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ADB Commands List
Below is the complete list of all the ADB commands in existence and what they do:
ADB Command What it does
adb help Shows ADB Help documentation. adb devices Lists all the Android devices connected via ADB. adb reboot Reboots your Android device. adb reboot bootloader Reboots your Android device into fastboot / bootloader mode. adb recovery Reboots your Android device into recovery mode. adb install Helps you install an APK file on your Android device. ⇒ adb install filename.apk Install the APK file ⇒ adb install -r filename.apk Re-installs or updates an app. ⇒ adb install -s filename.apk Installs the APK file in SD card (if the app supports). adb uninstall Helps you install an app file on your Android device. ⇒ adb uninstall com.facebook.katana Simply uninstalls the app. ⇒ adb uninstall -k com.facebook.katana Keeps the data and cache folder after the app is uninstalled. adb logcat Displays the log data onto the screen. adb bugreport Displays the dumpsys, dumpstate and logcat data on the screen. adb jdwp Lists the JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol) processes on the device. adb get-serialno Shows the adb instance serial number string with the device. adb get-state Displays the device status. adb wait-for-device Used to set a delay before the next command is issued. It executes when the device is online but it can be programmed to wait till another process is done. adb start-server Starts the adb server process. adb kill-server Stops the adb server process. adb sideload Used to flash a zip file in recovery mode when the zip file is available in the computer and not phone. Read more. adb pull Pulls any file from your device and saves it on your computer. Read more. adb push Used to push a file into your Android device. Read more. SEE ALSO Setup System-Wide ADB and Fastboot on Windows ADB Shell Commands List Here’s a complete list of all the ADB Shell Commands and what they do:
ADB Shell Command What it does
adb shell Starts the remote shell command console in the device adb shell pm uninstall -k –user 0 Helps you uninstall a system app from your Android device. Replace with the actual package name of the app you want to uninstall. adb shell dumpsys Dumps all system data about your Android device’s hardware and software configuration adb shell dumpsys display Displays all the hardware and software configuration about your display. adb shell dumpsys battery Displays all the hardware and software configuration about your battery. adb shell dumpsys batterystats Displays all the info about your battery statistics. adb shell wm density Helps you change the pixel density on your Android device. adb shell pm list packages Lists all the apps installed on your device as package names. adb shell pm list packages -s Lists all the system apps installed on your device as package names. adb shell pm list packages -3 Lists all the 3rd party apps installed on your device as package names. adb shell pm list packages -d Lists all the disabled apps on your device as package names. adb shell pm list packages -e Lists all the enabled apps on your device as package names. adb shell pm list packages -u Lists all the uninstalled apps with installed pages on your device as package names. adb shell screencap /sdcard/screenshot.png Takes a screenshot of your device screen and saves it in sdcard with the name ‘screenshot.png‘ adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/screenrecord.mp4 Starts recording your device screen and saves the video in ‘sdcard‘ with the name ‘screenrecord.mp4‘. The default record time is 180 Seconds (which is maximum). You can press CTRL + C to stop the recording any time. adb shell screenrecord –size 1920×1080 /sdcard/screenrecord.mp4 Screen recording with custom width and height for the video. adb shell screenrecord –time-limit 120 /sdcard/screenrecord.mp4 Screen recording with custom time limit for the video. Max value is 180. You can enter any value in the place of 120 in this command. adb shell screenrecord –bit-rate 4000000 /sdcard/screenrecord.mp4 Screen recording with custom bit rate for the video. The value ‘4000000’ sets the bitrate to 4MBPS. Change accordingly. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> cd /system Changes the directory to ‘/system’. Changes accordingly. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> rm -f /sdcard/facebook.apk Deletes a file from your Android device. Give the file name with the proper path. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> crm -d /sdcard/Facebook Deletes a folder from your Android device. Give the folder name with the proper path. mkdir /sdcard/AndroidMore Creates a new folder named ‘AndroidMore’ under ‘/sdcard’ cp /sdcard/filename.apk /sdcard/FolderName/ To copy a file. mv /sdcard/filename.apk /sdcard/FolderName/ To move a file. mv /sdcard/filename.apk /sdcard/anotherfilename.apk To rename a file. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> netstat To check the network statistics of your Android device. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> ip -f inet addr show wlan0 Displays your phone’s Wi-Fi IP address. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> top Displays top CPU processes running on your Android device. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> getprop Used to get the properties of your Android’s build.prop configuration. adb shell <Hit Enter and then execute the following command> setprop net.dns1 Used to set values to the properties present in your Android’s build.prop configuration files. SEE ALSO [LIST] System Apps that are Safe to Remove on Samsung Devices Fastboot Commands List Here’s the list of all the Fastboot commands and what they do:
Fastboot Command What it does
fastboot devices List all the Android devices that are connected in fastboot mode to your computer. fastboot oem unlock Unlocks the bootloader on your Android device (if the OEM allows). fastboot oem lock Relocks the bootloader on your Android device. fastboot reboot bootloader Reboots your device into fastboot / bootloader mode (while you are still in fastboot mode itself). It is necessary sometimes. fastboot flash Used to flash files on your Android device. fastboot flash boot boot.img Flashes boot image on your Android device’s boot partition. fastboot flash recovery recovery.img Flashes recovery image on your Android device’s recovery partition. fastboot boot filename.img Instead of flashing the file, this command simply boots it (if the file is bootable). That was all from our side for the ADB Commands and Fastboot commands list. If we had missed anything, do let us know in the comments below!