CBE Birr Procedure Final

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Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

CBE Birr Procedure

June, 2017
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Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

1 Section One: ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Preamble .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Definitions and Interpretations ................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Objectives of the CBE Birr Procedure ....................................................................................... 5
1.4. Scope of the Procedure .................................................................................................................. 5
1.5. Governing Rules ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.6. Structure of CBE Birr service ....................................................................................................... 6
1.7. General Authorities and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 7
1.7.1. The President.................................................................................................................................. 7
1.7.2. VP CATS ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1.7.3. Director Branch Operation......................................................................................................... 8
1.7.4. Manager- Mobile Money ............................................................................................................. 8
1.7.5. Team Leader -Business and Operation Teams .................................................................. 9
1.7.6. Team Leader – CBE Birr Technical Teams at IS ............................................................. 10
1.7.7. Team Leader- Agent and Merchant Management Teams ........................................... 10
1.7.8. Team Leader –CBE Birr Branding and Promotion Teams at B/D ............................. 11
1.7.9. District Manger............................................................................................................................. 12
1.7.10. Branch Manager .......................................................................................................................... 12
Section Two: ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
2. CBE Birr General Information ........................................................................................................ 13
2.1. Types and Features of CBE Birr Functionalities .................................................................. 13
2.2. Fees and charges ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.3. CBE Birr Service Channels .......................................................................................................... 15
Section Three: ................................................................................................................................................. 16
CBE Birr Customer Management .............................................................................................................. 16
3. CBE Birr Customer.............................................................................................................................. 16
3.1. Eligibility Criteria ............................................................................................................................. 16

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3.2. Required document for identification ...................................................................................... 16

3.3. Customer Level (Classification) ................................................................................................. 17
3.3.1. Level three customer (CBE Staff) ......................................................................................... 17
3.3.2. Level Two Customer (Registered with Full KYC Information) ................................... 17
3.3.3. Level one Customer (Self Registered customer) ............................................................ 17
3.3.4. Level zero Customer (Customer Created by CBE Birr System) ................................ 18
3.4. Transaction limit .............................................................................................................................. 18
3 Registration Process .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.1 New customer Registration ......................................................................................................... 19
3.1.1 CBE’S Branches .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Update / Upgrade Customer Level ........................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 CBE’S Branches ....................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 At Agents.................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.3 Customer document Management at Branch .............................................................. 23
Section Four: .................................................................................................................................................... 24
CBE Birr Agent Management ...................................................................................................................... 24
4. Agent Management ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.1. Agent Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.1. Level one Agent (Top Agent) ................................................................................................. 24
4.1.2. Level Two Agent (Sole Agent) ............................................................................................... 24
4.1.3. Level Three agent (agent)....................................................................................................... 24
4.2. Criteria for CBE Birr Agent .......................................................................................................... 25
4.2.1. Eligibility Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.3. Agent Business Type ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.1. Acceptable Business Type ....................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2. Non -Acceptable Business Type ............................................................................................ 26
4.4. Agent Services ................................................................................................................................. 27
4.4.1. Allowable Agent banking services ........................................................................................ 27
4.4.2. Prohibited Service of an Agent .............................................................................................. 27

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4.5. Agent Hierarchy and Service ...................................................................................................... 28

4.6. CBE Birr Agent Limit Rule ............................................................................................................ 29
4.6.1. Limit on Agent Account ............................................................................................................ 29
4.6.2. Limit on Agent Operator........................................................................................................... 30
4.6.3. Default Agent Limit per service type ................................................................................... 31
4.7. Agent Recruitment and Signing of Contract ......................................................................... 32
4.7.1. Top Agent Recruitment and Creation .................................................................................. 32
I. Top Agent ID Creation at CBE Birr (Center) ................................................................................ 32
II. Top Agent Operator Creation ......................................................................................................... 33
III. Creating an Agent Till........................................................................................................................ 34
IV. Completion of Agent creation at CBE Birr (Center) ............................................................... 34
V. Top Agent application verification at CBE Branch .................................................................. 35
4.7.2. CBE Branch (Top Agent) Creation ........................................................................................ 35
4.7.3. Agent recruitment and creation ............................................................................................ 36
I. Agent Creation at Branch .................................................................................................................... 36
II. Agent Operator at Branch ............................................................................................................... 37
III. Creating an Agent Till at Branch ................................................................................................... 37
IV. Completion of Agent creation at Branch .................................................................................... 37
4.7.4. CBE Birr Service Training......................................................................................................... 38
I. CBE Birr (Center) .................................................................................................................................... 38
II. At CBE Branch ...................................................................................................................................... 38
4.7.5. Agent Certification ...................................................................................................................... 39
I. CBE Birr (Center) .................................................................................................................................... 39
II. At CBE Branch ...................................................................................................................................... 39
4.7.6. Agent Float Management ......................................................................................................... 40
I. Float Management at Center .............................................................................................................. 40
II. Float Management at Branch ......................................................................................................... 40
Section Five: ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
CBE Birr Merchant Management ............................................................................................................... 41

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5. CBE Birr Merchant Management ................................................................................................... 41

5.1. Eligible Merchant ............................................................................................................................. 41
5.2. Merchant business type................................................................................................................ 41
5.3. CBE Birr Merchant Services ........................................................................................................ 42
5.4. Merchant Recruitment and Signing of Contract .................................................................. 42
5.4.1. Top Merchant Recruitment and Creation ........................................................................... 42
I. At CBE Birr (Center) .............................................................................................................................. 43
II. At CBE Branch ...................................................................................................................................... 44
5.4.2. A Merchant recruitment and creation at Branch ............................................................ 44
5.5. Agent and Merchant Branding and Promotion..................................................................... 46
5.5.1. Branding and promotion Team .............................................................................................. 46
5.5.2. Agent and Merchant Management Team ........................................................................... 47
5.5.3. District office................................................................................................................................. 47
5.5.4. CBE Branch.................................................................................................................................... 48
5.6. Agent Support Service .................................................................................................................. 49
5.7. Monitoring of Agent Performance ............................................................................................. 49
5.7.1. Reporting of CBE Birr activities ............................................................................................. 50
5.7.2. Agent/ Merchant retention ...................................................................................................... 50
5.8. Termination of CBE Birr Agent Service .................................................................................. 52
5.9. Change on Agents /Merchants location Notification.......................................................... 52
Section Six: ....................................................................................................................................................... 54
CBE Birr Profile Management ..................................................................................................................... 54
6. CBE Birr Profile Management ......................................................................................................... 54
6.1. Modifying Agent / Merchant profile.......................................................................................... 54
6.1.1. At CBE Birr (Center) for Top Agent /merchant ............................................................... 54
6.1.2. At CBE Branch for Agent /Merchant .................................................................................... 55
6.2. Managing an Agent /Merchant Operator ............................................................................... 55
6.3. Agent / Merchant Short code management ......................................................................... 56
6.3.1. Agent / Merchant Short Code /ID ........................................................................................ 56

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6.3.2. Numbering procedure ............................................................................................................... 56

I. Short code ................................................................................................................................................. 56 Till Management .......................................................................................................................... 57
Section Seven:................................................................................................................................................. 58
CBE Birr Product and service ..................................................................................................................... 58
7. CBE BIRR Products/Services .......................................................................................................... 58
7.1. Cash deposit ..................................................................................................................................... 58
7.2. Cash Withdrawal ............................................................................................................................. 59
7.3. Un-registered Customer Cash withdrawal ............................................................................ 60
7.4. Agent / Merchant Deposit and withdrawal ............................................................................ 61
7.5. Deposit ................................................................................................................................................ 62
7.6. Fund Transfer ................................................................................................................................... 64
7.7. Payment ............................................................................................................................................. 64
7.8. Air time recharge /Top Up ........................................................................................................... 65
7.9. Bulk transfer /File Upload ............................................................................................................ 65
7.10. Account Management .................................................................................................................... 65
Section Eight: ................................................................................................................................................... 75
CBE Birr Transaction Reconciliation ......................................................................................................... 75
8. Transaction Reconciliation ............................................................................................................... 75
8.1 CBE Birr System settings ................................................................................................................. 75
8.2 CBE Birr Account ................................................................................................................................. 75
8.3 Transaction Reconciliation ............................................................................................................... 76
8.3.4 Reconciliation of CBE Birr Service at Branch ....................................................................... 79
8.3.5 Business Deposit and Withdrawal ............................................................................................ 80
8.1.1 Transaction approval at CBE Birr.............................................................................................. 80
Section Nine: .................................................................................................................................................... 81
CBE Birr Customer Care management ................................................................................................... 81
9. CBE Birr Customer Care Management / Call Center service.............................................. 81
9.1 Taking a Call from a Customer/operators ................................................................................. 81

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9.1.1 Caller verification Procedure....................................................................................................... 81

9.1.2 Security Information Resetting ................................................................................................. 83
Section Ten:...................................................................................................................................................... 86
CBE Birr Accounting procedure ................................................................................................................. 86
10. Accounting Procedure for CBE Birr Services ............................................................................ 86
10.1 CBE Birr Account Types and Description ............................................................................... 86
10.1.1 Customer and organization Account ................................................................................... 86
10.1.2 CBE Birr internal account ......................................................................................................... 87
10.1.3 CBE Birr Account Detail ............................................................................................................ 89
10.1.4 CBE Birr Conventional Bank account .................................................................................. 92
10.1.5 CBE Birr Conventional Bank account detail ...................................................................... 94
10.2 CBE Birr Account Balance ............................................................................................................ 94
10.3 CBE Birr Account status ............................................................................................................... 95 Types of Account status ....................................................................................................... 95
10.4 Customers, Agent and Merchant Accounting Entries........................................................ 96
10.4.1 Transaction .................................................................................................................................... 96
10.4.2 Transaction Status...................................................................................................................... 96
Annex ......................................................................................................................................................................i

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Version # Date Revised By Reason for change Issued By

1.0 June , 2017 PMO- CBE Birr Project


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: File Transfer protocol

: International Money Transfer
: Know your customer
: Mobil Solution
: Personal Identification number
: Short Message service
: SIM toolkit
: Tax identification Number
: unstructured supplementary service data

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1 Section One:
1. Introduction

1.1. Preamble

Whereas, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) has found the mobile money
service as an essential to enhance resource mobilization;

Whereas, the mobile money service creates significant contribution in

deepening financial service accessibility to the un-banked and unserved

Whereas, mobile money service use agents in the provision of banking

service to foster financial service accessibility and depth;

Whereas, essentially the CBE Birr (mobile money) services have Agent
banking, Mobile Payment and Mobile transfer; through which it can reach
potential new and unbanked customers;

Whereas, the CBE Birr Service can take advantage of its existing branch
networks to recruit “Banking Agents”,

Whereas, the operation of CBE Birr service requires a well formulated

procedure guidance for the operators to refer to;

Now, therefore, this new CBE Birr Procedure is developed to ensure

consistency and uniformity in the operation of the services that the Bank
opts to start and enable all staffs to have a single frame of reference.

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1.2. Definitions and Interpretations

In this procedure, unless the context requires otherwise, terms and concepts
contained shall be defined as follows:

1. Agent shall mean an individual or business person that is contracted to

facilitate specific financial services for users on behalf of the bank
2. Billers shall mean a merchant that allow a customer to initiate a non-
face to face transaction to pay for different kinds of bills, tickets,
subscriptions and services using CBE Birr solution.
3. CBE Birr shall mean a CBE Mobil service that provides services like
mobile payment , mobile transfer and agent banking
4. Control Account shall mean an account that is mirror to a trust bank
account maintained in CBE Birr system, and reflects the total value of in
CBE Birr System
5. Customer shall mean an individual whose mobile number is registered
in CBE Birr System to use or consume the services
6. Customer Account shall mean an account maintained in CBE Birr
System which is used to deposit and withdraw electronic money;
7. Deposit shall mean when an agent /merchants deposit money in its
account at CBE Birr System
8. withdrawal shall mean when an agent/merchant withdraws money
from its account maintain at CBE Birr System
9. Fully registered Customer shall mean a customer KYC information is
fully register and stored in CBE Birr System, and access to full CBE Birr
10. Hard Limit shall mean a limit rule on transaction or action process, and
declined immediately any request beyond hard limit, and a notification
will be sent to the initiator.

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11. International Money Transfer Agents shall mean an entity that

provides money remittance service
12. Know Your Customer (KYC)” shall mean an abbreviation of Know
Your Customer. The KYC fields include attributes of customer or Agent/
Merchant or operator, such as name, date of birth, identification ID,
email address, home address. These KYC fields can be used for identity
description, transaction verification and anti-money laundering purposes.
13. Liquidity shall mean the ability of an agent to meet customers’
demands cash deposit or withdrawal. The key metric used to measure
the liquidity of an agent is the sum of their available balance and cash
balances (also known as their float balance).
14. Level one agent shall mean an agent hierarchically created as top
agent in CBE Birr System and able to create an agent. Unlike a sole
agent, level one agent are responsible for managing the cash and
balance on CBE Birr account liquidity requirements of a particular group
of agents.
15. Level Two agent shall mean an agent hierarchically created as sole
agent in CBE Birr System and cannot create an agent. And managing the
cash and balance on CBE Birr account liquidity requirements of its own.
16. Level Three agents shall mean an agent hierarchically created as
agents in CBE Birr System
17. Mobile Money System shall mean an electronic system which is used
to transact, transfer funds and other financial activities between entities
using mobile phone.
18. Agent Commission Held Account shall mean an account which is used
to store commissions temporarily, before a commission payment take

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19. Agent Commission Payable Account shall mean an account which is

used to transfer a commission from top agent to agents.
20. Agent Commission Received Account shall mean an account which is
used to receive commissions from CBE Birr
21. Agent Account shall mean an account which is used for money deposit
and withdrawal service for agents
22. Agent Float Account shall mean a trading account which is used to
provide services (such as customer deposit, customer withdrawal, and
account transfer between agents) for customers or agents.
23. Personal Identification Number (PIN) shall mean a secret
number that a CBE Birr customer /agent operators has to input to
be able to carry out transactions on one’s account
24. Short code shall mean an ID to the agents to register and identify in
CBE Birr System.
25. Soft limit shall mean a limit rule on transaction or action broken during
a transaction or action process, this transaction or action request will be
normally executed instead of declined.
26. Till shall mean a number that is related to operator cell phone number
and used by agent operator to process various services.
27. Trust level shall mean the level of confidence that CBE Birr can take in
customer interaction with the system.
28. USSD /unstructured supplementary service data/ shall mean a channel
which is used to transfer message between CBE Birr System and
customer’s phone when transactions takes place.
29. Unregistered Customer shall mean only cell phone number is captured
in CBE birr system; these customers typically have very limited access to
the services.

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1.3. Objectives of the CBE Birr Procedure

The primary objectives of this procedure are to:

a) Ensure standardization and uniformity for all users ;
b) Serve as a single source of reference to performers;
c) Provide guidance and support for respective employees by enhancing
efficiency and effectiveness of performance,
d) Delineate duties and responsibilities for employees at all levels

1.4. Scope of the Procedure

This procedure shall focus on the structures of the CBE Birr Service, along with
their major procedural issues to perform the daily and periodic activities of the
CBE Birr services. All related issues, not covered in this procedure, shall be dealt
by other operational procedures of the bank.

1.5. Governing Rules

This procedure shall be governed by:-

a) The commercial code of Ethiopia and other related laws and regulations
of the country;
b) The Mobile and Agent Banking Services and other relevant directives of
the National Bank of Ethiopia
c) CBE Internal Control Framework,
d) CBE CATS Policy,
e) CBE information system policy,
f) CBE’s Accounting Policy ,
g) CBE information system security policy ,
h) CBE’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy,

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1.6. Structure of CBE Birr service



Director –Branch

Manager Mobile
Money Service

Team Leader –Agent Team Leader CBE Birr Team Leader CBE Birr
Team Leader -
Technical Team Branding and
Business and and Merchant Team
Operation Team (Under IS Process)
(Under Business

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1.7. General Authorities and Responsibilities

1.7.1. The President

The President shall:

a) Approve the CBE Birr procedure manual and ensure for implementation;
b) Oversee the implementation of the CBE Birr procedure Manual;
c) Oversee the structure of the process to clearly assign the authority and
responsibility in the process operation;
d) approve new CBE Birr service products, system and process

1.7.2. VP CATS

The Vice President Shall:

a) Oversee, direct and coordinate the activities of CBE Birr process within
the approved Procedure;
b) Ensure the proper implementation of the CBE Birr procedure within the
c) Oversee proper understanding and awareness is created on the
procedure by all performers of the CBE Birr service;
d) Ensure that Director branch operation , district managers, and other
managers are discharging their duties and responsibilities as entrusted
to them in this procedure;
e) Oversee appropriate risk identification, measurements and management
is in place in operational activities of the process;
f) Initiate the revision of this procedure considering its appropriateness to
the Banks business strategy:
g) propose new product and services to the President;

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1.7.3. Director Branch Operation

The Director shall:

a) Ensure proper planning , direction and coordination is in placed to
implement mobile money procedures and directives ;
b) Set targets and goals for CBE Birr in line with Strategic Plan of the
c) Assess the current and future skill and talent demanded by the CBE
Birr process and develop through training and knowledge sharing;
d) Ensure efficient integration of CBE Birr service with conventional
banking service;

1.7.4. Manager- Mobile Money

The Manager shall:

a) Plan, direct and coordinate the activities of CBE Birr within the
approved CBE Birr procedure and directives;
b) Identify CBE Birr Service teams training needs and requirement;
c) Ensure that districts get prompt support from the process and agent
/merchant follow–up is duly made by districts.
d) Establish relationship with third party to acquire business and technical
requirement ;
e) Maintain business contract with third party in CBE Birr service
integration ;
f) Maintain efficient integration of CBE Birr service with conventional
banking service;
g) Maintain Service Level agreement (SLA) with respective
technology/business partners

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h) Ensure appropriate risk identification, measurements and management

is in place in operations of CBE Birr Service;
i) Represent the bank on matters related to CBE Birr Service ;

1.7.5. Team Leader -Business and Operation Teams

The Team leader- Business Teams shall:-

a) Ensure Team’s operational transactions performance on each business
day are in accordance with CBE Birr procedure and accounting
Procedures ;
b) Ensure that outstanding items are timely settled and CBE Birr
accounts at center are also timely reconciled.
c) Ensure proper understanding and implementation of the CBE Birr
Procedure by all performers within the CBE Birr Business Team;
d) Ensure all performers in business team to discharge duties and
responsibilities as laid in the CBE Birr Procedure;
e) Work enhancement of service on CBE Birr service;
f) Ensure that districts , branches get prompt support from the team ;
g) Ensure proper configuration of CBE Birr product and service ;
h) Authorize and monitor rights and access privilege of different user
types to the CBE Birr system
i) Maintain up-to-date knowledge of CBE Birr services developments and
involvement in branches;
j) Produce and maintain CBE Birr service transaction progress reports

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1.7.6. Team Leader – CBE Birr Technical Teams at IS

The Team Leader -technical Team shall:

a) Ensure stability and maximum uptime of CBE Birr systems;
b) Ensure timely provision and delivery of all applicable software and
deployment for CBE Birr systems;
c) Ensure 24 by 7 CBE Birr services.
d) Follow-up Service Level agreement (SLA) with respective technology
e) Shall engaged in the quality of work at each of the CBE Birr system
monitoring and implementation;

1.7.7. Team Leader- Agent and Merchant Management Teams

The Team Leader –Agent and Merchant Team shall:

a) Ensure optimal activities on various agent and merchant services;
b) Design a network for agent and merchant that suits the needs of
c) Maintain up-to-date knowledge of CBE Birr services developments
and involvement in agent and merchant network;
d) Ensure delivery of trainings to merchants and agents;
e) Ensure proper Agent & Merchant recruitment, Monitoring and follow
up activities and facilitation of contract sign up;

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1.7.8. Team Leader –CBE Birr Branding and Promotion Teams at


The Team Leader –Branding and Promotion Team shall:

a) Plan and develop the promotion and brand management strategies of
CBE Birr service;
b) Involve in coordination of promotional and brand management
c) Participate in production of marketing materials including leaflets,
posters, flyers, e-newsletters and placement of advertising in press
and radio.
d) Ensure the implementation of advertising and sales promotion
e) Ensure standard application of CBE Birr logo , signage ,motto and
f) Create awareness on CBE Birr services, both internally and
g) Conduct customer satisfaction surveys on CBE Birr products and
services making findings available to concerned Teams, for possible
corrective actions and as design/redesign input for new/existing
h) monitor and evaluate marketing activities and produce impact
assessment report

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1.7.9. District Manger

The Manager-District shall:

a) Ensure that branches are working towards the bank’s strategy to
create cashless society;
b) Ensure inclusive understanding and proper implementation of the
CBE Birr procedure by all performers within the district and shall give
the required assistance and on job training;
c) Ensure that all performers discharging their duties and
responsibilities laid in this procedure
d) Ensure proper implementation of existing and newly-introduced CBE
Birr products and services
e) Propose marketing strategies that suitable for its area of coverage;

1.7.10. Branch Manager

The Branch Manager Shall:

a) Ensure proper understanding and implementation of the CBE Birr
Procedure by all performers within the branch and shall give the
required assistance and on job training;
b) Ensure that all performers within the branches properly comprehend
and implement CBE Birr procedure ;
c) Ensure that all performers discharging their duties and
responsibilities laid in this procedure
d) Ensure that proper awareness created to agents and merchants in
line with CBE Birr procedure;

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Section Two:
CBE Birr General Information
2. CBE Birr General Information

2.1. Types and Features of CBE Birr Functionalities

1. Opening and maintaining Account in CBE Birr system

a) Customer Account
b) Agent Account
c) Merchant account

2. Fund Transfer

a) CBE Birr Virtual/ account to Virtual Account

I. Person to Person (P2P)
II. Business to Person ( B2P)
III. Person to Business (P2B)
IV. business to Business (B2B)
V. Government to Business (G2B)
VI. Government to person (G2P)

3. Cash-deposit and Cash-withdrawal at agent outlets

a) Deposit Cash
b) Withdraw Cash

4. Payment

a) Bill Payment at Agents /merchants

b) Pay Bill service ( with Billers )
c) Payment for good and services at merchants

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5. Air time recharge /top up

6. Bulk transfer /file upload

a) Salary Payment
b) Customer Account Opening
c) Agent account opening

7. Account Management

a) Balance enquiry
b) Mini statement
c) PIN change
d) Change language
e) Change Secrete word
f) Manage beneficiary
g) Request for voucher
I. Request Cash In Voucher
II. Request Cash Out Voucher

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2.2. Fees and charges

a) Customer and agent registration fee shall be collected as per terms and
tariffs of the bank;
b) Transaction fee shall be collected as per the terms and tariffs of the
c) Fee sharing among parties involved in CBE Birr services shall be undertake
as per the fee sharing arrangement schedule.

2.3. CBE Birr Service Channels

a) USSD (Unstructured supplementary service data)

b) WEB

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Section Three:
CBE Birr Customer Management

3. CBE Birr Customer

3.1. Eligibility Criteria

a) All ethio telecom SIM subscribers are eligible to subscribe for CBE Birr
service ;
b) Account should be opened by individual name ;
c) An individual’s ages greater than or equal to 18 year old or
d) Individuals whose age is greater than or equal to 14 are eligible for CBE
Birr service as long as they are able to provide cell phone number:
A Customer can open more than one account with different cell phone numbers;

3.2. Required document for identification

One of the following Valid Identification Cards (IDs) shall acceptable to open
Customer CBE Birr account, this ID can be;
a) Keble ID cards;
b) Farmer’s associations‘ ID cards;
c) Employment and pension ID cards;
d) School, college and university ID cards;
e) Driver‘s/operator‘s licenses;
f) Tax identification ID card;
g) Passports or Ethiopian Community ID;
h) Passport for foreigners ;
i) Work or residence permits;

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3.3. Customer Level (Classification)

The Customer classified based on the level of KYC information found in CBE Birr
System. These classification shall be;

3.3.1. Level three customer (CBE Staff)

The CBE staff who has been registered at CBE branches and HR transaction
with the following information can be categorized as level three customer.
I. Staff information
a. Staff full name ;
c. Date of birth
d. Cell phone number , and
II. Eligible to access all CBE Birr services;

3.3.2. Level Two Customer (Registered with Full KYC Information)

a) The customer who complete all KYC information required by CBE Birr ;
b) Eligible to access all CBE Birr services;

3.3.3. Level one Customer (Self Registered customer)

A customer who registered using her/his own handset;

a) The customer limited to the following KYC information;
i. First name
ii. Second name
iii. Last Name
iv. Date of Birth
b) The customer eligible to access all CBE Birr service except
i. Send money ;

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3.3.4. Level zero Customer (Customer Created by CBE Birr System)

CBE Birr system instantly register unregistered customer Mobile number and
creates an account , when a fund transfer to unregistered customer. This
customer is classified as level zero customer with no KYC information. And can be
upgraded to the next level after completion of the minimum KYC information
dialing to *847# or at nearby CBE Birr Agents.

3.4. Transaction limit

a. Maximum daily debit transaction (payment ,fund transfer, and cash out)
per person shall not exceed Birr 6,000 [six thousand birr],
b. The maximum balance available in a mobile account of a person shall not
exceed birr 25,000 [Twenty five thousand birr]
c. Customer transaction limit profile per Services;

Amount in Birr Limit on

Customer Level Service Type Account Customer per Transaction
Minimum Maximum
Cash in Credit 25 25,000
Receive remittance Credit NA 25,000
Salary Credit NA 25,000
Cash out Debit 50 6000
Customer Level 2/3
Airtime Debit 5 6000
Send Money Debit 5 6000
Pay Bill Debit NA 6000
Buy Goods Debit NA 6000
Cash out Debit 50 6000
Cash in Credit 25 25,000
Customer Level 1 Receive remittance Credit NA 25,000
Receive Credit NA 25,000
Send Money Debit 5 500

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Pay Bill Debit NA 500

Salary Credit NA 25,000
Receive remittance Credit NA 25,000
Receive Credit NA 25,000
Customer Level 0
Salary Credit NA 25,000
Cash out Debit 50 6000

3 Registration Process

3.1New customer Registration

To access all services of CBE Birr, a customer must pass through a registration
process that complete all KYC information. This registration procedure shall be at:

3.1.1 CBE’S Branches Individual Customer

Individual customer registration and account opening shall follow:

a) The customer service officer (Maker) guides the customer to fill application
b) The customer service officer (Maker) properly identify and verify KYC
information found in customer application against ID provided ;
c) The customer service officer (Maker) open account in CBE Birr system using
customer mobile number;
d) The Customer Service officer (Maker) advise customer to use the services
and make sure activation of the CBE Birr service;

CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001

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e) The controller ensure proper entering of data against presented document

and keeps custody of the application and copy of the customers
identification card , if the customer does not maintain T24 account Bulk Account Opening

The bulk CBE Birr customer account opening shall be processed upon the request
of the organization/employer. The bulk registration process shall be;

a) The Branch / Customer Service Manager checks bulk account opening2

official request, and forward to Customer service officer Maker
b) The Customer service officer maker prepare all customer information as per
the bulk file format;
c) The Customer service officer maker enter the bulk data into the system and
checks correctness of the bulk file ,
d) The customer Service officer-maker process the correct bulk file and
forward the request to Customer Service officer Checker (CSO –Checker )
e) The Customer service Officer checker checks correctness of bulk file
processing and forward the request to The Branch / Customer Service
f) The Branch / Customer Service Manager authorize bulk file processing for
customer creation, and the system generate account opening SMS for
customer ,
g) The Branch / Customer Service Manager forward the bulk file processing
request to controller
h) The Controller checks customer bulk file processing and maintain the file for
future reference

CBE Birr Service Bulk Customer account opening Form –CBE Birr 0016

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Individual customer registration and account opening shall follow:

a) The Agent request/help customer to fill the application form3,
b) The Agent Request Customer to attach a photocopy of his/her ID ;
c) The Agent properly identify and verify KYC information found in customer
application against ID provided ;
d) The Agent opens account by entering customer mobile number and KYC
information in CBE Birr system ,using her/ his handset or web portal
e) The Agent provides user guide for customer to use the services
f) The Agent maintains customer application with ID copy and submit to CBE
branch for record and safe keeping. Document Management at Branch

a) The customer service officer (Maker) collects customer application and ID

copy from agents
b) The customer service officer (Maker) recorded receipt of document from

agents as per document receiving forms4 and sends to branch controller.

c) The Branch controller checks customer information based on the application
form and keeps at branch for further reference

CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001
CBE Birr Document delivery Forms/Sheet –CBE Birr -0002

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3.2 Update / Upgrade Customer Level

The self-registered customer can be upgraded to the next level to access all CBE
Birr Services. The upgrading process can be at

3.2.1 CBE’S Branches

The upgrading of individual customer at nearby branch. The upgrading procedure

shall be;

a) The customer service officer (Maker) guides / help customer to fill

application form5&6.
b) The customer service officer (Maker) verify customer KYC information
against customer ID
c) The customer service officer (Maker) updating customer KYC information in
CBE Birr system and upgrade to the next level ;
d) The Customer Service officer (Maker) advise customer to use full CBE Birr
services ;
e) The controller keeps custody of the application and check the KYC
upgrading process at CBE Birr system,

CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001
CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001

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3.2.2 At Agents

The upgrading of individual customer at nearby agent. The upgrading procedure

shall be;

a) The Agent guides/ help customer to fill application form7&8 including a

b) The Agent requests customer to attach a photocopy of her /his ID ;
c) The Agent properly identify and verify KYC information found in customer
application against ID provided ;
d) The Agent updating customer KYC information in CBE Birr system and
upgrade the next level to access full services ;
e) The Agent collects the minimum deposit amount from the customer , if
f) The Agent inform customer to access full CBE Birr services ;
g) The Agent maintains customer application with ID copy and submitted to its
base branch for record and safe keeping.

3.2.3 Customer document Management at Branch

a) The customer service officer (Maker) collects customer application and ID

copy from agents ;
b) The customer service officer (Maker) records receipt of document from
agents as per document receiving forms9 and sends to branch controller.
c) The Branch controller checks application on CBE birr system and keep the
application at branch for further reference

CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001
CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001
CBE Birr Document delivery Forms/Sheet –CBE Birr -0002

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Section Four:
CBE Birr Agent Management
4. Agent Management

4.1. Agent Hierarchy

4.1.1. Level one Agent (Top Agent)

A CBE Branch and any agent can be classified as a level one; is be able to

a) Run business in more than one outlets or branches;

b) access the system through web portal ;
c) handle transaction of Deposit and withdrawal , bulk payment others
d) create agent ( only for CBE Branch )

4.1.2. Level Two Agent (Sole Agent)

An agent classified as a level two is be able to

a) Runs business in one outlets or branches;

b) access the system through web portal ;
c) handle transaction of deposit and withdrawal , bulk payment others
d) perform regular agent banking activities;

4.1.3. Level Three agent (agent)

An agent classified as a level three is be able to

a) Runs business in one outlets or branches;

b) access the system through web portal /USSD;
c) perform regular agent banking activities;

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4.2. Criteria for CBE Birr Agent

4.2.1. Eligibility Criteria

Any person who is engaged in valid and lawful business or commercial activity
within Ethiopia can be an agent and fulfill the following eligibility criteria;

a. An Ethiopian national ;
b. At least one year business experience ;
c. Renewed Trade License and/or Tax identification certificate (TIN)
d. A valid and renewed ID card of the person who authorized to operate
the account
e. Free of any illegal activities and able to provide police clearance certificate
f. Deposit minimum required amount for agency banking ;

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4.3. Agent Business Type

4.3.1. Acceptable Business Type

Business Types Required Document

a. Sole proprietorship a. Copy of renewed trade license
b. Copy of tax identification certificate (TIN)
c. A valid and renewed ID card of the
person authorized to operate the account
a. Financial institutions (Microfinance, a. Copy of renewed trade license
Insurance) b. Copy of tax identification certificate (TIN)
b. Partnership and Share Company c. Memorandum & Articles of Association
c. Cooperative societies d. Resolution of the Board of Directors to
d. Authorized dealers, operating one or open an account and identification of
more outlets around Ethiopia. those who have authority to operate the
e. Other retailers with a substantial account, if applicable
distribution network like petrol e. A valid and renewed ID card of the person
stations, distributors, supermarkets authorized to operate the account

4.3.2. Non -Acceptable Business Type

a) A foreign person or entity that is fully or partially owned by foreign

b) Religious entity and
c) Not for profit such as non-government organizations whose applicable law
prohibits from engaging in profit making business, shall not be an agent of
CBE Birr.

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4.4. Agent Services

4.4.1. Allowable Agent banking services

CBE Birr agents perform any or all of the following functions depending on the
agency agreement;

a. Open account;
b. Perform customer awareness ;
c. Perform cash deposit ;
d. Perform cash withdrawal ;
e. Transfer funds between different parties;
f. Payment services (such as Air Time Top Up, Bill Payment, Salary
payment etc.);

4.4.2. Prohibited Service of an Agent

A CBE Birr Agents shall not

a. ask any charge from customers in addition to charges fixed by the bank;
b. Perform any transaction by cheque and any other operation related with
provision of credit
c. ask any personal information like account details and PIN number of the
customer; excluding KYC information ;
d. Be allowed to appoint another sub-agent to provide banking services on
her/his behalf unless agreed and accepted by bank terms and conditions.
e. be allowed to undertaking a foreign exchange transactions

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4.5. Agent Hierarchy and Service

Based on the agent hierarchy, the CBE Birr services shall be defined as follows,

Types of Agents Agent Type Branch /outlets Functionality Agent Creation process

 Deposit
 Withdrawal
 Creation of agents
CBE Branch Top agent ---  Creation of Merchant Allowed
 Salary Payment
Level one  Business deposit
(1)  Business withdrawal
 Deposit
Company / Number of outlets  Withdrawal Not Allowed (Created by
Top Agent  Salary Payment
Organization >1 CBE Birr )
 Business deposit
 Business withdrawal
 Cash Deposit
 Cash Withdrawal for registered/Unregistered
Individuals /  Pay Bill
 Sell Airtime
Level two (Sole- Sole Agent One outlet Not Allowed
 Business Deposit
Proprietorship)  Business Withdrawal
 Business Transfer
 Deposit
 Withdrawal
 Cash Deposit
Individuals /  Cash Withdrawal for registered/Unregistered
Level Three (Sole-  Pay Bill Not Allowed
Agent One outlet
(3)  Sell Airtime
Proprietorship)  Business Deposit / Withdrawal
 Business Transfer

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4.6. CBE Birr Agent Limit Rule

4.6.1. Limit on Agent Account

Float Account Limit amount ( in Birr )

Agent Initial
Types of Agent Agent Type Deposit amount
(in Birr)
Soft limit Hard limit

CBE Branch Top Agent Not Applicable Not Applicable

Level one (1)

Company /
Top Agent 50,000/ outlet 10,000 / Outlet 2,000 /Outlet

Individuals /
Level two (2) Sole Agent 25,000 5,000 2,000
(Sole- Proprietorship)

Individuals /
Level Three (3) Agent 10,000 4,000 1000
(Sole- Proprietorship)

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4.6.2. Limit on Agent Operator

Limit on Operators per Transaction

Types of Agent Agent Type Service Type amount (in Birr)
Minimum Debit Maximum Debit
Buy Airtime 5 10,000
Business Transfer Unlimited Unlimited
CBE Branch Top Agent Business withdraw Unlimited Unlimited
Business Pay bill Unlimited Unlimited
Business Deposit Unlimited Unlimited
Level one (1)
Buy Airtime 5 10,000
Company / Business Transfer Unlimited Unlimited
Top Agent Business withdraw Unlimited Unlimited
Business Pay bill Unlimited Unlimited
Business Deposit Unlimited Unlimited
Individuals / Buy Airtime 5 10,000
Business Transfer Unlimited Unlimited
Level two (2) (Sole- Sole Agent Business withdraw Unlimited Unlimited
Proprietorship) Business Pay bill Unlimited Unlimited
Business Deposit Unlimited Unlimited
Individuals / Buy Airtime 5 10,000
Business Transfer Unlimited 10,000
Level Three (3) (Sole- Agent Business withdraw unlimited 10,000
Proprietorship) Business Pay bill 25 10,000
Business Deposit 500 10,000

Note: The Limit rule for an agent Operators per service type and Transaction amount, the Operator limit rule
shall be set as per the request of the Agent

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4.6.3. Default Agent Limit per service type

In these default Agent limit per service an Agent operator is an initiator of the service type:

Account Limit on Operators per Transaction amount ( In Birr )

Service Type
(Float ) Minimum Maximum
Business Deposit Debit up to account balance up to account balance

Business Withdrawal Debit up to account balance up to account balance

Business Transfer Debit up to account balance up to account balance

salary payment Debit up to account balance up to account balance
Airtime Debit 5 10,000
Pay Bill Debit up to account balance up to account balance

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4.7. Agent Recruitment and Signing of Contract

4.7.1. Top Agent Recruitment and Creation

A Top Agent creation shall be processed at CBE Birr (Center), whereas applicant
information verified at its respective base branch. And the process shall follow the
following procedure;

I. Top Agent ID Creation at CBE Birr (Center)

a) The Customer service officer–Maker at Agent & Merchant Team shall explain
values of CBE Birr to the applicant;
b) The Customer service officer –Maker at Agent & Merchant Team advice the
top agent to fill the application and signing of contract10
c) The Customer service officer –Maker at Agent & Merchant Team forward all
credential or list of top agent to Team Leader Merchant and Agent team;
d) The Team Leader Merchant and Agent team sends confirmation request to
agent’s respective base branch ;
e) The Team Leader Merchant and Agent team forwards list of agents to CSO
(Maker), after receiving confirmation 11from base branch,
f) The Customer service officer–Maker open the CBE Birr System and “Choose
My Functions”, and select “Create All ID “to Create Top Agents ,
g) The Customer service officer–Maker configure basic products, KYC, and
other information for the Agents on the Identity Info page
h) The Customer service officer–Maker select Top Agents product from the
Product tab, and check bullets button.
i) The Customer service officer–Maker check information about the top Agents
on the Review page and assign the CSO checker with the help of the system
for approval, and click Submit

CBE Birr Agent account opening Application Form -0003
CBE Birr Agent detail confirmation sheet -0004
CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 32
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j) The Customer service officer–Maker forward top Agent application to CSO

checker for approval of agent creation
k) The Customer service officer–Checker open the CBE Birr System and Choose
My Task, and select Group Task and search the Agents,
l) The Customer Service Officer Checker select the Agents and click on the
operation button to approve Create Top Agents
m) The Customer Service Officer Checker select a button to approve Agent
creation after review and found the top agents information’s are fulfilled , if
not the checker reject the request by writing reason for rejection on the
comment menu box;
n) The Customer service officer Checker Write agent ID on the application form

II. Top Agent Operator Creation

After creating an Agent, the Customer service officer Maker-2 at Agent & Merchant
Team creates an Agent operator.

a) The Customer service officer Maker 2 choose Search menu on top menu bar
to choose Agent Operator and click Add to access on create Agent Operator
b) The Customer service officer maker 2 enter Agent Short code , Operator
ID , User name and choose Web or handset authentication type , and click
c) The Customer service officer maker 2, configure the rule profile of the
operator, click Add to select a role for the operator, and
d) The Customer service officer maker 2 enter Agent operator KYC information
on the KYC Info.
e) The Customer service officer maker 2 review the agent operator
information and click Submit,
f) The Customer service officer maker 2 forward the application to checker for
Operator user Id approval,

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g) The Customer service officer checker review operator KYC information to

approve operator id creation,
h) The Customer service officer checker approves operator ID creation and
generates success notification to the Agent operator cell phone number or E
Mail with the help of CBE Birr system

III. Creating an Agent Till

After creation of an Agent, a till must be created to top Agents. Top Agents create a
till for its own or agents if applicable

a) The Customer service officer maker chooses My Functions and select create
All ID and Create Till
b) The Customer service officer maker configures the identity information for the
till on the Identity Info tab,
c) The Customer service officer Maker reviews the information of the till and
click Submit ZERO D RAFT

d) The Customer service officer maker forwards the application to checker after
the till creation request is submitted:

IV. Completion of Agent creation at CBE Birr (Center)

a) The Customer service officer–Maker at Agent & Merchant Team request top
Agent responsible person to maintain an initial deposit or float for agent
banking service ;
b) The Customer service officer Maker report to Team Leader agent and
Merchant Team completion of Top Agent creation at CBE Birr System.
c) The Customer service officer–Checker/Maker forward confirmation sheet to
the Controller

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d) The Controller at CBE Birr verifies all the information found in CBE birr system
agree with the confirmation sheet12

V. Top Agent application verification at CBE Branch

a) The Branch /customer Service manager receives confirmation request from

CBE Birr and forward to Customer Service Officer Maker ;
b) The Customer service officer Maker request Top Agent to fill the application
form and sign a contract based on the confirmation request found from CBE
Birr team ;
c) The customer Service officer maker verifies Top Agent and operators using
information from the traditional bank account ( Bank Saving and Current ), if
not request Top Agent and operators to open a saving /current account at
(T24) ;
d) The customer Service officer maker complete a confirmation sheet 13and

forward to Branch /customer Service manager ,


e) The Branch /customer Service manager approve the confirmation sheet and
forward to CBE Birr for Top Agent account opening;

4.7.2. CBE Branch (Top Agent) Creation

All CBE branches shall be created as per the top Agent creation procedure
mentioned above in article 4.7.1 except the following;

a) A Branches open a settlement account at T24 (CBE Birr settlement

account),which is a mirror to Branch account maintained at CBE Birr System;
b) A Top Agent administrative right shall be given to a Branch Manager as per
the approval of District Manager ,
c) The Branch manager administrator right allow to create CBE Birr Service
operator at Branch;

CBE Birr Agent detail confirmation sheet -0004
CBE Birr Agent detail confirmation sheet -0004

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d) The CBE Birr Operators can be customer Service Officer maker /checker
,Controller and accountant with different right ;
e) The Customer Service Officer Maker create an Agent as per procedure
mention in article 4.7.1

4.7.3. Agent recruitment and creation

Agent shall be recruited and created by CBE Branch and follow the following

I. Agent Creation at Branch

a) The customer service officer (maker) request the agent to fill application
form14 and Agent Banking Agreement15 and 16 after explaining the values of
CBE Birr;
b) The customer service officer (maker) verifies prospect agent using
information from the traditional bank account, if not request the agent to
open a regular bank (T24) account;

c) The customer service officer maker checks application details and fulfillment
of all pertinent document;
d) The customer service officer maker forwards necessary document to branch
/Customer Service Manager (CSM);
e) The Branch/Customer Service Manager (CSM) approves agent registration
after verification of the documents and forwards to CSO Maker ;
f) The Customer service officer–Maker open the CBE Birr system and chooses
My Functions, and select Create All ID to Create Agent,
g) The Customer service officer–Maker configure basic products, KYC, and
other information for the Agent on the Identity Info page
h) The Customer service officer–Maker select Agent product from the Product
tab, and check bullets button.
CBE Birr Agent account opening Application Form -0003
CBE Birr Agent account opening Application Form -0003
CBE Birr Agent operator user access request form -0003/1

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i) The Customer service officer–Maker check information about the Agent On

the Review page and assign the CSO checker for approval by the help of the
system , and click Submit
j) The Customer service officer–Maker forward agent application to CSO
Checker for approval of agent creation
k) The Customer service officer–Checker open the CBE Birr System and Choose
My Task, and select Group Task and search the Agents ,
l) The Customer Service Officer Checker select a button to approve Agent
creation after review and found the agent information’s are fulfilled , if not
the checker reject the request by writing reason for rejection on the
comment menu box;
m) The Customer service officer Checker write Agent ID /short code/on the
application form ,

II. Agent Operator at Branch


The Agent operator creation shall follow the procedure for top agent operator

III. Creating an Agent Till at Branch

The Agent till creation shall follow the procedure for top Agent till creation, except
the creation made by CSM instead of checker

IV. Completion of Agent creation at Branch

a) The Customer service officer–Maker request agent responsible person to

maintain initial float for agent banking transaction ,
b) The customer service officer (maker) facilitates and delivers CBE Birr service
training for agent at agent premises or branch , and inform to Branch /
Customer Service Manager
c) The Branch/Customer Service Manager issues certificate to Agent to run the
CBE birr service after delivery of training

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d) The CSO maker forward all agent credential to Branch Controller,

e) The Branch controller verify all agent document as per the agent eligibility
criteria, and kept the document for further reference.

4.7.4. CBE Birr Service Training

CBE Birr service training for agents shall be delivered to all operators with in the
agent hierarchy, and the training shall be given by;

I. CBE Birr (Center)

a) The Team Leaders business and application management at CBE Birr (center)
assign CSO Maker / Checker for CBE Birr Service training after Top Agent
Account opened
b) The CBE Birr Training officer / CSO Maker / Checker develop training
document based on Agent type and operators
c) The customer service officer (maker/ Checker) delivers CBE Birr service
awareness and practical training to Top Agent operators ,

d) The customer service officer (maker/ Checker) reports delivery of training to

Team Leader Agent and Merchant Team

II. At CBE Branch

a) The Branch /customer service manager assign CSO Maker / Checker for CBE
Birr Service training after an agent Account opened
b) The customer service officer (maker/ Checker) delivers CBE Birr service
awareness and practical training to operators ;
c) The Customer service officer (Maker/Checker) reports delivery of training to
Branch / Customer Service Manager

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4.7.5. Agent Certification

When Account opened and operators training has been delivered to the Agent, the
certificate issuance shall follow the following procedure at

I. CBE Birr (Center)

a) The Team Leader Agent and Merchant Team checks opening of Agent Account
and delivery of required training
b) The Team Leader Agent and Merchant Team issues certificate to Top Agent
to run the CBE birr service
c) The Team Leader Agent and Merchant Team forward the certificate to CSO
d) The CSO maker register17 the certificate and deliver to the top agent
against signature
e) The CSO maker write the till number on sticker and deliver to the Top Agent ,
and advise them to post the sticker at visible place ;

f) The CSO maker report18 certification of Agent for Branding and Promotion
team for signage and branding

II. At CBE Branch

a) The branch / Customer Service Manager checks opening of Agent Account

and delivery of required training
b) The branch / Customer Service Manager issues certificate to agent to run the
CBE birr service
c) The branch / Customer Service Manager forward the certificate to CSO
maker /checker
d) The CSO maker register19 the Certificate and delivered to the Agent against

CBE Birr Agent Certificate CBE Birr -0004/1

CBE Birr Agent Certificate CBE Birr -0004/1

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e) The branch / Customer Service Manager report certification of Agent to

District Operation Manager for Branding and signage

4.7.6. Agent Float Management

CBE Birr follow the Agent Float Management Procedure.

I. Float Management at Center

a) The Customer Service officer (Maker) at Business and application Team

monitor a minimum balance set in CBE Birr agent limit rule article 4.6 on TOP
Agent Account ;
b) The Customer Service officer (Maker) at Business Team checks the Account
of TOP Agent periodically and if it is found minimum report to Team leader
business and application team
c) The Team leader business and application team evaluates the available cash
on Account and report to Team Leader Agent and merchant Management

d) The Team Leader Agent and merchant Management team communicate the
TOP Agent to maintain/ replenish float amount
II. Float Management at Branch

a) The Customer Service officer (Maker) at branch monitors a minimum balance

on Agent Account ;
a) The Customer Service officer (Maker) at branch checks the Account of Agent
periodically and if it is found minimum report to Manager / Customer Service
b) The Customer Service officer Maker advice the agents to deposit cash at their
nearby agents or CBE Branches

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Section Five:
CBE Birr Merchant Management

5. CBE Birr Merchant Management

5.1. Eligible Merchant

Any person who is engaged in valid and lawful business or commercial activities can
be a CBE Birr merchant;

5.2. Merchant business type

Business Type Required Document

a. Individual trade operator a. Copy of Renewed Trade License
b. Copy of Tax identification certificate (TIN)

c. A valid and renewed ID card of the person

authorized to operate the account
a. Partnership and Share a. Copy of Renewed Trade License
Company b. Copy of Tax identification certificate (TIN)
b. Cooperative societies c. Memorandum & Articles of Association
c. Retailers with a substantial d. Resolution of the Board of Directors to
distribution network like open an account and identification of those
petrol stations, distributors, who have authority to operate the account,
supermarkets etc. if applicable
d. Any other legal entity who e. A valid and renewed ID card of the person
has business activities authorized to operate the account

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5.3. CBE Birr Merchant Services

CBE Birr Merchants perform any or all of the following functionality depending on
the Merchant agreement;

a. Sale;
b. Reversal ;
c. Withdrawal;
d. Business Withdrawal;
e. Business transfer;

5.4. Merchant Recruitment and Signing of Contract

5.4.1. Top Merchant Recruitment and Creation

Top Merchant shall be created, when the Merchants fulfill at list the following:

a) More than one sales outlet/Branches ;

b) More than one operator;
c) Access the system through web portal ;
d) Handle transaction of withdrawal , bulk payment others

CBE Birr Top Merchant application process shall follow the following procedure in
addition to the procedure mention in Article 4.7.1 Top Agent creation above;

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I. At CBE Birr (Center)

a) The Customer service officer –Maker at Agent & Merchant Team explain the
values CBE Birr to the applicant;
b) The Customer service officer –Maker at Agent & Merchant Team advice the
merchant to fill the application and signing of contract20 or approach its base
c) The Customer service officer –Maker at Agent & Merchant Team forward all
credential or list of Merchant to Team Leader Merchant and Agent team;
d) The Team Leader Merchant and Agent team review list of Merchant and send
confirmation request to Merchants’ branch,
e) The Team Leader Merchant and Agent team forward list of Merchants to CSO
(Maker) , after receiving confirmation sheet from branch ,
f) The Customer service officer–Maker at Agent & Merchant Team open
Merchant account on CBE Birr system based on the confirmation sheet,
g) The Customer service officer Checker authorize Merchant account opening at

CBE Birr System , and inform customer service officer maker ,

h) The CSO checker write the till number on sticker and deliver to the TOP
Merchant , and advise them to post it in visible place
i) The customer service officer (maker) delivers CBE Birr service training to the
Merchant staff, and inform to Team Leader Agent and Merchant Team
j) The Customer service officer–Checker forward confirmation sheet to the
k) The Controller at CBE Birr verify all the information found in CBE birr system
agree with the confirmation sheet21

CBE Birr Merchant application Form & terms and condition CBE Birr -0006
CBE Birr Agent detail confirmation sheet -0004

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II. At CBE Branch

a) The Branch /customer Service manager receives confirmation request from

CBE Birr and forward to Customer Service Officer Checker ;
b) The Customer service officer (Checker) request the Merchant to fill the
application form and signing of contract based on the confirmation request
found from CBE Birr ;
c) The customer Service officer (Checker) verifies Merchant using information
from the regular bank account, if not request Merchant to open a regular
bank account at (T24) ;
d) The customer Service officer (Checker) prepare a confirmation sheet and
forward to Branch /Customer Service manager ,
e) The Branch /Customer Service manager approve the confirmation sheet and
forward to CBE Birr for Merchant account opening;

5.4.2. A Merchant recruitment and creation at Branch


A Merchant shall be recruited and created by CBE Branch, when a merchant fulfill;

a) One sales outlets or branch ;

b) Access the CBE Birr system via USSD channel;

CBE Birr Merchant application process shall follow the following procedure in
addition to the procedure mention in Article 4.7.3 Agent creation above;

a) The customer service officer (maker) request the prospect Merchant to fill
merchant application form22 and 23 CBE Birr Merchant Agreement24 after
explaining the values of CBE Birr ;

CBE Birr Merchant application Form & terms and condition CBE Birr -0006
CBE Birr Merchant Operator user access request form CBE Birr -0006/1
CBE Birr Merchant application Form & terms and condition CBE Birr -0006

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b) The customer service officer (maker) verifies prospect Merchant using

information from the traditional bank account, if not request the agent to
open a traditional (T24) account.
c) The customer service officer (checker) checks details of application and
fulfillment of all pertaining document.
d) The customer service officer (checker) forwards necessary document to
branch /Customer Service Manager;
e) The Branch /Customer Service Manager (CSM) approves registration of
Merchant after verification of the fulfillment of the document and forward to
CSO Maker ;
f) The CSO maker create merchant at CBE Birr System under the Branch
g) The customer service officer (maker) facilitate Merchant service training at its
premises or at branch , and inform to Branch / Customer Service Manager
h) The CSO maker forward all Merchant credential to Branch Controller ,

i) The Branch controller verify all Merchant documents as per the merchant
screening criteria, and keeps the document for further reference.

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5.5. Agent and Merchant Branding and Promotion

The CBE Birr Branding and Promotion team majorly engages in development of

a) Concept for TV and radio production ;

b) Concept on design on signage , banners and other promotional materials and
activities ;
c) Prepare User guide / manuals;
d) New marketing approach based on contemporary practices and market
analysis ;
e) Customer satisfaction survey ;
f) Review audience perception for CBE Birr product ;
g) A procedure and guideline to maintain CBE Birr branding standardization ;
h) Brand and promotion monitoring guideline ;
i) Oversees agent branding and signage
j) Provide signage based on request of Agent and Merchant team at center ,

District and Branch request ;

5.5.1. Branding and promotion Team

a) The Customer service officer at Branding and Promotion receives a branding

and promotion request from Agent and Merchant team at Center , District
offices and Branches ,
b) The Customer Service Officer at Branding and Promotion process request25
and forward to Branding and Promotion team leader for approval
c) The branding and Promotion team leader approves the request and forward
to Customer Service officer for agent branding
d) The customer Service officer provide required resources to agent
management organ based on the Request for Agent Branding and

CBE Birr Agent and merchant Branding activity report –CBE Birr 0007

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e) The branding and promotion team monitor and follow-up the branding
activities and standardization throughout CBE birr agents an merchants

5.5.2. Agent and Merchant Management Team

a) The Customer service officer maker at agent and Merchant team list number
of Top Agents and its outlets
b) The Customer service officer maker at agent and Merchant team defines
number and branding type based on the agent outlets and forward to Team
Leader Agent and Merchant team
c) The Team Leader Agent and Merchant team request branding from Branding
and promotion team ;
d) The Customer Service officer maker monitor the branding of agents outlets
and report to Team Leader agent and Merchant team;

5.5.3. District office


a) The operation manager at district collect all agent outlet brand requests
from the branch ;
b) The Operation manager at district forwards all request to Marketing officers;
c) The Marketing officers at district list the request as per their priority and
checks all the request based on the CBE birr Brand guideline
d) The Marketing officer forward all resource requirement to operation Manager;
e) The Operation Manager request production of Branding and signage from the
CBE Birr branding and promotion team
f) The Operation Manager receives the Branding and signage materials from
CBE Birr branding and promotion team and forward to District marketing
officer for distribution

CBE Birr Agent and merchant Branding activity report –CBE Birr 0007

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g) The Marketing officer distribute the branding and signage materials to

branches and follow-up the branding implementation ,
h) The Marketing officer receive performance report from branches after
implementation, and report to District manager / Operation Manager

5.5.4. CBE Branch

a) The Customer service officer maker at branch list number of agent outlets;
b) The Customer service officer maker at branch defines number and branding
type based on the agent outlets and forward request to Branch /Customer
Service Manager
c) The Branch / Customer Service Manager request branding of agent outlets
from respective district office
d) The Branch / Customer Service Manager follows-up the status of branding
work to speed up the Branding and signage activities;
e) The Branch / Customer Service Manager receive the branding and signage

from District office and forward to Customer Service officer Maker

f) The Customer service officer Maker assure the placement of signage in visible
place at agent outlets, or follow-up the branding activities, and report to
Branch /Customer service Manager
g) The Branch/ customer service Manager report implementation of branding
and signage to district offices

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5.6. Agent Support Service

An agent can present support request to its base branch or CBE Call Center. The
branches are responsible to support settlement and financial issues in collaboration
with CBE Birr Business Team.

a) Customer Service Officer maker provides settlement or financial

transactions support request of the Agents in consultations with CBE Birr
Business and application Team
b) The Branch Manager or Customer Service Officer delivers the request to
CBE Birr Business Team for any support request of Agents if it is beyond
the branch’s capacity.
c) The Customer Service officer maker forward the support request to CBE
Birr team ,

5.7. Monitoring of Agent Performance ZERO D RAFT

As per the contractual agreement made with Agents, the bank has the right to
monitor / Supervise and evaluate the agent performance at its convenient. Hence
the following procedure shall be followed.

a) The Agent and Merchant Management team at CBE Birr generate

periodical agent and / or merchant activity report per district offices
b) The Branch / Customer Service Manager , District compliance officer
monitor the agent performance with regard to
1. The volume and value of transactions carried out by each agent;
2. Monitor compliance of Agent Agreement ;
3. Onsite visits by staff or authorized persons to ensure that agents
operate strictly within the requirements prescribed in the law,
guidelines, agreement and by laws.

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c) The Branch Manager / Customer Service Manager , District compliance

officer prepare agent performance report27 periodically and submit to
respective Manager District offices
d) The Manager District offices receive Agent Performance Report from
respective branches, read with report found from CBE Birr at centre ;

5.7.1. Reporting of CBE Birr activities

The Business and application management team at CBE Birr prepare periodical
reports on the performance of CBE Birr;

a) The Customer Service officer maker at CBE Birr generate performance

report on Customer , Agent , Merchant and Third Party
b) The customer service officer maker at CBE Birr complied reports and
forward to Team Leader Business and application management Team
c) The Team Leader Business and application management Team checks the

compiled report and report to Manger -MMS

d) The Manger -MMS Report complied report to Director branch operation /VP
CATS and other stakeholders ( District Offices and Branches )

5.7.2. Agent/ Merchant retention

CBE Birr and Branches / District offices shall undertake the following activities to
provide enhanced service at Agent/Merchant that excel expectation, support and
build good relations with new and existing Agent and gain competitive advantage
over others in the market.
a) The Agent and merchant team identifies the effective Agent/Merchant and
establishes effective communications.

CBE Birr Agent Performance Monitoring–CBE Birr -0008

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b) The Agent and merchant team develop tactics and processes to create
Agent/Merchant loyalty.
c) The Agent and merchant team contact Agent/Merchant regularly in
proportion to the value they contribute to the bank.
d) The Agent and merchant team monitors Agent/Merchant based on core
Agent and merchant monitoring guideline.
e) The Agent and merchant team provide training both for Agent/Merchant
and staffs.
f) The Manager-MMS/ Team leader-Business and Application management
/Team Leader-Agent and Merchant Management attend different
Agent/Merchant concerning meetings, advertising and promotional
g) Team leader-Business and Application management /Team Leader-Agent
and Merchant Management refer difficult or complex problems to the
Manager-MMS for assistance and/or decision.

h) The Manager-MMS report to director branch operation if something beyond

the manager discretion
i) The Agent and merchant management team maintain records of problems
and enquiries handled.
j) The Director Branch operation, Manager-MMS/ Team Leader-Agent and
Merchant Management/Team leader-Business and application management
Visit district office, branches, Agent and merchants to promote CBE Birr

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5.8. Termination of CBE Birr Agent Service

As stipulated in the agent agreement, the bank reserves the right to terminate the
agent agreement for any reason at any time;

a) The Branch Manager interviews the agents to find out the reason for
termination, shall do all possible corrective measures to retain the agents,
if the effort is not successful;
b) The Branch Manager requests the agents to fill the service cancellation
c) The Branch Manager ensures all the settlements are done on the agent
CBE Birr and traditional accounts.
d) The Branch Manager forwards the cancellation requests to Customer
Service Manager for cancellation of the service
e) The customer service manager at branch change status of the agent and
report Manager operation at District ZERO D RAFT

f) The Operation Manager at district report termination of agents to CBE

Birr team

5.9. Change on Agents /Merchants location Notification

When CBE Birr Agents relocate, transfer or terminate its agent banking
premises, CBE Birr team and Branch shall follow the notification procedure;
a) The Customer service officer maker at branch checks the Agent status
and forward the request to Customer service officer checker;
b) The Customer service officer checker checks if any unsettled
transactions belongs to the Agents ;and advise the agent to settle it;
c) The Customer service officer found the new place is near to the base
branch , only change the location address on CBE Birr System

CBE Birr Agent service Cancellation/ termination form CBE Birr -0009

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d) The Customer service officer close the account of agent maintain in CBE
Birr System , if the new place far from the base branch , and report to
Branch / Customer Service manager
e) The Branch /Customer Service Manager report closure of agent account
to District Operation Manager , and advice the agent to open a new
agent account ,
f) The Operation manager at district offices report closure and relocation of
Agent and merchant to Team Leader Agent and Merchant at CBE Birr
g) The CSO checker at Agent and Merchant team at CBE Birr collect the
information obtained from District offices and identify as Agents relocate,
transfer or close
h) The Team Leader agent and Merchant team prepare a progress report on
closure and relocation of Agent/merchant and forward to Manager MMS
i) The Manager MMS approve and sent Agent Status report to National
Bank , CBE District Offices and Business development for update on CBE

web site
a) The Operation Manager at district Offices disseminate the information to
their branches and may also disseminate to agents if applicable.

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Section Six:
CBE Birr Profile Management

6. CBE Birr Profile Management

6.1. Modifying Agent / Merchant profile

The CBE Birr system allow modification of basic information like KYC and product
information of the agent or Merchant.

Modifying Agent/Merchant profile shall adhere the following procedure; but not
allow to modify short code, segment, registration date, identity model and
accounting model.

6.1.1. At CBE Birr (Center) for Top Agent /merchant


a) The Customer service officer at agent and Merchant team receive the
application for change in top Agent /Merchant basic information
b) The Customer service officer maker checks the application has been
authenticated or confirmed by the top Agent base branch
c) The Customer service officer maker at agent and Merchant team modify top
Agent basic information as per the request
d) The Customer service officer maker report to Team Leader Agent and
Merchant team for approval
e) The Team Leader Agent and Merchant team approve change or modify
request of top Agent and forwards to controller
f) The controller at center checks the requested information has been properly
modified and retain the application or change request for future reference

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6.1.2. At CBE Branch for Agent /Merchant

a) The Customer service officer maker verify application for Agent profile change
request ;
b) The Customer service officer maker review the application modify the Agent
basic information as per the request
c) The Customer service officer maker forward the change request to branch/
customer service manager for approval
d) The branch/ customer service manager approves the change or modification
request and forwards to controller
e) The controller checks the change in basic information has been properly
modified and retain the application or change request for future reference

6.2. Managing an Agent /Merchant Operator

The Agent /Merchant operator basic information and KYC information is also ZERO D RAFT

modified as per the request of the Agent /Merchant and its operator. The Procedure
for changing or modification of Agent /Merchant operator shall follow the procedure
for Modifying Agent /Merchant profile29 article 6.1,

Note :
But not modify user name, operator ID, short code and registration date of the organization to which the operator belongs .

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6.3. Agent / Merchant Short code management

To maintain standardization and consistency in assignment of short code, the

following procedure for numbering shall adhere.

6.3.1. Agent / Merchant Short Code /ID

a) The short code length is six digits , and numbering shall be defined and
generated at center ;
b) The short code value should be numeric ;
c) The CBE Branch and other top Agent ’s short code shall be assigned at
center ;
d) The Agent short codes shall be assigned by CBE Branch and top Agent as
per the pre-established numbering format, if applicable ;
e) The CBE birr team may keep some short code/till number for future
business expansion/Like ATM and others organization /

6.3.2. Numbering procedure

I. Short code

The short code for top Agent /CBE Branch shall be issued by CBE Birr team. The
procedure for branch and top Agent short code numbering shall follow;
I. CBE Branch Short code shall be issued with a six digit value as per short
Code and till assignment user guide for Agents /merchants 30

a) The first four digit of the branch short code represent a T24 Branch ID
b) The next two digit assigned to identify the agent/merchant in CBE Birr
System ;

CBE Birr short Code and till assignment user guide for Agent / Merchant - CBE Birr 0005

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II. TOP Agent short code shall be issued with six digit as per the user guide
for Short code assignment user guide for agent / Merchant 31

a) The first four digit is to identify the top Agent / Merchant at CBE Birr
b) The next two digit assigned to create an agent /merchant Till Management

The till number for Agent /Merchant shall be predefined and distributed to all
Branches .the till number shall follow ;

a) The length for a till is Five digits ,

b) The till shall be sequential ,
c) The value of till number should be numeric , and
d) The number prepared and distributed by CBE birr team to all district
offices ; ZERO D RAFT

e) The district offices allocate the number based on the branch performance ,
and monitor proper usage of till number
f) Branches assign till number manually for agents / merchants and register
issued till in registration book
g) The CBE birr team may keep some till number for future business
expansion /like ATM and others organization /

CBE Birr short Code and till assignment user guide for Agent / Merchant - CBE Birr 0005

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Section Seven:
CBE Birr Product and service

7. CBE BIRR Products/Services

7.1. Cash deposit

7.1.1 At Branch
a) The customer service officer (Maker) receives a cash deposit with receipt32 and
pass entry on T 24 system, after checking figure and number.
b) The customer service officer (Maker) initiate cash in transaction using CBE Birr
System by inputting the customer phone number and amount ;
c) CBE Birr system send transaction confirmation notification for the customer and
customer service officer (Maker)
7.1.2 At Agents ZERO D RAFT

a) CBE Birr Agents operator shows a valid certificate for customer to accept cash
deposit, if requested
b) CBE Birr Agent Operator request customer cell phone number and accept the
deposit amount against a receipt;
c) CBE Birr Agent Operator enter the cell phone number , amount and request
the customer again for confirmation
d) CBE Birr Agent operators approve the transaction and wait for transaction
notification confirmation
e) CBE Birr Agent operator advice the customer to check its balance once the
confirmation notification received ;if any the agent operators try to handle a
compliant before call to contact center

CBE Birr cash in / out t Receipt –CBE Birr- 0010

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7.2. Cash Withdrawal

7.2.1 At CBE Branch

a) The customer process the cash out transaction by asking the customer service
officer (Maker) operator Till/Short Code
b) The customer enter the Branch short code and amount to initiate cash out
transaction using his/her mobile handset.
c) CBE Birr system generate and sends SMS for transaction notification for both
customer and customer service officer (Maker)
d) The customer service officer (Maker) checks the transaction amount
successfully credited to Branch float virtual account in CBE Birr System ;
e) The customer service officer (Maker) pay cash to customer equivalent with
credit amount against signed transaction receipt
7.2.2 At Agents
a) The customer approach a CBE Birr Agent and ask a physical cash available for
her /his need ZERO D RAFT

b) The customer enter agent till number and amount to initiate cash out
transaction using his/her mobile handset.
c) CBE Birr system generate and sends SMS for transaction notification ID and
new account balance , both for Customer and Agents;
d) CBE Birr Agents checks the transaction amount successfully credited to Agent
float virtual account
e) CBE Birr Agent pay requested cash out amount to the customer after obtaining
customer signature on Agent transaction record book33.

CBE Birr Agent transaction record /log book-MMS-0011

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7.3. Un-registered Customer Cash withdrawal

7.3.1 At CBE Branch

a) The customer service officer (Maker) request voucher number for unregistered
customer cash withdrawal
b) The customer service officer (Maker) initiate cash withdrawal for unregister
customer transaction, checks and verifies voucher code number and amount
using CBE Birr System
c) CBE Birr system generate and send SMS notification for customer service officer
(maker) for unregistered customer cash out service
d) The customer service officer (Maker) enter the transaction amount in Teller till
and CBE Birr Settlement account, pays cash to the beneficiary equivalent to the
voucher amount, against signed transaction receipt
7.3.2 At Agents
a) The customer approach a CBE Birr Agent and ask a cash withdrawal service by
giving her /his voucher number

b) CBE Birr Agents initiate cash withdrawal for unregister customer by entering
Customer voucher code number in to CBE Birr system using handset /Web
c) CBE Birr Agent receive SMS notification confirmation from CBE Birr system
d) CBE Birr Agent pays cash to the receiver after obtaining customer signature on
Agent transaction record book.

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7.4. Agent / Merchant Deposit and withdrawal

An Agent/Merchant can deposit or withdraw money to/from its nearby Agent or CBE
Branch. An agent may deposit/withdraw to/from nearby Agent or Top Agent

7.4.1 At Branch
a) The customer service officer (Maker) receives an agent / merchant deposit with
its receipt34 and pass entry on T 24 system, after checking figure and number.
b) The customer service officer (Maker) initiate agent / merchant deposit
transaction using CBE Birr System by inputting the agent short code /till
number and amount;
c) CBE Birr system send transaction confirmation notification for the agent and
customer service officer (Maker)
7.4.2 At Agents
a) CBE Birr Agents operator shows a valid certificate for the agent to accept agent
/ merchant deposit ; ZERO D RAFT

b) CBE Birr Agents Operator request agent short code /till number and accept the
deposit amount;
c) CBE Birr Agents Operator enter the agent short code /till number, amount and
request the agent again for confirmation
d) CBE Birr Agent operators approve the transaction and wait for transaction
notification confirmation
e) CBE Birr Agent operator advice the agent to check its balance once the
confirmation notification received ;if any compliant call to contact center

CBE Birr cash in / out Receipt –CBE Birr- 0010

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7.5. Deposit

A Top Agent and CBE branch process deposit to its account found in CBE Birr
system. The process is initiated by CBE Branch if it is a Deposit

7.5.1 At Branch
a) The customer service officer (Maker) receives a deposit with its receipt35 and
pass entry on T 24 system using deposit menu by inputting the agent short
code /till number and amount, after checking figure and number.
b) CBE Birr system send transaction confirmation notification for the agent after
processing of the transaction

7.6. E money deposit at branch

a) The customer service officer maker initiate E money deposit debiting Branch
CBE Birr settlement account /agent conventional account / cash deposit at T24

b) The Branch /Customer Service Manager (CSM) approves creation of e-money
after verification of the transaction amount , if the transaction limits is greater
than CSO maker;
c) The Branch /Customer Service Manager (CSM) / CSO maker forward transaction
ticket to the Branch controller.
d) The branch controller checks transaction at T24 and kept the document future
reference ;
e) The Branch Accountant checks the balance of CBE birr branch Receivable
account on T24 system and Branch E-money account at CBE Birr system, that
should be equal and if any difference, the branch should contact the CBE birr
center for the reconciliation.

CBE Birr cash in / out t Receipt –CBE Birr- 0010

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f) If a CBE branch / agent / merchant processed two or more e-money creation

with same amount, date, debit organization code, transaction is found in
Duplicate transaction
g) The Customer service officer checker at CBE Birr center check duplicate
transaction and reversed ;otherwise rejected a duplicate transaction

7.6.1. E Money Withdrawal

h) The branch customer service officer maker/top organization operator initiate E-

money Withdrawal by debiting the Branch E money account or Top organization
E money account respectively at CBE Birr system.
i) The Customer Service Manager (CSM)/top organization administrator approves
withdrawal of e money after verification of the transaction amount
j) The branch controller checks whether the transaction is correct or not
k) The CBE Birr officer at CBE Birr center confirm the transaction and generating

statement file without verification of source document at initiator side

l) The Branch Accountant checks the balance between the branch CBE birr
Receivable account at T24 account and Branch E money account at CBE birr
system are equal and if there is difference contact the CBE birr center for the

7.6.2. Adjustments of E money withdrawal/creation at Center

m) The branch maker does not allowed to debit CBE birr trust account. If the
system wrongly debit the branch CBE birr settlement account more than one
time, the adjustment shall be made at center with consultation of respective
branch ;
n) The branch manager request CBE birr center for adjustment through letter /via
E Mail or fax

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o) The team leader business and application management checks the branch
request and forward to CBE birr maker for adjustment.
p) The customer service officer Maker at CBE birr process verification and
adjustment as per the request of respective branch.
q) The customer service officer Checker at CBE birr process confirm adjustment
as per the request of respective branch and forward to Controller
r) The controller checks adjustment transaction and file the document future

7.7. Fund Transfer

Among the CBE Birr Services the following can be accessed by individual customer
or agent /merchant operators,
a) CBE Birr account to Account
a) P2P ( Person to Person )
b) B2P (Business to Person ) ZERO D RAFT

c) P2B (Person to Business)

d) B2B ( Business to Business )
e) G2B (Government to Business )
b) Withdrawal (CBE Birr Account to T24 regular Account )

7.8. Payment

Among the CBE Birr Services the payment can be processed by individual customer
or Agent / Merchant operators,

a) Pay bill service with billers and utility companies

b) Payment for goods and services at merchants

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7.9. Air time recharge /Top Up

Among the CBE Birr Services, Air time recharge /Top Up can be accessed by
individual customer or help of Agent operators,

7.10. Bulk transfer /File Upload

Among the CBE Birr Services, salary payment can be processed by Agent operators,

a) Salary Payment

7.11. Account Management

Among the CBE Birr Services the following can be accessed by individual customer
or Agent/ merchant operators,

a) Balance enquiry ZERO D RAFT

b) Mini Statement
c) PIN Change
d) Change language
e) Change Secrete word
f) Manage Beneficiary
g) Request for voucher
 Request Cash in Voucher
 Request Cash out Voucher

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Section Eight:
CBE Birr Transaction Reconciliation
8. Transaction Reconciliation

All funds available in CBE Birr shall be reconcile with the real money found in
regular bank account (T24 system), for easy of reconciliation the following setting
shall be made at CBE Birr system:

8.1 CBE Birr System settings

a) The transaction interaction between CBE Birr system with Regular Bank
system shall be effected every 30 minutes ;
b) The cut of time for CBE Birr System shall be 12:00 PM every day to align with
the regular Banking system ;
c) Transaction Commission and Revenue settlement shall be made automatically
in every seven days

8.2 CBE Birr Account

CBE Birr ( Virtual/E- T24 account ( Regular Place of Account at T24

Money / Account ) Account )
Control Account Trust Account CBE Birr
International Money Transfer 1. Claim On IMT Account
CBE Birr
( organization ) 2. Correspondent Account
Commission Paid CBE Birr Commission Paid
CBE Birr
( PL account )
Commission Received account CBE Birr Commission
CBE Birr
Received ( PL account )
Branch Virtual Money Account CBE Birr settlement account At each Branch

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8.3 Transaction Reconciliation

8.3.1 Real Money reconciliation

The balance found in CBE Birr system shall agree with the balance in the regular
bank account. Hence, the trust account and Control account is maintained in the
name of CBE Birr at T24 and CBE Birr System respectively. The reconciliation
procedure shall adhere;

a) The customer service officer maker at business team generate previous day
report from T24 system and CBE Birr System
b) The customer Service officer maker at business team reconciles the two
reports, prepare a reconciliation report with adjustment if any irregularities
c) The customer Service officer Maker forwards reconciled report with
adjustment to the customer Service officer checker;

d) The customer Service officer Checker verifies the reconciliation and the
adjustment if any , and prepare ticket and forward to controller
e) The Controller at Business team checks and verify the reconciliation with
adjustment if any , and maintain the copy for further reference

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8.3.2 IMT Transaction Reconciliation

For International Money Transfer transaction reconciliation and settlement the

following account shall be maintained at T24 and CBE Birr system for each IMT
a) At T24 System
1) Claim On IMT Account
2) Correspondent Account
b) At CBE Birr System
1) International Money Transfer A/c for each IMT organization
The reconciliation shall the following procedure;

a) The customer service officer maker receive daily swift report and Settlement
report from trade service and IMT Organization respectively;
b) The customer service officer maker generate IMT organization transaction
report from CBE Birr System ;

c) The customer Service officer maker reconcile and check reports with net swift
amount , prepare a reconciliation report with adjustment if any irregularities
d) The customer Service officer Maker forwards reconciled report with
adjustment to the customer Service officer checker;
e) The customer Service officer Checker checks the reconciliation and
adjustment if any , and prepare ticket for posting
f) The customer Service Officer maker- 2 process the deposit at T24 and
forward the ticket
g) The customer Service Officer maker- 2 process settlement of IMT transaction
at correspondent account and forward the ticket to the controller
h) The Controller checks and verify the reconciliation with adjustment if any ,
and maintain the copy for further reference

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8.3.3 Recognition CBE Birr Income and Expense

Following the accounting procedure, all CBE Birr income and expense shall be
recognized as when they are incurred or earn. The Transaction Commission and
Revenue settlement shall be made automatically on every month. And the following
procedure shall be followed;
a) The customer service officer maker at business team checks the process of
revenue and commission settlement at CBE Birr System ,
b) The customer service officer maker at business team check the Commission
paid and charge received account balance ;
c) The customer service officer maker prepare a report and forward to
Customer Service officer checker ;
d) The customer Service officer checker verify the balance and prepare ticket for
deposit and Withdrawal for Charge /Commission paid and Commission
Received respectively , and forward the ticket to Customer Service Officer
maker 2

e) The Customer Service officer maker 2 process deposit and withdrawal at T24
system and forward the ticket to the controller
f) The Controller checks and verify the transaction and amounts in T24 system
and CBE birr System, with adjustment if any , and maintain the copy for
further reference

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8.3.4 Reconciliation of CBE Birr Service at Branch

For the purpose CBE Birr transaction, a regular and virtual account shall be
maintained at T24 and CBE Birr system respectively in the name of each Branch;

Agent System
Transaction Account Dr Account Cr
Type Used

CBE Birr Settlement

Tellers Till T24
Business Deposit Agent
CBE Birr
Branch as TOP Agent Agent
Tellers Till / agent
CBE Birr Trust T24
regular account
Deposit TOP Agent
CBE Birr
CBE Birr control TOP Agent account
CBE Birr Settlement Tellers Till T24
Agent Branch as TOP Agent CBE Birr
Withdrawal Agent Account
Account System

CBE Birr Trust Agent Current /saving T24
TOP Agent
CBE Birr
TOP Agent account CBE Birr control

Based on the transaction type mentioned in the above table, the branch shall
perform the transaction reconciliation on daily basis before closing of daily
operation. And the following procedure shall be followed;

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8.3.5 Business Deposit and Withdrawal

a) The customer service officer maker checks the balance on CBE Birr
Settlement account, whether it has positive or negative
b) The customer service officer Maker initiate Withdrawal at CBE Birr System, if
the CBE Birr settlement account maintain a Negative Balance or
c) The customer service officer maker initiate deposit at CBE Birr System, if the
CBE Birr settlement account maintain a Positive Balance
d) The customer service officer Checker verify CBE Birr Settlement account
balance , and authorize the transaction at CBE Birr System
e) The Branch Accountant checks the balance on CBE Birr Settlement account at
the beginning of every day and make sure the balance is zero;
f) The Branch Controller checks and verify CBE Birr settlement account settled
and reconcile timely

8.1.1 Transaction approval at CBE Birr


A CBE Branch or Top agents cash withdrawal transaction request from CBE birr system
shall be approved by CBE Birr at center for completion of withdrawal transaction request .

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Section Nine:
CBE Birr Customer Care management

9. CBE Birr Customer Care Management / Call Center service

The Customer Care answers calls from customers or Agent / Merchant operators to
handles the service requests, and the responses after verification found from the
user/ identities shall score a sum of 70% and above

9.1 Taking a Call from a Customer/operators

When a customer/operators makes a call to call center /customer care, the call
center staff shall verify the identity based on the preexisted customer information
and make sure that the score is equal or above 70%. After the customer's identity
is verified, customer care start to handle the service requests of the customer.

The CBE Birr Customer care Management at call center shall follow the procedure to
change or correct information in CBE Birr System:

9.1.1 Caller verification Procedure

a) The customer Service officer choose a take call customer from the CBE birr
b) The customer Service officer request customer cellphone number , and enter
the phone number in customer search in CBE Birr system
c) The customer Service officer click more chooses and query the customer
other additional information 36,

CBE Birr Call Verification user guide – CBE Birr 0012

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d) The customer Service officer founds the customer responses correct and
verification succeeds, the Score is greater than or equal to 70%, and the
customer management page is displayed.
e) The customer Service officer founds the customer responses not correct or
satisfactory ,the Verification fails when Current Score is less than 70% Score,
and advice the customer to repeat to verify the rectification again for one
time ;
f) The customer Service officer tries to support the customer until the number
of consecutive verification attempts not exceeds three times of a maximum
g) The customer Service officer suspends the customer or operators ID /account
after the number of verification attempts has reached three, with the help of
CBE birr system
h) The customer Service officer receives support request from
customer/operators after the number of verification attempts reached

maximum, the customer's calling service request is not handled and

suspended, and the status here just indicates the customer care service is
i) The customer Service officer at call center found the customer score more
than the minimum the customer request shall be processed ,
j) The customer Service officer at call center access customer management
page, click the related menus, tabs, or buttons to view information or perform
service operations.

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9.1.2 Security Information Resetting

Based on the call verification procedure mentioned above, the customer Service
officer reset customers / operators support request;

When a customer or an agent /Merchant operator wants to reset her/his forgets

PIN, Unlock the PIN, she/he shall use toll free service PIN Resetting Request

a) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) receive calls from customers;
b) The Customer Service officer (Maker) verify the customer based on the
information provided by them using take a call option in the CBE Birr
c) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) after successful verification based
on verify customer information provided and reset the customer PIN
d) CBE Birr system generate and send the new random PIN to the customer’s
handset and advice the customer a must to change PIN before initiating a

service Unlock PIN Request

The CBE Birr system automatically lock the user PIN, if PIN trial pass a maximum of
three (3) attempts

a) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) receive a calls from customers

b) The Customer Service officer (Maker) enter verify the customer based on
the information provided by her /his using take a call option in the CBE
Birr system
c) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) after successful verification based
on customer information provided through phone unlock the customer PIN
d) CBE Birr system generate and send the new random PIN to the customer’s
handset and advice the customer a must to change PIN before initiating a

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a) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) receive calls from Agent operators ;
b) The Customer Service officer (Maker) verify the operators based on the
information provided by them using take a call option in the CBE Birr
c) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) after successful verification
operators password will be rested
d) CBE Birr system generate and send the new random password to the
operator’s handset and advice the operators to change password before
initiating a service Unlock Password Request

The CBE Birr system automatically lock the user password, if password trial passes
a maximum of three (3) attempts

a) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) receive a calls from operators ;

b) The Customer Service officer (Maker) verify the operators based on the
information provided by her /his using take a call option in the CBE Birr
c) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) after successful verification unlock
the operators password
d) CBE Birr system generate and send the new random password to the
operator’s handset and advice the customer to change password before
initiating a service

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a) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) receive a calls from customers
b) The Customer Service officer (Maker) verify the customer/operators based
on the information provided by her /his using take a call option in the CBE
Birr system
c) The Customer Service Officer (Maker) after successful verification reset the
customer/operator secret word
d) CBE Birr system generate and send the new random secret word to the
customer’s / operators handset and advice the customer to change secret
word before initiating a service
9.2 General Information

Despite the customer, Agent /Merchant operators’ information procedure

verification, the customer service officer at call center, shall process the following

customer and operators request;

 Change in language
 Change customer account status into ,frozen, suspended
 Resend customer voucher (it can be cash in voucher, cash out voucher
and send money to unregistered customer voucher
 Review transaction
 Review customer balance(current balance, available balance, Reserved
balance and unclear balance)
 Review audit log
 Review customer profile/customer information
 Review Reversal request
 Review customer beneficiary list

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Section Ten:
CBE Birr Accounting procedure

10. Accounting Procedure for CBE Birr Services

10.1 CBE Birr Account Types and Description
10.1.1 Customer and organization Account
a) Individual Customer account

A customer accounts are opened and owned by an individual customers referring

unique customer Phone numbers or ID.

b) Agent account

An agent accounts used for agents, who serve individual customers on behalf of the
bank and earns commission from CBE birr transaction. Agent account includes

1) Agent account ZERO D RAFT

2) Agent Float account

3) Agent commission received Account
4) Agent commission held account
5) Agent commission payable account
c) Merchants account

A trading account for merchant is used to receive payments for goods and service, and
make refund to customer’s payments. Merchant account includes

1) Merchant Float account

2) Merchant account

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d) Billers Account

Billers account are accounts open for biller organization that allows a customer to
initiate a non-face to face transaction to pay for different kinds of bills, tickets,
subscriptions and services using CBE Birr system . Billers accounts includes

1) Organization account for Billers

2) Utility account
e) Airtime purchase Account

Airtime purchase account is an organization or mobile network operator account which

registered to provide air time top up service for CBE Birr customer. Airtime account

1) ET airtime purchase account

10.1.2 CBE Birr internal account


CBE BIRR accounts include receivable, payable, and bank internal accounts that helps to
run the CBE Birr services smoothly

a) Account Payable

A balance in a Payable Accounts which is owed by the CBE Birr for fund collected in
advance from Customer.

1) CBE Birr holding account

2) Commission Payable Accounts
b) Suspense account

A suspense account is an account created and maintained in CBE Birr system in which the
amounts are temporarily recorded. These account include

1) CBE Birr Revenue Settlement Account

2) CBE Birr withdrawal holding account

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c) Income account

An account maintained for a particular item of revenue or income. It includes

1) CBE Birr Airtime Commission Received Account

2) CBE Birr charge received account and
3) CBE Birr unclaimed account.
d) Expense account

An expense accounts are created and maintained within CBE BIRR system. These accounts
show the expense accrue on its day-to-day business transaction costs. This account

1) CBE Birr Commission paid Account

e) Control account

Control account is an account which is associated with a trust bank account and reflects the
CBE BIRR's funds in the trust bank account ( T24 System ).

1) CBE Birr Control Account ZERO D RAFT

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10.1.3 CBE Birr Account Detail

Account Type specifies the usage of an account and pre-defined in the CBE Birr

Normal Negative Sharable

Account Type Identity Description
Position Balance 37

An account used as a
CBE Birr Account CBE Birr Debit Allowed working capital account for
CBE Birr

An account used as a
Not Not
Customer Account Customers Credit working capital account for
Allowed Involved

An account used for

Agent Agent Credit NO creation and withdraw for
organizations / agents.

A trading account for CBE

Birr Agent used to serve
customers and
organizations, including
Not Cash in/Out, Business
Float Agent Credit NO
Allowed Withdraw, Business
Deposit, Organization inter-
account transfer and
Organization Airtime

Commission An account for CBE Birr

Received (charge Agent Credit NO Agent to receive the
received) commissions from CBE Birr

A trading account for ethio

telecom to receive
Airtime Organization Credit NO payments or make refund
for airtime purchase

Not A trading account for CBE

Utility Organization Credit NO Birr C2B and B2C business
organizations to receive

Sharable account balance may share with the organizational hierarchy

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Normal Negative Sharable

Account Type Identity Description
Position Balance 37

payments from and make

payments to customers,
including bill payment and
salary payment services.

A trading account for

merchant organizations to
Merchant Merchant Credit NO receive payments for goods
from and make refund
payments to customers

An account used for

aggregator agency head
offices to hold the
Commission Held Top Agent Credit NO commission due to its
independent stores/ agent
before it is released by the
CBE Birr

An account used for

aggregator agency head
Commission Not
Top Agent Credit NO offices to pay commission

Payable Allowed
due to its independent
stores /agent.

Cash account that reflects a

Not bank trust account
Control CBE Birr Debit YES
Involved underpinning the CBE Birr’s

A staging account for

Withdrawals Not Not withdrawal requests to be
CBE Birr Credit
Holding Allowed Involved allocated to a control

Supports the revenue

Revenue Not
CBE Birr Credit YES settlement process for CBE
Settlement Involved

Holds the commission

Commission Not Not
CBE Birr Credit received from all
Received Allowed Involved
transaction fees.

Air time CBE Birr Credit Holds the commission

Not Not
Commission received from air time

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Normal Negative Sharable

Account Type Identity Description
Position Balance 37

Received Allowed Involved transaction fees.

Represents the value of all

commissions CBE Birr paid
Commission Paid CBE Birr Debit YES to organizations for
providing CBE Birr services
to customers

Holds the withholding tax

Not Not collected by the CBE Birr on
Withholding Tax CBE Birr Credit
Allowed Involved commission payments to

Not An account used to hold

Holding CBE Birr Credit Allowed dormant customers

An account used to hold the

customer fund transferred
Not from dormant account. And
Allowed Not
Unclaimed CBE Birr Credit then holding account

balance kept for a specified

period and then moves to
unclaimed account

An IMT working account is

an accounts that record all
IMT Working
Organization Debit YES transfers received and
credited to Customer

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10.1.4 CBE Birr Conventional Bank account

The balance found in customer , agent , and merchant in CBE Birr account shall be
reconcile with control account maintained in CBE Birr System .Thus, to assure the
right balance on values on CBE Birr System , the corresponding conventional bank
account maintain in T24 (Core Banking ) system . The conventional Bank accounts
a) Trust Bank account

A Trust Bank account is a conventional account maintain in T24 (Core Banking)

System correspondent to control account maintained in CBE Birr System.
 CBE Birr Trust Account
b) CBE Birr Asset account

A CBE Birr account is a conventional account maintain in T24 (Core Banking)

System to record the net value or asset capitalized from CBE Birr service
 CBE Birr Asset Account ZERO D RAFT

c) CBE Birr Settlement account

A settlement account maintain in each CBE branch and corresponds with the branch
account maintained in CBE Birr System.
 CBE Birr Settlement account
d) CBE Birr Claim on IMT

A Claims on International Money transfer (IMT) account is a conventional account maintain

in T24 (Core Banking) System correspondent to IMT organization account maintained in
CBE Birr System.
 CBE Birr Claim on IMT
e) CBE Birr IMT Commission Account

A Commission on International Money transfer (IMT) is held on conventional bank account

maintain in T24 (Core Banking) System.
 CBE Birr Commission on IMT

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f) IMT Correspondent Account (USD)

An account correspondent to our account found in abroad, which is used to maintain funds
inflow through International Money transfer, and reconcile with Claims on International
Money transfer (IMT) account.
 CBE Birr IMT Correspondent account
g) Claim on Utility Account

An account maintained in conventional bank system on behalf of the utility companies and
reconciles with the balance accrue on an account held in CBE Birr System.
 CBE Birr Air Time advance paid account
 CBE Birr Claim on utility account /Air Time Account
h) CBE Birr expense account

An expense account maintained in conventional bank system in the name of CBE Birr, and
corresponds to CBE birr charge paid or expenses account.
 CBE Birr Expense Account
i) CBE Birr Revenue account

A revenue account maintained in conventional bank system in the name of CBE Birr, and
corresponds to CBE birr commission received or revenue account.

 CBE birr commission received or revenue account

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10.1.5 CBE Birr Conventional Bank account detail

Account Type Belongs to Normal Position Overdraw

Trust Account CBE Birr Credit Not allowed
Asset Account CBE Birr Debit Not allowed
Settlement account CBE Birr Debit
Claim on IMT CBE Birr Debit Not allowed
IMT Correspondent CBE Birr/ in the Name of
Debit Not allowed
account IMT Agency
Claim on utility CBE Birr / Air Time Credit
Not allowed
account Account
Air Time advance CBE Birr / Air Time Debit
Not allowed
paid account Account
Revenue account CBE Birr Credit Not allowed

10.2 CBE Birr Account Balance


Considering multiple transactions may access the same account simultaneously, the
movement between accounts in the system adopts different status. In this case,
the account balances are classified into Current Balance, Available Balance,
Reserved Balance and Unclear Balance.

A. Current Balance: indicates a balance found in an account.

Current Balance = Available Balance + Reserved Balance

B. Available Balance: indicates a working balance of an account.

Available balance is the balance amount that is available on account and will be
affected as credit or debit party transaction.

C. Reserved Balance: indicates locked / blocked balance of an account.

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Reserved balance is the balance amount that has been reserved but has not been
debited when an account participates in a transaction as the debit party.

D. Unclear Balance: indicates the amount to be settled.

Unclear balance is the balance amount that has been reserved from the account of
the debit party but has not been credited to the account of the credit party when
the account participates in a transaction as the credit party.

10.3 CBE Birr Account status Types of Account status

The CBE Birr account status is classified based on the following scenario

Account Description Condition


New Default status when an Account is created.

a Product is assigned to a customer or At time of customer , agent and Merchant account
Agent , the system creates the Accounts opening


Active A normal Account under normal operating Account frequently used


Suspended A Suspended Account can accept credit but A customer , agent and Merchant account at any time
not used in a debit transaction account. can be suspended by the CBE birr operators as found
contrary to the service procedure

Frozen A Frozen Account cannot handle either A customer , agent and Merchant account at any time
credit or debit transactions account. can be Frozen by the CBE birr operators as found
contrary to the service procedure

Closed The Account in this status cannot be used, A customer, agent and Merchant account at any time can
but still appears in search results be closed by the CBE birr operators or CBE Birr system.

Dormant If one customer, agent and Merchant A customer , agent and Merchant account at any time
expires due to inactivity for a configured can be Dormant after passing of ageing of account status
period of time, the system changes its
Accounts to this status; these Accounts If one customer or organization changes its status from
cannot be used unless the associated “Active” to “Dormant”, the system changes its associated
customer or organization is reactivated. Accounts status to “Dormant” automatically. If the
customer and Organization cannot perform frequent
transaction at list for one year and Six Months

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10.4 Customers, Agent and Merchant Accounting Entries

10.4.1 Transaction

Transaction is in which moving principal amount between two accounts of customer

(s) or/and Agents / Merchant (s), each transaction has a unified transaction ID in
CBE Birr system. The parties and account involved in CBE Birr Transaction are:

a) Initiator,
b) Credit party and
c) Debit party
10.4.2 Transaction Status
A transaction will progress from one status to another status only in a predefined
order which will depend on the built-in process that needs to be performed. A
transaction must always be in one of the following pre-defined states, which is not

configurable. If the state is internal only, any transaction will not be stuck in the

Transacti Description Funds Movement

on Status
Initiated This is a system status that will not be visible to a funds not effected
user, first status for a new transaction in progress
Internal state only.
Declined the state when the initiated transaction fails the limit funds not effected
rule validation, and failure on other business rules
validation like insufficient balance
Validated The transaction passes limit rules and other business Funds reserved on
rules validation like balance check, customer/Agent debit accounts and
/Merchant status check, account status check etc. marked pending on
After the transaction is validated, funds are reserved credit accounts after
from the debit accounts and marked pending for the transaction is
credit accounts. validated

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Transacti Description Funds Movement

on Status
Internal state only that will not be visible to a user
Pending The state when the transaction is pending manual Funds already
authorizati authorization in situation where a maker/checker reserved from debits
on activity is applied to the transaction. account and marked
pending on credit
A maker-checker task is created.
Canceled The state when the transaction is canceled by the Reserved fund is
checker in the state of “Pending Authorization” (in released.
situation where a maker/checker activity is applied
to the transaction), or is cancelled automatically in
the state of “Authorized” due to failed response from
third party system or delivery acknowledgement
failure or is cancelled manually due to response from
third party system timeout and finally confirmed
failed offline.
Authorized The state when the transaction in Pending Funds already
Authorization status is approved by the checker in reserved from debits
situation where a maker/checker activity is applied

account and marked

to the transaction. The transaction in this state is pending on credit
pending completion either by a delivery ack or/and accounts
an external response, e.g. response of airtime
recharge request.
If no maker-checker flow is required, the transaction
status will change from “Validated” to “Authorized”
Expired Transaction in Pending Authorized status is not funds unreserved
handled by the operation within a specified expiry
period. The transaction will get expired.
Authorized transaction was not completed within
specified expiry period for example due to the
timeout external response.
Completed the state when all the debits and credits have been funds movements
applied successfully and the transaction is completes
considered successfully completed
If no delivery acknowledgement or external response
is required, the transaction state will change from

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Transacti Description Funds Movement

on Status
authorized to complete immediately after the
checker approved the transaction.
If delivery acknowledgement or external response is
required, the transaction state will change from
authorized to complete after successful delivery
acknowledgement or external response is received.


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10.5 Transaction Reversal

Completed transaction that status is “Completed” can be reversed once. The

reversal is a transaction too, and the reversal transaction can reverse the principal
transaction amount, the charge and tax. The reversal transaction needs linked to
the original transaction in CBE Birr System.

10.6 Transaction Entries

This section provides information on the accounting entries that are generated for the
CBE Birr transaction types:

a) Customer Cash in service

1) Principal Transaction
Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent Float account XXXX

Customer account ZERO D RAFT


2) Charging rule for cash in service

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX

Agent commission received account XXXX

b) Customer cash out service

1) Principal transaction

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer Account XXXX

Agent float account XXXX

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2) Charging rule for cash out service

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer Account XXXX
CBE Birr Charge received account XXXX
CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX
Agent commission received account XXXX

c) Send Money to register customer (P2P)

1) Principal

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer A account XXXX

Customer B account XXXX

2) Charging rule ZERO D RAFT

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer Account XXXX

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

d) Sends Money to unregister customer (P2P)

1) Principal

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer account XXXX

Unregistered Customer account XXXX

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2) Charging rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer account XXXX

CBE Birr charge Received account XXXX

CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX

CBE Birr commission payable account XXXX

Unregister become register Customer, The liable commission back to CBE Birr when
the voucher code expired

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr commission payable account XXXX


CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

e) Business Deposit (B2B)

1) Principal

Principle transaction with in Agent with and without hierarchy, and can be inter and
intra account

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Source Agent float account XXXX

Destination Agent float account XXXX

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2) Charging rule

Business deposit at agent service charge collected from the agent who make deposit,

Virtual Account
Debit Credit
Destination Agent charge paid account

CBE Birr charge received account


Commission for Business Deposit shall goes to agent who receive the deposit,

Virtual Account
Debit Credit
CBE Birr commission paid account
Source Agent commission received account

f) Business withdrawal
1) Principal

Credit/Debit party for Business withdrawal with or without the Hierarchy principal
transaction, and can be inter and intra account

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Source Agent float account XXXX

Destination Agent float account XXXX

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2) Charging rule

Business withdrawal service charge collected from Agent wants to withdraw

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Source Agent charge paid account XXXX

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

Business withdrawal Commission paid to the Agent who provide the money,

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX
Destination Agent commission received

g) Payment ZERO D RAFT

I. Buy Goods
1) Buy goods service Principal transaction

Debit/ credit information for customer buy good transaction

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer Account XXXX

Merchant Float account XXXX

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2) Charging rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer/Merchant account XXXX

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

II. Buy Good Refund

1) Debit/ credit information for buy goods refund

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Merchant float account XXXX

Customer Account XXXX


2) Refund of charge rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr charge Received account

Customer/ Merchant account


3) Charging rule for buy goods refund

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Merchant /customer float account XXXX

SP charge received account XXXX

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III. Bill Payment (Customer )

1) Principal Transaction (Customer Pay Bill )

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer account XXXX

Bill issuer utility account XXXX

2) Charging rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer / Bill Issuer account XXXX

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

IV. Agent pay bill for customer (Pay bill OTC)


1) Principal transaction (Agent pay bill for customer (Pay bill OTC)

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent Float account XXXX

Bill issuer utility account XXXX

2) Charging Rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Bill issuer utility account XXXX
CBE Birr charge received account XXXX
CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX
Agent commission received account XXXX

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V. Agent Pay bill

1) Principal transaction (Agent pay bill)

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent Float account XXXX

Bill issuer utility account XXXX

2) Charging Rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Bill issuer utility account / Agent

charge paid

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

VI. Bulk Payment B2P (Salary Payment to registered customer


1) )Salary Payment to registered customer

Debit/Credit information for salary distribution

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent float account XXXX

Various customers’ account XXXX

2) Charging rule

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent charge paid account XXXX

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 106

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

VII. Bulk Payment B2P (Salary Payment to un registered customer)

1) Salary Payment to Unregistered Customer

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent float account XXXX

Unregistered Customer Account XXXX

2) Charging rule for the principal transaction

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent charge paid account XXXX

CBE Birr charge received account XXXX

CBE Birr Commission paid XXXX


CBE Birr commission payable account XXXX

3) Charging rule for unregistered customer cash out via voucher at Agent

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr commission payable
Agent commission received account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 107

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

h) Mobile Top Up
I. Self-Top UP
1) Principal

Credit/Debit party for Customer Purchase Airtime principal transaction

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer Account XXXX

Ethio – telecom airtime account XXXX

2) Charging rule for Customer Purchase Airtime

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Ethio- telecom account ZERO D RAFT


CBE Birr airtime commission

received account

II. Top UP at Agent

1) Credit/Debit information for Agent Airtime Sell principal transaction

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent float account XXXX

Ethio telecom account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 108

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

2) Charging rule Organization Airtime Selling

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Ethio telecom account XXXX

CBE Birr airtime commission

received account

CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX

Agent commission received


i) International Money Transfer Service

1) International Money Transfer (IMT) service principal transaction

Virtual Account Debit Credit

IMT Working Account XXXX

Customer Account XXXX

10.7 Exception Transaction

a) Moving closed account funds into CBE BIRR account
1) Account Balance Manual / Automated Recycle

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Customer account XXXX

CBE Birr Holding account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 109

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

2) Claims on Recycle Account balance /Refund

If the customer claim the amount recycle, the refund shall be

Virtual account Debit Credit

CBE Birr Holding account XXXX

Customer Account XXXX

3) No Claimants on Recycle Account balance within Reasonable Time

If no Claimants found within reasonable timeframe, the fund shall be

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr Holding account XXXX

CBE Birr Unclaimed account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 110

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

10.8 Commission and Revenue Settlement

a) Commission Settlement

All identity the commission payment Transactions settlement shall be,

1) Commission roll-up

All commission received by child Agent shall be roll up for top organization

I. For aggregator

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent Received account XXXX
Top Organization Held account XXXX

II. For centrally owned

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Agent commission Received account XXXX

Top Agent commission received account XXXX

2) Commission payment
I. For Top Agent

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Top Agent commission Received account XXXX

Top Agent float account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 111

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

II. For Agent

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Top Agent commission held account XXXX

Top Agent commission payable account XXXX

b) Claw-back Process

Before transferring a Commission from top Agent to Agent , Claw back process
shall be take place if any irregular or reversal transaction is found ;

I. From Top organization

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Top Agent commission received account XXXX


CBE Birr Commission Paid Account XXXX

II. From Agent

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Top Agent commission held account XXXX

CBE Birr Commission Paid Account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 112

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

c) Commission roll down

I. Commission Payment to Agent

Virtual Account Debit Credit

Top Agent commission payable account XXXX

Agent float account XXXX

10.9 CBE Birr Revenue Settlement

a) Income Settlement A transaction income earned by CBE Birr shall be kept in CBE Birr charge received
account, and shall be settled as follows;

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr charge Received account XXXX

CBE Birr settlement account XXXX

Air Time Commission Income ZERO D RAFT XXXX

CBE Birr settlement account XXXX

b) Cost Settlement A transaction expense incurred by CBE Birr shall be kept in CBE Birr commission
paid account, and shall be settled as follows;

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr settlement account XXXX

CBE Birr commission paid account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 113

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

c) Net Settlement In CBE Birr service, all transaction may generate in excess commission paid or may
not be. Hence, if the net transaction shows positive balance on settlement account
the following transaction shall adhere;

I. Positive Balance on Settlement Account (Revenue Settlement)

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr settlement account XXXX

CBE Birr Account XXXX

II. Negative Balance on Settlement Account (Net Liability


Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr account XXXX

CBE Birr Settlement account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 114

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure


Transaction Settlement with Regular /Conventional account

Initial balance in CBE Birr account shall be created via a transfer of funds from the
conventional bank account or cash deposit, and/or any excess fund found in the
CBE Birr account is also drawn there to. The entry to manage a deposit and

a) Deposit/ deposit

Agent transfer or deposit funds on to the CBE Birr trust account maintained in
conventional bank account to deposit in CBE Birr System.

I. deposit at Core banking side

Conventional Account Debit Credit

Cash/ Agent/ CBE BIRR Account XXXX


CBE Birr trust bank Account XXXX

II. Deposit at CBE Birr System

Virtual Account Debit Credit

CBE Birr Control Account XXXX

Agent / Merchant /CBE Birr account XXXX

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 115

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure

b) Withdrawal
I. Withdrawal at CBE Birr System

Account Debit Credit

Agent / CBE Birr account XXXX

CBE Birr withdrawal holding account XXXX

CBE Birr withdrawal holding account XXXX

CBE Birr control account XXXX

II. Withdrawal at Core banking side


Conventional Account Debit Credit

Trust bank account XXXX

Agent /CBE BIRR bank Account XXXX

10.11 Transaction settlement for third party

The third party account balance transaction settlement with conventional bank
account shall adhere all the deposit and withdrawal principle mentioned above and
the banks procedure to maintain account balance at core banking system.
The Third party accounts which is CBE Birr Teams are;
 Claims on International Money Transfer
 Claims On Air Time
 Claims on Billers Account (for Bill payment only).

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page 116

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia- CBE Birr Service Procedure


CBE Birr Customer Account opening

Application Form –CBE Birr-0001
CBE Birr Document delivery Forms/Sheet –CBE Birr -0002
CBE Birr Agent account opening Application Form -0003
CBE Birr Agent operator user access request form -0003/1
CBE Birr Agent detail confirmation sheet -0004
CBE Birr Agent Certificate CBE Birr -0004/1
CBE Birr Merchant application Form & terms and condition CBE Birr -0006
CBE Birr Merchant Operator user access request form CBE Birr -0006/1
CBE Birr Agent and merchant Branding activity report –CBE Birr 0007
CBE Birr Agent Performance Monitoring–CBE Birr -0008
CBE Birr Agent service Cancellation/ termination form CBE Birr -0009
CBE Birr cash in / out Receipt –CBE Birr- 0010
CBE Birr Agent transaction record /log book-CBE Birr-0011
CBE Birr User access request application –CBE Birr 0015
CBE Birr Service Bulk Customer account opening Form –CBE Birr 0016

CBE Birr Service Procedure Page i

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሲቢኢ ብር
CBE Birr
የደንበኛ ሒሳብ መክፈቻ ቅፅ
Customer Account Opening Application

የደንበኛው ሞባይል ቁጥር

Applicant Mobile No.
ስም የአባትስም የአያትስም
Name Father name Grandfather name

የትውልድ ቦታ የትውልድ ዘመን date of Birth ፆታ

place of birth (ዓ.ም/ወር/ቀን) (yyyy/mm/dd) Gender
ሴት ወንድ
-----------/-------/-------- female Male
ከተማ ስልክቁጥር ፋክስቁጥር ፖ.ሳ.ቁ ኢሜል አድራሻ
ክ/ከተማ/ወረዳ/ቀበሌ Tel. number Fax number Postal number Email Address

የመታወቂያቁጥር መታወቂያውን የሰጠው አካል የጋብቻ ሁኔታ

ID number ID issued by

ያላገባ ያገባ በፍቺ የተለየ በሞት የተለየ ሌላ

single married Divorce Widow Other

የትምህርት ደረጃ
Educational level

የወኪል መለያቁጥር
Agent ID No
የወኪል ስም
Agent Name

የአመልከችፊርማ ቀን
Applicant Signature Date
ለባንክ/ ለወኪል አገልግሎት ብቻ
For Bank use only
ስም ፊርማ
Name Signature
Checker / CSM
የቅርንጫፍ ተቆጣጣሪ
Branch controller

CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
I declare that all the information in this form is up to date, true
Terms and Conditions for Applying CBE-Birr and correct. I understand that should any of the information
ACCOUNT declared, be found to be inaccurate or incorrect, the law may
1. According to Directive No FIS/01/2012 a person’s balance take its course against me. I certify that I would join the CBE
in his/her CBE-Birr account shall not exceed Birr --------- Mobile Money service under the terms, conditions and CBE
and daily mobile banking transaction shall not exceed Birr policy and Procedure. I have read and understood the terms and
--------------. conditions and I accept them.
2. Enable you open and operate CBE-BIRR bank account
through your mobile phone, via CBE-BIRR Agents, Customer Name and Signature
without having to visit banks or fill out any forms.
3. The customer must provide sufficient proof of __________________________.
identification, at the time of service delivery and when it is
ደንብና መመሪያ
4. Customers are charged for CBE-BIRR service at the rates 1. በኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ መመሪያ ቁጥር FIS/01/2012 መሠረት
published from time to time on the aforesaid CBE-Birr እያንዳንዱ የሲቢኢ ብርደንበኛ በሒሳቡ ውስጥ ከ--------------- ብር በላይ
Website and Agent Store. ማስቀመጥ አይችልም፡፡ የቀን የሞባይል ባንክ የገንዘብ ዝውውሩም ከ------
5. Applicable Charge will be deducted from the customer’s ------ ብር በላይ መብለጥ የለበትም፡፡
accounts by CBE-Birr on conclusion of each transaction 2. ደንበኛው የሲቢኢ ብር ሂሳብ ስልኩን በመጠቀም እና *847# በመደወል
and the new account balance shall be notified to customer ወይም በአቅራቢያው ከሚያገኘው የባንኩ ወኪል በመሄድ የባንኩ ደንበኛ
መሆን ይችላል፡፡
by SMS.
3. ደንበኛው አገልግሎት በሚያገኝ ጊዜ አስፈላጊ ሆኖ ሲገኝ የመታወቂያ
6. The customer will be liable to pay applicable commission
ካርዱን ማሳየት አለበት፡፡
for the use of account services to be deducted directly from 4. ደንበኛው የአገልግሎት ክፍያ መጠን ከባንኩ ድህረ ገፅ ወይም ከአቅራቢያ
the customer account. ካለው የባንኩ ወኪል ማግኘት ይችላል፡፡
6.1 Load E- fund with cash through a participating agent 5. ከደንበኛው የሞባይል ሂሳብ ለሚቀነሱ ማንኛውም የአገልግሎት ክፍያዎች
outlet and / or branches ሆነ ቀሪ ሂሳብ ደንበኛው በአጭር የፅሁፍ መልዕክት ይደርሰዋል፡፡
6.2 Send money to registered or unregistered customer 6. ደንበኛው ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት የሞባይል ባንክ አገልግሎቶች
6.3 Withdraw cash from his/her account through agent የአገልግሎት ክፍያ መኖሩን መገንዘብ አለበት
6.4 A customer shall pay bill and buy goods from the 6.1 ደንበኛው በባንኩ ቅርንጫፍ እና ወይም ወኪል አማክይነት ወደ
selected merchant ሞባይል ሂሳቡ ገንዘብ ሲያስተላልፍ ፡፡
6.2 ወደ ሌላ ደንበኛ ወይም ደንበኛ ላልሆነ ገንዘብ ሲልክ፡፡
7. The customer is obliged to notify the bank immediately if
6.3 የባንኩ ወኪልን በመጠቀም ከሞባይል ሂሳቡ ገንዘብ ሲያወጣ፡፡
any damage, loss or theft occurs on his/her registered SIM
6.4 ደንበኛው ከተመረጡ ነጋዴዎች ሲገበያይም ሆነ የተለያዩ ክፍያዎችን
card; so that the bank would be able to block the account ሲከፍል፡፡
opened in the connection to the damage, lost or stolen SIM 7. ደንበኛው የሞባይል ስልኩ ቢጠፋ / ቢሰረቅ የሚጠቀምበት ሲም ካርድ
card, until such time that the customer fixes replacement of ቢበላሽ ከኢትዮ ቴሌኮም ሌላ ተተኪ እስከሚሰጠው ድረስ ለባንኩ
the same with ETHIO-Telecom. በአፋጣኝ ሪፖርት እንዲያደርግና የደንበኛው የሲቢኢ ብር ሂሳቡን Block
8. Customers are responsible to keeping their PIN and Secret እንዲሆን ማድረግ አለበት፡፡
Word and will be responsible for all transaction effected 8. ደንበኛው ለሲቢኢ ብር የሚጠቀምበትን የይለፍ ቃል እና የምስጢር ቁጥር
using their PIN whether authorized by them or not. ለሌላ ወገን መስጠት የለበትም፡፡ ይህን ተከትሎ ለሚመጣ ችግር ባንኩ
9. The bank reserve its right so as to suspend or terminate the ተጠያቂ አይደለም፡፡
9. ደንበኛው የሞባይል ሂሳቡን ባንኩ ከፈቀደው አገልግሎት ውጪ
account service if the customer uses the account for
ቢጠቀምበት ባንኩ የሞባይል ሂሳቡ መዝጋት ፣ ማገድና መያዝ ይችላል፡፡
unauthorized purpose.
10. ይህ የሞባይል ሂሳብ በሚመለከት ባንኩ ፣ ከኢትዮ ቴሌኮም ለሚያገኘው
10. The bank reserve its right to amend or modify this term and ማንኛውም የደንበኞች ግላዊ መረጃ ደንበኛው ሙሉ ፍቃድ የሰጠ ነው፡፡
condition when it deems necessary. ይህም ባንኩን ተጠያቂ አያደርገውም፡፡
11. For any Personal data taken form Ethio telecom and CBE 11. ባንኩ ይህንን ደንብና መመሪያ አስፈላጊ ሆኖ ሲገኝ ሊያሻሽል ይችላል፡፡
use the information for CBE Birr service is upon Customers 12. ደንበኛው ለሚያነሳቸው ጥያቄዎች 951 በመደወል ሙሉ መረጃ ማግኘት
willingness and bank shall not be liable. ይችላል፡፡
12. The customer shall get full information with dialing call
center 951.

CBE Birr Customer Account opening Application Form –CBE Birr-0001

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
CBE Birr
ሰነድ ማስተላለፊያ ፎርም
Document delivery Forms/Sheet

የወኪል ገለጻ

Agent Detail

የወኪል ስም የወኪል መታወቂያ

Name Agent ID

ስልክቁጥር/Telephone ኢሜል/E Mail

የሰነዱ አይነት ሰነዱ የተላለፈበት ቀን የተላለፈው የዶክመንት ብዛት አስተያየት

Type of Document Date Document Delivered Number of Application Remark

የደንበኛ መመዝገቢያ ቅፅ እና የመታወቂያ ኮፒ

Customers application and

ID card copy

የአስተላላፊውወኪልስም ስልክቁጥር

Delivered by telephone

የተላለፈበት ቀን/ Delivery Date: ………………………… ፊርማ/Signature……………………………


ሰነዱንየተቀበለውቅርንጫፍስም/Branch name

ስም/Name ፊርማ/Signature


Received by


Branch controller

CBE Birr Document delivery Forms/Sheet –CBE Birr -0002

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሲቢኢ ብር
CBE Birr
ለወኪል የተጠቃሚ መለያ መስጫ ቅፅ
User Access Request Form – Agent Organizations

የወኪል ስም/Agent Name Current Role Expected Role (IN CBE Birr)
የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር/Agent short code
ስም የአባት ስም የአያት ስም New User Top Organization Administrator

Top Organization Administrator Child Organization Admin

Name Father Name Grandfather Name
Child Organization Admin WEB transaction Manager

WEB transaction Manager TOP organization Till Operator

የትውልድ ዘመን (ዓም/ወር/ቀን)
Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD) TOP organization Till Operator Child organization Till Operator
የመታወቂያ አይነት/ID Type
የመታወቂያ ቁጥር/ID number Child organization Till Operator WEB operator
የመልእክት መቀበያ አይነት ኢሜል አጭር የሞባይል የፅሁፍ
Preferred Notification Channel Email መልእክት WEB operator Auditor
SMS ___________________
የሰራተኛው ስልክ ቁጥር/ የሰራተኛው ፊርማ
Employee Phone number Employee signature
Auditor Deactivate user temporary
የሰራተኛው ኢሜል አድራሻ
Employee Email address
የወኪሉ ስልክ ቁጥር
Agent Phone Number Disable user Permanent
የተሰጠኝን የሲቢኢ ብር በዌብ እና ወይም በሞባይል አገልግሎት መስጠት የሚያስችል የተጠቃሚ መለያ እና መብት በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ የሲቢኢ ብር መመሪያ መሰረት ለመጠቀም ተስማምቻለሁ፡፡
By Using CBE Birr web portal and or USSD with my access right , I agree to comply for terms of Use , security policy and Privacy policy of CBE
የፈቃጁ ስም የፈቃጁ ስም
Authorized person Name Authorized person Name

ፊርማ:/ Signature ፊርማ:/ Signature

CBE Birr Agent operator user access request form -0003/2

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሲቢኢ ብር
CBE Birr
የወኪል ሒሳብ መክፈቻ ቅፅ
Agent Account opening Application

የድርጅቱ ስም
Company name
የንግድ አይነት
Business type
ቁጥር የተሰጠበት ቀን አገልግሎቱ የሚያበቃበት
Number Issue date ቀን
Expire date
የንግድ ፍቃድ
Trade licence
ግብር ከፋይ መለያ ቁጥር
Tax payer ID No
የቢሮ አድራሻ
Office address
ከተማ ስልክ ቁጥር ፋክስ ቁጥር ፖ.ሳ.ቁ ኢሜል አድራሻ
City Tel. number Fax number Postal number Email Address

የድርጅቱ ተወካይ መረጃ

Information of Authorized Agent’s representative
ስም የአባት ስም የአያት ስም
Name Father name Grandfather name

የመታወቂያ ቁጥር መታወቂያውን ከተማ ኢሜል ስልክ ቁጥር

ID number የሰጠው አካል City E -mail address Tel. number
ID issued by

የቅርንጫፍ ስም
Branch name
የወኪሉ ሒሳብ ቁጥር
Agent bank Account
ከላይ ለተጠቀሱት መረጃዎች እና ሰነዶች ትክክለኛ መሆናቸውን በፊርማዬ አረጋግጣለሁ፡፡
I acknowledge that all the particulars and information given in this application (and all documents referred or
provided therewith) are true, correct, complete and up to date in all respects and I have not Withheld any
information to the best of my knowledge.

የአመልከች ፊርማ ቀን
Applicant Signature Date
ለባንክ አገልግሎት ብቻ
For Bank use only
የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር
Organization short code
ስም ፊርማ
Name Signature
Checker / CSM
የቅርንጫፍ ተቆጣጣሪ
Branch controller

CBE Birr Agent / organization account opening Application Form -0003/1

CBE Birr Agent / organization account opening Application Form -0003/1
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Agent Contract

April, 2017
Addis Ababa
የውክልና ባንክ አገልግሎት ውል Agent Banking Service Agreement

ይህ ውል ከዛሬ__________ ቀን_______ ወር እ.ኤ.አ 20___ ከዚህ በኋላ This agreement is made on the Day of
“ባንክ” እየተባለ በሚጠራው የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ እና __________month, 20____ between COMMERCIAL
__________________________________________ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በስራ BANK OF ETHIOPIA (herein after referred as the
ፈቃድ ቁጥር ______________________ ከተመዘገበው እና ከዚህ በኋላ “Bank”) and _____________________________________
“ወኪል” (ተተኪዎቹን ወይም መብቱ የሚተላለፍላቸውን ይጨምራል) incorporated in Ethiopia with registration number
እየተባለ በሚጠራው መካከል የተደረገ ስምምነት ነው፡፡ ____________________ (herein after referred as the
“Agent” includes its successors and assigns).

1 ትርጓሜ 1 Definitions
በዘህ ስምምነት ውስጥ የተካተቱት ቃላት ትርጓሜ ለዚህ አገልግሎት The terms used in this agreement will have the
ተብሎ በተዘጋጀው የተጠቃሚዎች/የባንኩ መመሪያ መሰረት ይሆናል፡፡ meanings stated under the user guide/procedure of
the bank destined for this purpose.

2 ወኪሉ ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩትን አገልግሎቶች ይሰጣል 2 The Agent will provide the following services
ሀ. ደንበኞችን መዝግቦ ሂሳብ መክፈት a) Customer registration and account opening
ለ. የተቀማጭ ገንዘብ መቀበል b) Cash deposit (cash in)
c) Cash withdrawal (cash out)
ሐ. ገንዘብ ወጪማድረግ d) Cash transfer service
መ. ገንዘብ ማስተላለፍ e) Bill payment
ሠ. የአገልግሎት ክፍያዎችን መክፈል f) Salary/ Bulk payment
g) Customer Education
ረ. የደሞዝ ክፍያዎችን መክፈል
h) Perform any others services that permitted by
ሰ. ለደንበኞች የአገልግሎቱን አጠቃቀም ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጥ national bank of Ethiopia and notify by CBE
ሸ. ሌሎች በብሔራዊ ባንክ የተፈቀዱ የሲቢኢ ብር አገልግሎቶችንና Birr.
ሲቢኢ ብር ያሳወቃቸውን አገልግሎቶች መስጠት ይችላሉ፡፡
3 የወኪሉ ሀላፊነትና መብት 3 Responsibilities and Rights of Agent
ሀ. በተጠቀሰው የስምምነት ጊዜ ውስጥ ሲቢኢ ብር (CBE Birr) a) Provide the CBE Birr services to customers for
አገልግሎትን ለደንበኞች መስጠት፣ the duration of this agreement.
b) Use its best endeavors to register new
ለ. አዲስ ደንበኛን ለመመዝገብ ያላለሰለሰ ጥረት ማድረግ፣ customers for the CBE Birr services.
ሐ. እያንዳንዱ ግብይት (transaction) ከተፈጸመ በኋላ ደንበኛው c) Ensure that each Customer signs the Log
ለመመዝገቢያ በተዘጋጀው ሰነድ ላይ እና ሲቢኢ ብር (CBE Birr) Book/CBE Birr receipt upon successful
completion of a Transaction.
ደረሰኝ ላይ መፈረሙን ማረጋገጥ፣
d) Receive cash payments from Customers into the
መ. ከደንበኞች ጥሬ ገንዘብን በመቀበል እና ከእራሱ ከወኪሉ ሂሳብ ላይ Cash Float in exchange for credits to
ተመሳሳይ መጠን ያለው ገንዘብ በመቀነስ ወደ ደንበኛው Customer's E-Money Accounts with a
corresponding debit to the Agent Float and vice
የኤሌክትሮኒክ ሂሳብ (E-Money Account) ገቢ ማድረግ ወይም
ለደንበኛው በኤሌክትሮኒክ ሂሳቡ ውስጥ ያለውን ገንዘብ ወጪ e) In the event of insufficient sums available in the
በማድረግ በተመሳሳይ መልኩ በጥሬ ገንዘብ መክፈል፣ E-Money Float Account, the agent must deposit
a sum in the bank before carrying out

ሠ.በቂ የሆነ ገንዘብ በኤሌክትሮኒክ ሂሳቡ ውስጥ በማይኖርበት ጊዜ ሁሉ f) Shall only provide the CBE Birr Services using
ወኪሉ ግብይት ከመፈፀሙ በፊት ወደ ባንክ በመሄድ the tariffs as set out in price Schedule as may
be varied by the bank from time to time.
ወደኤሌክትሮኒክ ሂሳቡ ጥሬ ገንዘብ ማስገባት አለበት፡፡ g) Shall only provide the CBE Birr Services at the
ረ. ወኪሉ የሲቢኢ ብር አገልግሎትን ባንኩ ባስቀመጠው የዋጋ ዝርዝር agreed Outlets within any Transaction Limits
እና በየጊዜው በባንኩ በሚወጣው የዋጋ ማሻሻያ መሰረት ይሰጣል፣ placed on such Outlets.
h) Shall not assign any rights or responsibilities
ሰ. ባንኩ በፈቀደለት አካባቢ(ቅርንጫፍ) እና የግብይት የገንዘብ ጣሪያ
mentioned under this Agreement to any other
ወሰን ብቻ ወኪሉ የሲቢኢ ብር አገልግሎት ይሰጣል፣ person or entity.
ሸ.ወኪሉ በዚህ ውል ውስጥ የተመለከቱትትን መብትና ኃላፊነቶች ለሌላ i) Shall get an SMS confirmation for each
completed transaction from the bank. Only the
ሰው ወይም ድርጅት አያስተላልፍም፣
receipt of SMS confirmation will signify
ቀ.ወኪሉ ለእያንዳንዱ የተፈፀመ ግብይት የማረጋገጫ አጭር የፅሁፍ completed transaction.
መልእክት ከባንኩ ይደርሰዋል፡፡ ግብይቱ የተፈፀመ መሆኑ j) Shall not disclose any information,
የሚረጋገጠው አጭር የፅሁፍ መልክት ለወኪሉ ሲደርስ ብቻ ነው፡፡ documentation, data or know-how to any third
party without the written consent of the bank.
በ. ወኪሉ ማናቸውንም መረጃ፣ ሰነዶች ወይም በልምድ የዳበረ The Agent shall only use confidential
ንድፈሃሳብ ከባንኩ የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ ውጪ ለሌላ ለ3ኛ ወገን አሳልፎ information only related to the performance of
መስጠት አይችልም፡፡ ወኪሉ ሚስጢራዊ መረጃዎችን መጠቀም this agreement.
k) Shall be responsible for all Transactions
የሚችለው ከዚህ ውል አፈጻጸም ጋር በተገናኘ ብቻ ነው፡፡
undertaken using his/her user ID and PIN.
ተ.ወኪሉ የተሰጠውን የተጠቃሚ መለያ እና የሚስጥር ቁጥር በመጠቀም l) In the event of any theft or loss related to the
ለሚፈፀም ማንኛውም ግብይት ሙሉ ሃላፊነት ይወስዳል፡፡ performance of this agreement the agent shall
report to the bank.
ቸ.ከዚህ ውል አፈጻጸም ጋር በተገናኘ ማናቸውም ስርቆት ወይም ህገወጥ
m) Shall not undertake any transaction in cases
ድርጊት በሚፈጸምበት ወቅት ወኪሉ በአፋጣኝ ለባንኩ ሪፖርት where his/her account has no sufficient fund.
ያደርጋል፣ The agent will assume full responsibility for any
ኀ. ወኪሉ በቂ ገንዘብ በሂሳቡ ውስጥ ሳይኖር ምንም አይነት ግብይት amount due to his/her as a result of overdrawn
from his account.
መፈፀም የለበትም፡፡ ወኪሉ በሂሳቡ ውስጥ ካለው ተቀማጭ ገንዘብ n) Shall comply with all applicable laws, and anti-
በላይ በማናቸውም ምክንያት ገንዘብ ወጪ ቢያደርግ ሙሉ ኃላፊነቱን money laundering [AML] requirements.
ነ.ወኪሉ ሁሉንም በሥራ ላይ ያሉ ህጎችን እና ሕገ ወጥ የገንዘብ
ዝውውር ደንቦችን ያከብራል፡፡

4 የሲቢኢ ብር ሀላፊነትና መብት 4 Responsibility and Right of CBE Birr

ሀ. ወኪሎችን መምረጥና ልዩ የሆነ መለያ ቁጥር ሰጥቶ በአግባቡ መዝግቦ a) Selects and Assign each CBE Birr agents a
ማስቀመጥ unique identification number and keep up-to-
date records of its agents.
ለ. አንደየአስፈላጊነቱ ለወኪሎችና ሰራተኞቻቸው ስልጠና መስጠት b) If necessarily provide the training to the Agent
and its personnel
ሐ. የሲቢኢ ብር አገልግሎት የሚያስፈልጉ መገልገያዎችን ማቅረብ c) CBE Birr shall provide consumables for agent
banking service as deemed necessary
መ. በውሉ መሰረት የሲቢኢ ብር የጉርሻ ክፍያዎችን በወቅቱ መክፈል d) CBE Birr shall pay commission for agent with
in the agreed revenue settlement period
ሠ. በየጊዜው የሚወጡ ክፍያዎችን ተከታትሎ ማወቅ

e) notify the Agent of the Fee Amount applicable
from time to time

5 የወኪል ደህንነት 5 Agent Security

ሀ. ወኪሉ ማንኛውንም የሲም ካርድ መጥፋት ወይም ስርቆት a) In the event of any loss or theft of the Agent’s
ሲያጋጥመው አገልግሎት እንዳይሰጥ ለማድረግ ወዲያውኑ ለሲቢኢ SIM Card the Agent must notify immediately in
accordance with the CBE Birr in order that CBE
ብር ማሳወቅ አለበት ሲቢኢ ብርም ያልተፈቀደለት አካል Birr may disable the same to prevent its further
እንዳይጠቀምበት ለመከላከል ወዲያውኑ አገልግሎት እንዳይሠጥ unauthorized use. The Agent is responsible for
ያደርገዋል፡፡ ወኪሉም በፅሑፍ እስካላሳወቀ ድረስ በመሃከል any losses, costs and expenses incurred in the
period between the losses or theft of the
ለሚደርሰው ኪሳራ ወኪሉ ሙሉ ሃላፊነቱን ይወስዳል፡፡
Agent’s SIM Card and such time as CBE Birr
shall have received written notice of such loss
or theft.
ለ. ወኪሉ ተንቀሳቃሽ ስልኩን፤ የሚስጢር ቁጥሩን ፤ የይለፍ ቃሉንና
የሲቢኢ ብር አጠቃቀም መመሪያን በአግባቡ የመከተል ኃላፊነት b) The Agent is responsible for the safekeeping
and proper use of the Mobile Equipment, and
አለበት፡፡ ከዚህ ጋር በተያያዘ ለሚመጡት ጉዳቶች፤ ኃላፊነቶች፤
for keeping the PIN secret, password and for all
ኪሳራዎችና ወጪዎቸ ወኪሉ ሃላፊነቱን ይወስዳል፡፡ CBE Birr Instructions initiated using the PIN
and password. The Agent shall indemnify and
keep CBE Birr indemnified against any and all
actions, claims, demands, damages, liability,
costs and expenses as a result of any negligent
use of the Mobile Equipment or PIN and
6 የግብይት ገደብ 6. Transaction Limit
ሀ. የወኪሉ የግብይት ገደብ በባንኩ የግብይት ገደብ መሰረት ይሆናል፡፡ a) Agents transaction limit will be as per the banks
ለ. የወኪሉ የግብይት ገደብም እንደ ወኪሉ ደረጃ ይወሰናል limit schedule
b) Agent’s transaction limit will vary according to
the level of agent

7 የወኪል የስራ ሰዓት 7. Agent Business hour

ሀ. ወኪሉ አገልግሎቱን ከጠዋቱ -----------ሰዓት እስስከ ምሽቱ ------- a) The Agent will provide the service from
- ሰዓት መስጠት ይችላል፡፡ …………………. In the morning to …………………… night

8 የኤሌክትሮኒክስ መጠቀሚያዎች ቴክኒካል ገለጻ 8 Technical description of electronic devices;

ሀ. አንድ ወኪል በተንቀሳቃሽ ስልኩ በመጠቀም የሲቢኢ ብርን a. An agent can provide the CBE Birr service
አገልግሎት ማድረስ ይችላል Via mobile (USSD) channel
b. An agent can provide the CBE Birr service
ለ. አንድ ወኪል የመረጃ መረብን በመጠቀም የሲቢኢ ብርን አገልግሎት
Via web Portal (WEB)
ማድረስ ይችላል

9 የመዝገብ አያያዝ 9 Record keeping
ሀ. ወኪሉ አስፈላጊ የሆኑ መዝገቦችን፤ መረጃዎችንና ሰነዶችን በአግባቡ a) The agent shall at all-time ensure safe keeping
በመያዝ በአቅራቢያው ላለ የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ በመዝገብ of all relevant records, data, documents or files
or alternately, such records, data, documents or
ካሰፈርበት ቀን አንስቶ ከሁለት ሳምንት ባልበለጠ ጊዜ ውስጥ
files are shifted to the nearby branch which the
በአግባቡ ማስረከብ አለበት፡፡ agent initially registered with in two Weeks.

10 የሰው ሃብት 10 Human resource

ሀ. የወኪሉ ሰራተኞች እንደ ኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ሳይሆኑ a) Employees of an agent shall not be treated as
መብትና ግዲታቸው ባንኩና ወኪሉ በተዋዋሉት ስምምነት መሰረት employees of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia and
the rights and duties of such shall be agreed
between the bank and the agent.

11. የፍሎት/ የተንቀሰቃሽ ሂሰብ ባለቤትነት 11 Float Ownership

ይህ ውል ፀንቶ ባለበት ጊዜ ሁሉ የሲቢኢ ብር ፍሎት (ተንቀሳቃሽ . The CBE Birr Float shall at all times during the
ሂሳብ) ባለቤትነት የወኪሉ ይሆናል፡፡ ሆኖም ወኪሉ በሚፈፅመው Agreement Period be the property of the Agent and
ግብይት ሂሳቡ ሊቀንስ እና ሊጨምር ይችላል፡፡ shall vary in accordance with the Transactions
effected by the Agent.
12 የማስታወቂያ ዕቃዎች/ቁሳቁሶች እና የአእምሯዊ ንብረት መብት 12 Branding & promotional materials &
ሀ.ባንኩ አስፈላጊውን የማስታወቂያ ዕቃዎች በራሱ ወጪ አዘጋጅቶ . intellectual property rights
ያቀርባል፡፡ a) Bank shall provide all branding and promotional
ለ.ባንኩ ለአገልግሎቱ አስፈላጊ የሆኑ አላቂ መገልገያዎችን እንደ items at no cost to the agent.
አስፈላጊናቱ ያቀርባል፡፡ b) The bank shall provide consumables for agent
ሐ.ወኪሉ የተለያዩ የሲቢኢ ብር ማስታወቂያዎችን ምቹ በሆነ እና banking service as deemed necessary
ለማህበረሰቡ በሚታይ መልኩ ማስቀመጥ አለበት፡፡ c) The Agent shall display the promotional items
መ.ወኪሉ ማንኛውንም ከሲቢኢ ብር የንግድ ምልክት ፣ የንግድ ስም in a suitable place which is feasible to the
ወይም ሌሎች ምልክቶች ጋር ሊያሳስት በሚችል መልኩ ተመሣሣይነት public.
ያለውን የንግድ ምልክት መጠቀም የለበትም፡፡ d) The Agent shall not use any trademarks that are
confusingly similar to the Trademarks, Trade
names, or other signs of CBE Birr.
13. ኮሚሽን 13. Remuneration for the agent
ሀ.ባንኩ ለወኪሉ የሚሰጠውን ኮሚሽን መጠን ይወስናል፡፡ a) The Bank shall set commission for agent banking
ለ.ባንኩ ለአገልግሎቱ የሚከፍለው ኮሚሽን ላይ በማናቸውም ጊዜ service.
b) The bank reserves the right to amend the
ማስተካከያ ሊያደርግ ይችላል፡፡ የሚደረገው ማስተካከያ በባንኩ
commission at any time; the notice shall be
ድህረገፅ ላይ በግልፅ የሚቀመጥ ይሆናል፡፡ published at CBE official website.

14. ገቢን አስመልክቶ ማረጋገጫ ስላለመስጠት 14 No guaranteed Income
ወኪሉ የሲቢኢ ብር ግብይትን እስካልፈፀመ ድረስ ምንም አይነት ክፍያ No warranties or representations are made with
ከባንኩ የማያገኝ ሲሆን ከአገልግሎቱ የሚገኝ ገቢን ተሞርኩዞ ምንም regard to potential revenues that maybe earned by
the agent from the provision of the CBE Birr
አይነት ማረጋገጫ በቃልም ሆነ በፅሁፍ አይሰጥም፡፡
services unless transaction effected and no reliance
should be placed on any statements or projections
provided whether verbally or in writing in this

15 ስለካሳ 15 Indemnity
በዚህ ውል አለመከበር እንዲሁም በወኪሉ ሰራተኞች ወይም The agent shall hold the bank harmless for any
በማናቸውም ሶስተኛ ወገን ሆን ተብሎ ወይም በቸልተኝነት በሚፈጸም actual or consequential damages or legal costs
resulting from breach of this agreement by the
ማንኛውም ድርጊት ላይ ብቻ ሳይወሰን፤ ወኪሉ በባንኩ ላይ ለደረሰ እና
agent including but not limited to breaches caused
ሊደርስ የሚችል ማናቸውም ጉዳት ወይም የህግ ወጪዎች ለመካስ by any act, neglect or fault of the agent’s employees
ሙሉ ኃላፊነቱን ይወስዳል፡፡ or any third party claim in respect of any matter
arising from the agents conduct.

16 ገዢ ሕግ 16
Governing law
ይህ ውል በኢትዮጵያ ሕግ መሰረት የሚፈፀም ይሆናል፡፡ This agreement shall be governed in accordance
with the laws of Ethiopia.
17. ጠቅላላ ድንጋጌዎች 17. General Provisions
ሀ.ባንኩ ለዚሁ አላማ በሚል በሚያዘጋጀው መመሪያ መሰረት ወኪሎቹን a) The bank shall classify or categorize the agent as
ከደረጃ 1 እስከ 3 በማለት ይመድባል፡፡ level 1 up to 3 as per the bank’s procedure
destined for this purpose.
ለ. በሁለቱ ወገኖች መካከል የሚደረጉ ማንኛውም ማስታወቂያዎች
b) All notices or other communications as between
ወይም ግንኙነቶች በጹሁፍ መሆን አለባቸው፡፡ the parties shall be made in writing and delivered
ሐ. በዚህ ውል በሌላ አኳኋን ካልተገለጸ በስተቀር ከውሉ ድንጋጌዎች to the respective party.
c) Unless otherwise stated under this agreement,
ውስጥ የአንዱ ወይም የተወሰነው ክፍል አለመፈጸም የውሉን ድንጋጌ
the rights and remedies contained in it are
እንደተሻረ አያስቆጥረውም፡፡ cumulative and the failure to enforce any one or
መ. ከባንኩ የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ ካልደረሰው ወይንም በህግ ካልተጠየቀ more of the terms or conditions of this
በስተቀር ወኪሉ ሥራውን በተመለከተ ማስታወቂያ ማውጣት፤ agreement shall not be considered as a waiver.
d) Unless otherwise required by law the agent shall
ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ መስጠት ወይም ይህን ስምምነት ለሌላ ሦስተኛ not make or cause to be made any press release,
ወገን መግለጽ አይችልም፡፡ public announcement or disclosure to any third
party in respect of this agreement or the
transactions completed hereby or otherwise
ሠ. የብሔራዊ ባንክ/የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ ወኪሎች አገልግሎቱን
communicate with any news media without the
ለመስጠት በተስማሙበት የጊዜ ገደብ ውስጥ የወኪሉን የመስሪያ prior written consent and approval of the bank.
ቦታና ቅርንጫፎቹን ፤ የአገልግሎት አሰጣጡን፤ የሰነድ አመዘጋገቡን፤ e) National Bank/CBE shall have the right at any
time during the contract period to inspect the
አያያዙን ሪፖርት አደራረጉን በስምምነቱ መሰረት እየተካሔደ
Agent’s premises, Outlets and business
መሆኑን በማንኛውም ጊዜና የስራ ሰዓት ይከታተላሉ፡፡ operations (the internal systems, documents,
reports, records,) to ensure compliance with the
terms of this Agreement

18. ውሉን ስለማሻሻል 18 Amendment
በዚህ ውል ላይ የሚደረግ ማንኛውም ማሻሻያ ወይም ተጨማሪ ድንጋጌ Any amendments or additions to this agreement
በፅሁፍ ሆኖ በሁለቱም አካላት መፈረም አለበት፡፡ shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.
19. ውሉን ስለማፍረስ 19. Termination
ሀ.የኢትዮጵያ ብሔረዊ ባንክ ወይም የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ ውሉን a) Either the National Bank of Ethiopia or
በህግ አግባብ ወይም በባንኩ ደንብ እና መመሪያ መሠረት ሊሽሩት Commercial bank of Ethiopia may terminate this
ይችላሉ፡፡ agreement based on the applicable laws and by
ለ.ወኪሉ ይህን ውል ከጣሰ ወይም ማናቸውም ተፈጻሚነት ያለውን ህግ laws of the bank.
ወይም ደንብ ካላከበረ ባንኩ ወዲያውኑ ውሉን ሊያፈርሰው ይችላል፡ b) The bank may forthwith terminate this
፡ agreement, if the agent is in breach of this
ሐ.ወኪሉ ወይም ባንኩ በማናቸውም ጊዜ በቅድሚያ የሰላሳ (30) ቀን agreement, or any applicable law or regulation.
ማስጠንቀቂያ በጽሁፍ በመስጠት ውሉን ሊያፈርሱት ይችላሉ፡፡ c) The agreement may be terminated by the bank
or Agent at any time by providing not less than
30 Days’ notice.

20. አንድ ወኪል በሚከተሉት ምክንያቶች ከባንኩ ጋር ያለው ውል ሊቋረጥ 20 An agency contract shall be terminated
ይችላል፡፡ when:
ሀ. የውሉ ጊዜ በሚጠናቀቅበት ወቅት a) At compilation /expiry of agreement period
ለ. ወኪሉ ይህን የውል ስምምነት ጥሶ በሚገኝበት ወቅት b) In case of breaking of this agreement by the
ሐ. ወኪሉ ቀድሞ አገልግሎት ይሰጥበት የነበረውን ድርጅት በሚዘጋበት agent
c) when the agent’s principal commercial Activity
ወቅት has ceased;
መ. ወኪሉ በቀጥታም ሆነ በተዘዋዋሪ ከባንኩ ዕውቅና እና እዚህ ውል d) Agent found directly or indirectly charging
ላይ ከሰፈሩት ደንቦች ውጪ ደንበኛን በግሉ ሲያስከፍል የተገኘ ከሆነ፡ customers by itself without the knowledge of
the Bank and or against any of the predefined
ሠ. ወኪሉ በማጭበርበር ፣ እምነት በማጓደል ወይም በተለያዩ ጥፋቶች agreements entered with the bank
ላይ ወንጀለኛ ሆኖ ሲገኝ፡፡ e) Agent is guilty of a criminal offence involving
ረ. ወኪሉ የገንዘብ ኪሳራ ወይም ጉዳት በሚያጋጥመው ጊዜ እና ባንኩ fraud, dishonesty or other financial Impropriety;
f) Sustains a financial loss or damage to such a
ይህ ወኪል ኪሳራ ከደረሰበት ቀን አንስቶ እስከ ሶስት ወር ድረስ
degree which, in the opinion of
ከኪሳራው ያገግማል ብሎ ካላሰበ፡፡ g) The bank, makes it impossible for the agent to
ሰ. ወኪሉ ከህግ ቁጥጥር ውጪ በሚሆንበት ወቅት (ለህግ ተገዢ ሳይሆን gain its financial soundness within three
months from the date of the loss or damage;
በሚቀርበት ወቅት)
h) in case of a sole proprietor, dies or becomes
ሸ. ለግል ባለንብረቶች (ወኪሎች) ፤ ወኪሉ በሞት በሚለይበት ወቅት mentally incapacitated;
ወይም የአእምሮ ህመም ችግር በሚያጋጥመው ወቅት፡፡ i) Transfers, relocates or closes its place of agent
ቀ. ወኪሉ ከባንኩ የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ ውጪ የሲቢኢ ብር አገልግሎት banking business without the Prior written
consent of the Bank;
ይሰጥበት የነበረውን ቦታ ዘግቶ ወይም ቀይሮ በሚገኝበት ወቅት፡ j) Agent fails to hold or renew a valid business
በ. ወኪሉ የንግድ ፈቃዱን ሳያሳድስ በሚቀርበት ወቅት/ባልታደሰ የንግድ license;
ፈቃድ አገልግሎቱን ሲሰጥ በሚገኝበት ወቅት፡፡ k) Violates any provision of NBE directives as may
in the opinion of the
ተ. ወኪሉ በብሄራዊ ባንክ እና በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ የወጡትን
መመሪያዎች ጥሶ በሚገኝበት ወቅት፡፡

21. ስለአለመግባባት አፈታት 21. Dispute Settlement
በተዋዋይ ወገኖች መካከል የሚፈጠር ማናቸውም አለመግባት በእርቅ The parties will settle any dispute amicably. If the
ስምምነት ይፈታል፡፡ ሆኖም አለመግባባቱ በእርቅ ስምምነት ሊፈታ dispute will not be settled amicably, the matter will
ካልቻለ ጉዳዩ በኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራል ፍርድ ቤቶች የሚዳኝ ይሆናል፡፡ be referred to the Federal courts of Ethiopia.

22 ዉሉ የሚጀምርበትና ፀንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ 22 Term and Commencement

ይህ ውል ከተፈረመበት ቀን አንስቶ እስከ -----------ቀን ------------ . This agreement shall be effective until
ወር---------------ዓ.ም ድረስ በአንቀጽ 19 እና 20 በተዘረዘሩት ___________date ________month, 20____ commenced
ምክንያቶች ካልተሻረ በስተቀር ለአንድ አመት ጊዜ ፀንቶ የሚቆይና from the date written herein above unless
በየአመቱ የሚታደስ ይሆናል፡፡ terminated by the parties as per clause 11 and
must renewed annually
ሰለወኪሉ ስለባንኩ
For the Agent For the Bank
ስም ______________________________________________________________________ ስም _______________________________________________________________
Name Name
የሥራ ኃላፊነት _________________________________________________________ የሥራ ኃላፊነት __________________________________________________
Position Position
ፊርማ ፡ _________________________________________________________________ ፊርማ ፡ __________________________________________________________
Signiture: Signiture:


ስም ፊርማ
Name Signiture
1. _________________________________________ ________________

2. ________________________________________ ________________

የኢትዮጲያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
የውክልና ባንክ አገልግሎት የምስክር ወረቀት
Certificate of Agent Banking Service


የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር /AGENT ID

በኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ መመሪያ ቁጥር FIS Issued under the national bank of Ethiopia
/01/2012 መሰረት የተሰጠ የውክልና ባንክ የምስክር Regulation of Agent Banking Services
ወረቀት፡፡ Directives No. FIS /01/2012
Agent Name__________________________
የወኪል ስም ____________________________
Business Address______________________
የንግድ ስራው አድራሻ ______________________
Zone/Sub city_________Woreda_________
ዞን/ክፍለ ከተማ___________ወረዳ___________
kebele_____________House No_________
ቀበሌ_____________የቤት ቁጥር____________
Agent at the above address has duly been
ከላይ ስማቸው የተጠቀሰው ወኪል በተገለፀው የኮድ
principally registered under stated short code
ቁጥር ተመዝገበው የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክን የሲቢኢ ብር
to conduct CBE Birr services On behalf of
የውክልና ባንክ አገልግሎትን ከዛሬ _______
Commercial bank of Ethiopia. This principal
ቀን________ወር________ዓ.ም መስጠት የሚችሉ
certificate is issued this _________Day
መሆኑን እናረጋግጣለን፡፡
of_________20 -------

የቅርንጫፍ ስም / Issuing Branch

የስራ አስኪያጁ ስም/Manager Name የባንኩ ማህተም / Bank Stamp

ፊርማ /Signature ----------------------------

የእድሳት ዘመን
Renewed 2018, ------------------------2019, -------------------------2020, ---------------------------2021 -----------

2022------------------------------ CBE Birr Agent Certificate.

CBE Birr Merchant Agreement

[Company address]
ሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር CBE Birr
የነጋዴ ውል Merchant Agreement
ይህ ውል __________ ቀን_______ ወር እ.ኤ.አ 20___ ከዚህ በኋላ
This agreement is made on the Day of
“ባንክ” እየተባለ በሚጠራው የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ እና _____________month, 20_______ between COMMERCIAL
__________________________________በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በስራ ፈቃድ
BANK OF ETHIOPIA (herein after referred as the
ቁጥር ------------------ ከተመዘገበው እና ከዚህ በኋላ “ነጋዴ”
“Bank”) and ___________________________________________
(ተተኪዎቹን ወይም መብቱ የሚተላለፍላቸውን ይጨምራል) incorporated in Ethiopia with registration number
እየተባለ በሚጠራው መካከል ላልተወሰነ ጊዜ እንዲቆይ በሚል _________________________ (herein after referred as the
የተደረገ ነው፡፡ “merchant” includes its successors and assigns) for an
indefinite period.
1) ትርጓሜ Definitions
በዘህ ስምምነት ውስጥ የተካተቱት ቃላት ትርጟሜ ለዚህ The terms used in this agreement will have the
አገልግሎት ተብሎ በተዘጋጀው የተጠቃሚዎች ና የባንኩ meanings stated under the user guide/procedure of
የሥራ መመሪያ መሰረት ይሆናል፡፡ the bank destined for this purpose.
2) የነጋዴው ሀላፊነትና መብት Responsibility of the Merchant
ነጋዴው ፡- The Merchant:
2.1 በሲቢኢ ብር ክፍያ ለመፈፀም የሚመጡ ደንበኞችን 2.1 Shall permit all Customers, without
ጥያቄ ያለምንም አድሎ እና ቅድመ ክፍያ ማስተናገድ discrimination, to effect the CBE Birr transactions
without prior payment.
ይኖርበታል፡፡ 2.2 Shall display prominently, the brand name and
2.2 ባንኩ ከአገልግሎቱ ጋር ተያይዞ የሚያወጣቸውን logo of CBE Birr and all other marketing or
የተለያዩ የማስታወቂያ እና የግንዛቤ መስጫ ሰነዶች publicity materials that may be provided by CBE
በነጋዴው የስራ ቦታም ሆነ ድህረገፅ ላይ በሚታይ Birr, on or about the premises or website of the
መልኩ ማስቀመጥ ይኖርበታል፡፡ Merchant.
2.3 ነጋዴው በሲቢኢ ብር አማካኝነት የሚሰጣቸው 2.3 When carrying out each CBE Birr transaction, the
Merchant shall comply with the applicable rules
አገልግሎቶች ባንኩ በየጊዜው በሚያወጣቸው የስራ determined by CBE Birr which are in force at any
ደንቦች መሰረት መሆን አለባቸው፡፡ time during the term.
2.4 ነጋዴው በሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር አማካኝነት ለደንበኛው 2.4 Shall resolve directly with the Customer, any
ከሸጣቸው እቃዎች ወይም አገልግሎቶች ጋር በተገናኘ claims or complaints made by the Customer in
ለሚነሱ የገንዘብ ወይም ማናቸውም የይገባኛል respect of any purchase of goods, products or
ጥያቄዎች ነጋዴው በራሱ ኃለፊነቱን ይወስዳል፡፡ services made by way of CBE Birr Transaction.
2.5 በባንኩ የሚጠየቅ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ ካለ በተሸጠው 2.5 Shall not incorporate the Transaction Fee into the
selling price of the goods, products and services;
እቃ ወይም አገልግሎት ዋጋ ላይ መጨመር (if any).
የለበትም፡፡ 2.6 Shall not use the CBE Birr System to promote and
2.6 የ ሲቢኢ ብር ሲስተምን ህገወጥ ለሆነ እና የባንኩን conduct any fraudulent, immoral, illegal activities
ስም ሊያጎድፍ ለሚችል ተግባር ወይም የባንኩን or such activities that may infringe the intellectual
አእምሮአዊ ንብረት ለሚጥስ ተግባር መጠቀም property rights of the bank;
የተከለከለ ነው፡፡ 2.7 Shall provide the CBE Birr Services at the agreed
2.7 ባንኩ በፈቀደለት አካባቢ(ቅርንጫፍ) እና የግብይት Outlets within the transaction limits placed on
የገንዘብ ጣሪያ ወሰን ብቻ ነጋዴው የሲቢኢ ብር such Outlets.(if any)
አገልግሎቶችን ይሰጣል፣ 2.8 Shall get an SMS confirmation for each
2.8 ነጋዴው ለእያንዳንዱ የተፈፀመ ግብይት የማረጋገጫ completed transaction from the bank. Only the
አጭር የፅሁፍ መልእክት ከባንኩ ይደርሰዋል፡፡ receipt of SMS confirmation will signify
ግብይቱ የተፈፀመ መሆኑ የሚረጋገጠው አጭር completed transaction.
የፅሁፍ መልክት ለነጋዴው ሲደርስ ብቻ ነው፡፡ 2.9 Shall be responsible for all Transactions
2.9 ለነጋዴው የተሰጠውን የተጠቃሚ መለያ ስም እና undertaken using merchant operator user name,
የሚስጥር ቁጥር በመጠቀም ለሚፈፀም ማንኛውም ID Password and PIN.
ግብይት ነጋዴው ሙሉ ሃላፊነቱን ይወስዳል፡፡ 2.10 The Merchant shall not assign, in whole or in
2.10 ነጋዴው በዚህ ውል ውስጥ የተመለከቱትትን part its responsibility to any third party.
መብትና ኃላፊነቶች ለሌላ ሶስተኛ ወገን በከፊልም 2.11 Shall not disclose any information,
ሆነ በሙሉ አያስተላልፍም፡፡ documentation, data or know-how to any third
2.11 ነጋዴው ማናቸውንም መረጃ፣ ሰነዶች ወይም party without the written consent of the bank.
በልምድ የዳበረ ንደፈ ሃሳብ ከባንኩ የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ The Merchant shall use confidential information
ውጪ ለሌላ 3ኛ ወገን አሳልፎ መስጠት only related to the performance of this
አይችልም፡፡ ነጋዴው ሚስጢራዊ መረጃዎችን agreement.

መጠቀም የሚችለው ከዚህ ውል አፈጻጸም ጋር
በተገናኘ ብቻ ነው፡፡

3) የምዝገባ ቅድመ ሁኔታ Registration Requirements

3.1 ይህ ውል ከተፈረመ በኋላ ነጋዴው ሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር 3.1 Upon execution of this Agreement, the Merchant
እንዲሟሉ የሚጠይቃቸው የምዝገባ ቅድመ shall comply with all registration requirements as
ሁኔታዎችን በሙሉ በመቀበል ይሰራል፡፡ CBE Birr may in its discretion determine.
3.2 ሲቢኢ ብር ምዝገባው በተሳካ ሁኔታ መጠናቀቁን 3.2 Upon receipt of CBE Birr’s notification on the
ለነጋዴው ሲያሳውቅ ነጋዴው የሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር successful registration of the Merchant as an
አገልግሎቶችን መስጠት ይጀምራል፡፡ authorized Merchant of CBE Birr, the Merchant
may then commence to carry out the CBE Birr
4) የሲቢኢ ብር ሃላፊነት Responsibility CBE BIRR
ባንኩ ፡- The Bank:
4.1 ያልተፈቀደ የገንዘብ ወጪ በሚኖርበት ወቅት ባንኩ 4.1 has irrevocable right to debit merchant account in
ከነጋዴው ሂሳብ ያለምንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ የመቀነስ case of unauthorized overdraw of merchant E
መብት አለው፡፡ money account,
4.2 አስፈላጊውን ቴክኒካዊ እገዛ ይሰጣል፣ 4.2 Shall provide technical support to the merchant.
4.3 ከሌሎች ነጋዴዎችን ጋር የመስራት ሙሉ መብት 4.3 Reserves the right to appoint others as merchants.
አለው፣ 4.4 shall provide user guide, branding materials and
4.4 የአጠቃቀም መመሪያዎችን፤የማስታወቂያ ቁሳቁሶችን till number for the merchant;
እና ቲል ቁጥር ያቀርባል፣ 4.5 May at any time modify or extinguish the content
4.5 በሲቢኢ ብር መመሪያ ላይ በማንኛውም ጊዜ ለውጥ of the user guideline. However, the bank must
ሊያረግ ይችላል ነገር ግን ስለ ለውጡ ለነጋዴው communicate such change, and the content
ያሳውቃል፣ thereof, within a reasonable time.
4.6 ለነጋዴው በቅድሚያ በማስታወቅ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ 4.6 Reserve the right to impose a charge any time on
ሊጠይቅ ይችላል፡፡ merchant by giving prior notice.
5) ግብይት ስለመሰረዝ Transaction reversal
ነጋዴው ከዚህ በታች በተመለከቱት ተስማምቷል፡- The Merchant acknowledges that:
5.1 በነጋዴው እና በደንበኛው ስምምነት መሰረት ግብይት 5.1 Transaction reversal can be initiated by mutual
ሊሰረዝ ይችላል፣ agreement of the customer and the Merchant.
5.2 ባንኩ ማናቸውንም ግብይቶች ያለምንም ቅድመ 5.2 The bank reserves the right to reverse any
ሁኔታ የመሰረዝ ሙሉ መብት አለው፣ transaction by its own discretion.
5.3 ባንኩ ወይም የነጋዴው ዋና ኃላፊ የተሰረዘ 5.3 Reversal Transaction can be approved by either
ግብይቶችን ሊያረጋግጥ ይችላል፡፡ the bank or merchant administrator.
5.4 ነጋዴው በተንቀሳቃሽ ስልክ የተፈጸመ ግብይትን 5.4 The merchant shall not refund a Mobile payment
በጥሬ ገንዘብ መመለስ አይችልም፡፡ transaction in cash.
6) የነጋዴው የግብይት ጣሪያ The Merchant’s Floor Limit
6.1 ነጋዴው ያለምንም የግብይት ጣሪያ መስራት ይችላል 6 The Merchant is authorized to transact without a
6.2 ባንኩ የነጋዴውን የስራ ሰዓት እና የንግድ አይነት minimum/ማ limit.
መሰረት በማድረግ የግብይት ጣሪያ በማናቸውም ጊዜ 6.1 The Bank has the right to vary such floor limit.
The bank exercises this right in consideration of
ሊያሻሽል ይችላል፡፡ the Merchants category and duration of service.
6.3 ባንኩ ካስቀመጠው ዝቅተኛ ወይም ከፍተኛ ጣሪያ 6.2 Merchants are not allowed to set minimum or
ውጪ ነጋዴው የራሱን ጣሪያ ማስቀመጥ አይችልም፡፡ maximum transaction amounts other than set by
CBE Birr /CBE.
7) ሽርክና ስላለመኖር No Partnership
በዚህ ውል ውስጥ የተጠቀሱ ማናቸውም አይነት Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute
ድንጋጌዎች በተዋዋይ ወገኖች መካከል የተገባ ወይም or to be deemed to constitute a partnership between
የተደረገ ሽርክና እንዳለ ተደርጎ አይወሰድም፡፡ the Parties and none of the Parties shall have any
authority to bind or commit the other save as
authorized by this Agreement.
8) ማሻሻያ Amendment
8.1 ባንኩ በድህረ ገፁ ላይ ወይንም በሌሎች የማስታወቂያ 8.1 This Agreement may be modified by CBE Birr by
መንገዶች ላይ በማውጣት ይህን ውል ሊያሻሽለው way of posting on CBE Birr Website or in any such
ይችላል other manner as CBE Birr may in its discretion
8.2 ባንኩ ማሻሻያዎችን ካደረገ በኋላ ነጋዴው መጠቀሙን determine;
ከቀጠለ ማሻሻያውን እንደተቀበለው ይወሰዳል 8.2 Merchant agrees that continued performance of
the CBE Birr Transactions shall constitute
Merchant’s acceptance of this Agreement (as
modified and varied from time to time).
9) ውሉን ስለማፍረስ Termination

9.1 ባንኩ ይህን ውል በማናቸው ጊዜ እና ምክንያት 9.1 The bank reserves the right to terminate the
ሊያቋርጥ ይችላል፡፡ merchant agreement for any reason at any time.
9.2 የውሉ መቋረጥ በተዋዋይ ወገኖች መካከል ከውል 9.2 Termination of this agreement will not affect any
መቋረጥ በፊት ባሉት ግኑኝነቶች ምክንያት ሊኖር actual or contingent liabilities or claims of either
party which accrued before termination including,
የሚችለውን የተረጋገጠ እና ያልተረጋገጠ ኃላፊነት without limitation, any liability on the Merchant’s
ወይም የገንዘብ ጥያቄ እንዲሁም ነጋዴው ያለበትን part.
ኃላፊነት አያስቀረውም፡፡ 9.3 Either party may with or without reason,
9.3 ነጋዴው ወይም ባንኩ በማናቸውም ጊዜ በቅድሚያ terminate this Agreement at any time by giving
የሰላሳ (30) ቀን ማስጠንቀቂያ በጽሁፍ በመስጠት not less than 30/thirty/ days’ written notice to the
ውሉን ሊያፈርሱት ይችላሉ፡፡ other.
9.4 Upon termination of this Agreement for whatever
9.4 ይህ ውል ሲቋረጥ ነጋዴው የሚከተሉትን ተግባራት
reason Merchant undertakes as follows:
ይፈጽማል፡- 1) to return to CBE Birr all stationery used in
1) የሲቢኢ ብር አገልግሎትን ለመስጠት እና connection with the promotion of CBE Birr
ለማሰተዋወቅ የተወሰዱ የፅህፈት መሳሪያዎችን Transactions;
ይመልሳል፣ 2) to return to CBE Birr all samples and
2) የተለያዩ የሲቢኢ ብር ማስታወቂያ ቁሳቁሶችን promotional and advertising material used in
ይመልሳል፣ connection with the CBE Birr Transactions;
3) forthwith to cease to carry out any CBE Birr
3) ክፍያዎችን በሲቢኢ ብር በኩል መቀበልን ወይም Transactions;
አገልግሎቱን መስጠት ወዲያው ማቆም አለበት፡፡ 9.5 Subject to the terms of this Agreement , Merchant
9.5 በዚህ ውል ውስጥ ያሉ ድንጋጌዎች እንደተጠበቁ may request CBE Birr to remit the moneys (or part
ሆነው ውሉ በሚቋረጥበት ጊዜ ባንኩ ነጋዴው thereof) standing to the credit in Merchant
በባንኩ የሚፈለግበት እዳ አለመኖሩን በማጣራትና electronic account to Merchant regular account
ከነጋዴው ኤልክትሮኒክ ሂሳብ በመቀነስ ቀሪውን maintained in core banking system provided always
ገንዘብ ወደነጋዴው መደበኛ የባንኩ ሂሳብ ገቢ that there are no other sums due and outstanding
from Merchant to CBE Birr.
10) ገዢ ሕግ Governing Law
ይህ ውል በኢትዮጵያ ሕግ መሰረት የሚፈፀም ይሆናል፡፡ This agreement shall be governed in accordance with
the laws of Ethiopia.
11) አለመግባባትን ስለመፍታት Dispute Settlement
በተዋዋይ ወገኖች መካከል የሚፈጠር ማናቸውም The parties will settle any dispute amicably. If the
አለመግባባት በእርቅ ስምምነት ይፈታል፡፡ ሆኖም dispute will not be settled amicably, the matter
አለመግባባቱ በእርቅ ስምምነት ሊፈታ ካልቻለ ጉዳዩ will be referred to the Federal courts of Ethiopia.
በኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራል ፍርድ ቤቶች የሚዳኝ ይሆናል፡፡
12) ማስታወቂያ Notices
12.1 ማንኛውም ከነጋዴው ወደ ባንኩ የሚመጡ 12.1 All notices and documents required to be given by
ማስታወቂያዎች እና ሰነዶች ለሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር ወይም Merchant to CBE Birr shall be sent to CBE Birr or
በአቅራቢያው ለሚገኙ የባንኩ ቅርንጫፎች መሰጠት nearby bank’s Branch. It shall be deemed served
አለባቸው፡፡ ማስታወቂያዎቹ ወይም ሰነዶቹ when such notice or document is received by CBE
እንደተሰጡ የሚቆጠሩት በሲ.ቢ.ኢ ብር ወይም Birr or CBE Branch.
በባንኩ ቅርንጫፎች እጅ ሲደርሱ ብቻ ነው፡፡ 12.2 All notices and documents required to be given by
12.2 በባንኩ ተመዝግቦ በሚገኘው መረጃ መሰረት ከባንኩ CBE Birr to Merchant shall be sent to Merchant
ወደ ነጋዴው ሰነዶች ወይም ማስታወቂያዎች ከታች by any one of the following methods according to
በተዘረዘሩት መንገዶች ባንዱ የሚላኩ ይሆናል፤ CBE Birr or CBE Branches records:
1) ነጋዴው ለባንኩ በሰጠው አድራሻ መሰረት 1) Ordinary or registered post to Merchant’s last
በመደበኛ መልእከት ማስተላለፊ ወይም በፖስታ ፣ known address.
2) በነጋዴው የኢሜል አድራሻ፣ 2) Electronic mail to Merchant’s last known
3) በነጋዴው የስልክ ቁጥር በመደወል፣ electronic mail address.
4) አንደባንኩ ምርጫ ወይም አስፈላጊነት በሚዲያ፡፡ 3) Telephone call to Merchant’s last known
12.3 ከባንኩ ወደ ነጋዴው የተላከ ማንኛውም ማስታወቂያ telephone number.
ወይም ሰነድ ከታች በተዘረዘረው መሰረት ለነጋዴው 4) Notices placed through any media at the sole
እነደደረሰ ተደርጎ ይቆጠራል፡፡ discretion of CBE Birr.
1) በመደበኛ መልክተኛ ወይም በፖስታ ቤት ከተላከ 12.3 Any notice or document or communication given
በኋላ በ3 ቀናት ውስጥ፣ by CBE to Merchant shall be deemed to be served
and received by Merchant:

2) በአንቀፅ 12.2 (2) እሰከ (4) በተዘረዘሩት መንገዶች 1) if sent by ordinary or registered post, within
ከተላከ ፤ ከተላከበት ቀን ቀጥሎ ባለው የስራ ቀን three (3) days of posting; or
እንደደረሰ ይቆጠራል፡፡ 2) If sent by other methods stated in sub clause
12.2(2) to (4), the Business Day following the
sending of such notice or document.

13) ዉሉ የሚጀምርበትና ፀንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ Term and Commencement

ይህ ውል ከ -----------ቀን ------------ ወር--------------- This Agreement shall commence as of ________date
ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በአንቀጽ 9 በተዘረዘሩት ምክንያቶች ________month, 20___ for indefinite period unless
ካልተሻረ በስተቀር ላልተወሰነ ጊዜ የሚቆይ ይሆናል፡፡ terminated by the parties per clause 11 herein above.

ሰለ ነጋዴው ስለባንኩ
For the merchant For the Bank
ስም ________________________________________________________________ ስም
Name ________________________________________________________________
የሥራ ኃላፊነት ______________________________________________ የሥራ ኃላፊነት ____________________________________________
Position Position
ፊርማ ፡ _____________________________________________ ፊርማ ፡ ___________________________________________________
Signature: Signature:
ስም ፊርማ
Name Signature
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሲቢኢ ብር
CBE Birr
ለነጋዴ የተጠቃሚ መለያ መስጫ ቅፅ
User Access Request Form – Merchant Organizations

Current Role Expected Role (IN CBE Birr)

የነጋዴው ስም/Merchant name
የነጋዴው መለያ ቁጥር
Merchant Short code New User Administrator
ስም የአባት ስም የአያት ስም

Administrator WEB transaction Manager

Name Father Name Grandfather Name
WEB transaction Manager WEB operator

የትውልድ ቀን (YYYY/MM/DD)
Date of Birth _______/___/____ WEB Operator Till Operator
የመታወቂያ አይነት/
ID Type Till Operator Auditor
የመታወቂያ ቁጥር/
ID number
የመልእክት መቀበያ አይነት ኢሜል አጭር የሞባይል
Preferred Notification Channel Email የፅሁፍ መልእክት/
SMS የሰራተኛው ፊርማ Auditor Deactivate user temporary
Employee signature
የሰራተኛው ስልክ ቁጥር
Employee Phone number
የሰራተኛው ኢሜል አድራሻ Disable user Permanent
Employee Email address
የነጋዴው ስልክ ቁጥር
Merchant Phone Number
የተሰጠኝን የሲቢኢ ብር በዌብ እና ወይም በሞባይል አገልግሎት መስጠት የሚያስችል የተጠቃሚ መለያ እና መብት በኢትዮዺያ ንግድ ባንክ የሲቢኢ ብር መመሪያ መሰረት ለመጠቀም ተስማምቻለሁ
By Using CBE Birr web portal and or USSD with my access right , I agree to comply for terms of Use , security policy and Privacy policy of CBE
የፈቃጁ ስም
Authorized person Name የፈቃጁ ስም/Authorized person Name

ፊርማ/ Signature:

CBE Birr Merchant Operator user access request form CBE Birr -0006/2
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሲቢኢ ብር
CBE Birr
የነጋዴ ሒሳብ መክፈቻ ቅፅ
Merchant account opening Application

የድርጅቱ ስም
Company name
የንግድ አይነት
Business type
ቁጥር የተሰጠበት ቀን አገልግሎቱ የሚያበቃበት ቀን
Number Issue date Expire date
የንግድ ፍቃድ
Trade licence
ግብር ከፋይ መለያ ቁጥር
Tax payer ID Number
የቢሮ አድራሻ
Office address
ከተማ ስልክ ቁጥር ፋክስ ቁጥር ፖ.ሳ.ቁ ኢሜል አድራሻ
City Tel. Fax number Postal number Email Address

ድርጅቱን የሚወክለው ግለሰብ መረጃ

Personal information of merchant representative
ስም የአባትስም የአያትስም
Name Father name Grandfather name

የመታወቂያቁጥር መታወቂያውን ከተማ ኢሜል ስልክቁጥር

ID number የሰጠው አካል City E mail address Tel. number
ID issued by

የቅርንጫፍ ስም
Branch name
የነጋዴው ሒሳብ ቁጥር
Merchant bank Account
ከላይ የተጠቀሱት መረጃዎች እና ሰነዶች ትክክለኛነት በፊርማዬ አረጋግጣለሁ፡፡
I acknowledge that all the particulars and information given in this application (and all documents referred
or provided therewith) are true, correct, complete and up to date in all respects and I have not
Withheld any information to the best of my knowledge.

የአመልከችፊርማ ቀን
Applicant Signature Date
ለባንክ አገልግሎት ብቻ
For Bank use only
የነጋዴ መለያ ቁጥር
Merchant short code
ስም ፊርማ
Name Signature
Checker / CSM
የቅርንጫፍ ተቆጣጣሪ
Branch controller

CBE Birr Merchant account opening Application Form -0006

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
CBE Birr
ውል ማቋረጫ ቅፅ
Agent Termination /Cancellation Form


ስሜ ከስር የተገለፀው አመልካች በ ----------------------------------------------------ምክንያት ከኢ.ን.ባ ጋር የገባሁት

የውክልና ባንክ ውል እንዲቋረጥ ስል እጠይቃለሁ፡፡
I, the under-mentioned applicant would like to apply for the termination of the Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia Agent Banking Service by: ---------------------------------------------------------

የወኪል ስም/Agent Name:_________________________________________________________

የወኪልመለያቁጥር/Agent short code: __________________________________ _
የሞባይልቁጥር/Mobile Number____________________________________________________

ክልል ከተማ ክፍለከተማ ወረዳ ቀበሌ/Kebele

Region City Sub city Woreda

የቤት ቁጥር የቢሮ ስልክ ቁጥር ሞባይል ቁጥር ኢሜል አድራሻ

House No Office Telephone Mobile number Email address

የጠየቀው አካል ስም ፊርማ /Signature

/Authorized person

ለባንክ አገልግሎት ብቻ
For Bank Use Only

ወኪሉ ውል በሚፈፀምበት ወቅት የወሰዳቸውን ሰነዶች እና ቁሳቁሶች መመለሱን እናረጋግጣለን ፡፡

We declare and confirm that the agent has returned all document and materials that was submitted at
the agency agreement.
ከላይ የተቀመጠው የወኪል ፊርማ ትክክለኛነት እና የተባለው የባንክ ሂሳብ በቅርንጫፋችን ስለመከፈቱ እናረጋግጣለን፡፡
We confirm, having verified the signature of the Agent, that the Agent maintains the said account/s with
ሂደቱን ያዘጋጃው/Processed by …………………………………………. ፊርማ/ Signature ---------------

ያረጋገጠው ሰው/Checked by …………………………………………… ፊርማ/Signature ----------------

አገልግሎቱንያቋረጠው /Service inactivated by __________________ፊርማ/ Signature----------------

CBE Birr Agent service Cancellation/ termination form CBE Birr -0009
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
የደንበኞች ከሒሳብ ገቢ እና ወጪ ማዘዣ ቅፅ
Deposit and withdrawal voucher
ቀን የደረሰኝ ቁጥር
Date Receipt No
የደንበኛዉ ሞባይል ቁጥር
Customer Mobile Phone Number
በሚስጥር ቁጥር ለሚያወጡ ብቻ
voucher Code only
የደንበኛዉ ሙሉ ስም
Customer Full name
የገንዘብ ዝዉዉር አይነት ገንዘብ ገቢ ማድረግ ገንዘብ ወጪ ማድረግ
Transaction Type Cash in/Deposit Cash out/withdraw
የገንዘብ መጠን በአኃዝ
Amount in figure
የገንዘብ መጠን በፊደል
Amount in word
የደንበኛዉ ፊርማ
Customer Signature
የወኪል ስም
Agent name
የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር
Agent Till number
ገንዘብ ከፋይ እና ተቀባይ ስም ገንዘብ ከፋይ እና ተቀባይፊርማ
Cashier Name Cashier Signature
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
የሲቢኢ ብር ወኪል ዕለታዊ አገልግሎት መመዝገቢያ
CBE Birr Agent Log Book

የመታወቂያ መታወቂያውን የአገልግሎት አይነት የአገልግሎት ቁጥር የገንዘብ የደንበኛዉ ፊርማ

ተ.ቁ ቀን የደንበኛዉ ሙሉ ስም የደንበኛዉ ስልክ ቁጥር
ቁጥር የሰጠው አካል Transaction Transaction መጠን customer signature
No Date Customer Name Customer Phone No
ID No ID Issuer type ID Amount

የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር

Agent short code ___________________
የወኪል ስም
Agent Name ___________________
Signature ___________________

CBE Birr Agent transaction record /log book-MMS-0011

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Mobile Money Service

Agent / Merchant detail

confirmation sheet
Branch name

District name


Agent / Merchant
Agent / Merchant
short code
Agent / Merchant
bank account number

List of Agent /Merchant Authorized Persons to manage bank account

Full Name Limit (If applicable)

I/We confirm, that signature and mandate file of the Agent/organization summarized above are
verified, that the Agent maintains the said account/s with the branch.

Processed by ………………………………………..Signature …………………………………

CSM/branch manager…………………………… Signature …………………………………

CBE Birr Agent / organization detail confirmation sheet -00018

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
CBE Birr
User Access Request Form – SP

Branch Name Current Role Expected Role (IN CBE Birr)

Full Name (capital Letter)
Name Father Name Grandfather Name New User SP Administrator

SP Administrator Identity Manager/maker

Identity Manager/maker
Identity Manager/checker
ስም የአያትስም Identity Manager/checker Finance Maker

Finance Maker Finance checker

Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD)
_______/___/____ Finance checker Bus. configuration maker
Employee ID number
Bus. configuration maker Bus. configuration Checker
Employee Phone number
system configuration maker
Bus. configuration Checker
system configuration maker System configuration Checker
System configuration Checker Customer care officer
Branch Phone number Customer care officer Disable user Permanent
District Employee signature
Deactivate user temporary
By Using CBE Birr web portal with my access right , I agree to comply for terms of Use , security policy and Privacy policy of CBE
Should be signed by District or Branch Manager Only
Stamp and Signature number must be presented

Manager /Team leader Name : ____________________ Signature: ____________________

CBE Birr User access request application for Centre –CBE Birr 0015
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሒሳብ ገቢ እና ወጪ ማዘዣ ቅፅ
Business Deposit and withdrawal
ቀን የደረሰኝ ቁጥር
Date Receipt No
የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር
Agent Till number
የወኪል ሞባይል ቁጥር
Customer Mobile Phone
የወኪል ሙሉ ስም
Agent Full name
የገንዘብ ዝዉዉር አይነት ገንዘብ ገቢ ማድረግ ገንዘብ ወጪ ማድረግ
Transaction Type Business Deposit Business withdraw
የገንዘብ መጠን በአኃዝ
Amount in figure
የገንዘብ መጠን በፊደል
Amount in word
የወኪል ፊርማ
Agent Signature
አገልግሎት የሰጠው ወኪል ስም
Agent name
የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር
Agent Till number
ገንዘብ ከፋይ እና ተቀባይ ስም ገንዘብ ከፋይ እና ተቀባይፊርማ
Cashier Name Cashier Signature
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
E-Money Deposit voucher

ቀን የደረሰኝ ቁጥር
Date Receipt No
የቅርንጫፉ ስም
Branch name
የወኪል ሙሉ ስም
Agent full name
የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር
Agent Till number
ስልክ ቁጥር
Phone Number
የገንዘብ ዝዉዉር አይነት በጥሬ ገንዘብ ከሂሳብ የሚቀነስ
Transaction Type Cash Account
የባንክ ሒሳብ ቁጥር
Bank Account
የገንዘብ መጠን በአኃዝ
Amount in figure
የገንዘብ መጠን በፊደል
Amount in word
የደንበኛዉ ፊርማ
Customer Signature
ገንዘብ ከፋይ እና ተቀባይ ገንዘብ ከፋይ እና ተቀባይ ፊርማ
ስም Cashier Signature
Cashier Name
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
ሲቢኢ ብር
ሞባይል ቁጥር መቀየሪያ ቅፅ
Mobile number Replacement
Application Form
የቅርንጫፉ ስም
Branch Name
የቅርንጫፉ መለያ ቁጥር
Branch short code
አዲሱ የሞባይል ቁጥር
New Mobile phone Number

የቀድሞው ሞባይል ቁጥር

Old Mobile Number
የደንበኛዉ/የወኪል/ የነጋዴው
ሙሉ ስም
Customer/ Agent
/merchant Full name

ለወኪል / ነጋዴ አመልካቾች ብቻ

For Agent / Merchant Applicant Only

የወኪል መለያ ቁጥር
Agent Till number
የደንበኛዉ/የወኪል/ የነጋዴው ፊርማ
Customer/ Agent /merchant Signature

ለባንክ አገልግሎት ብቻ

For Bank Use Only

ሂደቱን ያዘጋጃው ፊርማ
Processed by Signature

ያረጋገጠው ሰው ፊርማ
Checked by Signature
ያፀደቀው ሰው ፊርማ
Approved By Signature

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