UCSP w1-2q1

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Based from Annex 2B.6 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

Inclusive Dates Week no.
DAILY Scheduled Time Learning Area and Topic: Understanding Culture, Society, and
LESSON Politics
LOG Prepared by: Checked by: Approved:


Teacher Master Teacher II School Principal IV


A. Content Standard The learners The learners The learners The learners
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an
understanding of: understanding of: understanding of: 1. understanding of: 1.
1. human cultural 1. human cultural human cultural human cultural
variation, social variation, social variation, social variation, social
differences, social differences, social differences, social differences, social
change, and change, and change, and political change, and political
political identities political identities identities identities
B. Performance Standards The learners 1. The learners 1. The learners 1. The learners 1.
acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge human acknowledge human
human cultural human cultural cultural variation, cultural variation,
variation, social variation, social social differences, social differences,
differences, social differences, social social change, and social change, and
change, and change, and political identities political identities
political identities political identities
C. Learning Competencies / Discuss the nature, Discuss the nature, Discuss the nature, Discuss the nature,
MELCS goals and goals and goals and perspectives goals and perspectives
perspectives in/of perspectives in/of in/of anthropology, in/of anthropology,
anthropology, anthropology, sociology and political sociology and political
sociology and sociology and science science
political science political science
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners’ Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portals
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Revising previous lesson or The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will
presenting the new lesson introduce the main conduct a quick introduce a new conduct a recap the
topic: the nature, review of the Venn concept: political key points from the
goals, and diagrams and science, its nature, previous days,
perspectives of discussions from goals, and key focusing on how
anthropology, Day 1 perspectives. anthropology,
sociology, and sociology, and political
political science. science interrelate.
B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will
lesson explain the explain the explain the focus of explain the
importance of each importance of using political science and importance of
discipline in anthropological and how it differs from anthropology,
studying human sociological anthropology and sociology, and political
societies and their approaches in sociology. science to address
different studying human real-world problems.
approaches. culture and society
C. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will The learners will be The teacher and The students will be
practicing new skills #1 define the following: having group learners will analyze a grouped into 5 for
Anthropology: presentation on political event or issue group discussions and
Study of human each subfield or through the lens of exercises on case
cultures, evolution, theoretical political science studies that require
and societal perspective, theories and concepts. an integrated
development. highlighting its key approach.
Sociology: Analysis principles and
of social behavior, methods.
institutions, and
Political Science:
Examination of
political systems,
behaviors, and
D. Developing mastery The students will Students will apply The students will be The students will
create a Venn concepts from both grouped into 5, and design and present a
diagram comparing disciplines to each group will have project that
and contrasting understand the to research for incorporates
anthropology, case study better. principles and anthropological,
sociology, and ideologies in politics/ sociological, and
political science. political science political science
perspectives to
analyze a
contemporary issue.
E. Finding practical applications of The students will The students will The group will present The teacher will
concepts and skills in daily consider real-world look for current their output one-by- discuss how an
living issues or events cultural or social one while other interdisciplinary
and identify which issue and analyze it groups may ask for approach can be used
discipline provides using clarifications. to address personal or
the most insight anthropological and community issues
into the issue. sociological effectively.
F. Making generalizations and The teacher will The students will The students will The teacher will wrap-
abstractions about the lesson summarize how reflect on how compare and contrast up the lesson and try
each field anthropology and political science with to generate feedbacks
contributes to a sociology offer anthropology and from the learners
holistic complementary sociology in terms of
understanding of insights into their focus on societal
human society and human behavior issues and human
behavior. Reflect on and societal issues. behavior.
between the
G. Evaluating learning The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The students will
conduct a short conduct a short conduct a short quiz make a reflection
quiz quiz paper.
H. Additional activities for Read a short article Read the next Analyze a current Watch current news to
application or remediation or case study lesson in advance political issue using be more aware about
relevant to each different political the society and
discipline and science theories and politics.
identify which field propose potential
of study best solutions or policy
analyzes the recommendations.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did it work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

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