Gold Exp B1 TB Exams
Gold Exp B1 TB Exams
Gold Exp B1 TB Exams
What do teachers need to consider? Teachers should find out about student’s priorities and how
many students intend to take the exam. They should then
1 What do you do when not all students in a class are find out about individual student’s respective strengths and
taking the exam? weaknesses in order to focus as much time as possible on
those areas students have trouble with. Information they
Teachers should make sure that students who are not taking need includes:
the exam are still engaged with the work done in class and
feel they can benefit from the specific practice that exam a) The format and content of the exam.
students need. This means explaining clearly exactly what • How many papers are there, and what skills does each
is being tested in exam tasks and how these skills also one test?
benefit students outside the classroom. Cambridge English • How many different parts are there in each paper?
Qualifications exams test skills that are transferable to the Are they all compulsory or is there a choice?
real world, and this should be explained to students. Once • What is the grammar syllabus for the exam?
an exam task has been completed, it could be followed by
general discussion on the topic or extended vocabulary • How are the skills tested – multiple choice questions,
practice so that non-exam students feel the benefit. gap-fill … ? What techniques are required for dealing
with each one?
2 How is teaching for exams different from teaching b) The practicalities of taking the exam.
general English classes?
• How much time is allowed for each part of the exam?
• Exam classes often place more emphasis on reading, How should students balance their time?
writing and grammar. General courses often include more • Where do students write their answers? Is there
speaking activities and general listening tasks that aim to transfer time?
develop communicative skills and fluency.
c) Marking the exam.
• An exam course is fixed, with an exam syllabus that must
• What is the weighting of different papers?
be completed. This means the teacher may feel there’s
little time to do many extension activities from the • How many marks are there for each question?
Student’s Book that are either optional or not in exam • What are the assessment criteria for each part where
format, even though these are clearly useful. When doing there is no ‘right’ answer, especially when testing the
these activities, it’s important that teachers explain their productive skills of writing and speaking?
value clearly to the students so that they understand how d) What happens after the exam?
they relate to the exam.
• How are the results presented? Do students receive
• Exam students may not be interested in learning English feedback? Are the grades linked to the CEFR? What level
for its own sake – they may simply want to pass the exam. are they linked to?
This means they may be keen to do exam practice but
• What can your students do with the qualification? Is it
may not see the value of spending time on communicative
recognised internationally?
or fluency activities. Non-exam students, on the other
hand, will want to do fluency work that improves their • What is the next exam that your students should
communicative ability. progress to?
• Students may feel under pressure to succeed. This could 4 What makes a successful exam teacher?
come from parents, teachers or from the students
themselves, and leads to a feeling of frustration if they’re Teaching for an exam is very rewarding, but it is also
not doing well. challenging. A good exam teacher:
• There can be problems if students are not at the level • knows and understands the exam well, including the
of the exam they’re studying for. Students can become testing focus of each part and what techniques students
demotivated, and teachers can feel frustrated. need to deal with each one
• There is a very clear end goal which creates a shared • understands how to achieve a balance between developing
bond among exam students. It also means that non-exam skills and doing exam practice in lessons so as to engage all
students can see a progression through the course, and gain students in the work
a sense of progress and achievement in their overall ability. • enjoys teaching towards a goal
• manages their own and their students’ time effectively
3 What do exam teachers need to know at the start of
and efficiently
a course?
• listens to students’ concerns and worries
It’s vital that teachers know about the exam before they start
• gives honest and direct feedback on students’ performance
the course, so they can make crucial decisions about how
much time to spend on the different aspects of the exam, • motivates students and fosters confidence and
when to start exam practice and so on. They also need to independent learning
know the balance of exam and non-exam students.