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1 Energy Conservation Measures (ESM’s) Details

1.1 Optimization of existing BMS

ECM 01 Optimization of existing BMS

Building Mubadala Tower

Type of ESM Control & Monitoring

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

During WTA study observed in Mubadala Tower, 6 no’s of AHU’s don’t have VFD and
CHWP circuit 2 having 2 pumps, one pump is running at full speed which is not working
based on the DPT logic.

 All 6 AHUs are operating at full speed without any control logic.
 All AHU’s, Fresh air supply duct doesn’t have any damper and actuator and it’s fully
 There is no control of fresh air in the space area. Fresh air damper control is not
based on CO2 level.
 CHWP circuit 2 serving high rise tower from level 26 to roof which have 2 nos of
pump in that circuit, one pump VFD is operating at full speed (50 Hz) which is not
based on the DPT logic i.e.; pumps speeds are not varying with respect to building

ESM Description & Proposed Solution

The proposed BMS optimization includes:

 Installation of new VFDs to 6 Nos AHUs and integrate with existing Honeywell EBI
 Control the AHUs fan speed based on return air temperature and damper control
based on the CO2 sensor as per demand.
 Limiting of fresh air mixing in recirculation AHUs based on return duct CO2 sensor.
 Optimisation of equipment operation through time schedules and VFD limits and
cooling demands through summer and winter seasonal set points.
 Installation and calibration of new DPT sensor for CHWP circuit 2
 Implement the sequence of operation of pumps to achieve the DPT logic setpoint
and to automate the pump control based on cooling load.
 The system will be integrated with Enova Hub grade IoT platform for ensuring better
visibility and performance.
Rationale for using this ESM
 As per the Fan’s affinity law, modulating fan speed based on temperature.This will
improve the fan efficiency as per cooling demand.
 Modulating fresh air damper based on CO2 sensor to optimise fresh air temperature
and hence it will reduce the cooling load.
 Integration of existing chilled water pump VFDs with new BMS to automate the pump
control based DPT logic w.r.t cooling load.
 Based on above WTA study of AHU’s It observed that VFDs are not installed and
running at fixed speed.
 Based on above WTA study, AHUs loading factor is consider for baseline and saving
 Any change in loading factors and operation hours, ESM baseline will adjust as per
the M & V Plan.

ESM Scope of work

 Supply and installation of new VFD’s, sensors, dampers & actuators, controllers and
IO modules.
 Testing and commissioning of equipment control sequence based on the approved

 Integration of 6 no’s of VFDs for AHU’s with sensors,dampers & actuator and
Optimization of CHWP’s based on DPT as per below Scope

BOQ- Mubadala Tower

S.N Total
Field Devices Description
o Quantity
Supply and Installation of required DDC panel with IO modules for As
the integration of below items Required
2 Hardwire integration of VFD’s to the DDC panel 6
3 Supply, Installation of CO2 Sensor 11
Supply Dampers + Actuators - Modulating type - 20 Nm with
4 11
position feedback switch
Supply and Installation of new DPT for the CHWPS by replacing
5 1
the existing DPT
6 Hardwire integration of above sensors to the DDC panel 22
Supply of cables and cables pulling from the newly installed As
devices to the DDC panel Required
8 Cables, conduits, Trunking for installation
9 DDC Controllers and Panels
Modification of SOO and configuration of schedules and other As
control parameters Required
11 Graphics modification As required

ESM solution provider

Tridium by Honeywell, Metasys by JCI,Trend by Honeywell, Easy IO by JCI.

1.2 Supply and Installation of heat pumps at selected locations.

ECM 02 Supply and Installation of heat pumps at selected locations

Building Mubadala Tower, ADIC, Fourseasons & Rosewood

Type of ESM Heating

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

Mubadala tower :
 Two numbers of electric hot water calorifiers (95 kW, 1 W +1S) use to serve hot water
for the domestic application in the Mubadala tower. It is working based on temperature
set point given from local control panel.
 Three numbers of electrical pool heaters (60 kW + 60kW + 30kW) are used to
maintain the temperature in swimming pool & spa in Mubadala tower

 Six numbers of electric hot water calorifiers (90 kW, 4 W +2S) use to serve hot water
for the domestic application in the ADIC. It is working based on temperature set point
given from local control panel.

 Two numbers of CNG based hot water boiler (1500 kW, 1 W +1 S) use to serve hot
water for the domestic application in the Fourseasons Hotel. It is working based on
temperature set point given from local control panel.

 Four numbers of electric hot water calorifiers (116kW- 2 Nos, 1 W+1S) & (140 kW-2
Nos, 1 W +1S) use to serve hot water for the domestic application in the Rosewood
Hotel. It is working based on temperature set point given from local control panel.

ESM Description & Proposed Solution

 Installation of heat pump for hot water generation instead of electric calorifiers or CNG
boiler will reduce energy consumption, this is because of the higher efficiency of heat
pumps compared to the poor electric/CNG gas hot water boilers efficiency.
 Vapour compression cycle if reversed acts as a heat pump, with condenser as main
heating source. It boils the refrigerant and rejects the heat to the adjacent fluids at
lower temperature.
Rationale for using this ESM
 Existing hot water calorifier are operating by electrical heater/CNG and recommended
to use Heat pumps

 Based on WTA study analysis at Mubadala tower, ADIC, Fourseasons & Rosewood
hot water calorifiers,

For Mubadala Tower

 Hot water calorifier actual thermal load is less than 50% load (<50 kW), So accordingly
consider 50 kW capacity water to water heat pump which including one working & one
standby condition.

 Swimming pool heater actual thermal is less than 40% load (<45 kW), So accordingly
consider 45 kW capacity Air to water heat pump which including one working & one
standby condition.


 Hot water calorifier actual thermal load is less than 40% load (<150 kW), So
accordingly consider 165 kW capacity water to water heat pump which including one
working & one standby condition.


 Hot water boiler actual thermal load is less than 10% load (<150 kW), So accordingly
consider 165 kW capacity water to water heat pump which including one working &
one standby condition.


 Hot water electrical calorifier actual thermal load is less than 40% load (<150 kW), So
accordingly consider 165 kW capacity water to water heat pump which including one
working & one standby condition.
 Based on above WTA study analysis, Hot water calorifier loads, loading factor
consider for ESM Heat pumps baseline and saving calculation.

 Any change in loading factors and operation hours, ESM baseline will adjust as per
the M & V Plan.

ESM Scope of work

 Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of Heat Pumps


Site Type of Heat pump Capacity Qty

Mubadala Tower Water to Water 50 kW each 2 Nos (1W +1S)
Air to Water 45 kW each 2 Nos (1W +1S)
ADIC Water to Water 165 kW each 2 Nos (1W+1S)
Fourseasons Water to Water 165 kW each 2 Nos (1W+1S)
Rosewood Water to Water 165 kW each 2 Nos (1W+1S)

Equipment lifetime (years)

10-15 year

ESM Solution Provider

TiSun Energy
1.3 Replacement of existing Air-cooled chillers with new Energy Efficient Chillers with

Replacement of existing air-cooled chillers with new energy efficient

chillers with VSD
Type of ECM

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

During the site visit, it was observed following sites having constant speed air cooled screw
chillers & were not operating efficiently.
 2 Nos Mcquay make – 150 TR chillers (1 W+1S) are serving chilled water to ADIC
council building for critical loads

 2 Nos Mcquay make – 150 TR chillers (1 W+1S) are serving chilled water to ADIC
Bank building for critical loads

ECM Description & Proposed Solution

 New chillers are versed with modern technology and control optimizations compared to
the older versions.
 In competitive market, considering energy efficiency (kW/TR), new chillers are easy to
monitor, control and optimize, compared to the older versions. The new compressors also
perform efficiently compared to the old ones due to depreciation and erosion throughout
the years of operation.

Fig: Twin Screw Refrigerant compressor.

 The Old chillers are subject to fouling; filter clogging, corrosions on the shell and the tube
side, erosions of the insulations, which reduces the efficiency drastically compared to the
new chillers.

Fig: Tube side of old chiller (with scale and sludge formation) compared to a new chiller.
Rationale for using this ECM
 By replacing the old air-cooled chillers with new air-cooled chiller the specific energy
consumption of the chillers will be brought down.
 VFD in chillers match the load requirement and generation, to consume least power for
same chilling load.
ECM Scope of work
 Decommissioning of chillers.
 Installation, integration, testing & commissioning of new chillers.

Site Chiller Capacity Qty

Air cooled chiller

150 TR 1
(Council Tower)
Air cooled chiller (Bank
150 TR 1

ECM solution (Make, Type, Model No.)

Daikin, Trane or equivalent

1.4 Variable primary conversion system with bypass pipeline modifications from
existing constant primary & variable secondary system

Variable primary conversion system with bypass pipeline modifications

ECM 04
from existing constant primary & variable secondary system
HVAC & Pumping
Type of ECM

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

During the site visit, it was observed following two locations (Strata 1.0 & 1.1) having VSD air
cooled screw chillers with dedicated constant primary and variable secondary pumps.

 7 Nos air cooling chillers (4 W+ 3 S, 372 TR each) with dedicated 7 nos constant
primary pumps (4 W+3S) to supply chilled water to chiller plant.

 4 nos variable secondary pump (2 W+ 2S) to supply chilled water to facility (Starta1.0)
depends on DPT logic control.


 5 Nos air cooling chillers (1 W+ 4 S, 250 TR each) with respective 4 nos constant
primary pumps (1 W+3S) to supply chilled water to chiller plant.

 4 nos variable secondary pump (2 W+ 2S) to supply chilled water to facility (Starta1.1)
depends on DPT logic control.

ECM Description & Proposed Solution

Interconnection of chiller plants and converting existing constant primary and variable
secondary to variable primary system by using existing secondary pumps.


Interconnection of two separated loop chiller plant (Strata 1.0 & 1.1) to a single loop chiller plant
system, By interconnecting main header pipelines (both supply and return lines), with all
necessary accessories & modifications.

After interconnection, need to operate new chillers 250 TR -5Nos.


New header line modification, to connect existing primary pump suction header to discharge
header line to bypass the existing primary pumps and using existing secondary pumps has
variable primary pumps

Q flow : 170 m3/hr at 90 mts head, 75 KW, 1485 RPM.

(Strata 1.0 -Existing Secondary pumps act as variable primary pumps)

Modification -3

Bypass line to connect between variable primary pump & 250 TR York chiller header to maintain
a minimum flow requirement w.r.t flow meter & actuator control logic.

Rationale for using this ECM

 Optimizing the chiller plant consumption by running new efficient chillers.
 Optimizing the pumping energy and minimizing bypass flow across the chiller plant helps
to reduce the energy consumption
ECM Scope of work
 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of new pumps


Modfication-1: Interconnection between chillers

Modification-2: Variable primary conversion
Modifcation-3 : Bypass line for minimum flow requirement
ECM solution (Make, Type, Model No.)

Voltron or equivalent
1.5 Cooling tower water blowdown reduction system (Chemical less water treatment
for cooling tower)

ESM 5 Cooling tower water blowdown reduction system (Chemical less water
treatment for cooling tower)
Building ADIC

Type of ESM

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

During the site visit, following observations are noticed.

ADIC have two buildings, which consists of

1) Council Building - 8 nos Cooling towers

2) Bank Building - 8 nos Cooling towers

For cooling tower, following two activities has performed by operation team, i.e.,
3) Chemical dosing to maintain the desired water parameters like PH, Conductivity, etc.,
4) Continuous blowdown to maintain the sump water TDS below 1500 PPM.

Cooling towers make up water consumption is manually monitoring and logging by operation team
on daily basis.
ESM Description & Proposed Solution
Chemical less treatment eliminates/ reduces chemical dosing in the cooling tower. As the scales
removed physically into the Electrolytic reactor, it is possible to operate cooling tower at higher
levels of TDS or conductivity, resulting into reduction of cooling tower blow down water

Rationale for using this ESM

Reduced blow down water usage

Based on water parameters, COC calculated (3.8 COC) and same is used to calculate
blow down consumption for ESM baseline and used for saving calculation.
Based on above CCP log data, cooling tower operation hours consider for ESM baseline
and saving calculation.
Any change in water parameters and operation hours, ESM baseline will adjust as per
the M & V Plan.
ESM Scope of work
 Installation of cooling tower blow down reduction system (chemical less water treatment
system) to reduce blowdown water and chemical dosing.
 Four system for 16 cooling towers

Sr. Description Quantity Remarks

Cooling towers blow down optimisation system

1. Skid consisting of Self-Cleaning Reactor with 1 Set NA

Anode & Cathode, Circulation Pump, Control Valves,
Valves & Fittings, Pressure Gauges, pH Sensor, TDS
Sensor, Side Stream Media Filter, online Flow
meter for blowdown measurement, Control Panel
with PLC & Multicolour HMI with Modbus
2. User Operation and Maintenance Manual 1 Set NA

3. Documents and Drawings 1 Set Na


1. Installation Work & Material

a. Interconnecting Pipes, Fittings & necessary piping supports

b. Labour for Installation Work

2. Power Supply cabling to the Control Panel - Raw Power, 3 Phase, 415 V, 50 Hz

3. Canopy for System

ESM solution provider

Eco Max,
1.6 Supply and Installation of New BMS

ECM 06 Supply and Installation of New BMS

Building Strata

Type of ESM Control & Monitoring

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

During the site visit, following observations are noticed.

 Existing BMS frontend is Tridium Niagara

 Existing Honeywell XL controllers (Lon protocol)is obsolete models.
 All the FCU’s are operating without any setpoint schedule.
 All the AHUs are operating without any setpoint and On Off schedule.
 All the FAHU’s are operating without any setpoint and On Off schedule.
 VFD’s not integrated for selected FAHU’s and AHU’s.
 No time schedule for chiller plants, manually changing the set points.
 Secondary chilled water pumps running based on DPT logic.

ESM Description & Proposed Solution

 Building management system BMS is an advanced building automation system, which
allows us to control and monitor building HVAC equipment, enhance the indoor air quality
(IAQ) levels, and achieves the optimum comfort level for the occupants without
compromising energy.
 Moreover, BMS shall provide as a single workstation in the facility, through which each
equipment connected can be properly monitored and controlled without manual operation
from field unless there is a real issue which shall trigger an alarm in the BMS. BMS has a
significant contribution in energy saving as it controls and optimizes HVAC equipment
based on the actual building thermal load and occupancy running hours.
 Night setback for the chilled water pump speed and chilled water supply water
temperature which shall reduce load during off seasons and favourable climatic
 Control the AHUs and FAHUs fan speeds and cooling valves based on return air
temperature and supply air temperature respectively as per demand.
 Optimisation of equipment operation through time schedules and VFD limits and cooling
demands through summer and winter seasons.
 Implementation of new chiller plant manager.
 The system will be able to provide the features of trending, diagnostics, and alarm reporting
for connected equipment, decreasing maintenance issues and reduces the electric energy
 The system shall be integrated with Enova Hub grade IoT platform for ensuring better
visibility and performance.
 The control logic for variable primary system VPS (ECM-4) integration with new BMS
 ECM-4: Variable primary conversion system (VPS) with bypass pipeline modifications from
existing constant primary & variable secondary system.
Rationale for using this ESM
The approach of the BMS will include but not limited the following operations:
 Modulating the cooling coil valves for air-side equipment based on temperature further
reduces cooling load.
 As per the Fan’s affinity law, modulating fan speed based on temperature will improve the
fan efficiency.
 User defined equipment run-time,temperature setpoint and VFD limits which shall be
schedulable through the time of the day and through winter and summer.
 VPS- Based on number chiller plant operation, minimum flow need to maintain across the
chiller plant and same will monitored by online flow meter, in case in deviation flow or less
flow. modulating valve in bypass line will modulate to maintain the minimum flow
 Based on above WTA study analysis, HVAC loads loading factor consider for ESM BMS
baseline and saving calculation.
 Any change in loading factors and operation hours, ESM baseline will adjust as per the M
& V Plan.

ESM Scope of work
 Supply and installation of sensors, cooling valves & actuators, controllers,IO modules and
integration of VFD’s ,flow meter,existing energy meters and sensors.
 Testing and commissioning of equipment control sequence based on the approved SOO.
 Configuration of schedules, alarms, trend-logs, dashboards etc.
 Preparation of graphics on the workstation.

S.No Field Devices Description- Strata
1 Liquid Differential pressure transmitter in chilled water line 2
2 Flow meter Main Return Header 14-inch size with 850 m3/hr (Max) 1
3 Motorised Butterfly Valve actuator (On/Off Type) - 150 mm Pipe size 4
Motorised Butterfly Valve actuator (Modulating) - 250 mm Pipe size for
4 1
Bypass line
Communication card for the chillers and communication cable for
5 12
these chillers need to be considered

6 Supply and Installation of New DDC panel for chiller plant Manager 1

7 Integration of existing FCU controllers over LON 220

8 Integration of existing LV panel energy meters to the BMS 10
9 VFD integration of AHU/FAHUs and Secondary Pumps Lot
Lan Network cabling of all the existing DDC panels to the BMS
10 As Required
11 Rewiring and modification of existing DDC Panel with new controllers As Required
12 Cables, conduits, Trunking for installation As Required
13 Testing and commissioning of all DDC panels with graphics As Required
14 BMS Workstation with 3D graphics 1

ESM solution provider

Tridium by Honeywell, Metasys by JCI, Trend by Honeywell.

1.7 Supply and Installation of new VFDs & for selected AHUs/FAHUs

ECM 07 Supply and Installation of new VFDs for selected AHUs/FAHUs

Building Mubadala Tower and Strata

Type of ESM

Site Observation (Existing Condition)

Existing selected AHUs and FAHUs don’t have VFD’s. Following AHUs/FAHUs units operate
at maximum speed.
 Mubadala Tower :6 Nos Units
 Strata: 4 Nos Units.

Mubadala Tower and Strata (AHU/FAHUs):

 Based on WTA study of AHUs/FAHUs, It observed that motor are not integrated with
any control logic and running at fixed speed.

 Based on above WTA study, AHUs/FAHUs loading factor is consider for baseline and
saving calculation.

 Any change in loading factors and operation hours, ESM baseline will adjust as per
the M & V Plan.

ESM Description & Proposed Solution

 The proposed solution involves installing VFDs to ensure optimal performance. The
typical scope of works includes the following steps:
 Assessment and Design: An initial assessment conducted to determine the
appropriate motor, and configuration.
 Testing and Commissioning: The entire system is thoroughly tested and
commissioned to ensure proper functionality, performance, and efficiency.
 Installing VFD for large fan motors (above 4 KW) to control the fan air flow rate will
enhance building thermal comfort and will save energy through lowering fan motor
 As the air conditioning system designed in constant air volume (CAV) concept, our
methodology for controlling the VFD speed will be based on the return air
temperature values for mixing type AHUs though installing temperature sensors.
FAHUs will control using supply air duct temperature to serving space(s) which will
indicate the amount of cooling requirements and treated fresh air for the serving
 The newly installed VFDs will install in constant speed fresh air handling units. For
the constant speed air handling units VFD will operate based on the Supply air
temperature/ return air temperature and will connect to the BMS to monitor and
remotely control the air flow based on the time schedule / seasonal demand.
Rationale for using this ESM

Installation of VFDs significantly reduce energy consumption.

ESM Scope of work

 The typical scope of work is the installation of VFD’s for selected AHU’s and
 Procurement and installation of new VFD.
 Integration of advanced control systems for efficient operation.
 Through testing, commissioning, and performance verification.
 Operator training to ensure proper utilization and maintenance of the new VFD.

6 Nos of Variable Speed Drives will be installed for selected AHU motors in Mubadala Tower

S. No Site Name Serving Area Fan Rating
Mubadala Air Handling
1 Air Handling Unit 01 GF 5.5
Tower Unit 01 GF
Mubadala Air Handling
2 Air Handling Unit 02 GF 5.5
Tower Unit 02 GF
Mubadala Air Handling
3 Air Handling Unit 03 GF 3
Tower Unit 03 GF
Air Handling
Mubadala Air Handling Unit 08 35th
4 Unit 08 35th 5.5
Tower Floor
Air Handling
Mubadala Air Handling Unit 09 35th
5 Unit 09 35th 5.5
Tower Floor
Air Handling
Mubadala Air Handling Unit 10 35th
6 Unit 10 35th 5.5
Tower Floor

7 Nos Variable Speed Drives will be installed for selected FAHU and AHU motors in Strata.
S. No Site Name Serving Area Fan Rating
FAHU paint
1 Strata FAHU paint shop SF 11
shop SF
FAHU paint
2 Strata FAHU paint shop RF 7.5
shop RF
3 Strata FAHU Core Manufacturing Manufacturing 11
4 Strata FAHU Core Manufacturing Manufacturing 7.5
5 Strata FAHU Reception 7.5
Reception SF
6 Strata FAHU Reception 4
Reception RF
7 Strata AHU IT Room AHU IT Room 5.5

ESM solution provider

ABB/Siemens/Invertek/Control Techniques

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