Wilson 536887189 85101456545
Wilson 536887189 85101456545
Wilson 536887189 85101456545
Your payments
9 May 2024 Rejected Payment £44.81
10 May 2024 Invoicing £44.81
17 May 2024 Online Card Payment £13.37 CR
Your new balance on 11 May 2024 £68.00 To see where your energy is from and
for helpful energy saving tips visit:
Your electricity supply delivery
Question about your bill? network UK Power Networks
For help fast visit:
britishgas.co.uk/billFAQs or
Smell gas? T: 0800 029 4285
start a live chat with an advisor T: 0800 111 999 Your electricity supply number
on our website or app. 01 801 902
Need extra help such as Electrical
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advanced power cut warnings
or letters in large print, Braille emergency or
or audio? Visit: britishgas.co.uk
power cut?
Please let us know if you’re
T: 105
unhappy with our service at:
britishgas.co.uk B^^^BPEf7 5:KHk`KPI@f-|3h-MhS|M-|3h%P{>>irDr l FB^^^B
/energycomplaints Independent advice through Citizens @;+#n4[{IS1^pTyz*b-57gb5xbLLw5b51a#:!z-Pja>1 CP@&;275(> Scan this on a price
Advice: ]tB0`)+)pX=bKJLC-Z1\V9 pRGy-c9- T{`c9{IN%/3J7"vnJI Y)@Y comparison app
Or write to: Complaints citizensadvice.org.uk/energy /AN_V^ED9!2-U.$(j{}dbe =D-yDjyfDXuYu5.z5wSzL58`\FMl9K
to compare your
[(KZ+B}Q @ ROTUI~@vsD =g bDgxDsbex-ZD[u=[ j=&ujD[EsAxyQY4
Management Team, PO Box T: 0808 223 1133 f2VRa?&] M L~=jkg@6R@"\\_|q""u`2r`5{Lq=5c`{527Rv=i=j tariff with others
226, Rotherham S98 1PB 3Nyl@+1N~ HGL:36/L-}9ZTDPQR09yRhQ#42p`'4#b`I`3L/ j&Pz| 8u
on the market
If your complaint remains unresolved, `hG|V)W"~x0cb'}<}-rDiDbyI=bw=,7|7P ( 4!1x4E] i<5U/5f1]:E
0 Ll 0{U!T3pk9,<"dk#b5b1 1z\Pg<?c+$?5&*L&y'L[75&M#lc h$
visit: qQQQq!QQAqAaQaQAQa1aaqqQ1aQA!1a!aA!AQ!1aQQAa!!AQaAaq1Aq
T: 0330 440 1624
Ways to Pay
British Gas bank details
Account Number: 71584685
Visit payzone.co.uk/consumers to
Pay online Sort code: 40-05-30
find your nearest Payzone outlet.
Reference: Please use your customer
britishgas.co.uk number (851014565456) Post Office or bank: Take the
payment slip and pay by card,
/makeapayment AMEX not accepted cash or cheque at the Post Office
or use the If you are having trouble paying or bank. By cheque, make payable
your bill, visit: to Post Office Ltd or at the bank
British Gas app britishgas.co.uk/payhelp it's British Gas Trading Ltd.
Automated phone payment: Post: Send the enclosed payment
T: 0333 202 9524* slip and a cheque made payable
to British Gas Trading Ltd, to
BGT Area 55 (IPSL), Blaise Pascal
House, 100 Pavilion Drive,
Northampton NN4 7YP
Please allow 5 working days for
your cheque to clear on time.
*We may record calls to help improve our service to you. Call charges to 03 numbers will cost you no more than 01 or 02 numbers, please check with your phone provider.
British Gas is a trading name of British Gas Trading Limited. Registered in England and Wales (No. 03078711). Registered Office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor,
Berkshire SL4 5GD. British Gas is a mandatory FiT Licensee. VAT Registered Number 6849667 62. Bill date and tax point 5th September 2023. britishgas.co.uk