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Human Behavior in Organization

What is Human Behavior?

- It refers to the physical actions of a person that 1. Development of people skills
can be seen or heard
2. Personal growth- makes a person highly
- the person exhibits behaviors similar or different
competitive in the workplace
when he is in or out of organization
- Human behavior in organizations is referred to as 3. Enhancement of organizational and individual
Organizational Behavior effectiveness- effectiveness is a major attribute of
successful organizations as well as individuals.
When the right decisions are made, effectiveness

-the study of human behavior in organization, or the 4. Sharpening and refinement of common sense-
interaction between individuals and the organization, people differ in the degree of common sense they
and of the organization itself. posses. Improvement of common sense can still
be made and great benefits can be derived if this
is done.

1. To explain behavior- OB needs to systematically

describe how people behave under a variety of
conditions, and understand why people behave
2 Types of Skills that a Person Will need to Succeed in His
as they do.
Chosen Career:
2. To predict behavior- OB must predict behavior so
support can be provided to productive and 1. the skill in doing his work
dedicated employees, and measures could be
instituted to control the disruptive and less 2. the skill in relating with people
productive ones.
3. To control behavior- OB can offer some means
for management to control the behavior of
The origins of OB can be traced to the following:

1. The human relations approach

a. Scientific Management Approach by
1. People- consisting of individuals or groups. The Frederick W. Taylor
individual person is inducted as a member of a b. Human Relations Approach by Elton Mayo
formal group but soon he or she may become a
member of an informal group. 2. The personality theories
2. Structure- it defines the formal relationship of a. Freud’s Model
people in the organization. It describes how job b. behaviorist approach by Watson and Skinner
tasks are formally divided, grouped and c. the humanist approach by Carl Rogers, Fritz
coordinated. Perls and Abraham Maslow
3. Technology-refers to the combination of
resources, knowledge and techniques w/ w/c
people work and affect the task that they
perform.. It consists of buildings, machines, work
processes and assembled resources.
4. Environment- refers to the institutions or forces
outside the organization that potentially affect
the organization’s performance. It includes
suppliers, customers, competitors, government
regulatory agencies, public pressure groups .

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Human Behavior in Organization

4. People react differently to any style of leadership

5. People differ in terms of need for contact with
other people
Ethics 6. People differ in terms of commitment to the
refers to the set of moral choices a person makes organization
based on what he or she ought to do. 7. People differ in terms of level of self-esteem

Organizational Ethics
moral principles that define right or wrong Productivity
behavior in organizations • Refers to the output per worker

Ethical Behavior Quality of work

behavior that is accepted as morally good and • Because people are different from each other, it
right as opposed to bad or wrong is not surprising that the quality of their work will
also be different. Some individuals will not be
contented in making products of mediocre
What constitutes right and wrong behavior behavior in quality, while others will just strive to produce
organization is determined by the following: outputs that barely passed standard
1. The public
2. Interest groups Empowerment
3. Organizations • Means giving someone the power to do
4. The individual’s personal morals and values something
• Example: an individual maybe empowered to
sign purchased contracts

Style of leadership
1. Conflict of interest- exists when a person is in the • Some people will prefer a leader with a
position of having to decide whether to advance democratic style, while some will need close
the interests of the organization or to operate in supervision from their superiors.
his or her own personal interest • These differences make it necessary for a leader
2. Fairness and honesty- people are expected to be to use different leadership styles even in a small
fair and honest. Beyond obeying the law, they unit
should not knowingly harm customers, clients
and competitors through deception, coercion or Need for contact with other people
misrepresentation • Some will need more contact, while others can
3. Communication-people can become victims of work alone the whole day
organizations that provide false and misleading
information about their products and services. Commitment
• Some are committed and loyal to the
organization that they work the whole day w/out
I n d i v i d u a l D i f f e r e n c e s noticing that they are putting in more than the
required working hours.
• Refer to the variation in how people respond to • Those who are highly committed to the
the same situation based on personal organization tend to produce high quality
characteristics output , while those who are less committed are
• The idea is that each person is different from all less concerned about output and attendance
- Those with low self-esteem tend to be less
1. People differ in productivity productive
2. People differ in the quality of their work - They also avoid accepting more responsibilities
3. People react differently to empowerment

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- There are some who have high regard of 2 Sets of a Person’s Overall Abilities:
themselves( high self-esteem)
1. physical - refers to the capacity of the individual
to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity,
What Makes People Different From Each Other
strength & similar characteristics
1. demographics
2. mental
2. aptitude and ability
3. personality

Sources of Demographic Diversity:

1. Gender
2. Generational differences and age 1. Dynamic strength- ability to exert muscular force
3. Culture repeatedly or continuously over time

Gender Differences 2. Trunk strength- ability to exert muscular strength

• The differences in the perception of male and using the trunk
female roles
3. Static strength- ability to exert force against
Men & Women are not Different along the following external objects
1. Problem solving abilities 4. Explosive strength- ability to expend a maximum
2. Analytical skills of energy in one or a series of explosive acts
3. Competitive drive
4. Motivation 5. Extent flexibility- ability to move the trunk and
5. Learning ability back muscles as far as possible
6. sociability
6. Dynamic flexibility- ability to make rapid,
Generational differences and age repeated flexing movements
• A worker that belongs to a certain generation
may behave differently from a worker who 7. Body coordination- ability to coordinate
belongs to another simultaneous actions of different parts of the
• Most often, age is associated w/ experience body

Culture 8. Balance- ability to maintain equilibrium despite

• Refers to the learned and shared ways of thinking forces pulling off balance
and acting among a group of people or society
• It has 2 dimensions: 9. Stamina- ability to continue maximum effort
requiring prolonged effort over time
Social culture- refers to the social environment of
human-created beliefs,

1. customs, knowledge and practices that define

conventional behavior in a society Intelligence is composed of 4 subparts:
2. Organizational culture- is the set of values, beliefs
& norms that is shared among members of an 1. cognitive
organization 2. social
3. emotional
4. cultural

Aptitude - capacity of a person to learn or acquire skills

Ability - refers to an individual’s capacity to perform the
various tasks in a job

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Multiple Intelligences
1. Cognitive Intelligence- capacity of a person to
• Theory of Multiple Intelligences developed by
acquire and apply knowledge including solving
Howard Gardner
• He proposes 8 different components of
2. Social Intelligence- person’s ability to relate Intelligence w/c the individual possesses in
effectively w/ others varying degrees:

3. Emotional Intelligence- person’s qualities such as 1. Linguistic- sensitive to language, meanings

understanding ones own feelings, empathy for and the relations among words
others - makes people able to communicate
through language including reading,
4. Cultural Intelligence- outsider’s ability to
writing, speaking
interpret someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous
behavior the same way that person’s compatriot
2. Logical-Mathematical-covers abstract
thought, precision, counting, organization
and logical structure, enabling the individual
to see the relationship between objects and
s solve problems such as those in algebra
-an approach to the study of intelligence developed by
Robert Sternberg 3. Musical- gives people the capacity to create
and understand meanings made out of
3 Important Parts of Intelligence: sounds and to enjoy different types of music

1. Componential Intelligence 4. Spatial- enables people to perceive and

2. Experiential Intelligence manipulate images in their brain and to re-
3. Contextual Intelligence create them from memory such as in
making graphic designs
Componential Intelligence
- Persons with spatial intelligence is blessed
• Also referred to as analytical intelligence with abilities concerning keen observation,
• It involves components ( or mental processes) visual thinking etc.
used in thinking
• Traditional type of intelligence needed for solving 5. Bodily-kinesthetic- enables people to use their
difficult problems with abstract reasoning body and perceptual and motor systems in
skilled ways , such as dancing, playing
sports, & expressing emotion through facial
Experiential Intelligence expressions
• Also referred to as Creative Intelligence
• Type of intelligence that focuses on how people 6. Intrapersonal- has highly accurate
perform on tasks with w/c they have either little understanding of himself or herself
or no previous experience - He/she is sensitive to his/her values,
• It is the type of intelligence that is required for purpose, feelingsand has a developed sense
imagination or combining things in novel ways of self

Contextual Intelligence 7. Interpersonal- makes it possible for persons to

recognize and make distinctions among the
• Also known as Practical Intelligence feelings, motives, intentions of others
• Type of everyday intelligence or street smarts
• It requires adapting to, selecting & shaping our 8. Naturalist- possesses the ability to seek
real-world environment patterns in the external physical
environment . As a result, the opportunity to
enrich all the 7 intelligences is provided

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P e r s o n a l i t y
• Refers to the sum total of ways in w/c an
individual reacts and interacts with others 4. Agreeableness- refers to the persons interpersonal
- An agreeable person is cooperative, warm and
1. Heredity
2. Environment
5. Conscientiousness-refer to a person’s reliability
Hereditary Factors
high degree of conscientiousness – responsible,
- Those that are determined at conception
organized, dependable, and persistent
- It includes the following:
1. physical stature
6. Self-monitoring behavior- person’s ability to
2. facial attractiveness
adjust his/her behavior to external, situational or
3. gender
environmental factors
4. temperament
5. muscle composition & reflexes
7. Risk taking and thrill seeking refer to the person’s
6. energy level
willingness to take risk and pursue thrills that
7. biological rhythms
sometimes are required in the workplaces

8. Optimism- refers to the tendency to experience

Environmental Factors
positive emotional states and to typically believe
that positive outcomes will be forthcoming from
-those that exert pressures on the formation on the
most activities
individual’s personality. It includes the following:

1. cultural factor-refer to the established norms,

attitudes & values that are passed along from 1
generation to the next

2. social factor- refer to those that reflect family

life, religion 7 the many kinds of formal & informal
groups in w/c the individual participates
throughout his life

3. Situational factors- indicate that the individual

behave indifferently in different situations

1. Emotional stability- characterize one as calm, self

confident and secure. A person who possesses a
high degree of e.s. can be expected to withstand

2. Extraversion- personality factor describing

someone who is sociable, gregarious and

3. Openness to experience- personality factor

describing a person who is imaginative, cultured,
curious, original, broad-minded, intelligent
and artistically sensitive

Emiluz Lunar BSA 1-1

Human Behavior in Organization

L e a r n i n g The Perceiver
• The person who perceives the target
• A relatively permanent change in behavior or
• Factors w/c Influence Perception:
knowledge due to experience
1. his past experiences
• A change in behavior happens due to any or both
2. his needs or motives
of the following:
3. his personality
1. learning
4. his values & attitudes
2. other causes such as drugs, injury, disease &
The Target
• The person, object, or event that is perceived by
another person
1. Mind – when it accepts new knowledge
• Factors that will Modify Perception:
- orders the body to show some signs of
1. Contrast- a boy w/ 5 girls in a background
behavior that is different from previous
- a boy w/ 5 boys in a background
2. Intensity- varies in terms of brightness,color,
depth & sound
1. Classical Conditioning – type of learning in w/c a ex;- singer projected well by an
stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a appropriate sound system
response that was originally evoked by another 3. Figure-ground separation
stimulus FIGURE – is the one being looked at
GROUND – background against w/c it stands
Stimulus- is something that incites action ex: your friend talking in an oratorical
Example: contest
2 Types of Stimulus: - your friend talking in a rally/protest
a. original stimulus 4. Motion- moving objects are perceived
b. conditioned stimulus differently from stationary objects
ex: fish that is aggressively jumping –
2. Operant Conditioning- type of learning where more fresh than the fish that is
people learn to repeat behaviors that bring them barely moving
pleasurable outcomes and to avoid behaviors 5. Repetition or Novelty- ex: when a person is
that lead to uncomfortable outcomes repeatedly exposed to a particular music,
that person get used to it & chances are he
becomes fond of it
Social Learning
- The process of observing the behavior of others,
recognizing its consequences and altering A t t r i b u t i o n
behavior as a result
- How Social Learning is Achieved: It can be done
by: • Is the process by w/c people ascribe causes to
1. by observing what happens to other people the behavior they perceive
2. by being told about something • Types of Attribution Errors:
3. through direct experience
1. fundamental attribution error- the tendency to
P e r c e p t i o n underestimate the influence of external factors
and overestimate the influence of internal or
• Process by w/c people select, organize, interpret,
personal factors in the behavior of others
retrieve & respond to information from their
2. self-serving bias- whereby people tend to
• Factors Influencing Perception:
attribute their achievements to their good inner
1. the perceiver
qualities, whereas they attribute their failures to
2. the target
adverse factors w/n the environment
3. the situation
Ex: Mr. Agao

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1. distinctiveness- how consistent a person’s
behavior is across different situations

2. consensus- likelihood that all those facing the

same situation will have similar responses

3. consistency-the measure of whether an

individual responds the same way across time

1. Selective Perception- happens when a person

selectively interprets what he sees on the basis
of his interests, background, experience &

2. Halo Effect- refers to the ring of light just above

the head of a saint
- signifies that everything about the saint is

3. Contrast Effects-a beautiful lady may be

declared as the 3rd prettiest in a certain place
but she could be no. 1 in another place

4. Projection-attributing one’s own thoughts,

feelings or motives to another

5. Stereotyping- refers to judging someone on the

basis of one’s perception of the group to w/c
that person belongs

Emiluz Lunar BSA 1-1

Human Behaviour in Organization

• Workers who are satisfied with their jobs tend to Individual vs. Organization
produce quality outputs • Organizations have values that may or may not
• Values generally influence attitudes and behavior be compatible with the values of the individual
• Attitudes form the basis for determining how workers
satisfied people are with their jobs • When the demands made by the organization or
a manager clash with the basic values of the
V a l u e s individual
• Chart (positive feelings & conflicts)
• Refer to the importance a person attaches to
things or ideas that serves as guide to action
• Values are made of a set of beliefs
Espoused vs. Enacted Values
• Maybe attached to things or ideas like loyalty,
teamwork, honor, obedience, honesty etc. Espoused values- are what members of the
organization say they value

Enacted Values- those that are reflected in the

actual behavior of the individual members of the
1. Modeling- parents, teachers, friends oftentimes
become models to persons who would later
exhibit in the workplace
Instrumental and Terminal Values
2. Communication of Attitudes- when a person
often hears from acquaintances the risk of
Terminal Values- represent the goals that a
buying products imported from a certain
person would like to achieve in his or her lifetime
country, the person may develop negative
values about that country
Ex: happiness, love, pleasure, self-
respect & freedom
3.Unstated but Implied Attitudes- if a person sees
joy & happiness in every member of his family
Instrumental Values- refer to preferable modes of
whenever another member graduates from
behavior or means of achieving terminal values.
college, the person will develop the same values
impliedly exhibited
Ex: ambition, honesty, self-sufficiency &
4.Religion- the just and fair treatment of people is a
value that is taught by priests and ministers of
various religious sects
A t t i t u d e s
• Are linked w/ perception, learning, emotions &
1. Achievement- value that pertains to getting t motivation
hings done & working hard to accomplish goals • Form the basis for job satisfaction in the
2. Helping & Concern for Others- refers to the • Are feelings & beliefs that largely determine how
persons concern with other people & providing employees will perceive their environment,
assistance to those who need help commit themselves to intended actions &
ultimately behave
3.Honesty- indicates the person’s concern for • Reflect how one feels about something
telling the truth & doing what he thinks is right

4.Fairness- value that indicates the person’s

concern for impartiality and fairness for all

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Classifications of Employee Attitudes:
1. Positive job attitudes- indicate job satisfaction
1. Cognitive-refers to the opinion or belief and are useful in predicting constructive
segment of an attitude behaviors like serving customers beyond
- evaluation official working hours
Ex: my boss is fickle-minded, he cannot stick
to his decision 2. Negative job attitudes-useful in predicting
2. Affective-refers to the emotional or feeling undesirable behavior. Negative behavior
segment include those concerning job
- feeling dissatisfaction, lack of job involvement,
Ex: I love my boss low commitment to the organization

3. Behavioral- refers to the intention to behave When Employees are Dissatisfied w/ Their Jobs:
in a certain way toward someone or 1. Psychological withdrawal like daydreaming on
something the job
- action 2. Physical withdrawal like unauthorized
Ex: I have requested a transfer to another absences , early departures, extended
department from my superiors breaks or work slowdowns
3. Aggression like verbal abuse or dangerous
actions against another employee

Job Satisfaction
1. Positive Affectivity- refers to personal
• The attitude people have about their jobs
characteristic of employees that inclines
• Refers to the positive feeling about one’s job
them to be predisposed to be satisfied at
resulting from an evaluation of its
their work.
- optimistic, upbeat, cheerful & courteous
Benefits of Job Satisfaction
1. High productivity
2. Negative Affectivity- is a personal characteristic of 2. A stronger tendency to achieve customer
an employee that inclines them to be
predisposed to be dissatisfied at work
3. Loyalty to the company
4. Low absenteeism and turnover
- pessimistic, downbeat, irritable and
5. Less job stress and burnout
sometimes abrasive
6. Better safety performance
7. Better life satisfaction
How Attitudes are Formed?
• Attitudes are formed through learning
Factors Associated w/ JS
1. Salary
2 Methods that Mostly Influence Attitude:
2. Work itself
a. direct experience- informations stored in the
3. Promotion opportunity
human mind
4. Quality of supervision
b. indirect means of social learning
5. Relationship w/ co-workers
6. Working conditions
Most Important Attitudes in the Workplace:
7. Job security
1. Job satisfaction
2. Job involvement
3. Organizational commitment

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Ways of Measuring JS
1. The single global rating method where
individuals are asked to respond to a single
question: How satisfied are you w/ your job?
highly satisfied indifferent highly dissatisfied
moderately satisfied moderately dissatisfied

2. The summation score method- rating method

where individuals indicate their feelings
regarding each key factors of their job. The
factors would normally consist of the work,
supervision, current salary, promotion
bopportunities and relations w/ co-workers

Job Involvement
• Refers to the degree to w/c a person identifies
w/ the job, actively participates in it &
considers performance important to self-

Organizational Commitment
• It refers to the degree to w/c an employee
identifies w/ a particular organization and its
goals & wishes to maintain membership in the

3 Dimensions of Organizational Commitment:

1. affective commitment refers to employees
emotional attachment to the org. & belief vin its

2. continuance commitment- refers to employees

tendency to remain in an org. because he
cannot afford to leave

3. normative commitment-refers to an obligation

to remain w/ the company for moral or ethical

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Emiluz Lunar BSA 1-1

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