Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023-2024
Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023-2024
Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023-2024
2023 - 2024
Table of Contents
Grade 9 Course Planning ………………………..……………………………………………………………………… 4
English ……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Social Studies & Flow Chart….……….….……………………………………………………….…..……………….. 6
Math ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………… 8
Science…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Career Education ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Physical Education …….………………..………….……………………………………………………………………… 10
International Languages
French 9 .……..………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Enhanced French 9 ………………….……………………………………………………………………………..… 11
Spanish 9 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 12
Beginner’s Japanese 11………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Home Economics
Food Studies 9 ……..……………………….………………………………………………………………………… 12
Textiles 9……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…. 12
Industrial Technology Education
Drafting 9……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………. 13
Electronics & Robotics 9 …………………………………………………………………………….……………… 13
Metal 9………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….. 13
Art Metal 9……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Woodwork 9……………………………………………….………………………………………………..…………. 13
Woodcraft 9 ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………......… 14
Stained Glass 9………………………………………………….…………………………………………………..… 14
Information Technology ………………………….………………..………………………………………………….… 14
Art …………………………..………………………….………………………………………………………………………. 14
Performing Arts Music
Jazz Band 9 …………..……………………………………………………………………………………..………… 15
Concert Choir 9……………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 15
Concert Band 9……………………………………………………………….……………………………………….. 15
Guitar 9 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Dance…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Drama …………………………..…………………….……………………………...…………………………….……….… 15
Theatre Company 9…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Theatre Management 9………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
School Based Services ……………………………………………………………………………………………….… 16
ELL & Transition to English Courses ……………………………………………………………………..………..… 19
District Based Services ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…... 20
Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 2
Course Planning
The courses at Fraser Heights Secondary follow guidelines set out by the Ministry of Education and the
Surrey School Board. The program consists of a combination of core courses and elective courses. The
courses you choose may help you to explore new fields and perhaps find capabilities and interests you
never knew you had.
Selecting elective courses is an important process and should be carried out in consultation with parents.
Because courses with insufficient enrolment will not be offered, it is important that students choose
alternate electives with care. Certain elective combinations will influence pathways for the student. For
example, if a language is not taken in Grade 9 or 10, a student’s post-secondary choices may be reduced.
Please note that students in Grade 9 should take both a Fine Arts elective and an Applied Skills elective.
Please study the contents of this booklet carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a
school counsellor.
Note: Students are encouraged to take a second language (French 9 or Spanish 9) as an elective to
keep as many post-secondary choices open (available).
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Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 3
Prerequisite: Humanities 8
The major goal of English 9 is to provide learning strategies around the three core competencies of thinking,
communicating, and personal / social learning. This is done with 4 big ideas that act as course organizers:
1. Language and literature help us find meaning and joy.
2. Exploring a rich diversity of texts deepens our understanding and develops our ability to make
connections, express ideas, and think critically.
3. Inquiry, curiosity, and thoughtful reflection in story and text deepen our understanding of self,
identity, and humanity.
4. Using artistry and precision in language are powerful tools in communicating for specific audiences
and purposes.
Students will be able to develop curricular competencies using oral, written, visual, and digital texts in the
areas of:
• Comprehending and Connecting
• Creating and Communicating
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Social Studies
The Social Studies 9 course offers a broad range of learning opportunities in a curriculum that spans the
time period from 1750 to 1919 and challenges students to examine subjects at the global, national and local
levels. The primary focus will be on forces bringing about change in societies including the impact of conflict,
technology, imperialism, nationalism, discrimination, demo-graphic shifts, and geography.
Students will be expected to develop competency in areas of critical thinking, the use of Historical Thinking
Concepts in the interpretation and analysis of historical evidence, and the communication of information in
a variety of formats.
Students will explore interesting, open-ended questions through the investigation, debate, and discussion
of historical and contemporary issues. They will develop different hypotheses, solutions, and an
understanding of the connections among and interpretations of events provided by different academic
disciplines. Students will use these learning opportunities to develop as individuals who will be able to
graduate with the knowledge, skills, and competencies of active, informed citizens.
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The BC Mathematics curriculum aims to ensure that our citizens are numerate and embody mathematical
habits of mind. This is achieved by developing deep mathematical understanding and fluency, logical
reasoning, analytical thought, and creative thinking. At Fraser Heights we believe that the development of
these skills requires a complex and comprehensive program that gives students the opportunity to
experience and appreciate the elegance and beauty of math. Our classes are designed to be inclusive
thinking classrooms where students can take risks, experiment, reflect on their learning and develop a
growth mindset. This growth mindset is fundamental in developing perseverance and confidence in all
Furthermore, it is our belief that learning of math should not be a race. Research has shown that learning
concepts earlier does not guarantee a better math student. Often, we have found that self-accelerated
students miss important learning opportunities and develop skills that undermine a growth mind set and
good mathematical habits of mind. However, we are also aware that students need to be challenged and
enter our school with different degrees of experience and abilities.
Starting in grade 10, students have a choice in which math course they will select. Depending on post-
secondary plans and future career paths, careful considerations should be made to the selected course.
For instance, Workplace Math 10 may be of interest to students wishing to pursue a career in the trades
but will not satisfy university requirements. Furthermore, the Pre-Calculus courses are designed for
students wanting to enter University however many programs will accept the Foundations pathway.
Please refer to the Math Flow Chart above and to Post Secondary admissions to help select the right math
course. *You may need to contact your school counselor or admissions counselors for clarification.
Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 6
MATH 9 – MMA--09
Topics of study include exponents, operations with polynomials, operations with rational numbers, two-
variable linear relations, multi-step one-variable linear equations, spatial proportional reasoning,
probability and statistics in society, financial literacy.
Math 9 Transition is a course for students who are still developing many of the curriculum competencies
and would benefit from a slower pace and targeted support. The topics of study include numbers,
polynomials, linear relations, personal finance, and statistics.
Prerequisite: Science 8
The Science 9 curriculum provides students the opportunity to continue learning about grade specific big
ideas through an inquiry-based learning model. We begin with Chemistry and examine how the
arrangement of electrons in an atom impacts the chemical nature of the element, the compounds it forms
and naming the compounds. Next, students will explore the role of electrons in creating electricity, we will
study circuits, voltage, and resistance. Biology focuses on reproduction, starting with cellular division,
mitosis, meiosis, and their roles in human reproduction. In the final unit, we examine how the biosphere,
geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere interact, the cycling of matter and energy through these different
spheres of the earth, and the sustainability of ecosystems based on the interactions of these various
factors. Success in Science 9 is ensured by student participation and attendance. Inquiry based projects
will enable students to communicate their learning as they design experiments and/or projects centered
on the big ideas in each unit.
Assessment: Based on laboratory activities, projects, assignments, quizzes, and tests.
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Career Education
• Career Education 9 continues to build a foundation of learning for Career Life Education 10 and
Career Life Connections 12
• Students will continue to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes which will assist them in making
informed decisions as they plan future education and career paths
• Career Education 9 course topics are offered as activities and assessment using MyBlueprint
account in various classes during a student’s Grade 9 year.
• Self-assessment and reflection of strengths, preferences, and skills related to career goals
• Recognition of the importance of public identity in communities and the world of work
• Use of research skills in the exploration of career clusters
• Goal setting in relation to curricular choices and extra-curricular activities
• Demonstration of safety skills and recognition of the importance of workplace safety
The Physical and Health Education 9 curriculum builds on the skills, knowledge, and attitudes developed
in the PE 8 course. PE 9 focuses on the development of physical literacy through participation in
individual and team sports, dance, and individual fitness activities. The health education component of PE
9 focuses on the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to health literacy and
encompasses health and safety topics including nutrition, healthy sexual decision making, social and
emotional health, and mental well-being.
An underlying principle of the PE 9 curriculum is that students must be active in creating, assessing, and
applying what they learn to their daily lives. Daily active participation, to the best of one’s ability, is a
mandatory component of the PE 9 curriculum.
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International Languages
The principal goal of our language program is to develop communications skills so that students will have
the desire and ability to express themselves in real-life situations. Students should be aware that a grade
11 language course is a prerequisite for most universities. A few universities may allow a Beginner
Language 11 or require a Grade 12 language course. Most college programs do not require a second
FRENCH 9 - MFR--09
Prerequisite: French 8
Students will further develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Grammar points
continue to be introduced as a tool to help students communicate in an effective manner. Students will
continue to explore Francophone cultures, as well as identify similarities and differences between those
cultures and their own. In this course students will also learn about the First people’s cultures and
traditions as well as their connection to the francophone world.
Enhanced French 9 is a follow-up of Enhanced French 8. Students will continue to learn French through
an enriched curriculum that supports the more advanced speaking, reading, and writing skills that the
students have already acquired. The course will have interesting, authentic, and motivating themes, which
may include some integration with other subject areas. Oral interaction will continue to be emphasized. In
this course students will also explore the First people’s cultures and traditions as well as their connection
to the francophone world. This course is conducted exclusively in French.
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Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 9
Prerequisite: It is strongly recommended that students wishing to take Spanish 9 have attained a grade of C
or higher in French 8.
This is an introductory course focusing on the four areas of language acquisition: reading, writing,
listening, and speaking. The topics of exploration are activities, personality/physical characteristics, food,
school, family, and clothing. Grammar points are introduced as a tool to help students communicate in an
effective manner. The course also introduces students to the culture and traditions of Hispanic and First
Nations people. In addition, social responsibility is explored through the context of culture, as well as
through the language itself.
Prerequisite: None
This is an intensive beginner’s course that provides the essential skills covered in the Japanese 9 & 10
programs. Students will learn the Hiragana and Katakana writing systems and basic grammar while
developing their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through communicative experiential units.
In addition, they will learn to appreciate the Japanese, Japanese–Canadian and First People’s cultures
through various activities. It is important to verify whether this course meets the language requirement for
entrance to the university that the student wishes to attend.
Students will add to their culinary repertoire and further develop their knowledge of food using the design
process. This course will focus on the needs and concerns of individuals and society when it comes to
food. Students will be asked to identify issues as they relate to food and use creative and critical thinking
skills to design, develop and create practical solutions to such issues. Students will be asked to consider
various global views, values, and beliefs in the development of innovative solutions, including aboriginal
perspectives. Investigation into and development of culinary techniques will serve to enhance student’s
understanding and give them the opportunity to create meaningful food products.
If you like to make things to use or wear, then this course is for you! This course encourages students to
interact with the design process through the creation of various sewing, dying, and craft/home decor
items. Whether you are a beginner or experienced sewer, develop your sewing skills while making a
garment that is uniquely yours. You will finish this course with skills that will last you a lifetime. Students
will be asked to identify and consider important issues surrounding the apparel industry, and use various
global views in the design, development, and creation of projects, including Aboriginal perspectives.
Students will also be encouraged to identify and build on the relationships found between the subject
Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 10
Industrial Technology Education – Applied Skills
Students will be introduced to the exciting world of 2D and 3D graphic communication using a design-
oriented approach. This course covers basic drafting principles and techniques, including orthographic
projections, isometric drawings, pictorial drawings, and dimensioning, plus 3D modelling. These skills will
allow students to communicate ideas and designs and solve real-world problems. Assignments may be
completed using technical sketching techniques, AutoCAD & Inventor programs, and 3D printing.
This course is designed as a rotation, where one term focus is electronics, and the other term focus is
robotics. The electronics component is an introductory course that will teach students to recognize and
know the function of basic electronic components and to use electronic test equipment such as digital
multimeters and power supplies. Students will be introduced to reading and producing schematic
diagrams. They will develop an understanding of basic circuit troubleshooting. Prototyping of circuits and
project work are a key component of this course. Students will learn how to construct printed circuit
boards, learn how to solder, and build circuit enclosures (cases). These are all important skills that
transfer over to the robotics component, where students will have the opportunity to design, build and
program competition robots.
Metal 9 is designed to provide students with an introduction to the theory and associated skills related to
the various components of metal fabrication, welding, machining, casting, and project design. Students
will learn to use various metal working machines and hand tools, to develop their skills. A variety of fun
and useful projects will be built to help develop the student’s general knowledge base and understanding
of metal work.
Art Metal 9 is designed to teach students a wide variety of skills and is presented in a way that blends
theory and practice. Students will develop their skills manufacturing metal sculpture project provided by
the instructor, or of their own design.
This course is a hands-on introduction to woodworking processes with an emphasis on the development of
practical skills, design work and problem-solving ability. Students will read and interpret plans, calculate
costs, follow written instructions, and fabricate projects using wood and wood composite materials and
become familiar with the safe use of tools & machines. Teacher-directed projects have been designed to
encourage the learning development of students, but many aspects of design are left up to the individual.
In this course, success is achieved through the emphasis on small craft-type projects. Students learn the
safe and appropriate use of common woodworking hand and power tools and gain an appreciation for
wood, one of our foremost natural resources. Some areas which may be covered include free form, relief,
and Native carving, wood sculpting, wood burning, inlay, and Intarsia. CNC engraving might also be
incorporated into student projects.
This is a locally developed introductory course for students interested in the methods and techniques of
working with glass. Students will learn image development, design, and the use of color as they make
various projects. The course introduces terms and tools for glasswork as students create artworks using
mosaic, etching, and foiling techniques. Some of the projects may include stained glass sun-catchers,
sand-blasted designs and more.
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Information And Communications Technologies – Applied Skills
Do you like to Draw? Or Paint? Would you like to learn? Would you like to make a clay pot? This course
will give you instruction in how to draw and paint and explores the graphic arts and sculpture. You can
meet new friends and work with other students on group projects. You will study classical and modern
artists and display your work. This course gives you the basics to continue learning about Visual Art and
enjoying it in the future.
JAZZ BAND 9 - MMU--09JBY (Offered during Flex Time only at lunch and after school)
This course focuses on an intermediate level of jazz band performance. Various styles of jazz will be studied
(swing, Latin, funk, rock) through ensembles and solo works. Improvisation and solo will include
intermediate techniques based on scales and chords.
*Enrolment is limited to standard big band instruments (saxes, trumpets, trombones, piano, bass, guitar,
and drums). Other instruments by director's permission. Evaluation will be based on progress, attitude,
and participation in music department activities.
Students will have the opportunity to develop their vocal skills and music theory through studying and
performing a wide variety of music from classical to pop. Students will be expected to be committed to the
class as whole, which includes attending all performances and a conscientious desire to contribute to
regular classroom rehearsals. Evaluation will be based on the student's vocal skills and participation in
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Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 12
Performing Arts Music – Fine Arts
Band 9 is designed to further develop skills and attitudes acquired in Band 8. Emphasis will be on correct
technique, leadership, and individual responsibility to the group. Students will receive instruction on their
instrument, ensemble skills, notation, ear training and counting. Students will experience a significant
increase in excitement and complexity of music repertoire over previous band levels. There will be increased
performance opportunities at Fraser Heights, local elementary schools, district festivals, and provincial
festivals and the possibility of an extended extracurricular band tour. Students are expected to attend all
Prerequisite: None
This course designed for beginner to intermediate guitar students. Learn how to pick, strum, read tablature
and play 99 different chords. We will learn to play classical, blues, Latin, pop rock, jazz…even heavy metal!
Students must supply their own acoustic guitar (rentals are available at local music stores). Guitar 9 is a
structured course with an emphasis on personal musical interests.
Prerequisite: None
Students will experience and learn different dance elements, techniques, and vocabulary to create mood
and convey ideas, including but not limited to: body, space, dynamics (dance), time relationships, form, and
movement principles. Every student will be expected to make authentic, real-world connections to all the
various dance assignments we do. They will learn to recognize and come to appreciate the value of diverse
genres of dance through research and performances in front of peers and wider audiences. Open to grade
9 student only of varying capabilities.
Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 13
Drama – Fine Arts
Theatre Company is a theatre production course. Students learn the process of acting and technical theatre
through participation in various school productions. Students are introduced to a variety of set and theatre
Runs at flextime and after school from September to June.
Theatre Management is an intensive technical theatre course. Students will act as School Technical
Directors. They will learn technical and management skills by designing and running various school and
community events.
Runs at flextime and after school from September to June.
Fraser Heights Secondary Grade 9 Course Selection Book 2023 – 2024 Page 14
School Based Services
Counselling services are a personal resource service for students and a resource for teachers and families.
Counsellors act as advocates for students and their families. Seeing a counsellor is a simple matter
facilitated by an appointment system within the school. The counsellors provide the following services:
Personal Counselling
• confidential discussion of personal concerns
Educational Counselling
• selection of courses, program planning, graduation requirements, post-secondary entrance
requirements and reference materials, student concerns regarding courses and study skills
Career Counselling
• exploration of values, interests, abilities, needs
• establishing career goals and exploration of related occupations
• after consultation, counsellors may provide appropriate referrals to other school
system services or non-school agencies
The Learning Support Team (LST) located in Room 210 supports the diverse learners at Fraser Heights
Secondary. Students who would benefit from the additional support of LST are determined through
consultation with elementary school teachers, LST teachers, counsellors, and administration. The LST
department offers many levels of support for you throughout your educational career at Fraser Heights.
• Peer Tutors: Peer Tutors are typically students in Grades 11-12 who want to help students in the
younger grades find success. Peer tutors are trained by the LST department and then placed in
classes to work with any students who are struggling. This course offers students a chance to give
back to the Fraser Heights community and step beyond their usual role as students to take on
more responsibility as mentors in the classroom.
• In Class Support: Teachers and Education Assistants provide in-class support for students in
academic classes. In classes where these kinds of support exist teachers and EAs are available to
help any students in the class who are struggling. The LST department members are also a great
resource for test taking strategies, organizational skills, and adapted materials.
• Pull Out Support: Students who are needing additional support or one on one help can come to
the LST room for pull out support. This can be done in small groups or one on one. All that is
needed is permission from your classroom teacher.
• Support Blocks: Support blocks are available to students who need extra help and support to be
successful. Students needing this level of support need to speak to the LST staff to have their
support block put in place.
• Homework Club: Homework Club is run by a group of Fraser Heights Students who are eager to
help students in various subjects. This club is great for students who'd like extra help on
assignments from a knowledgeable peer in a welcoming and warm environment.
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The Fraser Heights Library Learning Commons is open to students from 7:45 am – 3:15 pm most days.
Flextime/lunch is a great time to come in and work on assignments. Our collection of non-fiction and
reference books supports and enriches the curriculum and provides a wide reading level. We also have a
great collection of fiction books, and we subscribe to many magazines.
Students can access the internet, the SD36 on-line databases, and word processing programs using
several computers. The teacher-librarian is available to assist students with research projects, study
skills, information technology skills and make suggestions for recreational reading.
The school resource group is comprised of seven RCMP members. These officers aid in giving lectures to
the elementary grades and problem solving for the secondary students.
B.A.S.E.S. stands for Basic Academic, Social, and Employment Skills program. Students are placed in the
B.A.S.E.S. program by the school district. Students in the B.A.S.E.S. program are generally on a modified
school program and will receive a School Leaving Certificate rather than a Dogwood High School Diploma
upon graduation.
The goal of the B.A.S.E.S. program is to prepare students for the working world and independent living
within the community.
Functional academics, life skills, social skills, community skills and employment skills are the focus of the
B.A.S.E.S. Program.
At Fraser Heights we have an enthusiastic and committed Aboriginal Team working for the success of all
Aboriginal Youth. Aboriginal Youth includes First Nations (Status and Non-Status), Metis and Inuit. All
staff work to support the vision and goals of the Surrey Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement
To have every Aboriginal learner graduate with dignity, purpose, and options.
• Increase positive identity and sense of belonging for all Aboriginal learners;
• Increase knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal History, traditions, and cultures for all
learners; and
• Increase achievement for Aboriginal learners.
At Fraser Heights we have special events, luncheons, in class support, as well as flextime and after school
support. The District Aboriginal Department sponsors events such as the District Aboriginal Grad
Ceremony. Throughout the year we receive email notices about scholarships, special programs and job
opportunities. To be a part of our Aboriginal program here at Fraser Heights, contact your counselor.
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District Based Services
Youth Care Workers provide for students in connection programs. As well, Itinerant Youth Care Workers
are a district resource used to provide short term strategic intervention for students in regular classroom
settings who require behavioural support. They may also provide support for students referred to, or
transitioning from, connection programs.
This service provides direct instruction to students who are unable to attend school due to a non-
contagious medical situation. The Hospital Homebound Service can be accessed via the school
This is a school and/or District based service supporting low incidence students and their classroom
Provide district based, educational assessment services designed to support students, school personnel,
and parents in enhancing academic, adaptive, and social skills for students.
Provide support to those students who’s educational and/or social progress is adversely affected by
communication difficulties.
Teachers are assigned to teach students at home or at Student Services who are unable, for a period of given
time to fit into an appropriate classroom facility in our district. The students who may be on waiting lists for
rehabilitative and behaviour disorder classes have school phobias or other problems.
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