Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Once of the key facets of Luciferianism is that of self-mastery and regardless of favoured traditions
and practices, it is this which is at the forefront of activity. This can be seen throughout the first three
degrees of the Luciferian Order. At the Incipus Degree the Luciferian is expected to focus on the
mastery of their physical environment and their body operating within it. This is in keeping with the
messages of many well-known philosophers and magicians of the past, who have attested that the
foundation of a stable material environment is very important to anyone who seeks to travel deeper
and more complex highways without distraction.
At the Adeptus Degree, the Luciferian is expected to be using their studies and practices to master the
various elements and aspects of their mind. This is a highly complex process of Solve et Coagula, which
sees the parts of the psyche being controlled, mastered and even obliterated where such aspects are
no longer of any further use.
It is at the Degree of Magus where the Luciferian is expected to demonstrate their self-mastery to an
extremely high level, such that they can effectively apply their knowledge and manifest their will
through body, mind and spirit as one.
One of the key Hermetic Principles is that of the Principle of Mentalism which states that “all is mind”.
A mind truly unified with its divinity can, theoretically, manifest anything, provided that it aligns with
the other six Principles and therefore, the laws of the universe. At the Magus degree the Luciferian
will achieve a level of Luciferic Illumination, gaining sufficient understanding to touch their divinity
and power that is contained therein to exact their will upon the world around them.
Considering Self-Mastery, one might make the error of considering that this can be achieved solely as
an inner journey, inward introspection and self-improvement. This is a mistake because our self-
improvement can only be tangible where it is relative to the world which surrounds us. For example,
if what we perceive as being a better person is perceived as nothing besides obnoxious, weak and
miserable behaviour (to use a few examples), we are unlikely to make any significant gains in the
society in which we operate.
It is therefore necessary for the Luciferian to understand a broader view, focusing on themselves at
the centre of their universe whilst remaining outward looking at the world around them, other
consciousness around them and how they interact. This ability to understand and master the self, as
well as to understand and master the interaction with others is – essentially – Emotional Intelligence.
The term, “emotional intelligence” is defined as the capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s
emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. It is recognised in
the modern business world as a key to success.
At the Adeptus level, one of our concerns is that of the intellect and yet that is merely one of the
building blocks to real power. Just as knowledge is useless without application, so to is a high
intellectual capability where empathy does not exist. A person could be a brilliant mathematician with
full understanding of all of the laws of physics known to current science and yet if they don’t
understand their own emotions, cannot understand the emotional reactions of others, that ignorance
of our own selves and lack of social awareness will prevent us from truly connecting, managing our
fears, our ego and from asserting ourselves effectively upon our environment.
Through the breadth of capability which emotional intelligence represents, we are able to engage our
capacity to interact with others, understand and manage our emotions, self-motivate, control our
urges overcome our anger and frustrations. Our most powerful emotive forces of love and
compassion can emerge and come forth, freed from the fear and therefore tempered by our true will.
Often it is not the event we react to, it is our perception, opinion, judgement and feelings about the
event to which we react. Emotional control and emotional intelligence really are essential aspects of
Self Mastery – with Self Control at the forefront.
When we have an emotional response, emotional outburst, emotional trigger because of something
that has happened, thinking before acting may reveal there is an underlying trigger within us from
our past be it learned or instilled falsely. In the Luciferian, this should give rise to a desire to
understand and therefore detailed introspection is necessary so that we may determine the root
cause of the emotional triggers within us.
Chesed, like Netzach, must be tempered with something lest we as individuals become incapable of
action based on reasoned thought, simply overwhelmed by our emotional responses.
Chesed is tempered by its counterpart on the left hand pillar of the tree, which is called Geburah.
Again, perhaps over-simplifying for the relevance to this essay, Geburah is the archetype of Will.
Love…..under Will……
Netzach too, is tempered by what is based upon our Will in our minds – our Hod – which is best
described as being a force which can break down energy into forms which are distinguishable by the
human mind. It is associated with intellect, education, knowledge, understanding and reason.
Similarly to the human powers beheld within Netzach, Hod is of little use to us in isolation, for no
human is truly bereft of emotion unless they are seriously impaired to the extent of being unable to
effectively interact within human society.
Yet it is within Hod where the magician expends most of his or her thought. For one of the energies
which the magician seeks to distinguish, understand and reason is of course, their own emotional
responses, so that they may be mastered and balanced.
Both of the forces of mind represented in Hod and Netzach find their balance in Yesod which
represents the human unconscious mind. For indeed it is within our unconscious that we are able to
find exponentially more about ourselves than if we simply rely on the conscious thought which is
manifested in our physical perception within the Kingdom of Malkuth.
The human mind is capable of managing, on average, around forty-eight conscious thoughts every
minute. Yet the human mind is thought, by current neuroscience, to process approximately eleven
million bits of information per second. The huge majority of information which our mind processes is
done unconsciously and each thought which passes remains unconscious unless we are able to
consciously tap into that vast abyss and study it.
It is specifically this type of self-study which tends to be common across all Luciferians, regardless as
to whether they recognise it as Yesod or whether they know it as something else.
Tipareth, sits in the centre of the Tree and represents the “I”. This is the centre of our universe and
the point from which we perceive and experience everything. Most who use Qabalah as their main
system for introspection and ritual work, will work consciously within the realms of Tipareth, from
which they observe the balance between emotion and reasoned thought, balanced as it is,
unconsciously within Yesod. This balance is a manifestation of the Hermetic Principle of Polarity –
duality is illusionary here. Instead the balance between Hod and Netzach is a complex spectrum with
both poles interacting back and forth with each other almost constantly and ideally harmoniously.
It naturally follows, of course, that such machinations are utterly useless unless the understanding
gained can be grounded. This is where the magician travels once again back to the Kingdom of
Malkuth at the base of the Tree. For your own mind is a microcosm of the macrocosm which is the
connected consciousness to which we all belong. Understand your own nature and you come to
understand human nature. Change yourself and you change humanity.
Learn to perceive, understand and master your own emotions and you shall come to be able to
perceive, understand and master those of others around you. That – collectively – is emotional
This is too, the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, in action. As below, so above. Or as within, so
To gain a more thorough understanding we must break this down into more straightforward facets.
Self-awareness stands as the most basic foundation of emotional intelligence. It relates firstly to the
Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect in that any emotion which we feel will have a reason as to why
we feel it. Self-awareness means literally to become aware of the reasons why we are who we are
and through it we connect to our values and to the essence of our personality as it has been
constructed through all of the years in which we have enjoyed our corporeal existence.
The Adeptus and certainly the Magus should already be quite adept in their understanding of
themselves although the process of Solve et Coagula, in the various systems which can be used to
achieve it, should be continuous and therefore self-awareness should be revisited frequently.
From a position of true and honest self-awareness the next behaviour associated with emotional
intelligence is to be able to manage our own emotions. We need to be able to self-motivate and
pursue our goals free from emotional responses which might otherwise cause us to relent due to
setbacks and which enable us to be resilient.
This is another area in which the Luciferian Order should already be reasonably well developed. Ego
should be mastered so that we do not begin to behave in any irrational way due to our pride being
dented by failure. We should be able to see beyond the illusions of the constructs of society and
recognise what truly matters to the pursuit of our will and the many things which do not. In any case,
where pressure is inescapable, we will be resilient to stressors and strain and will be able to keep a
very calm and pragmatic approach to problems, overriding any natural frustrations which we might
A deep understanding of the Hermetic Principle of Rhythm can assist us greatly here. Barriers to our
goals and objectives can often be seen as the lurching waves of an abyssal sea. When we are in the
troughs of a wave, looking up at the monstrous wall of seething froth tumbling toward us, such a thing
can seem utterly insurmountable, and yet if we bide our time, we will later find that we are floating
atop the peak of the wave, suddenly able to see the seascape around us, sight upon our targets again
and redirect our efforts on a more straightforward path. All things in the Universe are in constant
motion and all things tend to move in ebbs and flows. Understanding this movement and patterns
can offer to us a proactive approach to situations based on our reasoning rather than a reactive one
which is emotive.
Often, the cause of difficulties and setbacks which we may encounter in our lives will be seemingly
down to other individuals. The third element of Emotional Intelligence is that of our empathy – which
is our ability to see the world from the point of view of other people. Remember that it is only through
a deep understanding of ourselves that we can not only recognise the emotions at play within others
around us, but also understand why they are emerging. This takes time and study and it is only
through our remaining constantly in a state of mind where we are open to observation and learning,
that we continue to do so. Literally every interaction we have with other human minds, is an
opportunity to study and learn.
As the great strategist, Sun Tzu said – “the perfect attack is like the well timed swoop of the falcon”.
Through our own self-mastery and full understanding of a person with whom we are dealing, a
perfectly timed and controlled emergence of our own emotion can be a perfect incision into an
otherwise uncontrollable situation.
Emotional Intelligence is a combination of knowledge and behaviour. Knowledge can be learned, but
behaviour must be developed and this requires a high degree of will and the ability to persevere. This
requires great plasticity in our minds where we observe, practice and allow ourselves to seize any
opportunity to learn and improve our interaction with others. The most effective form of learning is
usually that of the reflective. That is our ability to honestly and judiciously unpick the recent history
of our interactions and analyse them, both from the point of view of our ability to perceive and
understand the emotions which we have seen on display in the behaviours of others, as well as our
ability to remain in full and effective control of ourselves.
Through this process we can learn systematically, make connections and continuously improve in our
Every time we perceive an emotion within ourselves, we should use our abilities of introspection and
meditation to determine the actions which the emotion is or has caused and why the emotion has
emerged. It is not sufficient for us to merely identify an emotion in basic language. So identifying that
we have become angry is too basic. Rather, we need to understand how our anger is manifesting itself
in our physiology, our clarity of thought and additionally any peripheral emotive states which may be
emerging at the same time, such as confusion, for example.
The Hellenic school known as Stoicism teaches rationalism, as they believed emotions are not rational,
and we should instead feel, think and then act to avoid impulsive reactions to emotional triggers that
may result in irrational reactions of which suffering and regret may result. Stoics professed that
human beings should act with virtue in all deeds and actions and that this dependent on our taking
responsibility for our own perceptions of things which are happening around us and the dichotomy of
control, essentially understanding what is within our control and which therefore deserves action and
what is not and which therefore deserves acceptance. This in turn necessitates our own honest inner
understanding of ourselves.
Through greater understanding comes greater ability to rationalise and control our thinking itself. It
is important never to forget that the vast majority of our emotive responses emerge as a result of that
which we perceive and it is through the development of pragmatic perception where we can remain
aloof to situations which might otherwise have affected us more deeply. We can control our thinking
and therefore control how we behave.
As we have already discussed, every interaction with another human being is a great opportunity to
learn. This can move beyond our own perception too, since, often in retrospect we can seek to engage
others in discourse about previous conversations and situations – directly put and ask our counterpart
how they were feeling at the time and why. Not everyone will be willing to engage honestly in such
conversations, but some will and those opportunities can be invaluable.
Our development of Emotional Intelligence can be summarised into four specific areas, all of which
relate to ourselves as well as to our observation and interaction of others. These are Perceive emotion,
Understand emotion, Manage emotion and Use emotion. Every day of our existence brings
experience on which we can reflect in these four essential quarters.
One must remember the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect. Every emotion which you perceive
has a cause. Understand the cause and you empower yourself to manage that emotional response
and eventually, potentially, to use it to your advantage. Through honest introspection and focussed
awareness, we can begin to adjust and grow.
Emotions can be a barrier to all progress, but understood, managed and well used, they can also be
our strongest link. Emotions are most powerful energies, they can create us in greatness as well as
destroy us in despair.