Excel Continuation
Excel Continuation
Excel Continuation
Editing refers to making necessary changes to the data. e.g. cut, copy, paste.
Data can be moved from one worksheet to another.
Clipboard it is where data is stored after being copied or cut.
Worksheet formatting
Entails enhancement of the appearance of the worksheet or data in the cells so that it can be
more attractive.
Formatting features include font size, color, face, etc.
Text formatting
These are features that enhance the appearance of the text e.g. font type, font style (bold,
italic, regular, bold italic), font size, underline color, strikethrough, superscript and subscript.
To format:
Highlight cell(s) to be formatted, then under font group choose the appropriate formatting
feature to apply.
Formatting numbers
These are formats that can be applied on numbers or values e.g. decimal numbers, currency
symbols, date and time format etc.
To format number:
Highlight cell(s), under font group click on dialog box launcher and select number.
The following options are available under number format:
a. General: values are displayed as they are entered
b. Number: display number with 2 decimal places by default
c. Currency: display monetary value with monetary symbols
d. Accounting: aligns currency symbol and decimal point in a column
e. Date; display date in specified format
f. Time:
g. Percentage: multiplies cell value by 100 and display result with percentage symbol.
h. Fraction: change value entered into fraction.
i. Scientific: change value entered into scientific format
j. Text: text formatted cells are treated as text even when a number is inserted
k. Special: tracks lists and database values. Can be used for entering phone numbers.
l. Custom create format code using one of existing codes as starting point. e.g. to insert
kash as currency symbol, click currency option, choose any symbol with three symbols.
Formatting rows and columns
a. Adjusting column width
Column width can be changed using mouse or format menu
b. Adjusting row height
Row height can also be adjusted using mouse or format menu
c. Inserting and deleting rows and columns
New rows are added on top of currently selected row while new columns are added to the
left of currently selected column.
To insert a row/column:
Select row to insert row before or column to insert new column to the left then either;
o Right click and select insert or
o Click on insert under cells group from home tab or
o Ctrl++ on keyboard
To delete a row/column:
Select row/column to delete:
o Right click and select delete or
o Click on delete under cells group from home tab or
o Ctrl+- on keyboard
Page formatting
Helps to demarcate one cell range from another. They separate cell or range of cells and
improve the appearance of the printed reports.
To apply borders,
Highlight cell(s)
Click on dialog box launcher under font group then select border tab
Choose preset border either none, outline, inside
Select the style
Click color and click ok
It is positioning of characters, text and numbers within a cell. It can be vertically or horizontally.
By default text is left aligned and numbers right aligned.
To align
Select cells to align then under alignment tab click dialog box launcher. And make
necessary adjustments.
Text can be aligned horizontally or vertically using the options.
Available options under horizontal alignment include:
General: aligns text left and numbers right
Fill: ensure cell is filled with data
Justify: ensures data in cell is arranged evenly along the left and right sides.
Center across selection: ensures data is centered
Vertical alignment has the following options:
Appearance of text can also be changed using options under text control:
Wrap text: arrange text in multiple lines
Shrink to fit: change font instead of row height
Merge cells: combines range of selected cells.
Direction of text can also be changed by typing degree or using text direction found in the
orientation area.
Data management
Data can be managed by using advanced tools provided by excel. They include sorting, filtering,
totals/subtotals etc.
Sorting records
Sorting is arranging data alphabetically or numerically in ascending or descending order.
To sort:
Highlight cells
Click on data tab
Click on sort and select ascending or descending order
If more than one column is sorted, then specify the next column to be used for sorting in
the then by section.
The sort ascending and sort descending buttons available on home tab can also be used
to sort.
Filtering data
Filtering means to extract specific data that meet certain condition.
Two methods are available;
Auto filter
Advanced filter
To filter data using auto filter:
Select any cell in list to be filtered
Click on data menu then filter
Select auto filter option
Click on the arrow within the column that should be used for filtering to select the
There are three filtering options
1. Filter for the smallest or largest number
2. Filter for number greater than or less than e.g. is greater than, is less than, is
greater than or equal to, is less than or equal to.
3. Filter a range of rows that contain specific text e.g. equals, does not equal,
contains, does not contain
Wildcard characters can also be used e.g.
? (question mark)-any single character e.g. com? Finds comp, come
*(asterisk)-any number of characters e.g. *st finds west, biggest, earliest etc. j*
finds Jane, jack, janiffer, jug etc.
Nb to remove filter click on arrow and select all
Totals/subtotals functions
After sorting data can be summarized in a list by creating subtotals. When a list is summarized,
MS excel calculates the subtotals based on subsets of data and calculates grand total.
To add subtotal:
Sort the list by the column for which you want calculate subtotal
Select the cell in the list
Click on data and select subtotal option.
In the dialog box that appear at each change in box select the field that is to be used for
Select function name to be used for calculating the subtotal in use function box
Select checkbox for the column that contain the values for which you want the subtotal
in the add subtotal box
After making adjustments click ok
Options available in subtotal dialog box include
1. At each change in: enables user to specify the column that contains the items or groups
by which subtotal is to be done
2. Use function: enables the user to select the summary function that has to be used to
work out the subtotals
3. Add subtotal: enables user to specify the column that contain the values that are to be
4. Replace current subtotal: enables the user to replace all subtotal in the list if there are
5. Page break between groups: enables users to insert the subtotal and grand total rows
below detail data
6. Summary below data: works out the summary of the values at the bottom of the data
Form is a template that is specifically prepared to enable faster input of data in the worksheet.
It is formatted to enable user easily enter data.
It is producing hardcopy output of the worksheet. There are optional setting provided that lets
you adjust final appearance of printed page.
Page setup
It is important to confirm that page setup is correct as per user requirement.
Click on file then choose print and select page setup at the bottom.
Page setup dialog box will appear which will allow to make the following adjustment
1. Page tab. This contain the following options
Orientation- it I page layout. Determines how page will appear when printed.
There are two page orientations: i.e. landscape and portrait.
Scaling: this makes data fit a page or number of pages as per the user
specification. This can be achieved by adjusting the percentage coverage. Scaling
can also be achieved by clicking on fit to option.
Other changes include: paper size, print quality etc.
2. Margin tab: helps in adjusting margins or columns. Options available include setting
margins at top, bottom, right, and left. Header and footer Margin can also be adjusted.
3. Header and footer tab: this option is used to put text above or below the worksheet.
Headers appear at the top of every page while footers appear at the bottom of every
Contents of header or footer can include: topic name, author’s name, content of topic,
date, etc.
4. Sheet: allows you to add gridlines to the page.
Print preview
Shows worksheet as it will appear when printed. It allows the author of the document to have
preview of the document before printing. It helps the user make corrections or change
appearance of the page
To preview click on file and choose print preview
To close preview click on close
Print options
To print select print from file menu or ctrl+p.
Printer selection
Select a printer to be used to print
Print range/pages:
Allows you to select range of pages to print.
Used to specify number of copies to be printed per page. By default it will be one.
Q differentiate between collate and uncollated printing
Print what option
It provides for:
Selection: this will print selected sheet area.
Active sheet(s): prints the page in active sheets
Entire workbook: prints all the worksheets in the whole workbook.