(ToG DND 2024) - 2) Characters and Crews

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Characters »≫ Play to find out what happens

The Desideria Sea is a mercantile paradise on Tides is a game about people striking out into a
the precipice of greed-driven war. The nations of vast ocean of riches, conflict, monsters, and
the region joined together to defeat a common discovery in order to achieve the type of success
enemy, reopened the Golden Road of trade that fills their dreams. It is about wanting
between all continents, and welcomed foreign something and taking action to make that
trade and visitors with relief and trust born of desire a reality. You are driven by the
shared near-death experiences. But that peace need to chase your dreams.
was forged 50 years ago, and those who fought
for its survival are dying off. You want to stick by your crew. You survive
The first fractures have begun, as merchant and succeed only as much as you work together.
companies secretly hire privateers to raid their This means supporting the goals and efforts of
rivals, pirates burn and loot neglected forts, and other players. While you have goals in mind,
zealotus pirate hunters seek not to keep the you remain open to being influence by other
peace, but unleash justice. players, dice rolls, and the supporting cast
narrated by the GM.
This section introduces the characters you can This means you play to find out what
play and crew types you can form. It will happens. You’re sharing in the fun of finding
provide an introduction, highlight special out how the characters react to and change the
abilities, and explain the different equipment world you’re portraying. You’re all participants
listed on the playbooks. You may find it easier in a great adventure that’s unfolding. So really,
to look at the playbooks at the end of the book don’t plan too hard. It’s fun to see how things
for quick reference, but this section is provided unfold.
for those who prefer more specific details.
Player Principles
»≫ Time is fluid

Agenda, Principles, »≫ Riches are worth risks

»≫ Flow don’t plan
»≫ Be a fan of the story

& Contributions »≫ Ask questions and use the answers

Your principles are your guides. If you aren’t
sure how to react or where to go next, fall back
This section provides procedures and rules for
whoever takes on the role of a player or a GM. on these principles.
It does not provide advice on how to play or
improv; there are many resources to fill those Time is fluid. The game embraces a non-linear
needs. Instead, this details more about your and unmeasured form of time. Some raids will
“role” in the game. If you become stuck or your ask you to fall into memories of past trials;
mind goes blank while playing, these can help during scores you may flashback to a scene
guide you back to actions that fit the game. before this adventure, when you prepared for
future problems; you may slow down to detail a
scene blow by blow, or use a cinematic montage
Player Role to summarize a long sea voyage. If you find
The player’s role is defined by your agenda, yourself stalled, ask: should I skip forward?
principles, and contributions. Flashback? Slow or speed time? Think of
time like a cinematic movie: manipulate the
focus to highlight the most interesting parts.
Player Agenda
The agenda is what you aim to do all times Riches are worth risks. The life of a corsair is
while playing: about making bold moves for big pay off.
»≫ Chase your dreams Someone proposes a dangerous but incredible
»≫ Stick by your crew idea? Embrace it!
want to distract? Soften their attitude? Gain
Flow don’t plan. Try to focus on momentum in information? Suggesting your intent can
the story, not preparation. Discuss a plan just give you a focus for your actions and help the
enough to create the vault you need to leap into GM know how to introduce relevant
action. If someone throws out a plausible idea, complications if the roll isn’t a heroic success.
try and build on it rather than block it. (Within It is also a good way to clarify how you want to
your comfort level, of course.) act if you feel lost: what does your character
want from this moment?
Be a fan of the story. Tides is about the stories
you make as an ensemble cast. It’s important to Enter the storm. Find the tension or conflict in
know what your character wants and to pursue the scene and jump into the middle! Your
it, but be willing to put a pause on your characters don’t stand on the sidelines, they dive
individual goals for the sake of an interesting towards opportunity.
story. Sometimes conflict or not getting what
you want is more interesting than insisting on
success or optimal measures.

Ask questions and use the answers. The GM

will describe scenes, characters, and reactions of
Character Overview
Each PC in Tides is a daring corsair on the
the world. But they can’t provide
fringes of the Golden Road. Corsairs are
exhaustive detail. If you want to know more
familiar with all sorts of useful skills
about something, ask! If a certain area, creature,
represented by actions in the game. They’re all
or person interests you, show the GM by asking
able to Skirmish in a knifefight, Prowl in the
for more detail. Then use those answers to
shadows, Attune to mystical currents, Consort
motivate your character’s response.
with contacts for information, and so on. Every
corsair can roll at least 2d6 for any action in the
Player Contributions game.
If you are uncertain how to add to the story or Of course, you’ll also have your specializations
work your character into the scene, fall back on and skills, the qualities that make your character
these contribution methods: uniquely effective in the maritime world. In this
»≫ Add your perspective section, you’ll review the essential aspects of a
»≫ Declare your intent PC, and learn how to create your own unique
»≫ Enter the storm corsair with the abilities that suit the style of
play you prefer.
Add your perspective. The GM will describe

Actions & Attributes

the world and ask you what you do. If you are
unsure what action to take, describe your
perception of the scene. If the GM describes an Characters will primarily use the 16 core actions
NPC, respond with what your character notices when they want to accomplish tasks.
about them, who they remind them of, or how
they feel in their presence. Describing your
internal reaction or perspective can spark a Empathy Insight Power Prowess
response from others players, and allow you to Consort Hack Attune Finesse
contribute even if you feel unsure of how you Doctor Hunt Command Helm
want to act immediately.
Survey Study Exert/Wreck Prowl

Declare your intent. Play is based on goals, so Sway Tinker Endure? Skirmish
it’s important to describe your intent with your
actions. If the GM describes a prickly guard ◊ Attune
blocking your way, don’t just say you charm ◊ Command
them: say what you want to accomplish. Do you ◊ Consort
◊ Finesse
◊ Hunt You might gain access to resources,
◊ Prowl information, people, or places. You might make
◊ Skirmish a good impression or win someone over with
◊ Study your charm and style. You might make new
◊ Survey friends or connect with your heritage or
◊ Sway background. You could try to manipulate your
◊ Tinker friends with social pressure (but Sway might be
◊ Wreck better).
INSIGHT PROWESS RESOLVE Finesse: you employ dexterous
Each action has a rating (from zero to 3) that manipulation or subtle misdirection.
tells you what modifier (bonus) you will add to You might pick someone’s pocket. You might
a roll when you use that action. If none of the handle the controls of a vehicle or direct a
dots on an action are filled in, then you would mount. You might formally duel an opponent
roll the typical 2d6 without adding any modifier. with graceful fighting arts. You could try to
If one dot is filled in, then you would roll 2d6 employ those arts in a chaotic melee (but
and add +1 to the total; if two dots are filled in, Skirmishing might be better). You could try to
then you would roll 2d6 and add+2 to the total, pick a lock (but Tinkering might be better).
Action ratings don’t just represent skill or Hunt: you carefully track a target.
training—you’re free to describe how your You might follow a target or discover their
character performs that action based on the location. You might arrange an ambush. You
type of person they are. Maybe your character is might attack with precision shooting from a
good at Command because they have a scary distance. You could try to bring your guns to
stillness to them, while another character barks bear in a melee (but Skirmishing might be
orders and intimidates people with their military better).
Prowl: you traverse skillfully and
You choose which action to perform to
overcome an obstacle, by describing what your quietly.
character does. Actions that are poorly suited You might sneak past a guard or hide in the
to the situation may be less effective and may shadows. You might run and leap across the
put the character in more danger, and the GM rooftops. You might attack someone from hiding
may give you a penalty to the roll, but you can with a back-stab or garrote. You could try to
always attempt an action (see Bonuses and waylay a victim in the midst of battle (but
Penalties later in this chapter). Skirmishing might be better).
Skirmish: you entangle a target in close
combat so they can’t easily escape.
Action Types You might brawl or wrestle with them. You
Attune: open your mind to currents of might hack and slash. You might seize or hold a
mystical power. position in battle. You could try to fight in a
You might receive a vision of the future. You formal duel (but Finessing might be better).
could hear words from your deity. You could try Study: you scrutinize details and
to perceive beyond sight in order to better interpret evidence.
understand your situation (but Surveying might You might gather information from scrolls,
be better). inscriptions, or books. You might do research on
Command: you compel swift obedience. an esoteric topic. You might closely analyze a
You might intimidate or threaten to get what person to detect lies or true feelings. You could
you want. You might lead a crew in a group try to examine events to understand a pressing
action. You could try to order people around to situation (but Surveying might be better).
persuade them (but Consorting might be better). Survey: you observe the situation and
Consort: you socialize with friends and anticipate outcomes.
You might spot telltale signs of trouble before it how many dice to roll when you use that
happens. You might uncover opportunities or attribute. (If you have a
weaknesses. You might detect a person’s zero, you roll two dice and keep the lowest.)
motivations or intentions. You could try to spot The rating for each attribute is equal to the
a good ambush point (but Hunting might be number of dots in
better). the first column under that attribute. The more
Sway: you influence with guile, charm, well-rounded
or argument. your character is with a particular set of actions,
You might lie convincingly. You might persuade the better their
someone to do what you want. You might argue attribute rating. See the resistance section later
a compelling case that leaves no clear rebuttal. in this chapter for
You could try to trick people into affection or more details about using attributes.
obedience (but Consorting or Commanding
might be better).
Tinker: you fiddle with devices and
Character Playbooks
The eight core playbooks are summarized in the
mechanisms. following pages.
You might create a new gadget or alter an
existing item. You might pick a lock or crack a
safe. You might disable an alarm or trap. You Anchors
might turn the clockwork devices around the Your characters are seeking fortunes and
city to your advantage. You could try to use adventure, but they can
your technical expertise to control a vehicle (but only weather the storms of this stressful and
Finessing might be better). dangerous life because
Wreck: you unleash savage force. they are grounded by an anchor. They depend
You might smash down a door or wall with a on this anchor to
sledgehammer, or use an explosive to do the cope, and must seek it out to relieve stress.
same. You might employ chaos or sabotage to Sometimes this anchor will feel positive and
create a distraction or overcome an obstacle. uplifting; other
You could try to overwhelm an enemy with times it might feel like an obligation or pressure
sheer force in battle (but Skirmishing might be to push forward.
better). Whatever anchor you choose, feel free to
roleplay the character’s
As you can see, many actions overlap with relationship to it however you want. For the first
others. This is by design. As a player, you get to few sessions you
choose which action you roll, by saying what can change the anchor if you think of one that
your character does. Can you try to Wreck fits better. As the
someone during a fight? Sure! The GM tells you game progress however, changing your anchor
if you receive any bonuses or penalties in the would require a
situation. As it says, Skirmish might be better long-term project to playout the shifting
(less foolhardy), depending on the situation at commitment.
Sometimes your character will exceed their
stress tracker. They
Attribute Ratings will become unmoored and need to strengthen
There are three attributes in the game system their connection
that the player to their anchor to recover; see the Core
characters use to resist bad complications: Gameplay section for
Insight, Prowess, and details on the mechanics.
Resolve. Each attribute has a rating (from zero Narratively, this creates a stronger bond to the
to 4) that tells you character’s anchor
and that connection influences more of their knowledge:
daily choices. In some Once per session, you can gather information
ways, the more chains that form, the more even within
their adventuring that knowledge area, and the GM will answer
life becomes about their anchor. You can always your
decide how much question as if you rolled a 10+.
your roleplay the chains:
◊ Profess: focus on only the positive aspects of BACKGROUND OPTIONS
your anchor The specific backgrounds are listed in the
and reference them (and their positive qualities) creation section, this is
in just a sampling of some examples. If you want
decisions and events whenever possible to create a different
◊ Provide: focus on collecting material benefits, background, work with your GM and use the
risking format, “Background
yourself for expensive souvenirs or unique descriptor: 2 related actions; unique area of
curiosities knowledge.”
◊ Dedicate: channel any spare moment into ◊ Bandit: Hunt, Wreck; knowledge of travel
finding ways to routes
communicate and connect ◊ Bounty Hunter: Prowl, Wreck; knowledge of
◊ Fix: focus on your anchor’s problems and city
ways you can institutions
solve them, regardless of what it distracts you ◊ Charlatan: Finesse, Attune; knowledge of
from in your deception
current environment ◊ City Watch: Skirmish, Command; knowledge
◊ Glorify: engage in epic feats so stories of of the law
your greatness and citizenry
reflect positively on your anchor ◊ Criminal: Tinker, Prowl; knowledge of
◊ Entertain: discover incredible creatures, security
marvelous magics, ◊ Dissenter: Prowl, Attune; knowledge of
or harrowing tales to impress your anchor conspiracies
◊ Cover: avoid angering authorities to prevent
negative Heritage
fallout on your anchor Your heritage relates to your original home and
◊ Blend: when in conflict or pressured, act in culture. Review
the way your the Three Contients section in the book for more
anchor would approve of most information.
Once per session, when you are in the region of
Background your heritage you
Your background represents your family’s can connect with an old acquaintance from your
legacy and the home; roll 2d6 to
knowledge you were exposed to as a result. As determine how they feel about you when you
an adult, you may reach out: 6 or less,
have pursued a profession that matches your they are an old rival; 7-9, you owe them
family legacy or you something; 10+, they are
may have struck out your own path. friendly.
Your background has two primary effects:
1. During character creation, you will add one Special Abilities
action dot to Special abilities are unique powers or skills that
each action listed with your heritage. This give the characters
represents the ways to break the rules. Each character
skills you developed growing up. playbook has a list of
2. Your background gives you access to a
specialized body of
eight unique special abilities organized around It’s important to remember that your ship’s
the theme of the playbook. You can also take the crew, and the close
“Veteran” ability up to three times, bond formed with them, will always come
which allows you to take special abilities from before these supporting
any of the other characters. If a character prioritizes someone
playbook. else over the ship,
With the Tides playbooks, your first special they may quickly find themselves left behind on
ability is already a remote island or
chosen for you, because it provides the in the remains of a raided fort
necessary foundation for
the other abilities. You can choose a new ability
each time you earn
a playbook advancement with xp.
Character Creation
SPECIAL ARMOR This chapter will walk you through the process
Some special abilities refer to your special of creating a
armor. Each character character.
sheet has a one box to track usage of special
armor. If you have any
Choose a playbook.
Your playbook represents the type of corsair you
abilities that use your special armor, tick its box
will play, their
when you activate
special abilities, and how they advance. To start
one of them. If you don’t have any special
out, every player
abilities that use special
should pick a different playbook to represent
armor, then you can’t use that armor box at all.
your unique role
Friends & Rivals in the ship’s crew. You can eventually learn
While your crew forms your primary abilities from other
relationship, each character playbooks, but there will only ever be one
has a collection of friends and rivals they Captain or Compass.
formed before joining the ◊ The Captain is a dashing commander and
crew. These represent NPCs your character profiteer
knows outside of the ◊ The Collector is an inquisitive traveler and
ship, and are unique relationships to your PC. peddler
They can be used ◊ The Compass is an unwavering guide and
as a useful source for information, potential mystic
scores, help acquiring ◊ The Exile is a displaced cast-off and
an asset, etc. Of course, they can also cause observant seeker
complications that put ◊ The Firebrand is a reckless and passionate
your character in a tough spot. rebel
The overall flavor of the relationship is ◊ The Old Timer is a grizzled veteran and
represented by the arrows. haunted survivor
An up triangle indicates the association is ◊ The Scamp is a nimble and unrepentant
overall positive, and mischief maker
you two will go out of your way to help each ◊ The Scoundrel is a brawler and fortune
other. The NPC may hunter
be a close friend, lover, family member, or
former crew member. A
down triangle indicates the association is Choose a background.
marked by tension, and This represents your family’s legacy and the
you two may require extra incentive to help knowledge you
each other out. The were exposed to as a result. As an adult, you
NPC may be a rival, ex-lover, critical family may have pursued
member, or belong to a profession within their legacy or you may
a faction that doesn’t think well of corsairs. have struck out your
own path. institutions
Once per session you can reference knowledge ◊ Dissenter: Prowl,
from this Attune; knowledge of
background when you ask the GM a question conspiracies
related to it; they ◊ Double Agent: Prowl,
will answer as if you rolled a heroic success Command; knowledge of
Your background will determine two of your secret factions
starting action dots. ◊ City Watch: Skirmish,
Add +1 dot in the listed action. Command; knowledge of
◊ Monster Hunter: Hunt, the law and citizenry
Study; knowledge of ◊ Soldier: Skirmish,
beasts Consort; knowledge of
◊ Whaler Clan: Hunt, wars
Survey; knowledge of the ◊ Zealot: Wreck, Attune;
sea knowledge of fringe
◊ Bandit: Hunt, Wreck; factions
knowledge of travel ◊ Mercenary: Wreck,
routes Command; knowledge of
◊ Investigator: Hunt, Sway; violence
knowledge of crimes ◊ Folk Hero: Command,
◊ Sage: Study, Finesse; Sway; knowledge of
knowledge of history myths and legends
◊ Acolyte: Study, Attune; ◊ Entertainer: Consort,
knowledge of religions Sway; knowledge of arts
◊ Scholar: Study, Consort;
knowledge of cultures
◊ Street Urchin: Survey, Choose a heritage.
Prowl; knowledge of This represents the continent and subculture of
underworld factions your family.
◊ Sailor: Survey, Skirmish; The choices are briefly summarized below; you
knowledge of ships can find more
◊ Noble: Survey, Consort; information in the Three Continents chapter.
knowledge of politics The traits listed are
◊ Guild Craftsman: how these groups are seen by outsiders; the
Tinker, Finesse; realities are always
knowledge of labor and more complex.
trade Once per session, when you are in the region of
◊ Criminal: Tinker, Prowl; your heritage you
knowledge of security can connect with an old acquaintance from your
◊ Refugee: Tinker, home; roll 2d6 to
Skirmish; knowledge of determine how they feel about you when you
survival reach out: 6 or less,
◊ Apothecary: Tinker, they are an old rival; 7-9, you owe them
Sway; knowledge of something; 10+, they are
medicine friendly
◊ Charlatan: Finesse,
Attune; knowledge of
Assign action dots.
◊ Gambler: Finesse, Sway; Whenever you roll an action, you will add your
knowledge of games total action dots to
◊ Bounty Hunter: Prowl, the final result. For example, if I have 2 dots in
Wreck; knowledge of city Wreck and I try to
destroy a door, I will roll 2d6 and add 2 to the ◊ Regret: family curse, past mistake, dark
total. secret, betrayed
You should have three action dots already loved one, etc.
assigned. Now assign
two more action dots; only one action can start Final details.
with 2 dots in it, Record your name, look, and pronouns
and none can start with more than 2.
Review your special Equipment
ability. Items & Load
Your playbook is assigned a starting special
ability. Review it now. You have access to all of the items on your
If it requires you to make additional choices playbook. For each
(e.g. the Old Timer’s operation, decide what your character’s load
scar), make the choice and note it on your will be. During the
playbook. operation, you may say that your character has
an item on hand by
Choose a close friend & checking the box for the item you want to use—
up to a number of
rival. items equal to your chosen load. Your load also
Every playbook lists five contacts your determines your
character knows. Choose movement speed and conspicuousness:
one to be a close friend and mark the up arrow. »≫ Light Load (3): Unburdened. You carry
Choose another to very little, quick
be a rival and mark the down arrow. The and agile.
remaining contacts are »≫ Normal Load (5): Prepared. You look like
neutral aquaintances. someone ready
Choose your anchor for action, able to maneuver normally.
»≫ Heavy Load (7): Threatening. You are
Each character has something that anchors them ready for war,
during the slowed by your haul.
stressful times and motivates them to reach for a Some special abilities increase the load limits.
better life. Select Some items count as two items for load (they
the type of anchor and fill in a note about your have two connected
character’s specific boxes). Items in italics don’t count toward your
anchor. load.
◊ Person: a lover, child, friend, family member, Standard Equipment
mentor, hero, This is the equipment listed on every playbook
etc. that all characters
◊ Place: homeland, parents’ village, sacred cane use.
ground, etc. ◊ Blade or two: Simple fighting knives or short
◊ Institution: home nation, religious group, swords.
family guild, ◊ Ranged weapon: A few throwing knives,
former crew, etc. throwing axes,
◊ Oath: promise to a loved one, professional small throwing spear, longbow.
duty, religious ◊ Cutlass: broad, curved sword that marks you
obligation, loyalty to a mentor, etc. as a sailor
◊ Belief: spiritual tradition, personal ethics, ◊ Polearm: A long weapon like a spear, javelin,
cultural staff, harpoon,
prophecy, homeland politics, ambitious dream, trident, or glaive
etc. ◊ Unusual weapon: a tool or item turned into a
weapon like
a shovel, hammer, whip, heavy chain
◊ Burglary gear: lockpicks, iron bar to pry Crew Playbook
things open, a bit
of oil for hinges
◊ Climbing gear: hooks, ropes, spikes, a The three core playbooks are summarized on the
harness following pages
◊ Boarding tools: ropes with hooks, spiked Questionable Associates
plank, waterproof Each crew type will have its own cast of
satchel supporting characters.
◊ Mystic implements: vial of sacred water, These questionable associates live on your ship,
chalk, white sand, each for their
bag of salt, incense, holy words own reasons. Your relationships with them will
◊ Documents: a slim book or papers, common often provide the
maps, a most consistency outside of the other player
license, a doctored cargo manifest characters as your
◊ Subterfuge supplies: make-up, wigs, sewing crew can decide to pull them into any scene they
kit to modify want. Unlike
clothing, costume jewelry, dye cohorts, these characters do not work for you
◊ Demolition tools: sledgehammer, explosive and may take
powder, vial persuading (or require bribing) to enlist their
of unstable acid help.
◊ Tinkering tools: assortment of tools for These associates are like equipment: they are
crafting work, potentially always
could be a jeweler’s pliers, woodcarver’s blades, available and can be checked off to appear in a
sculptor’s scene. When you
chisels, painter’s ink and brushes introduce one decide if they are an asset (up
◊ Lantern: simple light source like a torch, arrow) or obligation
candle, or fancy (down arrow). You can never have more assets
oil light than obligations,
unless you are calling in your loyal associate.
Crews You choose one
long-term associate during crew creation; they

Crew Overview can be called into

a scene whenever you want, regardless of the
asset to obligation
Your crew type determines the scores that you’ll
focus on, as well balance.
as a selection of special abilities that support When an associate is an asset, they will know
that kind of action. something useful or
The crew type isn’t meant to be restrictive, but their goals will align with yours. When they are
the core activity an obligation, they
of the crew type is the most frequent way they will have demands or goals counter to yours.
earn coin and xp The GM can also bring one of your associates in
for advancement. It will also influence your as a complication
opportunities for new on a failed roll; if they do, the associate will be
territory and assets, reflected in the turf map. marked with the
Like a character playbook, your crew type is down arrow. You can reset the checks after a
also how you’re known port downtime phase
in the merchant wars. The trade factions and
institutions think of
you as “pirates” or “privateers” etc., and will Crew Creation
treat you accordingly. This chapter will walk you through the process
of creating your
group’s crew. The game includes three premade crew increases its Wealth rating, you will have
crews with starting the opportunity
situations for a faster creation process. Skip to expand your fleet and claim new ships.
the premade section
near the end of the book if you want to use one Choose a reputation and
of them.
Choose a crew playbook Your crew will be known by its reputation, and
recognized by
& its flag. Pick a starting reputation: Ambitious;
Brutal; Daring;
ship. Honorable; Professional; Savvy; Subtle; or
The crew playbook represents the type of Strange.
operation your group Describe your flag’s basic design and colors.
wants to build. While all of the crews focus on
stealing (or Choose a special ability.
“confiscating”) goods and selling them, each Your crew can gain two different types of
playbook presents abilities: crew abilities
a different public face for their operation. This (based on your crew type) and ship abilities
will affect how (based on your ship
different factions perceive you and the type of type).
scores you might Pick 1 special ability to start. It can be a crew
pursue. For example, criminal factions will open ability or a ship
up more readily to ability. Mark your choice on the crew playbook
pirates than to pirate hunters, while conversely,
formal institutions Assign crew upgrades
will likely feel more comfortable working with
the hunters.
◊ Pirates are raiders and highwaymen of the
faction effects.
You begin the game with 4 upgrade points.
◊ Pirate Hunters act as maritime police,
Spend them now. Most
judges, and
crew upgrades require 1 point. Upgrades shown
as multiple boxes
◊ Privateers are mercenaries for legitimate
connected by lines require you to pay for each
companies who
box before you
desire plausible deniability
unlock the upgrade (e.g. a vehicle requires 2
Each ship type comes with its own advantages
and disadvantages:
Special abilities and cohorts both require 2
◊ Brig: Jack-of-all-trades, this ship is average at
upgrade points.
everything and excels at nothing
At this point in crew creation, you can only
◊ Merchantman: can store the most cargo and
purchase up to 1 more
house a larger
special ability.
crew, but is vulnerable to attack
Once you have chosen your upgrades, you need
◊ Sloop: the smallest ship, it is also the fastest
to adjust your
and wellarmed
faction relationships. Pick two factions who
for attacks
helped you get these
◊ War Galley: designed for war, it is durable,
upgrades and take +2 status with them. Pick two
well armed,
factions who
and well staffed—but its bulk makes it the
resent your success because it came at their
expense and take -2
Whatever ship you choose represents you
status with them.
starting vessel. As your
Pick a loyal associate. Pick the site of your first
Every crew type has a different list of
supporting characters. operation.
Narratively, these characters live on your ship. It went poorly. Whenever you visit this port, you
They may disperse take +2 on any
throughout a port when you dock, but can raid rolls for the duration of your stay.
always be brought into However, you earned favors for your efforts.
a scene when you check them off. An up arrow Take +1 status with
makes them an one faction in this location.
asset in the scene; a down arrow makes them an
obligation. You
can never have more assets than obligations, and Advancement
their status resets

each port based downtime.
One of these associates is a long-term ally, close
friend, or partner

in crime. They will always be an asset with the
up-arrow filled in
and can always be brought in a scene regardless
of asset/obligation Each player keeps track of the experience points
balance. Underline this associate and fill in the (xp) that their
upwards arrow for character earns.
them During the game session, mark xp:
Record the faction status changes related to your »≫ When you fail an action roll. Mark 1 xp in
long-term ally: the attribute for
»≫ One faction is friendly with your contact. the action you rolled. For example, if you fail at
Take +1 status a Skirmish
with them. action, you mark xp in Prowess.
»≫ One faction is unfriendly with your contact. At the end of the session, review the xp triggers
Take -1 status on your character
with them. sheet. For each one, mark 1 xp if it happened at
all, or mark 2 xp if
Pick a homeport. it happened a lot during the session. The xp
Select one of the nine main ports to serve as triggers are:
your crew’s original »≫ Your playbook-specific xp triggers. For
homeport. You can review details about each example “Put
port in the Ports yourself at risk to protect your ship or your
section of the book. Briefly describe where you crew” or
dock and how the “Attempted to address a challenge with
immediate area looks. recklessness or
ARGYROS bravado.” As the trigger say, you only needed to
Phaenna metropolis; Ionthos smuggler’s den; put yourself
Alkyon trade at risk or attempt to address the problem; it
town doesn’t matter
VELIA if the action is successful or not. You get xp
Furnia merchant battleground; Dexius cliffside either way.
port; Mallius »≫ You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage,
world market or background.
TAZWARA Your character’s beliefs and drives are yours to
Idukan metropolis; Sdaqa entertainment define,
capital; Taymust session to session. Feel free to tell the group
cursed crimeland about them
when you mark xp. distress, severely damage a criminal operation.
»≫ You invoked your anchor or struggled with or further
your chains. If the interests of an official.” If the crew
you brought your anchor into your decisions or successfully
narration somehow, maybe you mentioned a completed an operation from this trigger, mark
past memory or sought xp.
out someone who knows your anchor, mark xp. »≫ Contend with challenges above your current
If your station. If you
chains pushed you to act against your own tangled with higher Tiers or more dangerous
benefit, you opposition,
can also mark xp. Becoming homesick during a mark xp for this.
“seek your »≫ Bolster your crew’s reputation or develop a
anchor” action doesn’t count; this has to be new one. Review
something you your crew’s reputation. Did you do anything to
sought out as a player. promote it?
You may mark end-of-session xp on any xp Also mark xp if you developed a new reputation
tracks you want (any for the
attribute or your playbook xp track). crew.
When you fill an xp track, clear all the marks »≫ Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or
and take an advance. essential nature
When you take an advance from your playbook of the crew. This one is very broad! Essentially,
track, you may did anything
choose an additional special ability. When you happen that highlighted the specific elements
take an advance that make
from an attribute, you may add an additional your crew unique?
action dot to one of When you fill your crew advancement tracker,
the actions under that attribute. clear the marks and
You can also earn xp by training during take a new crew ability or mark two crew
downtime. When you upgrade boxes.
train, mark xp in one of your attributes or in For example, when a crew of Pirate Hunters
your playbook. A earns a crew advance, they could take a new
given xp track can be trained only once per special ability, like Righteous Storm. Or they
downtime phase. could mark two upgrades, like Small Army and
Resolve Training.
Say how you’ve obtained this new ability or
Crew upgrades for the crew.
Where did it come from? How does it become a
new part of the
Advancement crew? Mark -1 status with a faction hurt by your
growing success.
At the end of the session, review the crew xp
triggers and mark 1 Standard Crew
crew xp for each item that occurred during the
session. If an item Upgrades
occurred multiple times or in a major way, mark ◊ Alter: You create a dedicated space on the ship
2 crew xp for it. to the deity
The crew xp triggers are: of your crew’s choice. Gain a +1 modifier to
»≫ Your crew-specific xp trigger. For example, any attune
the Pirate actions while on your ship.
Hunters’ is “Apprehend a criminal, rescue ◊ Cohort: A cohort is a gang or a single expert
citizens in NPC who
works for your crew. For all the details on
cohorts, see
below. your ship. This could include a row boat, small
◊ Deceptive Rigging: Make your ship appear to cart with a
be another mule, or two horses.
model. Each different appearance requires an ◊ Workshop: Your ship has a workshop
upgrade. appointed with tools
◊ Harpoon Launcher: A device for aiming and for tinkering and alchemy, as well as a small
shooting library of
harpoons into the sea. Useful for catching sea books, documents, and maps. You may
creatures or accomplish longterm
latching onto a runaway ship. projects with these assets without leaving your
◊ Quality: Each upgrade improves the quality ship.
rating of Useful for when you want to spend downtime at
all the PCs’ items of that type; take +1 when you sea.
use an ◊ Sail Glides: You are able to rig your sails into
improved item. You can improve the quality of a glider form,
Documents, allowing you to glide down otherwise deadly
Gear (covers Burglary Gear and Climbing drops and
Gear), waterfalls. Allows your ship to travel further
Arcane Implements, Subterfuge Supplies, Tools inland on
(covers riverways.
Demolitions Tools and Tinkering Tools), and
◊ Sawbones: A (relatively) clean room for
medical treatment Ship Advancement
on the ship. Allows you to take the recovery You can make improvements to your base ship
action during by scavenging parts
downtime at sea. and improvements from your defeated foe.
◊ Secure Homeport: When you dock at any port, Each time you defeat another ship in combat,
you have extra gear to reinforce your ship with mark a ship xp. If
advanced locks, the faction controlling that ship has more Wealth
alarms, and traps to thwart intruders. A second above you, mark
upgrade 2 ship xp.
improves the defenses to include arcane When you fill the ship xp tracker, choose a new
measures that ship ability.
work against mystical forces. You might roll Abilities that improve your ship’s trait can be
your crew’s taken multiple times,
Wealth if these measures are ever put to the test, until you reach the listed limit. Most ships can
to see how upgrade 1-2 stats,
well they thwart an intruder. based on its model. If those upgrades aren’t
◊ Vault: Your operation has access to a secure sufficient, your crew
vault, increasing may need to set about getting a different ship
the coin you can gather without attracting the model with a Wealth
attention of expansion. Or, perhaps you can gather
raiders. With 1 vault, you can store up to 15 coin information about a new
that does prototype ship, sitting in the shipyards, just
not contribute to your gilded level. With 2 waiting to be taken by
vaults, you can someone who will truly appreciate its fine
store up to 30 coin. With a third vault, you can technology . . .
lower you This is to say, crew sheets outline the default
Wealth level when you roll raids. upgrade limits, but
◊ Vehicle: You can store a smaller mode of you can always work with your GM to perform
transportation on a score or series
of scores to upgrade other stats if you want. No advantage within their area of expertise: roll 3d6
stats can ever and keep the two
exceed 4 dots. highest. However, this training has its limits; if
you want them to
act outside their expertise, they roll 3d6 and
Cohorts keep the two lowest
A cohort is a gang or an expert who works for
your crew. To Edges & flaws
recruit a new cohort, spend two upgrades and When you create a cohort, give them one or two
create them using edges and an
the process below. equal number of flaws.

Gangs Edges
◊ Fearsome: The cohort is terrifying in aspect
Creating a Gang and reputation.
Choose a gang type from the list below: ◊ Independent: The cohort can be trusted to
◊ Adepts: Scholars, tinkerers, mystics, and make good
alchemists. decisions and act on their own initiative in the
◊ Rooks: Con artists, spies, and socialites. absence of
◊ Rovers: Sailors, carriage drivers, and direct orders.
deathlands scavengers. ◊ Loyal: The cohort can’t be bribed or turned
◊ Skulks: Scouts, infiltrators, and thieves. against you.
◊ Thugs: Killers, brawlers, and roustabouts. ◊ Tenacious: The cohort won’t be deterred from
Assign them edges and flaws according to the a task.
list below. Flaws
Using a Gang ◊ Principled: The cohort has an ethic or values
A gang can provide a teamwork bonus when that it won’t
helping with a task betray.
that matches their type. If they help, roll 3d6 ◊ Savage: The cohort is excessively violent and
and keep the two cruel.
highest. Some crew upgrades will add the ◊ Unreliable: The cohort isn’t always available,
“Elite” feature to a gang. When due to other
they help, you take +2 on the related roll. obligations, stupefaction from their vices, etc.
Gangs cannot help with tasks outside of their ◊ Wild: The cohort is drunken, debauched, and
type. loudmouthed.
Experts Modifying a cohort
Creating an Expert You can add an additional type to cohort by
spending two crew
Record the expert’s type (their specific area of
upgrades. A given cohort can have up to two
expertise). They
types (i.e. a gang can
might be a Mender, an Investigator, an Oracle,
have two types and an expert can specialize in
an Assassin, a Spy,
two professions).
Assign them edges and flaws according to the Cohort Harm & Healing
list below. Cohorts suffer a simplified form of harm: they
Using an Expert are healthy, injured,
Unlike gangs, experts are able to work on their or broken.
own direction and If a cohort is injured, they can continue to
can take actions at your command. An expert function with a -1
will always have an modifier to their rolls and any teamwork related
rolls. They will
be at risk for becoming broken. Injuries will You spend your resources bribing more factions
heal naturally during to your side.
a downtime phase. 1. Spy: Choose one faction. You will always
If the cohort is broken, they become know what they
incapacitated and cannot have stocked.
do anything until they heal. You will need to 2. Inner Circle: Choose Underworld or
spend a downtime Institution factions,
action reducing their harm from broken to and a specific nation. You will always know
injured. Then on the what those
next downtime phase, their injuries will heal factions have stocked.
naturally. Or, if you 3. Pocket of Power: Choose one port. You
want to be safe, you can spend 2 downtime cannot be raided
actions helping them while in this port.
You build your reputation into a source of

Wealth Expansion power.

1. Feared: When you loot a neutral or hostile
faction, each
Whenever you gain a new Wealth level you can
choose one of character gains additional coin equal to your
the Wealth expansions. If you lose a Wealth Fame attribute.
level, you must lose 2. Sea Story: When you loot a faction, you can
an expansion as well. Expansions fall into three gain an intact
attributes: fleet, Sea Raider artifact instead of cargo. Use the
bribes, and fame. Each time you advance an crafting rules
attribute, you gain a to create the artifact as a group.
related benefit. If you invest in the same 3. Legend: Choose one nation. When you enter
attribute, the new benefits their ports,
grow in power at each level. the usual “at war” penalties do not apply.

Increase the number of ships under your control.
1. Spare: Gain a second ship. You can switch
ship playbooks
between phases. If you have a gang to pilot the
second ship,
it will accompany you, adding its cargo space to
yours and
allowing you to create more cohorts.
2. Squadron: Gain a small, coordinated fleet. If
a gang cohort
and an expert is present in the fleet, it can
provide a +2
bonus to any action once per combat round. You
limit is now your speed +2 phases. (If the fleet
travels with
you, your upkeep is based on the slowest ship).
3. Flotilla: You cannot be raided when you
spend downtime
at sea.

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