Heat, Feb 2011
Heat, Feb 2011
Heat, Feb 2011
J. S. Andrade, Jr., D. L. Azevedo,, R. Correa Filho, and R. N. Costa Filho*,
Departamento de Fsica, UniVersidade Federal do Ceara, 60451-970 Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, and Departamento de Fsica, UniVersidade Federal do Maranhao, 65080-040 Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
Received May 5, 2005; Revised Manuscript Received June 7, 2005
We investigate through direct molecular mechanics calculations the geometrical properties of hydrocarbon mantles subjected to percolation disorder. We show that the structures of mantles generated at the critical percolation point have a fractal dimension df 2.5. In addition, the solvent access surface As and volume Vs of these molecules follow power-law behavior, As LrA and Vs LrV, where L is the system size, and with both exponents rA and rV being significantly dependent on the radius of the accessing probing molecule, rp. Our results from extensive simulations with two distinct microscopic topologies (i.e., square and honeycomb) indicate the consistency of the statistical analysis and confirm the self-similar characteristic of the percolating hydrocarbons. Due to their highly branched topology, this new class of disordered molecules can be of potential use in a variety of practical applications.
In recent years there has been a great scientific and technological advance in the design and development of new materials. New improved catalysts, original reactive processing, and the chemistry and physics of polymers are just a few among several examples representing the multitude of research fields for which molecular modeling tools1 have been successfully applied. For instance, a research topic with potential applications in the field of polymer science refers to the real possibility of manipulating and controlling the properties of complex macromolecules through adequate polymerization routes and specific chemical processing strategies. One area where molecular modeling plays an important role in polymer science is the design and characterization of functional polymers. By definition, the term functional refers to the property of some molecules that contain reactive end groups to preserve the integrity of their molecular backbone while participating in chemical reactions. Because dendrimers are highly branched macromolecules and, therefore, have a large number of end groups, they represent a natural class of candidates for substrates of functional polymers.2-4 In a recent theoretical study, the molecular topology and surface accessibility of dendrimers have been investigated through extensive molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations.5 Accordingly, it has been shown that all dendrimer families exhibit nonspherical and shape-persistent structures, with a molecular fractal dimension close to 2.5 and an invariant surface fractal dimension approximately equal to 2, regardless of the number of generations (branches) composing the molecular geometry.
Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal do Ceara. Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal do Maranhao. 2005 American Chemical Society
In the present paper, we propose a new class of macromolecules that are also highly branched but possess intrinsic disorder in their compositional and structural conformation. Here we use percolation as a model for disorder. Due to its simplicity, the percolation theory6,7 has been extensively applied to represent disordered materials in several research fields of scientific and technological relevance, such as condensed matter physics,8 flow through porous media,9 and heterogeneous chemistry,10-13 among others. More precisely, percolation is a purely geometric model in the sense that we have to populate all lattice sites (or bonds) with a prescribed probability p. For small values of p, only finite clusters are present. By increasing p, one can find a threshold or a critical value pc for which an infinitely connected object, the spanning cluster, is generated. In fact, the critical geometry of the spanning cluster6,11 is an example of a random fractal that has been frequently used as a representation for real disordered systems. The aim here is to investigate through molecular mechanics simulations the geometrical properties of hydrocarbon molecules generated from carbon mantles subjected to site percolation disorder. Starting from a square or a honeycomb lattice of size L, we extract the spanning cluster and assign to each site a carbon atom that is connected by single bonds to its nearest neighbors. The valence of each carbon in the cluster is then adjusted to 4 by adding the necessary hydrogen atoms, so that, on average, a hydrocarbon with fractional stoichiometry is produced, namely, CxHy. The bond length in the initial configuration of this molecule is set to an arbitrary guess value (e.g., 1 ), and a molecular mechanics method is applied to optimize the molecular geometry.1 Molecular mechanical force fields use the equations of classical
Figure 2. Logarithmic plot showing the dependence of the radius of gyration Rg on the average molecular weight M of percolating hydrocarbons generated from square (circles) and honeycomb (triangles) lattices. The straight lines are the least-squares fits to the data with the numbers indicating the slopes, 0.40 ( 0.03 (circles) and 0.38 ( 0.02 (triangles). The inset shows the log-log plot of the van der Waals volume against the linear dimension of the system for square (circles) and honeycomb (triangles) lattices.
Figure 1. (a) Hydrocarbon mantle of size L ) 18 generated from a fully occupied square lattice (p ) 1). The hydrocarbon chains on the left are the initial two-dimensional structures used in the optimization procedure, while those on the right are the corresponding three-dimensional topologies resulting from the molecular mechanics simulations. (b) The same as in (a), but for a value of p right above the critical percolation point pc. (c) The same as in (b), but for a honeycomb lattice topology.
mechanics to describe the potential energy surfaces and physical properties of molecules. Under this framework, a molecule is viewed as a collection of atoms that interact with each other by simple analytical functions. Here we apply the standard MM+ force field14 to obtain the optimized geometry for each realization of the percolating hydrocarbon. For comparison, a limited number of computational simulations have also been performed with a more realistic approach, namely, the PM3 semiempirical and self-consistentfield molecular orbital method.15 For all practical purposes, the relative differences found between the geometrical properties calculated here resulting from the PM3 technique and those obtained using the MM+ molecular mechanics are always smaller than 3%. In Figure 1a we show the original square lattice of carbon sites (planar) and the optimized geometries computed for a carbon mantle that is fully occupied (p ) 1). When submitted to the optimization procedure, the molecule bends spontaneously to assume the shape of a corrugated tile. In the case of the honeycomb lattice, we start with a two-dimensional graphite structure that remains planar after optimization. The structures shown in parts b and c of Figure 1 correspond to typical configurations of hydrocarbon mantles generated from square and honeycomb lattices, respectively, but now with the probability p set right above the critical percolation point p c.
We performed simulations for square and honeycomb lattices generated at the critical point (pc 0.593 and 0.696, respectively), and with linear sizes ranging from L ) 10 to 32. In the case of the square lattice, for each linear size L ) 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30, we used 300, 300, 150, 150, 80, 80, and 50 realizations, respectively. For the honeycomb geometry, the calculations have been carried out with 300, 150, 150, 80, 80, and 50 realizations for L ) 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30, respectively. In all simulations, convergence is considered to be attained when the relative error in terms of the energy structure is smaller than 10-5, from one step to another of the minimization process. The typical simulation time for a single realization of the honeycomb lattice with size L ) 30 is about 1 h in a 2.8 GHz PC. For each realization, once the minimum energy structure is numerically obtained, we compute a set of relevant geometrical properties that are then averaged over all samples of same size L. For instance, the radius of gyration Rg represents a meaningful measure to characterize objects of complicated geometry.6 Na It is defined here as Rg2 i)1|ri - r0|2/Na, where Na is the Na number of atoms, r0 i)1ri, and ri is the position of each atom i in the molecule, regardless of its type, i.e., hydrogen or carbon. The results shown in Figure 2 clearly indicate that the radius of gyration displays a typical power-law behavior for both networks topologies Rg M1/df (1)
where M is the average molecular weight and df is the fractal dimension of the disordered molecules. The best fits to the data yield exponents that are statistically similar, namely, 0.40 ( 0.03 and 0.38 ( 0.02 corresponding to the fractal dimensions df ) 2.50 and 2.63, for the square and honeycomb lattices, respectively. Considering the small sizes of the lattices employed in the simulations due to computational limitations, the agreement between these two exponents
Nano Lett., Vol. 5, No. 7, 2005
suggests that the complex geometry of percolating hydrocarbons may constitute a single class of universality. At the microscopic scale it is important to determine the volume and surface of a molecule. Here we use the concept of van der Waals volume (surface) which is the sum of the volume (surface) of each atom composing a molecule, calculated as a sphere with the corresponding van der Waals radius. By definition, the van der Waals radii are simply the radii of the spheres connecting two nonbonded atoms.1 The inset of Figure 2 shows the log-log plot of the van der Waals volume VW against the size L of the system for both square and honeycomb lattices. From the least-squares fits to the two data sets we observe that the results for both lattice topologies can be well described by the scaling relation, VW LdW, where dW is the scaling exponent. If we consider that each carbon gives approximately the same contribution to the overall volume of the molecule, the values dW ) 1.84 ( 0.03 and 1.87 ( 0.02 obtained for the square and honeycomb lattice, respectively, can be readily compared with the fractal dimension of the spanning cluster at the critical percolation point, which is 1.89 in two dimensions.6 The small discrepancies found here are due to finite-size effects as well as the presence of the hydrogen atoms necessary to balance the valence of the carbon sites. While the radius of gyration Rg reflects directly the threedimensional structure of the percolating hydrocarbons, the variable L (i.e., the linear size of the lattice from which the percolating cluster of carbon atoms has been extracted) refers uniquely to the original two-dimensional aspect of the percolation mantles, disregarding entirely the fact that they can evolve to a three-dimensional geometry through molecular mechanics. As a consequence, the exponents df and dW are essentially different. While the first is the fractal dimension of an object embedded in a three-dimensional space, the second makes reference to a measure which is embedded in two dimensions. The molecular architecture can play a major role in determining the potential application and efficiency of functional macromolecules.5,16 In relation to that, the concepts of solvent accessible surface As and volume Vs17 have been extensively used to characterize and compare the geometrical aspects of the interaction between a molecule and different types of solvent. As depicted in Figure 3, the As is obtained by rolling a spherical probe of diameter 2rp corresponding to the size of the solvent (e.g., water or ethanol) on the van der Waals surface (AW) of the molecule. The Vs is the volume for which the boundary is the As. Since macromolecules such as the percolating hydrocarbons studied here contain small gaps, pockets, and clefts which are sometimes too small to be penetrated even by a solvent molecule like water, the As becomes gradually smoother as the size of the solvent used for probing increases. In the limiting case where rp is set to zero, we recover the AW of the molecule. In Figure 4 we show the log-log plot of the average Vs against the linear size of percolating hydrocarbons generated from square lattices and calculated for four different values of rp. These results provide clear evidence that the Vs of such disordered molecules increases as a power law
Nano Lett., Vol. 5, No. 7, 2005
Figure 3. The solvent accessible surface and volume of each realization of a percolating hydrocarbon are obtained by rolling a spherical probe of radius rp on its van der Waals surface. For each lattice topology (square or honeycomb) and a given value of the linear dimension L, the average surface As and volume Vs are calculated from several realizations of the disordered molecules.
Figure 4. log-log plot of the variation of the average accessible volume Vs with the linear dimension L for four different values of the solvent probe radius rp. The inset shows the same variation, but for the average accessible surface As. The straight lines are the best fits to the data sets of the scaling relations As LRA and Vs LRV, with the slopes corresponding to the exponents RA and RV. These results are for percolating hydrocarbons generated from a square lattice topology.
with an exponent RV that significantly depends on the size rp of the probing molecule. The inset of Figure 4 shows that As also follows a power law, As LRA, with an exponent RA that is, like in the Vs case, nonuniversal with respect to the solvent radius. We find an entirely similar behavior for both Vs and As obtained from molecular mechanics simulations performed with critical honeycomb lattices. Figure 5 shows the dependence of RV and RA on the radius rp for the case of the square topology. Starting from values that are close to the fractal dimension of the spanning cluster in two dimensions, both exponents decrease monotonically with rp, reflecting the gradual smoothness of the As as the size of the solvent molecule increases. These results indicate that any type of physical or chemical interaction between a percolating hydrocarbon and a given molecule can be dramatically dependent on the molecule size. For instance,
state that is entirely similar to the disordered molecules investigated here. In this study, a conceivable experimental scheme is suggested for the implementation of the method that could lead to the generation of percolation hydrocarbons. Acknowledgment. We would like to thank Josue Mendes Filho and Antonio Gomes de Souza Filho for many helpful discussions, and the Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES and FUNCAP for financial support. References
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Figure 5. Dependence of the scaling exponents RA and RV on the solvent probe radius rp for percolating hydrocarbons extracted from a square lattice.
even if uniformly functionalized, these highly structured hydrocarbons may display enormous discrepancies in reactivity if the reagents have slightly different sizes. In conclusion we have studied the average geometrical features of molecules generated from hydrocarbon mantles subjected to percolation disorder. Our results show that these nanostructures are self-similar and display a rich variety of scaling behavior in their solvent accessible volume and surface properties. We expect these disordered molecules to be experimentally feasible. As an important step in this direction, ultrathin sheetlike carbon nanostructures, also called carbon nanosheets, have been recently synthesized under high controllability by a plasma-enhanced process of chemical vapor deposition.16 Among other characteristics, these two-dimensional graphite structures have a very high surface-to-volume ratio and sharp edges which are attractive for fuel cells and microelectronic technologies. Under a different perspective, Andrade et al.18 proposed a growth mechanism for branched polymers where self-organization leads the system spontaneously to a percolation-like critical