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Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)

Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

Efforts to Improve Learning outcomes the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness

Through Learning Models Discovery Learning Grade IV Elementary School

Lusi Anna Purba*, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi

Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
corresponding author: [email protected]

This research aims to improve student learning outcomes using the Discovery Learning learning model on the theme The Beauty of Togetherness, the sub-
theme Togetherness in Diversity in class IV of Sei Beras Sekata Catholic Private Elementary School for the 2022/2023 Academic Year. This research is
Classroom Action Research (PTK), the subjects in this research are 25 class IV students, consisting of 11 male students and 14 female students. The data
collection techniques used are observation and tests. The results of this research indicate an increase in student learning outcomes. The results of the research
in cycle I were 8 students who got a pass mark or 32%, while 17 students who did not complete it or 68% with an average score of 61.96. In Cycle II there
were 22 students who met the criteria for completeness or 88%, while there were 3 students who did not complete it or 12% with an average score of 80.32.
So there was an increase from cycle I compared to cycle II and it had fulfilled the specified completeness. Furthermore, teacher activity in cycle I observation
obtained an average of 72% and in cycle II it increased to 92%, while student activity in the learning process in cycle I obtained an average of 60% and in
cycle II it increased to 90%.

Keywords: learning outcomes, discovery learning model

Submitted Accepted Published

13 October 2023 29 January 2024 30 January 2024

Citation : Purba, L.A., Silaban, P.J., Sari HS, D.W., & Abi, A.R. (2024). Efforts to Improve Learning outcomes the Beautiful Theme of
Togetherness Through Learning Models Discovery Learning Grade IV Elementary School. Jurnal PAJAR
(Pendidikan dan Pengajaran), 8(1), 24-34. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648.

Education is a very important tool in life, where education aims to change weak human resources to be
more advanced. Education can also be interpreted as all life experiences in various environments that last a
lifetime and positively affect individual growth and development. Education is the process of changing the
attitude and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training
efforts. Education can develop and improve quality human resources. Indonesia's national education system in
the present and for the future will certainly be characterized by rationality, but still consider the foundation of
life values derived from Indonesia's own culture. The values of national and state life need to be the main
consideration in formulating the national education system. Discovery learning is one of the learning models
used in modern constructivist approaches. In this learning students are encouraged to learn on their own through
active involvement through various concepts and principles. Teachers encourage students to have experiences
and experiment by allowing them to discover principles or concepts for themselves. Thematic learning is used
as an approach to the 2013 elementary / MI curriculum. The Discovery model is learning that involves students
in the mental learning process through exchanging opinions, by discussing, reading alone and trying alone, so
that children can learn on their own.
The following can be seen from the results of the daily Thematic test scores of Class IV Sei Beras Sekata
Catholic SDS for the 2022/2023 learning year obtained by students not in accordance with the student learning
completeness standards in the following table.

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 24
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

Table 1. The Beautiful Theme Value of Togetherness in Grade IV

Number of
No Subject KKM Percentage (%) Information
1. Bahasa >70 10 43,48% Complete
Indonesia <70 13 56,52% Incomplete
2. IPA >70 8 34,78% Complete
<70 15 65,22% Incomplete
3. PPKn >70 11 47,82% Complete
<70 12 52,18% Incomplete

From the table above, it is known that student learning outcomes in learning the theme of My Residence
Area obtained in the even semester of 23 students at the time of the formative test, in incomplete Indonesian
learning 13 students or 56.52% and those who completed 10 students or 43.48% who achieved KKM, in
incomplete science 15 students or 65.22% and those who completed 8 students or 34.78% who achieved KKM,
in incomplete Civics 12 students or 52.18% and those who completed 11 students or 47.82% who reached KKM.
Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is 70 in Thematic learning. This means that the completeness of
learning outcomes in thematic learning is very low. According to the Homeroom IV teacher, the problem of
incompleteness of student learning outcomes occurs every semester. Thus, seeing from the facts that have been
described, it is necessary to improve learning so that student learning outcomes increase in thematic learning.
By looking at the problems above, the researcher makes changes in improvements in the learning process. One
of them is a solution by applying the Inside Discovery Learning learning model. The purpose of researchers is
to provide solutions by applying this Discovery Learning model to improve the learning outcomes of students
to increase, so as to achieve the success of the process and learning outcomes of students.

Understanding the Discovery Learning Learning Model
In this learning learning activities are designed in such a way that students can discover concepts and
principles through their own mental processes. According to Stokes et al in (Hamzah et al, 2020: 386) Discovery
Learning is a model to develop active learning methods by discovering yourself, investigating yourself, then the
results obtained will be faithful and long-lasting in memory. According to Hamalik in (Prasetyo &; Abduh 2021:
1718 - 1719) discovery learning is a model to develop active student learning by finding and investigating, so the
results obtained will last long in memory will not be easily forgotten by students. According to Wulan Sari HS
(2021: 90) the Discovery Learning learning model is a series of learning activities that emphasize the process of
thinking critically and analytically to find and find the answer to a problem in question. The thought process itself
is usually done through questions and answers between teachers and students.
Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that discovery learning is a model for developing
active student learning by discovering themselves, investigating for themselves, then the results obtained will be
faithful and durable in memory, will not be easily forgotten by students. By learning discovery, learners can also
learn to think critically and analyze and try to solve their own problems at hand. This habit will be transferred in
daily life both in the school and social environment.

Steps for implementing the Discovery Learning Learning Learning Model

According to Shah (Radiyem, 2021: 10-13) in applying discovery learning in the classroom, there are
several procedures that must be carried out in teaching and learning activities in general as follows:
1. Stimulation

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 25
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

At this stage students are faced with something that raises a question mark, then proceed not to generalize,
so that the desire to investigate themselves arises. In addition, teachers can start PBM by asking questions,
encouraging reading books, and other learning activities that lead to problem-solving preparation.
2. Problem Statement
After stimulation, the next step is for the teacher to give students the opportunity to identify as many
problem agendas as possible that are relevant to the subject matter, then one of them is selected and formulated
in the form of a hypothesis (temporary answer to the problem question).
3. Deta collection
When the exploration takes place, the teacher also gives the students the opportunity to gather as much
relevant information as possible to prove whether or not the hypothesis is true. At this stage it serves to answer
questions or prove whether or not the hypothesis is true. Thus students are given the opportunity to collect
(collection) various relevant information reading literature.
4. Data Processing
All reading information is processed, randomized, classified, tabulated, even if necessary calculated in a
certain way and interpreted at a certain level of confidence. Data Processing is also called coding / cathegoration
which functions in the formation of concepts and generalizations.
5. Verification
At this stage, students conduct a careful examination to prove whether or not the hypothesis set earlier is
true with alternative findings related to the processed data. According to Bruner, verification aims that the
learning process will run well and creatively if the teacher provides opportunities for students to find a concept,
theory, rule or understanding through examples he encounters in his life.
The generalization stage is the process of drawing a conclusion that can be used as a general principle
and applies to all the same events or problems, taking into account verification. After drawing conclusions,
students should pay attention to the process of generalization, which emphasizes the importance of mastery of
the lesson over broad meanings and rules or principles, which underlie one's experience, as well as the importance
of the process of organizing and generalizing those experiences.

Advantages and disadvantages of Implementing the Discovery Learning Learning Model

This Discovery Learning model has advantages and disadvantages in application in the classroom and in
schools, here are the advantages and disadvantages of the Discovery Learning model as follows: The advantages
of applying Discovery Learning (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2013: 32) in (Radiyem, 2021: 7-10); a)
Assist students to improve and improve therapeutic skills and cognitive processes. Discovery is key in this
process, depending on how one learns, b) The knowledge gained through this model is very personal and powerful
because it strengthens understanding, memory, and transfer, c) Generate a sense of pleasure in students, because
of the growth of a sense of investigating and succeeding, d) This model allows students to progress quickly and
at their own pace, e) Cause students to direct their own learning activities by involving their own intellect and
motivation, f) Help students strengthen their self-concept, as they gain confidence in cooperation with others, g)
Student-centered and the teacher plays an active role together in bringing out ideas. Even teachers can act as
students, and as researchers in discussion situations, h) Help students eliminate sceticism (doubt because it leads
to final and certain or definite truths), i) Students will understand basic concepts and ideas better, j) Assist,
develop memory and transfer to new learning situations, k) Encourage students to think and work on their own
initiative, l) Encourage students to think intuitively and formulate their own hypotheses, m) Provide decisions
that are intrinsic, n) The learning situation becomes more aroused, o) The learning process includes fellow aspects
of students leading to the formation of a whole person, p) Increase the level of appreciation in students, q) The
possibility of students learning by utilizing different types of learning resources, r) Can develop students learn to
develop individual talents and skills.

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 26
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

The weaknesses of the application of Discovery Learning (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2013: 32)
in Radiyem, (2021: 7-10) ; a) Raises the assumption that there is a readiness of the mind to learn. For students
who are less intelligent, will have difficulty abstracting or thinking about revealing relationships between released
or oral concepts, which in turn will cause frustration, b) It is inefficient to teach a large number of students because
it takes a long time to help them find theories or other problem solving, c) The expectations contained in this
model can be shattered by dealing with students and teachers with old ways of learning, d) Teaching with the
Discovery Learning model to develop understanding while developing aspects of concepts, skills as a whole
receive less attention, f) In some disciplines, there is a lack of facilities to measure the tasks that have been
developed by students, e) Does not provide opportunities for thinking that students will find because they have
been selected in advance by the teacher.

In conducting this study, types of The research used is research class action (PTK). Classroom action
researcher is a problem-solving that Utilizing concrete actions in the form of cycles in where through the process
of solving ability problem. This research aims to improve student learning outcomes on the theme of the Beauty
of Togetherness by using Discovery Learning in the classroom IV Sei Beras Sekata Catholic Private Elementary
School. The research was conducted at Sei Beras Sekata Catholic Private Elementary School Learning year
2023/2024. The subjects of this study are students grade IV Sei Beras Sekata Catholic Private Elementary School
Years of study 2023/2024 with 25 students person. The object of this study using the Discovery Learning
learning model can improve learning outcomes.

Instrument Validation
An instrument is said to be valid if the instrument used can measure what it wants to measure. Validation
of research instruments aims to show the achievement or success of a test instrument. In this study, instrument
validation used data validity and data reliability test techniques.

Instrument Data Validation Test

Validation tests can be carried out by researchers so that the instruments made can be said to be valid.
Validity in this study is carried out by testing and checking its validation, so that the data can be accounted for.
This validity test is used in validating tests and questionnaires using the same formula. The definition of validity
shows the accuracy and suitability of measuring instruments used to measure variables. A measuring instrument
can be said to be valid if it is really in accordance with answering carefully about the variable being measured.
To prove the validity of the data is feasible or not, the test questions use the formula:
Valid = r hitung > r tabel
rxy = …………. Widoyoko (2014:241)
√{N∑X2 −(∑X2 )}{(N∑Y2 −(∑Y2 )}
r_xy = correlation coefficient between variable X and Variable Y
N = Number of test takers
X = Trial result value
Y = Daily mean value

Instrument Reliability Test

Question reliability is a measure that expresses the level of consistency of a test question. To measure the
level of efficacy of this problem used a comparison of Alpha Cronbach's formula used expressed by:
k 𝑣𝑡−∑ 𝑝𝑞
𝑟11 = (k−1) ( 𝑣𝑡 ) .............................. Widoyoko (2014:263)
r11 = Instrument reliability

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 27
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

k = Number of question details

vt = total variance
p = proportion of subjects who answered the item correctly
q = proportion of subjects who answered the item incorrectly ( q = 1-p)
∑pq = sum of multiplication results between p and q
N = number of items
The resulting reliability coefficient on Intervention question items Jihad &; Haris collation items
(2012:180) as the table below. To interpreting the meaning of a reliability coefficient can be The following
guidelines are used:
Tabel 2. Intervention on the Correlation Coefficient
Correlation Coefficient Criterion
0,90 <𝑟𝑥𝑦 < 1,00 Very high
0,70 <𝑟𝑥𝑦 < 0,90 High
0,40 <𝑟𝑥𝑦 < 0,70 Sufficient
0,20 <𝑟𝑥𝑦 < 0,40 Low
𝑟𝑥𝑦 < 0,20 Very low

Data Analysis Techniques.

The data analysis used is in the form of a test of student learning outcomes which is used after the study
is carried out during the learning process using observation sheets prepared to collect data. This analysis is used
to find out whether or not it was done using the following formula.

Implementation of learning.
1. To calculate the results of the implementation of learning in students can be used the following formula:
Value = (earned score)/(maximum score) x × 100 ........................ Jihad &; Haris (2018:130)
With the following criteria:

Table 3. Student Activity Assessment Criteria

Value Criterion
90-100 Very good
70-89 Good
50-69 Enough
30-49 Less
10-29 Very less
(Source: Jihad & Haris, 2018:13)
2. To calculate the results of the implementation of learning in teachers can be used the following formula:
Grade= (earned score)/(maximum score) x 100%

Table 4. Teacher Activity Assessment Criteria

Assessment criteria Information
A= 81-100% Very good
B= 61-80% Good
C=41-60% Enough
D=21-40% Less
E=0-20% Very less
Source: Tampubolon (2016:166)

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 28
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

Completeness of Student Learning Outcomes

1. Individual completeness
Students are said to have completed learning if students have reached the minimum completeness
criteria (KKM) set by the school, which is 65. To calculate the completeness of student learning can be
calculated as follows: Student grade = (total score)/(maximum score) × 100............ (Trianto, 2019:241)
With the following information:
KB : Completeness of learning
Q : Number of scores obtained
Tt : Total score
The calculation results are adjusted to the criteria for student learning completeness which are grouped into
two categories: complete and incomplete.
With the following criteria:

Table 5. Learning Outcomes Completeness Criteria

Completeness table Information
≥ 70 Complete
≤ 70 Incomplete

2. Classical completeness.
Tampubolon (2014: 166) stated, students are said to have completed their learning classically at least
if in the class there are 75% of students who have completed reaching KKM 65. To find out the percent of
students who have studied completely classically can use the formula:
P = (earned score)/(maximum score) X 100% ................................................. (Aqib et al, 2021:41)
P = classical completeness of observations

Table 6. Classical Completeness Assessment Criteria

Assessment criteria Information
A =81-100% Very high
B = 61-80% High
C = 41-60% Medium
D = 21-40% Low
E = 0-20% Very low

c. Average learning outcomes

Data analysis is used to determine the success or failure of the actions taken in the study. In accordance
with the purpose of the study, to calculate the class average for data contained in one class, it can be calculated
by the formula:
χ = (∑X)/(∑N)................................................................. (Aqib et al, 2021:40
χ = average value
∑χ = sum of all student grades
∑N = number of students

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 29
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648


Completeness of individual student learning outcomes on the Pretest
The study began by giving tests to students with a total of 30 questions, to find out the initial abilities
of students and also to find out the difficulties experienced by students in understanding the subject matter to
be explained. The formula for calculating individual completeness is as follows: The completeness of
individual student learning outcomes in the pre-test can be seen in the table below:

Table 7. Description of Student Individual Completeness on the Pretest

No Number of students Information
1 4 Students Complete
2 21 Students Incomplete

The completeness of individual student learning outcomes in the initial pretest action can be seen in the
diagram below:


10 Tidak Tuntas

Tuntas Tidak Tuntas
Figure 1. Diagram of Completeness of Student Learning Outcomes Individually on the Pretest

Completeness of student learning outcomes classically on the pretest

After knowing individual completeness, then classical completeness seen from the results of student
learning in one class. The completeness of student learning outcomes classically can be seen in table 8. Below:

Table 8. Completeness of Student Learning Outcomes Classically on the Pretest

Pre Cycle
Learning Completeness
Number of Students Presentation
Complete 4 Students 16%
Incomplete 21 Students 84%
Number of Students 25 Students 100%

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 30
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

Average Student Learning Outcomes on the Pre Test

From the description above, the average student learning outcomes before applying the Discovery
Learning Model on the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness Sub-Theme 2 Togetherness in Learning Diversity 3
and 4 obtained 51.88 results, these results were still relatively low. To improve this, the researcher took action
by applying the Discovery Learning Model to the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness Sub-theme 2 Togetherness
in Learning Diversity 3 and 4.

Completeness of individual student learning outcomes in cycle I

From the learning results obtained by researchers in classroom action research (PTK) in cycle I at Sei
Beras Sekata Catholic Elementary School grade IV on the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness Sub-theme 2
Togetherness in Learning Diversity 3 and 4 with Media Discovery Learning, based on the minimum criterion
value (KKM) of 70, the completeness of individual student learning outcomes is obtained as shown in table 9.

Table 9. Description of Individual Student Completeness in Cycle I

No Number of Students Information
1 8 Complete
2 17 Incomplete

Completeness of student learning outcomes classically in cycle I.

After knowing the completeness of the individual, then the completeness of classical learning
outcomes seen from the results of student learning in one class. Students who are said to have completed their
learning outcomes classically if in the class there are 70% of students who get complete scores and achieve
scores below the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) that have been set. The completeness of student
learning outcomes classically can be seen as follows.Table 10. Completeness of Student Learning
Outcomes Classically in Cycle I
Pre Cycle
Learning Completeness
Number of Students Presentation
Complete 8 Students 32%
Incomplete 17 Students 68 %
Number of Students 25 Students 100%

Average Student Learning Outcomes in Cycle I

Based on the data obtained in the first cycle, it can be seen that out of 25 students after being given
action, namely by using image media, it showed that in the first cycle there were 8 students who completed
their learning outcomes with a percentage of 32%, while as many as 17 students did not complete their learning
outcomes with a percentage of 68% and the average grade score was 61.96.

Completeness of individual student learning outcomes cycle II

From the learning results obtained by researchers in the Classroom Action Research (PTK) in the first
cycle at Sei Beras Sekata Catholic Elementary School Class IV on the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness Sub-
Theme 2 Togetherness in Diversity using the Discovery Learning Model, there are still many students who
have not completed and have not reached KKM, which is as many as 17 students. In the second cycle, student
learning outcomes have increased, namely students who have completed learning and reached KKM as many
as 22 students and those who have not completed and have not reached KKM as many as 3 students. The

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 31
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648

completeness of individual student learning outcomes in cycle II can be seen in the table below:

Table 11. Description of Student Individual Completeness in Cycle II

No Number of Students Information
1 22 Complete
2 3 Incomplete

Student score =(score obtained by students)/(maximum score of questions) x 100

Student score = 2.008/25 = 80,32

Completeness of Student Learning Outcomes Classically in Cycle II

Based on the learning outcomes obtained by researchers in the first cycle of actions, student learning
outcomes are classically incomplete because they have not reached 70% but only reached 32%. In the
implementation of cycle II there was an increase in student learning outcomes classically, namely 88% with
very high criteria. For more details can be seen in table 12.

Table 12. Completeness of Student Learning Outcomes Classically in Cycle II

Pre Cycle
Learning Completeness
Number of Students Presentation
Complete 22 Students 88%
Incomplete 3 Students 12%
Number of Students 25 Students 100%

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers with the Discovery Learning learning model
can improve student learning outcomes on the theme of Beautiful Togetherness grade IV of Sei Beras Sekata
Catholic SDS Learning year 2023/2024, it can be concluded as follows: By applying the Discovery Learning
learning model to the theme of Beautiful Togetherness, it can improve student learning outcomes and has met
the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) set by The school is 70. This can be seen from the percentage of
completeness of individual, classical, and average student scores, namely; In the pretest, students individually
completed 4 people, classically it was 16% with an average score of 51.88. In the first cycle individually, 8
people were completed, classically 32% were completed with an average of 61.96. In cycle II individually 22
people were completed, classically 88% with an average of 80.32.
The implementation of learning with the Discovery Learning learning model on the theme of Beautiful
Togetherness of grade IV SDS Katolik Sei Beras Sekata The 2023/2024 learning year is categorized as good.
This can be seen from the observation of teacher activity in cycle I by 72% and in cycle II increased to 92%.
The implementation of learning with the Discovery Learning learning model in grade IV of Sei Beras Sekata
Catholic SDS on the theme of Beautiful Togetherness is categorized as good. This can be seen from the results
of student observation activities in cycle I by 60% and in cycle II increased to 90%.

Lusi Anna Purba, Patri Janson Silaban, Dyan Wulan Sari HS, Antonius Remigius Abi | Learning Outcomes, Discovery Learning Model
Halaman | 32
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2024 | ISSN Cetak : 2580 - 8435 | ISSN Online : 2614 - 1337
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.33578/pjr.v8i1.9648


Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian pada siklus
I siswa yang mendapat nilai tuntas sebanyak 8 orang siswa atau 32%, sedangkan siswa yang tidak tuntas
sebanyak 17 orang atau 68% dengan nilai rata-rata 61,96. Pada Siklus II siswa yang memenuhi nilai kriteria
ketuntasan ada sebanyak 22 orang atau 88%, sedangkan siswa yang tidak tuntas ada sebanyak 3 orang atau
12% dengan nilai rata-rata 80,32. Maka terjadi peningkatan dari siklus I di bandingkan pada siklus II dan telah
memenuhi ketuntasan yang sudah di tentukan. Selanjutnya kegiatan guru pada observasi siklus I memperoleh
rata-rata sebesar 72% dan pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan menjadi 92%, sedangkan aktivitas siswa
pada proses pembelajaran siklus I memperoleh rata-rata sebanyak 60% dan pada siklus II telah mengalami
peningkatan menjadi 90%.
From this study, several conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1. Research conducted by researchers
by applying the Discovery Learning Model on the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness Sub-theme 2
Togetherness in Diversity in grade IV, can improve student learning outcomes and student scores have met
the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) set by the school, 2. The implementation of the application of
learning by applying the Discovery Learning Model on the Beautiful Theme of Togetherness Sub-theme 2
Togetherness in Diversity in grade IV of Sei Beras Sekata Catholic Elementary School for the 2023/2024
Learning Year has gone well. This can be seen from the increase in observations that occur in teacher and
student activities.
Based on the results of the study above, suggestions that can be given by researchers are as follows:
1. For Schools
Gaining new knowledge as input for the school to recommend learning using Discovery Learning
media to teachers to be applied in teaching and learning activities in the classroom to improve student learning
2. For Teachers
To improve student learning outcomes, teachers are expected to apply learning using Discovery
Learning media as reference material to improve student learning outcomes, as well as to improve teacher
performance. Student success is the success of teacher performance.
3. For the next researcher.
For further researchers, hopefully the results of this research can be redeveloped so as to produce new
findings related to learning using Discovery Learning media and can be used as a reference for carrying out
learning activities in terms of improving student learning outcomes and at the same time adding insight into
student thinking.

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