Abbreviations Kettenbach
Abbreviations Kettenbach
Abbreviations Kettenbach
4 Using Abbreviations
1. In the physician’s notes, you may find Translation: The patient has a history of hypertension,
the following: Pt. has hx of Htn, ASHD, arteriosclerotic heart disease, congestive heart failure,
CHF, MI in 2005, TIA in 2006. myocardial infarction in 2005, transient ischemic attack
in 2006.
2. Orders written in the chart: Translation:
Up ad lib Up at discretion (patient’s discretion)
ASA q 4 hr. Aspirin every 4 hours
BRP prn Bathroom privileges when necessary
NPO p̄ midnight Nothing by mouth after midnight
v.o. Dr. Smith/Janice Jones, OTR Verbal order given by Dr. Smith to Janice Jones,
occupational therapist
3. In PT note: Rx: AROM R ankle bid Translation: Treatment intervention: Active range of
motion right ankle two times per day.
4. In chart in doctor’s initial note: imp: Translation: Impression: Chronic obstructive
COPD; R/O lung CA pulmonary disease; rule out lung cancer.
5. Physician’s orders: Record I&O; Translation: Record intake and output. All medications
all meds per IV; NPO; transfer through intravenous tube. Nothing by mouth. Transfer
Pt. to ICU patient to the intensive care unit.
You will be expected to be able to both interpret and use practice in the clinic. Any time you write a note, you will
abbreviations in the medical record. You will encounter be expected to use abbreviations properly.
most of the abbreviations listed in this chapter when you
1. Defensible Documentation for Patient/Client Management. 3. Acute Care Section of the American Physical Therapy Asso-
Accessed at ciation: Common Terminology. Accessed at
cfm?Section=Documentation4&Template=/MembersOnly. on March 9, 2007.
cfm&ContentID=37776 on March 9, 2007. 4. The Joint Commission: Official “Do Not Use” List.
2. Kolber, M, and Lucado, AM: Risk management strategies in Accessed at
physical therapy: documentation to avoid malpractice. rdonlyres/2329F8F5-6EC5-4E21-B932-54B2B7D53F00/
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 0/06_dnu_list.pdf
18(2):123–129, 2005.