Handbook For Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde Final June 2017
Handbook For Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde Final June 2017
Handbook For Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde Final June 2017
1. WELCOME ......................................................................................................... 3
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 3
HEA Fellowship ....................................................................................................... 4
Dimensions of Practice ........................................................................................... 5
Descriptors .............................................................................................................. 6
4. ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT AT STRATHCLYDE ........................................... 6
Learning and Teaching Development Programmes ................................................ 6
Strathclyde Teaching Excellence Programme (STEP) .......................................... 6
Strathclyde Programme for Academic practice, Researcher development and Knowledge
Exchange (SPARK) .............................................................................................. 7
Academic Development Staff .................................................................................. 7
5. RECOGNITION PATHWAYS AT STRATHCLYDE ............................................ 9
Selecting a Recognition Category and Getting Started ......................................... 10
Associate Fellowship............................................................................................. 11
Taught Pathway .................................................................................................. 11
Experiential Pathway .......................................................................................... 12
Fellowship ............................................................................................................. 13
Taught Pathway .................................................................................................. 13
Experiential Pathway .......................................................................................... 14
Senior Fellowship .................................................................................................. 15
Principal Fellowship .............................................................................................. 16
6. SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION ............................................................... 17
Taught Pathways .................................................................................................. 17
Experiential Pathways ........................................................................................... 17
References and Referees ................................................................................... 17
7. ASSESSMENT OF APPLICATIONS ............................................................... 18
Associate Fellowship and Fellowship Application Assessment ............................. 18
Taught Route ...................................................................................................... 18
Experiential Route .............................................................................................. 20
Senior Fellowship Application Assessment ........................................................... 20
Quality Assurance ................................................................................................. 21
Taught Pathways ................................................................................................ 21
Experiential Pathway .......................................................................................... 21
Academic Development Support at Strathclyde .................................................... 22
Strathclyde Teaching Excellence Programme (STEP) ........................................ 22
Strathclyde Programme for Academic practice, Researcher development and Knowledge
Exchange (SPARK) ............................................................................................ 23
9. CONTACT DETAILS ........................................................................................ 23
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
We are delighted to have the opportunity to introduce Strathclyde’s framework for Professional
Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde. Through participation in this framework (accredited by the
Higher Education Academy) staff will have the opportunity to bring together a combination of
development opportunities and experience to gain Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy,
an internationally recognised recognition of professional practice in learning and teaching in
higher education. The framework is available, without cost, to all staff involved in learning and
teaching, including those who teach, and those who support teaching, including support and
technical staff.
The recognition framework at Strathclyde is supported and underpinned by the highly successful
Strathclyde Teaching Excellence Programme (STEP) and provides a strategic link for a number of
institutional priorities and programmes, including university and learning and teaching strategy,
academic probation requirements, and the Annual Developmental Review (ADR) process.
Importantly, the framework provides a mechanism for university staff to gain recognition for their
experience and achievements in learning and teaching.
We strongly encourage you to engage with this framework and make full use of the development
and recognition opportunities that it has to offer.
Brian Green
Deputy Associate Principal (Learning and Teaching)
Participation in this framework is free and is open to all staff involved in learning and teaching,
including those who teach, and those who support teaching, including support and technical staff.
A flexible approach is offered that allows staff to consider the most appropriate category of
fellowship and bring together a combination of experience and development opportunities to their
This handbook provides information about the categories of fellowship available and the process
by which applications can be make for these through the Strathclyde framework.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
HEA Fellowship
HEA Fellowship brings a range of benefits to develop and progress your career. It provides a
valuable measure of success and is increasingly sought by employers across the higher
education sector as a condition of appointment and promotion.
The UKPSF provides a general description of the main dimensions of the roles of teaching and
supporting learning within the higher education environment. It is written from the perspective of
the practitioner and outlines a national framework for comprehensively recognising and
benchmarking teaching and learning support roles within higher education.
Dimensions of Practice
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Dimensions of Practice
The Dimensions of Practice as described in the UKPSF are shown in Figure 1 below,
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The UKPSF Descriptors are a set of statements outlining the key characteristics of someone
evidencing four broad categories of typical teaching and learning support roles within HE. The
HEA offers four categories of fellowship recognition and these correlate to the four Descriptor
categories defined in the UKPSF. These are described as follows,
The Strathclyde Academic Development team currently offer two main programmes for staff
learning and teaching development and these are as follows,
The STEP programme is aimed at meeting the development needs of all university staff involved
in learning and teaching. This programme offers CPD provision for staff in learning and teaching
and academic credit is not generally available to participants through this programme.
STEP provides an ongoing suite of relevant and practical opportunities for staff to enhance their
skills in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback, and in the use of innovative techniquest
and technologies to grow and support Strathclyde’s current and future learning and teaching
talent. The programme is flexible and those who engage with the programme can select their own
mix of activities to meet their own needs.
The STEP programme is aligned with and mapped to the UKPSF, allowing the programme to
readily be used to plan development activities to support recognition applications.
A variety of CPD opportunities in learning and teaching are available through STEP, and further
details can be found on the programme website,
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In addition to a regular programme of workshops and targetted CPD, there are a number of
masterclasses and challenge events within the programme as well as a series of high profile peer
support networks.
The key target audience for the SPARK programme is early career academic professional staff,
and the programme provides the means by which staff can obtain the required 30 academic
credits required to fulfil probation requirements.
Whilst SPARK is primarily targeted at new and early career staff, it is also designed with
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in mind, seeking to address the needs of more
established and experienced staff members who are planning to undertake management and
leadership roles. Experienced staff are encouraged to build on previous professional
development, acquiring additional credits towards higher degrees, or they may undertake non-
graduating study as part of their planned CPD.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Scottish Higher Education Development group (SHED) and the Standing Committee on Academic
Practice (SCAP), the Higher Education Developers Community (HEDC) group, and the Heads of
Educational Development Group (HEDG). He is an occasional reviewer for PESTLHE and IJAD, a
referee for AHRC, and has acted as a consultant for the HEA and QAA.
Katy Savage is the Academic Development Lead for Learning and Teaching at
the University, within the Organisational and Staff Development Unit (OSDU).
A Senior Fellow of the HEA, Katy leads on the Professional Recognition of
Teaching at Strathclyde programme, the Strathclyde Teaching Excellence
Programme (STEP) as well as the MSc/PgDip/PgCert Learning and Teaching
in Higher Education course within SPARK, providing both leadership and
direct teaching input across the programmes.
Katy is CPD co-ordinator and a member of the executive committee of the Scottish Higher
Education Development group (SHED).
Emma Compton-Daw is the Academic Development Lead for Research within the Organisational
and Staff Development Unit. Emma leads on Strathclyde’s researcher development activities for
early career staff. A key aspect of her role is leading the Researcher Development Pathway
within the SPARK programme. She also provides direct teaching input on classes within this
pathway, in particular in relation to supervision and career development, as well as more widely
across the whole SPARK programme. Emma works closely with her colleagues to support the
educational development of early career staff in preparation for their current and future teaching
roles through leadership of course development and demonstration of best practice within
Emma contributes more widely to strategy across the university and nationally in relation to the
training and development of early career staff through membership of university and external
committees, publications and conference presentation.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Strathclyde University offers a flexible approach to fellowship recognition, offering both taught and
experiential pathways for Associate Fellow and Fellow of the HEA (UKPSF descriptor categories
D1 and D2). For Senior Fellowship of the HEA (UKPSF descriptor category D3), application is
through the experiential route. Note that we do not offer a recognition pathway to Principal
Fellowship of the HEA (UKPSF descriptor category D4), and individuals can apply for this directly
through the HEA.
Regardless of which pathway you choose to follow, you will engage fully with the UKPSF and will
be responsible for evidencing your engagement with this framework.
Although the taught and experiential pathways are distinct, it is entirely possible to switch between
the pathways. For example, you might gain D1/AFHEA through the Experiential pathway, and
then later in your career complete the required academic classes to obtain D2/FHEA recognition
through the Taught pathway.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Normally at least 1
semester of relevant
HEA Fellow Early career and Teaching Learning and Submission of Account of
experienced academics Assessment within the Professional Practice
with teaching Disciplines (20 credits, (approx. 3000 words)
responsibilities SCQF level 11) plus 2 statements from
Normally at least 1 AND
academic year of relevant
activity (including 1 additional 20-credit
evaluation and reflection) class from the Learning
and Teaching in HE core
The first step to getting started in the programme is to register to attend a “Professional
Recognition of Learning and Teaching Information Workshop”. This workshop will introduce
you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you
in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward, and provide information on
peer support networks and developmental opportunities to support you in your journey to
successful accreditation.
You can register to attend one of these workshops through the course booking system.
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Associate Fellowship
For D1/AFHEA recognition, applicants can choose between the taught and experiential pathways.
This category of recognition might be appropriate for you if you have a role in supporting learning
and teaching or providing student support. Additionally this category may be suitable for Graduate
Teaching Assistants or Early Career Researchers who have small amounts of teaching, which
may be supported by other staff.
The UKPSF describes typical role/career stages for those likely to be at D1/AFHEA category and
these include,
Early career researchers with some teaching responsibilities (e.g. PhD students, Graduate
Teaching Assistants, contract researchers/post doctoral researchers etc.);
Staff new to teaching (including those with part-time academic responsibilities);
Staff who support academic provision (e.g. learning technologists, learning developers and
learning resource/library staff);
Staff who undertake demonstrator/ technician roles that incorporate some teaching-related
responsibilities; and
Experienced staff in relevant professional areas who may be new to teaching and/or
supporting learning, or who have a limited teaching portfolio.
Associate fellowship is aligned to Descriptor 1 of the UKPSF and applicants have to demonstrate
professional engagement with any two Areas of Activity in the UKPSF as well as at least K1 and
K2 of the Core Knowledge dimensions together with an appropriate engagement with the
Professional Values.
In order to ensure that you have sufficient experience upon which to draw to evidence a claim for
Associate Fellowship, we normally expect applicants to have a minimum of at least one semester
of relevant activity.
Taught Pathway
Completion of the following has been accredited by the HEA to allow achievement of Associate
Fellowship of the HEA (D1/AFHEA),
The 20-credit “Teaching, Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines” (TLA) class and
its associated assessment has been accredited by the HEA to allow achievement of
D1/AFHEA. This class is the core class from the Learning and Teaching in Higher
Education pathway of the Strathclyde Programme for Academic practice, Researcher
development and Knowledge exchange (SPARK), and as such can be applied toward
probation requirements. It is offered in September and January of each year and runs over
a period of at least 14 months so that participants are supported in their learning and
teaching development through a full academic cycle. The syllabus for this class is found in
Appendix 1 of this handbook, and class availability and booking information can be found
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Submission of “Tracking Engagement with UKPSF” document (shown in Appendix 3). This
is a self-tracker document which provides a means for you to plan, develop and track your
meaningful engagement with the UKPSF during your journey through the taught
programme, and indeed beyond as you continue to develop in their learning and teaching
You should use the tracker to record your successful engagement with the UKPSF for
each class and associated assessments that you complete. The self-tracker document
must be submitted with each assessment submission as well as with your overall
recognition application so that instructors and exam boards can verify the appropriate
engagement with UKPSF
Experiential Pathway
The experiential pathway to Associate Fellowship recognition (D1/AFHEA) requires you to submit
a reflective Account of Professional Practice (approximately 1500 – 2000 words) plus 2
statements from referees. Full details of the requirements (including guidance on the selection of
referees) and a submission template can be found in Appendices 6 and 8 of this handbook.
To support you in your experiential D1/AFHEA application you will have the opportunity to,
Attend the “HEA Associate Fellowship and Fellowship Peer Support Network” to allow you
to seek peer and academic development support for mapping your practice to the UKPSF
and writing your reflective Account of Professional Practice;
Attend development opportunities such as the 3-day Enhancing Learning and Teaching at
Strathclyde course, and other appropriate courses from the Strathclyde Teaching
Excellence Programme (STEP); and
Attend HEA Fellowship application writing days to allow you the required time and space to
reflect on and write your application. These workshops are facilitated by Stuart Boon, who
has specific expertise and experience in supporting the writing process.
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For Fellowship recognition, applicants can choose between taught and experiential pathways,
allowing an individualised approach to recognition and to support staff in their wider
developmental pathways.
This category of recognition is likely to be suitable for you if you are engaged in a wide range of
teaching activities and if you engage in continuous professional development activities that
support a reflective approach to your practice.
The UKPSF describes typical role/career stages for those likely to be at D2/FHEA category and
these include,
D2/FHEA is aligned to Descriptor 2 of the UKPSF and applicants need to be able to demonstrate
engagement with all areas of the UKPSF.
In order to ensure that you have sufficient experience upon which to draw to evidence a claim for
Fellowship, we normally expect applicants to have a minimum of at least one academic year of
relevant activity (including evaluation and reflection).
Taught Pathway
Completion of the following has been accredited by the HEA to allow achievement of Fellowship
of the HEA (D2/FHEA),
“Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”. This 20-credit class is core for
both the “Learning and Teaching in Higher Education” and the “Academic Practice”
pathways within the Strathclyde Programme for Academic practice, Research development
and Knowledge exchange (SPARK). It can also be taken as an elective course for the
“Researcher Development” and “Knowledge Exchange” pathways within the SPARK
programme. Information about the SPARK programme can be found at the following link,
This class is offered in September and January of each year and runs over the course of at
least 14 months so that participants are supported in their learning and teaching
development over the course of a full academic cycle. The syllabus for this class is found
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in Appendix 1 of this handbook, and class availability and booking information can be
found through the course booking system.
One additional 20-credit class from the “Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”
pathway ‘recommended’ classes. The options for this can be found at the following link,
es.pdf and the syllabi for these classes can be found in Appendix 2 of this handbook.
These classes may be applied as ‘optional’ classes to awards in the “Researcher
Development”, “Knowledge Exchange” and “Academic Practice” pathways of the SPARK
programme, ensuring maximum flexibility and support of individual development pathways.
The 20-credit classes that can be taken to fulfill this requirement are,
o Course (Re)Design
o Supervising Postgraduate Research
o Academic Writing
o Teaching and Learning Online
o Developing an Inclusive Curriculum
o Management and Leadership in Higher Education
o Independent Enquiry
While completion of the 20-credit core module, Teaching Learning and Assessment
within the Disciplines, provides participants with an opportunity to engage with all of the
dimensions of UKPSF, completion of one of these additional classes allows participants
to continue and extend their development by re-engaging with selected dimensions in
more depth.
Submission of “Tracking Engagement with UKPSF” document (shown in Appendix 3). This
is a self-tracker document which provides a means for you to plan, develop and track your
meaningful engagement with the UKPSF during your journey through the taught
programme, and indeed beyond as you continue to develop in their learning and teaching
You should use the tracker to record your successful engagement with the UKPSF for
each class and associated assessments that you complete. The self-tracker document
must be submitted with each assessment submission as well as with your overall
recognition application so that instructors and exam boards can verify the appropriate
engagement with UKPSF
Experiential Pathway
The experiential pathway to D2/FHEA recognition requires you to submit an Account of
Professional Practice (approximately 3000 words) plus 2 statements from referees. Full details of
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the requirements (including guidance on the selection of referees) and a submission template can
be found in Appendices 9 and 11 of this handbook.
To support you in your experiential D2/FHEA application you will have the opportunity to,
Attend the “HEA Associate Fellowship and Fellowship Peer Support Network” to allow you
to seek peer and academic development support for mapping your practice to the UKPSF
and writing your reflective Account of Professional Practice;
Attend development opportunities such as the 3-day Enhancing Learning and Teaching at
Strathclyde course, and other appropriate courses from the Strathclyde Teaching
Excellence Programme (STEP); and
Attend HEA Fellowship application writing days to allow you the required time and space to
reflect on and write your application. These workshops are facilitated by Stuart Boon, who
has expertise and experience in supporting the writing process.
Senior Fellowship
This category of recognition may be suitable if you are member of staff with significant
responsibility for leading, managing or organising programmes for subjects/disciplines, an
experienced subject mentor or someone who supports those new to teaching, and/or an
experienced member of staff with departmental or wider teaching/learning support advisory
responsibilities within the university.
The UKPSF describes typical role/career stages for those likely to be at D3/SFHEA category and
these include,
Experienced staff able to demonstrate, impact and influence through, for example,
responsibility for leading, managing or organising programmes, subjects and/or disciplinary
Experienced subject mentors and staff who support those new to teaching
Experienced staff with departmental and/or wider teaching and learning support advisory
responsibilities within an institution
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Senior Fellowship is aligned to Descriptor 3 of the UKPSF and applicants need to be able to
demonstrate sustained and effective working across all areas of the UKPSF as well as an
established record relating to teaching and learning and management/leadership of specific
aspects of teaching provision.
To support you in your experiential FHEA application you will have the opportunity to,
Attend the “HEA Senior Fellowship Peer Support Network” to allow you to seek peer and
academic development support for mapping your practice to the UKPSF, writing your
reflective Account of Professional Practice, and identifying and writing case studies;
Attend HEA Fellowship application writing days to allow you the required time and space to
reflect on and write your application. These workshops are facilitated by Stuart Boon, who
has expertise and experience in supporting the writing process.
Principal Fellowship
Strathclyde has no formal accredited framework for recognition at Principal fellowship, though
colleagues interested in applying for this category of recognition will be supported through a
D4/PFHEA peer support network. Recognition applications can be made individually through the
Higher Education Academy. Information can be found at the following link,
Please contact the recognition team at Strathclyde for further information on available support.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Taught Pathways
On completion of the required classes, the application form shown in Appendix 4 (D1/AFHEA) or
5 (D2/FHEA) should be submitted together with your “Tracking Engagement with UKPSF”
document via e-mail to [email protected] We will acknowledge your application and
let you know when you should expect to hear from us regarding the decision on your application.
Academic credits are awarded and D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA awards made at the next available
SPARK Examination Board (normally in September of each year).
If your application is successful, we will submit your details to the HEA and you will then receive
an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been rewarded. You will be
able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
If your application is unsuccessful we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required amendments
for resubmission.
Experiential Pathways
For experiential pathway applications you should complete the appropriate application template
(found in Appendices 8, 11 and 14) and submit via e-mail to [email protected] We will
acknowledge your application and let you know when you should expect to hear from us
regarding the decision on your application. Review panels will take place twice per year and your
application will normally be reviewed at the next scheduled panel following your submission.
If your application is successful, we will let you know, and then submit your details to the HEA.
You will then receive an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been
rewarded. You will be able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
Applications via the experiential pathway require the submission of written references from 2
referees. Specific guidance for references and referees is in the “Guidance Notes for Referees”
for each individual category of recognition (Appendices 7, 10 and 13). However, in general you
should select referees who are in a position to comment on and substantiate your record of
effectiveness in relation to teaching and the support of learning in higher education. If you are
applying for D3/SFHEA recognition your referee should also be able to comment on your
contribution to course organisation and management of teaching and/or those teaching.
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You may find it useful and supportive to consider asking your ADR reviewer to provide a
reference. You might also consider asking your line manager, supervisor, mentor, colleague/peer,
head of department or head of teaching to provide a reference for you.
At least one of your referees should hold at least Fellowship of the HEA recognition.
The reference provided should specifically support your application and should NOT be a general
academic reference.
Your referees will need to read in detail your completed application form and we also recommend
that you arrange a meeting with them to review your application. It is your responsibility to identify
referees, collect your references, and include them in your application.
Taught Route
For the taught routes at D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA categories, assessments are based on
completing and passing the assignments for the required courses. These assignments are
marked by the instructor responsible for the class who is trained in making fellowship judgements
and holds at least D2/FHEA recognition. Assessments are marked on a pass/fail basis and
personalised feedback is provided. If a participant does not pass the class assessments at the
first opportunity, then one resubmission opportunity is available. Again, the course instructor is
responsible for assessment.
On completion of the required classes, the application form shown in Appendix 4 (D1/AFHEA) or
5 (D2/FHEA) together with your “Tracking Engagement with UKPSF” document (Appendix 3)
should be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] We will acknowledge your
application and let you know when you should expect to hear from us regarding the decision on
your application.
A recommendation is put forward to the next available exam board based on eligibility and
assessment criteria being met. The academic external examiner for the academic programme will
provide moderation for both the academic and fellowship recognition aspects of the programme,
and they will hold recognition at either D3/SFHEA or D4/PFHEA category. The external examiner
will review assessments and applications from a range of all submissions. At the formal
examination board academic credits are awarded and D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA awards made
simultaneously. The exam board currently takes place annually in September.
If your application is successful, we will submit your details to the HEA and you will then receive
an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been rewarded. You will be
able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
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If your application is unsuccessful we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback and support highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required
amendments for resubmission.
The assessment processes for D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA are shown in figures 1 and 2 below,
Exam board
Submission of • Simultaneous award of
D1/AFHEA academic credit and
Core TLA Module Application and External examiner AFHEA recognition
completion "Tracking moderation
Engagement with
UKPSF document
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Experiential Route
Experiential applications for D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA categories will be assessed by 2 reviewers,
both holding at least Fellowship recognition, and having received structured training to support
them in this role. Review panels will take place twice per year and your application will normally
be reviewed at the next scheduled panel following your submission.
The reviewers will be looking for evidence that your approach to teaching and/or supporting
learning is grounded in an understanding of how learners develop knowledge and practice within
your discipline or role. Your evidence should therefore be reflective, not just descriptive. They will
also look for indications of how you evaluate your effectiveness and how you develop your
approach in the light of your experience and continuing professional development. A holistic
approach to reviewing your application will be adopted and reviewers will seek evidence from
across your application.
If your application is successful, we will let you know, and then submit your details to the HEA.
You will then receive an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been
rewarded. You will be able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
If your application is “referred”, we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required amendments
for resubmission.
If your application is unsuccessful we will let you know and provide feedback to support future
Experiential applications for D3/SFHEA will be assessed by a panel of three reviewers, including
two internal reviewers each holding at least Fellowship recognition, and at least one of which will
hold senior fellowship recognition, and an external reviewer, approved by the HEA who will hold at
least senior fellowship recognition. This panel will meet every 6 months and your application will
normally be reviewed at the next available panel following your application submission. Following
your submission we will contact you to confirm that your application has been received and let you
know when you should expect to hear the outcome.
The panel will review your application and look for evidence that your approach to
teaching/supporting and managing learning is grounded in an understanding of how learners
develop knowledge and practice within your discipline or role. Your evidence should therefore be
reflective, not just descriptive. The panel will also look for indications of how you evaluate your
effectiveness and how you develop your approach in the light of your experience and continuing
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professional development. A holistic approach to reviewing your application will be adopted and
the panel will seek evidence from across your application. A critical characteristic of Senior
Fellows is that they are able to demonstrate the successful coordination, support, supervision,
management and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals or teams) in relation to learning and
If your application is successful, we will let you know, and then submit your details to the HEA.
You will then receive an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been
rewarded. You will be able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
If your application is unsuccessful we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required amendments
for resubmission.
Quality Assurance
Taught Pathways
The classes required in the taught pathway for recognition are part of the Learning and Teaching
in Higher Education pathway within the SPARK programme. This programme is academically
validated through the University’s QA governance structures, through the Faculty of Humanities &
Social Sciences and Senate. An external examiner is appointed to the programme and
simultaneously provides both academic and recognition moderation.
Academic appeals can be made by following the university’s “Personal Circumstances &
Academic Appeals Procedure” which is published on the university’s website.
For fellowship recognition decisions, participants can make process-related appeals to the Chair
of the Strathclyde Recognition Framework Committee. Participants cannot appeal the decision of
this committee, which is final.
Experiential Pathway
Staff within the institution support the recognition pathways through acting as peer network
mentors and reviewers. Staff cannot act as a reviewer for anyone they have mentored or anyone
within their own faculty.
An external reviewer will participate in the review of all D3/SFHEA applications and will provide
moderation for a sample of D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA applications. The external reviewer will also
be present at and contribute to meetings of the Strathclyde Professional Recognition Framework
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Quality and standards of applications, and the assessment process, will be reviewed by the
Strathclyde Recognition Framework Committee, who will report to Senate through the University’s
Learning Enhancement Committee (LEC).
An applicant can make a process related appeal to the Chair of the Strathclyde Recognition
Framework Committee. Applicants cannot appeal the decision of the committee, which is final.
It is recommended that applicants maintain a record of their CPD, and this will normally be
reflected in the Annual Develolpment Review (ADR) process.
Following successful achievement of fellowship recognition, applicants may decide to work toward
and plan their development to support the next category of recognition. Support for doing this is
available and details can be found in this handbook as well as from the Academic Development
Applicants may wish, and are encouraged to remain involved in the Strathclyde Recognition
Framework and we very much encourage you to do this. You may for example wish to remain
involved as a network mentor or as a reviewer in the process. Please discuss this with a member
of the academic development team.
The Strathclyde Academic Development team currently offer two main programmes for staff
learning and teaching development and these are as follows,
The STEP programme is aimed at meeting the development needs of all university staff involved
in learning and teaching. This programme offers CPD provision for staff in learning and teaching
and academic credit is not generally available to participants through this programme.
STEP provides an ongoing suite of relevant and practical opportunities for staff to enhance their
skills in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback, and in the use of innovative techniquest
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
and technologies to grow and support Strathclyde’s current and future learning and teaching
talent. The programme is flexible and those who engage with the programme can select their own
mix of activities to meet their own needs.
In addition to a regular programme of workshops and targetted CPD, there are a number of
masterclasses and challenge events within the programme as well as a series of high profile peer
support networks.
The STEP programme is aligned with and mapped to the UKPSF, allowing the programme to
readily be used to plan development activities to support recognition applications.
A wide range of CPD opportunities in learning and teaching are available through STEP, and
further details can be found on the programme website,
The key target audience for the SPARK programme is early career academic professional staff,
and the programme provides the means by which staff can obtain the required 30 academic
credits required to fulfil probation requirements.
Whilst SPARK is primarily targeted at new and early career staff, it is also designed with
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in mind, seeking to address the needs of more
established and experienced staff members who are planning to undertake management and
leadership roles. Experienced staff are encouraged to build on previous professional
development, acquiring additional credits towards higher degrees, or they may undertake non-
graduating study as part of their planned CPD.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This class provides an introduction and overview of pedagogy in Higher Education specifically
examining the areas of teaching, learning and assessment within a disciplinary context.
This class aims to support University of Strathclyde staff with a role (or interest) in learning and
The class takes place across a time period of at least 14 months to allow colleagues to be supported
in their practice across a full academic cycle, and to provide time and space for development and
evaluation of their own theoretically-informed approaches to teaching learning and assessment.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF), providing coverage across the framework. To support this alignment, and to support staff in
making links between their development, practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF,
learning objectives and assessments have been mapped to the dimensions of the framework
(indicated in square brackets within the relevant sections).
This class aims to provide you with the necessary pedagogical theory and practice to develop and
challenge your understandings of teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education and to
engage across the dimensions of the UKPSF.
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being the core class
required for Associate Fellowship and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition
through Strathclyde’s taught route to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Learning Objectives
Reflect on their current practice in teaching, learning and assessment in terms of the wider
higher education context, disciplinary influences, and institutional strategies and policies [K1,
K2, K3, K6, V1, V2, V4];
Critically reflect on theoretically-informed models of pedagogy from contemporary scholarship
and research concerning learning, teaching and assessment in higher education and be able to
apply this to the discipline and context in which they teach, evaluating current practices and
implementing appropriate enhancements [K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, V3, V4];
Apply analytical frameworks to the discipline(s) in which they teach to identify barriers and
opportunities for development and enhancement of the student experience [K1, K2, K3, K5,
K6, V3];
Learn from one another and engage in peer review of current practices; [K5, V3];
Identify potential improvements and enhancements to current practice, including consideration of
blended and online delivery formats [K2, K3, K4, V1, V2]; and
Engage with a pedagogical community of practice which serves to enhance both the student
experience and the disciplinary context [V1, V2].
To support both D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA recognition, as well as appropriate differentiation between
the two, the above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of
the following areas of activity,
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
[A4]; and
Engaging in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy,
incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices [A5].
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has three assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The required assessments are as follows,
Assessment Description
1 You will participate in a peer observation process for this class and
through this will be able to engage in a peer feedback process. Your
teaching practice will be observed by a peer from this class as well as
by an expert peer from your discipline with experience in learning and
teaching, understanding of the UKPSF, and preferably D2/FHEA
recognition. Full details are available from the MyPlace page for the
[K5; V1]
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face sessions which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants are expected to complete.
This class takes place across a period of at least 14 months and comprises a series of six seminars
lasting three hours plus time for engagement with online and offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Course (Re)-Design
(20 Credits)
This module involves the evaluation of current course designs and the creation and development of
new course designs which promote improved teaching, learning and assessment. The module will
provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to engage in course re)design, exploring
the pedagogical theories behind, and practical construction of, enhanced student learning
experiences. It will draw attention to the role of technology enhanced learning in course design and
will focus on students’ needs and characteristics.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF). To support this alignment, and to support staff in making links between their development,
practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF, learning objectives and assessments have
been mapped to the dimensions of the framework (indicated in square brackets).
This class aims to provide participants with the necessary pedagogical theory and practice to enhance
student learning through effective course (re)design.
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
A5. Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their
pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Core knowledge
K1. The subject material
K2. Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and
at the level of the academic programme
K3. How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6. The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional values
V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship
and continuing professional development
V4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the
implications for professional practice
Learning Objectives
Critically evaluate existing course designs for their effectiveness in delivering content and
providing a positive learning experience for students [K1, K2, K5, V1, V2, V3];
Explore both practical and theoretical opportunities and challenges inherent in teaching, learning
and assessment within different course designs [K2, K3, K4, K5, V1, V2, V3, V4];
Identify areas of teaching, learning and assessment that would benefit from enhanced designs
[K1, K2, K3, K6, V4];
Design course structures that effectively meet the needs of learners [K2, K3, K4, V1, V2]];
Critically evaluate the developed courses for their effectiveness and suitability in meeting the
designated outcomes [K1, K2, K4, V1, V2, V4]; and
Reflect on both the development of their educational design and pedagogies which inform
design [K2, K3, K4, K5, V1, V3].
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of the
following areas of activity,
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has two assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The two required assessments are as follows,
Assessment Description
1 You are required to make a 5-minute reflective diary video which examines your
understandings of the role of your class within the context of the
course/programme/discipline, and should make reference to concepts and
theories from the course sessions.
2 You should create a visual storyboard for your class (re)design and contextualise
this with a 3000 word theoretical justification on educational development theories
and concepts that informed your design.
Assessment criteria are specified in the MyPlace class assessment submission link.
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This module enables participants to engage with the professional and theoretical underpinnings and
political drivers of national developments in research supervision in Higher Education (HE) in the UK.
Along with these, institutional framework(s) for research and supervision will be contextualised in
participants' academic disciplines.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF), providing coverage across the framework. To support this alignment, and to support staff in
making links between their development, practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF,
learning objectives and assessments have been mapped to the dimensions of the framework
(indicated in square brackets).
This class aims to provide participants with the necessary information and reflective activities to allow
them to continue to develop appropriate attitudes and aptitudes for effective research supervision in
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
A5. Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their
pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional
Page 33
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Core knowledge
K1. The subject material
K2. Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and
at the level of the academic programme
K3. How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6. The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional values
V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship
and continuing professional development
V4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the
implications for professional practice
Learning Objectives
Review their understanding of effective research supervision in the institution, their discipline /
professional field and in the context of national developments and developments in other
disciplines / professional fields [K2, K3, K5, V1, V2, V4];
Contextualise paradigms for research supervision in their academic disciplines [K2, K3, K5, V3];
Assess their inter-personal skills as actual or potential research supervisors [K5];
Identify areas for further development as supervisors including relevant sources of information
on policy and practice in research supervision which they can use in their development [K2,
K6, V1, V2, V3, V4];
Explore and reflect on mentoring and coaching models as a means of motivating postgraduate
research students [K2, K3, V1, V3]; and
Explore issues regarding the viva and the academic writing process [K2, K3, K6, V1, V3].
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of the
following areas of activity,
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has two assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The two required assessments are as follows,
Assessment Description
2 You will be offered a choice of Case Studies and you should select
one for this assignment. You should write a 2000 – 3000 word
academic report to argue a case for what action the University’s
Board of Studies should now take. You should refer to the detailed
brief for this assignment.
Assessment criteria are specified in the MyPlace class assessment submission link.
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
With an increasing number of courses being delivered online or in a blended environment, teaching
staff should have an opportunity to experience being an online student and to explore pedagogical
issues for their own context. Through allowing participants to experience being an online student, this
class explores theoretical perspectives and supports them in developing appropriate online/blended
learning environments for students within their own context and discipline.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF). To support this alignment, and to support staff in making links between their development,
practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF, learning objectives and assessments have
been mapped to the dimensions of the framework (indicated in square brackets).
The aim of the module is to allow participants to experience being an online student while at the same
time exploring the implications and opportunities of teaching and learning online. This will be a
valuable opportunity to integrate different aspects of expertise within the Learning Enhancement
Framework within the University of Strathclyde and to develop effective practice in the university’s
online learning platform and Technology Enhanced Learning.
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Learning Objectives
Engage in online course activities from a student’s perspective [K1, K2, K3];
Experience a wide range of Moodle tools and activities and other online and learning
technologies [K2, K4];
Experience and develop methods to encourage online engagement and collaboration [K2, K3,
K4, V1];
Develop understanding of and critically evaluate effective learning design for online courses and
activities [K2, K3, K4, K5, V1, V2, V3, V4];
Design online activities or classes or activities involving the use of learning technologies for
online or blended learning delivery [K2, K3, K4, K5, V1, V2, V3]; and
Evaluate the appropriateness of online and technology enhanced learning to the individual
disciplinary context. [K2, K4, K5, V3]
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of the
following areas of activity,
Page 37
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has two assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The two required assessments are as follows,
Assessment Description
Assessment criteria are specified in the MyPlace class assessment submission link.
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This class provides an opportunity for academic professional staff to understand the context of
leadership in Higher Education and the role they effect and can effect within this. Participants will
examine educational theories of leadership within the Higher Education context and offer an insight
into internal and external influence on this community of practice.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF). To support this alignment, and to support staff in making links between their development,
practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF, learning objectives and assessments have
been mapped to the dimensions of the framework (indicated in square brackets).
The aim of this class is to provide participants with an understanding of the competing demands and
complexity of perceptions of leadership in Higher Education within the UK context.
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
A5. Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their
pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional
Core knowledge
K1. The subject material
Page 39
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
K2. Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and
at the level of the academic programme
K3. How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6. The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional values
V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship
and continuing professional development
V4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the
implications for professional practice
Learning Objectives
Understand current dominant theories of leadership in education and appraise their applicability
in Higher Education [K1, V3, V4];
Examine contextual pressures and the influence of these on leadership strategies and direction
within universities [V4];
Evaluate the source of leadership for individuals within their institutional and disciplinary contexts
Consider how theories of social learning and communities of practice influence our
understanding of leadership [K1, K3, V4];
Gain an understanding of the university processes of strategic planning and strategic
management in relation to leadership [V4]; and,
Consider the major leadership challenges which face institutions, faculties, and departments/
centres. [V4]
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in the following area of
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has two assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The two required assessments are as follows,
Page 40
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Assessment Description
[K1, V4]
Assessment criteria are specified in the MyPlace class assessment submission link.
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
Page 41
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Academic Writing
(20 Credits)
The module combines theoretical perspectives on academic writing with practical activities that should
increase the participants’ own writing output. There is a strong emphasis on contextualising writing in
participants’ academic disciplines, while recognising current trends towards interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary requirements for writing. Participants will be encouraged to choose a focus for this
module: either their own academic writing or their use of writing activities in teaching at undergraduate
or postgraduate level.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF), providing coverage across the framework. To support this alignment, and to support staff in
making links between their development, practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF,
learning objectives and assessments have been mapped to the dimensions of the framework
(indicated in square brackets).
The main aim is to provide a forum for participants to analyse and discuss writing in their own and
other disciplines – and to write. As well as comprising a taught class, the sessions are designed to
foster a Writer’s Group. Participants may have a range of personal aims: for example, writing a journal
article or grant proposal, or creating a curriculum intervention to support student writing. Issues of
equality and inclusion with respect to both staff and student writing will be highlighted during the
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
Page 42
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
A5. Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their
pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional
Core knowledge
K1. The subject material
K2. Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and
at the level of the academic programme
K3. How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6. The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional values
V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship
and continuing professional development
V4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the
implications for professional practice
Learning Objectives
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of the
following areas of activity,
Page 43
Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has two assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The two required assessments are as follows,
Assessment Description
Assessment criteria are specified in the MyPlace class assessment submission link.
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Equal access to the curriculum is already highlighted in other classes in the SPARK programme. This
class offers a deeper exploration of the implications of a diversity of student needs. By considering the
impact of course design and policy issues on disabled or disadvantaged students, participants are
encouraged to review the current and potential effectiveness of their own teaching. The class is based
on the Social Model of Disability and models of Inclusion, which regard “the problem” of disability or
disadvantage as rooted in the absence of provision for a diversity of needs.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF). To support this alignment, and to support staff in making links between their development,
practice, the components of this class, and the UKPSF, learning objectives and assessments have
been mapped to the dimensions of the framework (indicated in square brackets).
This class aims to enable participants to devise ways of improving the accessibility of the curriculum in
their own contexts: through their own practices relating to course design, content, delivery, learning
resources, assessment procedures and the general learning environment.
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook. This handbook can be found at the following link,
This class meets the UKPSF requirements in the following areas of activity, Core
Knowledge and Professional Values
Areas of activity
A1. Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
A2. Teach and/or support student learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
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Learning Objectives
Critically reflect on the nature of the subject(s) they teach and attempt to articulate the
discipline’s core requirements [K1, K2];
Identify any issues that could create difficulty for some students in accessing the curriculum as it
is traditionally delivered and assessed and look for opportunities to enhance the student
experience [K2, K3, K5, V1, V2, V3];
Review practices in their own departments for opportunities for adjustments
that will overcome potential barriers to the inclusion of disabled and disadvantaged students
[K2, K3, K5, V1, V2, V3];
Consider the potential benefits and use of technology in supporting inclusive teaching and
learning [K4, V1, V2];
Develop and demonstrate awareness of moral and legal obligations with respect to disabled and
disadvantaged people [V1, V2, V4];
Knowledge and understanding of the implications of different needs and a range of measures
that can be used to support learning needs of all students [K2, K4, V1, V2, V4].
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of the
following areas of activity,
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This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has two assessments that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The two required assessments are as follows,
Assessment Description
Assessment criteria are specified in the MyPlace class assessment submission link.
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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Independent Enquiry
(20 Credits)
This class allows participants to identify an aspect of professional relevance and to negotiate a set of
learning objectives, achievement criteria and assessment procedures, allowing them the flexibility to
tailor development to their own needs and requirements.
The class has been developed in close alignment with the UK Professional Standards Framework
(UKPSF). To support this alignment, and to support staff in making links between their development,
practice, the components of this class, participants should map their activity in this class to the
UKPSF, including the agreed aims and assessment(s)).
The aim of this class is to provide participants an opportunity to examine within a theoretical context,
an aspect of professional relevance to their own specific role and development needs.
The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education (UKPSF) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition
This class has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) as being an optional class
that can be taken in addition to the core “Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines”
class for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Recognition through Strathclyde’s taught route
to recognition.
Specific requirements for recognition can be found in the “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” Handbook.
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K2. Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and
at the level of the academic programme
K3. How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6. The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
Professional values
V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship
and continuing professional development
V4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the
implications for professional practice
Learning Objectives
The above learning objectives are assessed through evidencing participation in some or all of the
following areas of activity,
This class is assessed on a pass/fail basis and has an assessment that must reach the required
standard to obtain a ‘pass’ grade. A resubmit opportunity will be offered if a passing grade is not
obtained at first attempt. The required assessment is as follows,
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Assessment Description
Assessment submission dates will be posted on MyPlace. Please note that assessment deadlines and
firm and fixed. Please contact the class instructor if there are mitigating circumstances that warrant
consideration of an extension.
Class Format
As with other classes in the SPARK programme, this class is reliant upon the engagement of
participants with all learning experiences provided. Each class uses a blended learning approach
comprising face-to-face seminars which are reliant on and underpinned by pre-seminar and post-
seminar activities (directed online through MyPlace) which participants must complete in advance.
Each class comprises four seminars lasting four hours plus time for engagement with online and
offline activities.
Recommended Readings
Your attention will be drawn to recommended readings throughout the course and MyPlace will be
used for this purpose to ensure that the readings are current and updated. Readings will include policy
documents, books, and journal articles.
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The UKPSF provides a general description of the main dimensions of the roles of teaching and
supporting learning within the higher education environment. It is written from the perspective of
the practitioner and outlines a national framework for comprehensively recognising and
benchmarking teaching and learning support roles within higher education.
The purpose of this tracker is to support your engagement with the “Professional Recognition of
Teaching at Strathclyde” (Taught) pathway to Associate Fellowship (D1) and Fellowship (D2)
categories of HEA fellowship recognition, by providing a means for you to plan, develop and track
your meaningful engagement with the UKPSF during your journey through the programme, and
indeed beyond as you continue to develop in your learning and teaching role.
The requirements for each pathway are described in the programme handbook, “Professional
Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde”
As you progress through each class and complete the related assessments, you are asked to
reflect on the assessments you complete and use this tracker to signpost your successful
engagement with the UKPSF for each.
This record of your engagement must be submitted alongside each assessment you
submit in support of HEA fellowship recognition so that the appropriate engagement for
the relevant category of recognition can be verified by the class instructor.
In addition, this record of your engagement must be submitted with your final application
for HEA Associate Fellowship (D1) or Fellowship (D2) recognition so that the appropriate
engagement for the relevant category can be verified by the exam board, who will use this
tracker alongside your academic assessments to judge whether the full requirements for
the award of fellowship (D1/D2) have been met.
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Complete the table below to signpost and reference where on the programme you have engaged
in each dimension of the UKPSF and in which class and assessment this has been evidenced.
Learning and
within the
Areas of Activity
A5. Engage in
continuing professional
development in
and their pedagogy,
incorporating research,
scholarship and the
evaluation of
professional practices.
Core Knowledge
K2. Appropriate
methods for teaching,
learning and assessing
in the subject area and
at the level of the
academic programme
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Professional Values
V2. Promote
participation in higher
education and equality
of opportunity for
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This document must accompany the following submissions within the “Professional Recognition of
Teaching at Strathclyde” programme,
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
Name here
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Job Title
e-Mail Address
Please provide a brief (max 150 words) description of your current engagement with practice
(indicating how you meet the minimum requirement of at least 1 semester of relevant activity).
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By electronically checking the box below, I confirm,
☐ I give my permission for the University to provide the personal details included on this form to
the HEA.
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Name here
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Job Title
e-Mail Address
Previous Fellowship
Awards (and dates
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Please provide a brief (max 150 words) description of your current engagement with practice
(indicating how you meet the minimum requirement of at least 1 academic year of relevant
activity, including evaluation and reflection).
By electronically checking the box below, I confirm,
☐ I give my permission for the University to provide the personal details included on this form to
the HEA.
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This guidance document provides you with an overview of the process required to apply for
Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) through the experiential pathway of
the Strathclyde Recognition Framework.
Associate Fellowship of the HEA is awarded to professionals who can demonstrate they meet the
criteria of Descriptor 1 (D1) of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for teaching
and supporting learning in higher education.
By applying to be an Associate Fellow of the HEA you will present an understanding of specific
aspects of effective teaching, learning support methods and student learning, and demonstrate,
D1.I Successful engagement with at least two of the five Areas of Activity;
D1.II Successful engagement in appropriate teaching and practices related to these Areas of
D1.V Relevant professional practices, subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within
the above activities; and
The UKPSF is central to the recognition of individuals as Associate Fellows. You will need a
working knowledge of its contents in order to prepare your application. A full copy of the UKPSF
can be obtained from the following link,
You should submit your application using the AFHEA Submission Template Document.
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Associate Fellowship is based on meeting Descriptor 1 (D1) of the UKPSF and your APP
is the core of your application
Your APP is focused around selected Dimensions of the Framework and structured across
two of the Areas of Activity of your choice which should evidence how you meet the
requirements for Descriptor 1.
There will be considerable variation in applications, reflecting differences in individuals’
experience, their job roles and institutional contexts. The reflective commentary enables
such diversity to be appropriately represented.
Your APP is a personal account and its focus throughout should be on your own
professional practice and decision-making.
You should include appropriate rationale for the choices made and any evidence of
success and effectiveness in teaching and/or supporting learning. All your evidence will be
based on real examples of practice which draw upon scholarly activity in learning and
Provide selective examples of practice in your APP and ensure they have direct relevance
to your claim for Associate Fellowship. The quality of the examples of evidence is much
more important than the quantity. Where you reflect on any historic professional practice
as part of your evidence, ensure you reflect on its impact on your current practice.
Incorporate relevant subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship in your
approaches. How you evidence this will depend on the context in which you are working,
the nature of the subject, discipline or profession in which you teach and the expectations
of the institution in which you work. Your application should reflect a process of continuing
professional development which demonstrates your understanding of specific aspects of
effective teaching, learning support methods and student learning.
Aim to include example(s) of your use of/commitment to the relevant Professional Values
and Core Knowledge of the UKPSF throughout your APP.
Adopt a reflective stance to your APP and make clear why and how you apply appropriate
Core Knowledge and understanding of at least K1 (the subject material) and K2
(appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessment in the subject area and at the
level of the HE provision).
Include evidence of how you demonstrate your commitment to appropriate Professional
Values set out in the Framework. It is at your discretion which Professional Values you
choose. Provide rationale and explanations of how you carry out your practice and ensure
you provide reasons for the choice of activities you describe, and demonstrate that you
have been effective and successful in these activities. This reflection and alignment of your
work to the UKPSF is essential.
Where appropriate, explicitly incorporate in your chosen Areas of Activities how you have
successfully engaged in professional development activity related to teaching, learning and
assessment responsibilities.
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The overall word count for the Associate Fellow APP is 1500 - 2000 words (with 2000
being an absolute limit). This is your combined evidence across the whole claim.
Throughout your application, the quality of reflection on your professional practice should
be the focus of your narrative, rather than description of it.
Any citations to publications, journals, books, websites you choose to include should be
accommodated within your overall word count.
All the experience and evidence included in your APP must relate to HE provision such as:
o level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland;
o level 7 or above within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) in
Scotland on the Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions
o first cycle or above of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher
Education Area (QF-EHEA);
o level 6 or above of the Australian Qualifications Framework;
o level 5 or above of the New Zealand Qualification Framework;
o delivery of non-accredited continuing professional development for academic and
learning support staff may also be considered as evidence equivalent to the higher
education academic frameworks.
Area of Activity 1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
This Area of Activity refers to all your professional educational activities where you are preparing
for engagement with learners. The evidence of designing and planning learning activities will vary
depending on the context of your work. For Descriptor 1, typically these might be individual
activities and/or sessions in modules, courses and programmes and range from session/module
design to a whole programme of study. In all cases, the design should reflect a developing
knowledge and understanding of the Core Knowledge and Professional Values Dimensions.
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The main ways in which you design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of
The reasons for your choice of,
o Subject material;
o Activities and techniques; and
o The particular learning technologies included in your plan.
How you make choices to facilitate learning in general and within your learners’ subject
area; and
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
This Area of Activity is about your direct engagement with learners whether in groups or
individually. These encounters may be in a wide range of environments, such as teaching rooms,
seminar rooms, lecture theatres, labs, learning support centres, offices, professional settings, etc.
Your evidence here will include teaching activities such as lecturing, tutorials and seminar work,
studio, clinical, laboratory, supervision, workplace-based teaching, distance learning and the use
of virtual learning environments.
The support you provide might include teaching and supervision of undergraduates and
postgraduates. You might also mentor learners to support their learning and contribute to courses
and programmes that develop learning in higher education.
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Your evidence should emphasise your direct knowledge and use of effective assessment and
feedback/feedforward approaches. Assessment and feedback is routinely used to measure and
support learning and you should demonstrate an understanding of appropriate assessment and
feedback techniques within an HE context and how they are applied. The assessment and
feedback mechanisms you adopt may occur in a variety of ways and be summative and/or
For example, you might carry out assessments such as questionnaires, surveys, interviews,
observations, testing, projects (a culminating project that synthesises knowledge) and
examinations. The assessment may be group based or individual, physical or online.
Ensure your evidence demonstrates an increasing awareness of different methods of, and
approaches to, assessment and feedback, as well as a growing ability to choose the most
appropriate approach for the achievement of your learning aims.
The main types of formative and/or summative assessment that you use with learners,
whether formal or informal;
How and why you choose the particular approaches and methods you employ, in so far as
this was your own decision;
How you ensure your assessments are valid indicators of what you want your learners to
learn, that your marking is reliable and the standards you set are appropriate;
How you give feedback to learners and ensure it supports and improves their
understanding of the subject, their performance and/or their development as learners;
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
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This Area of Activity is about how you make effective use of both the formal and informal learning
environment to facilitate learning and how you meet the needs of your learners in terms of
educational support and guidance. It includes how you:
utilise and manage a range of physical or virtual learning environments so that they are
appropriate to your learners’ needs;
work with learners and service providers to ensure that your learners can access and use
a broad range of learning opportunities. Learner support might include such activities as
personal and academic tutoring, one-to-one advice, counselling, developing practice to
meet the learning implications of widening access and supporting learners with disabilities.
The main types of educational environment in which you work and/or what kinds of support
and guidance you give to your learners, whether formal or informal;
Use examples from your practice where you have utilised the learning environment and/or
provided support and guidance to your learners;
How you have contributed to making the learning environment more effective for learners;
The ways you have contributed to supporting and guiding your learners;
Why you chose those particular strategies and how well they worked;
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
This Area of Activity is about how you maintain and develop your capability to perform your
teaching and learning support roles. It includes:
how you incorporate subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within your
professional practice as a teacher/supporter of learning;
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how you gather and utilise information from your own activities.
Activities you undertake as part of a group or team are valued as much as individual activities.
You may carry out your own scholarly activities or pedagogic research (or use others’) to inform
your practice. Indicate how your teaching and learning support is influenced by different types of
scholarly and/or professional activity. These activities are likely to be wide ranging, incorporating
both formal and informal approaches to continuing professional development. Examples include:
Your main strategies for updating and developing your capability as a teacher and/or
supporter of learning. Refer here to any activities you have undertaken to update yourself
on aspects of teaching and learning, for example staff development activities, conferences
on learning and teaching or participation in projects to develop learning methods;
How you used the outcomes from any continuing professional development strategies to
improve learning experiences and your own professional practice;
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
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Your application must be supported by statements from two referees. The function of your
referees is to provide an informed peer review of your eligibility for Associate Fellowship using
their knowledge of your work and the context in which you teach and/or support learning. The
referees should be individuals who are in a position to comment and substantiate your record of
effectiveness in relation to teaching, and the support of learning in higher education. Referees are
expected to comment directly on the content of your APP and will need to view your application to
enable them to provide an effective reference.
At least one of your references should either be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the
HEA, or an appropriate experienced member of staff working for a higher education institution. All
referees need to be familiar with the UKPSF.
In summary, to apply for AFHEA recognition through the Experiential Pathway of the Strathclyde
Recognition Framework you need to,
Complete your APP (your reflective commentary on your chosen two Areas of Activity
which includes relevant Core Knowledge and Professional Values) using the AFHEA
Submission Template
Obtain and include with your application 2 referee statements
Submit complete application to [email protected]
Experiential applications for D1/AFHEA and D2/FHEA categories will be assessed by 2 reviewers,
both holding at least Fellowship recognition, and having received structured training to support
them in this role. Review panels will take place twice per year and your application will normally
be reviewed at the next scheduled panel following your submission.
The reviewers will be looking for evidence that your approach to teaching and/or supporting
learning is grounded in an understanding of how learners develop knowledge and practice within
your discipline or role. Your evidence should therefore be reflective, not just descriptive. They will
also look for indications of how you evaluate your effectiveness and how you develop your
approach in the light of your experience and continuing professional development. A holistic
approach to reviewing your application will be adopted and reviewers will seek evidence from
across your application.
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If your application is successful, we will let you know, and then submit your details to the HEA.
You will then receive an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been
rewarded. You will be able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
If your application is “referred”, we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required amendments
for resubmission.
If your application is unsuccessful we will let you know and provide feedback to support future
Staff within the institution support the framework through acting as mentors and reviewers. Staff
cannot act as a reviewer for anyone they have mentored.
An external reviewer will moderate a sample of D1 and D2 applications. The external reviewer will
also have the right to be present at any meetings of the review committee.
Quality and standards of applications, and the assessment process, will be reviewed by the
Strathclyde Recognition Framework Committee, who will report to Senate through the University’s
Learning Enhancement Committee (LEC).
An applicant can make a process related appeal to the Chair of the Strathclyde Recognition
Framework Committee. Applicants cannot appeal the decision of the committee, which is final.
It is recommended that applicants maintain a record of their CPD, and this will normally be
reflected in the Annual Development Review (ADR) process.
Following successful achievement of fellowship recognition, applicants may decide to work toward
and plan their development to support the next category of recognition. Support for doing this is
available through this Framework and details can be found in this handbook.
Applicants may wish to remain involved in the Strathclyde Recognition Framework and we very
much encourage you to do this. You may for example wish to remain involved as a mentor or as a
reviewer in the process.
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The Strathclyde Academic Development team currently offer two main programmes for staff
learning and teaching development and these are as follows,
The STEP programme is aimed at meeting the development needs of all university staff involved
in learning and teaching. This programme offers CPD provision for staff in learning and teaching
and academic credit is not generally available to participants through this programme.
STEP provides an ongoing suite of relevant and practical opportunities for staff to enhance their
skills in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback, and in the use of innovative techniquest
and technologies to grow and support Strathclyde’s current and future learning and teaching
talent. The programme is flexible and those who engage with the programme can select their own
mix of activities to meet their own needs.
The STEP programme is aligned with and mapped to the UKPSF, allowing the programme to
readily be used to plan development activities to support recognition applications.
A variety of CPD opportunities in learning and teaching are available through STEP, and further
details can be found on the programme website,
In addition to a regular programme of workshops and targetted CPD, there are a number of
masterclasses and challenge events within the programme as well as a series of high profile peer
support networks.
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The key target audience for the SPARK programme is early career academic professional staff,
and the programme provides the means by which staff can obtain the required 30 academic
credits required to fulfil probation requirements.
Whilst SPARK is primarily targeted at new and early career staff, it is also designed with
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in mind, seeking to address the needs of more
established and experienced staff members who are planning to undertake management and
leadership roles. Experienced staff are encouraged to build on previous professional
development, acquiring additional credits towards higher degrees, or they may undertake non-
graduating study as part of their planned CPD.
e-Mail: [email protected]
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The guidance below is designed to help you prepare your reference for an Associate Fellow
applicant. You should be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the HEA, or an appropriate
experienced member of staff working for a higher education provider.
All referees need to be familiar with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for
teaching and supporting learning in higher education. This can be accessed in full at
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Strathclyde Academic
Development team at [email protected]
The function of the reference is to provide an informed peer review of the applicant’s work using
your knowledge of their practice and the context in which he/she teaches or supports learning in
higher education. If possible, please comment on the applicant’s most recent role and
responsibilities. Please take time to read the applicant’s Account of Professional Practice to
enable you to write an appropriate reference. You may also wish to refer to the Strathclyde
“Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde” handbook.
You should comment directly on the content of the applicant’s Account of Professional Practice,
basing your reference on how the applicant meets the Dimensions of the UK Professional
Standards Framework (UKPSF) at Descriptor 1. These are listed overleaf. Please provide
practical examples to support your comments wherever possible. If you have been involved in
peer observation of the applicant’s teaching or support of learners, please draw on examples from
this. Similarly, please comment on any innovative practice and/or contribution to developments by
the applicant in teaching and learning within his/her discipline.
For Associate Fellow, the HEA expects two Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge (at least K1 and
K2), and relevant Professional Values of the UKPSF to underpin the practice of those seeking
recognition. Please provide examples, where appropriate, of ways in which this underpinning is
apparent in the applicant’s account.
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There is no standard form for references but you may find it helpful to comment under the
Dimensions of the UKPSF identified in the application (e.g. within the Areas of Activity). The
Dimensions of the UKPSF are listed below.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to collect the reference from you. This is a different kind of
reference from one that is normally required for promotion or a job appointment, as we are looking
for confirmation of the applicant’s commitment to effective practice in teaching and/or supporting
learning, rather than general academic achievement. Please provide an electronic copy of your
reference in pdf form to the applicant and ensure that it includes verifiable information, i.e. it
should be written on headed notepaper wherever possible, should include your name, job title,
organisation (including department if applicable), email address and preferably your signature.
Professional recognition for AFHEA recognition aligns to the Dimensions of the UKPSF and
focuses on Descriptor 1:
e-Mail: [email protected]
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Name here
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Applicants should refer to the AFHEA Guidance document for application guidance.
Job Title
e-Mail Address
Previous Fellowship
Awards (and dates
Note: For AFHEA only 2 of the areas of activity need to be addressed. Applicants should
delete the areas of activity below that are not addressed in this application.
Area of Activity 1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
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Area of Activity 4: Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support
and guidance
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By electronically checking the boxes below, I confirm,
☐ I give my permission for the University to provide the personal details included on this form to
the HEA.
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This guidance document provides you with an overview of the process required to apply for
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) through the experiential pathway of the
Strathclyde Recognition Framework.
Fellowship of the HEA is awarded to professionals who can demonstrate they meet the criteria of
Descriptor 2 (D2) of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for teaching and
supporting learning in higher education.
By applying to be a Fellow of the HEA you will present a broad understanding of effective
approaches to learning and teaching support as a key contribution to high quality student learning.
You should be able to provide evidence of:
D2.II Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge.
D2.IV Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity.
D2.V Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the
above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice.
The UKPSF is central to the recognition of individuals as Associate Fellows. You will need a
working knowledge of its contents in order to prepare your application. A full copy of the UKPSF
can be obtained from the following link,
You should submit your application using the FHEA Submission Template Document.
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Fellowship is based on meeting Descriptor 2 (D2) of the UKPSF and your APP is the core
of your application;
Your APP consists of a reflective commentary on your higher education roles,
responsibilities and professional experience focused on the Dimensions of the UKPSF;
Your reflective commentary, focused around the Dimensions of the Framework and
structured across the five Areas of Activity, should explain how you meet the requirements
set out in Descriptor 2 of the UKPSF.
There will be considerable variation in applications, reflecting differences in individuals’
experience, their job roles and institutional contexts. The reflective commentary enables
such diversity to be appropriately represented.
Your application is a claim for Fellowship and as such should include appropriate rationale
for the choices made and any evidence of success, influence and impact in teaching
and/or supporting learning. All your evidence will be based on real examples of practice
which draw upon scholarly activity in learning and teaching.
Provide selective examples of practice in your APP and ensure they have direct relevance
to your claim for Fellowship. The quality of your evidence is much more important than the
quantity of examples you provide. Where you reflect on any historic professional practice
as part of your evidence, ensure you reflect on its current impact on your or others’
professional practice and on the wider learning and teaching context.
Your APP is a personal account and its focus throughout should be on your own
professional practice and decision-making.
Incorporate relevant subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship in your
approaches. How you evidence this will depend on the context in which you are working,
the nature of the subject, discipline or profession in which you teach and the expectations
of the institution in which you work.
Your application is centred round a process of continuing professional development which
demonstrates your broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and/or
learning support.
It is important you address all the Dimensions of the UKPSF. Given the complex and
integrative nature of professional practice, avoid a mechanistic or tick-box mapping
approach to ensure full coverage. Refer to our guidance notes on the Dimensions of the
UKPSF to help support your understanding of the Dimensions
Your APP should make clear how you apply the Core Knowledge and Professional Values
to all of the Dimensions of Practice in the UKPSF and the examples of evidence across
your APP. Adopt a reflective stance on each of the five Areas of Activity. Within these,
include example(s) of your use of/commitment to the Professional Values and Core
Knowledge where it applies. Provide rationale and explanations of how you carry out your
practice and ensure you provide reasons for the choice of activities you describe, and
demonstrate that you have been effective and successful in these activities. This reflection
and alignment of your work to the UKPSF is essential.
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The overall maximum word count for the Fellow APP is 3,000 words. Throughout your
application, the quality of reflection on and of your professional practice should be the
focus of your narrative, rather than description.
Any citations to publications, journals, books, websites you choose to include should be
accommodated within your overall word count.
All the experience and evidence included in your APP must relate to HE provision such as:
o level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland;
o level 7 or above within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) in
Scotland on the Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions
o first cycle or above of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher
Education Area (QF-EHEA);
o level 6 or above of the Australian Qualifications Framework;
o level 5 or above of the New Zealand Qualification Framework;
o delivery of non-accredited continuing professional development for academic and
learning support staff may also be considered as evidence equivalent to the higher
education academic frameworks.
Area of Activity 1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
This Area of Activity refers to all your professional educational activities where you are preparing
for engagement with learners. The evidence of designing and planning learning activities will vary
depending on the context of your work. For Descriptor 1, typically these might be individual
activities and/or sessions in modules, courses and programmes and range from session/module
design to a whole programme of study. In all cases, the design should reflect a developing
knowledge and understanding of the Core Knowledge and Professional Values Dimensions.
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The main ways in which you design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of
The reasons for your choice of,
o Subject material;
o Activities and techniques; and
o The particular learning technologies included in your plan.
How you make choices to facilitate learning in general and within your learners’ subject
area; and
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
This Area of Activity is about your direct engagement with learners whether in groups or
individually. These encounters may be in a wide range of environments, such as teaching rooms,
seminar rooms, lecture theatres, labs, learning support centres, offices, professional settings, etc.
Your evidence here will include teaching activities such as lecturing, tutorials and seminar work,
studio, clinical, laboratory, supervision, workplace-based teaching, distance learning and the use
of virtual learning environments.
The support you provide might include teaching and supervision of undergraduates and
postgraduates. You might also mentor learners to support their learning and contribute to courses
and programmes that develop learning in higher education.
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Your evidence should emphasise your direct knowledge and use of effective assessment and
feedback/feedforward approaches. Assessment and feedback is routinely used to measure and
support learning and you should demonstrate an understanding of appropriate assessment and
feedback techniques within an HE context and how they are applied. The assessment and
feedback mechanisms you adopt may occur in a variety of ways and be summative and/or
For example, you might carry out assessments such as questionnaires, surveys, interviews,
observations, testing, projects (a culminating project that synthesises knowledge) and
examinations. The assessment may be group based or individual, physical or online.
Ensure your evidence demonstrates an increasing awareness of different methods of, and
approaches to, assessment and feedback, as well as a growing ability to choose the most
appropriate approach for the achievement of your learning aims.
The main types of formative and/or summative assessment that you use with learners,
whether formal or informal;
How and why you choose the particular approaches and methods you employ, in so far as
this was your own decision;
How you ensure your assessments are valid indicators of what you want your learners to
learn, that your marking is reliable and the standards you set are appropriate;
How you give feedback to learners and ensure it supports and improves their
understanding of the subject, their performance and/or their development as learners;
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
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nature of the learning environment, the learning culture being developed, the nature and extent of
the support infrastructures into account and are able to distinguish between academic and
pastoral interventions. Applicants should also take the range of environments available to learners
into account as well as how they are enabled to access, understand and utilise them.
This Area of Activity is about how you make effective use of both the formal and informal learning
environment to facilitate learning and how you meet the needs of your learners in terms of
educational support and guidance. It includes how you:
utilise and manage a range of physical or virtual learning environments so that they are
appropriate to your learners’ needs;
work with learners and service providers to ensure that your learners can access and use
a broad range of learning opportunities. Learner support might include such activities as
personal and academic tutoring, one-to-one advice, counselling, developing practice to
meet the learning implications of widening access and supporting learners with disabilities.
The main types of educational environment in which you work and/or what kinds of support
and guidance you give to your learners, whether formal or informal;
Use examples from your practice where you have utilised the learning environment and/or
provided support and guidance to your learners;
How you have contributed to making the learning environment more effective for learners;
The ways you have contributed to supporting and guiding your learners;
Why you chose those particular strategies and how well they worked;
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
This Area of Activity is about how you maintain and develop your capability to perform your
teaching and learning support roles. It includes:
how you incorporate subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within your
professional practice as a teacher/supporter of learning;
how you gather and utilise information from your own activities.
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Activities you undertake as part of a group or team are valued as much as individual activities.
You may carry out your own scholarly activities or pedagogic research (or use others’) to inform
your practice. Indicate how your teaching and learning support is influenced by different types of
scholarly and/or professional activity. These activities are likely to be wide ranging, incorporating
both formal and informal approaches to continuing professional development. Examples include:
Your main strategies for updating and developing your capability as a teacher and/or
supporter of learning. Refer here to any activities you have undertaken to update yourself
on aspects of teaching and learning, for example staff development activities, conferences
on learning and teaching or participation in projects to develop learning methods;
How you used the outcomes from any continuing professional development strategies to
improve learning experiences and your own professional practice;
How you incorporate other Dimensions of the Framework, for example
o Relevant Core Knowledge that you utilised and why; and
o Relevant Professional Values that you utilised and why.
Your application must be supported by statements from two referees. The function of your
referees is to provide an informed peer review of your eligibility for Fellowship using their
knowledge of your work and the context in which you teach and/or support learning. The referees
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should be individuals who are in a position to comment and substantiate your record of
effectiveness in relation to teaching, and the support of learning in higher education. Referees are
expected to comment directly on the content of your APP and will need to view your application to
enable them to provide an effective reference.
At least one of your references should either be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the
HEA, or an appropriate experienced member of staff working for a higher education institution. All
referees need to be familiar with the UKPSF.
In summary, to apply for FHEA recognition through the Experiential Pathway of the Strathclyde
Recognition Framework you need to,
Complete your APP (your reflective commentary on the five Areas of Activity including all
the Core Knowledge and Professional Values) using the FHEA Submission Template
Obtain and include with your application 2 referee statements
Submit complete application to [email protected]
Experiential applications for D2/FHEA categories will be assessed by 2 reviewers, both holding at
least Fellowship recognition, and having received structured training to support them in this role.
Review panels will take place twice per year and your application will normally be reviewed at the
next scheduled panel following your submission.
The reviewers will be looking for evidence that your approach to teaching and/or supporting
learning is grounded in an understanding of how learners develop knowledge and practice within
your discipline or role. Your evidence should therefore be reflective, not just descriptive. They will
also look for indications of how you evaluate your effectiveness and how you develop your
approach in the light of your experience and continuing professional development. A holistic
approach to reviewing your application will be adopted and reviewers will seek evidence from
across your application.
If your application is successful, we will let you know, and then submit your details to the HEA.
You will then receive an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been
rewarded. You will be able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
If your application is “referred”, we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required amendments
for resubmission.
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If your application is unsuccessful we will let you know and provide feedback to support future
Staff within the institution support the framework through acting as mentors and reviewers. Staff
cannot act as a reviewer for anyone they have mentored or anyone within their own faculty.
An external reviewer will moderate a sample of D1 and D2 applications. The external reviewer will
also have the right to be present at any meetings of the review committee.
Quality and standards of applications, and the assessment process, will be reviewed by the
Strathclyde Recognition Framework Committee, who will report to Senate through the University’s
Learning Enhancement Committee (LEC).
An applicant can make a process related appeal to the Chair of the Strathclyde Recognition
Framework Committee. Applicants cannot appeal the decision of the committee, which is final.
It is recommended that applicants maintain a record of their CPD, and this will normally be
reflected in the Annual Development Review (ADR) process.
Following successful achievement of fellowship recognition, applicants may decide to work toward
and plan their development to support the next category of recognition. Support for doing this is
available through this Framework and details can be found in this handbook.
Applicants may wish to remain involved in the Strathclyde Recognition Framework and we very
much encourage you to do this. You may for example wish to remain involved as a mentor or as a
reviewer in the process.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
The Strathclyde Academic Development team currently offer two main programmes for staff
learning and teaching development and these are as follows,
The STEP programme is aimed at meeting the development needs of all university staff involved
in learning and teaching. This programme offers CPD provision for staff in learning and teaching
and academic credit is not generally available to participants through this programme.
STEP provides an ongoing suite of relevant and practical opportunities for staff to enhance their
skills in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback, and in the use of innovative techniquest
and technologies to grow and support Strathclyde’s current and future learning and teaching
talent. The programme is flexible and those who engage with the programme can select their own
mix of activities to meet their own needs.
The STEP programme is aligned with and mapped to the UKPSF, allowing the programme to
readily be used to plan development activities to support recognition applications.
A variety of CPD opportunities in learning and teaching are available through STEP, and further
details can be found on the programme website,
In addition to a regular programme of workshops and targetted CPD, there are a number of
masterclasses and challenge events within the programme as well as a series of high profile peer
support networks.
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The key target audience for the SPARK programme is early career academic professional staff,
and the programme provides the means by which staff can obtain the required 30 academic
credits required to fulfil probation requirements.
Whilst SPARK is primarily targeted at new and early career staff, it is also designed with
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in mind, seeking to address the needs of more
established and experienced staff members who are planning to undertake management and
leadership roles. Experienced staff are encouraged to build on previous professional
development, acquiring additional credits towards higher degrees, or they may undertake non-
graduating study as part of their planned CPD.
e-Mail: [email protected]
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The guidance below is designed to help you prepare your reference for a Fellow applicant. You
should be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the HEA, or an appropriate experienced
member of staff working for a higher education provider.
All referees need to be familiar with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for
teaching and supporting learning in higher education. This can be accessed in full at
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Strathclyde Academic
Development team at [email protected]
The function of the reference is to provide an informed peer review of the applicant’s work using
your knowledge of their practice and the context in which he/she teaches or supports learning in
higher education. If possible, please comment on the applicant’s most recent role and
responsibilities. Please take time to read the applicant’s Account of Professional Practice to
enable you to write an appropriate reference. You may also wish to refer to the Strathclyde
“Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde” handbook.
You should comment directly on the content of the applicant’s Account of Professional Practice,
basing your reference on how the applicant meets the Dimensions of the UK Professional
Standards Framework (UKPSF) at Descriptor 2. These are listed overleaf.
Please provide practical examples to support your comments wherever possible. If you have been
involved in peer observation of the applicant’s teaching or support of learners, please draw on
examples from this. Similarly, please comment on any innovative practice and/or contribution to
developments by the applicant in teaching and learning within his/her discipline.
To achieve Fellowship, all of the Dimentions (Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional
Values) of the UKPSF must underpin the practice of those seeking recognition. Please provide
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examples, where appropriate, of ways in which this underpinning is apparent in the applicant’s
There is no standard form for references but you may find it helpful to comment under the
Dimensions of the UKPSF identified in the application (e.g. within the Areas of Activity). The
Dimensions of the UKPSF are listed below.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to collect the reference from you. This is a different kind of
reference from one that is normally required for promotion or a job appointment, as we are looking
for confirmation of the applicant’s commitment to effective practice in teaching and/or supporting
learning, rather than general academic achievement. Please provide an electronic copy of your
reference in pdf form to the applicant and ensure that it includes verifiable information, i.e. it
should be written on headed notepaper wherever possible, should include your name, job title,
organisation (including department if applicable), email address and preferably your signature.
Professional recognition for FHEA aligns to the Dimensions of the UKPSF and focuses on
Descriptor 2:
e-Mail: [email protected]
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Name here
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Applicants should refer to the FHEA Guidance document for application guidance.
Job Title
e-Mail Address
Previous Fellowship
Awards (and dates
Area of Activity 1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
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Area of Activity 4: Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support
and guidance
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By electronically checking the boxes below, I confirm,
☐ I give my permission for the University to provide the personal details included on this form to
the HEA.
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This guidance document provides you with an overview of the process required to apply for
Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) through the experiential pathway of
the Strathclyde Recognition Framework.
Senior Fellowship of the HEA is awarded to professionals who can demonstrate they meet the
criteria of Descriptor 3 (D3) of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for teaching
and supporting learning in higher education.
By applying to be a Senior Fellow of the HEA you will present a thorough understanding of
effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student
learning. You should be able to provide evidence of:
D3.II Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge.
D3.IV Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity.
D3.V Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the
above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice.
The UKPSF is central to the recognition of individuals as Senior Fellows. You will need a working
knowledge of its contents in order to prepare your application. A full copy of the UKPSF can be
obtained from the following link,
You should submit your application using the SFHEA Submission Template Document.
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Senior Fellowship is based on meeting Descriptor 3 (D3) of the UKPSF and your APP is
the core of your application. Your reflective commentary and case studies should explain
how you meet the requirements set out in Descriptor 3 of the UKPSF.
There will be considerable variation in applications, reflecting differences in individuals’
experience, their job roles and institutional contexts. The reflective commentary enables
such diversity to be appropriately represented.
Your application is a claim for Senior Fellowship and as such should include appropriate
rationale for the choices made and any evidence of success, influence and impact in
teaching and/or supporting learning. All your evidence will be based on real examples of
practice that draw upon scholarly activity in learning and teaching.
Provide selective examples of practice in your APP and ensure they have direct relevance
to your claim for Senior Fellowship. The quality of your evidence is much more important
than the quantity of examples you provide. Where you reflect on any historical professional
practice as part of your evidence, ensure you then reflect on its current impact on your or
others’ professional practice and on the wider learning and teaching context.
Your APP should make clear how you apply the Core Knowledge and Professional Values
to the evidence in your APP. This alignment of your work to the UKPSF is essential. The
evidence should be incorporated across your APP in both your reflective commentary and
case studies.
Your APP is a personal account and its focus throughout should be on your own
professional practice and decision-making.
Your application is centred round a process of continuing professional development which
demonstrates your thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and/or
learning support.
It is important that you address all the Dimensions of the UKPSF. Given the complex and
integrative nature of professional practice for Senior Fellow, avoid a mechanistic or tick-
box mapping approach to ensure full coverage.
A critical characteristic of Senior Fellows is that they are able to demonstrate the
successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others
(whether individuals or teams) in relation to learning and teaching. Ensure you sufficiently
evidence this in your APP.
The overall maximum word count for the APP is 6,000 words. This is your combined
reflective commentary and two case studies. It is at your discretion how you wish to split
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your overall word count across the case studies and reflective commentary sections.
Throughout your application, the quality of reflection on and of your professional practice
should be the focus of your narrative, rather than the description.
Any citations to publications, journals, books, websites you choose to include should be
accommodated within your overall word count.
All the experience and evidence included in your APP must relate to HE provision such as:
o level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland;
o level 7 or above within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) in
Scotland on the Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions
o first cycle or above of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher
Education Area (QF-EHEA);
o level 6 or above of the Australian Qualifications Framework;
o level 5 or above of the New Zealand Qualification Framework;
o delivery of non-accredited continuing professional development for academic and
learning support staff may also be considered as evidence equivalent to the higher
education academic frameworks.
Career milestones
o roles and responsibilities related to teaching and supporting learning;
o relevant qualifications obtained from formal professional development.
Areas of research, scholarship/pedagogic research and/or professional practice
o relevant publications and/or presentations;
o incorporation of research, scholarship and/or professional practice into teaching
and supporting learning;
o links with professional bodies or wider communities
Involvement in teaching and learning initiatives
o institutional/nationally funded projects;
o small-medium scale investigations or awards;
o work with professional bodies;
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In this section of your application, provide reflective accounts of two particular contributions or
experiences which:
have had a significant impact upon the co-ordination, support, supervision, management
and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams), in relation to learning and
demonstrate your sustained effectiveness in relation to learning and teaching and that you
meet the criteria for Senior Fellowship
Use the two case studies to address different aspects of Descriptor 3, with a focus on your
organisation, leadership and/or management of specific aspects of learning and teaching
provision. You might include informal activities, whether individual, collaborative or team-based,
that have had a significant impact on your academic practice and/or on the practice of others. The
emphasis should be on your effectiveness in relation to learning and teaching and should
incorporate how you have led, organised or managed specific aspects of learning and teaching
provision. At least one of your case studies should focus on a situation where you worked with
others using your skills, knowledge and awareness in leading, managing or organising
programmes, subjects and/or disciplinary areas.
You should clearly demonstrate an integrated and reflective approach to academic practice that
incorporates research, scholarship and/or professional practice.
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The following are examples of case studies previously submitted by Strathclyde University
Your application must be supported by statements from two referees. The function of your
referees is to provide an informed peer review of your eligibility for Fellowship using their
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knowledge of your work and the context in which you teach and/or support learning. The referees
should be individuals who are in a position to comment and substantiate your record of
effectiveness in relation to teaching, and the support of learning in higher education. Referees are
expected to comment directly on the content of your APP and will need to view your application to
enable them to provide an effective reference.
At least one of your references should either be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the
HEA, or an appropriate experienced member of staff working for a higher education institution. All
referees need to be familiar with the UKPSF.
In summary, to apply for SFHEA recognition through the Experiential Pathway of the Strathclyde
Recognition Framework you need to,
Complete your APP (your reflective commentary and two case studies using the SFHEA
Submission Template
Obtain and include with your application 2 referee statements
Submit complete application to [email protected]
Experiential applications for D3/SFHEA will be assessed by a panel of three reviewers, including
two internal reviewers each holding at least Fellowship recognition, and at least one of which will
hold senior fellowship recognition, and an external reviewer, approved by the HEA who will hold at
least senior fellowship recognition. This panel will meet every 6 months and your application will
normally be reviewed at the next available panel following your application submission. Following
your submission we will contact you to confirm that your application has been received and let you
know when you should expect to hear the outcome.
The panel will review your application and look for evidence that your approach to
teaching/supporting and managing learning is grounded in an understanding of how learners
develop knowledge and practice within your discipline or role. Your evidence should therefore be
reflective, not just descriptive. The panel will also look for indications of how you evaluate your
effectiveness and how you develop your approach in the light of your experience and continuing
professional development. A holistic approach to reviewing your application will be adopted and
the panel will seek evidence from across your application. A critical characteristic of Senior
Fellows is that they are able to demonstrate the successful coordination, support, supervision,
management and/or mentoring of others (whether individuals or teams) in relation to learning and
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If your application is successful, we will let you know, and then submit your details to the HEA.
You will then receive an e-mail directly from the HEA informing you that recognition has been
rewarded. You will be able to log into your MyHEA account to print your certificate of recognition.
If your application is unsuccessful we will contact you to let you know this and provide you with
feedback highlighting areas of good practice, areas for development, and required amendments
for resubmission.
Staff within the institution support the framework through acting as mentors and reviewers. Staff
cannot act as a reviewer for anyone they have mentored or anyone within their own faculty.
An external reviewer will participate in the review of all Senior Fellowship (D3) applications and a
sample of D1 and D2 applications. The external reviewer will also have the right to be present at
any meetings of the review committee.
Quality and standards of applications, and the assessment process, will be reviewed by the
Strathclyde Recognition Framework Committee, who will report to Senate through the University’s
Learning Enhancement Committee (LEC).
An applicant can make a process related appeal to the Chair of the Strathclyde Recognition
Framework Committee. Applicants cannot appeal the decision of the committee, which is final.
It is recommended that applicants maintain a record of their CPD, and this will normally be
reflected in the Annual Development Review (ADR) process.
Following successful achievement of fellowship recognition, applicants may decide to work toward
and plan their development to support the next category of recognition. Support for doing this is
available through this Framework and details can be found in this handbook.
Applicants may wish to remain involved in the Strathclyde Recognition Framework and we very
much encourage you to do this. You may for example wish to remain involved as a mentor or as a
reviewer in the process.
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
The Strathclyde Academic Development team currently offer two main programmes for staff
learning and teaching development and these are as follows,
The STEP programme is aimed at meeting the development needs of all university staff involved
in learning and teaching. This programme offers CPD provision for staff in learning and teaching
and academic credit is not generally available to participants through this programme.
STEP provides an ongoing suite of relevant and practical opportunities for staff to enhance their
skills in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback, and in the use of innovative techniquest
and technologies to grow and support Strathclyde’s current and future learning and teaching
talent. The programme is flexible and those who engage with the programme can select their own
mix of activities to meet their own needs.
The STEP programme is aligned with and mapped to the UKPSF, allowing the programme to
readily be used to plan development activities to support recognition applications.
A variety of CPD opportunities in learning and teaching are available through STEP, and further
details can be found on the programme website,
In addition to a regular programme of workshops and targetted CPD, there are a number of
masterclasses and challenge events within the programme as well as a series of high profile peer
support networks.
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The key target audience for the SPARK programme is early career academic professional staff,
and the programme provides the means by which staff can obtain the required 30 academic
credits required to fulfil probation requirements.
Whilst SPARK is primarily targeted at new and early career staff, it is also designed with
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in mind, seeking to address the needs of more
established and experienced staff members who are planning to undertake management and
leadership roles. Experienced staff are encouraged to build on previous professional
development, acquiring additional credits towards higher degrees, or they may undertake non-
graduating study as part of their planned CPD.
e-Mail: [email protected]
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The guidance below is designed to help you prepare your reference for a Senior Fellow applicant.
You should be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the HEA, or an appropriate
experienced member of staff working for a higher education provider.
All referees need to be familiar with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for
teaching and supporting learning in higher education. This can be accessed in full at
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Strathclyde Academic
Development team at [email protected]
The function of the reference is to provide an informed peer review of the applicant’s work using
your knowledge of their professional experience. You should be in a position to comment on and
substantiate the applicant’s evidence of a sustained record of effectiveness in relation to learning
and teaching. This evidence may incorporate, for example, the organisation, leadership and/or
management of specific aspects of learning and teaching provision.
If possible, please comment on the applicant’s most recent role and responsibilities. To write an
appropriate reference, please take time to read the applicant’s Account of Professional Practice
and comment directly on its content.
You may also wish to refer to the Strathclyde “Professional Recognition of Teaching at
Strathclyde” handbook.
Your reference should primarily refer to the applicant's experience and achievements in learning
and teaching and should refer to his/her research record only in so far as this directly informs their
teaching. Please use your knowledge of his/her work to comment on how the applicant meets the
Dimensions of the UKPSF for teaching and supporting learning in higher education at Descriptor 3
Your reference should support any claims made in relation to leadership and/or the
management/organisation of specific aspects of learning and teaching provision within the context
of the applicant’s role(s).
Provide practical examples to support your comments wherever possible. Please comment on
any innovative practice, mentoring, contribution to developments in learning and teaching at
team/departmental/institutional level. Similarly, please comment on any innovative practice,
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
contribution to developments in organising and leading learning and teaching within the
applicant’s discipline.
It is expected that all the Dimensions (Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional
Values) of the UKPSF underpin the practice of those recognised by the HEA. Please provide
examples, if appropriate, of where and how this underpinning is presented in the account.
There is no standard form for references but you may find it helpful to comment under the
Dimensions of the UKPSF identified in the application (e.g. within the Areas of Activity). The
Dimensions of the UKPSF are listed below.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to collect the reference from you. This is a different kind of
reference from one that is normally required for promotion or a job appointment, as we are looking
for confirmation of the applicant’s commitment to effective practice in teaching and/or supporting
learning, rather than general academic achievement. Please provide an electronic copy of your
reference in pdf form to the applicant and ensure that it includes verifiable information, i.e. it
should be written on headed notepaper wherever possible, should include your name, job title,
organisation (including department if applicable), email address and preferably your signature.
Professional recognition for SFHEA aligns to the Dimensions of the UKPSF and focuses on
Descriptor 3:
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e-Mail: [email protected]
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Name here
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Applicants should refer to the SFHEA Guidance document for application guidance.
Job Title
e-Mail Address
Previous Fellowship
Awards (and dates
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Professional Recognition of Teaching at Strathclyde
By electronically checking the boxes below, I confirm,
☐ I give my permission for the University to provide the personal details included on this form to
the HEA.
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