
See van Someren, 1922: 159; Hartert, 1928: 195; Keith, 2004: 290–292; Payne, 2010: 315.
White, 1963: 198; Mayr et al., 1968: 336; HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451794, adult male,
Dickinson, 2003: 730; Fry and Keith, 2004:
collected at Deep Sloot, Benguela, Angola,
334–335; and Payne, 2010: 328.
on 25 November 1905, by W.J. Ansorge
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 452222, adult male, (no. 609). From the Rothschild Collection.
collected at Naivasha, 00.44S, 36.26E (Times COMMENTS: Neumann had the single
atlas), Kenya, on 20 February 1919. From specimen. The type of the earlier name
the V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the introduced by Sousa was supposed to have
Rothschild Collection. come from São Tomé Island in the Gulf of
COMMENTS: In the original description, Guinea, but the species has not been seen
van Someren designated as type the single there since and the locality may have been
male specimen in the Rothschild collection incorrect or the type may have been a captive
collected at Naivasha on 20 February 1919 individual or from an introduced population
and noted that 27 specimens were collected. that has since died out; it is known only from
The original label of AMNH 452222 is Angola.
marked ‘‘Type montana’’ by van Someren. Dean (2000) was not able to place this type
Paratypes in AMNH: Naivasha, AMNH locality.
452223–452228, 452230, six males, one fe-
male, collected between February 1917 and Estrilda paludicola benguellensis Neumann
February 1919, all from the V.G.L. van Estrilda paludicola benguellensis Neumann, 1908:
Someren Collection. 96 (Que River, Benguella).
Now Estrilda paludicola benguellensis Neumann,
Granatina ianthogaster (sic) rothschildi van 1908. See Hartert, 1919a: 148; Mayr et al., 1968:
Someren 340; Dickinson, 2003: 730; Fry and Keith, 2004:
292–293; and Payne, 2010: 315–316.
Granatina ianthogaster (sic) rothschildi van Som-
eren, 1919: 53 (Kisumu). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451748, adult male,
Now Granatina ianthinogaster (Reichenow, 1879). collected on the road to the Que River,
See van Someren, 1922: 159–160; Hartert. 1928: 14.28S, 14.47E (Dean, 2000: 384), Huı́la
195; White, 1963: 198; Mayr et al., 1968: 336; (formerly part of Benguela), Angola, on 14
Dickinson, 2003: 730; Fry and Keith, 2004: 334–
January 1906, by W.J. Ansorge (no. 78).
335; and Payne, 2010: 328.
From the Rothschild Collection.
SYNTYPES: AMNH 452233, male, collected COMMENTS: The type, said to be in the
at Kisumu, 00.03S, 34.47E (Times atlas), Rothschild Collection, was the single specimen
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 162543, adult male, HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451888, adult male,
collected at Avakubi, 01.24N, 27.40E (Chapin, collected at Mbuyuni (5 M’byuni), 03.14S,
1954a), Ituri district, Congo (Kinshasa), on 8 38.30E (Polhill, 1988), Teita district, Kenya,
December 1909, by James P. Chapin (no. 511) on 26 July 1918. From the V.G.L. van
on the Lang-Chapin Congo Expedition. Someren Collection via the Rothschild Col-
COMMENTS: In the original description, lection.
Traylor gave the AMNH number of the COMMENTS: The type, said to be in the
holotype and measurements for four male Rothschild Collection, was described as a
and two female specimens of avakubi. There male, collected on 26 July 1918 at M’byuni. It
were more than six specimens cataloged from was not listed by Hartert in his lists of
this Chapin expedition and it is not clear Rothschild types, but it bears a Rothschild
which specimens in AMNH Traylor had type label, has ‘‘Type’’ written by van
examined. Someren on his own label, and was cataloged
at AMNH as the type of kiwanukae. The
Estrilda atricapilla graueri Neumann date, 26 July 1918, is the date on the front of
van Someren’s label and the date published;
Estrilda atricapilla graueri Neumann, 1908b: 55
(Mt. Sabjingo (2700 m.)). however, the date written by the collector on
Now Estrilda kandti kandti Reichenow, 1902. See the reverse of this label is 27 June 1918. Of 14
Hartert, 1919a: 141; Chapin, 1954b: 555–556; specimens in the original type series, only
Mayr et al., 1968: 346; Priggogine, 1980: 370– three came to AMNH with the Rothschild
372; Dickinson, 2003: 731; Fry and Keith, 2004: Collection. The two paratypes in AMNH:
308–309; Payne, 2010: 321. AMNH 451889, male, M’byuni, 23 June 1918
(also the date on the reverse of the label);
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 451855, adult male,
AMNH 451890, unsexed, Simba, 15 October
collected on Mount Sabinyo (5 Sabjingo),
1917. Although no locality other than M’by-
2700m, 01.22S, 29.36E (Times atlas), on the
uni was mentioned in the original descrip-
border of Uganda/Congo (Kinshasa)/
tion, van Someren (1922: 165) later listed
Rwanda, on 1 September 1907, by Rudolf
other localities for kiwanukae.
Grauer (no. 1136). From the Rothschild
E. charmosyna is often considered a species
separate from E. erythronotos, but see Fry
COMMENTS: Neumann designated as type
and Keith (2004: 311–312) and Payne (2010:
the only specimen in the Rothschild Collec-
313) for a discussion.
tion collected by Grauer on Mount ‘‘Sab-
jingo.’’ He gave the range as the western Ortygospiza atricollis minuscula C.N.M.
Kivu Volcanoes, and three additional speci- White
mens may be considered paratypes: AMNH
451856–451858, two males and one unsexed, Ortygospiza atricollis minuscula C.M.N. White,
collected west of Vulcane, on 2 October 1907, 1946: 218 (Balovale).
by Grauer. I did not find AMNH 451858 in Now Ortygospiza atricollis muelleri Zedlitz, 1911.
the collection. See White, 1963: 209; Mayr et al., 1968: 350–
351; Dickinson, 2003: 731; Fry and Keith, 2004:
Since Prigogine’s (1980: 370–372) study,
383–386; and Payne, 2010: 300–301.
graueri has been considered a synonym of
kandti, with kandti either a subspecies of E. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 348055, adult male,
atricapilla (Dickinson, 2003: 731) or a sepa- collected at Balovale, 13.30S, 23.06E (Times
rate species E. kandti (Fry and Keith, 2004, atlas), Zambia, on 19 September 1943, by
308–309; Payne, 2010: 321). C.M.N. White.
AMNH 721793 (Mathews no. 9824), AMNH they came into his possession: AMNH
721794 (9823), males, Mount Lofty Range, 22 721802–721806, three males, 2 females,
September 1911. A third specimen was in Olinda, 9 May 1908, collected by Chandler
Mathews’ hand before the publication of his or Tregellas.
‘‘Reference-list’’ in January 1912, and I have The number ‘‘838’’ that appears on Tre-
considered it also to be a paratype: AMNH gellas’ field label of the holotype refers to the
721796 (9944), female, Mount Lofty Range, number of this species in Mathews (1908).
on 19 October 1911, by White. It was
cataloged by Mathews on 12 December 1911 Aegintha temporalis macgillivrayi Mathews
as ‘‘Aegintha lofti.’’ Aegintha temporalis macgillivrayi Mathews, 1914b:
For publication date of 1801 for Latham, 13 (Claudie River, North Queensland).
see Schodde et al. (2010). Now Neochmia temporalis minor (A.J. Campbell,
1901). See Mayr et al., 1968: 353; Schodde and
Aegintha temporalis tregellasi Mathews Mason, 1999: 748–749; Dickinson, 2003: 732;
and Payne, 2010: 353–354.
Aegintha temporalis tregellasi Mathews, 1912a: 431
(Victoria). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721864, adult male,
Now Neochmia temporalis temporalis (Latham, collected on the Claudie River, 12.50S,
1801). See Mayr et al., 1968: 353; Schodde and 143.21E (USBGN, 1957), northern Queens-
Mason, 1999: 748–749; Dickinson, 2003: 732; land, Australia, on 17 January 1914, by W.
and Payne, 2010: 353–354. Macgillivray. From the Mathews Collection
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721819, adult male, (no. 18473) via the Rothschild Collection.
collected at Selby, 37.55S, 145.23E (USBGN, COMMENTS: Apparently, Mathews had the
1957), Victoria, Australia, on 5 June 1911, single specimen as it is the only one that
by Thomas H. Tregellas. From the Mathews appears in his catalog. The specimen bears
Collection (no. 9075) via the Rothschild Macgillivray’s field label, Mathews and
Collection. Rothschild type labels, and a ‘‘Figured’’
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog label, indicating that this is the specimen
number of the holotype in the original illustrated in Mathews (1925, vol. 12, pt. 5,
description and gave the range as ‘‘Victoria.’’ pl. 570, opp. p. 219). The type labels both
The following specimens are considered bear Mathew’s catalog number, although it
paratypes as they were cataloged by Mathews was not mentioned in the original descrip-
before 1 January 1912; his ‘‘Reference-list’’ tion.
was published on 31 January 1912. Para- Macgillivray (1917–1918) reported on this
types: Olinda, AMNH 721801 (Mathews trip to the Claudie River.
no. 4952), male, 9 May 1908; AMNH
Aegintha temporalis ashbyi Mathews
721807 (3531), female, 9 May 1908; AMNH
721808 (2819), female, 9 May 1908; AMNH Aegintha temporalis ashbyi Mathews, 1923: 40
721809 (8657), female, 28 March 1911; (Blackall Ranges, South Queensland).
AMNH 721810 (8656), female, 25 March Now Neochmia temporalis temporalis (Latham,
1911; AMNH 721812 (9076), female, 13 May 1801). See Mayr et al., 1968: 353; Schodde and
1911; AMNH 721816 (5100), male, 15 Mason, 1999: 748–749; Dickinson, 2003: 732;
and Payne, 2010: 353–354.
August 1908. Ringwood, AMNH 721813
(3530), sex?, 10 August 1908; AMNH SYNTYPE?: AMNH 155712, sex?, Blackall
721814 (3532), female, 15 October 1908; Range, Queensland, 28 September 1903, by
AMNH 721815 (3533), female, October Edwin Ashby.
1908. Selby, AMNH 721820 (9078), male; COMMENTS: Mathews (1923: 40) described
AMNH 721825 (9074), AMNH 721826 Aegintha temporalis ashbyi, the type being
(9077), females, all collected 5 June 1911. from the Blackall Range, 26.42S, 152.53E
All were collected by Tregellas or L.G. (USBGN, 1957), South Queensland, Austra-
Chandler. The following specimens are pos- lia. No specimen of Aegintha temporalis from
sible paratypes, but I did not find them in the Blackall Range came to AMNH with
Mathews’ catalog and do not know when the Rothschild Collection. Ashby specimen
AMNH 155712 from the Blackall Range, River, collected in August 1907, are possible
collected on 28 September 1903, came paratypes, but Mathews did not mention that
directly to AMNH on exchange from Ashby locality.
in 1920 and would not have been available to
Mathews in 1923. There are no Ashby Emblema picta territorii Mathews
specimens of this species from the Blackall Emblema picta territorii Mathews, 1912a: 428
Range in SAMA (P. Horton, personal (Alexandra, Northern Territory).
commun.) or ANSP (N. Rice, personal Now Emblema pictum Gould, 1852. See Mayr
commun.). If there were other specimens, et al., 1968: 354; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 743;
they probably perished in the 1935 fire that Dickinson, 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 351.
destroyed a large part of Ashby’s collection
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720303, adult male,
(Whittell, 1954: 19).
collected at Alexandria (5 Alexandra),
This is another of the names Mathews
19.02S, 136.42E (USBGN, 1957), Northern
rushed into print in 1923 so that it would be Territory, Australia, in July 1905, by Wilfred
available for Mathews (1925). Many of these Stalker (no. 59). From the Mathews Collec-
have scant information concerning a type. In tion (no. 3478) via the Rothschild Collection.
his original description he gave the following COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog
characters: ‘‘Differs from A. t. temporalis number of the holotype in the original
(Latham) in being smaller and of a brighter description and gave the range as Northern
colour.’’ Mathews (1925: 221) quoted Ashby: Territory. He had an additional specimen
‘‘This species was very numerous in the from Northern Territory, paratype AMNH
Blackall Ranges, Queensland, but the birds 720304 (Mathews no. 3477), female, collected
were smaller and more brightly coloured than at Alexandria in July 1905 by Stalker.
South Australian specimens.’’ It seems likely Stalker’s collection was made for Sir
that he based his description on what Ashby William Ingram and these two specimens
had told him, which would make AMNH were originally reported on by Collingwood
155712 a syntype of ashbyi, and perhaps the Ingram (1907: 415).
only surviving specimen.
The number ‘‘838b’’ that appears on Emblema picta clelandi Mathews
Ashby’s label refers to the number of this
species in Mathews (1908). Emblema picta clelandi Mathews, 1914a: 102
(Roebuck Bay, North-west Australia).
Now Emblema pictum Gould, 1852. See Mayr
Emblema picta coongani Mathews et al., 1968: 354; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 743;
Emblema picta coongani Mathews, 1912a: 428 Dickinson, 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 351.
(Western Australia (Coongan River)).
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720287, adult male,
Now Emblema pictum Gould, 1852. See Mayr et
al., 1968: 354; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 743; collected at ‘‘Roebuck Bay,’’ Western Aus-
Dickinson, 2003: 732; and Payne, 2020: 351. tralia, Australia, on 12 December 1895, by
Knut Dahl (no. 1492). From the Mathews
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720266, adult male, Collection (11043) via the Rothschild Collec-
collected on the Coongan River, 20.53S, tion.
119.47E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, COMMENTS: Mathews wrote his catalog
Australia, on 9 July 1908, by F.L[awson] number on his type label but did not cite it in
W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collection the original description. He apparently had
(no. 3484) via the Rothschild Collection. the single specimen.
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog Dahl collected in Australia in 1894–1896
number of the holotype in the original and in 1912 Mathews acquired a large
description. Three additional specimens from number of his specimens from R. Collett,
the Coongan River are paratypes: AMNH ZMO, where they had been deposited. This
720267–720269 (Mathews nos. 3481–3483), holotype bears Dahl’s original label, Math-
males, collected 9–13 July 1908, by Whitlock. ews and Rothschild type labels, and a
AMNH 720263 (3479), male, and AMNH ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that it had been
720264 (3480), female, from the Strelley illustrated in Mathews (1925: 183, pl. 563,
opp. p. 182), where it is confirmed as the type White’s collection is now in SAMA and there
of clelandi. is one syntype of ethelae there: No. B54891,
Dahl (1927: 272–306) recounted his ad- collected at Hermannsburg on 30 August
ventures at Hill Station, 17.46 S, 122.13 E 1913 (P. Horton, personal commun.).
(USBGN, 1957), the locality at which the
holotype of clelandi was collected. Hill Zonaeginthus bellus samueli Mathews
Station was situated some miles north of Zonaeginthus bellus samueli Mathews, 1912a: 102
Broome, along the shore. (Kangaroo Island).
Now Stagonopleura bella samueli Mathews, 1912.
Emblema picta ethelae Mathews See Mayr et al., 1968: 354–355; Schodde and
Mason, 1999: 744–745; Dickinson, 2003: 732;
Emblema picta ethelae Mathews, 1914a: 103
and Payne, 2010: 353.
(Hermansburg [sic], MacDonnell Ranges).
Now Emblema pictum, Gould, 1852. See Mayr et HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720062, adult male,
al., 1968: 354; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 743; collected in the center of Kangaroo Island,
Dickinson, 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 351. South Australia, Australia, on 13 April 1912,
SYNTYPES: AMNH 720305 (S.A. White by S.A. White (no. 706). From the Mathews
no. 1339), adult male, AMNH 720306 (1340), Collection (no. 12354) via the Rothschild
adult male, AMNH 720307 (1341), male Collection.
[immature], AMNH 720308 (1335), female, COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog
AMNH 720309 (1378), immature female, number of the holotype in the original
AMNH 720310 (1336), female?, all collected description, and gave the range as Kangaroo
at Hermannsburg, 23.58S, 132.37E (Times Island. The following specimens from Kan-
atlas), MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Terri- garoo Island are paratypes: Tin Hut, AMNH
tory, Australia, on 30 August 1913, by S.A. 720063–720065 (Mathews nos. 12355–12357),
White. From the Mathews Collection via the two females, one sex?, 13 April 1912, S.A.
Rothschild Collection. White (nos. 707, 708, 729); Mount Taylor,
COMMENTS: In the original description, AMNH 720066 (12358), female, 15 April
Mathews said only that the type was from 1912, S.A. White (no. 705); near Hog Bay,
Hermannsburg in the MacDonnell Ranges, AMNH 720067 (3468), female, 30 December
and gave the range of the form as Central 1897, no original label.
Australia. I found no further information in Schodde and Mason (1999: 744–745) gave
Mathews (1925: 182–187). White (1914: 437) reasons for recognizing samueli and they were
reported finding the species common near followed by Dickinson (2003: 732); Payne
Hermannsburg and near the Glen of Palms (2010: 353) considered S. bella monotypic.
but shy and hard to collect. There are six
specimens of Emblema pictum in AMNH [Zonaeginthus bellus rosinae Mathews]
from the MacDonnell Ranges that were Zonaeginthus bellus rosinae Mathews, 1923: 40
originally in the Mathews Collection. Math- (South Australia).
ews cataloged few specimens after 1912 and
these do not appear in his catalog. AMNH Z. b. rosinae was one of the forms
720305 is marked ‘‘Type of E.p. ethelae, Mathews rushed to name prior to the
A.A.R. Vol. II’’ This refers to the description publication of volume 12 of ‘‘Birds of
in volume 2 of the Austral Avian Record and Australia.’’ He gave supposed characters
indicates that this is Mathews’ chosen type of (‘‘Differs from Z. b. tasmanicus Mathews in
ethelae, but apparently never published as its light coloration and in having the vermic-
such. It also bears a Rothschild type label, ulations on the upper-surface finer.’’) but no
but Hartert did not publish a list of Mathews’ information that would aid in identifying a
types of Estrildidae. type. No further information concerning a
White put his entire collection at Mathews’ type is provided by Mathews (1925: 164–
disposal and after Mathews had finished 168), but he there quotes Mellor (p. 167)
descriptions based on White’s specimens, concerning South Australian birds he had
part of the collection was returned to White. seen: ‘‘the birds were somewhat different in
appearance than the Tasmanian birds, being published it earlier. No further information is
finer in the freckled appearance of the given on a possible type. This appears to be a
feathers and not so dark in coloration.’’ It case of Mathews deciding that the type locality
is possible he based his description on of Z. oculatus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1830) was
Mellor’s observations. not Perth, as the authors had indicated, but
The species is now included in the genus was instead King George’s Sound, Western
Stagonopleura (Schodde and Mason, 1999: Australia. This left Perth birds without a name,
741–742, 744–745). There are no mainland which was supplied by Mathews! Now considered
South Australian specimens from the Math- a synonym of Stagonopleura oculata (Quoy
ews Collection of S. bella in AMNH. and Gaimard, 1830); see Mayr et al. (1968:
355) and Schodde and Mason (1999: 746).
[Zonaeginthus bellus flindersi Mathews]
[Zonaeginthus bellus tasmanicus Mathews] Zonaeginthus guttatus philordi Mathews
Zonaeginthus bellus flindersi Mathews, 1923: 40 Zonaeginthus guttatus philordi Mathews, 1912a:
(Flinders Island, Bass Straits). 427 (Victoria).
Zonaeginthus bellus tasmanicus Mathews, 1923: 40 Now Stagonopleura guttata Shaw, 1796. See Mayr
(Tasmania). et al., 1968: 355; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 747;
Dickinson, 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 352.
As in the preceding case, these names were HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720009, adult [male],
rushed to publication in 1923, but no further collected at Frankston, 38.08S, 145.07E
information is provided in Mathews (1925: (USBGN, 1957), Victoria, Australia, on 17
164–168). There is a Mathews specimen in April 1908, by T. Tregellas (no. 401). From
AMNH, AMNH 720069, from Flinders the Mathews Collection (no. 5098) via the
Island and two, AMNH 720070 and 720071, Rothschild Collection.
from Mount Arthur, Tasmania, collected in COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog
November and December 1912 by S.A. White number of the holotype in the original
and bearing Mathews’ catalog numbers 15709– description and gave the range as ‘‘Victoria,
15711, but there is no indication on them or in South Australia.’’ There are two definite
his catalog that they were considered type paratypes in AMNH: Bayswater, Victoria,
material, and no Mathews catalog number was AMNH 720013 (Mathews no. 8149), male,
given in the descriptions. AMNH 720014 (8150), female, both collected
Both names are now considered synonyms 1 January 1911 by T. Tregellas. I also consider
of Stagonopleura bella bella. See Mayr et al. a third specimen a paratype: AMNH 720010,
(1968: 354) and Schodde and Mason (1999: male, Frankston, 17 April 1908, by Tregellas.
741–745). This last specimen was collected on the
same day as the holotype, but apparently
[Zonaeginthus oculatus gaimardi Mathews] not cataloged. Mathews frequently only made
In the original description, Mathews (1923: one entry in his catalog when he had more
40) said only that the Perth bird ‘‘Differs than one specimen bearing the same data.
from Z. o. oculatus (Q. and G.) in its paler There is another possible paratype, although I
coloration [sic] and smaller size. Type, Perth, did not find it in Mathews’ catalog and do not
West Australia.’’ There are no Perth speci- know when he acquired it: AMNH 720008,
mens from the Mathews Collection in male immature, Stansbury, Yorke Peninsula,
AMNH. Mathews (1923: 33) indicated that South Australia, 16 April 1911, collected by
although he had named many new subspecies S.A. and E.R. White (no. 1493).
in the completed manuscript for his ‘‘Birds Mathews (1925, 12 (4): 158–162) discussed
of Australia’’ [volume 12] he was publishing this species in the genus Tavistocka.
many of these names earlier, apparently to
prevent his being ‘‘scooped.’’ Later, Mathews Oreostruthus fuliginosus hagenensis Mayr and
(1925, 12 (4): 171) indicated that he was Gilliard
naming gaimardi in the ‘‘Birds of Australia,’’ Oreostruthus fuliginosus hagenensis Mayr and
apparently forgetting that he had already Gilliard, 1954: 372 (Mount Hagen, Central
Highlands, Mandated Territory of New Guin- 343498 was sent to MZB on 7 May 1957. The
ea). specimen that was not found, also a female
Now Oreostruthus fuliginosus hagenensis Mayr and and a paratype, was collected 9 km northeast
Gilliard, 1954. See Mayr et al., 1968: 356, of Lake Habbema on 25 October 1938.
Coates, 1990: 336, Dickinson, 2003: 732, and
This, the third Archbold Expedition to
Payne, 2010: 351–352.
New Guinea, was made jointly with Nether-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 704650, immature lands Indies personnel and was also known
male, collected on the summit trail, south as the Indisch-Amerikaansche Expeditie.
slope of Mount Hagen, 05.45S, 144.05E Archbold et al. (1942) published a summary
(Times atlas), Western Highlands Province, of the expedition, with itinerary and maps.
Papua New Guinea (5 Central Highlands,
Mandated Territory of New Guinea), ca. Neochmia phaeton albiventer Mathews
10,000 ft, on 28 July 1950, by William Neochmia phaeton albiventer Mathews, 1914b: 13
Lamont on the 1950 Gilliard Expedition to (Claudie River, North Queensland).
New Guinea. Now Neochmia phaeton evangelinae d’Albertis and
COMMENTS: Mayr and Gilliard cited the Salvadori, 1879. See Mayr et al., 1968: 356–357;
AMNH number of the holotype in the Schodde and Mason, 1999: 750–751; Dickinson,
original description and noted that a second 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 353.
specimen was collected. The paratype is
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721927, adult male,
AMNH 706019, female?, Mount Hagen, base
collected on the Claudie River, 12.50S, 143.21E
camp, 8600 ft, 30 June 1950, by E.T. Gilliard.
(USBGN, 1957), Cape York Peninsula, Queens-
Oreostruthus fuliginosus pallidus Rand land, Australia, on 19 January 1914, by W.D.K.
Macgillivray (1917–1918: 208) or others in his
Oreostruthus fuliginosus pallidus Rand, 1940: 14 group. From the Mathews Collection (no. 18472)
(Lake Habbema, 3225 m, Snow Mts., Nether- via the Rothschild Collection.
land [sic] New Guinea). COMMENTS: Mathews had the single
Now Oreostruthus fuliginosus pallidus Rand, 1940.
specimen, which bears the original field label,
See Mayr et al., 1968: 356; Dickinson, 2003: 732;
Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a
and Payne, 2010: 351–352.
‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that it was the
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 305647, sex? [5 adult model for Mathews (1926, 12 (6): 262–263,
male], collected at Danau (5 Lake) Hab- pl. 577, lower fig., opp. p. 262). It was also
bema, 3225 m., 04.08S, 138.40E (USBGN, confirmed there as the type of albiventer,
1982), Pegunungan Maoke (5 Snow Moun- which Mathews at that time considered a
tains), Papua Province (5 Netherlands New monotypic species. Mathews included his
Guinea), Indonesia, on 17 August 1938, by catalog number on the Rothschild type label,
R. Archbold, A.L. Rand, and W.B. Rich- although he did not mention it in the
ardson on the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedi- description. Other specimens of this form
tion (no. 3693). that had been in Mathews’ collection were
COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the either collected after the date of publication
holotype was given in the original description of the name or were undated.
and eight specimens in addition to the type Schodde and Mason (1999: 750–751)
were listed. I found only seven of these discussed their reasons for considering albi-
cataloged and in the collection. Paratypes, all venter a synonym of evangelinae and this has
collected in 1938 and all females: Lake been followed by later authors.
Habbema, 3225 m, AMNH 343492, 5 Au-
gust; 9 km northeast of Lake Habbema, Neochmia phaeton iredalei Mathews
2700 m, AMNH 343493, 19 October; 7 km Neochmia phaeton iredalei Mathews, 1912a: 434
northeast of Wilhelmina summit, 3600 m, (Queensland (Rockhampton)).
AMNH 343494, 343495, 16–19 September; Now Neochmia phaeton phaeton (Hombron and
Ibele (5 Bele) River, 18 km north of Lake Jacquinot, 1841). See Mayr et al., 1968: 357;
Habbema, 2200 m, AMNH 343496–343498, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 750–751; Dickinson,
24 November–2 December. Of these, AMNH 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 353.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721882, adult male, Parry Creek, AMNH 721912 (3569), male,
collected at Rockhampton, 23.23S, 150.30E AMNH 721913 (3568), female, 15 December
(USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in 1908; Fitzroy River, AMNH 721915–721917
July 1895, obtained from T. Thorpe. From (9232, 9233, 9235), one male, two females, 18
the Mathews Collection (no. 7304) via the July 1911, AMNH 921918 (5307), immature
Rothschild Collection. female, no date; King River, AMNH 721919
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog (9856), male, 3 July 1911; Camp 20, AMNH
number of the holotype in the original 721920 (13029), male; Camp 17, AMNH
description and gave the range as north 721921 (13028), female (these specimens
Queensland. The holotype bears an original collected by L.M. Burns and received from
label and Mathews and Rothschild type C.P. Conigrave. See Whittell [1954: 166] for
labels. The following specimens are paratypes information on the Burns-Conigrave collec-
of iredalei: Mackay, AMNH 721884 (Math- tion made out from Wyndham). Other
ews catalog no. 6506), [female plumage]; specimens from northwest Australia were
Bowen, AMNH 721885 (7303), male, AMNH either never in the Mathews Collection or
721886 (7306), male, August 1898, obtained were cataloged after the 24 December 1912
from Thorpe. AMNH 721883 (14602), male, publication date of fitzroyi.
Mackay, June 1882, was not cataloged by
Mathews until December 1912, after the Aegintha ruficauda connectens Mathews
publication of iredalei. Other specimens from Aegintha ruficauda connectens Mathews, 1912a:
the Mathews collection have imprecise local- 431 (Queensland (Rockhampton)).
ities or no date and are not considered Now Neochmia ruficauda ruficauda (Gould, 1837).
paratypes. See Mayr et al., 1968: 357; Schodde and Mason,
1999: 752–753; Dickinson, 2003: 732; and
Neochmia phaeton fitzroyi Mathews Payne, 2010: 354.
Neochmia phaeton fitzroyi Mathews, 1912c: 120 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721935, adult male,
(Fitzroy River, North-west Australia). collected at ‘‘Rockhampton,’’ 23.23S,
Now Neochmia phaeton phaeton (Hombron and 150.30E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Aus-
Jacquinot, 1841). See Mayr et al., 1968: 357; tralia, in 1861, by John Jardine. From the
Schodde and Mason, 1999: 750–751; Dickinson,
Mathews Collection (9346) via the Roth-
2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 353.
schild Collection.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721914, adult male, COMMENTS: In the original description,
collected on the Fitzroy River, 14 mi west of Mathews cited his catalog number of the
Mount Anderson, 18.01S, 123.55E (USBGN, type. When he introduced connectens, he
1957), West Kimberley, Western Australia, added the locality ‘‘Rockhampton,’’ which
Australia, on 18 July 1911, by J.P. Rogers does not appear on the original label.
(no. 1885). From the Mathews Collection Presumably, this was because John Jardine
(9234) via the Rothschild Collection. was, at the time this specimen was collected,
COMMENTS: In the original description, the Police Magistrate in Rockhampton
Mathews gave his catalog number of the (Whittell, 1954: 376). In Mathews’ catalog,
holotype and the range of fitzroyi as north- the holotype was noted as having been
west Australia. The holotype bears Rogers’ obtained from the Rothschild Collection;
original label, Mathews and Rothschild type it bears, in addition to the Jardine label, a
labels, and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that Rothschild label (not printed ‘‘Collection
it was the model for Mathews (1926: 258, pl. G.M. Mathews’’), Rothschild and Mathews
576, lower figure, opp. p. 257); it is there type labels, and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating
confirmed as the type of fitzroyi. Paratypes that it served as the model for Mathews
are: Napier Broome Bay, AMNH 721901 (1926: 227, pl. 571, opp. p. 226, lower fig.,
(Mathews no. 13030), AMNH 721902 under Bathilda ruficauda); it was there
(13031), males, 1 November 1911, AMNH confirmed as the type of connectens. Mathews
721903–721907 (5722–5726), three males, two had a second specimen from Rockhampton,
females, 22 November 1909–30 April 1910; paratype AMNH 721936 (Mathews no. 7307),
female, 1897; this specimen was obtained ‘‘F’’ in Feb. is misread as ‘‘7’’ and the ‘‘eb’’ as
from T. Thorpe and cataloged in February ‘‘6,’’ so the date is given as ‘‘27 June.’’ The
1911. Another Jardine specimen collected in catalog number was correctly given. A single
1861 was never in the Mathews Collection. paratype is AMNH 721951 (Mathews
no. 3542), female, Parry Creek, 2 February
Bathilda ruficauda clarescens Hartert 1909, by J.P. Rogers (no. 616). Other
Bathilda ruficauda clarescens Hartert, 1899b: 427 specimens were either never in Mathews’
(Cape York). collection or were cataloged after the publi-
Now Neochmia ruficauda clarescens (Hartert, cation of subclarescens on 31 January 1912.
1899). See Hartert, 1919a: 142; Mayr et al., Schodde and Mason (1999: 752–753)
1968: 357; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 752–753; discussed this species, noting that two
Dickinson, 2003: 732; and Payne, 2010: 354. names, published at the same time, were
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721934, adult male, available for the northwestern subspecies.
collected on Cape York Peninsula, north As first revisors, they recognized subclar-
Queensland, Australia, on 14 June 1898, by escens, choosing that name over thorpei (see
collectors for Albert S. Meek (no. 1794). below). Dickinson (2003: 732) followed this.
From the Rothschild Collection. Payne (2010: 354) recognized only two
COMMENTS: Hartert apparently had the subspecies, clarescens (including subclares-
single specimen; he noted on the Rothschild cens) and ruficauda.
type label that the specimen was collected by
‘‘Eichhorn,’’ one of the Eichhorn brothers Aegintha ruficauda thorpei Mathews
who collected with Meek for many years.
Parker (1966: 121–122) investigated Meek’s Aegintha ruficauda thorpei Mathews, 1912a: 431
(West Australia (Coongan River)).
collecting locality on Cape York and found it
Now Neochmia ruficauda subclarescens (Mathews,
to be the Chester River, 13.42S, 143.33E.
1912). See Mayr et al., 1968: 357; Schodde and
Mason, 1999: 752–753; Dickinson, 2003: 732;
Aegintha ruficauda subclarescens Mathews and Payne, 2010: 354.
Aegintha ruficauda subclarescens Mathews, 1912a:
431 (North-West Australia (Parry’s Creek)). HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721958, adult male,
Now Neochmia ruficauda subclarescens (Mathews, collected on the Coongan River, 20.53S,
1912). See Mayr et al., 1968: 357; Schodde and 119.47E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia,
Mason, 1999: 752–753; Dickinson, 2003: 732; Australia, on 18 August 1908, by F.L.W[hit-
and Payne, 2010: 354. lock]. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3538)
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721950, adult male, via the Rothschild Collection.
collected on Parry Creek, 15.32S, 128.09E COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog
(USBGN, 1957), 5 mi west of Trig. Station number of the holotype in the original
H.J.9, East Kimberley, Western Australia, description and gave the range of thorpei as
Australia, on 2 February 1909, by J.P. ‘‘West Australia.’’ Paratypes are: Coongan
Rogers (no. 617). From the Mathews Collec- River, AMNH 721959–7219961 (Mathews
tion (no. 3541) via the Rothschild Collection. nos 3543, 3539, 3540), three females, 18–25
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog August 1908, collected by Whitlock; Strelley
number of the holotype in the original River, AMNH 721962 (3536), immature
description and gave the range of subclar- male, August 1907, AMNH 721963 (3537),
escens as ‘‘North-West Australia.’’ The ho- female, 25 August 1908.
lotype bears, in addition to the original As noted above, two names were available
Rogers label, Mathews and Rothschild type for the western subspecies; Schodde and
labels and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that Mason (1999: 753), as first revisors, chose
it is illustrated in Mathews (1926: 227, pl. the name subclarescens over thorpei, both
571, opp. p. 226, upper fig., as Bathilda having been published at the same time.
ruficauda). The figured male is said to be the Dickinson (2003: 732) followed this; Payne
type of subclarescens, but the date of (2010: 354) synonymized subclarescens with
collection is misread from the specimen: the clarescens.
Zonaeginthus castanotis mouki Mathews served as the model for Mathews (1925: 174,
pl. 562, upper fig., opp. p. 169); it is there
Zonaeginthus castanotis mouki Mathews, 1912a:
427 (Queensland (Rockhampton)). confirmed as the type of wayensis. The
Now Taeniopygia castanotis (Gould, 1837). See following specimens are paratypes: Lake
Mayr et al., 1968: 358; Schodde and Mason, Way, East Murchison, AMNH 720164
1999: 761–762; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and (Mathews no. 3492), male, AMNH 720165
Payne, 2010: 357. (3489), 720166 (3490), two females, July
1909; East Murchison, AMNH 720167
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720125, adult male,
(3982), 720168 (3983), two males, AMNH
collected at Rockhampton, 23.23S, 150.30E
720169 (3891), 720170 (3985), 720171 (3984),
(USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, in
two females, September-October 1909, all
April 1891, received from T. Thorpe. From
collected by Whitlock; Laverton, AMNH
the Mathews Collection (no. 7334) via the
720172 (3854), male, 25 October 1908,
Rothschild Collection.
collector?; Crooker Mine Lake, Southern
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog
Cross, AMNH 720173 (3853), female, 30
number of the holotype in the original
July 1905, collected by G.C. Shortridge.
description and gave the range as ‘‘Queens-
land.’’ The following specimens are para- Whitlock (1910: 183) was at Nannine,
types: Rockhampton, AMNH 720126 (Math- 26.53S, 118.20E (Times atlas), on 18 July,
ews no. 7336), AMNH 720127 (7335), males, when the holotype was collected and noted
May 1893; Queensland, AMNH 720129 that T. castanotis was abundant and breeding.
(7332), male, 1892, AMNH 720130 (7333),
male, 1894, AMNH 720131 (7331), female, Zonaeginthus castanotis mungi Mathews
1894, all received from Thorpe. AMNH Zonaeginthus castanotis mungi Mathews, 1912a:
720128 (14604), collected at Peak Downs, 428 (North-West Australia (Mungi)).
25 January 1881, was not cataloged by Now Taeniopygia castanotis (Gould, 1837). See
Mathews until November 1912, after the Mayr et al., 1968: 358; Schodde and Mason,
publication of mouki on 31 January 1912 and 1999: 761–762; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and
is not considered a paratype. Payne, 2010: 357.
T. castanotis has usually been considered a HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720143, adult male,
subspecies of T. guttata, but see Payne (2010: collected on ‘‘Marngle Creek,’’ West Kim-
357) for reasons to consider castanotis a berley, Western Australia, Australia, on 2
separate species. June 1911, by J.P. Rogers (no. 1726). From
the Mathews Collection (no. 9231) via the
Zonaeginthus castanotis wayensis Mathews Rothschild Collection.
Zonaeginthus castanotis wayensis Mathews, 1912a: COMMENTS: In the original description,
428 (West Australia (East Murchison)). Mathews gave his catalog number of the
Now Taeniopygia castanotis (Gould, 1837). See holotype and the range of the form as
Mayr et al., 1968: 358; Schodde and Mason, ‘‘Interior North-West Australia.’’ The type
1999: 761–762; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and locality, given by Mathews as ‘‘Mungi,’’ was
Payne, 2010: 357.
a locality he often used for specimens
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720163, adult male, collected by Rogers in the area of the Fitzroy
collected at Lake Way, 26.48S, 120.18E River. In fact, all of Rogers’ specimens
(USBGN, 1957), East Murchison, Western collected at this time list only ‘‘Fitzroy River’’
Australia, Australia, on 18 July 1909, by as the locality in Mathews’ catalog. The
F.L.W[hitlock]. From the Mathews Collec- locality on the label is ‘‘Marngle Creek,’’
tion (no. 3491) via the Rothschild Collection. which is apparently Mangle Creek 5 Man-
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog guel Creek, 17.49S, 123.39E (USBGN, 1957).
number in the original description and gave With regard to this species, Rogers is quoted
the range as ‘‘Mid Westralia.’’ The holotype by Mathews (1925: 178): ‘‘In Derby this is a
bears, in addition to Whitlock’s original resident species…. Many hundreds of these
label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels birds watered at a mud spring near my camp
and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that it at Marngle Creek. At Mungi they were also
COMMENTS: In the original description, bichenovii, labeling the last as his type of M.
Mathews gave the type locality and the range bichenovii bandi. It is clear from the ranges
of pallescens as New South Wales but did not given in his listing of the subspecies of M.
give his catalog number. AMNH 720312 bichenovii (Mathews, 1912a: 429) that he
bears, in addition to the original label, assigned all his Northern Territory speci-
Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a mens to his new subspecies bandi, which he
‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that it served as regarded as intermediate between M. b.
the model for Mathews (1925: 191, pl. 564 annulosa and M. b. bichenovii, and that he
(middle fig.), opp. p. 189), where the figured considered M. b. annulosa to be confined to
female from Bourke and collected in April ‘‘North-West Australia.’’ He had marked the
1893 is said to be the type of pallescens. The Stalker label of the unsexed, undated bird
above specimen, the only Bourke specimen (AMNH 720332) as ‘‘Type,’’ but apparently
collected in April 1893, is thereby designated changed his mind, as AMNH 720329 bears
the lectotype. Paralectotypes are: Bourke, his green type label as well as a Rothschild
AMNH 720311 (Mathews no. 7323), male, type label. It is this specimen that was
May 1893, AMNH 720313 (7321), female, evidently Mathews’ intended type, was so
May 1895, both received from T. Thorpe; cataloged when the Rothschild Collection
New South Wales, AMNH 720314 (3505), came to AMNH, and has since then been
undated, but cataloged prior to the publica- considered the type without question. I
tion of the description. hereby designate AMNH 720329 the lecto-
type of Munia bichenovii bandi in order to
Munia bichenovii bandi Mathews settle the issue. Paralectotypes are: Alexan-
dria, AMNH 720331 (Mathews no. 3494),
Munia bichenovii bandi Mathews, 1912a: 429
(Northern Territory (Alexandra)). female, June 1905; AMNH 720332 (3503),
Now from a zone of intergradation between sex?, undated, both collected by Stalker.
Taeniopygia b. bichenovii and T. b. annulosa. AMNH 720333, collected at Glencoe,
See Mayr et al., 1968: 359; Schodde and Mason, Northern Territory, by Knut Dahl in Janu-
1999: 763–764; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and ary 1895 was not cataloged by Mathews
Payne, 2010: 357–358. (no. 11046) until 8 February 1912, after the
31 January 1912 publication date of bandi
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 720329, adult male,
and is not considered a paratype.
collected at Alexandria (5 Alexandra),
19.02S, 136.42E (USBGN, 1957), Northern
Poephila personata belcheri Mathews
Territory, Australia, in June 1905, by Wilfred
Stalker. From the Mathews Collection Poephila personata belcheri Mathews, 1911: 68
(no. 3495) via the Rothschild Collection. (Parry’s Creek, North-west Australia).
COMMENTS: In the original description, Now Poephila personata personata Gould, 1842.
Mathews said only that his type was from See Mayr et al., 1968: 359–360; Schodde and
Mason, 1999: 755–756; Dickinson, 2003: 732;
‘‘Northern Territory (Alexandra)’’ and gave
and Payne, 2010: 358.
the range as ‘‘Northern Territory.’’ The
Alexandria collection was made by Stalker HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721675, adult male,
for William Ingram and reported on by collected on Parry Creek, 15.32S, 128.09E
Collingwood Ingram (1907, 1909). It was (USBGN, 1957), 5 mi west of Trig. Station
later purchased by Mathews. C. Ingram H.J.9, East Kimberley, northern Western
(1907: 415) recorded an adult specimen, Australia, Australia, on 29 December 1908,
without sex and date of collection, as by J.P. Rogers (no. 471). From the Mathews
Stictoptera bichenovii and an adult male and Collection (no. 3553) via the Rothschild
female (no. 54, that shared a label), collected Collection.
in June 1905, as Stictoptera annulosa. On his COMMENTS: In the original description,
label, however, Mathews had identified the Mathews gave his catalog number of the type
female specimen collected in June 1905 as S. and Parry Creek as the range. Later he
annulosa, and the unsexed, undated bird and (Mathews, 1912a: 434) added no new infor-
the male collected in June 1905 as M. mation but placed it in the genus Neochmia;
1999: 757–758; Dickinson, 2003: 732; Payne, Now Poephila cincta atropygialis Diggles, 1876.
2010: 358–359. See Hartert, 1919a: 142, Mayr et al., 1968: 360–
361; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 759–760;
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721586, adult male, Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, 2010: 359.
collected at Glencoe Station, Northern Terri-
tory, Australia, on 2 January 1895, by Knut LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721657, adult male,
Dahl (no. 1012). From the Mathews Collec- collected on Cape York Peninsula, Queens-
tion (no. 11055) via the Rothschild Collection. land, Australia, on 18 June 1898, by Albert S.
COMMENTS: In the original description, Meek (no. 1821). From the Rothschild
Mathews gave only the type locality for the Collection.
type of nea. Although he cataloged a male COMMENTS: Hartert did not designate a
and a female specimen from Glencoe Station, type in the original description but gave
he did not include a catalog number in the measurements for at least two specimens.
original description. AMNH 721586 bears, in Later, Hartert (1919a: 142) listed the male
addition to Dahl’s label, Mathews and specimen bearing Meek’s no. 1821 as the
Rothschild type labels, indicating that this type, thereby designating it the lectotype.
was Mathews’ chosen type. Although Har- There is one paralectotype, AMNH 721658,
tert, in his lists of Rothschild types, had not female, Cape York, 18 June 1898, A.S. Meek
reached the Estrildidae with regard to Math- (no. 1824). Parker (1966: 121–122) investi-
ews types, the fact that it bears a Rothschild gated Meek’s collecting locality and found it
type label with Mathews’ catalog number to be the Chester River, 13.42S, 143.33E.
added by Hartert, indicates that he accepted
it as the type, and it was so cataloged and Alisteranus cinctus maclennani Mathews
housed at AMNH, when the Rothschild Alisteranus cinctus maclennani Mathews, 1918: 159
Collection came to AMNH. In order to (Watson River, North Queensland).
remove the ambivalence with regard to the Now Poephila cincta atropygialis Diggles, 1876.
two Glencoe specimens, I hereby designate See Mayr et al., 1968: 360–361; Schodde and
AMNH 721586, male, the lectotype of Mason, 1999: 759–760; Dickinson, 2003: 733;
Poephila acuticauda nea. The paralectotype and Payne, 2010: 359.
is AMNH 721587, female, Glencoe Station, 2 LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721654, adult male,
January 1895, by Knut Dahl (no. 1002). collected on the Watson River, 13.20S,
Too late to be included in Mathews’ 141.47E (USBGN, 1957), on 18 June 1914,
(1912a: 171–446) ‘‘Reference-list of Austra- by William R. Maclennan. From the Math-
lian Birds,’’ specimens collected by Dahl in ews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Northern Territory had been received on loan COMMENTS: In the original description,
from Robert Collett, ZMO (Mathews, 1912b: Mathews said that the type of maclennani was
25). These specimens later became part of the a male from the Watson River, collected on
Mathews Collection and were cataloged by 18 June 1914 by Maclennan. This did not
him on 28 February 1912. Dahl wrote an serve to differentiate between two male
account of his travel in Australia, and specimens collected there on the same day.
described his stay at Glencoe Station during In addition to Maclennan’s field label,
the wet season from late December 1894 to 1 AMNH 721654 bears Mathews and Roth-
March 1895 (Dahl, 1927: 162–170, map p. xii). schild type labels and a ‘‘Figured’’ label,
This cattle station was located near Foun- indicating that it served as the model for
tainhead, 13.28S, 131.29E (USBGN, 1957). Mathews (1926: 247, pl. 574, lower fig., opp.
P. acuticauda nea was published in vol. 2 p. 246), where it is stated that the figured
of Austral Avian Record, not vol. 3, as cited male is the type of maclennani, thereby
by Mayr et al. (1968: 360). Mathews (1926: designating it the lectotype. A second male
236) later considered it a synonym of hecki. with a description (Mathews, 1926: 247) is
said to be the type of nigrotecta (see above),
Poëphila nigrotecta Hartert but is not figured. Mathews (1926: 249) noted
Poëphila nigrotecta Hartert, 1899c: 59 (Cape York, that the upper figured bird in plate 574 is
Queensland). nominate cinctus from New South Wales.
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 722006, adult male, jointly sponsored by ZMB and Leonard C.
collected on Lombok Island, 4000 ft, 08.45S, Sanford for AMNH (Stresemann, 1931: 7);
116.30E (White and Bruce, 1986: 490), Lesser types were to come to AMNH and the
Sundas, Indonesia, in June 1896, by William remainder of the collection was divided
Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection. between the two institutions. Stresemann
COMMENTS: No type was designated in the (1940: 41) mentioned 16 specimens in ZMB,
original description. Adult and young males but this is apparently the number of speci-
were described, and Hartert said that he had mens of microrhyncha that remained in ZMB,
nine specimens collected by Doherty and nine as there are 25 specimens from the type
collected by Everett on Lombok. Hartert locality in AMNH bearing an ‘‘S’’ within a
(1919a: 142) listed the type as a male circle, indicating that they were Sanford’s
collected on Lombok at 4000 ft, in June share. It is not clear whether Stresemann
1896, by Doherty, thereby designating it the studied the entire collection or only the part
lectotype. AMNH 722006 is the only male that remained in Berlin.
Doherty specimen collected at 4000 ft and it Stresemann (1939: 308–310) summarized
bears a Rothschild type label. Paralectotypes Heinrich’s 1930–1932 expeditions to Sulawesi.
from Lombok in AMNH are: collected by
Doherty in June 1896, AMNH 216416, sex?, [Erythrura hyperythra ernstmayri
AMNH 722007–722013, four males, three Stresemann]
females, from between 1000 and 4000 ft; Shortly before the outbreak of World War
collected by Everett in June and July 1896, II, Stresemann (1938: 45) described this
AMNH 722005, 722014–722016, two males, subspecies, based on a single adult male,
two females. The remaining five Everett collected on Wawa Karaeng, 2000m, Sula-
paralectotypes were probably exchanged by wesi, on 18 September 1931, by Gerd
Rothschild before the collection came to Heinrich (no. 5579). Under the funding
AMNH. AMNH 216416 was exchanged to agreement for this expedition (see above), all
AMNH in August 1927, prior to the Roth- types were to come to AMNH. Probably
schild Collection coming to AMNH in 1932. because of the outbreak of World War II, this
Hartert reported separately on the Doherty type never reached AMNH. It is now ZMB
(1896a: 555–565) and the Everett (1896c: 34.1991 (S. Frahnert, personal commun.).
591–599) collections from Lombok.
Erythrura trichroa sanfordi Stresemann
Chlorura hyperythra microrhyncha
Stresemann Erythrura trichroa sanfordi Stresemann, 1931: 12
(Latimodjong-Gebirges 1600 m).
Chlorura hyperythra microrhyncha Stresemann, Now Erythrura trichroa sanfordi Stresemann, 1931.
1931: 12 (Latimodjong-Gegbirge 1800 m). See Mayr et al., 1968: 364; White and Bruce,
Now Erythrura hyperythra microrhyncha (Strese- 1986: 421–422; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and
mann, 1931). See Stresemann, 1940: 41; Mayr et Payne, 2010: 348–349.
al., 1968: 362; White and Bruce, 1986: 420–421;
Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, 2010: 346. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 293415, adult female,
collected on the western face of the Latimo-
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 293396, adult male, jong (5 Latimodjong) Mountains, 1600 m,
collected on the western slope of the Lati- 03.30S, 120.05E (USBGN, 1982), Sulawesi
mojong (5 Latimodjong) Mountains, Island, Indonesia, on 5 August 1930, on the
1800 m, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 23 Heinrich Expedition 1930 (no. 1368).
March 1930, on the Heinrich Expedition COMMENTS: Heinrich’s field number of the
1930 (no. 1131). holotype was given in the original descrip-
COMMENTS: In the original description, tion, but Stresemann did not enumerate his
Stresemann designated as type the specimen paratypes. Stresemann (1940: 40) mentioned
bearing Gerd Heinrich’s no. 1131. He did not seven specimens of sanfordi, but it is unclear
enumerate his paratypes, giving wing mea- whether these were part of his type series and
surements for an unknown number of males whether the three specimens of sanfordi in
and females. The Heinrich Expedition was AMNH are included.
Stresemann (1939: 308–310) summarized type labels and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating
Heinrich’s 1930–1932 expeditions to Sulawesi. that it was the model for Mathews (1925: 208,
pl. 567, lower fig., opp. p. 208), where it is said
Erythrura trichroa pinaiae Stresemann to be the type of Erythrura trichroa macgilliv-
Erythrura trichroa pinaiae Stresemann, 1914: 147 rayi. Mathews (1925: 204–207) erected the
(Manusela, 2000 ft.). genus Chloromunia for the species and it is
Now Erythrura trichroa pinaiae Stresemann, 1914. listed under that name. It bears a Mathews
See Mayr et al., 1968: 364; White and Bruce, catalog number, ‘‘18443,’’ although this was
1986: 421; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, nowhere mentioned.
2010: 348–349. After his entry of Kemp’s collection made
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 722101, adult male, in 1913 and cataloged in January 1914,
collected at Manusela, 2000 ft, ca. 03.12S, Mathews wrote in his catalog ‘‘End of
129.36E, Mount (5 Gunung) Pinaia, Seram collection.’’ Many of the specimens cataloged
Island, Indonesia, on 18 August 1911, by later on the last four pages of his catalog were
Erwin Stresemann (no. 876) on the II specimens he acquired from Macgillivray,
Freiburger Molukken-Expedition. From the probably on a trip Mathews made to Aus-
Rothschild Collection. tralia around that time, and most of them are
COMMENTS: Stresemann gave his field types of Mathews’ names, although not so
number of the holotype in the original marked in the catalog.
description and listed a second specimen In Mathews’ publication (1925: 208, and
from Manusela. The paratype is AMNH pl. 567 on opp. page), the upper figure in pl.
722102, male, 1 June 1911, by E. Stresemann 567 is labeled a female, but both figured
(no. 794). birds listed in the text are males. This was
apparently a typographical error in the text,
Erythrura trichroa macgillivrayi Mathews as Mathews had a second specimen of
macgillivaryi that he did not otherwise
Erythrura trichroa macgillivrayi Mathews, 1914a:
mention. It is AMNH 722121, female, from
103 (Claudie River, North Queensland).
Now Erythrura trichroa macgillivrayi Mathews, Kuranda, collected 3 April 1913, collector
1914. See Mayr et al., 1968: 364, Schodde and not noted (but it may have come from the
Mason, 1999: 765–766, Dickinson, 2003: 733, Dodds, who lived at Kuranda and sent
and Payne, 2010: 348–349. Mathews specimens from time to time). It
also bears a ‘‘Figured’’ label. I did not find it
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 722120, adult male, entered in Mathews’ catalog, so he probably
collected on Lloyd Island (not Claudie acquired it sometime between its collection in
River), northeast Queensland, Australia, on
1913 and its depiction in 1925.
11 January (not February) 1914, by William
Most authors have considered macgilliv-
R. Maclennan (not William D.K. Macgilliv-
rayi to be a synonym of E. t. sigillifera, but
ray). From the Mathews Collection (no. 18443)
Schodde and Mason (1999: 765–766) sug-
via the Rothschild Collection.
gested that because the Australian form is so
COMMENTS: In the original description,
poorly known and geographically isolated, it
the type was said to be from the Claudie
seemed best to recognize macgillivrayi until
River and collected by William Macgillivray
further specimens permit a thorough analysis.
in February 1914. Mathews got almost every
The two specimens mentioned by Schodde
detail concerning this specimen wrong. Mac-
gillivray (1917–1918: 73, 208) reported on the and Mason are in the CSIRO collection
trip his group made to northern Queensland, and did not include this type (R. Schodde,
specifically noting that the the new Erythrura personal commun.), which was the first
trichroa was collected on 11 January on confirmed occurrence of the species in Aus-
Lloyd Island, 12.46S, 143.24E (USBGN, tralia.
1957), and that it was secured by William
Maclennan. The holotype bears, in addition to Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert
a tag that was partly filled in by Mathews with Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert, 1924b: 274
the incorrect data, Mathews and Rothschild (St. Matthias Island).
Now Erythrura trichroa eichhorni Hartert, 1924. Woodford on 30 June 1887, thereby desig-
See Mayr et al., 1968: 364; Mayr and Diamond, nating it the lectotype. The paralectotype is
2001: 399; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, AMNH 722169, female, collected at Aola on
2010: 348–349. 5 June 1887 by Woodford. This name, like E.
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 722157, adult male, t. papuana (below), is usually attributed to
collected on Mussau (5 St. Matthias) Island, Hartert alone. But Hartert (1900a: 6) clearly
01.30S, 149.40E (PNG General Reference stated that both Rothschild and he separated
Map, 1984), St. Matthias Islands, New Ire- the species into geographical forms, and
land Province, Papua New Guinea, on 5 July later, Hartert (1919a: 142) he attributed the
1923, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 8635). name to both.
From the Rothschild Collection.
COMMENTS: In the original description, Erythrura trichroa papuana Rothschild and
Hartert designated as type of eichhorni Eich- Hartert
horn’s specimen no. 8635 and listed his type Erythrura trichroa papuana Rothschild and Hartert
series as six adults and two immatures from in Hartert, 1900a: 7 (Arfak Mts.).
Mussau and two specimens from Squally (or Now Erythrura papuana Rothschild and Hartert,
Storm) Island. The nine paratypes, all 1900. See Hartert, 1919a: 142; Mayr et al., 1968:
collected by Eichhorn in 1923, are: Mussau 365; Dickinson, 2003: 733; and Payne, 2010: 348.
Island, AMNH 722158–722164, three adult HOLOTYPE: AMNH 722080, [adult male],
males, two adult females, two immature collected in the ‘‘Arfak Mts.,’’ purchased
females, 25 June–18 July; Squally Island, from Gerrard & Sons in February 1894.
AMNH 722165, male, AMNH 722166, im- From the Rothschild Collection.
mature male, 19 August. COMMENTS: No type was designated in the
Hartert (1924b: 261–275) reported on original description, but a wing measurement
Eichhorn’s collection on Mussau, and in a of 67 mm was given for a male from the
separate paper, he (Hartert, 1924c: 276–278) Arfak Mountains, apparently the only spec-
reported on the collection from Squally imen that Hartert had. This form is usually
Island, which he described as a raised coral attributed to Hartert as the sole author of the
reef between Mussau and New Hanover, but name, but Hartert (1900a: 6) noted that ‘‘the
closer to Mussau, where Eichhorn was remarkable distribution attributed to Ery-
marooned for some time in 1923. The birds thrura trichroa…led Mr. Rothschild and me
from the two localities did not differ. to study this species more closely, and we
found that it is separable into a number of
Erythrura trichroa woodfordi Rothschild and geographical forms.’’ In addition to a Roth-
Hartert schild type label, AMNH 722080 also bears a
Erythrura trichroa woodfordi Rothschild and Har- small label noted on the front, ‘‘Erythrura
tert in Hartert, 1900a: 7 (Aola, on Guadalca- trichroa, Kittl.,’’ and on the reverse, ‘‘Arfak
nar). Mts., New Guinea, Recvd. Febr. 1894.’’ To
Now Erythrura trichroa woodfordi Hartert, 1900. this has been added in Hartert’s hand ‘‘Type
See Hartert, 1919a: 142; Mayr et al., 1968: 365; of: papuana R. & Hart., purchased from
Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 399; Dickinson, Gerrard.’’ Later, Hartert (1919a: 142) con-
2003: 733; and Payne, 2010: 348–349. firmed as the type of papuana a male
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 722168, female, col- specimen from the Arfak Mountains, Papua
lected at Aola, 09.31S, 160.30E (Times atlas), Province, Indonesia (5 Dutch New Guinea),
Guadalcanal (5 Guadalcanar) Island, Solo- purchased in February 1894 from Gerrard &
mon Islands, on 30 June 1887, by C.M. Sons and gave Rothschild and Hartert as the
Woodford. From the Rothschild Collection. authors of the name. The wing of AMNH
COMMENTS: No type was designated in the 722080 measures 67 mm.
original description, but reference was made
to two females in the Rothschild Collection Erythrura cyanovirens (sic) efatensis Mayr
collected at Aola. Hartert (1919a: 142) listed Erythrura cyanovirens (sic) efatensis Mayr, 1931: 8
as the type the female collected there by (Efate Island, New Hebrides).
Now Erythrura cyaneovirens serena (P.L. Sclater, LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721704, adult male,
1881). See Mayr et al., 1968: 366; Ziswiler et al., collected at Normanton, 17.40S, 141.05E
1972: 65–67; Bregulla, 1992: 264–266; Dick- (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Australia, on
inson, 2003: 733–734; and Payne, 2010: 347– 12 April 1914, by Robin Kemp (no. 4337).
From the Mathews Collection (no. 18503) via
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 213017, adult male, the Rothschild Collection.
collected on Efate Island, Vanuatu (5 New COMMENTS: Mathews, in the original
Hebrides), on 30 June 1926, by Rollo H. description, said only that kempi differed
Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition from nominate gouldiae ‘‘in having a richer
(no. 21255). coloured under-surface’’ and that the type
COMMENTS: Mayr gave the AMNH num- was from Normanton, Queensland. Mathews
ber of the holotype in the original description had four specimens from Normanton, two of
and listed 26 specimens, including the holo- which were immature specimens. The other
type: 16 adult males, two juvenile males, two are both adult males, one with a red face
seven adult females, and one juvenile female. (AMNH 721705) and one with a black face
Only 25 specimens were cataloged at AMNH (AMNH 721704). Neither adult specimen is
and I consider the following 24 specimens to figured in Mathews (1926, pl. 573, opp.
be paratypes of E.c. efatensis: AMNH p. 238). AMNH 721704 bears a Kemp field
213014–213016, 213018–213029, 15 males, label and both a Mathews and a Rothschild
AMNH 213030, sex?, AMNH 213031– type label, with Mathews’ catalog number
213037, seven females, AMNH 213038, fe- written on both. It is apparently the only one
male?, all collected on Efate Island between of the four specimens that he cataloged,
28 June and 21 July 1926 by members of the although he did not mention the number in
Whitney South Sea Expedition. Nine of these the description. Many of the specimens that
specimens were exchanged to other institu- Mathews entered at the end of his catalog
tions: AMNH 213019 and 213036 to USNM were type specimens, but that was not
in January 1932; AMNH 213020 to ZMB in indicated in the catalog. Because the presence
January 1932, AMNH 213026 and 213028 to of Mathews’ type label indicates that AMNH
ZMB in July 1936; AMNH 213022 to the 721704 is his chosen type and because it was
Swedish Museum in December 1931; AMNH cataloged as such when it came to AMNH
213024 to the Cleveland Museum in January with the Rothschild Collection and has
1932; and AMNH 213027 and 213033 to subsequently been regarded as the type, I
BBM in January 1932. During the period hereby designate it the lectotype of Poephila
when these specimens were collected, the gouldiae kempi to remove any ambiguity. The
Whitney Expedition ship France was an- other three specimens, all collected by Robin
chored in Undine Bay, ca. 17.32S, 168.22E, Kemp, are considered paralectotypes: Nor-
and collecting was done inland from there manton, AMNH 721705 (Kemp no. 4516),
(Archives, Department of Ornithology). adult male, 10 May 1914; AMNH 721706
In the most recent study of this species, (3291), immature male, 9 October 1913;
Payne (2010: 347–348) recommended synon- AMNH 721707 (3301), immature female, 11
ymizing efatensis with serena. Ziswiler et al., October 1913. This last specimen was the one
1972: 65–67, and Bregulla (1992: 264–266) described as ‘‘Immature,’’ but not illustrated,
recommended synonymizing both with regia. in Mathews (1926: 240). The Kemp label is
The correct spelling of this species name is marked ‘‘C. gouldiae’’ and the Rothschild
cyaneovirens. label is marked ‘‘descri’’ by Mathews.
SYNTYPES: Males: AMNH 721727 (Math- 148.32E (USBGN, 1957), Queensland, Aus-
ews no. 5714), 25 April, AMNH 721728 tralia, on 4 August 1881, received from
(5708), 29 April, AMNH 721729 (5711), 25 Robert Collett. From the Mathews Collection
April, AMNH 721730 (5712), 3 May, AMNH (no. 14606) via the Rothschild Collection.
721731 (5716), 3 May, AMNH 721732 (5707), COMMENTS: In the original description,
9 May, AMNH 721733 (5710), 10 June, Mathews said that the type of nogoa from
AMNH 721734 (5715), 10 June, AMNH Queensland ‘‘Differs from A. m. modesta in
721735 (5709), 10 June, AMNH 721736 its lighter coloration.’’ The above specimen is
(5713), 15 June, AMNH 721737 (5718), 16 the only Queensland specimen in AMNH
June, AMNH 721738 (5717), 16 June, AMNH that had been in the Mathews Collection.
721739 (6220), 22 June; females, AMNH It bears a Mathews Collection label marked
721740 (6222), 22 June, AMNH 721741 ‘‘Type nogoa’’ in his hand and his catalog
(6221), 22 June, AMNH 721742 (5719), 10 number 14606, although this was not cited in
June, AMNH 721743 (5720), 10 June, AMNH the original description. It also bears an
721744 (5721), 10 December 1909, all col- original label with ‘‘-, Nogoa River, 4/8/81,
lected in Napier Broome Bay, 14.02S, Central Q.’’ and a Rothschild Museum label
126.37E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, printed ‘‘Ex. coll. G.M. Mathews.’’ Mathews
Australia, by G.F. Hill in 1910 (except the had received the specimen from Prof. Robert
last, dated 1909). From the Mathews Collec- Collett, ZMO, along with many other spec-
tion via the Rothschild Collection. imens collected in Australia by Knut Dahl
COMMENTS: This name was another pub- and Carl Lumholtz. This specimen was
lished in 1923, in the rush to have new taxa in collected by Lumholtz and had not previous-
print prior to publication of volume 12 of ly been recognized as a type.
‘‘Birds of Australia’’ (Mathews 1925–1927). According to Whittell (1954: 457), Lumholtz
In the original description, the type was said collected around Gracemere, 23.27S, 150.27E
to be from Napier Broome Bay, with the (Storr, 1984: 183) from November 1880 to
head coloration (either red or black) more August 1881 and then began an 800 mile trip
pronounced and the back a deeper shade into western Queensland. Lumholtz (1889)
of green than the nominate. The above 18 wrote about his stay in Australia, and specif-
specimens had not previously been included ically mentioned the Nogoa River on page 34.
with the types, but they must be considered The adult male illustrated in Mathews
syntypes of westra as none of them bears any (1925: 216 and pl. 569, opp. p. 216) is
indication that it was the intended type. Two AMNH 721975 from the Darling Downs,
of them, AMNH 721727 (a red-headed male) Queensland. Although the specimen bears a
and AMNH 721744 (a black-headed female) Mathews ‘‘Figured’’ label, it had been in the
bear Mathews ‘‘Figured’’ labels and they are Rothschild Collection, not the Mathews
figured in Mathews (1926: 238–244, pl. 573, collection and was apparently borrowed by
opp. p. 238), but while both of them are Mathews for the illustration. I do not
referred to in the text as figured, neither is consider it a part of Mathews’ type series.
said to be the type. AMNH 721742 was
described as ‘‘Young’’ (p. 240), and its label is Aidemosyne cantans tavetensis van Someren
marked ‘‘descr.’’ by Mathews. Aidemosyne cantans tavetensis van Someren,
1921b: 121 (Simba).
Aidemosyne modesta nogoa Mathews Now Euodice cantans orientalis (Lorenz and
Aidemosyne modesta nogoa Mathews, 1915: 132 Hellmayr, 1901). See Mayr et al., 1968: 368–
(Queensland). 369; Dickinson, 2003: 734; Fry and Keith, 2004:
Now Neochmia modesta (Gould, 1837). See Mayr 412–415; and Payne, 2010: 359–360.
et al., 1968: 368, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 754,
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 727808, adult female,
Dickinson, 2003: 732, and Payne, 2010: 354–
collected at Simba, 02.09S, 37.36E (Polhill,
1988), Kenya, on 17 October 1917. From the
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721976, adult male, V.G.L. van Someren Collection via the
collected on the Nogoa River, 23.33S, Rothschild Collection.
and the range as Sumba Island. The follow- that of the Museum until after his death
ing Sumba specimens are paratypes: Mao (Hevers, 2005: 456–457). The collecting done
Marru, AMNH 347081, male, AMNH by Carl C. and Margarete Platen in the
347083, female; Melolo, AMNH 347082, Philippines was supported jointly by the
male, AMNH 347084, sex?, all collected by Braunschweig Museum and Nehrkorn (see
Georg and Clara Stein in June 1932; Sumba, Dickinson et al., 1991: 78), and the same
AMNH 720816–720818, male, two females, was probably also true for this earlier
collected by William Doherty in February collection in the Lesser Sundas. Apparently,
1896; Waingapo, AMNH 720820, male, exchanges were made between Nehrkorn
AMNH 720821, female, collected by Alfred and Rothschild and in this way the above
Everett in September 1896. The specimens holotype bearing Blasius’ label came to
collected by Doherty and Everett in Sumba Rothschild via Nehrkorn.
are also paratypes of blasii (see below). The Stresemann, in the original description,
Stein Collection was jointly sponsored by said that he examined 41 adult examples of
AMNH and ZMB, and AMNH 347082 was blasii in the Rothschild Collection from
sent to ZMB in 1956, the collection having Flores, Sumba, Sawu (5 Savu), Lomblen,
not been divided until after WWII. Timor, Kisar (5 Kisser), Leti (5 Letti), Moa,
Hartert (1896b: 576–590) reported on Romang (5 Roma), Babar (5 Babber), and
Doherty’s collection from Sumba, and (Har- Tanimbar (5 Tenimber). The following 35
tert, 1898b: 466–476) on Everett’s collection fully adult paratypes, mostly collected by
from Sumba. Mayr’s (1944) publication dealt Doherty, Everett, and Kühn, are in AMNH:
with the specimens collected by the Steins, Sumba Island, AMNH 720816–720821, two
but he did not have Stein’s field notes. males, one [male], three females, collected in
Unfortunately these were destroyed along 1896; these specimens are also the holotype
with his home in WWII (Stresemann, 1967: and paratypes of L. p. sumbae (see above).
186–187). Sawu Island, AMNH 720824, 720825, two
females, collected in 1896. Lomblen Island,
Munia punctulata blasii Stresemann AMNH 720828, female, collected in 1897.
Flores Island, AMNH 720829, 720830, fe-
Munia punctulata blasii Stresemann, 1912: 317 male, sex?, collected in 1896; AMNH 720831,
sex?, 1862, collected for A.R. Wallace;
Now Lonchura punctulata blasii (Stresemann,
1912). See Mayr et al., 1968: 377; White and
AMNH 720832, sex?, no date, also possibly
Bruce, 1986: 422–423; Dickinson, 2003: 735; and collected for Wallace. Romang Island,
Payne, 2010: 366. AMNH 720837, female, collected in 1902.
Leti Island, AMNH 720840–720845, 720847,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720826, adult male, four males, three females, collected in 1902.
collected at Dili (5 Deli or Dilly, as on label), Moa Island, AMNH 720848–720850, two
08.35S, 125.35E (Times atlas), Timor Island, males, female, collected in 1902. Kisar Island,
Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 12 AMNH 720852–720856, two males, three
March 1885, by Carl C. Platen. From the females, collected in 1901. Babar Island,
Nehrkorn Collection (no. 3027) via the AMNH 720859, 720865, two males, collected
Rothschild Collection. in 1905. Tanimbar Island, AMNH 720861–
COMMENTS: In the original description, 720864, four males, collected in 1901. An
Stresemann commented that the type of blasii additional four specimens, molting into adult
was a specimen in the Rothschild Collection plumage, are probable paratypes: Sawu,
the label of which had been filled in with an AMNH 720822, 720823, males, collected in
unpublished manuscript name by Wilhelm 1896; Leti, AMNH 720846, female, collected
Blasius and that he was naming this form in in 1902; Babar, AMNH 720866, sex?, col-
Blasius’ memory. There was a close connection lected in 1905. One additional specimen did
between Wilhelm Blasius at the Staatliches not come to AMNH with the Rothschild
Naturhistorisches Museum in Braunschweig, Collection and may have been exchanged by
Germany, and Adolf Nehrkorn although Rothschild. Eight immature specimens are
Nehrkorn’s collection remained separate from not considered paratypes, as Stresemann
mentioned only adults. Three specimens from of his diagrams (Restall 1992: 116), was made
Wetar (5 Wetter) Island are not considered from the tip of the wing to the tip of the tail,
paratypes as Stresemann did not list material which makes comparison with published
from Wetar. measurements of other populations impossi-
Lonchura punctulata holmesi Restall There has been much discussion of this
subspecies in the literature. Smythies (2000:
Lonchura punctulata holmesi Restall, 1992: 115
(country east of Pontianak and Banjamarsin 616) noted the similarity to nisoria from Java
[Borneo]). and suggested that they might have been
Now Lonchura punctulata nisoria (Temminck, introduced into Kalimantan from that Island
1830). See Restall, 1995: 141; Restall, 1997: 34, and then escaped. Payne (2010: 366) synon-
103–104; LeCroy, 1999: 214–215; Smythies, ymized holmesi with nisoria.
2000: 616–617; Dickinson, 2003: 735; Mann,
2008: 356; Myers, 2009: 197; Payne, 2010: 366. Lonchura pallidiventer Restall
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 831281, sex?, said to Lonchura pallidiventer Restall, 1996: 137 (Jakarta,
have come from Semitau, 00.30N, 111.59E, apparently from south-east Kalimantan, Indo-
Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia, cage bird nesia).
Now considered a hybrid Lonchura punctulata x L.
prepared by R. Restall.
leucogastra. See van Balen, 1998: 118–119;
COMMENTS: As noted by LeCroy (1999: LeCroy, 1999: 219; Smythies, 2000: 617; and
214–215) there are a number of problems Dickinson, 2003: 735; fn. 8.
associated with this name. Although claimed
by Restall (1997: 103–104) to have been HOLOTYPE: AMNH 831287, unsexed, pur-
described in 1995 (Restall, 1995: 141), it had chased in Jakarta, Indonesia (but said to be
been described prior to that date by Restall from southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia), by
(1992: 115). That description was based on R. Restall.
nine individuals said to have been captured COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the
east of Pontianak, 00.05S, 109.16E (Times holotype was given in the original descrip-
atlas), and shipped from that city and on 20 tion. The second specimen, listed as the
individuals shipped from Banjarmasin (5 ‘‘syntype’’ is a paratype, AMNH 831288
Banjamarsin), 03.22S, 114.33E (Times atlas); (not 8311288); it is a mummy and also
all 29 of these individuals are syntypes of unsexed. Two other birds are illustrated and
holmesi. Restall (1995: 141) listed only three said to be from among five observed in a
specimens as syntypes, with their AMNH dealer’s possession. The colors in Restall
numbers given. They are said to have come (1997: 32, pl. 5) are quite different from the
from Semitau, 00.30N, 111.59E, and are color of the two specimens.
apparently from among the nine syntypes
said to have come from ‘‘east of Pontianak.’’ Lonchura leucogastra castanonota Mayr
Because the supposed collecting locality of Lonchura leucogastra castanonota Mayr, 1938: 45
the two groups of syntypes were widely (Riam (Kotawaringin), South Borneo).
separated (with a mountain range between Now Lonchura leucogastra castanonota Mayr,
them) and because apparently only the three 1938. See Mayr et al., 1968: 378; Smythies,
listed syntypes were preserved, I (LeCroy, 2000: 613–614; Dickinson, 2003: 735; and
Payne, 2010: 368.
1999: 214) designated AMNH 831281 as the
lectotype, citing the 1985 Code, then in use. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 446825, adult male,
The other two syntypes, AMNH 831282 and collected at Riam, 01.51S, 111.50E (Times
AMNH 831283, became paralectotypes. atlas), Kota Waringin River, Kalimantan,
Because none of these specimens was sexed Borneo, Indonesia, on 14 November 1935, by
by dissection Restall must have used tail J.J. Menden.
measurements as his means of sexing them. COMMENTS: Mayr cited the AMNH num-
His statement that the male had a longer tail ber of the holotype in the original description
appears to be a circular argument. Restall’s and listed his type series. Paratypes are: Parit,
method of measuring the tail, shown in one AMNH 447933–447935, male juvenile, male
adult, female adult, June and July 1935; (1936: 168) as on the middle Menoo River
Riam, AMNH 447936, 447937, male adult, (03.50S, 135.25E, USBGN, 1943).
female adult, November and December 1935,
all collected by J.J. Menden. Menden was a Munia atricapilla novana Mathews
commercial collector from Cheribon, Java, Munia atricapilla novana Mathews, 1929: 91
who made the collection for AMNH (Mayr, (Utingu, Cape York, North Queensland).
1938: 5). Now considered an escaped cage bird. See Mayr
et al, 1968: 380, fn.; Slater, 1975: 71, 265.
Lonchura tristissima hypomelaena Stresemann
and Paludan HOLOTYPE: AMNH 720588, adult sex?,
collected at Utingu, Cape York, Queensland,
Lonchura tristissima hypomelaena Stresemann and Australia, on 8 August 1912, by Robin Kemp
Paludan (in Stresemann et al.), 1934: 43 (no. 1389). From the Mathews Collection via
(Kunupi, 1200 m). the Rothschild Collection.
Now Lonchura tristissima hypomelaena Strese- COMMENTS: Mathews named this form
mann and Paludan, 1934. See Mayr, 1941:
after his collection had become the property
220; Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 596; Mayr et
al., 1968: 378; Dickinson, 2003: 735; and Payne,
of Rothschild; therefore, the type is said to be
2010: 365–366. in the Rothschild Collection. I did not find it
in Mathews’ catalog. However, he did receive
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 302661, adult male, four specimens of Lonchura castaneothorax
collected at Kunupi, Pegunungan Kobowre collected at Utingu on 8 August 1912 by
(5 Weyland Mountains), Papua Province, Kemp, and I see no reason to doubt the
Indonesia, on 21 September 1931, by Georg locality on Kemp’s label (contra Mayr, Mayr
Stein (no. 2178). et al., 1968: 380, fn., although the specimen is
COMMENTS: Stresemann and Paludan referrable to L. a. atricapilla). It is, however,
gave Stein’s unique field number of the type probable that it was an escaped cage bird. Its
in the original description and noted that feet are in fine condition and it shows no sign
they had six specimens. Paratypes in AMNH of having been recently in a cage, but the
are: AMNH 302662–302664, two males, one species is known to have been introduced in
female, collected at Kunupi, on 22–23 the Sydney area (Hindwood and McGill,
September 1931, by the Steins. The other 1958: 107; Slater, 1975: 265) and cage birds
two paratypes are probably in ZMB. See might have been purchased in many places
Hartert et al. (1936: 165–240) for a report on and carried widely.
the entire collection. According to Jack (1921: 739), Utingu
Clara and Georg Stein collected in New was a coconut plantation on the mainland
Guinea under the auspices of W. Rothschild, opposite Possession Island, 10.43S, 142.24E
E. Stresemann for ZMB, and L.C. Sanford (USBGN, 1957).
for AMNH, and the collection was to be
divided among the sponsors, with types to Lonchura atricapilla selimbaue Restall
come to AMNH. The Rothschild Collection Lonchura atricapilla selimbaue Restall, 1995: 155
came to AMNH in 1932, while the report on (Selimbau, Kalimantan Barut, 0u379N,
the Stein Collection was being written, so 112u089E).
three-fourths of it came directly to AMNH Now Lonchura atricapilla jagori (Martens, 1866).
(Hartert, et al., 1936: 166). A single specimen, See Snow, 1997: 4; Restall, 1997: 129; LeCroy,
AMNH 303042, collected by Fred Shaw 1999: 219; Smythies, 2000: 614–616; Dickinson,
2003: 735; and Payne, 2010: 369–370.
Mayer in the Weyland Mountains in 1930
and reported on by Rothschild (1931: 257) HOLOTYPE: AMNH 831285, unsexed, said
was treated as subsp.? and not named. It was to be from Selimbau, 00.37N, 112.08E,
not part of the type series of hypomelaena. Kalimantan Barat (not Barut), Borneo, In-
Stein (1933, 1936) reported on their stay in donesia, no date of collection given, collected
the Weyland Mountains; and he (Stein, 1933: by C. Choa.
289–306) described the period at Kunupi, COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the
which is shown on the map in Hartert et al. holotype was given in the original descrip-
tion. A second specimen from the same two of those birds from Sampit ‘‘for which I
locality (also unsexed) was given to AMNH propose the name Lonchura atricapilla ob-
at the same time and is presumably a scura.’’ He also discussed two specimens in
paratype: AMNH 831284. The number of AMNH collected at Parit in 1935 by Menden
specimens seen by Restall is not given, nor and listed by Mayr (1938: 45) as Lonchura
are we told how they were sexed, but atricapilla minuta. Restall gave incorrect
inclusive measurements were given for males coordinates for Parit.
and females (LeCroy, 1999: 219), although As Restall said, Mayr noted that the two
Restall’s method of taking measurements Parit specimens were darker than birds from
does not allow them to be compared to northern Borneo and the Natuna Islands,
standard avian measurements. and Mayr probably refrained from naming
Dickinson (2003: 735) included atricapilla them, expecting that they would ‘‘fox’’ with
in the broad species L. malacca; Payne (2010: time. Restall compared these two specimens
369–370) considered atricapilla a separate with his painting of two of the Sampit birds
species based on recent mitochondrial DNA and decided they were the same, although
studies. Mayr’s birds were now only ‘‘marginally
Snow (1997: 4) suggested that the spelling darker’’ than birds from northern Borneo.
of selimbaue should be amended to selim- No Sampit specimens ever came to AMNH.
bauensis, and this was followed by Restall A note from the editor (5 David Snow) in
(1997: 129), Smythies (2000: 615, under L. the original description said that details of
malacca), and Payne (2010: 369), but it is my the ‘‘Holotype’’ would appear in a later issue.
understanding now that selimbaue is not The same editor (5 Snow, 1997: 4) later
necessarily an incorrect original spelling, reported: ‘‘The two specimens that were at
rather that the original spelling, selimbaue, hand when the taxon was named were
is a non-Latin or -latinized word and that it AMNH specimens 447931 and 447932, both
should be treated as indeclinable. In such a males, collected at Parit, Tjempaga, Sampit,
case the original spelling is to be retained S. Borneo, 3 July 1935. The first of these
with the termination unchanged (ICZN, (447931) should have been designated as the
1985: 63, Art. 31 (b); ICZN, 1999: 38, Art. holotype.’’
31.2.3). Although Restall proposed the name ob-
scura for the two Sampit birds but also
Lonchura atricapilla obscura Restall included the two Parit specimens, the type
series should be interpreted as including all
Lonchura atricapilla obscura Restall, 1995: 154 four specimens. Snow, by nominating the
(Sampit, 2u329S, 112u549E, Parit, 3u109S, ‘‘holotype’’ in a publication subsequent to
113u439E, Kalimantan Tengah).
the original description, actually designated
Now Lonchura atricapilla jagori (Martens, 1866).
AMNH 447931 as the lectotype of obscura
See Snow, 1997: 4; Restall, 1997: 129–130;
LeCroy, 1999: 218–219; Dickinson, 2003: 735; (ICZN, 2000: 82–83, Art. 74.5). The one
Smythies, 2000: 615–616; Payne, 2010: 369–370. paralectotype in AMNH is AMNH 447932,
adult male, Parit, 3 July 1935, collected by
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 447931, adult male, Menden. The Sampit specimens may exist
collected at Parit, 02.09S, 112.58E (BirdLife only as Restall’s paintings.
International, 2001: 2608), Tjempaga (Cha- The details of the nomenclatural history of
maga) River, about 20 mi above its junction Lonchura atricapilla in Borneo were given by
with the Sampit River (Mayr, 1938: 5), LeCroy (1999: 218–219), and summarized
Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia, on 16 June here. Mayr called Menden’s specimens L. a.
1935, by J.J. Menden. minuta (Meyen, 1834), following Stresemann
COMMENTS: No type was designated in the (1922: 88) who found Meyen’s name to be
original description. Restall discussed ‘‘35 or older than Munia jagori Martens, 1866.
40 Chestnut Munias’’ he found in a Jakarta Salomonsen (1953: 267) found that Fringilla
bird market that were said to have come from minuta Meyen, 1834, is preoccupied by both
Sampit ‘‘although not necessarily precisely Fringilla minuta Temminck, 1807, and Frin-
where the birds were trapped.’’ He selected gilla minuta Wied, 1830, leaving jagori as the
oldest available name. But Salomonsen bears a Rothschild type label and Doherty’s
included Borneo birds in L. malacca gregalis, original label that is marked ‘‘Type. Munia
a subspecies he had just described. Mayr et subcastanea sp. n. Hart.’’ by Hartert; it was
al. (1968: 381) synonymized gregalis with his intended type and, having been so
jagori. L. malacca and L. atricapilla are cataloged when the Rothschild Collection
generally now considered to be separate came to AMNH, has been considered the
species, based on mitochondrial DNA studies type without question. In order to confirm
(Payne, 2010: 369–370). his intent and remove the ambiguity, I hereby
designate AMNH 721260 the lectotype of
[Lonchura maja vietnamensis Restall] Munia subcastanea. The two paralectotypes
are: Donggala, AMNH 721261, male, AMNH
Restall (1995: 151) introduced this name
721262, female, August 1896, collected by
based on three specimens ‘‘adult male, female
Doherty; The label of the latter specimen is
and juvenile collected by Charuvarn Vanasin
marked ‘‘Type of U’’ in a hand other than
and Dr. Atichart Suntharos near Da Lat,
11u569N by 108u259E, in January 1995. Other
similar birds were collected near the Cambo- Most recent authors consider Lonchura
dian border by Tay Ninh, 11u189N, 106u059E, pallida monotypic, but Watling (1983: 260),
in November 1994. These specimens are in based on his work in Lore Lendu Reserve,
my possession at the time of writing; they will considered subcastanea a ‘‘distinctive sub-
be deposited in the AMNH collection in due species.’’ These three specimens appear to
course.’’ Presumably the first three specimens confirm this as they are much darker on the
were to be considered syntypes. As of this underparts than any other specimens of
writing no specimens have been deposited in pallida.
AMNH. Dickinson (2003: 736) noted that
Munia grandis destructa Hartert
Restall (personal commun.) had told him
that the types had been destroyed, but no Munia grandis destructa Hartert, 1930b: 42 (Ifaar).
information regarding this has been provided Now Lonchura grandis destructa (Hartert, 1930).
to AMNH by Restall. See Mayr et al., 1968: 382; Dickinson, 2003: 736;
and Payne, 2010: 377.
Munia subcastanea Hartert
SYNTYPES: AMNH 294407, adult female,
Munia subcastanea Hartert, 1897: 161 (Dongala AMNH 721305, male, collected at Ifaar,
and Tawaya). 02.34S, 140.31E (USBGN, 1982), Sentani
Now Lonchura pallida subcastanea (Hartert, 1897). Lake, Papua Province, Indonesia, on 22
See Hartert, 1919a: 143; Mayr et al., 1968: 382; September 1928, by Ernst Mayr (nos. 2509
Watling, 1983: 260; White and Bruce, 1986: and 2508, respectively). The male from the
423–424; Dickinson, 2003: 736; Payne, 2010:
Rothschild Collection.
COMMENTS: A male and a female speci-
LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721260, adult male, men were collected. In the original descrip-
collected at Donggala (5 Dongala), 00.38S, tion, Hartert designated the female as the
119.45E (Times atlas), Sulawesi, Indonesia, type, but gave Mayr’s field number of the
in August 1896, by William Doherty. From male. This expedition by Mayr was spon-
the Rothschild Collection. sored jointly by Rothschild and by L.C.
COMMENTS: The description was based on Sanford for AMNH. The specimens were
three specimens, two males and a female, said divided between the two collections, with half
to be from Donggala and Tawaya; however, of the types to go to each institution, and a
the three specimens are all labeled as from representative set was sent to MZB (see
Donggala. No type was designated in the Hartert, 1930a: 18–19). The specimen that
original description, but Hartert (1919a: 143) first came to AMNH, AMNH 294407, was
listed the male from Donggala as the type. stamped with an S within a circle, represent-
Because there are two males bearing the ing Sanford’s share. It bears an AMNH type
same collecting data, Hartert’s listing did not label and Mayr’s field label is marked ‘‘Type
distinguish between the two. AMNH 721260 of M.g. destructa’’ in what appears to be
Mayr’s hand. The second specimen, AMNH 1984), Oro Province, Papua New Guinea,
721305, was in Rothschild’s share, which on 5 August 1907, by Albert S. Meek
came to AMNH in 1932 with the purchase of (no. 3372). From the Rothschild Collection.
that collection. It bears a Rothschild type COMMENTS: In the original description,
label filled in by Hartert and with Mayr’s Hartert cited Meek’s field number of the
label marked ‘‘Munia grandis destructa holotype and said that he examined 10
Hart.’’ and ‘‘TYPE!!’’ by Hartert. In light specimens (apparently in addition to the
of the above, it seems best to consider the two holotype). The 10 paratypes are: Kumusi
specimens syntypes of M. g. destructa. River, AMNH 721283–721292, six males,
Mayr (1930: 20–26) wrote an account of four females, 1 and 5 June and 24 July
his 1928 expedition. 1907, by Albert S. Meek.
This species was not included when Roth-
Munia vana Hartert schild and Hartert (1912) reported on Meek’s
Munia vana Hartert, 1930b: 42 (Kofo (Anggi Kumusi River expedition.
Now Lonchura vana (Hartert, 1930). See Mayr Lonchura spectabilis wahgiensis Mayr and
et al., 1968: 382; Dickinson, 2003: 736; and Gilliard
Payne, 2010: 373.
Lonchura spectabilis wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 294415, adult female, 1952: 7 (Kegalsugl, south slope of Mt. Wilhelm,
collected at Kofo, Anggi Gita (5 Anggi Bismarck Mountains, Central Highlands, Man-
Gidji), 01.23S, 133.58E (USBGN, 1982), dated Territory of New Guinea).
Arfak Mountains, Papua Province, Indone- Now Lonchura spectabilis wahgiensis Mayr and
sia, on 11 June 1928, by Ernst Mayr Gilliard, 1952. See Mayr and Gilliard, 1954:
(no. 1083). 372; Mayr et al., 1968: 383; Diamond, 1972:
410–412; Coates, 1990: 342–344; Dickinson,
COMMENTS: As explained above, Mayr’s
2003: 736; and Payne, 2010: 376.
1928 expedition was jointly sponsored. This
holotype was part of Sanford’s share of the HOLOTYPE: AMNH 348398, adult male,
collection and came directly to AMNH. It collected at Keglsugl (5 Kegalsugl), 68000 ft,
bears an AMNH type label and was individ- 05.50S, 145.06N (J. Mandeville, personal
ually designated in the original description. commun.), south slope of Mount Wilhelm,
In the type series there were also three male Bismarck Mountains, boundary of Western
specimens and one juvenile, which are para- Highlands, Simbu, and Madang provinces,
types: Kofo, Anggi Gita, AMNH 294413, Papua New Guinea (5 Central Highlands,
juvenile male, AMNH 294414, 721263, 721264, Mandated Territory of New Guinea), on 17
adult males, all collected on 11 June 1928 by June 1950, by E. Thomas Gilliard.
E. Mayr. The first two were part of Sanford’s COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the
share; the last two came to AMNH with the holotype was cited in the original description
Rothschild Collection. and the range was given as the Wahgi and
See Hartert (1930a: 18–19) and Mayr Simbu (5 Chimbu) valleys from 5200 to
(1930: 20–26) for further information on 68000 ft and ‘‘presumably’’ birds from the
Mayr’s expedition. Sarawaget and Herzog mountains. These
latter were not examined and are not
Munia caniceps kumusii Hartert
included in the type series. Mayr and Gilliard
Munia caniceps kumusii Hartert, 1911: 47 (Kumusi (1954: 372) listed a number of specimens that
River, north coast of British New Guinea). had been examined (not necessarily collected)
Now Lonchura caniceps kumusii (Hartert, 1911). with respect to molt, but this 1954 publica-
See Hartert, 1919a: 143; Mayr et al., 1968: 383; tion covered specimens collected by Gilliard
Coates, 1990: 339–340; Dickinson, 2003: 736;
in both 1950 and 1952. Only those collected
and Payne, 2010: 376.
in 1950 are part of the type series of
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721282, adult male, wahgiensis. Paratypes are: Nondugl, AMNH
collected on the Kumusi River, 08.30S, 706012–706016, males, collected in April and
148.10E (PNG General Reference Map, May 1950; Mount Wilhelm, AMNH 706017,
female, collected 17 June 1950; Base Camp, measurements for four males and three
Tomba, Mount Hagen, AMNH 706018, sex?, females. Mayr’s fieldwork was jointly spon-
22 July 1950. This last specimen was sent to sored by L.C. Sanford for AMNH and
AM in 1953. Rothschild; Hartert studied the entire collec-
tion and then sent half to AMNH. The
Lonchura spectabilis gajduseki Diamond Rothschild half came to AMNH in 1932. The
Lonchura spectabilis gajduseki Diamond, 1967: 14 following paratypes, all collected at Ifaar by
(Karimui, Eastern Highlands District, Mandat- Mayr in September and October 1928, are
ed Territory of New Guinea; 3650 feet). in AMNH: AMNH 294409–294411, three
Now Lonchura spectabilis gajduseki Diamond, males, AMNH 294412, female, AMNH
1967. See Mayr et al., 1968: 383; Diamond, 721329, immature male, AMNH 721330,
1972: 410–412; Coates, 1990: 342–344; Dick- male, AMNH 721331, 721332, two females.
inson, 2003: 736; and Payne, 2010: 376. AMNH 721332 was exchanged to FMNH in
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 786041, adult male, the 1960s.
collected at Karimui, 3650 ft, 06.30S, For further information on this collection
144.50E (PNG General Reference Map, by Mayr, see Hartert (1930a: 18–19) and
1984), Eastern Highlands Province, Papua Mayr (1930: 20–26).
New Guinea (5 Eastern Highlands District,
Mandated Territory of New Guinea), on 3 Munia nigerrima Rothschild and Hartert
July 1965, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 715). Munia nigerrima Rothschild and Hartert, 1899:
COMMENTS: Diamond gave the AMNH 139 (New Hanover).
number of the holotype in the original Now Lonchura hunsteini nigerrima (Rothschild and
description; he had six adult males (including Hartert, 1899). See Hartert, 1919a: 143; Mayr et
the type), four adult females, and one al., 1968: 384; Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 399;
immature sex?. An additional two adult Dickinson, 2003: 736; and Payne, 2010: 377.
males, three immatures sex? and one juvenile LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721341, adult male,
sex? were prepared as skeletons. The follow- collected on New Hanover Island, 02.35S,
ing paratypes are in AMNH: Karimui, 150.10E (PNG Reference Map, 1984), New
AMNH 809544–809547, four females, Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, in
AMNH 809548–809550, three males, AMNH 1897, by Herbert Cayley-Webster. From the
809551, immature, sex?, AMNH skeleton Rothschild Collection.
no. 6781, male, all collected in July 1965.
COMMENTS: For the original description,
Most authors have recognized gajduseki;
Rothschild and Hartert had two specimens
Payne (2010: 376) synonymized it with
that had been preserved in spirits, an adult
wahgiensis. See Diamond 1972: 410–412) for
male and an immature; no type was desig-
nated. Hartert (1919a: 143) listed the adult
male as the type, thereby designating it the
Munia spectabilis mayri Hartert
lectotype. The paralectotype is AMNH
Munia spectabilis mayri Hartert, 1930b: 42 (Ifaar). 721342, immature, collected on New Han-
Now Lonchura spectabilis mayri (Hartert, 1930). over Island in 1897 by Cayley-Webster.
See Mayr et al., 1968: 383; Coates, 1990: 342– Cayley-Webster (1898: 282–298) described
344; Dickinson, 2003: 736; and Payne, 2010:
his stay on New Hanover, and Hartert (in
Cayley-Webster, 1898: 369–375) provided a
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721328, adult male, preliminary list of the birds collected, on
collected at Ifaar, 02.34S, 140.31E (USBGN, which no specimen of ‘‘Munia’’ appeared.
1982), Sentani Lake, Papua Province, Indo- However, Hartert mentioned (p. 369) that
nesia, on 27 September 1928, by Ernst Mayr additional species were preserved in spirits
(no. 2639). From the Rothschild Collection. and had not all been identified. Seven
COMMENTS: Hartert cited Mayr’s field additional species were found in the spirit
number of the holotype in the original collection and reported on by Rothschild and
description and said that he had a ‘‘series’’ Hartert (1899). In February 1923, Albert S.
collected in September and October, giving Meek sent Albert F. Eichhorn to collect on
New Hanover for Rothschild, and Hartert Melville Island, Northern Territory, Austra-
(1924a: 194, 213) further commented on lia, on 4 December 1911, by J.P. Rogers
Cayley-Webster’s collection when reporting (no. 2571). From the Mathews Collection
on Eichhorn’s. (no. 11319) via the Rothschild Collection.
COMMENT: Mathews gave his catalog
Munia castaneothorax assimilis Mathews number of the holotype in the original
Munia castaneothorax assimilis Mathews, 1910: 28 description and mentioned (p. 26) that
(Eureka, Northern Territory). Rogers had forwarded two shipments from
Now Lonchura castaneothorax castaneothorax Melville Island, which would have included
(Gould, 1837). See Mathews, 1912a: 429; Mayr specimens collected in 1911. The range of
et al., 1968: 384; Schodde and Mason, 1999: apsleyi was given as Melville Island; the six
771–772; Dickinson, 2003: 736; and Payne, specimens Mathews cataloged in March 1912
2010: 374. are considered his type series. The holotype
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721447, adult male, bears, in addition to Rogers’ label, Mathews
collected at Eureka, Northern Territory, and Rothschild type labels and a ‘‘Figured’’
Australia, on 8 January 1903, by J.T. Tunney label, indicating that it was used as the model
(no. 1025). From the Mathews Collection in Mathews (1925: pl. 565, lower fig., opp.
(no. 5308) via the Rothschild Collection. p. 196, and p. 197) under Donacola casta-
COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog neothorax, where the figured male is con-
number of the holotype in the original firmed as the type of apsleyi. There are only
description, but mentioned no other speci- four paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 721437
mens. According to his catalog, the holotype (Mathews no. 11322), AMNH 721438 (11321),
was obtained by Mathews from WAM. It was AMNH 721439 (11323), males, AMNH
part of the collection made by J.T. Tunney 721440 (11320), female, all collected on 4
in 1901–1903 and reported on by Hartert December 1911. Another specimen cataloged
(1905a: 194–242). The collection was divided by Mathews as no. 11324, male, 15 December
between Rothschild and WAM, with a subset 1911, if found, is also a paratype.
sent to BMNH (Hartert: 1905a: 194). Math- Hart and Pilling (1964: 101) gave the
ews’ specimen bears the number 1025, which location of Coopers Camp as across Apsley
is Tunney’s field number (see Hartert, 1905a: Strait from the Bathurst Island Mission
239). Apparently, Mathews obtained the Station, 11.45S 130.41E (Times atlas).
single specimen, as the remainder of the
Tunney specimens of this species in AMNH Munia castaneothorax gangi Mathews
were never in the Mathews Collection.
Specimens from the Mathews Collection Munia castaneothorax gangi Mathews, 1912a: 430
collected in 1894–1895 in Northern Territory (North-West Australia (Napier Broome Bay)).
by Knut Dahl were not cataloged by Math- Now Lonchura castaneothorax castaneothorax
ews until 1912 and thus were not available to (Gould, 1837). See Mayr et al., 1968: 485;
him for the description of this form. Schodde and Mason, 1999: 771–772; Dickinson,
Eureka is said by Storr (1977: 108, 112) to 2003: 736; and Payne, 2010: 374.
be a former mine 33 km ENE of Pine Creek, HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721456, adult male,
13.50S, 131.50E. collected at the Mission Station, Napier
Broome Bay, Western Australia, Australia,
Munia castaneothorax apsleyi Mathews
on 23 May 1910, by G.F. Hill (no. 52). From
Munia castaneothorax apsleyi Mathews, 1912b: 52 the Mathews Collection (no. 5734) via the
(Melville Island, Northern Territory). Rothschild Collection.
Now Lonchura castaneothorax castaneothorax COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog
(Gould, 1837). See Mayr et al., 1968: 385; number of the holotype in the original
Schodde and Mason, 1999: 771–772; Dickinson,
description and gave the range as ‘‘North-
2003: 736; and Payne, 2010: 374.
West Australia.’’ Three paratypes came to
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721436, adult male, AMNH: Napier Broome Bay, AMNH
collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Straits, 721457 (Mathews no. 5735), AMNH 721458
(6219), AMNH 721459 (6218), all immature coloration,’’ ‘‘rump not so reddish-brown,’’
males collected by Hill in May and June and ‘‘band on the breast is darker.’’
1910. A specimen cataloged by Mathews as
no. 5736, unsexed, collected at Napier Lonchura castaneothorax uropygialis
Broome Bay on 24 February 1910 by Hill Stresemann and Paludan
did not come to AMNH. Lonchura castaneothorax uropygialis Stresemann
According to Whittell (1954: 339), Hill’s and Paludan (in Stresemann et al.), 1934: 43
activities centered on the Drysdale River (Unterer Menoo 300 m).
Mission Station, 14.07S, 126.44E (USBGN, Now Lonchura castaneothorax uropygialis Strese-
1957). mann and Paludan, 1934. See Hartert et al.,
1936: 191–192; Mayr et al., 1968: 386; Schodde
[Lonchura thorpei Mathews] and Mason, 1999: 771–772; Dickinson, 2003:
736; and Payne, 2010: 374.
Mathews (1913c: 78) described this species,
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 302659, adult male,
apparently based on a female collected on the
collected on the Lower Menoo River, 03.50S,
Fitzroy River, northwest Australia, on 17
135.25E (USBGN, 1943), Pegunungan Ko-
May 1913. It is included in the synonymy of
bowre (5 Weyland Mountains), Papua Prov-
Lonchura castaneothorax assimilis in Mayr
ince, Indonesia, on 3 August 1931, by Georg
et al. (1968: 384–385), and all Australian
Stein (no. 2602).
populations are included in the nominate
COMMENTS: In the original description,
subspecies by Schodde and Mason (1999:
Stresemann and Paludan gave Stein’s unique
771–772). No specimen from the Fitzroy
field number of the holotype and noted that
River came to AMNH with the Rothschild
they had nine specimens. Clara and Georg
Collection. Stein collected in the Weyland Mountains
under the auspices of Rothschild, L.C.
[Donacola castaneothorax northi Mathews]
Sanford for AMNH, and Stresemann for
Donacola castaneothorax northi Mathews, 1923: 40 ZMB. The collection was to have been
(North Queensland). divided three ways, with types coming to
Now Lonchura castaneothorax castaneothorax AMNH. Before the study of the specimens
(Gould, 1837). See Mayr et al., 1968: 384; and was completed, the Rothschild Collection
Schodde and Mason, 1999: 771–772. was purchased by AMNH, and later three-
COMMENTS: This is another case of fourths of the collection came to AMNH
Mathews rushing to publish names so they (Hartert et al., 1936: 166). Paratypes in
could be included in Mathews (1925: 196– AMNH, all collected by Stein: Lower Wang-
200). Mathews (1925: 199–200) had decided gar River, AMNH 302654–302658, three
that Cairns, usually considered the type males, one female, one sex?, 22 July 1931;
locality of Gould’s name, was unlikely to Lower Menoo River, AMNH 302660, female,
have been a source of specimens as early as 3 August 1931.
1837, thus leaving Cairns birds without a Hartert et al. (1936) published on the
name. In the original description of northi, entire Weyland Mountain collection, and
Mathews (1923: 40) merely said that the type Stein (1933, 1936) reported on the Steins’
stay in the Weylands.
was from North Queensland, but Mathews
(1925: 197) listed the type locality as ‘‘Cairns,
Lonchura teerinki Rand
North Queensland,’’ and the implication in
his discussion (Mathews, 1925: 200) is that Lonchura teerinki Rand, 1940: 14 (Bele River,
Mathews intended to provide the Cairns 18 km. north of Lake Habbema, 2200 meters,
birds with a name. There are five Mathews Snow Mts., Netherland [sic] New Guinea).
specimens in AMNH with Cairns as the Now Lonchura teerinki teerinki Rand, 1940. See
Mayr, et al., 1968: 386; Dickinson, 2003: 736;
collecting locality, but none of their labels
and Payne, 2010: 375.
has any indication that Mathews intended
them as types and none of them shows the HOLOTYPE: AMNH 305642, adult male,
characters given for northi: ‘‘paler in general collected on the Ibele (5 Bele) River, 18 km
north of Lake Habbema, 2200 m, southern they have retained the very slightly darker
watershed of the Pegunungan Maoke (5 back and slightly more contrasting black
Snow Mountains), Papua Province, Indone- hood, as is shown in the photographs they
sia (5 Netherlands New Guinea), on 23 made. Thus mariae can be recognized.
November 1938, by R. Archbold, A.L. Rand,
and W.B. Richardson on the 1938–1939 Lonchura monticola myolae Restall
Archbold Expedition to Netherlands New
Lonchura monticola myolae Restall, 1995: 145 (Mt.
Guinea. Scratchley and Mt. Knotsford [sic], Owen
COMMENTS: Rand gave the AMNH num- Stanley Range, Papua New Guinea).
ber of the holotype in the original descrip- Now Lonchura monticola (De Vis, 1897). See
tion, but did not list specimens collected. LeCroy, 1999: 216–217; Dickinson, 2003: 736;
Rand (1942: 514–515) discussed this species, and Payne, 2010: 373–374.
but did not give the total number of speci-
mens collected. The following are paratypes LECTOTYPE: AMNH 721471 (not 421471),
of teerinki: 9 km northeast of Lake Hab- unsexed, collected on Mount Scratchley,
bema, AMNH 343417–343419, two males 08.40S, 147.30E (PNG General Reference
and one female; Balim River, AMNH Map, 1984), Owen Stanley Mountains, Pa-
343420–343428, three males, one male juve- pua New Guinea, undated, collector not
nile, four females, one immature sex?; Ibele noted. From the Rothschild Collection.
River, 18 km north of Lake Habbema, COMMENTS: Restall designated syntypes in
343429–343450, 12 males, one male juvenile, the original description by citing (incorrectly)
six females, one female juvenile, one female the AMNH numbers. The second listed
immature, one juvenile sex?. Of these, syntype was AMNH 721469 (not 421469)
AMNH 343417 and 343424 were exchanged from Mount Knutsford (not Knotsford) in
to FMNH, and AMNH 343421 and 343443 the Owen Stanley Mountains south of Mount
were sent to MZB. The entire collection from Scratchley. According to Rothschild and
the 1938–1939 expedition was reported on by Hartert (1915: 55) both of these specimens
Rand (1942). were collected by A.S. Anthony.
This third Archbold Expedition to New Restall said that the type locality of
Guinea was a joint expedition with Nether- nominate Lonchura monticola was Mount
lands Indies authorities and was also known ‘‘Edward Albert’’; however, its type locality
as the Indisch-Amerikaansche Expeditie. For is not Mount Albert Edward, but is Mount
a summary of the expedition see Archbold Scratchley, the same as that from which he
et al. (1942). named myolae. For a discussion of these
Rand’s specimens of teerinki were collected localities and the types of Lonchura monticola,
in the southern watershed of the Pegunungan see LeCroy (1999: 216–217). Because the
Maoke (5 Snow Mountains), including the syntypes of myolae are from different local-
Balim Valley in the center of that range. ities and the position of the two localities were
Later, Ripley (1964: 74) described the sub- confused in the original description, I (Le-
species L. t. mariae, from the northern Croy, 1999: 216) designated AMNH 721471
watershed at Bokindini. Dickinson (2003: from Mount Scratchley as the lectotype of L.
736) did not recognize mariae and considered m. myolae. Thus it becomes a topotypical
L. teerinki monotypic; Payne (2010: 375) did synonym of the nominate form. The speci-
recognize Ripley’s subspecies. The cited mens in AMNH, including the paralectotype,
differences with L. t. teerinki are of the sort AMNH 721469, from Mount Knutsford do
that may change with the age of the not appear to differ from Mount Scratchley
specimens due to ‘‘foxing’’ of melanins. Jonas specimens. Although Hicks (1987: 60) ob-
Lai, at my request, carried specimens of served L. monticola at Myola and reported it
nominate teerinki to YPM, where Ripley’s as a downward extension of range, he noted
specimens are housed, and he and Kristof no color differences and there are no speci-
Zyskowski compared specimens of nominate mens known from Myola.
teerinki with the four fully adult specimens of Sharpe (1898: 60) described Munia nigritor-
mariae, including the type, and found that quis from Mt. Albert Edward. M. nigritorquis
has been shown to be a synonym of L. 721519 was collected on the Mary River in
monticola (Mayr 1941: 222). Thus, the known May 1895 by Knut Dahl, but was not
range of L. monticola extends from Mount received from ZMO until after the publica-
Albert Edward, 08.25S, 147.25E, at least to tion of the name (Mathews, 1912b: 25); The
Mount Knutsford, 08.50S, 147.27E, in the third specimen, AMNH 721523, was the only
Owen Stanley Mountains, including the one collected at Eureka on 7 January 1903 by
Wharton Range. J.T. Tunney (no. 1022) (Hartert, 1905: 238),
but it was never in the Mathews Collection
Munia pectoralis incerta Mathews even though it bears a ‘‘Figured’’ label and
Munia pectoralis incerta Mathews, 1912a: 430 was illustrated in Mathews (1925: pl. 568,
(Alexandra [sic], Northern Territory). upper fig., opp. p. 213, pp. 213–214 of text),
Now Heteromunia pectoralis (Gould, 1841). See apparently borrowed by Mathews for the
Mayr et al., 1968: 387; Schodde and Mason, purpose. These last two specimens are not
1999: 774; Dickinson, 2003: 736; and Payne, paratypes of incerta.
2010: 351. Mathews (1913b: 60) introduced the ge-
neric name Heteromunia, with Amadina
HOLOTYPE: AMNH 721521, adult male,
pectoralis Gould as its type species.
collected at Alexandria, 19.02S, 136.42E
(USBGN, 1957), Northern Territory, Aus-
tralia, on 2 January 1906, by Wilfred Stalker Amadina fasciata alexanderi Neumann
(no. 104). From the Mathews Collection Amadina fasciata alexanderi Neumann, 1908e: 43
(no. 3517) via the Rothschild Collection. (Waram, Hawash River, Shoa).
COMMENTS: In the original description, Now Amadina fasciata alexanderi Neumann, 1908.
Mathews cited his catalog number of the See Hartert, 1919a: 148; Mayr et al., 1968: 389;
holotype. The holotype bears, in addition to Dickinson, 2003: 727; and Payne, 2010: 301.
Stalker’s label, Mathews and Rothschild type
labels and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, showing that it HOLOTYPE: AMNH 728357, adult male,
served as the model for Mathews (1925, pl. collected at Waram, Awash (5 Hawash)
568, lower fig., opp. p. 213, text p. 214) where River, 08.52N, 40.04E (Ash and Atkins,
it is confirmed as the type of incerta. 2009: 402), Shewa (5 Shoa), southeastern
As shown by his catalog, Mathews re- Ethiopia, on 9 June 1903, by P. Zaphiro.
ceived three specimens from Alexandria. Two From the Rothschild Collection.
paratypes are: AMNH 721520 (Mathews COMMENTS: In the original description,
no. 3514), male, February 1906, and AMNH Neumann designated as type the single
721522 (3513), female, 2 January 1906). specimen collected by Zaphiro at Waram,
Stalker’s collection at Alexandria was made saying that it was in the Rothschild Collec-
for Sir William Ingram, reported on by his tion and that the subspecies occurred from
son, Collingwood Ingram (1907, 1909), and northern Abyssinia through Shoa and So-
later purchased by Mathews. Mathews’ three maliland to German East Africa. Paratypes
specimens were listed by Ingram (1907: 415; in AMNH, all from Ethiopia, are: Sassa-
1909: 618) as the only specimens of this bane, AMNH 728354, male, 31 July 1894;
species collected by Stalker. Mathews gave Goura, AMNH 728355, female, 14 Septem-
the range of incerta as ‘‘Northern Territory.’’ ber 1894; Balassire, AMNH 728356, male,
Three additional specimens from the Math- 10 August 1902; Bonta, AMNH 728358–
ews Collection were collected early enough to 728362, two males, three females, 7 June
be available to Mathews for the description. 1903; Aoura Malka, AMNH 728363–728367,
AMNH 721518 was collected at Port Essing- two males, three females, 19 June 1903;
ton, ‘‘North Queensland’’ in July 1883 and Kassam, AMNH 728368, female, 24 June
cataloged (no. 7313) with the Thorpe Collec- 1903; Galla area, AMNH 728369, male,
tion in February 1911. Mathews probably AMNH 728370, female, 9 July 1903. The
quickly realized that Port Essington was in first two of these paratypes were collected by
Northern Territory and changed his label. I Donaldson Smith and the remainder by
consider it a paratype of incerta. AMNH Zaphiro.
thank the following individuals, who have collection. Bulletin of the American Museum of
responded to my queries or helped in various Natural History 100 (3): 393–452.
ways with this part of the AMNH type list: American Ornithologists’ Union. 1910. Check-list
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Edicions, 893 pp., 81 pls., photographs. tates 280: 1–19.
Fry, C.H., and S. Keith (editors). 2004. The birds Griscom, L. 1927b. An ornithological reconnais-
of Africa, vol. 7. Princeton, NJ: Princeton sance in eastern Panama in 1927. American
University Press, xxi + 666 pp., 36 pls. Museum Novitates 282: 1–10.
Garrido, O.H. 2000. A new subspecies of Oriente Griscom, L. 1928. New birds from Mexico and
Warbler Teretistris fornsi from Pico Turquino, Panama. American Museum Novitates 293: 1–6.
Cuba, with ecological comments on the genus. Griscom, L. 1930. Studies from the Dwight
Cotinga 14: 88–93. collection of Guatemala birds. III. American
Garrido, O.H., J.W. Wiley, and A. Kirkconnell. Museum Novitates 438: 1–18.
2005. The genus Icterus in the West Indies. Griscom, L. 1932. The distribution of bird-life in
Ornitologia Neotropical 16: 449–470. Guatemala: a contribution to a study of the
George, W.G. 1962. The classification of the Olive origin of Central American bird-life. Bulletin of
Warbler, Peucedramus taeniatus. American Mu- the American Museum of Natural History 64:
seum Novitates 2103: 1–41. i–ix, 1–439, 11 figs., 2 maps.
George, W.[G.]. 1964. A Peruvian race of Spinus Griscom, L. 1934. The pine grosbeaks of eastern
crassirostris. Condor 66: 248–249. North America. Proceedings of the New En-
George, W.G. 1968. A second report on the gland Zoological Club 14: 5–12.
basilhyale in American songbirds, with remarks Griscom, L. 1937. A monographic study of the
on the status of Peucedramus. Condor 70: Red Crossbill. Proceedings of the Boston
392–393. Society of Natural History 41 (5): 77–210.
Gill, F.B. 1980. Historical aspects of hybridization Groth, J.G. 1998. Molecular phylogenetics of
between Blue-winged and Golden-winged war- finches and sparrows: consequences of character
blers. Auk 97: 1–18. state removal in cytochrome b sequences.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 103: land, by Capt. W. Giffard. Novitates Zoologi-
377–390. cae 6: 403–422.
Gundlach, J. 1858. Notes on some Cuban birds, Hartert, E. 1899b. On some birds from Cape York,
with descriptions of three new species. Annals of north Queensland. Novitates Zoologicae 6:
the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 6: 423–428.
267–275. Hartert, E. 1899c. [Mr. Hartert further exhibited a
Gutiérrez-Pinto, N., et al. 2012. Non-monophyly new species of finch of the genus Poephila….He
and deep genetic differentiation across low- described the new form as follows]. Bulletin of
elevation barriers in a Neotropical montane bird the British Ornithologists’ Club 8: 59.
(Basileuterus tristriatus; Aves: Parulidae). Mo- Hartert, E. 1899d. [Mr. E. Hartert described a new
lecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64: species of weaver-finch from Equatorial Africa
156–165. as follows]. Bulletin of the British Ornitholo-
Guzy, M.J., and G. Ritchison. 1999. Common gists’ Club 10: xxvi.
Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichroa). In A. Poole, Hartert, E. 1900a. The birds of Ruk in the central
and F. Gill (editors), The birds of North Carolines. Novitates Zoologicae 7: 1–11.
America, no. 448. Philadelphia: Birds of North Hartert, E. 1900b. Another small contribution to
America, Inc. African ornithology. Novitates Zoologicae 7:
Hart, C.W.M., and A.R. Pilling. 1964. The Tiwi of 25–53.
north Australia. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Hartert, E. 1900c. [Mr. Ernst Hartert exhibited
Winston, 118 pp. some new South-American birds, which he
Hartert, E. 1893a. On the birds of the islands of described as follows]. Bulletin of the British
Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire. Ibis (6) 5: 289– Ornithologists’ Club 11: 37–40.
338. Hartert, E. 1901a. Aus den Wanderjahren eines
Hartert, E. 1893b. Mr. E. Hartert exhibited the Naturforschers. V. Kapitel. Die Fauna der
type-specimens of Hemignathus lanaiensis, Canarischen Inseln. Novitates Zoologicae 8:
Rothschild, from Lanai, described at the last 304–335.
meeting of the club, as well as examples of its Hartert, E. 1901b. Aus den Wanderjahren eines
nearest allies. Bulletin of the British Ornitholo- Naturforschers. VIII. Kapitel. Verzeichniss der
gists’ Club 2: xxxiii. bisher bekannten Vögel des eigentlichen Haus-
Hartert, E. 1896a. An account of the collections salandes. Novitates Zoologicae 8: 338–355.
of birds made by Mr. William Doherty in Hartert, E. 1901c. William Doherty. Obituary.
the Eastern Archipelago. IV. On the birds of Novitates Zoologicae 8: 494–506.
Lombok. Novitates Zoologicae 3: 555–565. Hartert, E. 1901d. [Mr. Ernst Hartert described
Hartert, E. 1896b. An account of the collections of the following new forms, and exhibited their
birds made by Mr. William Doherty in the types together with the nearest allies]. Bulletin of
Eastern Archipelago. VII. List of the birds the British Ornithologists’ Club 12: 12–13.
collected in Sumba. Novitates Zoologicae 3: Hartert, E. 1901e. [Mr. Ernst Hartert sent
576–590. descriptions of the following four new birds].
Hartert, E. 1896c. List of a collection of birds Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 12:
made in Lombok by Mr. Alfred Everett. 32–33.
Novitates Zoologicae 3: 591–599. Hartert, E. 1902a. Aus den Wanderjahren eines
Hartert, E. 1896d. [Mr. Ernst Hartert proposed to Naturforschers. II. Abschnitt. Reise nach Su-
call the Siberian form]. Bulletin of the British matra, Malakka und Indien. II. Kapitel. Nat-
Ornithologists’ Club 5: 38 pp. urgeschichtliches aus Sumatra. Novitates Zool-
Hartert, E. 1897. Mr. William Doherty’s bird- ogicae 9: 147–160, 193–221.
collections from Celebes. Novitates Zoologicae Hartert, E. 1902b. Aus den Wanderjahren eines
4: 153–166. Naturforschers. II. Kapitel. Die mit Sicherheit
Hartert, E. 1898a. List of an ornithological festgestellten Vögel der Inseln Aruba, Curaçao
collection made by Dr. Percy Rendall on the und Bonaire. Novitates Zoologicae 9: 295–309.
upper Shiré River, near Fort Johnston, and on Hartert, E. 1902c. Aus den Wanderjahren eines
the shores of the southern parts of Lake Nyasa. Naturforschers. IV. Abschnitt. Frülingsausflug
Novitates Zoologicae 5: 70–83. nach Marokko und Tenerife. I. Kapitel. Reise—
Hartert, E. 1898b. Account of the birds collected Marokko—Canarische Inseln—Madeira—Heim-
in Sumba by Alfred Everett and his native kehr. Novitates Zoologicae 9: 310–322.
hunters. Novitates Zoologicae 5: 466–476. Hartert, E. 1902d. Aus den Wanderjahren eines
Hartert, E. 1899a. List of a collection of birds Naturforschers. II. Kapitel. Einige kurze Noti-
made at Gambaga, in the Gold Coast hinter- zen über die Vogel der Gegend um Mazagan im
mittleren Marokko. Novitates Zoologicae 9: Hartert, E. 1919a. Types of birds in the Tring
322–339. Museum. B. Types in the general collection.
Hartert, E. 1902e. On birds from Pahang, eastern Novitates Zoologicae 26: 123–178.
Malay Peninsula. Novitates Zoologicae 9: Hartert, E. 1919b. [Dr. Ernst Hartert exhibited a
537–580. new serin finch, which he described as follows].
Hartert, E. 1902f. Some further notes on the birds Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 39:
of north-west Ecuador. Novitates Zoologicae 9: 50–51.
599–617, pl. VIII. Hartert, E. 1920. Types of birds in the Tring
Hartert, E. 1902g. On the birds collected by Museum. B. Types in the general collection
William Doherty in the Kikuyu Mountains, (contd.). Novitates Zoologicae 27: 425–505.
near Escarpment Station, in British East Africa. Hartert, E. 1921. Captain Angus Buchanan’s Aı̈r
Novitates Zoologicae 9: 620–625. Expedition. IV. The birds collected by Capt.
Hartert, E. 1902h. [Mr. Ernst Hartert also Angus Buchanan during his journey from Kano
exhibited a remarkable new bullfinch, which to Aı̈r or Asben. Novitates Zoologicae 28: 78–141.
he described as follows]. Bulletin of the British Hartert, E. 1921–1922. Die Vögel der paläark-
Ornithologists’ Club 12: 69–70. tischen Fauna. Zusätze und Berichtigungen.
Hartert, E. 1903. Die Vögel der Paläarktischen Berlin: R. Friedländer & Sohn Vol. 3: XII +
Fauna. Berlin: R. Friedländer und Sohn. Vol. 1 1765–2328.
(1): XII + 112 pp. Hartert, E. 1924a. The birds of New Hanover.
Hartert, E. 1904a. Die Vögel der Paläarktischen Novitates Zoologicae 31: 194–213.
Fauna,. Berlin: R. Friedländer und Sohn. Vol. 1 Hartert, E. 1924b. The birds of St. Matthias
(2): 113–240. Island. Novitates Zoologicae 31: 261–275.
Hartert, E. 1904b. [Dr. Ernst Hartert exhibited Hartert, E. 1924c. The birds of Squally or Storm
some new birds from Angola and Mindanao, Island. Novitates Zoologicae 31: 276–278.
which he described as follows]. Bulletin of the Hartert, E. 1928. Types of birds in the Tring
British Ornithologists’ Club 14: 72–74. Museum. C. Additional and overlooked types.
Hartert, E. 1905a. List of birds collected in north- Novitates Zoologicae 34: 189–230.
western Australia and Arnhem-land by Mr. J.T. Hartert, E. 1930a. I. On a collection of birds made
Tunney. Novitates Zoologicae 12: 194–242. by Dr. Ernst Mayr in northern Dutch New
Hartert, E. 1905b. Eine neue Subspecies von Guinea. Novitates Zoologicae 36: 18–19.
Fringilla teydea. Ornithologische Monatsber- Hartert, E. 1930b. III. List of the birds collected by
ichte 13: 164. Ernst Mayr. Novitates Zoologicae 36: 27–128.
Hartert, E. 1907. [Dr. Ernst Hartert described the Hartert, E., K. Paludan, Lord Rothschild, and E.
following new species and subspecies of African Stresemann. 1936. Die Vögel des Weyland-
birds]. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Gebirges und seines Vorlandes. Mitteilungen
Club 19: 81–85. aus dem Zoologisches Museum in Berlin, 21:
Hartert, E. 1910. Die Vögel der Paläarktischen 165–240.
Fauna. Berlin: R. Friedländer und Sohn. Vol. 1 Hartlaub, G. 1883. Diagnosen einiger neuer Vögel
(6): 641–817 + XIII–XLIX. aus dem östlich-äequatorialen Africa. Journal
Hartert, E. 1911. [Dr. Ernst Hartert exhibited and für Ornithologie 31: 425–426.
described examples of two new subspecies of Hartlaub, G. 1887. Dritter Beitrag zur Ornitholo-
birds which he proposed to name]. Bulletin of gie der östlich-äequatorialen Gebiete Afrikas.
the British Ornithologists’ Club 17: 46–47. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Zeitschrift für Syste-
Hartert, E. 1912. [Dr. Ernst Hartert exhibited matik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 2:
examples of a new species (sic) of Serinus, which 303–348, pls. 11–14.
he described as follows]. Bulletin of the British Haverschmidt, R., and G.F. Mees. 1994. Birds of
Ornithologists’ Club 29: 63. Suriname, revised ed. Paramaribo: Vaco Uitge-
Hartert, E. 1913. [Dr. Ernst Hartert exhibited and versmaatschappij, 584 pp., 45 pls., 1 map.
described examples of the following new sub- Hellmayr, C.E. 1906. On the birds of the island of
species of birds]. Bulletin of the British Orni- Trinidad. Novitates Zoologicae 13: 1–60.
thologists’ Club 33: 76–79. Hellmayr, C.E. 1911. A contribution to the
Hartert, E. 1917. [Dr. Ernst Hartert exhibited two ornithology of western Colombia. Proceedings
new subspecies of Venezuelan birds, which he of the Zoological Society of London, 1911:
described as follows]. Bulletin of the British 1084–1213.
Ornithologists’ Club 37: 31–32. H[ellmayr], C.E. 1931. Raymond Compte de
Hartert, E. 1918. Types of birds in the Tring Dalmas [obituary]. Auk 48: 163.
Museum. A. Types in the Brehm Collection. Hellmayr, C.E. 1935. Catalogue of birds of the
Novitates Zoologicae 25: 4–63. Americas and the adjacent islands. Alaudidae –
Linn., and Icteria Vieillot. Annals of the Passeriformes: Prunellidae, Turdidae, Orthony-
Lyceum of Natural History of New York 6: 1–4. chidae, Timaliidae, Paradoxornithidae, Picathar-
Lawrence, G.N. 1858. Observations on the pre- tidae, and Polioptilidae. Bulletin of the American
ceding paper. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural Museum of Natural History 292: 1–132.
History of New York 6: 275–276. LeCroy, M. 2008. Type specimens of birds in the
Lawrence, G.N. 1861a. Catalogue of a collection American Museum of Natural History. Part 7.
of birds, made in New Granada by James Passeriformes: Sylviidae, Muscicapidae, Platys-
McLeannan, Esq., of New York, with notes and teiridae, Maluridae, Acanthizidae, Monarchi-
descriptions of new species. Part 1. Annals of dae, Rhipiduridae, and Petroicidae. Bulletin of
the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7: the American Museum of Natural History 313:
288–302. 1–298.
Lawrence, G.N. 1861b. Catalogue of a collection LeCroy, M. 2010. Type specimens of birds in the
of birds made in New Grenada, by James American Museum of Natural History. Part 8.
McLeannan, Esq., of New York, with notes Passeriformes: Pachycephalidae, Aegithalidae,
and descriptions of new species. Part II. Annals Remizidae, Paridae, Sittidae, Neosittidae,
of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York Certhiidae, Rhabdornithidae, Climacteridae,
7: 315–334. Dicaeidae, Pardalotidae, and Nectariniidae.
Lawrence, G.N. 1863. Descriptions of new species Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural
of birds in the families Vireonidae and Rallidae. History 333: 1–178.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences LeCroy, M. 2011. Type specimens of birds in the
of Philadelphia 15: 106–107. American Museum of Natural History. Part 9.
Lawrence, G.N. 1864. Descriptions of new species Passeriformes: Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae.
of birds of the families Caerebidae, Tanagridae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural
Icteridae, and Scolopacidae. Proceedings of the History 348: 1–193.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia LeCroy, M. 2012. Type specimens of birds in the
16: 106–108. American Museum of Natural History. Part
Lawrence, G.N. 1865a. Catalogue of birds collected 10. Passeriformes: Emberizidae: Emberizinae,
at the island of Sombrero, W.I., with observa- Catamblyrhynchinae, Cardinalinae, Thraupi-
tions by A.A. Julien. Annals of the Lyceum of nae, and Tersininae. Bulletin of the American
Natural History of New York 8: 93–107. Museum of Natural History 368: 1–125.
Lawrence, G.N. 1865b. Description of new species LeCroy, M., and E.C. Dickinson. 2001. Systematic
of birds of the families Paridae, Vireonidae, notes on Asian birds. 17. Types of birds
Tyrannidae, and Trochilidae, with a note on collected in Yunnan by George Forrest and
Myiarchus Panamensis. Proceedings of the described by Walter Rothschild. Zoologische
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Verhandelingen 335: 183–198.
17: 37–39. LeCroy, M., and R. Sloss. 2000. Type specimens of
Lawrence, G.N. 1868. Description of seven new birds in the American Museum of Natural History.
species of American birds from various locali- Part 3. Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolap-
ties, with a note on Zonotrichia melanotis. tidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagi-
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences dae, and Rhinocryptidae. Bulletin of the American
of Philadelphia 20: 359–361, 429–430. Museum of Natural History 257: 1–88.
Lawrence, G.N. 1878. Descriptions of seven new Lerner, H.R.L., M. Meyer, H.F. James, M.
species of birds from the island of St. Vincent, Hofreiter, and R.C. Fleischer. 2011. Multilocus
West Indies. Annals of the New York Academy resolution of phylogeny and timescale in the
of Sciences 1: 147–153. extant adaptive radiation of Hawaiian honey-
LeCroy, M. 1999. Type specimens of new forms of creepers. Current Biology 21: 1838–1844.
Lonchura. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Louette, M., D. Meirte, A. Louage, and A. Reygel.
Club 119: 214–220. 2002. Type specimens in the Royal Museum for
LeCroy, M. 2003. Type specimens of birds in the Central Africa, Tervuren. Documentation Zo-
American Museum of Natural History. Part 5. ologique (Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale)
Passeriformes: Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Mota- 26: 3–105.
cillidae, Campephagidae, Pycnonotidae, Ireni- Loveridge, A. 1922. Notes on East African birds
dae, Laniidae, Vangidae, Bombycillidae, Duli- (chiefly nesting habits and stomach contents)
dae, Cinclidae, Troglodytidae, and Mimidae. collected 1915–1919. Proceedings of the Zoo-
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural logical Society of London 1922: 837–862.
History 278: 1–156. Lovette, I.J., and E. Bermingham. 2002. What is a
LeCroy, M. 2005. Type specimens of birds in the wood-warbler? Molecular characterization of a
American Museum of Natural History. Part 6. monophyletic Parulidae. Auk 119: 695–714.
Lovette, I.J., et al. 2010. A comprehensive multi- Mathews, G.M. 1913a. Additions and corrections
locus phylogeny for the wood-warblers and a to my reference list. Austral Avian Record 1:
revised classification of the Parulidae (Aves). 187–194.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: Mathews, G.M. 1913b. New generic names, with
753–770. some notes on others. Austral Avian Record 2:
Lowe, P.R. 1912. Observations on the genus 55–62.
Coereba, together with an annotated list of the Mathews, G.M. 1913c. New species and subspecies
species. Ibis (9) 6: 489–528, pls. VII, VIII. of Australian birds. Austral Avian Record 2:
Lowery, G.H., Jr., and B.L. Monroe, Jr. 1968. 73–79.
Parulidae. In R.A. Paynter, Jr. (editor), Check- Mathews, G.M. 1914a. Additions and corrections
list of birds of the world, vol. 14: 3–93. to my list of the birds of Australia. Austral
Cambridge, MA: Museum of Comparative Avian Record 2: 83–107.
Zoology, 433 pp. Mathews, G.M. 1914b. Additions to ‘‘A list of the
Lumholtz, C. 1889. Among cannibals. An account birds of Australia.’’ South Australian Ornithol-
of four years’ travels in Australia and of camp ogist 1 (2): 12–13.
life with the aborigines of Queensland. New Mathews, G.M. 1915. Additions and corrections
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 395 pp., 4 pls., to my list of the birds of Australia. Austral
maps. Avian Record 2: 123–133.
Macdougall-Shackleton, S.A., R.E. Johnson, and Mathews, G.M. 1917. New subspecies and notes
T.P. Hahn. 2000. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch on species. Austral Avian Record 3: 69–78.
(Leucosticte tephrocotis). In A. Poole, and F. Mathews, G.M. 1918. Additions and corrections
Gill (editors), The birds of North America, to my 1913 list. Austral Avian Record 3:
no. 559. Philadelphia: Birds of North America, 159–160.
Inc. Mathews, G.M. 1920. [Mr. Gregory M. Mathews
Macgillivray, W. 1915. Descriptions of nests and sent the following description of new subspecies
eggs of Monarcha canescens and Neochmia of Australian birds]. Bulletin of the British
phaeton albiventer. Emu 15: 36–37. Ornithologists’ Club 40: 75–76.
Macgillivray, W. 1917–1918. Ornithologists in north Mathews, G.M. 1923. Additions and corrections
Queensland. Emu 17: 63–87, 145–148, 180–212. to my lists of the birds of Australia. Austral
Mann, C.F. 2008. The birds of Borneo. An Avian Record 5: 33–44.
annotated checklist. BOU Checklist no. 23. Mathews, G.M. 1925. The birds of Australia,
Peterborough, UK: British Ornithologists’ Vol. 12: 1–225, pls. 542–570. London: H.F. and
Union, xvi + 440 pp, 66 pls. G. Witherby, 454 pp.
Manning, A. 1979. Bishop Museum’s first Hawai- Mathews, G.M. 1926. The birds of Australia,
ian birds: the Mills Collection. ‘Elepaio 40 (3): vol. 12: 226–406, pls. 571–595. London: H.F.
35–43. and G. Witherby, 454 pp.
Martinez-Sanchez, J.C., and T. Will (editors). Mathews, G.M. 1929. [Mr. Gregory M. Mathews
2010. Thomas R. Howell’s check-list of birds described the following new finch]. Bulletin of
of Nicaragua as of 1993. Ornithological Mono- the British Ornithologists’ Club 49: 91.
graphs 68: xvi + 107 pp. Mathews, G.M. 1930. Systema avium australasia-
Mathews, G.M. 1908. Handlist of the birds of narum, part 2: 427–1048. London: British
Australasia. Emu 7 (supplement): 1–108. Ornithologists’ Union.
Mathews, G.M. 1910. [Mr. G.M. Mathews exhib- Mayr, E. 1930. My Dutch New Guinea expedition,
ited examples of a new subspecies of weaver- 1928. Novitates Zoologicae 36: 20–26.
finch, which he proposed to call]. Bulletin of the Mayr, E. 1931. The parrot finches (genus Ery-
British Ornithologists’ Club 27: 28. thrura). American Museum Novitates 489: 1–10.
Mathews, G.M. 1911. [Mr. G.M. Mathews con- Mayr, E. 1938. Notes on a collection of birds from
tributed the following description of a new grass- south Borneo. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum
finch, which he proposed to name]. Bulletin of 14: 5–46.
the British Ornithologists’ Club 27: 68. Mayr, E. 1941. List of New Guinea birds. New
Mathews, G.M. 1912a. A reference-list to the birds York: American Museum of Natural History, xi
of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171–446. + 260 pp., gazetteer, map.
Mathews, G.M. 1912b. Additions and corrections Mayr, E. 1944. The birds of Timor and Sumba.
to my reference list to the birds of Australia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural
Austral Avian Record 1: 25–52. History 83 (2): 123–194, figs. 1–4.
Mathews, G.M. 1912c. Additions and corrections Mayr, E. 1968. Family Fringillidae, subfamily
to my reference list. Austral Avian Record 1: Fringillinae. In R.A. Paynter, Jr. (editor),
118–120. Check-list of birds of the world, vol. 14: 202–
206. Cambridge, MA: Museum of Comparative Mlı́kovský, J. 2009. Types of birds in the
Zoology, 433 pp. collections of the Museum and Institute of
Mayr, E., and J.M. Diamond. 2001. The birds of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wars-
northern Melanesia. Oxford: Oxford University zawa, Poland. Part 3: South American birds.
Press, 492 pp., 9 pls. Journal of the National Museum (Prague),
Mayr, E., and E.T. Gilliard. 1952. Six new Natural History Series 178 (5): 17–180.
subspecies of birds from the highlands of New Myers, S. 2009. Birds of Borneo. Brunei, Sabah,
Guinea. American Museum Novitates 1577: Sarawak, and Kalimantan. Princeton: Princeton
1–8. University Press, 272 pp., illustrated.
Mayr, E., and E.T. Gilliard. 1954. Birds of central Naumburg, E.M.B. 1930. The birds of Matto
New Guinea. Results of the American Museum Grosso, Brazil. A report on the birds secured by
of Natural History expeditions to New Guinea the Roosevelt-Rondon Expedition. Bulletin of
in 1950 and 1952. Bulletin of the American the American Museum of Natural History 60:
Museum of Natural History 103 (4): 311–374, i–vii, 1–432, 17 pls., 43 figs., 5 maps.
pls. 13–34, map. Naumburg, E.M.B., and H. Friedmann. 1927. A
Mayr, E. [Australo-Papuan]., R.A. Paynter, Jr. new race of Molothrus bonariensis from Brazil.
[Oriental], and M.A. Traylor [African]. 1968. Auk 44: 494.
Family Estrildidae. In R.A. Paynter, Jr. (editor), Naurois, R.d.e. 1994. Les oiseaux des ı̂les du Golfe
Check-list of birds of the world, vol. 14: 306– de Guinée / As aves das ilhas do Golfo da
390. Cambridge, MA: Museum of Comparative Guiné. Lisbon: Instituto de Investigação Cientı́-
Zoology, 433 pp. fica Tropical, xxi + 208 pp., 24 pls., figs., maps.
Mayr, E., and A.L. Rand. 1937. Results of the Neumann, O. 1904. Vögel von Schoa und Süd
Archbold Expeditions. No. 14. The birds of the Äthiopien. Journal für Ornithologie 52:
1933–1934 Papuan Expedition. Bulletin of the 321–410.
American Museum of Natural History 73 (1): Neumann, O. 1905. Vögel von Schoa und Süd-
1–248, 1 pl. Äthiopien. Journal für Ornithologie 53:
McGregor, R.C. 1900 (1901). New Alaskan birds. 184–243, 335–360.
Condor [Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Neumann, O. 1907. Über die geographischen
Club] 3 (1): 8. Formen des Wüstentrompeters. Ornithologische
Mearns, E.A. 1890. Descriptions of a new species Monatsberichte 15: 144–146.
and three new subspecies of birds from Arizona. Neumann, O. 1908a. [Professor Neumann also
Auk 7: 243–251. exhibited and described examples of the follow-
Meinertzhagen, [R.]., and [A.]. Meinertzhagen. ing new subspecies, collected by Mr. F.W.
1926. [Col. and Mrs. Meinertzhagen forwarded Riggenbach in Senegambia, the types of which
the descriptions of six new races of birds from were in the Tring Museum]. Bulletin of the
India and the Himalayas]. Bulletin of the British British Ornithologists’ Club 21: 43–44.
Ornithologists’ Club 46: 83–86. Neumann, O. 1908b. [Prof. Neumann described
Meise, W. 1929. Die Vögel vom Djampea und and exhibited examples of the following new
benachbarten Inseln nach einer Sammlung African birds collected by Mr. Rudolf Grauer
Baron Plessens. Journal für Ornithologie 77: on the Upper Kagera River and on the western
431–480. chain of the Kivu Volcanoes. The type speci-
Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1946. Colombian Zoo- mens were preserved in the Tring Museum].
logical Survey. Part IV. Further notes on Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 21:
Colombian birds, with the descriptions of new 54–57.
forms. Notulae Naturae 167: 1–13. Neumann, O. 1908c. [Prof. Neumann also de-
Meyer de Schauensee, R. 1957. On some avian scribed and (with the exception of Apus reich-
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mountain of the outlaws. National Geographic birds as follows]. Bulletin of the British Orni-
60 (1): 1–65. thologists’ Club 16: 81.
Roman, R.A., and O.H. Garrido. 2000. Tipos de Rothschild, W. 1909. [The Hon. Walter Rothschild
la coleccı́on de aves del Instituto de Ecologı́a y described and exhibited examples of a new
Sistemática, Cuba. El Pitirre 13 (1): 1–4.
species of weaver-finch]. Bulletin of the British
Rothschild, W. 1892. Descriptions of seven new
Ornithologists’ Club 23: 102–103.
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Rothschild, W. 1921. On a collection of birds from
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west-central and north-western Yunnan. Novi-
tates Zoologicae 28: 14–67.
Rothschild, W. 1893a. [A communication was read
Rothschild, W. 1922. [Lord Rothschild sent the
from the Hon. Walter Rothschild containing the
descriptions of some new Yunnan birds, col-
description of a new species of Hemignathus
lected by Mr. G. Forrest…]. Bulletin of the
from the island of Lanai in the Sandwich
British Ornithologists’ Club 43: 9–12.
group.] Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’
Club 1: xxiv–xxv. Rothschild, W. 1923. On a second collection sent
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Walter Rothschild, Mr. E. Hartert exhibited the Novitates Zoologicae 30: 33–58.
type specimens of a new genus and species of Rothschild, W. 1931. On a collection of birds
Fringilline bird from the Sandwich Islands. Mr made by Mr. F. Shaw Mayer in the Weyland
Rothschild proposed for it the name of Pseudo- Mountains, Dutch New Guinea, in 1930.
nestor xanthophrys.] Bulletin of the British Novitates Zoologicae 36: 250–276.
Ornithologists’ Club 1: xxxv–xxxvi. Rothschild, W., and E. Hartert. 1893. Die Formen
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schild exhibited three new birds which he had nithologische Monatsberichte 1: 97–98.
lately received from his collector in the Sand- Rothschild, W., and E. Hartert. 1894. [Correction
wich Islands, and characterized them as fol- of description of Fringilla spodiogenys koenigi.]
lows]. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Ornithologische Monatsberichte 2: 75–76.
Club 1: xli–xlii. Rothschild, W., and E. Hartert. 1899. Ein kleiner
Rothschild, W. 1893d. [Mr. Rothschild also Beitrag zur ferneren Kenntnis der Ornis von
exhibited and described the following species]. Neu-Hannover. Ornithologische Monatsber-
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lvi–lix. Rothschild, W., and E. Hartert. 1907. [Dr. E.
Rothschild, W. 1893e. [The Hon. Walter Roth- Hartert exhibited an example of a new species of
schild communicated the following note on bullfinch, which the Hon. Walter Rothschild
and he proposed to describe]. Bulletin of the Sharpe, R.B. 1889b. On the ornithology of
British Ornithologists’ Club 21: 9–10. northern Borneo, with notes by John White-
Rothschild, W., and E. Hartert. 1912. List of a head. Parts I–IV. Ibis (6) 1: 63–85, 185–205,
collection of birds made by Mr. Albert Meek on 265–283, 409–443.
the Kumusi River, north-eastern British New Sharpe, R.B. 1891 [January]. Descriptions of
Guinea. Novitates Zoologicae 19: 187–206. fourteen new species of birds discovered by
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Zoologicae 22: 55–59. Sharpe, R.B. 1898. [Two species of Munia
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Philippine birds. Videnskabelige middelelser proposed the following names for them]. Bulle-
fra Dansk naturhistorisk forening 115: 205–281. tin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 7: 60.
Salvadori, T. 1888. Catalogo di una collezione di Shelley, G.E. 1903. [Captain G.E. Shelley sent the
uccelli dello Scioa fatta dal Dott. Vincenzo following notes on the nomenclature of certain
Ragazzi negli anni 1884, 1885, 1886. Annali del Fringillidae]. Bulletin of the British Ornitholo-
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (2) gists’ Club 19: 29–30.
6: 185–326. Short, L.L. 1969. A new species of blackbird
Salvin, O. 1895. On birds collected in Peru by Mr. O.T. (Agelaius) from Peru. Occasional Papers of the
Baron. Novitates Zoologicae 2: 1–22, pls. 1 & 2. Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University
Sangster, G. 2008. A revision of Vermivora 36: 1–8.
(Parulidae), with the description of a new genus. Sibley, C.G., and J.E. Alquist. 1990. Phylogeny
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(editors), The birds of North America, no. 255. bibliography. Shipman, VA: Buteo Books, 516 pp.
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Fringillinae, 58 Hemignathus, 27
fuertesi, Icterus, 52 Hemignathus, 30
fuliginosus, Oreostruthus, 100 Hemispingus, 12
fulvicauda, Basileuterus, 17 Hesperiphona, 83
fulvicauda, Myiothlypis, 17 Heteromunia, 126
furnerea, Hypochaera, 127 Heterorhynchus, 29
fuscocrissa, Ortygospiza, 96 hilli, Neopoephila, 107
gabonensis, Ortygospiza, 96 Himatione, 25, 27, 31
gabunensis, Pyrenestes, 87 Holboellii, Linaria, 69
gaffneyi, Basileuterus, 17 holmesi, Lonchura, 117
gaimardi, Zonaeginthus, 100 holosericeus, Amblycercus, 45
gajduseki, Lonchura, 122 hondae, Icterus, 46
gangi, Munia, 123 hunsteini, Lonchura, 122
Geothlypis, 7 huttoni, Vireo, 37
gigas, Icterus, 48 Hylophilus, 40
gilvus, Vireo, 39 Hypargos, 86, 88
giraudii, Icterus, 46 Hypargus, 88
githaginea, Erythrospiza, 71 hyperythra, Chlorura, 109
githagineus, Bucanetes, 71 hyperythra, Erythrura, 109
Gouldaeornis, 113 Hypochaera, 127
gouldiae, Erythrura, 113 hypomelaena, Lonchura, 118
gouldiae, Gouldaeornis, 113 ianthinogaster, Estrilda, 92
gouldiae, Poephila, 113 ianthinogaster, Uraeginthus, 93
Granatellus, 20 ianthogaster, Granatina, 92
Granatina, 92 Ictera, 21
grandis, Lonchura, 120 Icteridae, 43
grandis, Munia, 120 Icterinae, 43
graueri, Estrilda, 89, 95 icterocephalus, Agelaius, 54
graueri, Euschistospiza, 88 icterocephalus, Chrysomus, 54
graueri, Lagonosticta, 88 icteronotus, Cassicus, 44
graueri, Serinus, 64 Icterus, 46
gregalis, Lonchura, 120 icterus, Icterus, 51
griseiceps, Myiothlypis, 12 icterus, Xanthornus, 51
griseiventris, Hylophilus, 40 igneus, Icterus, 50
griseonucha, Leucosticte, 71 iliaca, Fringilla, 30
griseonuchus, Myioborus, 10 inaequalis, Basileuterus, 13
grotei, Pytelia, 86 inaequalis, Myiothlypis, 13
guianensis, Coereba, 24 incerta, Munia, 126
gujanensis, Cyclarhis, 34 inconspicuus, Basileuterus, 16
gularis, Icterus, 47 intensior, Propyrrhula, 75
guttata, Stagonopleura, 100 intercedens, Crucirostra, 76
guttata, Taeniopygia, 104 interior, Icterus, 49
guttatus, Zonaeginthus, 100 interjecta, Vidua, 127
guttulatus, Icterus, 47 intermedia, Chlorura, 109
gutturalis, Parula, 5 intermedia, Erythrura, 109
haematina, Spermospiza, 87 intermedia, Oporornis, 8
haematopygia, Leucosticte, 71 iredalei, Neochmia, 101
hagenensis, Oreostruthus, 100 jagori, Lonchura, 118
harterti, Hypargus, 89 jaliscensis, Peucedramus, 19
harterti, Neochmia, 107 jamesoni, Estrilda, 91
hartogi, Taeniopygia, 105 jamesoni, Lagonosticta, 90
hecki, Poephila, 107 josephae, Vireo, 39
Helminthophaga, 5 kabisombo, Estrilda, 91