Enn 1504 Exam
Enn 1504 Exam
Enn 1504 Exam
1. Welcome
The Minister of Education opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
2. Present
Minister of Education (Chairperson)
Ms Phakathi (secretary)
Dr Abrahams (academics)
Mrs Moloi (parent)
Comrade Nobhala (teacher)
Ms Sithole (student representative)
3. New matters
Mr Abraham reported that joining higher education poses a challenge for some
school leavers.
Comrade Nobhala said they have been complaining about the undesirable
teacher-learner ratios which make it impossible for us to give learners individual
Dr Abraham again suggested that the Minister should introduce school-based
initiatives as a support structure.
Comrade Nobhala suggested that as part of the initiative they could have
university students who are performing well to come and talk to learners.
Ms Sithole suggested that universities intensify their student support programmes
by organising effective orientation activities, advertising extra classes and tutoring
sessions offered.
The Minister the suggested that suggest that Nobhala puts their suggestions in
their agenda whenever they have union meetings and he shall also write a
memorandum to the relevant education authorities so that different provinces can
do the same.
Mrs Moloi said that she will extend the awareness to parents through the National
Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB).
4. Next Meeting
In three months time.
5. Closure
The meeting was adjourned by the Minister
Question 2: Investigative Report
1. Terms of Reference
On the 18th of October 2023 I, Simthandile Phakathi, was requested to carry out
an investigation into the possibility of allowing academics, administrators and
technicians to continue working from home in the 2024 academic year. I was
requested by the Principal and Vice Chancellor of Marx-Kingsway University. The
recommendation should be submitted by the 30th of November 2023.
2. Procedures
2.1 An inventory of the advantages of working from home was made.
2.2 Questionnaires we made and distributed to the academics, administrators
and technicians of Marx-Kingsway University and to those of Unisa’s.
2.3 Interviews were conducted with 10 staff members. 5 from Marx-Kingsway
University and 5 from Unisa.
2.4 Similarities were identified in both institutions.
3. Findings
3.1 It was found that the advantages of working from home are improvement of
work-life balance, less time spent commuting and increased productivity and
3.2 The questionnaires that were completed showed that it’s much more easier
working from home and that there is more productivity as well as
3.3 The interviews with that Marx-Kingsway University’s staff confirmed the
advantages of working from home and the staff from Unisa indicated their
satisfaction with the way things are since they work from home.
3.4 It was also found that both institutions are almost similar in the way that their
work is
4. Conclusions
4.1 Traveling to work everyday causes frustration to staff and leads to more time
spent commuting and decreased productivity and performance
4.2 Working from home results in confident, efficient and professional staff since
they are in the comfort of their own home.
4.3 Working from home results in increased flexibility and more money saved.
5. Recommendations
5.1 Academics, administrators and technicians should continue working from
home in the 2024 academic year.
5.2 Follow-up action should be done at the end of the first semester to determine
if there is a continuous increased productivity and performance from the
members of the staff.
Compiler’s Details
SU Phakathi
Ms SU Phakathi
Chairperson of the Advisory Board
25 November 2023