NEW IRONCLADS RULES Continued Portrait
NEW IRONCLADS RULES Continued Portrait
NEW IRONCLADS RULES Continued Portrait
1. Damage inflicted on the engine is recorded by marking off engine
speed boxes, beginning with the box containing the highest M.P. on
the right hand side. Engine damage reduces the maximum number of
The following four examples (a. b. c. d.) shows vessels notations and M.P. available to a vessel.
movement explanations, using turning capacity and engine capacity Example: This vessel has lost 2 engine speed boxes, and, as a result
and emergency engine capacity. of this damage, now has a maximum speed of 6 M.P. available for
a. [4+1 E.C, 2R2] : - Vessel present speed is 4 M.P. Increase vessel movement.
speed by 1 M.P., giving 5 M.P. for this movement phase; move 2
hexes forward (ahead); right turn, move 2 hexes ahead. 5 M.P. are
available for next the movement phase.
7. FORTS: The guns in forts and batteries have a 120 degree arc
of fire from the face of the Fort.
b. Pivot Guns Mounted In An Armoured Casemate: a. Example 1: Straight section of a battery or fort.
(1). Armoured pivot gun: These types of guns can be fired forward,
or on one broadside only, if mounted in a forward
casemate. Facing
These guns do not have a full arc of fire, but are subject between
to the areas of fire as described for shield and broadside hexsides.
mounted guns. This type of gun, mounted in the stern section of the
casemate, would fire astern or on one broadside only.
(2). Armoured Pivot Gun: These types of guns can be fired in
either left or right broadside or forward, if mounted
in the bow shield or astern if mounted in the stern
shield. Facing a
c. Turrets: Armoured 360 degree, ‘constant’ rotating gun hexside.
mounts on monitors and other armoured vessels. Turrets have all
around fire, except where restricted by deck fittings.
A turret is assumed to be in "constant" slow rotation, and can be hit
on all sections, and can also be jammed in a random direction. see
b. Example 2: Angle section of a battery or fort.
special hit 2c; critical hit 3b.
(1). Single Turret Monitors:
a. U.S.S. Monitor: Can-not fire guns directly ahead.
All map sections are deep water with no shorelines or active shoals or
Shore Active Current Direction
effects of current
Mapboard Lines Shoals and Speed
Wind: Variable direction rule. III line 10 T,R,S,O. hexes 1436-1423
Visibility: 30 hexes, vessel identification range 15 hexes; or use line 9 S.W. 2M.P.
optional visibility rules. hexes 1423-1522
Set Up: N.W. 2M.P.
Confederate vessel or vessels enter any edge of mapboards I or II. hexes 1522-3130
Union vessel or vessels enter any edge of mapboards III or IV. N. 2M.P.
hexes 3103-3528
Victory conditions: N.W. 2M.P.
Decisive: Enemy vessel or vessels are sunk with destroyed. hexes 3528-3519
Marginal: (for the) Weaker vessel; to engage the larger enemy S.W. 2M.P.
vessel and exit off the edge of the mapboard entered by the larger I line 3 hex D,G. hexes 1418-1411
vessel. 1218-2703 S.W. 2M.P.
Marginal: (for the) Larger vessel; to engage and force the weaker line 2 hex hexes 1411-3003
enemy vessel to exit off the mapboard it entered. 2703-4007 N.W. 2M.P.
Game length 25 games. line 4 hexes 3003-4008
N. 2M.P.
All shorelines block L.O.S.
Wind: Calm, no wind or variable wind rules Victory conditions:
Visibility: 20 hexes. C.S.S. Arkansas must exit N.E. edge of mapboard I between hexes
1718-1218 to win. Union must prevent Arkansas from exiting to win.
Set Up:
Union vessels enter on the N. edge of mapboard I between 4007- Game length: until victory conditions are met, or cannot be met.
4012 and heading S.
The Confederate vessel sets-up within four hexes of the N.E. edge of Scenario 5C: Surprise Attack on the Arkansas.
mapboard III. July 22nd, 1862.
Victory conditions: C.S.S. Arkansas must exit the N. edge of Confederate Order of Battle:
mapboard I between hexes 4007-4012 to win. C.S.S Arkansas (IC) Lt J. Grimball +2, crew-crack.
Union player must prevent the Confederate victory conditions. Set-Up:
Game length: until victory conditions are met or cannot be met. Battery F., Armour 10, crew 12, Set-up in 1607
crack morale 12. facing N-NE. to river.
Scenario 5B: C.S.S. Arkansas Runs the Union Fleet. Gun 1-32pdr. S.B. 52C.
July 15th, 1862, pm. Gun 2-5.8"inch Banded Rifle.
Gun 3-8"inch Columbiad S.B.
Confederate Order of Battle:
Gun 4-32pdr. S.B. 52C.
C.S.S. Arkansas (IC) Commander I. Brown +3, crew-crack.
Battery 11., Armour 10, crew 8, Set up in hex 2304
Union Order of Battle: Set-Up crack moral 12. facing N-NE.
U.S.S. Itasca (WV) (No.6) Lt Comm.’ Gun 1-10"inch Columbiad S.B.
J. Walters +2, crew-average. Map II 3325 N. Gun 2-10"inch Columbiad S.B.
U.S.S. Hartford (WV) Adm.’ D. Farragut
Battery G., Armour 10, crew 12, Setup in hex 2902
+4, crew-crack. Map II 2829 NW.
crack moral 12, facing east.
U.S.S. Iroquois (WV) Capt.’ J. Palmer
Gun 1-6.4"inch Banded Rifle.
+2, crew-crack. Map II 2630 NW.
Gun 2-10"inch Columbiad S.B.
U.S.S. Richmond (WV) Comm.’ J. Alden
Gun 3-42pdr S.B.
+2, crew-crack. Map II 2430 N.
Gun 4-42pdr S.B.
U.S.S. Sumter (WV) (captured Confed.’
Vessel) Lt H. Erbenti +2, crew-crack. Map II 2132 N. Battery H., Armour 12, crew 14, Setup in hex 3403
U.S.S. Louisville (IC) Comm.’ B.M. Dove crew morale 12. facing east.
+1, crew-crack. Map II 2030 NW. Gun 1-8"inch Columbiad S.B.
U.S.S. Oneida (WV) Comm.’ J. Mullany Gun 2-6.4"inch Banded Rifle.
+2, crew-crack. Map II 1828 N. Gun 3-6.4"inch Banded Rifle.
U.S.S. Cincinnati (IC) Lt Comm.’ B. Gun 4-10"inch Columbiad S.B.
Wilson +2, crew-crack. Map II 1727 NW. (See the Gun Table Section of the Rulebook)
U.S.S. Lancaster (WV) Lt Col.’ J. Ellet
C.S.S. Arkansas is moored in hex 3103 facing S.E. with engine
+2, crew-crack. Map II 1626 N.
damage and must remain in hex 3103 but can turn with 1 M.P. per
U.S.S. Essex (IC) Comm.’ W. Porter
game-turn. The Arkansas only has 20 crew factors on board.
+2, crew-crack. Map I 3204 N.
U.S.S. Benton Lt Comm.’ S.L. Phelps Union Order of Battle:
+2, Adm.’ D. Porter +3, crew-crack. Map I 2308 NW. U.S.S. Essex (IC) Commander W. Porter +3, crew-crack.
U.S.S. Queen of the West (WV) Lt Col.’ A. Ellet +3, crew-crack
All Union Vessels except the U.S.S. Itasca are at anchor with steam
down, and cannot move for six game-turns. U.S.S. Itasca SET-UP:
(No.6) has steam up and can maneuver from game-turn 1. Union vessels enter N.E. edge of the mapboard between hexes 1718
to 1218.
Designer's Notes:
THE IRONCLADS is focused on the naval aspects of the American
Civil War 1861-1865. The game is designed to illustrate the
interaction of the various types of ironclads, monitors and wooden
vessels with each other and against fixed shore installations such as
Forts and Gun Batteries.
The game is tactically orientated, which isolates a particular incident
in the conflict, and does not consider its overall consequence on the
course of the war. The game functions well when only a small
number of units are used in recreating the naval battles of the period.
The game is is quite time consuming if used to recreate any "what if "
scenarios which involve very large forces, because of the number of
units whose movement must be plotted and the guns fired on each
game turn.
A large number of sources were used in compiling the data used to
characterise the vessels in this game. Some vessels (especially the
more obscure Confederate ironclads) information concerning armour,
tonnage, dimensions, and armament had to be inferred. Accurate data
on some of the ranges and later constructed Brooks Rifles are also
inferred. No range tables for this class of gun has yet been found.
Despite these limitations, the vessels and guns perform similarly to
their historical counterparts, and the game can be used to accurately
recreate many historical combats, and "what if " actions which could
have occurred in this conflict.
Strict historical accuracy and playability has been balanced in some
areas of armour and armaments.
This intentional compromise attempts to produce a fun game which
will provide the game players many hours of education and
entertainment. The designer assumes full responsibility for any
manner in which this format fails in either aspect.