Hbo Notes
Hbo Notes
Hbo Notes
-the study of human behavior in organization, or the 4. Sharpening and refinement of common sense-
interaction between individuals and the organization, people differ in the degree of common sense they
and of the organization itself. posses. Improvement of common sense can still
be made and great benefits can be derived if this
is done.
Organizational Ethics
moral principles that define right or wrong Productivity
behavior in organizations • Refers to the output per worker
Style of leadership
1. Conflict of interest- exists when a person is in the • Some people will prefer a leader with a
position of having to decide whether to advance democratic style, while some will need close
the interests of the organization or to operate in supervision from their superiors.
his or her own personal interest • These differences make it necessary for a leader
2. Fairness and honesty- people are expected to be to use different leadership styles even in a small
fair and honest. Beyond obeying the law, they unit
should not knowingly harm customers, clients
and competitors through deception, coercion or Need for contact with other people
misrepresentation • Some will need more contact, while others can
3. Communication-people can become victims of work alone the whole day
organizations that provide false and misleading
information about their products and services. Commitment
• Some are committed and loyal to the
organization that they work the whole day w/out
I n d i v i d u a l D i f f e r e n c e s noticing that they are putting in more than the
required working hours.
• Refer to the variation in how people respond to • Those who are highly committed to the
the same situation based on personal organization tend to produce high quality
characteristics output , while those who are less committed are
• The idea is that each person is different from all less concerned about output and attendance
- Those with low self-esteem tend to be less
1. People differ in productivity productive
2. People differ in the quality of their work - They also avoid accepting more responsibilities
3. People react differently to empowerment
L e a r n i n g The Perceiver
• The person who perceives the target
• A relatively permanent change in behavior or
• Factors w/c Influence Perception:
knowledge due to experience
1. his past experiences
• A change in behavior happens due to any or both
2. his needs or motives
of the following:
3. his personality
1. learning
4. his values & attitudes
2. other causes such as drugs, injury, disease &
The Target
• The person, object, or event that is perceived by
another person
1. Mind – when it accepts new knowledge
• Factors that will Modify Perception:
- orders the body to show some signs of
1. Contrast- a boy w/ 5 girls in a background
behavior that is different from previous
- a boy w/ 5 boys in a background
2. Intensity- varies in terms of brightness,color,
depth & sound
1. Classical Conditioning – type of learning in w/c a ex;- singer projected well by an
stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a appropriate sound system
response that was originally evoked by another 3. Figure-ground separation
stimulus FIGURE – is the one being looked at
GROUND – background against w/c it stands
Stimulus- is something that incites action ex: your friend talking in an oratorical
Example: contest
2 Types of Stimulus: - your friend talking in a rally/protest
a. original stimulus 4. Motion- moving objects are perceived
b. conditioned stimulus differently from stationary objects
ex: fish that is aggressively jumping –
2. Operant Conditioning- type of learning where more fresh than the fish that is
people learn to repeat behaviors that bring them barely moving
pleasurable outcomes and to avoid behaviors 5. Repetition or Novelty- ex: when a person is
that lead to uncomfortable outcomes repeatedly exposed to a particular music,
that person get used to it & chances are he
becomes fond of it
Social Learning
- The process of observing the behavior of others,
recognizing its consequences and altering A t t r i b u t i o n
behavior as a result
- How Social Learning is Achieved: It can be done
by: • Is the process by w/c people ascribe causes to
1. by observing what happens to other people the behavior they perceive
2. by being told about something • Types of Attribution Errors:
3. through direct experience
1. fundamental attribution error- the tendency to
P e r c e p t i o n underestimate the influence of external factors
and overestimate the influence of internal or
• Process by w/c people select, organize, interpret,
personal factors in the behavior of others
retrieve & respond to information from their
2. self-serving bias- whereby people tend to
• Factors Influencing Perception:
attribute their achievements to their good inner
1. the perceiver
qualities, whereas they attribute their failures to
2. the target
adverse factors w/n the environment
3. the situation
Ex: Mr. Agao
• Workers who are satisfied with their jobs tend to Individual vs. Organization
produce quality outputs • Organizations have values that may or may not
• Values generally influence attitudes and behavior be compatible with the values of the individual
• Attitudes form the basis for determining how workers
satisfied people are with their jobs • When the demands made by the organization or
a manager clash with the basic values of the
V a l u e s individual
• Chart (positive feelings & conflicts)
• Refer to the importance a person attaches to
things or ideas that serves as guide to action
• Values are made of a set of beliefs
Espoused vs. Enacted Values
• Maybe attached to things or ideas like loyalty,
teamwork, honor, obedience, honesty etc. Espoused values- are what members of the
organization say they value
3. Behavioral- refers to the intention to behave When Employees are Dissatisfied w/ Their Jobs:
in a certain way toward someone or 1. Psychological withdrawal like daydreaming on
something the job
- action 2. Physical withdrawal like unauthorized
Ex: I have requested a transfer to another absences , early departures, extended
department from my superiors breaks or work slowdowns
3. Aggression like verbal abuse or dangerous
actions against another employee
Job Satisfaction
1. Positive Affectivity- refers to personal
• The attitude people have about their jobs
characteristic of employees that inclines
• Refers to the positive feeling about one’s job
them to be predisposed to be satisfied at
resulting from an evaluation of its
their work.
- optimistic, upbeat, cheerful & courteous
Benefits of Job Satisfaction
1. High productivity
2. Negative Affectivity- is a personal characteristic of 2. A stronger tendency to achieve customer
an employee that inclines them to be
predisposed to be dissatisfied at work
3. Loyalty to the company
4. Low absenteeism and turnover
- pessimistic, downbeat, irritable and
5. Less job stress and burnout
sometimes abrasive
6. Better safety performance
7. Better life satisfaction
How Attitudes are Formed?
• Attitudes are formed through learning
Factors Associated w/ JS
1. Salary
2 Methods that Mostly Influence Attitude:
2. Work itself
a. direct experience- informations stored in the
3. Promotion opportunity
human mind
4. Quality of supervision
b. indirect means of social learning
5. Relationship w/ co-workers
6. Working conditions
Most Important Attitudes in the Workplace:
7. Job security
1. Job satisfaction
2. Job involvement
3. Organizational commitment
Job Involvement
• Refers to the degree to w/c a person identifies
w/ the job, actively participates in it &
considers performance important to self-
Organizational Commitment
• It refers to the degree to w/c an employee
identifies w/ a particular organization and its
goals & wishes to maintain membership in the