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Mac Setup Guide - EN - 26 July 2021

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Before you set up

your Mac…
Kyndryl employees and contractors need four different IDs for
use at Kyndryl.

• Kyndryl Microsoft Account ([email protected])

This ID is used to configure your PC and sign into your email.

• Kyndryl w3id ([email protected])

This ID is used to access Kyndryl-exclusive applications and services.

• Transition w3id ([email protected])

This ID is used to access Kyndryl applications, tools, and resources
shared with IBM that are hosted and maintained by IBM during the

• Transition Notes ID (Kyndryl User/Geo/Ocean)

This ID is used to access Notes databases and applications and other
IBM Notes resources. This ID isn’t used for email at Kyndryl.

Important: If you believe you might be under a document retention order

(DRO), legal hold, or are otherwise required to preserve files and
documents, STOP. DO NOT proceed with any workstation provisioning.
Notify [email protected] and await further instruction.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl

26 July 2021

Set Up a Mac
Prepare your computer for use at Kyndryl

Office of the CIO | Help@Kyndryl

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 2

This guide discusses how to unenroll your
Mac from IBM in order to migrate to Kyndryl.
This guide is updated frequently. Check Identity Overview 4
ibm.biz/kyndrylsetupinstructions to ensure
you have the latest version. Migrate Your Mac 6

If you need help at any point, call Help@IBM Finish the Setup 11
and follow the prompts to reach the Kyndryl
Transition Help Desk. Ask your manager if Next Steps 14
you need the telephone number.
Questions 15

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 3

Identity Overview

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 4

Kyndryl System IDs IBM System IDs

Kyndryl Microsoft Account Transition w3id

[email protected] [email protected]

Your Kyndryl Microsoft Account is used to access your Kyndryl email and Microsoft Your Transition w3id is used to access Kyndryl applications, tools, and resources
suite products. The email address is the same as your Kyndryl w3id but doesn’t shared with IBM that are hosted and maintained by IBM during the transition.
share a password with your Kyndryl w3id.
The Transition w3id is a temporary ID that is only valid for two years during the
After you receive your Kyndryl Microsoft Account, you must reset your password. transition service agreement.

In your browser, navigate to aka.ms/sspr and the instructions to reset the account
and create a new password.

You’re also required to set up two-factor authentication during this setup. Transition Notes ID
Kyndryl User/Geo/Ocean
Your Transition Notes ID is used to access Notes databases and applications
Kyndryl w3id hosted and maintained by IBM during the transition. You need your Transition
Notes ID to access emails from your IBM mailbox after you move to Kyndryl. Your
[email protected] Transition Notes ID isn’t used for email at Kyndryl and it isn’t required for device
Your Kyndryl w3id is your primary Kyndryl identity and is used to enroll your device
into Kyndryl. You’ll also use it to sign in and authenticate to Kyndryl-exclusive The Transition Notes ID is a temporary ID that is only valid during the transition
applications and services. service agreement.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl

Migrate your Mac

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 6

Step 1
Open the Mac@IBM App Store and
search for kyndryl. Find “Enroll into
Kyndryl” and click Run.

This starts the process of unenrolling your

Mac from IBM. Wait for the process to

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 7

Step 2
When the unenrollment process ends, a
“Welcome to Kyndryl” window appears.

Click the arrow in the lower-right corner to

continue. Sign in with your kyndryl w3id and
password, then set up your additional
authentication method.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 8

Step 3
Click Continue on the next screen to install the
Kyndryl MDM profile on your Mac.

Open System Preferences, click Install, enter

your computer password, and follow the
prompts to install the profile. After the profile
is verified, wait for the setup to finish. Click OK
to restart your Mac.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 9

Step 4
After your Mac restarts, reset your computer
password, and enter it to update your FileVault
encryption key.
After FileVault updates, the Mac@Kyndryl App
Store appears. The enrollment is complete.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 13

Finish the Setup

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 11

Connect to IBM with

The GlobalProtect app is used to connect

to the IBM VPN network.
GlobalProtect launches automatically
when the Kyndryl enrollment completes.
Select the correct portal address from
the drop-down menu. Click Connect and
log in with your transition ID
([email protected]).

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 12

Box@IBM Account Special Data
Migration Considerations
It's necessary to practice Digital Cleaning to In addition to digital cleaning, review folder and file
remove unneeded files. Refer to the Kyndryl collaborations to ensure the proper Owner is
IT's Digital Cleaning on w3 Publisher for assigned. Folders can have many collaborators but
more information. Store data you need for only one Owner. Content resides in the Owner’s
Kyndryl work in Box@IBM. account and the account migration to Kyndryl
includes any data and folders you own.
Procedures to migrate your Box@IBM
If content you own shouldn’t migrate to Kyndryl,
account to Kyndryl haven’t started yet.
ensure an IBMer is set to Owner so IBM retains the
Data owned by someone transitioning to Note: You can only make someone an Owner at
Kyndryl might be inaccessible during the the parent level folder.
Existing collaborations among Kyndryl employees
Important: Code42 CrashPlan is in scope for move with migrated data and existing shared links
Kyndryl, but can’t be used to migrate or continue to work (except vanity URLs) after
store your data. migrating to Kyndryl.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 13

Next Steps

Congratulations! Your Mac is configured for use at Kyndryl.

Next, if you haven’t done so already, check your Kyndryl email.

Your Kyndryl email works natively in Outlook on the web
(outlook.office.com) or in the Outlook desktop application included in
your Microsoft 365 apps installation. Sign into either application with
your Kyndryl Microsoft Account.

Continue to access your IBM email in the same way you do today. Client-
facing users need to retain access to their IBM email until Spin Date.

Optionally, if you need to access Notes databases from IBM, you can
install and configure Notes now. The Notes setup guide is available on
Help@IBM (w3.ibm.com/help). In place of an IBM Notes ID, use your
Transition Notes ID.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 14

Call Help@IBM and follow the prompts to reach the Kyndryl Transition Help Desk.
Ask your manager if you need the telephone number.

Mac Setup Guide | Help@Kyndryl 15

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