GISTI LAB 6 - PAO I 2024 - Machine Learning y Deep Learning
GISTI LAB 6 - PAO I 2024 - Machine Learning y Deep Learning
GISTI LAB 6 - PAO I 2024 - Machine Learning y Deep Learning
● Erick Flores
● Richard Núñez
Banco Guayaquil implemented a machine learning (ML) solution to improve the accuracy
and efficiency of its customer loan approval process. Historical loan application data,
including customer demographics, financial history, and repayment records, were collected
and preprocessed. The data science team employed supervised learning techniques, using
algorithms such as logistic regression, decision trees, and random forests. The model was
trained on labeled data where the outcome (loan repaid or defaulted) was known. The model's
performance was validated using cross-validation techniques and evaluated with metrics such
as accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1 score. The final model was integrated into Banco
Guayaquil's loan processing system, enabling loan officers to make more informed approval
Banco Guayaquil's implementation of machine learning and deep learning solutions has
significantly enhanced its operational capabilities. The machine learning model for loan
approval improved decision accuracy and reduced default rates, while the deep learning
model for fraud detection provided robust real-time protection against fraudulent activities.
These case studies illustrate the transformative impact of advanced analytics in the banking
sector, demonstrating the value of leveraging machine learning and deep learning to drive
efficiency, accuracy, and customer trust.
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