NLP Research

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Q1 (5 marks)
1. What is Natural language processing ( NLP) ? Discuss 9. Consider the following corpus
various stages involved in NLP process with suitable I tell you to sleep and rest
example. List various applications of NLP and discuss I would like to sleep for an hour
any 2 applications in detail Sleep helps one to relax
2. What do mean by lexical ambiguity and syntactic List all possible bigrams. Compute conditional
ambiguity in Natural language? What are different ways probabilities and predict the next ord for the word “to”.
to resolve these ambiguities? 10. Explain Yarowsky bootstrapping approach of semi
3. Differentiate between Syntactic ambiguity and Lexical supervised learning
Ambiguity. 11. What is the rule-based and stochastic part of speech
4. Define affixes. Explain the types of affixes. taggers? morphology
5. Describe open class words and closed class words in 12. Explain Good Turing Discounting?
English with examples. 13. What are the limitations of Hidden Markov Model?
6. What is rule base machine translation? 14. Explain with suitable example the following
7. Explain with suitable example following relationships relationships between word meanings: Hyponymy,
between word meanings. Homonymy, Polysemy, Hypernymy, Meronymy, Holynymy
Synonymy, Antonymy 15. Explain how N-gram model is used in spelling correction
8. Explain perplexity of any language model. 16. Explain three types of referents that complicate the
reference resolution problem.
17. Explain Machine Translation Approaches used in NLP.
Q 2,3,4,5 And Q6 (10 marks)
18. Explain Text summarization in detail.
19. what do you mean by stemming. Explain Porter’s stemming algorithm in detail
20. Explain Hobbs algorithm for pronoun resolution
21. What do you mean by word sense disambiguation (WSD)? Discuss dictionary based approach for WSD.
22. Explain derivational & inflectional morphology in detail with suitable examples. OR What are morphemes? What are
different ways to create words from morphemes?
23. Compare top-down and bottom-up approach of parsing with example
24. What is POS tagging? Discuss various challenges faced by POS tagging.
25. Explain in detail Rule based POS tagging/ Stochastic (HMM) POS tagging/ Hybrid POS tagging.
26. Explain FSA for nouns and verbs. Also Design a Finite State Automata (FSA) for the words of English numbers 1-99.
27. Discuss the challenges in various stages of natural language processing.
28. Consider the following corpus
the/DT students/NN pass/V the/DT test/NN
the/DT students/NN wait/V for/P the/DT result/NN
teachers/NN test/V students/NN
Compute the emission and transition probabilities for a bigram HMM. Also decode the following sentence using
Viterbi algorithm. “The students wait for the test”
29. What are five types of referring expressions? Explain with the help of example.
30. Explain dictionary-based approach (Lesk algorithm) for word sense disambiguation (WSD) with suitable example.
31. Explain the use of Probabilistic Context Free Grammar (PCFG) in natural language processing with example.
32. Explain the role of FSA in morphological analysis?
33. Explain Different stage involved in NLP process with suitable example. [10M]
34. Explain Question Answering system (QAS) in detail.
35. Explain how Conditional Random Field (CRF) is used for sequence labeling
36. Explain information retrieval versus Information extraction systems with steps
37. Explain Maximum Entropy Model for POS Tagging
38. Explain Porter Stemmer algorithm with rules
39. Describe in detail Centering Algorithm for reference resolution.
40. Explain the ambiguities associated at each level with example for Natural Language processing.
41. what is semantic analysis? why semantic analysis difficult? Explain various approaches to semantic analysis.
42. Explain Discourse reference resolution in detail.
43. Represent output of morphological analysis for Regular verb, Irregular verb, singular noun, plural noun Also Explain
Role of FST in Morphological Parsing with an example.
44. For given above corpus,
N: Noun [Martin, Justin, Will, Spot, Pat]
M: Modal verb [can , will]
V:Verb [ watch, spot, pat]
Create Transition Matrix & Emission Probability Matrix
Statement is “Justin will spot Will”
Apply Hidden Markov Model and do POS tagging for given statements
45. For a given grammar using CYK or CKY algorithm parse the
statement “The man read this book” Rules:

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