Session 3 My Treasure Box

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Day/Time: Day 2 Session 3
Time Duration: 1 hour
Session Title: Treasure Box
References: MFAT Manual, NKCG


At the end of the 2-hour session, the participants shall:

 appreciate the use of MFAT – Treasure Box Activity to the learners;

 be oriented on the administration of the Multi-Factored Assessment Tool –
Treasure Box Activity and familiarized with the materials to be used;
 discuss the Cognitive Domain specifically numeracy, simple analytic, reasoning,
classification, retention and reading; and
 simulate the conduct of the MFAT-Activity 2-Treasure Box.
Resources Needed:
 Presentation/LCD/Laptop
 Manila paper, pentel pen/pair of scissors/colored markers/masking tape
 MFAT materials
*Treasure Box
1. Cut-out pictures of:
-Red donut 2” diameter
-Big blue tire 6” diameter
-Round yellow clock 4” diameter
-Red bunting 4”
-Blue cone 6”
-Yellow triangle ruler 2”
-Red box 6”
-Blue handkerchief 2”
-Yellow mirror 4”
-Red book 6”
-Blue eraser 2”
-Yellow envelope 4”
2. Uppercase letters – M, R, S, T, A and P (flashcard)
3. Lowercase letters – m, r, s, t, a, p and two letter distractors (flashcard)
4. Number cards with numbers 1 – 20
5. Number patterns
6. Popsicle sticks
7. Real P20 peso bill, P10, P5, P1 coins placed in a medium-sized zip lock
8. Wooden clock
9. Pictures of
-Child waking up
-Children attending a flag raising ceremony
-Children inside the classroom
-Children playing
-Child sleeping
10. Body parts puzzle
11. Two pictures of a child (1 with one shoe missing and the other with
complete pair of shoes)
12. Four story books (any children’s books with colorful and exciting covers)
Priming: Guessing Game (3 minutes)

Say before the game: “Good day everyone, I am __________________. I will be

facilitating the second session. Before we start, let us play a game. I will flash three
scrambled words on the screen---you guess what these words are. Is that clear?
Let’s start now.”

Guessing Game – scrambled words flashed on the screen: TREASURE, ASSESSMENT,


Say after the game: “Those three words you just guessed are what our next session
is all about---the second activity of the Multi-Factored Assessment Tool entitled the
Treasure Box which assesses the cognitive development of a child”

Activity: It’s Showtime! (15 minutes)

Say: “For our next activity, we will do our own version of “It’s Showtime!” Let us proudly
showcase our hidden talents by performing tasks written on the scrolls found in the
Treasure Box. Here are the guidelines:

1. Group yourselves into six.

2. Go to your respective groups.
3. Select a group leader.
4. All group leaders will pick a task from the Treasure Box.
5. Each group will have 3 minutes to prepare.
6. Each group will have two minutes to present.

Group 1 Shape Me (Numeracy)

Make a creative presentation on comparing different shapes.
Group 2 Act Me Out (Reasoning)
Role play activities done by a child from morning until night (at least 4 activities).
Group 3 Spell Me (Reading)
Spell “MFAT” using your body in a creative way.
Group 4 1, 2, 3, Freeze! (Simple Analytic)
Present a mannequin display according to body size.
Group 5 Yes, Yes, Yo! (Classification)
Compose a rap on identifying five senses.
Group 6 The Who?! (Retention)
In one-minute time, list down names of 15 local artists.

Say after the activity: “Excellent job, everyone! Now, what did we learn from this
activity?” (Read the instructions on the slides for the next activity)

Analysis: Brainstorming (12 minutes)

1. How did you feel about the activity?

2. What cognitive skill is shown in the presentation of group 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6?
3. Did the activities help you become aware of your cognitive skills?
4. As a teacher, how do you assess those skills of your learners?
5. What other activities could you do to assess your learners along cognitive domain?
6. Is it important to conduct assessment to your learners? Why?

Abstraction: Discussion and Demonstration (15 minutes)

Say before the activity: “Let us now take this time to review about the Cognitive
Domain---what is it about and what skills are covered by this.” (Read the rest about
this activity from the slides; for the demonstration of each item, facilitator will ask a
volunteer to serve as the learner to be assessed)

Discuss and demonstrate the administration of MFAT-Treasure Box activity.

- Materials
- Activities
- Competencies
- Time allotment
- Procedure

Application: It’s Your Turn! (15 minutes)

(Read the instructions on the slide)

Simulation by group:

In each group, there will be participants to act as assessor and learner. The rest of
the group will be observers.

I. Items 1-4

II. Items 5-9

III. Items 10-14

IV. Items 15-19

V. Items 20-22

VI. Items 23-25

(After all presentations, the facilitator will guide in the discussion of the observations)

Concluding Statement:

Say: “If learning is a treasure, patience is the key. Para sa mga batang Filipino,
teachers should have a ton of patience for the effective implementation of this
MFAT. Thank you and have a great day”

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