Andrej, 2007
Andrej, 2007
Andrej, 2007
model (Wanke et al., 1990) and volunteers fed EAEC strains group was 39 % (Vu Nguyen et al., 2006). Many of the
excrete mucoid stools (Nataro et al., 1995). The formation epidemiological surveys that identified EAEC as a diarrhoeal
of a heavy biofilm may be related to the diarrhoeagenicity of pathogen were done in developing countries. However,
the organisms and, perhaps, to its ability to cause persistent EAEC has been found to be associated with diarrhoea in
colonization and diarrhoea. In addition to forming a developed countries as well.
mucous biofilm, many EAEC strains induce cytotoxic effects
on the intestinal mucosa. In animal models infected with
EAEC in rabbit and rat ileal loops, light microscopy showed Developed countries
some destructive lesions (Vial et al., 1988). EAEC also In a Scandinavian case–control study the prevalence and the
induced shortening of the villi, haemorrhagic necrosis of the association of EAEC with diarrhoea was greater than for
villous tips, and a mild inflammatory response with oedema EPEC (Bhatnagar et al., 1993). Another study conducted in
and mononuclear infiltration of the submucosa. Both light
east London showed that EAEC could be recovered from
and electron microscopy showed adherent bacteria without
children with acute and persistent diarrhoea (Chan et al.,
the attaching and effacing lesion, which is characteristic of
1994). A clear association of EAEC with diarrhoea in
EPEC. The clinical features of EAEC diarrhoea are
children in Germany was shown by Huppertz et al. (1997)
increasingly well defined in outbreaks, sporadic cases and
who recovered EAEC from 16 (2 %) of 798 children with
the volunteer model. Typical illness is characterized by
diarrhoea but none from 580 healthy controls. Other
watery, mucoid, secretory diarrhoea with low-grade fever
and little to no vomiting (Bhan et al., 1989b; Paul et al., European studies in children (Knutton et al., 2001; Presterl
1994). However, up to one third of patients with EAEC et al., 1999) also indicate that EAEC may be a leading cause
diarrhoea had grossly bloody stools (Cravioto et al., 1991). of diarrhoeal disease in developed as well as developing
countries. In a Serbian neonatal ward an outbreak of EAEC
Epidemiology diarrhoea was described by Cobeljic et al. (1996) where 19
babies were affected and 3 of these patients got diarrhoea.
Developing countries One EAEC strain resistant to multiple antibiotics was
A growing number of studies have supported the association implicated. In the largest reported outbreak so far, 2697
of EAEC with diarrhoea in developing countries, most (40.6 %) Japanese children who ate infected school lunches
prominently in association with persistent diarrhoea (Bhan had severe diarrhoea and EAEC was found in 10 % of cases
et al., 1989a, b, c; Fang et al., 1995; Lima et al., 1992). Several (Itoh et al., 1997). Several other outbreaks both in children
studies in children with diarrhoea have shown a significant and in adults have been described in the UK (Smith et al.,
difference in the prevalence of EAEC compared to the 1997; Spencer et al., 1999), India (Pai et al., 1997) and France
controls (Bhatnagar et al., 1993; Bouzari et al., 1994; (Boudailliez et al., 1997; Morabito et al., 1998).
Cravioto et al., 1991; Gonzalez et al., 1997; Nataro et al.,
1987). EAEC and persistent diarrhoea syndrome have been In a 1 year prospective Swedish study on enteropathogens in
consistently associated (Fang et al., 1995; Lima et al., 1992; adult patients with diarrhoea and healthy control subjects,
Wanke et al., 1991). The increasing number of such reports 105 of 760 patients with diarrhoea were positive for DEC.
and the rising proportion of diarrhoeal cases in which EAEC EAEC was present in 16 cases and was the second most
are implicated suggest that EAEC are important emerging common isolate among DEC surpassed only by ETEC
agents of paediatric diarrhoea. (Svenungsson et al., 2000). Other studies have shown that
this pathogen is an important cause of travellers’ diarrhoea
During the initial years after the discovery of EAEC there (Adachi et al., 2001; Gascón et al., 1998; Schultsz et al.,
were a lot of doubts about the pathogenicity of this category
2000). However, documented reports are less common
of diarrhoeagenic E. coli (DEC) (Echeverria et al., 1992;
because EAEC is not sought in many studies. Travellers to all
Gomes et al., 1989). However, Nataro et al. (1995) showed
developing countries are at risk and if EAEC were sought in
that a reference strain of EAEC could cause diarrhoea in a
all laboratories, infection by this pathogen could explain
volunteer study. In addition, a number of outbreaks have
over 25 % of cases for which no pathogen is recovered
proven that at least some EAEC strains cause diarrhoea in
(Adachi et al., 2001).
humans. Furthermore, many case–control and cohort
surveys of the past 15 years strongly suggest that EAEC is
an important cause of diarrhoea in people of all ages in
developing and industrialized countries. In a recent study Immunocompromised
from Vietnam by Vu Nguyen et al. (2006) it was shown that Diarrhoea is an important cause of morbidity in the
EAEC is more frequently associated with diarrhoea in immunocompromised. A wide range of pathogens is
children less than 2 years of age. In this study, 587 children implicated in AIDS-associated diarrhoea, and in many
of less than 5 years of age with diarrhoea and 249 age- cases a causative agent is not found. Case reports from
matched healthy controls were examined for, among other Mayer & Wanke (1995) described that EAEC could be
pathogens, EAEC. Of all identified EAEC strains in the recovered from diarrhoeal stools from AIDS patients. There
diarrhoeal group, 87 % were isolated from children less than have been other reports after epidemiological surveillance
2 years of age. The corresponding figure for the control among HIV-positive patients (Mayer & Wanke, 1995). 5
A. Weintraub
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