Nature-Based Solutions For Flood Mitigation and coastal-KI0120259ENN
Nature-Based Solutions For Flood Mitigation and coastal-KI0120259ENN
Nature-Based Solutions For Flood Mitigation and coastal-KI0120259ENN
Research and
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Analysis of EU-funded Projects
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate C — Healthy Planet
Unit C3 — Climate and Planetary Boundaries
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Nature-Based Solutions
for Flood Mitigation and
Coastal Resilience
Analysis of EU-funded projects
Zoran Vojinovic
The present report aims to provide an overview of results from EU-funded NBS projects and
how they support policy implementation in relation to Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................5
8. REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................................................40
It has become a well-accepted fact that traditional “grey” responses to floods and
coastal resilience are no longer achieving desirable results. Nature-based Solutions (NBS)
represent a relatively new response towards disaster risk reduction, water security, and
resilience to climate change, which has a potential to be more efficient, cost-effective
and sustainable than traditional measures.
This report aims to provide an overview of the results from EU-funded NBS projects in
support of policy instruments and to identify the gaps for future R&I investments. The
term ‘policy instruments’ refers here to documents such as directives, frameworks and
strategies at EU or Member States levels. A number of projects from several EU research
programmes such as FP7, HORIZON 2020, INTERREG, COST Actions and LIFE were
reviewed in relation to the three related policy instruments, namely Floods Directive, EU
Action Plan on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and EU
Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.
The review confirms that a considerable knowledge and evidence base has been
gained through various EU research programmes and actions and through the
Commission’s own internal scientific services (Joint Research Centre). However,
there is still a large gap between the research efforts concerning small- and large-
scale NBS, as small-scale interventions have received greater attention. In view
of the limitations of individual small-scale interventions, which is mainly related
to their inability to cope with larger rainfall events, future research efforts should
address “networks” (or “trains”) of interconnected small-scale NBS, as well as large-
scale NBS and their hybrid combinations with grey infrastructure for a range of
topics (e.g., performance characteristics, design standards and guidelines, coupling
between modelling technologies and real-time monitoring and operation systems,
cost-effectiveness, financing mechanisms, governance, social acceptance, etc).
Understanding the performance of different types and scales of NBS, associated
investment and operational costs, possibilities for achieving benefits and co-benefits
as well as their unforeseen negative effects and how they change over time would
prove valuable information for successful implementation of new and optimisation of
existing interventions. For small-scale NBS, further research concerning their multi-
functionality and co-benefits would be very beneficial.
The reviewed policy instruments do not sufficiently address contribution from NBS,
and when included, they provide more general statements without specific reference
to concrete set of actions and how or in what way they should (or can) be taken to
support these interventions. Hence, future versions of these documents should provide
more explicit reference to NBS interventions individually and in their hybrid combinations
with grey infrastructure. Furthermore, the need for implementation of NBS provides an
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
opportunity to achieve better synergy and coordination of efforts at the EU and national
Member States levels through integration of such measures into the national policy
instruments of Member States.
Nature-based Solutions to societal challenges are solutions that are inspired and
supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental,
social and economic benefits and help build resilience. Such solutions bring more, and
more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and
seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions.
Nature-based Solutions must benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a
range of ecosystem services.
For more information visit the European Commission webpages on Nature-based Solutions
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Out of all types of natural disasters those disasters that are related to hydro-
meteorological phenomena (e.g. floods, storm surges, hurricanes/typhoons, among
others) have shown the fastest rate of increase in their frequency and intensity (e.g.,
Guha-Sapir et. al., 2016). With growing trends of climate change and sea level rise, the
challenges concerning flood management are likely to become even more demanding.
Adaptation to climate change provides an opportunity to improve our current practices
by introducing Nature-based Solutions (NBS) which, if implemented properly, can also
provide multiple co-benefits1 besides flood risk reduction.
The term NBS appeared in 2008 and it is considered to be an “umbrella concept” for a range
of different terms. Ruangpan et. al., (2020) identified eight different terms that relate to NBS
in the context of hydro-meteorological risk reduction. These are: low-impact developments
(LIDs) which appeared in 1977, best management practices (BMPs) appeared in 1980,
water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) appeared in 1994, green infrastructure (GI) appeared
in 1995, sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDs) appeared in 2001, ecosystem-based
adaptation (EbA) appeared in 2009, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR)
appeared in 2010 and blue–green infrastructure (BGI) appeared in 2013.
These terms are mainly related to small-scale NBS which represent solutions applied at the
urban or local scale, for instance at the level of individual buildings, streets or roofs (e.g.,
filter drains, porous pavements, green roofs, rain gardens, vegetated swales, retention/
detention ponds and basins, rainwater harvesting, bioretention, infiltration trenches, Figure
1a and Figure 2). Large-scale NBS are solutions which are applied in rural and coastal
areas, river basins and/or at the regional scale (e.g., large retention basins, lakes, flood
plains, wetlands, forests, beach nourishment, mangroves, coral reefs, etc., Figure 1b).
The review of literature to date confirms a large gap between the research efforts concerning
small- and large-scale NBS with small-scale NBS receiving far greater attention. This could
be due to several reasons. One reason is that small-scale NBS are very attractive for storm
water management and regeneration of urban areas. They are also less complex and
their benefits and co-benefits can be observed relatively soon after their implementation.
Also, research experiments concerning small-scale technologies are more conveniently
installed in labs. Furthermore, the costs concerning their pilot implementations, operation
and maintenance, at both individual and public levels, are also more affordable.
Further to the above, there is growing evidence that small-scale NBS can provide
multiple benefits to urban areas and ecosystems (e.g., flood mitigation, enhancement
of biodiversity, creation of new jobs and promotion of human well-being). For example,
Eckart et. al., (2017) reviewed the performance and implementation of LIDs (which can
be regarded as small-scale NBS) and provided a summary of the knowledge of LID
In the context of NBS, terms benefits and co-benefits refer to their primary and secondary functions. For example, in case of hydro-meteorological
risk reduction, benefits would typically refer to the reduction of floodwater depth, flood extent and flood duration, while the co-benefits would
refer to aspects such as energy saving, amenity, aesthetics and human well-being.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
(a) Green roof in Malmo, Sweden. The main purpose is to b) The lake Egå Engsø in the bay of Aarhus, Denmark
reduce the stormwater runoff and mitigate flood risk. A - one of the H2020 RECONECT demonstration sites.
green roof can also provide other economical, ecological The purpose of establishing the wetland “Egå Engsø”
and social benefits, i.e., co-benefits (e.g., purify the is to reduce the nitrogen supply to Aarhus Bay, to
air, reduce the ambient and indoor temperature, save improve the natural conditions in Egådalen (the valley
energy and enhance biodiversity in the city). of Egå) and to reduce the flood risk from the river Egå.
(Photo: Alison Duffy) The wetland also enhances the area’s recreational
value. (Photo: Casper Tybjerg, TTF)
Other NBS have also been shown to attenuate runoff volumes. Abbott and Comino-
Mateos (2003) measured the outflow from a car park with a permeable pavement
system and found that on average, only 22.5% of runoff leaves the system during a
storm, and that a 2-hr storm event takes two days to drain out of the system. Fassman
& Blackbourn (2010), in turn, found that the peak flow from a permeable pavement
underdrain is less flashy and tends to show less variation overall than that from asphalt
surface during storms. Chapman & Horner (2010) reported that a street-side bioretention
facility in Washington can achieve 26–52% of runoff retention for certain rainfall events.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
a) Filter drain, Dunfermline, Scotland. (b) Filter strip and swale, Dundee, Scotland.
(Photo: Alison Duffy) (Photo: Alison Duffy)
In the UK, flood risk mitigating remains a key priority for the Government and in
the draft London Environment Strategy, the Mayor encouraged the use of SUDS as
a way to manage stormwater in view of their co-benefits that they can also deliver
(e.g., improved air and water quality, greater biodiversity and reduced noise). The UK
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) developed the
SUDS construction manual as a guidance document for the construction of SUDS
to support those designing, specifying and constructing such measures and helping
them to understand and avoid common pitfalls (CIRIA, 2015).
With regards to large-scale NBS, the Dutch ‘Room for the River’ Programme
represents a paradigm case for implementation of such measures. It consisted of
39 local projects which combine different types of measures such as floodplain
lowering, dike relocation, groyne lowering, summer bed deepening, water storage,
bypasses and floodways, high-water channels, removal of hydraulic obstacles,
and dike strengthening (Klijn et al., 2013). The benefits of that programme were
not observed only with respect to flood risk reduction but also in relation to
enhanced opportunities for recreation, habitat and biodiversity enhancement
(Klijn et al., 2013).
In terms of the other types of large-scale NBS, Acreman & Holden (2013) show how
wetlands play an important role in the hydrological cycle, influencing groundwater recharge,
low flows, evaporation and floods. Prior to that, a major review of scientific literature
reporting hydrological functions of wetlands was undertaken by Bullock & Acreman (2003).
They reviewed the evidence for whether wetlands reduced flooding. They found that around
80 % of relevant studies suggested that floodplain wetlands reduced flooding while 41 %
of studies indicated that some of the wetlands enhanced flooding. Field observations have
shown that vegetation cover can affect the velocity of water flowing across wetlands and
hence flood generation (Holden et. al., 2007). Using plot-scale measurements, Holden et
al. (2008) showed that Sphagnum spp. have ability to slow the flow of water across peat
surfaces when compared to sedge-covered surfaces and bare peat surfaces (for an order
of magnitude slower). Keeler et. al., (2019) reports that vegetation with high roughness is
the most effective at slowing overland flow of stormwater runoff. Species root depth and
structure influence infiltration and retention of nutrients, and leaf nutrient content and
phenology affect the amount and timing of nutrient export to stormwater systems.
Typical examples of coastal NBS are mangrove, mudflats, dunes, beach nourishment and
coral reefs and they all require certain conditions to be effective. Balke et al., (2011)
reported that mangrove restoration is not very effective in environments that do not
have the right range of tidal exposure, salinity, and nutrients required for mangrove
establishment. Similarly mudflats are also reported to be more effective in low wave energy
environments, whilst dunes and beaches and coral reefs are typically more effective in
higher energy environments (Pontee et al., 2016). Other typical examples of coastal NBS
are beach nourishment interventions which often rely on coastal processes to redistribute
the sediment. The Netherlands has adopted a relatively new approach known as 'building
with nature' which makes the use of the dynamics of the natural environment and provides
opportunities for natural processes. It represents a collection of coastal NBS interventions
including sand engines, oyster reefs and wave-attenuating forests (De Vriend et. al., 2015).
In view of the numerous benefits and co-benefits of NBS, it can be concluded that
such measures have strong potential to contribute towards meeting objectives of
policy documents addressed in this document, namely Floods Directive, Action Plan
on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and EU Strategy on
Adaptation to Climate Change. This document aims to provide an overview of the results
from EU-funded NBS projects in support of these policy instruments and to identify the
gaps for future R&I investments. Examples of such support used in the review process
include provision of theoretical knowledge and practical evidence, development of
knowledge base platforms and portals, provision of materials for capacity development,
and development of standards and guidelines for implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of NBS interventions.
The Floods Directive (FD), originally proposed in 2006 and formally published in
the Official Journal of the EU in November 2007 (ES, 2007; Directive 2007/60/EC),
envisions the following:
• Preliminary flood risk assessment: first step of the implementation cycle, identification
of areas where significant flood risks exist or are reasonably foreseeable in the future.
• Flood risk maps: the second step is to make flood hazard maps and flood risk maps
available to the public; support the process to prioritise, justify and target investments
and develop sustainable policies and strategies; support flood risk management
plans, spatial planning and emergency plans.
• Flood risk management plans (FRMPs): third step, these need to be developed and
implemented at river basin/sub-basin level to reduce and manage the flood risk.
The plans need to include the analysis and assessment of flood risk, definition
of the level of protection, and identification and implementation of sustainable
measures by applying the principle of solidarity in relation to transboundary flood
risk governance. In this case, large-scale NBS can play an important role in promoting
the solidarity principle2 as they require strategies that address land management
across transboundary landscapes or jurisdictions, involving a great variety of actors
and stakeholders.
provides a good foundation for those countries that may be less advanced in their
flood risk mitigation practices.
However, for those countries that are more advanced in flood risk management, their
existing practices have gone beyond objectives to harmonize flood risk management
across EU. For example, in the Netherlands, the effect of the FD on the national policy has
been minimal (see for example, van Eerd et al. 2015b). Priest et al., (2016) suggest that
the Directive could be strengthened by requiring more intensive cooperation and providing
the competent authorities in international river basin districts with more power. A number
of shortcomings associated with this document are discussed in Tsakiris et al., (2009) and
Eleftheriadou et. al., (2015).
The FP7 RISC-KIT project final report states that coastal authorities need to assess levels
of impact and risk for their coastal zones, implementing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
measures to prevent or mitigate coastal disasters. To facilitate risk reduction, the UNISDR
(2015) formulated the Sendai Framework and the EU has issued the FD. The project
findings suggest that both frameworks do not provide sufficient details to address coastal
hazards and impact issues adequately and they also do not provide appropriate tools. The
RISC-KIT project has developed a set of tools to support these demands.
There are several aspects where the future versions of the FD can address NBS and/
or their related concepts and foster their implementation across the European Union.
As a starting point, there should be a clear reference to the available evidence of NBS
in relation to different types of floods. The range of flood reduction measures, even
though the present version of the FD document makes the reference to ‘multi-purpose
measure that can be used for different forms of sustainable human activities (e.g. flood
risk management, ecology, inland navigation or hydropower)’, should be broaden to more
explicitly and specifically discuss applicability and effectiveness of small- and large-scale
NBS for different types of floods, contexts and situations.
Updates to the FD should also acknowledge the need to integrate these solutions into the
national policy instruments of Member States. Implementation of small-scale interventions
has several advantages when compared to traditional grey infrastructure. However, their
effectiveness in mitigating effects from large and extreme events is rather limited which
in turn may necessitate combinations with large-scale interventions. Also, large-scale
NBS could play important role in flood risk mitigation for transboundary river basins (e.g.,
INTERREG DANUBE FLOODPLAIN Project Report on Possible Restoration Approaches).
Taking the above into account, it can be concluded that while the current FD provides
a good foundation for those Member States that are not so advanced in flood risk
reduction practices, there is significant potential for the future implementation cycles
of this document to explicitly address NBS and support creation of new and optimise
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was held in Sendai (Japan)
in 2015. At that event, the United Nations Member States agreed and adopted the
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015-2030, UNISDR (2015).
That framework represents the main guiding instrument for Disaster Risk Management
(DRM) and it highlights the sense of urgency for “substantial reduction of disaster risk
and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural
and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries”.
NBS have the potential to improve the condition and resilience of ecosystems in urban,
rural and wilderness areas and as such, they can contribute to implementing the
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, while also contributing to
achieving other policy objectives - from biodiversity conservation to climate change
adaptation and mitigation (Faivre et al., 2018). The EC has been active in engaging
the research community to better address the related knowledge and technology gaps
through its Research and Innovation strategy and Framework Programmes. Fostering
green growth and promoting implementation of such approaches is a priority of the EU
Action Plan on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which
sets the basis for a disaster-risk-informed policy making at EU level. The Union Civil
Protection Mechanism which includes requirements to carry out risk assessments,
is an important instrument in this respect, covering also other forms of natural and
manmade risks than floods.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
The SFDRR represents an essential step towards global political awareness for climate
change adaptation and the use of NBS for disaster risk reduction and resilience. It
has been indicated that for some of the EU countries the local practices still remain
oriented towards the emergency response phase of the disaster cycle (prevention,
preparedness, response, recovery, restoration), without particular reference to the
goals of the framework (see for example, Goniewicz & Burkle, 2019).
H2020 NAIAD investigates how the (re)insurance industry could support the risk
reduction measures including NBS, in line with the Sendai Framework. The project
results illustrate how the (re)insurance industry is gaining a better understanding
of hazards and mitigation, in turn opening the possibility of new arrangements like
natural insurance schemes and evidence-based assessment of avoided damage costs
from green protective measures, in Europe and beyond (see also Marchal et al., 2019).
The results provide valuable references for the APSFDRR and the EU Climate Change
Adaptation Strategy to emphasise the importance of insurance as a non-structural flood
protection measure.
The CASCADE project funded by DG ECHO (Directorate General for Civil Protection and
Humanitarian Aid) addresses climate change risk management at the local authority
level in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). It supports the implementation of the UN’s SFDRR
in the BSR. The project points to the lack of political support for DRR at the international
level. This is important to highlight since some of the countries in the region are very
active in providing various forms of support for DRR to the countries that are the most
vulnerable and exposed to severe natural threats. The project’s findings to date suggest
the lack of political support to the Sendai implementation, which makes coordination and
organisation of the work more challenging. This project has particular relevance for the
APSFDRR as it aims to increase the knowledge and capacity of civil protection experts
and city planners by developing training courses in DRR.
The APSFDRR document makes explicit reference to NBS and other related terms
such as GI and ecosystem-based approaches. The relevant sections acknowledge
the benefits from such interventions in a more general context of disaster resilience.
However, what is not sufficiently addressed are the concrete actions and how or in
what way they should (or can) be taken to support these interventions.
When mentioned, the reference to these interventions is primarily given in the context
of Key Area 3 - Promoting EU risk informed investments (Sendai Priority 3 "Investing in
disaster risk reduction for resilience") with some reference made to the NBS-evidence
brought by the current H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation as
well as the previous Framework Programmes and actions. Also, the numerous benefits
and co-benefits of NBS for DRR are not explicitly mentioned.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
The EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (SACC) was adopted in April 2013
(EC, 2013) and aims to increase the resilience across the EU’s territory by enhancing
the preparedness and capacity of all government levels to respond to the impacts
of climate change. As part of the EU Green Deal, this strategy is currently under
review and will be updated in 2021. The Strategy should be fulfilled through the
implementation of eight Actions in three thematic areas:
• Action 2. Provide LIFE funding to support capacity building and step up adaptation
action in Europe (LIFE);
• Action 8. Promote insurance and other financial products for resilient investment and
business decisions17 (Insurance and finance)
The EU is integrating adaptation into several of its own policies and financial
programmes. Currently, most EU Member States have adopted the EU Adaptation
Strategy. A considerable amount of knowledge and information concerning climate
adaptation measures, monitoring and modelling practices as well as region-specific
issues and challenges has been generated through various EU research programmes
(e.g., H2020, FP7, INTERREG, COST Actions, LIFE) and can be accessed through the
European Climate-ADAPT platform.
Many projects financed by the EU have addressed topics such as floods, sea level
rise, droughts or intense heat. Future work should give more attention to specific
vulnerabilities of certain communities and multiple risks that are posing threats to
different regions around Europe. The new EU Adaptation Strategy should scale-up
NBS implementation and stimulate related business opportunities, based on
reliable and standardised data and evidence. Additional research and innovation
actions at EU level that promote systemic NBS and their benefits in cities and
territories are planned with the aim to improve the implementation capacity
and evidence base for NBS and developing corresponding future markets (Faivre
et. al., 2017).
OPPLA – the repository of NBS reports that the water retention reservoir in Podutik
in Ljubljana (Slovenia) has two main objectives: 1) to improve and maintain a
good ecological status of the nearby watercourses and, 2) to mitigate floods in
the nearby settlements of the city of Ljubljana, to help deliver FD and Water
Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. The existing reservoir was redesigned into
a multifunctional flood reservoir that provides a broad range of ecosystem services
through the iwfdntegration of NBS. The city of Ljubljana and the FP7 project TURAS
co-funded the project.
Out of the three policy instruments reviewed, the SACC document provides more
prominent support to NBS and other related terms and concepts, making explicit
reference to some of their benefits and co-benefits and pointing to the knowledge
base platforms and evidence obtained from the current and previous programmes
and actions. Therefore, when comparing the level of support in all three documents,
the support for NBS in the SACC document can be characterised as ‘strong explicit
support’; for the APSFDRR it can be characterised as ‘medium explicit support’; and
for the FD that support is rather ‘low’ and/or implicit.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
In short, NBS offer invaluable strategic and practical options towards meeting objectives
of the three EU policy instruments and the level of support to their implementation
should be more explicitly stated in future versions of these documents. They can
benefit from direct incorporation of NBS in the following ways:
• Contributing towards the global climate change agenda - NBS are increasingly
recognised as an essential aspect in the development of climate change mitigation
and adaptation strategies. Since the three policy instruments addressed in this
document aim at reducing disaster risk and increasing resilience to climate
change, by setting up a more quantifiable and measurable targets in relation to
NBS will ensure that the collective measures have the capacity to strengthen the
global response.
• The need for holistic planning - All three policy documents advocate the need
for holistic planning and development of measures with multiple benefits. By its
nature, the process of implementing NBS necessitates holistic thinking and working
that pulls together a range of sectors and disciplines. Combined with traditional
grey infrastructure these measures offer city managers, planners, water and
environmental authorities with a variety of hybrid solutions that can be selected in
relation to desired benefits and trade-offs.
Figure 3. Creation of an additional space controlled by portable flood gates that sit under the road and within
the flood plain in the Ijssel region in the Netherlands (H2020 RECONECT project demonstration site). This site
is part of the “Room for the River” programme. It aims to provide flood protection, enhance the landscape and
improve environmental conditions in the areas surrounding the Netherlands' rivers. (Photo: Zoran Vojinovic)
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
RECONECT has the potential to contribute to FD, APSFDRR and SACC with respect to
novel risk assessment approaches and methodologies for selection and evaluation of
NBS. For example, Alves et. al., (2019) proposed a method that can be used to analyse
the trade-offs between different benefits and co-benefits of NBS. The same work also
provides evidence that evaluation of flood reduction measures can be significantly
different when the co-benefits are not included in the analysis. The RECONECT case
area in Thailand applies an evaluation framework proposed by Watkin et. al., (2019)
to quantify the benefits and co-benefits of implemented NBS.
Figure 4. Po Valley (Panaro river, Comacchio valleys, Figure 5. Sterea Ellada region is a location for
Reno, Emilia Romagna coastal area), Italy, is part of the OPERANDUM’s Greek OAL NBS situated in the basin of the
OALs within the H2020 OPERANDUM Project. The delta Spercheios river. It springs from the mountainous parts
of Po river represents the transition between the river of the catchment, mainly from Tymfristos mountain
and the sea with differing hydraulic, morphological and in the West, as well as Vardousia and Oiti mountain
biological characteristics. The NBS addresses multiple ranges in the Southwest and South respectively and
hazards such as floods, droughts, coastal erosion it deals with floods and droughts. This NBS also
and storm surges and it also presents economic and has considerable economic and biodiversity values.
biodiversity values. (Photo: Michael Loupis) (Photo: Michael Loupis)
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Figure 6. The Isar river (Germany) during (left) and after (right) the hydro-morphological restoration. It is one of
the main tributaries of the Danube, sources in the Alps, and crosses the Bavarian capital Munich. Heavy rain
events in the Alps in the years of 1999, 2005 and 2013 led to major floods. Today’s near-natural landscape
raises awareness on the usefulness of NBS both for DRR and recreational purposes. (Photo: Zingraff-Hamed)
H2020 BRIGAID project deals with the development of innovations for climate
adaptation and risk reduction from climate-related disaster impacts in Europe
and beyond. It also demonstrates innovative NBS for different situations and
contexts. One of them is the use of planting techniques in support of flood risk
mitigation and as such it provides value for the FD document. It focuses on two
alternative solutions: 1) The installation of Coir Logs at the bottom of the river and
2) planting three levels of vegetation (willow, reed and poplar) at different depths
along the river banks to prevent erosion and flooding with natural materials. This
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
NBS also creates a green corridor, enhancing flora and fauna habitats in the area.
This measure is demonstrated along the Erzeni River in Albania. The results from
this project provide relevant reference for riverine flood risk assessment and
management methods and approaches. Other guidelines and tools that are being
developed under this project may also contribute to the development (or fine
tuning) of national policy documents for the focus countries.
The main outcome from the PLACARD project is the platform (PLAtform for Climate
Adaptation and Risk reDuction) that supports dialogue, knowledge exchange and
collaboration between the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR) communities. PLACARD produced several policy briefs, visuals
and webinars which can be found here and used as a reference for all three
policy documents. More specifically, the project’s policy brief on NBS recommends
that Ecosystem-based approaches must be community-based and consider large
spatial scale to minimise trade-offs between communities.
FP7 BASE project dealt with sustainable climate change adaptation in Europe.
Some of the case study work addressed pluvial, fluvial and coastal types of floods
and application of different types of measures including NBS (which are in the
project documents referred to as “ecosystem-based” or “green measures”). The
results provide a valuable reference for the FD document in relation to uncertainty
analysis and efficacy of different measures for different types of floods.
FP7 OPERAs project was a five year EU research project dealing with practical
aspects of ecosystem science. It addressed the construction and maintenance
of semi-fixed dunes across 15 km of Barcelona's (Spain) urban coastline,
effectively representing coastal NBS, with the potential to provide protection from
coastal floods and sea-level rise as well as to bring numerous co-benefits to
coastal ecosystems. The results provide valuable reference material on coastal
management for future development of the FD.
H2020 UNaLab aims to develop a ‘living lab’ of NBS sites and provide a robust
evidence base to enhance the climate and water resilience of cities. The project
also underlines a variety of barriers that prevent wider replication and uptake of
these measures. Information that the project aims to produce will be particularly
relevant for the SACC’s thematic area 2 (Better informed decision making).
PEARL addressed several aspects of flood risk reduction ranging from the
early warning systems technologies to ecosystem-based (NBS) approaches that
can be used for multiple-hazards and vulnerability assessment. The work was
carried for a number of European and International case studies (see Figure 7).
The project brings tools and experiences which are directly relevant for all three
policy documents. The project also proposes improved Quantitative Microbial Risk
Assessment methods to address public health issues associated with flood waters
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
in urban areas. The work has also addressed application of NBS measures in
areas with cultural heritage (e.g., Vojinovic et. al., 2016a; Vojinovic et. al., 2016b).
This could be particularly relevant for FD (e.g. Chapter II, Article 4), APSFDRR (e.g.
Key Area 4 - Supporting the development of a holistic disaster risk management
approach in relation to cultural heritage), and SACC as well as for other directives
for Member States that aim to address cultural heritage requirements.
Figure 7. Coastal flood risk reduction with hybrid measures (i.e., combination of hard engineering and
Ecosystem-based approaches) in Taiwan, FP7 PEARL project. (Photo: Zoran Vojinovic)
In summary, the potential for contribution from R&I projects towards the three
policy documents is given in Table 1.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
TABLE 1. Potential contribution of EU-funded R&I projects for flood adaptation policies
The LIFE project AQUAVAL researched SUDS measures (infiltration basin, green roof,
swales, etc.) in six sites across the Valencian region in Spain. The measures were
implemented and analysed in relation to pluvial flood mitigation and the discharge
of combined sewage into receiving watercourses. Monitoring results showed that
the measures were effective in both flood mitigation and improvement of the water
quality (Perales-Momparler et. al., (2016).
There are numerous studies that address effectiveness of green roofs for rainfall-
runoff reduction (see Table 2). For example, Burszta-Adamiak and Mrowiec (2013)
performed experimental work at four roof platforms with different sizes and slopes
in an urban area in Poland. The estimated effectiveness of green roofs for peak
flood reduction ranged from 23% to 99% depending on the intensity and magnitude
of rainfall events. However, they further conclude that more research is needed to
determine the role of the green roof slope, vegetation cover and drying process for
runoff delay and peak reduction.
TABLE 2. Examples of effectiveness of small-scale NBS (see also Ruangpan et. al., 2020)
Burszta-Adamiak and
Mrowiec (2013), Ercolani et
Green Roofs al. (2018), Carpenter and up to 70% up to 96%
Kaluvakolanu, (2011), Stovin
et al. (2012)
TABLE 2. cont.
Ercolani et al. (2018) also addressed the effectiveness of green roofs and
performed a study in the Metropolitan city of Milan. They showed that such
measures can be considered a valuable strategy to deal with frequent storms of
smaller magnitude at urban watersheds. They further conclude that the planning
of such measures should be done considering the local limitations of the drainage
network conveyance capacity which can influence the effectiveness of green roofs.
Li and Babcock (2014) reviewed the technical literature on green roof hydrology.
They found that green roofs can reduce stormwater runoff volume by 30-86%,
peak flow rate by 22% to 93%, and delay peak flows by 0-30 minutes, thereby
decreasing pollution, flooding and erosion during precipitation events. They
conclude that their efficiency can vary substantially due to design characteristics
making performance predictions difficult.
Regarding coastal resilience, coastal habitats can reduce wave heights between
35% and 71% (Narayan et. al., 2016). Restoration projects in mangroves and salt
marshes for wave reduction can be several times cheaper than alternative such as
breakwaters, for the same level of protection. They are also able to self-repair after
strong storms and have much lower maintenance costs than artificial infrastructures
(Narayan et. al., 2016; see also Table 3).
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
The EU continues to help build the evidence-base of NBS through various platforms
and initiatives (Faivre et al., 2017). There are several NBS-related platforms, portals,
databases, networks and initiatives at global, European, national and sub-national
levels (Annex 2). Figure 8 illustrates the geographical spread of NBS-related projects,
case studies and initiatives on climate adaptation and DRR taken from four EU
platforms OPPLA, NWRM, Climate-ADAPT and Urban Nature Atlas.
Climate-ADAPT is a platform supported by the EC and the EEA to help users to access
and share data and information about NBS-related case studies and initiatives. The
database includes adaptation options, case studies, guidance, indicators, information
portals, organisations, publications and reports, research and knowledge projects,
tools and videos. It supports a range of sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity,
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
buildings, coastal, DRR, EbA, energy, finance, forestry, health, marine and fisheries,
transport, urban and water management. Currently, there are about 100 case studies
in the database.
The Urban Nature Atlas has been developed as part of the H2020 NATURVATION
project and it contains 1000 examples of NBS from across 100 European cities.
Projects included address various urban societal challenges and use nature as an
inspiration to address these challenges.
Figure 8. Illustration of the number of projects, case studies or initiatives and their geographical spread
reported at different platforms (Accessed in May 2020).
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Oslo, Norway
The work to date highlights the importance of analysing existing governance systems
and actors prior to implementation of NBS projects. This is particularly important for
large-scale interventions which may require careful consideration of legal frameworks
of international cooperation on transboundary water governance.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
In terms of the costs associated with implementation of green roofs, there is a significant
price variation depending on their type, size, local conditions and country. Although they are
known to provide good value for money when compared with other infrastructures, in some
cases their high initial investment costs appear to be a barrier to implementation. Some
examples of costs concerning implementation of small-scale NBS are given in Table 5.
TABLE 5. Examples of costs of small-scale NBS interventions (see also Ruangpan et. al., 2020)
As part of the FP7 PEARL and H2020 RECONECT projects, Alves et. al. (2019) address
economic comparison of green-blue, grey and hybrid strategies for flood mitigation,
and examine how this changes in view of the co-benefits. The NBS considered are
small-scale NBS such as permeable paving, detention basins and rainwater harvesting.
The authors also acknowledge difficulties in monetising the value of co-benefits (e.g.,
aesthetic value and biodiversity enhancement) and advocate for further advances
in this direction. Some other studies provide quantitative data enabling to calculate
annual values of those co-benefits which can be directly monetised (e.g. Woods-Ballard
et. al., 2007, Center for Neighbourhood Technology, 2010, Horton et al., 2016, Alves
et al., 2019). Present value of co-benefits is often calculated for lifetime with discount
rate, given per unit of measure.
De-culverting (river
~€16.92 million Chou (2016)
The H2020 Connecting Nature project argues that business models and return-
on-investments for NBS interventions are limiting interest from traditional financial
institutions. The H2020 NATURVATION Urban Nature Atlas shows that almost 75%
of NBS are funded from public sources (public budget / direct funding or subsidies).
The same project, although not specifically focused on floods and coastal resilience,
produced a Business Model Catalogue for Urban NBS with eight different business
models (Sekulova and Anguelovski, 2017). These were identified based on a number of
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
case studies of urban NBS, both in- and outside of Europe. This is also a dialogue tool
for understanding what values can drive the realization of an urban NBS, and which
stakeholders may be willing to pay for those values.
The H2020 RECONECT project, dealing with floods, is taking into consideration a
variety of investment funds to support promotion and uptake of innovative investment
strategies and business models for large-scale NBS, with similar cases covered by the
The results from H2020 NAIAD project, which focus on floods, demonstrate that viable
business models (e.g., the natural insurance scheme developed under the NAIAD
project) could play a significant role to increase the financing for the development
of NBS. It has also been argued that NBS projects at different scales could support
a diversification of risks and help the development of a larger portfolio of return on
investments (e.g., Marchal et. al., 2019).
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Furthermore, the need for implementation of NBS provides an opportunity to achieve better
synergy and coordination of efforts at the EU and national Member States levels through
integration of such measures into the national and local policy instruments of Member
States. In some cases, such local policies already exist and the appropriate actions are
being implemented. For example, after some research efforts, the City of Hamburg began to
implement its policy on green roofs already in 2015 where no less than 70% of all suitable
rooftops are to be topped with vegetation. In Belgium, for the Brussels Region, the Regional
Planning Regulations (RRU: Title I, Chapter 4, page 19, Article 13) require the transformation
of inaccessible flat roofs with an area of more than 100 m² into green roofs. This is applicable
for any totally or partially inaccessible roof, for main buildings and annexes. To this end,
identifying areas of synergy between policies at different levels, where common goals can
be met at the same time, can strengthen the capacity to achieve the EU-wide response. This
would ensure that the uptake of NBS is carried out in a systematic and coordinated manner.
The EUs Green Deal sets an agenda for transforming EU’s economy and society into a
more sustainable path. In doing so, the Green Deal has a strong focus in protecting the
health and well-being of citizens from natural or man-made disasters including floods.
Furthermore, in view of the current pandemic situation and discussions at the EU level
to ensure post COVID-19 economic recovery, the related funds need to be consistent
with the EU's Green Deal which in turn provides an opportunity to integrate NBS in
these discussions. Given that one of the cornerstones of the EU's Green Deal is to
enhance the EU's natural capital and that natural capital can significantly contribute to
reducing the impact of floods, NBS can play a significant role in stimulating economic
growth that will put EU in the path of "building back better".
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Some of the key recommendations concerning the Floods Directive are summarised below:
• There is a need to better address data and model uncertainties which in turn can
have significant impacts on estimation of peak discharges and corresponding flooded
areas (see for example Eleftheriadou et. al., 2015). This is particularly important
when NBS interventions are considered.
• The work concerning analysis and planning of NBS should be done for a range of scenarios
combining different land use characteristics, urbanisation, climate trends and other future
projections. Furthermore, vulnerability and risk analysis should be considered as dynamic
processes which continuously evolve through time (see also Tsakiris et al., 2009).
• All possible types of floods should be equally addressed. The analysis of hazards
should also combine multiple sources and events as well as their cascading effects.
Delineation of flood hazard maps should combine different variables (e.g., flood
depths, velocities, durations and concentrations of pollutants) depending on the
processes that dominate different flood types.
• Agriculture sector authorities at the EU level and Member States are one of the key
stakeholders for the planning of large-scale multipurpose NBS interventions. The
policy should also include the agriculture sector and promote NBS as cost-effective
multipurpose adaptation options.
Key recommendations concerning the EU action plan for the SENDAI Framework for
DRR are summarised below:
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
• Regarding Key Area 3 (‘Promoting EU risk informed investments’), this area could be
strengthened by providing some concrete examples of mechanisms for flood-related
disaster risk financing, risk transfer and insurance, which have been realised in the
H2020 NAIAD project.
There is a large body of knowledge and evidence produced through various EU research
programmes and actions and through the Commission’s own internal scientific services
(Joint Research Centre). A joint publication between the three EU-funded large-
scale NBS projects RECONECT, OPERANDUM and PHUSICOS identified a number of
remaining research and innovation gaps which could provide a good basis for future
research programmes (e.g., Horizon Europe) to address NBS interventions for hydro-
meteorological risk reduction (Ruangpan et al. 2020).
Some of the key research and innovation gaps are summarised below:
NBS require longer periods of time to generate benefits while politicians tend to
prioritise investments to those interventions that generate outcomes in shorter or
immediate future); governance (e.g. many water and environmental management
authorities operate in silos and often follow different visions, goals and regulatory
frameworks while successful implementation of NBS requires full cross-sectoral
cooperation); social (e.g. NBS represent a relatively new approach and there can
be a negative perception due to uncertain outcomes and preference towards
traditional hard engineering “grey infrastructure” and technological. From the
technological point of view, limited implementation of NBS for flood risk reduction
is mainly due to the lack of sufficient technical references, design standards and
guidelines (Qiao et al., 2018). Furthermore, there is still a general perception
that the construction and especially maintenance of NBS are more costly than
traditional grey infrastructure measures (see for example, Dhakal and Chevalier,
2017). Therefore, a more substantial knowledge and evidence base is needed in
order to promote their wider acceptance and upscaling/uptake (see also Kabisch
et al., 2017).
• Planning tools – Currently, the tools, such as real-time data acquisition and
modelling, optimisation algorithms and decision-support systems, which are
necessary for planning and implementation of NBS, are rather scattered and
incomplete. Also, to support efforts for wider uptake of NBS it is necessary to advance
the methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation of benefits and co-benefits
(especially those related to social and ecological system, e.g. aesthetics values,
community liveability, and human health), frameworks and methods for optimal
selection of “hybrid measures” (i.e. combinations of grey infrastructure and small-
and large-scale NBS). This aspect is being addressed in the three large-scale NBS
projects (i.e. RECONECT, OPERANDUM and PHUSICOS) and the results that will be
obtained could provide a basis for future research activities.
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Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
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SECOaquaA (Solutions for Environmental Contrasts in Coastal Areas), FP7, December 2009 –
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SimetoRES (Urban Adaptation And Community Learning For A Resilient Simeto Valley), LIFE,
June 2018 – December 2021, EU contribution: € 568 037, project link.
SMR (Smart Mature Resilience), H2020, June 2015 – June 2018, EU contribution: € 4 641
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UNALAB, H2020, June 2017 – May 2022, EU contribution € 12 768 931,75, project link.
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Coastal Resilience
Nature-Based Solution,
OPPLA Natural capital, Ecosystem
EbA, Nature-Based
ClimateADAPT themes/climate/european-climate-
Solution, GI
Nature-based Solutions
Initiative (Nature Based
Nature-Based Solution
Solutions Evidence
ClimateScan Blue-Green Infrastructures
Partnership for
Environment and Disaster Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Risk Reduction (PEDRR)
Image credits:
Cover: © Visual Generation, #338248360, 2020. Source:
Page 6: Figure 1a, © Alison Duffy. Page 6: Figure 1b, © Casper Tybjerg, TTF. Page 7: Figure 2a-e, © Alison Duffy. Page 7: Figure
2f, © L. Postmes. Page 17: Figure 3, © Zoran Vojinovic. Page 18: Figure 4-5, © Michael Loupis. Page 19: Figure 6, © Zingraff-
Hamed. Page 22: Figure 7, © Zoran Vojinovic.
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