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PDF of Attached XBRL
(generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax, others [Table]
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax, others [Axis] Other comprehensive income
Period FY 2023 FY 2022
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax, others [Abstract]
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax, others [Line items]
Remeasurements Remeasurements
of of
post-employment post-employment
benefit obligations benefit obligations
Share of other Share of other
comprehensive comprehensive
income of equity income of equity
accounted accounted
investee (net of investee (net of
taxes) Income tax taxes) Income tax
relating to these relating to these
Description of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax, others items items
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax, others 593,176.00 1,533,171.00
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Table] ..(1)
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Table] ..(2)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Table] ..(3)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
31 March 31 March
Other equity
2022 2021
10,00,00,000 10,00,00,00
Capital redemption reserve i
.00 0.00
22,27,76,000 22,27,76,0
General reserve ii
.00 00.00
4,59,14,17,2 3,28,57,00,
Retained earnings iii
02 938.12
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
4,91,41,93,2 3,60,84,76,
02 938.12
10,00,00 10,00,00,000
At the commencement and at the end of the year
,000.00 .00
10,00,00,000 10,00,00,00
At the end of the year
.00 0.00
General reserve
22,27,76 22,27,76,000
At the commencement and at the end of the year
,000.00 .00
22,27,76,000 22,27,76,00
At the end of the year
.00 0.00
Retained earnings
At the commencement of the year 7,00,9
1,54,41,83,0 1,00,55,45,
Profit for the year
92 452.58
(24,00 (59,00,
Interim equity dividend [amount per share Rs. 40.00
,00,00 00,000.
(Previous year: Rs. 98.33)]
0) 00)
4,59,14,17,2 3,28,57,00,
At the end of the year
02 938.12
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(1)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(2)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(3)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(4)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(5)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(6)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(7)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(8)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(9)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(10)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(11)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(12)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(13)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(14)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(15)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(16)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(17)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(18)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(19)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Increase (decrease) through other changes, property, plant and equipment 0 -3,826,763.00
Total increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, property, plant
and equipment 0 -3,826,763.00
Disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment [Abstract]
Disposals, property, plant and equipment 17,825.00 5,931.00
Retirements, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment 17,825.00 5,931.00
Decrease through classified as held for sale, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Decrease through loss of control of subsidiary, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment -984,690.25 42,896.00
Property, plant and equipment at end of period 5,232,318.00 6,217,008.25 6,174,112.25
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(20)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(21)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Total increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, property, plant
and equipment 0 3,826,763.00
Disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment [Abstract]
Disposals, property, plant and equipment 39,469.00 51,232.00
Total disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment 39,469.00 51,232.00
Decrease through classified as held for sale, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Decrease through loss of control of subsidiary, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment 1,600,009.00 5,339,181.00
Property, plant and equipment at end of period 18,080,874.90 16,480,865.90 11,141,684.90
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(22)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(23)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, property, plant and
equipment [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through transfers, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Increase (decrease) through other changes, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, property, plant
and equipment 0 0
Disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment [Abstract]
Disposals, property, plant and equipment 18,122,846.00 4,426,813.00
Retirements, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment 18,122,846.00 4,426,813.00
Decrease through classified as held for sale, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Decrease through loss of control of subsidiary, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment 122,590,844.13 99,398,278.00
Property, plant and equipment at end of period 445,216,711.29 322,625,867.16 223,227,589.16
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(24)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(25)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(26)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(27)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(28)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(29)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(30)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(31)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(32)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(33)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(34)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Total increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, property, plant
and equipment 0 -5,508,290.00
Disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment [Abstract]
Disposals, property, plant and equipment 0 11,827.00
Retirements, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total disposals and retirements, property, plant and equipment 0 11,827.00
Decrease through classified as held for sale, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Decrease through loss of control of subsidiary, property, plant and equipment 0 0
Total increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment -2,633,323.98 4,089,381.00
Property, plant and equipment at end of period 5,802,116.19 8,435,440.17 4,346,059.17
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(35)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(36)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(37)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(38)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of detailed information about property, plant and equipment [Table] ..(39)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(1)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(2)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(3)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(4)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(5)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(6)
Disclosure of additional information about property plant and equipment [Table] ..(7)
Textual information (2): Disclosure of property, plant and equipment [Text Block]
See accounting
policies in note 3.3
Furniture Electrical
Freeho Plant and Office equi Computer work in
Particulars Buildings and Vehicles Installatio Total (A) Total (A+B)
ld land equipment pments s progres
Fixtures n
s (B)
Reconciliation of
carrying amount
Gross block
Balance as at 1 April 64,72,36, 1,73,15,80 18,72,88,34 22,32,27,5 1,48,04,4 1,85,55,88 1,83,94,9 1,42,14,82, 41,22,0 1,42,56,04,4
2021 048.94 3.20 0.44 87.37 20.98 8.12 85.17 386.77 85.00 71.77
Acquisitions through
20,24,05, 44,93,011. 88,54,548.9 9,00,47,93 1,13,51,2 76,45,089. 40,96,340 32,88,94,17 32,88,94,17
business - -
955.68 00 9 9.00 92.00 28 .99 6.96 6.96
9,46,228.0 14,93,502.6 1,37,77,15 17,52,613. 43,85,103 11,85,19,25 7,79,35, 19,64,54,43
Additions 6,592. 98,900.00 19,165.29
0 0 2.10 12 .83 6.96 175.50 2.47
Balance as at 31 84,97,40, 2,26,97,87 19,73,76,74 32,26,25,8 2,61,21,9 2,71,45,07 2,61,17,6 1,86,25,31, 7,36,52, 1,93,61,84,0
March 2022 904.63 9.20 4.01 65.47 43.27 4.15 11.04 926.36 085.00 11.37
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Acquisitions through
business - - - - - - - - - - -
6,08,279. 6,72,606.0 9,92,52,315 14,07,13,6 32,79,794. 44,58,261 24,91,44,70 42,89,54,47
Additions - 1,59,760 9,771.0
00 0 .74 89.52 72 .00 6.18 7.18
Assets classified as
(99,47,759. (99,47,759. (99,47,759.
held for sale (refer - - - - - - - -
55) 55) 55)
note 39)
39,07, 25,34,6
Balance as at 31 85,03,49, 2,33,13,19 28,64,99,51 44,52,16,7 2,62,81,7 2,92,20,34 3,00,08,0 2,08,15,94, 2,33,50,56,4
05,904 1,856.0
March 2023 183.63 1.20 7.27 08.74 03.47 1.90 73.73 624.51 80.52
.53 0
Balance as at 1 April 16,38,93, 1,11,41,68 11,94,15,52 13,61,21,1 1,04,58,3 1,47,11,55 1,12,25,6 46,69,67,55 46,69,67,55
- -
2021 708.32 3.67 5.77 00.98 61.31 0.54 23.28 3.87 3.87
Acquisitions through
6,91,91,9 38,26,763. 35,42,548.0 5,40,64,65 55,08,290 63,34,331. 33,78,356 14,58,46,88 14,58,46,88
business - -
36.13 00 0 6.01 .00 02 .99 1.14 1.14
Depreciation for the 3,08,98,9 15,63,649. 1,22,96,994 3,69,88,26 17,60,958 19,43,867. 39,77,968 8,94,30,626 8,94,30,626.
- -
year 18.39 55 .89 8.55 .79 28 .86 .31 31
Balance as at 31 26,39,84, 1,64,80,86 13,50,85,99 22,35,75,2 1,76,86,5 2,22,51,27 1,78,97,6 69,69,62,03 69,69,62,03
- -
March 2022 562.83 4.22 3.66 01.38 02.10 4.42 39.14 7.76 7.76
Acquisitions through
19,58,878 12,03,699.1 1,30,70,25 1,81,82,456 1,81,82,456.
business - - 19,49,621 - - -
.86 6 7.73 .37 37
Depreciation for the 3,62,20,6 16,39,477. 1,73,31,127 4,12,45,28 24,47,192. 10,45,42,74 10,45,42,74
- 8,43,446 48,15,561 -
year 55.60 65 .91 9.40 29 9.67 9.67
Assets classified as
(79,07,837. (79,07,837. (79,07,837.
held for sale (refer - - - - - - - -
46) 46) 46)
note 39)
Balance as at 31 30,21,64, 1,80,80,87 14,55,54,90 26,12,37,6 2,04,79,5 2,36,20,19 2,21,95,8 79,33,33,13 79,33,33,13
- -
March 2023 097.30 2.86 0.19 28.33 68.73 0.47 80.88 8.75 8.75
Net block
58,57,56, 62,17,014. 6,22,90,750 9,90,50,66 84,35,441 48,93,799. 82,19,971 1,16,55,69, 7,36,52, 1,23,92,21,9
At 31 March 2022 05,904
341.80 98 .35 4.10 .16 76 .89 888.59 085.00 73.59
39,07, 25,34,6
54,81,85, 52,32,318. 14,09,44,61 18,39,79,0 58,02,134 56,00,151. 78,12,192 1,28,82,61, 1,54,17,23,3
At 31 March 2023 05,904 1,856.0
086.33 34 7.09 80.41 .74 43 .85 486 41.78
.53 0
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Textual information (3): Disclosure of property, plant and equipment [Text Block]
Property, plant
and equipment
and capital
work-in progress
See accounting
policies in note
Freehol Plant and Electrical I Office equi Computer work in
Particulars Buildings and Vehicles Total (A) Total (A+B)
d land equipment nstallation pments s progress
Reconciliation of
carrying amount
Gross block
Balance as at 1 26,41,4 64,72,36, 1,62,62,01 18,47,77,8 19,46,11,1 1,46,22,02 1,80,99,14 1,00,40,61 1,34,97,93, 44,14,05 1,35,42,07,
April 2020 4,813 049 5 80 99 1 0 5 732 4 786
Disposals - - - 2,52,391 31,50,291 - 39,145 2,04,212 36,46,038 4,38,27,297
Balance as at 31 29,46,5 64,72,36, 1,73,15,80 18,72,88,3 22,32,27,5 1,48,04,42 1,85,55,88 1,83,94,98 1,42,14,82, 41,22,08 1,42,56,04,
March 2021 9,313 049 3 40 87 1 8 5 387 5 472
20,24,05, 9,00,47,93 1,13,51,29 32,88,94,17 32,88,94,17
through business - 44,93,011 88,54,549 76,45,089 40,96,341 -
956 9 2 7 7
Disposals - - 57,163 2,59,648 44,26,813 52,935 8,08,516 7,58,819 63,63,894 1,47,69,070
Balance as at 31 39,07,0 84,97,40, 2,26,97,87 19,73,76,7 32,26,25,8 2,61,21,94 2,71,45,07 2,61,17,61 1,86,25,31, 7,36,52, 1,93,61,84,
March 2022 5,905 905 9 44 65 3 4 1 926 085 011
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Balance as at 31 16,38,93, 1,11,41,68 11,94,15,5 13,61,21,1 1,04,58,36 1,47,11,55 1,12,25,62 46,69,67,55 46,69,67,55
- -
March 2021 708 4 26 01 1 1 3 4 4
6,91,91,9 5,40,64,65 14,58,46,88 14,58,46,88
through business - 38,26,763 35,42,548 55,08,290 63,34,331 33,78,357 -
36 6 1 1
Balance as at 31 26,39,84, 1,64,80,86 13,50,85,9 22,35,75,2 1,76,86,50 2,22,51,27 1,78,97,63 69,69,62,03 69,69,62,03
- -
March 2022 563 4 94 01 2 4 9 8 8
Net block
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Acquisition of subsidiary
Taking control of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd. will enable the Group to
centralise its operation into a single entity to improve the efficiency at group level.
The acquisition is also expected to provide the Company with an increased share
of the Container Freight Station market at Mundra region through Honeycomb
Logistics Pvt. Ltd.'s customer base. The Company also expects to derive
operational and financial synergies through prudent financial management and
better administration, reduction in costs, focused operational efforts,
standardization and simplification of business processes, elimination of
duplication and rationalization of administrative expenses.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
For the eight months ended 30 November 2021, Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
generated total income of INR 512.42 million and profit after tax of INR 173.70
million out of which Company's share of profit recorded at INR 126.80 million.
Managenent estimates that if the acquistion had occured on 1 April 2021,
consolidated total income and consolidated profit after tax for the year would have
been INR 3788.12 million and INR 1,591.09 million respectively. Management
has determined these amounts on the basis that the fair value adjustments that
arose on the date of acqusition would have been the same if the acqusition had
occured on 1 April 2021.
Consideration transferred
The following table summarises the acquisition date fair value of each major class
of consideration transferred;
1,29,9 159.1
Fair value of interest in join venture as on acquisition date ,98,609
4,086 8
48,05, 159.1
Consideration paid for 27% of shares (@ INR 159.18) 5,390.5
914 8
Total consideration transferred
Acquisition-related costs
Company has done the fair valuation of assets and liabilities of Honeycomb
Logistics Pvt. Ltd. on the date of acquisition through an independent external
agency. As per the valuation report, Company has identified intangible asset
against the customer base of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd. for an amount of INR
1720.00 million, fair value of tangible fixed asset recognised as INR 183.04 million
and Right-of-use assets valued at INR 94.47 million. Also recognised Goodwill of
INR 670.15 million as on acquisition date. Agent relationship has been
depreciated over the period of remaining useful life of the leased land.
The following table summarises the recognised amounts of assets acquired and
liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition at fair value.
30 Nov
Property, plant and equipment
Intangible assets
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Deffered Tax liability on acquisition
Total identifiable net assets acquired
Agent relationship
and Goodwill
Depreciation Additional
Fair value as on Net block as on provided as per Depreciation for Additional WDV
Revalued WDV as on
Description 30th November, 30th November, book value Dec Dec 2021 to Mar as on 31 March
amount 31st March, 2022
2021 2021 2021 to Mar 2022 on fair 2022
2022 value
58,43,000.00 13,54,201.00 44,88,799.00 1,01,607.00 7,76,848.00 49,64,545.00 37,11,951.00
Plant and
53,12,000.00 23,76,734.00 29,35,266.00 1,67,163.00 6,21,705.00 45,23,132.00 23,13,561.00
Furniture and
6,65,248.02 6,65,248.02 - - - 6,65,248.02 -
Agent relationship 1,72,00,00,000.00 - 6,49,05,660.38 1,65,50,94,339.62
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Intangible assets
Particulars Agent Relationship Computer Softwares Total under
Gross block
Accumulated amortisation
Amortisation charge for the year 16,75,827 19,63,92,808.25 -
Balance as at 31 March 2023 1,49,88,054 27,46,10,695.30 -
Net block
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Gross block
Acquisitions through business 61,70,29
0,00,0 1,72,61,70,295.00 -
combinations 5
Accumulated amortisation
Amortisation charge for the year 8,28,425 6,57,34,085.26 -
Net block
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Classification of inventories [Axis] Company inventories [Member] Stores and spares [Member]
Period FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2022
Classification of inventories [Abstract]
Classification of inventories [Line items]
Inventories 0 0 0 0
Mode of valuation n.a n.a
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Company information
Ameya Logistics Private Limited (‘the Company’) is a private limited Company domiciled in India and incorporated under the provision of the
Companies Act, 1956 on 23 rd September 2003 having CIN : U63030MH2003PTC142331 located at Village-Dhasakoshi, Post-Koproli, Tal-Uran,
Dist-Raigad, Maharashtra - 410 212.
The Company has engaged in business of Container Freight Stations (CFS) / Inland Container Depot (ICD) at various locations, transportation of
cargo by containers on Indian Railways network, road transportation of containers / cargo and operating storage facilities in India.
Basis of Preparation and measurement
Statement of compliance
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including
the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as per the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting
Standards) (Amendment) Rules, 2016 notified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 20 I 3, (the 'Act') and other relevant provisions of the Act.
The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors on 25 th September 2023.
Basis of measurement
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis except for the following items:
Certain financial assets and financial liabilities are at fair value;
Defined benefit plans – net plan assets that are measured at fair value.
Functional and presentation currency
The financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (INR), which is also the Company’s functional currency. All amounts disclosed in
financial statements have been reported in million rupees as per requirement of Schedule III, unless otherwise stated.
Use of estimates and judgements
The preparation of the financial statements under Ind AS requires management to take decisions and make estimates and assumptions that may
impact the value of revenues, costs, assets and liabilities and the related disclosures concerning the items involved as well as contingent assets
and liabilities at the balance sheet date. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other
factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
market conditions as well as forward looking estimates at the end of each reporting period.
(iv) Defined benefit obligations
The present value of the defined benefit obligations depends on a number of factors that are determined on an actuarial basis using a number of
assumptions. The assumptions used in determining the net cost (income) for post employments plans include the discount rate. Any changes in
these assumptions will impact the carrying amount of such obligations.
The Company determines the appropriate discount rate at the end of each year. This is the interest rate that should be used to determine the
present value of estimated future cash outflows expected to be required to settle the defined benefit obligations. In determining the appropriate
discount rate, the Company considers the interest rates of government bonds of maturity approximating the terms of the related plan liability.
(v) Income taxes
Income tax expense comprises current and deferred income tax. Income tax expense is recognized in net profit in the Statement of Profit and
Loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case it is recognized in other comprehensive income.
Current income tax for current and prior periods is recognized at the amount expected to be paid to or recovered from the tax authorities, using
the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities
are recognized for all temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial
statements. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related
tax benefit will be realised. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date and are expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences
are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of changes in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognised as income
or expense in the period that includes the enactment or the substantive enactment date. A deferred income tax asset is recognized to the extent
that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised.
Deferred income taxes are not provided on the undistributed earnings of subsidiaries where it is expected that the earnings of the subsidiary will
not be distributed in the foreseeable future.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Buildings 3-60
Electrical installations 10
Office equipment 5
Computers 3-6
Useful life as per Schedule II (in *Estimated useful life by the management based
Assets category
years) on technical evaluation (in years)
*During the financial year 2018-19 company has installed solar power generating unit in its premises for generating power for in house use. As
per manufacturer’s documents, the unit is expected to generate power for 25 to 30 years. Management has reviewed the same and decided to
depreciate the asset over a period of 25 years.
**Also during the financial year 2018-19 company procured used vehicles for its day to day operations whose lives as per schedule II had already
expired at the time of purchase. Management has estimated the extended useful life and accordingly decided to depreciate the assets in 4 years.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
An item of property, plant and equipment and any significant part initially recognized is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic
benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the
net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is recognized in statement of profit & loss when the asset is derecognised.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.4 Intangible assets
Recognition and initial measurement
Intangible assets are stated at their cost of acquisition less accumulated amortisation and impairment. Any trade discount and rebates are
deducted in arriving at the purchase price.
Subsequent measurement (amortisation and useful lives)
The useful lives of intangible assets are assessed to be finite. Intangible assets are amortised over their useful life using the written down value
method as per the useful lives of the assets estimated by the management after retaining the residual value of 5%, or the useful life of computers
equipment’s prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 are considered as the maximum life.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
Amortisation of the assets commences when the assets are ready for their intended use and ceases when the net book value of the asset is zero
or the asset is no longer in use.
Gains or losses arising from derecognizing of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that the asset is derecognised.
An item of intangible asset initially recognised is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use .
Gains or losses arising from derecognising of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that asset is derecognised.
3.5 Impairment of non-financial assets
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite life are evaluated for recoverability whenever there is any indication that their
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
carrying amounts may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount (i.e. higher of the fair value less cost to sell and
the value-in-use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows that are largely independent of those
from other assets. In such cases, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash generating unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs.
If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized in the statement of profit and loss is measured by the amount by
which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement
of profit and loss if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is
increased to its revised recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined
(net of any accumulated amortization or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.5 Impairment of non-financial assets (Continued)
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement of profit and loss if there has been a change
in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is increased to its revised recoverable
amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of any accumulated amortization
or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount.
A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimations used to determine the asset’s recoverable
amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount.
That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, or had no impairment loss
been recognised for the asset in prior years.
3.6 Inventories
Inventories of stores and spares are accounted on FIFO basis. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Inventories are valued at cost or net realisable value whichever
is less
3.7 Government grants
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Government grants relating to income are deferred and recognised in the statement of profit and loss over the period necessary to match them
with the costs that they are intended to compensate and presented within other income.
Government grants relating to the purchase of property, plant and equipment are included in non-current liabilities as deferred income and are
credited to statement of profit and loss on a systematic basis over the expected lives of related assets and presented within other income .
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Debt instruments
Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the Company’s business model for managing the asset and the cash flow
characteristics of the asset. There are three measurement categories into which the Company classifies its debt instruments .
Amortised cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows where those cash flows represent solely payments of principal and
interest are measured at amortised cost. A gain or loss on a debt investment that is subsequently measured at amortised cost is recognised in
profit or loss when the asset is derecognised or impaired. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income using the
effective interest rate method.
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial
assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI). Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognised in the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
A financial asset is derecognised only when:
the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired, or
the Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to pay the received cash flows to one
or more recipient.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Termination benefits
Termination benefits are expensed at the earlier of when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the Company
recognises costs for a restructuring. If benefits are not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the reporting date, then they are
3.12 Provisions and contingent liabilities
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably,
and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when appropriate, the risks
specific to the liability. When discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.
Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities are disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company. A present obligation that
arises from past events where it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or reliable estimate of the amount
cannot be made, is termed as contingent liability.
Company information
Ameya Logistics Private Limited (‘the Company’) is a private limited Company domiciled in India and incorporated under the provision of the
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Companies Act, 1956 on 23 September 2003 having CIN : U63030MH2003PTC142331 located at Village-Dhasakoshi, Post-Koproli, Tal-Uran,
Dist-Raigad, Maharashtra - 410 212.
These consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiary.
The Company and its subsidiary are engaged in business of Container Freight Stations (CFS) / Inland Container Depot (ICD) at various
locations, transportation of cargo by containers on Indian Railways network, road transportation of containers / cargo and operating storage
facilities in India.
Basis of Preparation and measurement
Statement of compliance
The consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (“Ind AS”) notified
under the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) and other
relevant provisions of the Act and amendments, as applicable.
The consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company's Board of Directors on 30 September 2022.
Basis of measurement
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis except for the following items:
Certain financial assets and financial liabilities are at fair value;
Defined benefit plans – net plan assets that are measured at fair value.
Functional and presentation currency
The consolidated financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (INR), which is also the Company’s functional currency. All amounts
disclosed in consolidated financial statements have been reported in million rupees as per requirement of Schedule III, unless otherwise stated.
Use of estimates and judgements
Preparing the consolidated financial statements under Ind AS requires management to take decisions and make estimates and assumptions that
may impact the value of revenues, costs, assets and liabilities and the related disclosures concerning the items involved as well as contingent
assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and
other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
Basis of Preparation and measurement (Continued)
Use of estimates and judgements (Continued)
The Company makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the
related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below:
Impairment of Non-Financial Assets
The Company assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists, or when
annual impairment testing for an asset is required, the Company estimates the asset’s recoverable amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is
higher of an asset’s or CGU’s fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use. It is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does
not generate the cash inflow that is largely independent of those from other asset or group of assets. Where the carrying amount of an asset or
CGU exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount.
In assessing the value in use, the estimated future cash flow are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects
current market assessment of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs of disposal, recent
market transactions are taken into account. If no such transactions can be identified, an appropriate valuation model is used. These calculations
are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted shares prices or other available fair value indicators.
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment represent a significant proportion of the asset base of the Company. The charge in respect of periodic
depreciation is derived after determining an estimate of an asset’s expected useful life and the expected residual value at the end of its life. The
useful lives and residual values of Company’s assets are determined by the management at the time the asset is acquired and reviewed
periodically, including at each financial year end. The lives are based on historical experience with similar assets as well as anticipation of future
events, which may impact their life, such as changes in technical or commercial obsolescence arising from changes or improvements in
production or from a change in market demand of the product or service output of the asset.
Basis of Preparation and measurement (Continued)
Use of estimates and judgements (Continued)
Impairment of Financial Assets
The impairment provisions for financial assets are based on assumption about risk of default and expected loss rate. The Company uses
judgement in making these assumptions and selecting the inputs to the impairment calculation, based on Company’s past history, existing
market conditions as well as forward looking estimates at the end of each reporting period.
(iv) Defined benefit obligations
The present value of the defined benefit obligations depends on a number of factors that are determined on an actuarial basis using a number of
assumptions. The assumptions used in determining the net cost (income) for post employments plans include the discount rate. Any changes in
these assumptions will impact the carrying amount of such obligations.
The Company determines the appropriate discount rate at the end of each year. This is the interest rate that should be used to determine the
present value of estimated future cash outflows expected to be required to settle the defined benefit obligations. In determining the appropriate
discount rate, the Company considers the interest rates of government bonds of maturity approximating the terms of the related plan liability.
(v) Income taxes
Income tax expense comprises current and deferred income tax. Income tax expense is recognized in net profit in the Statement of Profit and
Loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case it is recognized in other comprehensive income.
Current income tax for current and prior periods is recognized at the amount expected to be paid to or recovered from the tax authorities, using
the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities
are recognized for all temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial
statements. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related
tax benefit will be realised. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date and are expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of changes in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognised as income
or expense in the period that includes the enactment or the substantive enactment date. A deferred income tax asset is recognized to the extent
that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised.
Deferred income taxes are not provided on the undistributed earnings of subsidiaries where it is expected that the earnings of the subsidiary will
not be distributed in the foreseeable future.
The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair
value, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs significant to the fair value measurement
as a whole:
Level 1 — Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
Level 2 — Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
All assets and liabilities are classified into current and non-current.
An asset is classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
it is expected to be realised in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the Company’s normal operating cycle;
it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
it is expected to be realised within 12 months after the reporting date; or
it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least 12 months after the reporting date.
Current assets include the current portion of non-current financial assets.
All other assets are classified as non-current.
A liability is classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria:
it is expected to be settled in the Company’s normal operating cycle;
it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
it is due to be settled within 12 months after the reporting date; or
d. the Company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting date. Terms of a
liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its classification.
Current liabilities include current portion of non-current financial liabilities.
All other liabilities are classified as non-current.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are classified as non-current assets and liabilities.
The operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realisation in cash and cash equivalents. The Company
has identified twelve months as its operating cycle.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies as an asset is measured on initial recognition at cost net of recoverable taxes, duties,
trade discounts and rebates, if any. Following initial recognition, items of property, plant and equipment are carried at its cost less accumulated
depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
The cost of PPE comprises of its purchase price including any cost directly attributable to bringing the assets to their working condition for their
intended use. The present value of the initial estimated cost for the decommissioning of an asset after its use is included in the cost of the
respective asset if the recognition criteria for a provision are met.
Expenditure incurred on assets which are not ready for their intended use comprising direct cost and related incidental expenses are disclosed
under Capital Work-in-Progress and advances paid towards the acquisition of property, plant and equipment outstanding at each Balance Sheet
date is classified as capital advances under other non-current assets.
Spare parts are recognised when they meet the definition of property, plant and equipment; otherwise, such items are classified as inventory.
Subsequent measurement (depreciation and useful lives)
When significant parts of PPE are required to be replaced at regular intervals, the Company depreciates them separately based on their specific
useful lives. Likewise, when a major replacement is performed, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the plant and equipment as a
replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. All other repairs and maintenance costs are recognized in the statement of profit and loss as
and when incurred.
Buildings 3-60
Electrical installations 10
Office equipment 5
Computers 3-6
Useful life as per Schedule II (in *Estimated useful life by the management based
Assets category
years) on technical evaluation (in years)
*During the financial year 2018-19 company has installed solar power generating unit in its premises for generating power for in house use. As
per manufacturer’s documents, the unit is expected to generate power for 25 to 30 years. Management has reviewed the same and decided to
depreciate the asset over a period of 25 years.
**Also during the financial year 2018-19 company procured used vehicles for its day to day operations whose lives as per schedule II had already
expired at the time of purchase. Management has estimated the extended useful life and accordingly decided to depreciate the assets in 4 years.
All additions below Rs. 5,000 are depreciated fully in the year of purchase after retaining the residual value of 5%.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
An item of property, plant and equipment and any significant part initially recognized is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic
benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the
net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is recognized in statement of profit & loss when the asset is derecognised.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
Amortisation of the assets commences when the assets are ready for their intended use and ceases when the net book value of the asset is zero
or the asset is no longer in use.
Gains or losses arising from derecognizing of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that the asset is derecognised.
An item of intangible asset initially recognised is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use.
Gains or losses arising from derecognising of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that asset is derecognised.
3.6 Impairment of non-financial assets
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite life are evaluated for recoverability whenever there is any indication that their
carrying amounts may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount (i.e. higher of the fair value less cost to sell and
the value-in-use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows that are largely independent of those
from other assets. In such cases, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash generating unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs.
If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized in the statement of profit and loss is measured by the amount by
which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement
of profit and loss if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is
increased to its revised recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined
(net of any accumulated amortization or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
Impairment of non-financial assets (Continued)
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement of profit and loss if there has been a change
in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is increased to its revised recoverable
amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of any accumulated amortization
or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount.
A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimations used to determine the asset’s recoverable
amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount.
That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, or had no impairment loss
been recognised for the asset in prior years.
3.7 Inventories
Inventories of stores and spares are accounted on FIFO basis. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Inventories are valued at cost or net realisable value whichever
is less
3.8 Government grants
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Government grants relating to income are deferred and recognised in the statement of profit and loss over the period necessary to match them
with the costs that they are intended to compensate and presented within other income.
Government grants relating to the purchase of property, plant and equipment are included in non-current liabilities as deferred income and are
credited to statement of profit and loss on a systematic basis over the expected lives of related assets and presented within other income
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
are not at fair value through profit or loss, are added to the fair value on initial recognition. Regular way purchase and sale of financial assets are
accounted for at trade date.
Classification and subsequent measurement
For purposes of subsequent measurement, the Company classifies its financial assets in the following measurement categories:
those to be measured subsequently at fair value (either through other comprehensive income, or through profit or loss), and
those measured at amortised cost.
The classification depends on the entity’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows. For
assets measured at fair value, gains and losses will either be recorded in profit or loss or other comprehensive income.
For investments in debt instruments, this will depend on the business model in which the investment is held. For investments in equity
instruments, this will depend on whether the Company has made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to account for the equity
investment at fair value through other comprehensive income.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.10 Financial Instruments (Continued)
Financial assets (Continued)
Classification and subsequent measurement (Continued)
The Company reclassifies debt investments when and only when its business model for managing those assets changes.
Debt instruments
Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the Company’s business model for managing the asset and the cash flow
characteristics of the asset. There are three measurement categories into which the Company classifies its debt instruments
Amortised cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows where those cash flows represent solely payments of principal and
interest are measured at amortised cost. A gain or loss on a debt investment that is subsequently measured at amortised cost is recognised in
profit or loss when the asset is derecognised or impaired. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income using the
effective interest rate method.
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial
assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI). Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognised in the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
A financial asset is derecognised only when:
the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired, or
the Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to pay the received cash flows to one
or more recipient.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The Company has adopted the amendments in IND AS 12 Appendix C, Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments, with effect from 1st April 2019
by applying prospectively with cumulative effect of initial application of Appendix C by adjusting equity without adjusting comparatives;
accordingly Company has recognised the accumulated unused Minimum Alternative Tax credit entitlement by adjusting the equity. Company and
its management are of the opinion that in future years, Company will generate sufficient taxable income to utilise the MAT credit recognised in
books. Further such credit can be utilised for a period of 15 years from the year of entitlement as per the prevailing income tax laws
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
superannuation plan are charged off to the Statement of profit and loss, as applicable, during the year in which the employee renders the related
Defined benefit plan
Gratuity :
The liability or asset recognized in the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit gratuity plan is the present value of the defined benefit
obligation at the end of the reporting period less the fair value of plan assets.
The Company has funded its gratuity liability with Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and with HDFC life Insurance Company Pvt Ltd under
the Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Scheme.
The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the
defined benefit obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of government bond and that have
terms to maturity approximating to the terms of the related gratuity.
Re-measurements, comprising of actuarial gains and losses, the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net
defined benefit liability and the return on plan assets, are recognised immediately in the balance sheet with a corresponding debit or credit to
retained earnings through Other Comprehensive income (OCI) in the period in which they occur. Re-measurements are not reclassified to profit
or loss in subsequent periods.
Net interest is calculated by applying the discount rate to the net defined benefit liability or asset.
Other Long term employee benefits:
The Company has a policy on compensated absences which are both accumulating and non-accumulating in nature. The expected cost of
accumulating compensated absences is determined by actuarial valuation performed by an independent actuary at each balance sheet date
using projected unit credit method on the additional amount expected to be paid/availed as a result of the unused entitlement that has
accumulated at the balance sheet date.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.12 Employee Benefits (Continued)
Defined benefit plan (Continued)
Other Long term employee benefits: (Continued)
Expense on non-accumulating compensated absences is recognized in the statement of profit and loss in the period in which the absences
The liability or asset recognized in the balance sheet in respect of compensated absences is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at
the end of the reporting period less the fair value of plan assets.
Company has funded its compensated absences liability with Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and with HDFC life Insurance Company
Pvt Ltd under the Group Leave Encashment Scheme
Termination benefits
Termination benefits are expensed at the earlier of when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the Company
recognises costs for a restructuring. If benefits are not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the reporting date, then they are
3.13 Provisions and contingent liabilities
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably,
and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when appropriate, the risks
specific to the liability. When discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.
Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities are disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company. A present obligation that
arises from past events where it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or reliable estimate of the amount
cannot be made, is termed as contingent liability.
3.14 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders (after deducting
attributable taxes) by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. For the purpose of calculating diluted
earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares
outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.15 Cash flow statement
Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of non-cash nature and
any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the
Company are segregated based on the available information.
3.16 Events after reporting date
Where events occur after the balance sheet date provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period, the impact of such
events are adjusted in the consolidated financial statements. Otherwise, events after the balance sheet date of material size or nature are only
3.17 Standards issued but not yet effective and have not been adopted early by the company
Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") notifies new standard or amendments to the existing standards. There is no such notification which would
have been applicable from April 1, 2021. MCA issued notifications dated March 24, 2021 to amend Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 to
enhance the disclosures required to be made by the Company in its financial statements. These amendments are applicable to the Company for
the financial year starting April 1, 2021.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") notifies new standard or amendments to the existing standards under Companies (Indian Accounting
Standards) Rules as issued from time to time. On March 23, 2022, MCA amended the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Textual information (10): Description of accounting policy for government grants [Text Block]
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Textual information (11): Description of accounting policy for government grants [Text Block]
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
We have audited the standalone financial statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited (the “Company”) which comprise the standalone
balance sheet as at 31 March 202 3 , and the standalone statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), standalone
statement of changes in equity and standalone statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the standalone financial
statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid standalone financial statements give
the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the
accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2023, and its profit and other
comprehensive income, changes in equity and its cash flows for the year ended on that date.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Our responsibilities
under those SAs are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements section of our report.
We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India together
with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the standalone financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules
thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the Code of Ethics. We believe that
the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion on the standalone financial statements
The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information
included in the Company’s directors' report, but does not include the standalone financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
Our opinion on the standalone financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance
conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the standalone financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider
whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the standalone financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or
otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the
preparation of these standalone financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs, profit/ loss and other comprehensive
income, changes in equity and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the
Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) specified under Section 133 of the Act. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting
frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable
and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the standalone financial statements that
give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the standalone financial statements, the Management and Board of Directors are responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
the Board of Directors either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The Board of Directors is also responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of Section
143(11) of the Act, we give in the “Annexure A” a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order, to the extent applicable.
2 A. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the
purposes of our audit.
In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those
The standalone balance sheet, the standalone statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), the standalone statement of
changes in equity and the standalone statement of cash flows dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account.
In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements comply with the Ind AS specified under Section 133 of the Act.
On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31 March 2023 taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of
the directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2023 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.
With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of the Company and the operating
effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in “Annexure B”.
With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,
2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The Company has disclosed the impact of pending litigations as at 31 March 202 3 on its financial position in its standalone financial statements -
Refer Note 37 to the standalone financial statements.
The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses.
There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company.
d (i) The management has represented that, to the best of it’s knowledge and belief, as disclosed in the Note 42 to the standalone financial
statements, no funds have been advanced or loaned or invested (either from borrowed funds or share premium or any other sources or kind of
funds) by the Company to or in any other persons or entities, including foreign entities (“Intermediaries”), with the understanding, whether
recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Intermediary shall:
directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Company (“Ultimate
Beneficiaries”) or
provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
The management has represented that, to the best of it’s knowledge and belief, as disclosed in the Note 47 to the standalone financial
statements, no funds have been received by the Company from any persons or entities, including foreign entities (“Funding Parties”), with the
understanding, whether recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Company shall:
directly or indirectly, lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Parties
(“Ultimate Beneficiaries”) or
provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
Based on the audit procedures performed that have been considered reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances, nothing has come to our
notice that has caused us to believe that the representations under sub-clause (i) and (ii) above contain any material misstatement.
e. The interim dividend declared and paid by the Company during the year and until the date of this audit report is in accordance with Section 123
of the Act.
With respect to the matter to be included in the Auditor’s Report under Section 197(16) of the Act:
In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not a public company. Accordingly, the provisions
of Section 197 of the Act are not applicable to the Company.
For B S R & Associates LLP
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.:116231W/W-100024
Place: Mumbai Membership No.:
Date: 25 September 202 3 ICAI UDIN:
We have audited the standalone financial statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited (the “Company”) which comprise the standalone
balance sheet as at 31 March 2022, and the standalone statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), standalone
statement of changes in equity and standalone statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the standalone financial
statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid standalone financial statements give
the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the
accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2022, and its profit and other
comprehensive income, changes in equity and its cash flows for the year ended on that date.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Our responsibilities
under those SAs are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements section of our report.
We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India together
with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the standalone financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules
thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the Code of Ethics. We believe that
the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion on the standalone financial statements
The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information
included in the Company’s directors' report, but does not include the standalone financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
Our opinion on the standalone financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance
conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the standalone financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider
whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the standalone financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or
otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the
preparation of these standalone financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs, profit/ loss and other comprehensive
income, changes in equity and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the
Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) specified under Section 133 of the Act. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting
frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable
and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the standalone financial statements that
give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
In preparing the standalone financial statements, the Management and Board of Directors are responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
the Board of Directors either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The Board of Directors is also responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of Section
143(11) of the Act, we give in the “Annexure A” a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order, to the extent applicable.
2 A. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the
purposes of our audit.
In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those
The standalone balance sheet, the standalone statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), the standalone statement of
changes in equity and the standalone statement of cash flows dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account.
In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements comply with the Ind AS specified under Section 133 of the Act.
On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31 March 2022 taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of
the directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2022 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.
With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of the Company and the operating
effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in “Annexure B”.
With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,
2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:
The Company has disclosed the impact of pending litigations as at 31 March 2022 on its financial position in its standalone financial statements -
Refer Note 37 to the standalone financial statements.
The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses.
There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company.
d (i) The management has represented that, to the best of it’s knowledge and belief, as disclosed in the Note 42 to the standalone financial
statements, no funds have been advanced or loaned or invested (either from borrowed funds or share premium or any other sources or kind of
funds) by the Company to or in any other persons or entities, including foreign entities (“Intermediaries”), with the understanding, whether
recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Intermediary shall:
directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Company (“Ultimate
Beneficiaries”) or
provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
The management has represented that, to the best of it’s knowledge and belief, as disclosed in the Note 47 to the standalone financial
statements, no funds have been received by the Company from any persons or entities, including foreign entities (“Funding Parties”), with the
understanding, whether recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Company shall:
directly or indirectly, lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Parties
(“Ultimate Beneficiaries”) or
provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
Based on the audit procedures performed that have been considered reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances, nothing has come to our
notice that has caused us to believe that the representations under sub-clause (i) and (ii) above contain any material misstatement.
e. The interim dividend declared and paid by the Company during the year and until the date of this audit report is in accordance with Section 123
of the Act.
With respect to the matter to be included in the Auditor’s Report under Section 197(16) of the Act:
In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not a public company. Accordingly, the provisions
of Section 197 of the Act are not applicable to the Company.
For B S R & Associates LLP
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.:116231W/W-100024
Dinesh Jangid
Place: MumbaiMembership No.: 111818
Date: 30 September 2022ICAI UDIN:22111818AXSBFR1080
Company information
Ameya Logistics Private Limited (‘the Company’) is a private limited Company domiciled in India and incorporated under the provision of the
Companies Act, 1956 on 23 rd September 2003 having CIN : U63030MH2003PTC142331 located at Village-Dhasakoshi, Post-Koproli, Tal-Uran,
Dist-Raigad, Maharashtra - 410 212.
The Company has engaged in business of Container Freight Stations (CFS) / Inland Container Depot (ICD) at various locations, transportation of
cargo by containers on Indian Railways network, road transportation of containers / cargo and operating storage facilities in India.
Basis of Preparation and measurement
Statement of compliance
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including
the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as per the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting
Standards) (Amendment) Rules, 2016 notified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 20 I 3, (the 'Act') and other relevant provisions of the Act.
The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors on 25 th September 2023.
Basis of measurement
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis except for the following items:
Certain financial assets and financial liabilities are at fair value;
Defined benefit plans – net plan assets that are measured at fair value.
Functional and presentation currency
The financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (INR), which is also the Company’s functional currency. All amounts disclosed in
financial statements have been reported in million rupees as per requirement of Schedule III, unless otherwise stated.
Use of estimates and judgements
The preparation of the financial statements under Ind AS requires management to take decisions and make estimates and assumptions that may
impact the value of revenues, costs, assets and liabilities and the related disclosures concerning the items involved as well as contingent assets
and liabilities at the balance sheet date. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other
factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
generally meet the criteria for considering container handling service as distinct performance obligations. For allocating the transaction price, the
Company has measured the revenue in respect of each performance obligation of a contract at its relative selling price. The price that is regularly
charged for an item when sold separately is the best evidence of its selling price. In cases where the Company is unable to determine the selling
price, the Company uses the expected cost plus margin approach in estimating the selling price. Any consideration payable to the customer is
adjusted to the transaction price, unless it is a payment for a distinct product or service from the customer.
For container handling service, the performance obligations are satisfied as and when the services are rendered since the customer generally
obtains control of the work as it progress.
Contract assets are recognised when there is excess of revenue earned over billings on contracts. Contract assets are classified as unbilled
receivables when there is unconditional right to receive cash, based on the proportionate completion of services, as per contractual terms.
Contract liabilities are recognised when there is billing in excess of revenue and advance received from customers.
Ancillary revenue is recognised upon completion of the services provided. All revenue is stated exclusive of service tax and Goods and Service
Tax (GST).
Discounts are netted off against revenue and are provided based on individual contracts/ operating arrangements entered in to with the
customers on accrual basis after satisfaction of performance obligation as per the individual contracts / operating arrangements.
Buildings 3-60
Electrical installations 10
Office equipment 5
Computers 3-6
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Useful life as per Schedule II (in *Estimated useful life by the management based
Assets category
years) on technical evaluation (in years)
*During the financial year 2018-19 company has installed solar power generating unit in its premises for generating power for in house use. As
per manufacturer’s documents, the unit is expected to generate power for 25 to 30 years. Management has reviewed the same and decided to
depreciate the asset over a period of 25 years.
**Also during the financial year 2018-19 company procured used vehicles for its day to day operations whose lives as per schedule II had already
expired at the time of purchase. Management has estimated the extended useful life and accordingly decided to depreciate the assets in 4 years.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
An item of property, plant and equipment and any significant part initially recognized is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic
benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the
net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is recognized in statement of profit & loss when the asset is derecognised.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.4 Intangible assets
Recognition and initial measurement
Intangible assets are stated at their cost of acquisition less accumulated amortisation and impairment. Any trade discount and rebates are
deducted in arriving at the purchase price.
Subsequent measurement (amortisation and useful lives)
The useful lives of intangible assets are assessed to be finite. Intangible assets are amortised over their useful life using the written down value
method as per the useful lives of the assets estimated by the management after retaining the residual value of 5%, or the useful life of computers
equipment’s prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 are considered as the maximum life.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
Amortisation of the assets commences when the assets are ready for their intended use and ceases when the net book value of the asset is zero
or the asset is no longer in use.
Gains or losses arising from derecognizing of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that the asset is derecognised.
An item of intangible asset initially recognised is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use .
Gains or losses arising from derecognising of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that asset is derecognised.
3.5 Impairment of non-financial assets
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite life are evaluated for recoverability whenever there is any indication that their
carrying amounts may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount (i.e. higher of the fair value less cost to sell and
the value-in-use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows that are largely independent of those
from other assets. In such cases, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash generating unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs.
If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized in the statement of profit and loss is measured by the amount by
which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement
of profit and loss if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is
increased to its revised recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined
(net of any accumulated amortization or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.5 Impairment of non-financial assets (Continued)
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement of profit and loss if there has been a change
in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is increased to its revised recoverable
amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of any accumulated amortization
or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount.
A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimations used to determine the asset’s recoverable
amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount.
That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, or had no impairment loss
been recognised for the asset in prior years.
3.6 Inventories
Inventories of stores and spares are accounted on FIFO basis. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Inventories are valued at cost or net realisable value whichever
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
is less
3.7 Government grants
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Government grants relating to income are deferred and recognised in the statement of profit and loss over the period necessary to match them
with the costs that they are intended to compensate and presented within other income.
Government grants relating to the purchase of property, plant and equipment are included in non-current liabilities as deferred income and are
credited to statement of profit and loss on a systematic basis over the expected lives of related assets and presented within other income .
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Where the entity has transferred an asset, the Company evaluates whether it has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of
the financial asset. In such cases, the financial asset is derecognised. Where the entity has not transferred substantially all risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset, the financial asset is not derecognized where the entity has neither transferred a financial asset nor retains
substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, the financial asset is derecognised if the Company has not retained control
of the financial asset. Where the Company retains control of the financial asset, the asset is continued to be recognised to the extent of
continuing involvement in the financial asset.
Impairment of Financial Assets:
The Company assesses on a forward-looking basis the expected credit losses associated with its assets carried at amortised cost and FVOCI
debt instruments. The impairment methodology applied depends on whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk.
The impairment methodology for each class of financial assets stated above is as follows:
Debt investments measured at amortised cost and FVOCI: Debt investments at amortised cost and those at FVOCI where there has been a
significant increase in credit risk, lifetime expected credit loss provision method is used and in all other cases, the impairment provision is
determined as 12 months expected credit losses
Trade receivables: The Company applies the simplified approach to providing for expected credit losses prescribed by Ind AS 109, which
requires the use of the lifetime expected loss provision for all trade receivables.
Offsetting Financial instruments
Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the
recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
Trade Receivables
Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for sale of goods or services performed in the ordinary course of business. Trade
receivables are recognized initially at fair value. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, net of
provision for impairment. The carrying value less impairment provision of trade receivables, are assumed to be approximate to their fair values.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.9 Financial Instruments (Continued)
Financial assets (Continued)
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents in the IND AS balance sheet include cash at bank and in hand and short term deposits with an original maturity of
three months or less, which are subject to insignificant risk of change in value
Financial Liabilities
Classification as debt or equity
Debt and equity instruments issued by the Company are classified as either financial liabilities or as equity in accordance with the substance of
the contractual arrangements and the definition of a financial liability and an equity instrument. An equity instrument is any contract that
evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities.
Initial recognition and measurement
All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and, in the case of loans and borrowings and payables, net of directly attributable
transaction costs.
The Company’s financial liabilities include trade and other payables, loans and borrowings including bank overdrafts, financial guarantee
contracts and derivative financial instruments.
Subsequent measurement
The measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification, as described below:
1) Share Capital : Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown
in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.
2) Borrowings: Borrowings are subsequently carried at amortised cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the
redemption value is recognised in the statement of profit and loss over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method. Fees paid
on the establishment of loan facilities are recognised as transaction costs of the loan to the extent that it is probable that some or all of the facility
will be drawn down. In this case, the fee is deferred until the draw-down occurs. To the extent there is no evidence that it is probable that some or
all of the facility will be drawn down, the fee is capitalised as a pre-payment for liquidity services and amortised over the period of the facility to
which it relates.
3) Trade and other payable: These amounts represent obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of
business from suppliers. Trade and other payables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
tax benefit will be realised. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date and are expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences
are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of changes in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and liabilities is recognised as income
or expense in the period that includes the enactment or the substantive enactment date. A deferred income tax asset is recognised to the extent
that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised.
Deferred income taxes are not provided on the undistributed earnings of subsidiaries where it is expected that the earnings of the subsidiary will
not be distributed in the foreseeable future.
The Company has adopted the amendments in IND AS 12 Appendix C, Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments, with effect from 1 st April 2019
by applying prospectively with cumulative effect of initial application of Appendix C by adjusting equity without adjusting comparatives;
accordingly Company has recognised the accumulated unused Minimum Alternative Tax credit entitlement by adjusting the equity. Company and
its management are of the opinion that in future years, Company will generate sufficient taxable income to utilise the MAT credit recognised in
books. Further such credit can be utilised for a period of 15 years from the year of entitlement as per the prevailing income tax laws.
Termination benefits
Termination benefits are expensed at the earlier of when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the Company
recognises costs for a restructuring. If benefits are not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the reporting date, then they are
3.12 Provisions and contingent liabilities
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably,
and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when appropriate, the risks
specific to the liability. When discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.
Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities are disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company. A present obligation that
arises from past events where it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or reliable estimate of the amount
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Company information
Ameya Logistics Private Limited (‘the Company’) is a private limited Company domiciled in India and incorporated under the provision of the
Companies Act, 1956 on 23 September 2003 having CIN : U63030MH2003PTC142331 located at Village-Dhasakoshi, Post-Koproli, Tal-Uran,
Dist-Raigad, Maharashtra - 410 212.
These consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiary.
The Company and its subsidiary are engaged in business of Container Freight Stations (CFS) / Inland Container Depot (ICD) at various
locations, transportation of cargo by containers on Indian Railways network, road transportation of containers / cargo and operating storage
facilities in India.
Basis of Preparation and measurement
Statement of compliance
The consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (“Ind AS”) notified
under the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) and other
relevant provisions of the Act and amendments, as applicable.
The consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company's Board of Directors on 30 September 2022.
Basis of measurement
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost basis except for the following items:
Certain financial assets and financial liabilities are at fair value;
Defined benefit plans – net plan assets that are measured at fair value.
Functional and presentation currency
The consolidated financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (INR), which is also the Company’s functional currency. All amounts
disclosed in consolidated financial statements have been reported in million rupees as per requirement of Schedule III, unless otherwise stated.
Use of estimates and judgements
Preparing the consolidated financial statements under Ind AS requires management to take decisions and make estimates and assumptions that
may impact the value of revenues, costs, assets and liabilities and the related disclosures concerning the items involved as well as contingent
assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and
other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
Basis of Preparation and measurement (Continued)
Use of estimates and judgements (Continued)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The Company makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the
related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below:
Impairment of Non-Financial Assets
The Company assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists, or when
annual impairment testing for an asset is required, the Company estimates the asset’s recoverable amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is
higher of an asset’s or CGU’s fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use. It is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does
not generate the cash inflow that is largely independent of those from other asset or group of assets. Where the carrying amount of an asset or
CGU exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount.
In assessing the value in use, the estimated future cash flow are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects
current market assessment of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs of disposal, recent
market transactions are taken into account. If no such transactions can be identified, an appropriate valuation model is used. These calculations
are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted shares prices or other available fair value indicators.
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment represent a significant proportion of the asset base of the Company. The charge in respect of periodic
depreciation is derived after determining an estimate of an asset’s expected useful life and the expected residual value at the end of its life. The
useful lives and residual values of Company’s assets are determined by the management at the time the asset is acquired and reviewed
periodically, including at each financial year end. The lives are based on historical experience with similar assets as well as anticipation of future
events, which may impact their life, such as changes in technical or commercial obsolescence arising from changes or improvements in
production or from a change in market demand of the product or service output of the asset.
Basis of Preparation and measurement (Continued)
Use of estimates and judgements (Continued)
Impairment of Financial Assets
The impairment provisions for financial assets are based on assumption about risk of default and expected loss rate. The Company uses
judgement in making these assumptions and selecting the inputs to the impairment calculation, based on Company’s past history, existing
market conditions as well as forward looking estimates at the end of each reporting period.
(iv) Defined benefit obligations
The present value of the defined benefit obligations depends on a number of factors that are determined on an actuarial basis using a number of
assumptions. The assumptions used in determining the net cost (income) for post employments plans include the discount rate. Any changes in
these assumptions will impact the carrying amount of such obligations.
The Company determines the appropriate discount rate at the end of each year. This is the interest rate that should be used to determine the
present value of estimated future cash outflows expected to be required to settle the defined benefit obligations. In determining the appropriate
discount rate, the Company considers the interest rates of government bonds of maturity approximating the terms of the related plan liability.
(v) Income taxes
Income tax expense comprises current and deferred income tax. Income tax expense is recognized in net profit in the Statement of Profit and
Loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case it is recognized in other comprehensive income.
Current income tax for current and prior periods is recognized at the amount expected to be paid to or recovered from the tax authorities, using
the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities
are recognized for all temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial
statements. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related
tax benefit will be realised. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date and are expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences
are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of changes in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognised as income
or expense in the period that includes the enactment or the substantive enactment date. A deferred income tax asset is recognized to the extent
that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised.
Deferred income taxes are not provided on the undistributed earnings of subsidiaries where it is expected that the earnings of the subsidiary will
not be distributed in the foreseeable future.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use.
The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair
value, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs significant to the fair value measurement
as a whole:
Level 1 — Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
Level 2 — Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Spare parts are recognised when they meet the definition of property, plant and equipment; otherwise, such items are classified as inventory.
Subsequent measurement (depreciation and useful lives)
When significant parts of PPE are required to be replaced at regular intervals, the Company depreciates them separately based on their specific
useful lives. Likewise, when a major replacement is performed, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the plant and equipment as a
replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. All other repairs and maintenance costs are recognized in the statement of profit and loss as
and when incurred.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Buildings 3-60
Electrical installations 10
Office equipment 5
Computers 3-6
Useful life as per Schedule II (in *Estimated useful life by the management based
Assets category
years) on technical evaluation (in years)
*During the financial year 2018-19 company has installed solar power generating unit in its premises for generating power for in house use. As
per manufacturer’s documents, the unit is expected to generate power for 25 to 30 years. Management has reviewed the same and decided to
depreciate the asset over a period of 25 years.
**Also during the financial year 2018-19 company procured used vehicles for its day to day operations whose lives as per schedule II had already
expired at the time of purchase. Management has estimated the extended useful life and accordingly decided to depreciate the assets in 4 years.
All additions below Rs. 5,000 are depreciated fully in the year of purchase after retaining the residual value of 5%.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
An item of property, plant and equipment and any significant part initially recognized is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic
benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the
net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is recognized in statement of profit & loss when the asset is derecognised.
The residual values, useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed at the end of each financial year and adjusted prospectively, if
Amortisation of the assets commences when the assets are ready for their intended use and ceases when the net book value of the asset is zero
or the asset is no longer in use.
Gains or losses arising from derecognizing of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that the asset is derecognised.
An item of intangible asset initially recognised is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use.
Gains or losses arising from derecognising of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in the statement of profit and loss at the moment that asset is derecognised.
3.6 Impairment of non-financial assets
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite life are evaluated for recoverability whenever there is any indication that their
carrying amounts may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount (i.e. higher of the fair value less cost to sell and
the value-in-use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows that are largely independent of those
from other assets. In such cases, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash generating unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs.
If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized in the statement of profit and loss is measured by the amount by
which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement
of profit and loss if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is
increased to its revised recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined
(net of any accumulated amortization or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
Impairment of non-financial assets (Continued)
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
estimation of the recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the statement of profit and loss if there has been a change
in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is increased to its revised recoverable
amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of any accumulated amortization
or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
For assets, an assessment is made at each reporting period end or whenever triggering event occurs as to whether there is any indication that
previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Company makes an
estimation of the recoverable amount.
A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimations used to determine the asset’s recoverable
amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount.
That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, or had no impairment loss
been recognised for the asset in prior years.
3.7 Inventories
Inventories of stores and spares are accounted on FIFO basis. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Inventories are valued at cost or net realisable value whichever
is less
3.8 Government grants
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Government grants relating to income are deferred and recognised in the statement of profit and loss over the period necessary to match them
with the costs that they are intended to compensate and presented within other income.
Government grants relating to the purchase of property, plant and equipment are included in non-current liabilities as deferred income and are
credited to statement of profit and loss on a systematic basis over the expected lives of related assets and presented within other income
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognised in the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
A financial asset is derecognised only when:
the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired, or
the Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to pay the received cash flows to one
or more recipient.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The Company has adopted the amendments in IND AS 12 Appendix C, Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments, with effect from 1st April 2019
by applying prospectively with cumulative effect of initial application of Appendix C by adjusting equity without adjusting comparatives;
accordingly Company has recognised the accumulated unused Minimum Alternative Tax credit entitlement by adjusting the equity. Company and
its management are of the opinion that in future years, Company will generate sufficient taxable income to utilise the MAT credit recognised in
books. Further such credit can be utilised for a period of 15 years from the year of entitlement as per the prevailing income tax laws
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The liability or asset recognized in the balance sheet in respect of compensated absences is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at
the end of the reporting period less the fair value of plan assets.
Company has funded its compensated absences liability with Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and with HDFC life Insurance Company
Pvt Ltd under the Group Leave Encashment Scheme
Termination benefits
Termination benefits are expensed at the earlier of when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits and when the Company
recognises costs for a restructuring. If benefits are not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the reporting date, then they are
3.13 Provisions and contingent liabilities
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably,
and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when appropriate, the risks
specific to the liability. When discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as a finance cost.
Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities are disclosed when there is a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company. A present obligation that
arises from past events where it is either not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle or reliable estimate of the amount
cannot be made, is termed as contingent liability.
3.14 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders (after deducting
attributable taxes) by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. For the purpose of calculating diluted
earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares
outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares.
3 Significant accounting policies (Continued)
3.15 Cash flow statement
Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of non-cash nature and
any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the
Company are segregated based on the available information.
3.16 Events after reporting date
Where events occur after the balance sheet date provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period, the impact of such
events are adjusted in the consolidated financial statements. Otherwise, events after the balance sheet date of material size or nature are only
3.17 Standards issued but not yet effective and have not been adopted early by the company
Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") notifies new standard or amendments to the existing standards. There is no such notification which would
have been applicable from April 1, 2021. MCA issued notifications dated March 24, 2021 to amend Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 to
enhance the disclosures required to be made by the Company in its financial statements. These amendments are applicable to the Company for
the financial year starting April 1, 2021.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") notifies new standard or amendments to the existing standards under Companies (Indian Accounting
Standards) Rules as issued from time to time. On March 23, 2022, MCA amended the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment
Rules, 2022, applicable from April 1, 2022, as below:
a). Ind AS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment - For items produced during testing/trail phase, clarification added that revenue generated out of the
same shall not be recognised in SOPL and considered as part of cost of PPE.
b). Ind AS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets - Guidance on what constitutes cost of fulfilling contracts (to determine
whether the contract is onerous or not) is included.
c). Ind AS 109 Financial Instruments -The amendment clarifies which fees an entity includes when it applies the '10 per cent' test in assessing
whether to derecognise a financial liability.
The Company does not expect the above amendments to have any significant impact in its financial statements.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of transactions recognised separately from acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities in business combination [Table]
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Business combinations [Axis] 1
Transactions recognised separately from acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities in business combination
[Axis] na
Period FY 2022
Disclosure of transactions recognised separately from acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities in
business combination [Abstract]
Disclosure of transactions recognised separately from acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities in
business combination [Line items]
Logistics Private PRIVATE
Name of acquiree Limited LIMITED
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
7 Acquisition of subsidiary
Included in the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired at the date of acquisition
of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd. are inputs (a administrative office, leased land
alongwith developed yard, various handling equipment and customer
relationships), service processes and an organised workforce.The Company has
determined that together the acquired inputs and processes significantly
contribute to the ability to create revenue. The Company has concluded that the
acquired set is a business .
Taking control of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd will enable the Company to
centralise its processes to improve the efficiency at group level. The acquisition is
also expected to provide the Company with an increased share of the Container
Freight Station market at Mundra region through Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.'s
customer base. The Company also expects to reduce costs and effective tax
For the eight months ended 30 November 2021, Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
generated revenue of INR 500.21 million and profit of INR 173.70 million out of
which Company's share of profit recorded at INR 126.80 million.
Consideration transferred
The following table summarises the acquisition date fair value of each major class
of consideration transferred;
No. of 30-No
shares v-21
Carrying amount of interest in join venture as on acquisition date 12994086 8,79,2
Consideration paid for 27% of shares (@ INR 159.18) 4805914 05,390
Total consideration transferred 5,390.5
Acquisition-related costs
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Company has done the fair valuation of assets and liabilities of Honeycomb
Logistics Pvt. Ltd. on the date of acquisition through an independent external
agency. As per the valuation report, Company has identified intangible asset
against the customer base of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd. for an amount of INR
1720.00 million, fair value of tangible fixed asset recognised as INR 183.04 million
and Right-of-use assets valued at INR 94.47 million. Also recognised Goodwill of
INR 670.15 million as on acquisition date. Agent relationship has been
depreciated over the period of remaining useful life of the leased land.
The following table summarises the recognised amounts of assets acquired and
liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition at fair value.
block as
on 30
30 No
13,31, 18,30,3
Property, plant and equipment 55,202 9,994.2
.84 8
29,50,0 29,50,0
Capital work-in-progress
00.00 00.00
Intangible assets 00,000.
7,32,46, 9,44,73,
Right-of-use assets
141.00 038.81
43,61,3 43,61,3
Other non-current assets 9,166.4 9,166.4
8 8
22,55,5 22,55,5
Current assets 9,564.5 9,564.5
3 3
15,12,3 15,12,3
Cash and cash equivalents 5,153.1 5,153.1
7 7
Current liabilities 8,279.4
Other non-current liabilities 9,716.9
Deffered Tax liability on acquisition 1,727.6
89,37, 2,16,27,
Total identifiable net assets acquired 01,365 27,193.
.44 84
Calculation of Goodwill
No of value
shares per
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Fair value of the entity as on acquisition date 17800000 159.18 04,000.
Goodwill ( includes value of assembled work force)
The valuation techniques used for measuring the fair value of material assets
acquired were as follows.
Asset a
Income approach
value based
the fair
Estimates value based on
value of the
the present value of future
earnings of cash
assets less
the fair
value of its
Income approach
Under a DCF approach, forecast cash flows are discounted back to the present
date, generating a net present value for the cash flow stream of the business. A
terminal value at the end of the explicit Forecast Period is then determined and
that value is also discounted back to the valuation date to give an overall value for
the business.
The rate at which the future cash flows are discounted (“the discount rate”) should
reflect not only the time value of money, but also the risk associated with the
business’ future operations. The discount rate most generally employed is
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (“WACC”) or Cost of Equity (Ke), reflecting an
optimal as opposed to actual financing structure. The same is explained in detail
in next page.
In calculating the terminal value, regard must be given to the business’ potential
for further growth beyond the explicit Forecast Period. The “constant growth
model”, which applies an expected constant level of growth to the cash flow
forecast in the last year of the Forecast Period and assumes such growth is
achieved in perpetuity, is a common method. These results would be
cross-checked, however, for reasonability to implied exit multiples.
The rate at which future cash flows are discounted should reflect not only the time
value of the cash flows but also the risk associated with the business’ future
operations. This means that in order for a DCF to produce a sensible valuation
figure, the importance of the quality of the underlying cash flow forecasts is
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The rate at which future cash flows are discounted should reflect not only the time
value of the cash flows but also the risk associated with the business’ future
operations. This means that in order for a DCF to produce a sensible valuation
figure, the importance of the quality of the underlying cash flow forecasts is
In order to perform MEEM analysis, we first isolate the projected revenue stream
associated with the subject intangible asset. Typically, the projected attributed
revenue streams are then adjusted by a retention or economic depreciation rate,
which reflects the expected rate of decay or loss in the subject intangible asset.
Additionally, contributory asset charges associated with other assets that support
the production of income are subtracted from the projected earnings stream to
derive cash flow. We deduct from EBITA the required returns, or contributory
asset charges, associated with other assets employed in the company’s
operations from a stream of projected economic benefits, resulting in the excess
return associated with the subject intangible asset.
Each year economic benefits are then discounted to the transaction date at a rate
of return commensurate with the risks and rewards involved in realizing the
economic income.
Considering the nature of the industry and discussions with the Management,
Agent Relation is regarded as the primary intangible asset. Accordingly, MEEM
Method has been adopted for valuation of Agent relation.
While applying Multi Period Excess earning method, Contributory Asset Charge
are required to be deducted to arrive at value of the subject asset being measured
using this method.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
These contributory capital charges are analogous to lease or rental rates that
would allow a hypothetical investor in a
company’s individual assets to be fairly compensated for their use in generating
an income stream, but only to the extentthe contributory asset is employed in the
income stream. By identifying both the contributory assets necessary for
anincome stream and the fair economic return associated with the contributory
assets, we are able to segregate an income stream between the return generated
by the contributory assets and the return generated by the subject intangible
asset. The valuation of an intangible asset must reflect those assets that a market
participant would treat as contributory assets, regardless of whether a company
has acquired them in a transaction, already owns them, or would need to
purchase or lease them.
Asset approach
Under the net asset value approach, total value is based on the sum of net asset
value as recorded on the balance sheet and as appraised for real property assets.
A net asset methodology is most applicable for businesses where the value lies in
the underlying assets and not the ongoing operations of the business.
HLPL Business is expected to make profits and valuation of the Assets and
Liabilities is carried out on a ‘going concern’ premise. Historical cost/ net asset
value of an asset/ business may not be reflective of their replacement costs/
earning potential.
Considering the, nature of assets and discussions with the Management about
their realisability, assets and liabilities other than Intangible Assets, Fixed Assets
and Right of Use Assets are valued on the basis of Net asset value method.
Replacement cost
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Additionally, to the extent historical costs are employed, the measure of cost must
be adjusted for inflation and any technical, functional, or economic obsolescence
of the intangible assets and intellectual property.
HLPL Business is expected to make profits and valuation of the Assets and
liabilities is carried out on a ‘going concern’ premise. Historical cost/ net asset
value of an asset/ business may not be reflective of their replacement costs/
earning potential.
WACC is an overall rate of return derived based upon the individual rates of return
for invested capital (equity and interest-bearing debt). In calculating our WACC
analysis, we estimated the following components:
(a). The cost of equity (Ke) is derived by using the Capital Asset PricingModel
(“CAPM”) as follows:
Rf + ß * (Rm
Ke =
– Rf) + a
the current
return on
Where: Rf =
Rm = average
return of the
the average
above the
risk-free rate
(Rm – Rf) =
that a
portfolio of
assets is
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
the beta
factor, being
the measure
of the
ß= systematic
risk for this
type of
specific risk
To estimate the Beta, we selected the Guideline companies which are in similar
line of service as Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
The cost of debt is the rate that a prudent investor would require to lend money to
the Company on an after-tax basis.
Intangible assets are all the elements of a business enterprise that exist in
addition to working capital and tangible assets. They are the elements beyond
working capital and tangible assets that make the business work and are often the
primary contributors to the earning power of the enterprise.
Is separable, i.e. capable of being separated or divided from the entity and sold,
transferred, licensed, rented or
exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract, asset or liability;
Arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are
transferable or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations.
We have identified probable intangible assets for Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
and tested the same for criteria as per Ind AS 38, as shown below:
Probabl ible
e Asset
le of Fair
Arises from source to be
being value is
contractual Control of recog
Probable Intangible Assets separa reliably
or other Criterion future nized
ted measur
rights econom separ
from able
ic ately
benefit (Yes /
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Agent Relationship
The Company has developed Agent base which is critical for business. Overall
these Agent relationship are viewed by management to be integral part of
sustainable business model. Further, the Company relies on these Agents to
generate most of its total revenue and expects existing Agents to continue
generating significant portion of Revenue going forward.
These Agent Relationships have developed over period. Some of the benefits
accruing to Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd., which are associated with Agent
Relationships are as follows:
1). Agent Retention: Long serving relations with Agents act as a glue which helps
joint venture to retain the Agents
2). Higher productivity and efficiency: Having established Agent relationships help
HLPL in anticipating Agent needs anddemand, achieving higher EBITDA margin
and cash flow which provides more stability, productivity and efficiency
4). Agent Loyalty: HLPL has developed a loyalty that helps Company to generate
stable revenue, cash flow and better margin and increase market share in
business in future.
Assembled Workforce
The existence of a well-trained and organised team saves the acquirer from
having to hire and train the people necessary to run the business and thus
represents future economic benefits.
Key assumptions
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Tax Rate: The Company enjoys Tax Holiday Period, and which will end by FY
2022 but pays tax at Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) Rate at 17.47% as per
prevailing laws. From FY 2023 onwards, it will adopt low tax regime and
accordingly we have considered the effective tax rate at 25.17% (without benefit
of MAT credit balance).
Capital Expenditure: The estimated capital expenditure for new facility is expected
to be around INR 83.59 cr. Maintainable capital expenditure is assumed to be 2%
of the opening WDV of depreciable assets every year.
Terminal Growth Rate: We have estimated Terminal Growth rate at 2%. This is
assumed to be the long-term industry growth rate.
Assembled workforce
In an effort to estimate this cost, we analyzed the various costs the Company
would expect to incur in order to assemble a workforce of comparable size and
expertise. These costs were measured in terms of the potential recruiting,
interviewing, training, and efficiency costs that would be required.
Recruiting Cost:
Recruiting costs include any expenses incurred during the process of gathering
qualified interview candidates and
interviewing them (e.g., advertising expenses, recruiting firm fees, opportunity
costs associated with reviewing resumes, opportunity costs associated with
interviewing potential employees etc.). According to management, the amount of
cost including opportunity cost required for recruiting a new hire is around 1-month
Training costs represent direct costs associated with training a new hire, including
any opportunity costs (e.g., the time and associated cost incurred by a trainer).
Efficiency costs include the opportunity cost associated with the time necessary
for a new employee to become oriented with the organization and fully proficient
at his or her level of responsibility. These costs is calculated by multiplying the
average time needed by a new employee to attain a full level of productivity (the
start-up time) by the compensation.
Month' 31-M
of cost ar-21
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Employee Cost 12
Recruitment Cost [a] 1
Training Cost & Efficiency Cost [b] 3
Value of Assembled Workforce [a+b]
Contributory Charge (p.a) 12%
[a] Value of the Assembled Workforce is estimated by adding the costs to replace
the various components of the Assembled Workforce described previously which
compensates the Company for the costs associated with constructing the
Assembled Workforce in order to reflect the Fair Value on an exit-price basis.
Accordingly, we determined the total value of the Assembled Workforce to be
approximately INR 11.00 million.
Computation of Goodwill
Number of shares outstanding
Implied Equity Value 04,000.
Less: Fair value of Identifiable Net Assets
Goodwill (including Assembled Workforce) 05,078
Textual information (17): Disclosure of detailed information about business combinations [Text Block]
7 Acquisition of subsidiary
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Included in the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired at the date of acquisition
of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd. are inputs (a administrative office, leased land
alongwith developed yard, various handling equipment and customer
relationships), service processes and an organised workforce.The Company has
determined that together the acquired inputs and processes significantly
contribute to the ability to create revenue. The Company has concluded that the
acquired set is a business .
Taking control of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd will enable the Company to
centralise its processes to improve the efficiency at group level. The acquisition is
also expected to provide the Company with an increased share of the Container
Freight Station market at Mundra region through Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.'s
customer base. The Company also expects to reduce costs and effective tax
For the eight months ended 30 November 2021, Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
generated revenue of INR 500.21 million and profit of INR 173.70 million out of
which Company's share of profit recorded at INR 126.80 million.
Consideration transferred
The following table summarises the acquisition date fair value of each major class
of consideration transferred;
No. of 30-No
shares v-21
Carrying amount of interest in join venture as on acquisition date 12994086 8,79,2
Consideration paid for 27% of shares (@ INR 159.18) 4805914 05,390
Total consideration transferred 5,390.5
Acquisition-related costs
Company has done the fair valuation of assets and liabilities of Honeycomb
Logistics Pvt. Ltd. on the date of acquisition through an independent external
agency. As per the valuation report, Company has identified intangible asset
against the customer base of Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd. for an amount of INR
1720.00 million, fair value of tangible fixed asset recognised as INR 183.04 million
and Right-of-use assets valued at INR 94.47 million. Also recognised Goodwill of
INR 670.15 million as on acquisition date. Agent relationship has been
depreciated over the period of remaining useful life of the leased land.
The following table summarises the recognised amounts of assets acquired and
liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition at fair value.
block as
on 30
30 No
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
13,31, 18,30,3
Property, plant and equipment 55,202 9,994.2
.84 8
29,50,0 29,50,0
Capital work-in-progress
00.00 00.00
Intangible assets 00,000.
7,32,46, 9,44,73,
Right-of-use assets
141.00 038.81
43,61,3 43,61,3
Other non-current assets 9,166.4 9,166.4
8 8
22,55,5 22,55,5
Current assets 9,564.5 9,564.5
3 3
15,12,3 15,12,3
Cash and cash equivalents 5,153.1 5,153.1
7 7
Current liabilities 8,279.4
Other non-current liabilities 9,716.9
Deffered Tax liability on acquisition 1,727.6
89,37, 2,16,27,
Total identifiable net assets acquired 01,365 27,193.
.44 84
Calculation of Goodwill
No of value
shares per
Fair value of the entity as on acquisition date 17800000 159.18 04,000.
Goodwill ( includes value of assembled work force)
The valuation techniques used for measuring the fair value of material assets
acquired were as follows.
Asset a
Income approach
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
value based
the fair
Estimates value based on
value of the
the present value of future
earnings of cash
assets less
the fair
value of its
Income approach
Under a DCF approach, forecast cash flows are discounted back to the present
date, generating a net present value for the cash flow stream of the business. A
terminal value at the end of the explicit Forecast Period is then determined and
that value is also discounted back to the valuation date to give an overall value for
the business.
The rate at which the future cash flows are discounted (“the discount rate”) should
reflect not only the time value of money, but also the risk associated with the
business’ future operations. The discount rate most generally employed is
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (“WACC”) or Cost of Equity (Ke), reflecting an
optimal as opposed to actual financing structure. The same is explained in detail
in next page.
In calculating the terminal value, regard must be given to the business’ potential
for further growth beyond the explicit Forecast Period. The “constant growth
model”, which applies an expected constant level of growth to the cash flow
forecast in the last year of the Forecast Period and assumes such growth is
achieved in perpetuity, is a common method. These results would be
cross-checked, however, for reasonability to implied exit multiples.
The rate at which future cash flows are discounted should reflect not only the time
value of the cash flows but also the risk associated with the business’ future
operations. This means that in order for a DCF to produce a sensible valuation
figure, the importance of the quality of the underlying cash flow forecasts is
The rate at which future cash flows are discounted should reflect not only the time
value of the cash flows but also the risk associated with the business’ future
operations. This means that in order for a DCF to produce a sensible valuation
figure, the importance of the quality of the underlying cash flow forecasts is
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
In order to perform MEEM analysis, we first isolate the projected revenue stream
associated with the subject intangible asset. Typically, the projected attributed
revenue streams are then adjusted by a retention or economic depreciation rate,
which reflects the expected rate of decay or loss in the subject intangible asset.
Additionally, contributory asset charges associated with other assets that support
the production of income are subtracted from the projected earnings stream to
derive cash flow. We deduct from EBITA the required returns, or contributory
asset charges, associated with other assets employed in the company’s
operations from a stream of projected economic benefits, resulting in the excess
return associated with the subject intangible asset.
Each year economic benefits are then discounted to the transaction date at a rate
of return commensurate with the risks and rewards involved in realizing the
economic income.
Considering the nature of the industry and discussions with the Management,
Agent Relation is regarded as the primary intangible asset. Accordingly, MEEM
Method has been adopted for valuation of Agent relation.
While applying Multi Period Excess earning method, Contributory Asset Charge
are required to be deducted to arrive at value of the subject asset being measured
using this method.
These contributory capital charges are analogous to lease or rental rates that
would allow a hypothetical investor in a
company’s individual assets to be fairly compensated for their use in generating
an income stream, but only to the extentthe contributory asset is employed in the
income stream. By identifying both the contributory assets necessary for
anincome stream and the fair economic return associated with the contributory
assets, we are able to segregate an income stream between the return generated
by the contributory assets and the return generated by the subject intangible
asset. The valuation of an intangible asset must reflect those assets that a market
participant would treat as contributory assets, regardless of whether a company
has acquired them in a transaction, already owns them, or would need to
purchase or lease them.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Asset approach
Under the net asset value approach, total value is based on the sum of net asset
value as recorded on the balance sheet and as appraised for real property assets.
A net asset methodology is most applicable for businesses where the value lies in
the underlying assets and not the ongoing operations of the business.
HLPL Business is expected to make profits and valuation of the Assets and
Liabilities is carried out on a ‘going concern’ premise. Historical cost/ net asset
value of an asset/ business may not be reflective of their replacement costs/
earning potential.
Considering the, nature of assets and discussions with the Management about
their realisability, assets and liabilities other than Intangible Assets, Fixed Assets
and Right of Use Assets are valued on the basis of Net asset value method.
Replacement cost
Additionally, to the extent historical costs are employed, the measure of cost must
be adjusted for inflation and any technical, functional, or economic obsolescence
of the intangible assets and intellectual property.
HLPL Business is expected to make profits and valuation of the Assets and
liabilities is carried out on a ‘going concern’ premise. Historical cost/ net asset
value of an asset/ business may not be reflective of their replacement costs/
earning potential.
WACC is an overall rate of return derived based upon the individual rates of return
for invested capital (equity and interest-bearing debt). In calculating our WACC
analysis, we estimated the following components:
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
(a). The cost of equity (Ke) is derived by using the Capital Asset PricingModel
(“CAPM”) as follows:
Rf + ß * (Rm
Ke =
– Rf) + a
the current
return on
Where: Rf =
Rm = average
return of the
the average
above the
risk-free rate
(Rm – Rf) =
that a
portfolio of
assets is
the beta
factor, being
the measure
of the
ß= systematic
risk for this
type of
specific risk
To estimate the Beta, we selected the Guideline companies which are in similar
line of service as Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
The cost of debt is the rate that a prudent investor would require to lend money to
the Company on an after-tax basis.
Intangible assets are all the elements of a business enterprise that exist in
addition to working capital and tangible assets. They are the elements beyond
working capital and tangible assets that make the business work and are often the
primary contributors to the earning power of the enterprise.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Is separable, i.e. capable of being separated or divided from the entity and sold,
transferred, licensed, rented or
exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract, asset or liability;
Arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are
transferable or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations.
We have identified probable intangible assets for Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
and tested the same for criteria as per Ind AS 38, as shown below:
Probabl ible
e Asset
le of Fair
Arises from source to be
being value is
contractual Control of recog
Probable Intangible Assets separa reliably
or other Criterion future nized
ted measur
rights econom separ
from able
ic ately
benefit (Yes /
Agent Relationship
The Company has developed Agent base which is critical for business. Overall
these Agent relationship are viewed by management to be integral part of
sustainable business model. Further, the Company relies on these Agents to
generate most of its total revenue and expects existing Agents to continue
generating significant portion of Revenue going forward.
These Agent Relationships have developed over period. Some of the benefits
accruing to Honeycomb Logistics Pvt. Ltd., which are associated with Agent
Relationships are as follows:
1). Agent Retention: Long serving relations with Agents act as a glue which helps
joint venture to retain the Agents
2). Higher productivity and efficiency: Having established Agent relationships help
HLPL in anticipating Agent needs anddemand, achieving higher EBITDA margin
and cash flow which provides more stability, productivity and efficiency
4). Agent Loyalty: HLPL has developed a loyalty that helps Company to generate
stable revenue, cash flow and better margin and increase market share in
business in future.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Assembled Workforce
The existence of a well-trained and organised team saves the acquirer from
having to hire and train the people necessary to run the business and thus
represents future economic benefits.
Key assumptions
Tax Rate: The Company enjoys Tax Holiday Period, and which will end by FY
2022 but pays tax at Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) Rate at 17.47% as per
prevailing laws. From FY 2023 onwards, it will adopt low tax regime and
accordingly we have considered the effective tax rate at 25.17% (without benefit
of MAT credit balance).
Capital Expenditure: The estimated capital expenditure for new facility is expected
to be around INR 83.59 cr. Maintainable capital expenditure is assumed to be 2%
of the opening WDV of depreciable assets every year.
Terminal Growth Rate: We have estimated Terminal Growth rate at 2%. This is
assumed to be the long-term industry growth rate.
Assembled workforce
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
In an effort to estimate this cost, we analyzed the various costs the Company
would expect to incur in order to assemble a workforce of comparable size and
expertise. These costs were measured in terms of the potential recruiting,
interviewing, training, and efficiency costs that would be required.
Recruiting Cost:
Recruiting costs include any expenses incurred during the process of gathering
qualified interview candidates and
interviewing them (e.g., advertising expenses, recruiting firm fees, opportunity
costs associated with reviewing resumes, opportunity costs associated with
interviewing potential employees etc.). According to management, the amount of
cost including opportunity cost required for recruiting a new hire is around 1-month
Training costs represent direct costs associated with training a new hire, including
any opportunity costs (e.g., the time and associated cost incurred by a trainer).
Efficiency costs include the opportunity cost associated with the time necessary
for a new employee to become oriented with the organization and fully proficient
at his or her level of responsibility. These costs is calculated by multiplying the
average time needed by a new employee to attain a full level of productivity (the
start-up time) by the compensation.
Month' 31-M
of cost ar-21
Employee Cost 12
Recruitment Cost [a] 1
Training Cost & Efficiency Cost [b] 3
Value of Assembled Workforce [a+b]
Contributory Charge (p.a) 12%
[a] Value of the Assembled Workforce is estimated by adding the costs to replace
the various components of the Assembled Workforce described previously which
compensates the Company for the costs associated with constructing the
Assembled Workforce in order to reflect the Fair Value on an exit-price basis.
Accordingly, we determined the total value of the Assembled Workforce to be
approximately INR 11.00 million.
Computation of Goodwill
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Number of shares outstanding
Implied Equity Value 04,000.
Less: Fair value of Identifiable Net Assets
Goodwill (including Assembled Workforce) 05,078
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Other financial assets at fair value class 1 Other financial assets at fair value class 2
Classes of financial assets [Axis] [Member] [Member]
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, mandatorily measured at fair value,
Categories of financial assets [Axis] category [Member]
Period FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2022
Disclosure of financial assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of financial assets [Line items]
Financial assets 0 75,846.00 0 1,948,692.00
Financial assets, at fair value 0 0 0 0
Description of other financial assets at fair value class FUNDS FUNDS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Textual information (18): Description of line items in profit or loss where gains (losses) are recognised, fair value
measurement, assets
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognisedin the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
Textual information (19): Description of line items in profit or loss where gains (losses) are recognised, fair value
measurement, assets
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognisedin the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
Textual information (20): Description of line items in other comprehensive income where gains (losses) are recognised,
fair value measurement, assets
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial
assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI). Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Textual information (21): Description of line items in other comprehensive income where gains (losses) are recognised,
fair value measurement, assets
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial
assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI). Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Textual information (22): Description of line items in profit or loss where gains (losses) are recognised, fair value
measurement, assets
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognisedin the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
Textual information (23): Description of line items in profit or loss where gains (losses) are recognised, fair value
measurement, assets
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL): Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A gain or loss on a debt investment subsequently measured at fair value through statement of profit and loss is recognisedin the
period in which it arises. Interest income from these financial assets is included in other income.
Textual information (24): Description of line items in other comprehensive income where gains (losses) are recognised,
fair value measurement, assets
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial
assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI). Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Textual information (25): Description of line items in other comprehensive income where gains (losses) are recognised,
fair value measurement, assets
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial
assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI). Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of impairment gains or
losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit and loss. When the financial asset is derecognised,
the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to statement of profit and loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
[611600] Notes - Non-current asset held for sale and discontinued operations
Textual information (26): Disclosure of non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations [Text Block]
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
28 Revenue from operations 31 March 2023 March
Sale of services
2,88,91,53,512.84 2,08,58,24,321.38
10,19,96,689.06 9,96,61,653.72
2,99,11,50,201.90 2,18,54,85,975.09
29 Other income 31 March 2023 March
2,32,72,155.00 1,09,02,16,855.78
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
31 March
Revenue from operations 31 March 2022
Sale of services
2,08,58,24,321.39 1,78,26,76,251.90
9,96,61,653.72 9,66,10,533.88
2,18,54,85,975.11 1,87,92,86,785.78
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
[611900] Notes - Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
Textual information (29): Description of accounting policy for government grants [Text Block]
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Textual information (30): Description of accounting policy for government grants [Text Block]
Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the
Company will comply with all attached conditions.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Company as a lessee
The details of contracts which it has recognised Right-of-use assets (ROU) and lease liability as per Ind AS 116 Leases and detail of which is as
Entered into deed of sub- lease on 1 September 2006 with Gujarat Adani Port Limited (GAPL) for land within the Adani Port and SEZ. The leases
are non- cancellable and are for a period of 24 years and 1 month. The lease agreements provide for an escalation in the lease payments by
10% after every three years.
Entered into an agreement with JD Infraport Private Limited to obtain services of sixteen diesel operated and eight battery operated forklift
machines for handling of containers at Company’s CFS. The said agreement was for the period of 3 years from 01 June 2022 which is
terminated w.e.f. 31 May 2025.
The lease payments charged for the above agreements have been recognised as Right-of-use assets (ROU) and respective lease liabilities in
balance sheet.
Following are the changes in the carrying value of right of use assets
Lease hold land (Adani SEZ CFS) Lease hold equipment (Forklift)
Additions - - -
Deletions - - -
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Lease hold land (Adani SEZ CFS) Lease hold equipment (Forklift)
Additions - - -
Deletions - - -
Particulars Lease hold land (Adani SEZ CFS) Lease hold equipment (Forklift) Total
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Mortality table Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2012-14) Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2012-14)
The overall expected rate of return on assets is determined based on the yields on the government bonds on the valuation date applicable to the
period over which the obligation is to be settled. The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of
inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors, such as supply and demand in the employment market.
Net Liability / (Asset) recognised in the consolidated balance Sheet 18.71 16.96
Change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows:
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
(1.38) (1.32)
Actuarial (gain) / loss on obligation due to experience adjustments
Past Service Cost
- -
* During the previous year, in view of the expected introduction of labour security code, management had provided for additional liability in FY
2020-21of Rs.4.12 million over and above the charge mentioned above and the same is still continuing in books as on reporting date .
**During the year the company has withdrawn Rs. 0.02 million from the fund and which is unpaid as on reporting date.
Change in fair value of plan assets
Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income (0.01) 0.01
Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income 0.01 (0.01)
Funds managed by insurers - With Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and HDFC
100% 100%
life Insurance Company Ltd under the Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Scheme.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Increment rate
Attrition rate
iii. Compensated absences disclosure in respect of other long term employee benefits.
The Company provides for the encashment of accumulated leave subject to a maximum of 60 days. The liability is provided based on the number
of days of unutilised leave at each balance sheet date on the basis of an independent acturial valuation. Acturail gain of of Rs 0.34 million
(Previous year: loss of Rs 0.11 million ) has been recognised in the consolidated statement of Profit and Loss. The scheme is funded with Life
Insurance Corporation of India and HDFC life Insurance Company Ltd.
Amount recognised in the Consolidated balance sheet
Net Liability / (Asset) recognised in the Balance Sheet (current) 7.24 8.33
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
2021-22 of Rs.1.11 million over and above the liability mentioned above and the same is still continuing in books as on reporting date .
38. Leases
Company as a lessee
Right of use of assets acquired during the business combination is amounting to Rs. INR 94.47 million. Refer note 7
The details of contracts which it has recognised Right-of-use assets (ROU) and lease liability as per Ind AS 116 Leases and detail of which is as
Entered into deed of sub- lease on 1 September 2006 with Gujarat Adani Port Limited (GAPL) for land within the Adani Port and SEZ. The leases
are non- cancellable and are for a period of 24 years and 1 month. The lease agreements provide for an escalation in the lease payments by
10% after every three years.
Entered into an agreement with Shree Durga Crane Company to obtain services of three reach stacker machines for handling of containers at
Company’s CFS. The said agreement was for the period of 3 years from 16 October 2018 which is expired during the year under consideration.
Company entered into additional new agreement with Total Logistics Private Limited for one stacker machine for the period of 3years from 01
January 2021 which is terminated w.e.f. 01 January 2022 therefore there is NIL ROU and lease liabilities for lease hold equipment at the end of
the year.
Company entered into an agreement with Empezar Logistics Private Limited for 3 years from 18 October 2020 for 5 acres which is further
extended for additional 2 acres from 01 March 2021 which is terminated w.e.f 01 July 2021 therefore there is NIL ROU and lease liabilities for
lease hold land (Emptypark) at the end of the year.
The lease payments charged for the above agreements have been recognised as Right-of-use assets (ROU) and respective lease liabilities in
balance sheet.
Mortality table Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2012-14) Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2012-14)
The overall expected rate of return on assets is determined based on the yields on the government bonds on the valuation date applicable to the
period over which the obligation is to be settled. The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of
inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors, such as supply and demand in the employment market.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Net Liability / (Asset) recognised in the consolidated balance Sheet 18.71 16.96
Change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows:
(1.38) (1.32)
Actuarial (gain) / loss on obligation due to experience adjustments
Past Service Cost
- -
* During the previous year, in view of the expected introduction of labour security code, management had provided for additional liability in FY
2020-21of Rs.4.12 million over and above the charge mentioned above and the same is still continuing in books as on reporting date .
**During the year the company has withdrawn Rs. 0.02 million from the fund and which is unpaid as on reporting date.
Change in fair value of plan assets
Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income (0.01) 0.01
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income 0.01 (0.01)
Funds managed by insurers - With Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and HDFC
100% 100%
life Insurance Company Ltd under the Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Scheme.
Increment rate
Attrition rate
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
iii. Compensated absences disclosure in respect of other long term employee benefits.
The Company provides for the encashment of accumulated leave subject to a maximum of 60 days. The liability is provided based on the number
of days of unutilised leave at each balance sheet date on the basis of an independent acturial valuation. Acturail gain of of Rs 0.34 million
(Previous year: loss of Rs 0.11 million ) has been recognised in the consolidated statement of Profit and Loss. The scheme is funded with Life
Insurance Corporation of India and HDFC life Insurance Company Ltd.
Amount recognised in the Consolidated balance sheet
Net Liability / (Asset) recognised in the Balance Sheet (current) 7.24 8.33
The lease payments charged for the above agreements have been recognised as Right-of-use assets (ROU) and respective lease liabilities in
balance sheet.
Particulars Gratuity (Funded) 31 March 2018 31 March 2017 Fair value of plan assets beginning of the year 3,119 2,912 Interest Income 251 257
Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income (72) (81) Contributions - 31 Benefits paid (957) - Fair value of plan assets
end of the year 2,341 3,119
Particulars Gratuity (Funded) 31 March 2018 31 March 2017 Fair value of plan assets beginning of the year 3,119 2,912 Interest Income 251 257
Return on plan assets excluding amounts included in interest income (72) (81) Contributions - 31 Benefits paid (957) - Fair value of plan assets
end of the year 2,341 3,119
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of temporary difference, unused tax losses and unused tax credits [Table] ..(1)
Disclosure of temporary difference, unused tax losses and unused tax credits [Table] ..(2)
Disclosure of temporary difference, unused tax losses and unused tax credits [Table] ..(3)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of temporary difference, unused tax losses and unused tax credits [Table] ..(4)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
[700100] Notes - Key managerial personnels and directors remuneration and other information
Disclosure of key managerial personnels and directors and remuneration to key managerial personnels and directors [Table] ..(1)
Disclosure of key managerial personnels and directors and remuneration to key managerial personnels and directors [Table] ..(2)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
? Areas of Interest means the areas of interest as identified by The Company for implementing CSR goals and shall include the areas specified
in Clause (B)(2) of this CSR Policy and shall include all CSR Activities as defined under the Act and CSR Rules from time to time
? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means and includes but is not limited to:
1) Projects or programs relating to activities in areas as specified in Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013; or
2) Projects or programs relating to activities undertaken by the Board of Directors of the Company in pursuance of the recommendation of the
CSR Committee and approved by the Board as per this policy.
? CSR Committee means Corporate Social Responsibility Committee constituted by the Board pursuant to section 135 of the Companies Act,
? CSR Activities shall mean the specific activities listed in the Annexure that various Organizations shall engage in which shall be funded by The
Company in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules;
? CSR Commitment shall mean at least 2% of the average net profits of The Company made during the three immediately preceding financial
years as described in Clause (F) of this CSR Policy for conducting its CSR activities in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules;
? CSR Policy means CSR Policy of The Company (Ameya Logistics Private Limited);
? CSR Proposals shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in Clause (G)(3) of this CSR Policy which shall be in accordance with the Act and
CSR Rules;
? CSR Rules means the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014, as amended and modified from time to time;
? Funding shall mean the disbursements that are to be made to an Organization pursuant to this CSR Policy, with the prior approval of the CSR
Committee and the Board in accordance with the Act and Rules;
? Organizations means such Organizations including NGOs as are permitted to receive Funding in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules;
? Net Profit means the net profit of the Company as per its financial statement prepared in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013, but shall not include the followings:
1) Any profit arising from any overseas branch or branches of the Company, whether operated as a separate company or otherwise,
2) Any dividend received from other companies in India, which are covered under and complying with the provisions of section 135 of the
Companies Act, 2013.
Words and expressions used in this policy and not defined herein but defined under the Companies Act, 2013 shall have the same meanings
respectively assigned to them.
This CSR Policy establishes the scope, CSR goals of The Company and Funding approval process. This CSR Policy shall operate as the
corporate responsibility policy of The Company for the purposes of Section 135 of the Act and CSR Rules.
(a) Constitution and composition of the CSR Committee:
The CSR initiatives/activities of the Company will be identified and initiated by the CSR Committee comprising 3 (three) Members of the Board.
Subject to the requirements of the Act, the Board may increase or decrease the size of the CSR Committee by passing a resolution.
The members of the CSR Committee shall elect one of them as the Chairman of the Committee. The CSR Committee shall recommend to the
Board the amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Company on CSR activities and the Board will ensure that the activities as are included in
the CSR Policy are undertaken by the Company subject to and in accordance with the provisions of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.
The current members of the CSR Committee are available on website of the Company https://www.ameyalogistics.com/
(b) Invitees to the CSR Committee:
The CSR Committee may, at its discretion, invite employees of The Company from time to time to participate in the meetings of the CSR
Committee and assist the CSR Committee in the implementation of the CSR Policy. Invitees to the CSR Committee meetings shall be entitled to
participate in the deliberations of the CSR Committee but will not be entitled to vote at the meetings of the CSR Committee.
(c) Scope of the CSR Committee:
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The modalities of the execution of the CSR projects or programs and their implementation along with the monitoring process of such projects or
programs will be as decided by the CSR Committee.
(e) Decisions by the CSR Committee:
? The CSR Committee shall at all the time act in a manner that is consistent with the provisions contained in this CSR Policy, the Act, CSR Rules
and amendments from time to time.
? The CSR Committee shall endeavor to arrive at all decisions by a consensus of all Members. However, in the event the CSR Committee is
unable to arrive at such a consensus, the Chairman of the Committee may make the final decision.
? All decisions of the Committee shall be ratified by the Board.
? The CSR Committee shall meet as frequently as it determines necessary but at least twice annually.
? The CSR Committee shall maintain minutes of each of its meetings.
? The CSR Committee shall review proposed projects and make recommendations to the Board for approval of such projects and allocation of
Funding in accordance with the CSR Committee charter.
? The final decision with regards to the acceptance or rejection of a CSR Proposal shall be with the Board.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
(d) The Company will publish the list of specific projects / programs it plans to undertake for any financial year, and the modalities of execution,
including implementation plan will be published as an Annexure to this policy from time to time.
Keeping in the view of the spread of novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) in India, its declaration as pandemic by the World Health Organization
(WHO), and the decision of Government of India, to treat this as a notified disaster, notification has been issued dated 23rd March, 2020, to
include the CSR spending for COVID-19 under CSR activities.
CSR activities can be implemented in the following manner:
(1) The CSR activities shall be undertaken by the Company, as projects or programs or activities (either new or ongoing), excluding activities
undertaken in pursuance of its normal course of business.
(2) The Board of a company may decide to undertake its CSR activities approved by the CSR Committee, through
(a) A company established under section 8 of the Act or a registered trust or a registered society, established by the company, either singly or
alongwith any other company, or
(b) A Company established under section 8 of the Act or a registered trust or a registered society, established by the Central Government or
State Government or any entity established under an Act of Parliament or a State legislature .
(3) A Company may also collaborate with other companies for undertaking projects or programs or CSR activities in such a manner that the CSR
Committees of respective companies are in a position to report separately on such projects or programs in accordance with these rules.
(4) Subject to provisions of sub-section (5) of section 135 of the Act, the CSR projects or programs or activities undertaken in India only shall
amount to CSR Expenditure.
(5) The CSR projects or programs or activities that benefit only the employees of the company and their families shall not be considered as CSR
activities in accordance with section 135 of the Act.
(6) Companies may build CSR capacities of their own personnel as well as those of their Implementing agencies through Institutions with
established track records of at least three financial years but such expenditure including expenditure on administrative overheads, shall not
exceed five percent of total CSR expenditure of the company in one financial year.
(7) Contribution of any amount directly or indirectly to any political party under section 182 of the Act, shall not be considered as CSR activity.
The CSR Commitment shall comprise of the following:
a) The Board shall ensure that the Company spends, in every financial year, at least two per cent. of the average net profits of the Company
made during the three immediately preceding financial years
b) That the Company shall give preference to the local area and areas around it where it operates, for spending the amount earmarked for
Corporate Social Responsibility activities
c) If the Company fails to spend such amount, the Board shall, in its report made under clause (o) of sub-section (3) of section 134, specify the
reasons for not spending the amount and, unless the unspent amount relates to any ongoing project), transfer such unspent amount to a Fund
specified in Schedule VII, within a period of six months of the expiry of the financial year.
d) For the purposes of this section "net profit" shall not include such sums as may be prescribed, and shall be calculated in accordance with the
provisions of section 198.
e) Any amount remaining unspent, pursuant to any ongoing project, fulfilling such conditions as may be prescribed, undertaken by a company in
pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, shall be transferred by the company within a period of thirty days from the end of the
financial year to a special account to be opened by the company in that behalf for that financial year in any scheduled bank to be called the
Unspent Corporate Social Responsibility Account, and such amount shall be spent by the company in pursuance of its obligation towards the
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy within a period of three financial years from the date of such transfer, failing which, the company shall
transfer the same to a Fund specified in Schedule VII, within a period of thirty days from the date of completion of the third financial year.
? Identification of CSR Proposals : The CSR Committee may identify and receive CSR project proposals from an Organization in line with Areas
of Interest as set out herein provided:
CSR proposals received from an Organization shall include the following:
(i) Information about the Organization and projects that they have undertaken in the past three years;
(ii) Proven track record of the organization for the past 3 (three) years in the area of project activity that it has been nominated for;
(iii) Information of the project and the activities that the Organization proposes to undertake in relation to which Funding is sought from the
(iv) Contain detailed budget indicating various heads under which expenditure is proposed to be made and the quantum of such expenditure;
(vi) Any other information that may be material for the Company to make an informed decision on supporting the project. Such information may
include but is not limited to relationships that the Organization (directors, employees, etc.) may have with any Employee of the Company;
(vii) Proof of registration under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010;
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
? Upon receipt of Proposals, the CSR Committee shall conduct appropriate due diligence of the CSR Proposal and the Organization either
directly or through external organizations and/ or entities to ensure alignment with this CSR Policy and to ascertain the following:
? Has no direct or indirect benefit to The Company or its employees; has no conflicts of interest or self-dealing exist;
? Has no political or religious affiliation;
? Has no activity that is inconsistent with The Company’s non-discrimination policies; and
? Upholds requirements under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 1977 (15U.S.C. § 78dd-1, et seq.).
? Approval Process:
(a) Upon receipt of the CSR proposal, the CSR Committee shall evaluate the same in accordance with this policy.
(b) The CSR Committee may take such time as it deems necessary to deliberate and come to a conclusion regarding a CSR Proposal. The CSR
Committee may, approve or decline a CSR Proposal.
(c) All Funding to Organizations must be approved in advance by the CSR Committee and the Board and such approval shall be obtained prior to
making any commitment to the Organization in this regard.
(a) Subsequent to the approval of the CSR Proposal by the Board, The Company and the Organization shall enter into appropriate
documentation regarding the terms of the Funding and the manner in which such Funding shall be disbursed by The Company. Such
documentation shall be in a form and substance that is acceptable to the CSR Committee and the Board.
? Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund)
? Any other fund set up by the Central Government for :
Socio-economic development and relief.
For the welfare of Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other Backward classes, minorities and women.
? Our Approach shall mostly cover activities which are included in the Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 or any activity which the
Committee recommends.
(2) A summary of these reports shall be tabled before the meetings of the CSR Committee.
(3) Detailed reports will be available for further perusal of the members of the CSR Committee as required.
(4) The Company reserves the right to suspend payments to an Organization that delays and or fails to provide, to The Company’s satisfaction,
details concerning the use of the Funding.
The CSR Policy on being approved by the Board shall be displayed on the website of the Company and any modifications carried out from time
to time shall also be updated on the website of the Company respectively.
The Company will follow an annual Action Plan in pursuance of the CSR Policy towards the spending for the Financial Year; this plan will have
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
the structure where the Company is going to spend the CSR funds for the financial year based on the Areas of Interest.
PAN India CSR Activities with the group Companies One third of the total CSR Amount for the
(PSA Group) Financial year
Activities which are of ongoing nature and has long term One third of the total CSR Amount for the
benefits in the local or state level areas Financial year
NOTE: All the CSR spending shall be done only in the activities which are related to the ‘Areas of interest’ mentioned in the CSR policy of the
Company or any activity which is allowed under the Companies Act, 2013 or by the Central Government to consider under Corporate Social
The following shall be done in the manner specified in the CSR Policy:
? The manner of execution of such projects or programs
? The implementation schedules for the projects or programs;
? Monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programs.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
(xii) In our
opinion and
according to the
information and
given to us, the
Company is not a
Nidhi company.
paragraph 3(xii)
of the Order is not
applicable to the
Disclosure in auditors report relating to Nidhi Company Company.
Disclosure in auditors report relating to transactions with related parties Information (46)
Disclosure in auditors report relating to preferential allotment or private placement of shares or convertible debentures Information (47)
Disclosure in auditors report relating to non-cash transactions with directors or persons connected with him Information (48)
Disclosure in auditors report relating to registration under section 45-IA of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 Information (49)
To the Members of Ameya Logistics Private Limited Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements
We have audited the financial statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited (the “Company”) which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 March
2023, and the statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows
for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid financial statements give the
information required by the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting
principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2023, and its profit and other comprehensive income,
changes in equity and its cash flows for the year ended on that date.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Our responsibilities
under those SAs are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are
independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India together with the
ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules thereunder, and we
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence
we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion on the financial statements.
Other Information
The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information
included in the Company’s directors' report, but does not include the financial statements and auditor’s report(s) thereon.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the
other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we
are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Management's and Board of Directors' Responsibilities for the Financial Statements
The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the
preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs, profit/ loss and other comprehensive income,
changes in equity and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the Indian
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) specified under Section 133 of the Act. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting
records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and
other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the
accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true
and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the Management and Board of Directors are responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as
a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Board of
Directors either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The Board of Directors is also responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is
not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can
arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We
Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit
procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of
not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
Under Section 143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the company has adequate internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements in place and the operating effectiveness of such controls.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the
Management and Board of Directors.
Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management and Board of Directors use of the going concern basis of accounting in preparation of
financial statements and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may
cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required
to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our
opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions
may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial
statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant
audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding
independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence,
and where applicable, related safeguards.
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of Section
143(11) of the Act, we give in the “Annexure A” a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order, to the extent applicable.
2 A. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the
purposes of our audit.
In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
The balance sheet, the statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), the statement of changes in equity and the
statement of cash flows dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account.
In our opinion, the aforesaid financial statements comply with the Ind AS specified under Section 133 of the Act.
On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31 March 2023 taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of
the directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2023 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.
With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of the Company and the operating
effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in “Annexure B”.
With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,
2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:
The Company has disclosed the impact of pending litigations as at 31 March 2023 on its financial position in its financial statements - Refer Note
37 to the financial statements.
The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses.
There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company.
d (i) The management has represented that, to the best of it's knowledge and belief, other than as disclosed in the Note 42 to the financial
statements, no funds have been advanced or loaned or invested (either from borrowed funds or share premium or any other sources or kind of
funds) by the Company to or in any other person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (“Intermediaries”), with the understanding, whether
recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Intermediary shall directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner
whatsoever by or on behalf of the Company (“Ultimate Beneficiaries”) or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate
The management has represented that, to the best of it's knowledge and belief, other than as disclosed in the Note 47 to the financial
statements, no funds have been received by the Company from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (“Funding Parties”), with
the understanding, whether recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Company shall directly or indirectly, lend or invest in other persons or
entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Parties (“Ultimate Beneficiaries”) or provide any guarantee, security
or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
Based on the audit procedures performed that have been considered reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances, nothing has come to our
notice that has caused us to believe that the representations under sub-clause (i) and (ii) of Rule 11(e), as provided under (i) and (ii) above,
contain any material misstatement.
The interim dividend declared and paid by the Company during the year and until the date of this audit report is in accordance with Section 123 of
the Act.
As proviso to rule 3(1) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 is applicable for the Company only with effect from 1 April 2023, reporting under
Rule 11(g) of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 is not applicable.
With respect to the matter to be included in the Auditor’s Report under Section 197(16) of the Act:
In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not a public company. Accordingly, the provisions
of Section 197 of the Act are not applicable to the Company. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has not prescribed other details under Section
197(16) of the Act which are required to be commented upon by us.
For B S R & Associates LLP
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.:116231W/W-100024
Jeyur Shah
Place: Ahmedabad Membership No.: 045754
Date: 25 September 2023 ICAI UDIN:23045754BGRILQ7001
Annexure A to the Independent Auditor’s Report on the Financial Statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited for the year ended 31 March
(Referred to in paragraph 1 under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ section of our report of even date)
(i) (a) (A) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of Property, Plant and
(B) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars of intangible assets.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company
has a regular programme of physical verification of its Property, Plant and Equipment by which all property, plant and equipment are verified
every year. In accordance with this programme, all property, plant and equipment were verified during the year. In our opinion, this periodicity of
physical verification is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. No discrepancies were noticed on such
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the title deeds of
immovable properties (other than immovable properties where the Company is the lessee and the lease agreements are duly executed in favour
of the lessee) disclosed in the financial statements are held in the name of the Company.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company has
not revalued its Property, Plant and Equipment (including Right of Use assets) or intangible assets or both during the year.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, there are no
proceedings initiated or pending against the Company for holding any benami property under the Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions
Act, 1988 and rules made thereunder.
(a) The Company is a service company, primarily rendering business of providing container freight station facilities and logistics services.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Accordingly, it does not hold any physical inventories. Accordingly, clause 3(ii)(a) of the Order is not applicable.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company
has not been sanctioned any working capital limits in excess of five crore rupees in aggregate from banks and financial institutions on the basis
of security of current assets at any point of time of the year. Accordingly, clause 3(ii)(b) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company has
not made any investments, provided guarantee or security or granted any loans or advances in the nature of loans, secured or unsecured, to
companies, firms, limited liability partnerships or any other parties during the year. Accordingly, provisions of clauses 3(iii)(a) to 3(iii)(f) of the
Order are not applicable to the Company.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of records of the Company, the Company has
neither made any investments nor has it given loans or provided guarantee or security and therefore the relevant provisions of Sections 185 and
186 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) are not applicable to the Company. Accordingly, clause 3(iv) of the Order is not applicable.
The Company has not accepted any deposits or amounts which are deemed to be deposits from the public. Accordingly, clause 3(v) of the Order
is not applicable.
According to the information and explanations given to us, the Central Government has not prescribed the maintenance of cost records under
Section 148(1) of the Act for the products manufactured by it (and/or services provided by it). Accordingly, clause 3(vi) of the Order is not
Annexure A to the Independent Auditor’s Report on the Financial Statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited for the year ended 31 March
2023 (Continued)
(a) The Company does not have liability in respect of Service tax, Duty of excise, Sales tax and Value added tax during the year since effective 1
July 2017, these statutory dues has been subsumed into GST.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, in our opinion
amounts deducted / accrued in the books of account in respect of undisputed statutory dues including Goods and Service Tax, Provident Fund,
Employees State Insurance, Income-Tax, Duty of Customs or Cess or other statutory dues have generally been regularly deposited with the
appropriate authorities, though there have been slight delays in a few cases of Provident fund, professional tax and tax deducted at source.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, no undisputed
amounts payable in respect of Goods and Service Tax, Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-Tax, Duty of Customs or Cess or
other statutory dues were in arrears as at 31 March 2023 for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, statutory dues
relating to Goods and Service Tax, Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-Tax, Duty of Customs or Cess or other statutory dues
which have not been deposited on account of any dispute are as follows:
Income Tax Act, 1961 Income tax 132.88 2012-13, The Hon’ble
Goods and Service TAx Goods and 0.06 2015-16 to Office of the
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company has
not surrendered or disclosed any transactions, previously unrecorded as income in the books of account, in the tax assessments under the
Income Tax Act, 1961 as income during the year.
(a) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company
did not have any loans or borrowings from any lender during the year. Accordingly, clause 3(ix)(a) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company has
not been declared a wilful defaulter by any bank or financial institution or government or government authority.
Annexure A to the Independent Auditor’s Report on the Financial Statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited for the year ended 31 March
2023 (Continued)
According to the information and explanations given to us by the management, the Company has not obtained any term loans during the year.
Accordingly, clause 3(ix)(c) of the Order is not applicable.
According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet of the Company, we report that no
funds raised on short-term basis have been used for long-term purposes by the Company.
The company does not hold any investment in any subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures (as defined under the act) during the year ended 31
March 2023. Accordingly, clause 3(ix)(e) is not applicable.
The company does not hold any investment in any subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures (as defined under the act) during the year ended 31
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Jeyur Shah
Place: Ahmedabad Membership No.: 045754
Date: 25 September 2023 ICAI UDIN:23045754BGRILQ7001
Annexure B to the Independent Auditor’s Report on the financial statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited for the year ended 31 March
Report on the internal financial controls with reference to the aforesaid financial statements under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of
the Act
(Referred to in paragraph 2(A)(f) under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ section of our report of even date)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
We have audited the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited (“the Company”) as of
31 March 2023 in conjunction with our audit of the financial statements of the Company for the year ended on that date.
In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, adequate internal financial controls with reference to financial statements and such
internal financial controls were operating effectively as at 31 March 2023, based on the internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of
Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (the “Guidance Note”).
Management’s and Board of Directors’ Responsibilities for Internal Financial Controls
The Company’s Management and the Board of Directors are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on the
internal financial controls with reference to financial statements criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of
internal control stated in the Guidance Note. These responsibilities include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
financial controls that were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company’s
policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information, as required under the Act.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls with reference to financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note and the Standards on Auditing, prescribed under Section 143(10) of the Act, to
the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements. Those Standards and the Guidance Note
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal
financial controls with reference to financial statements were established and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements included obtaining an
understanding of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing
and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the
auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the Company’s
internal financial controls with reference to financial statements.
Meaning of Internal Financial Controls with Reference to Financial Statements
A company's internal financial controls with reference to financial statements is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding
the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial
Annexure B to the Independent Auditor’s Report on the financial statements of Ameya Logistics Private Limited for the year ended 31 March
2023 (Continued)
statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company's internal financial controls with
reference to financial statements include those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail,
accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions
are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that
receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorisations of management and directors of the company;
and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's
assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls with Reference to Financial Statements
Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements, including the possibility of collusion or
improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any
evaluation of the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial
controls with reference to financial statements may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with
the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Jeyur Shah
Place: Ahmedabad Membership No.: 045754
Date: 25 September 2023 ICAI UDIN:23045754BGRILQ7001
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
(ii) The inventory has been physically verified by the management during the year. There are no discrepancies noticed on verification between
the physical stocks and the book records. However, there was no inventory as at 31 March 2023
(iii) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company
has not granted any loans, secured or unsecured, to companies, firms, limited liability partnerships or other parties covered in the register
maintained under section 189 of the Act. Accordingly, paragraph 3(iii) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
Textual information (40): Disclosure about loans granted to parties covered under section 189 of companies act
(iii) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the Company, the Company
has not granted any loans, secured or unsecured, to companies, firms, limited liability partnerships or other parties covered in the register
maintained under section 189 of the Act. Accordingly, paragraph 3(iii) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
Textual information (41): Disclosure in auditors report relating to compliance with Section 185 and 186 of Companies
Act, 2013
(iv)In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not given any loans, or provided any
guarantees or security in accordance with the provisions of section 185 and 186 of the Act. Accordingly, paragraph 3(iv) of the Order is not
applicable to the Company.
(v)In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not accepted deposits as per the directives
issued by the Reserve Bank of India and the provisions of sections 73 to 76 or any other relevant provisions of the Act and the rules framed
thereunder. Accordingly, paragraph 3(v) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
Textual information (43): Disclosure in auditors report relating to default in repayment of financial dues
(viii) The Company did not have any outstanding loans or borrowings to any financial institution, bank, government or debenture holders during
the year. Accordingly, paragraph 3(viii) of the Order is not applicable to the Company
Textual information (44): Disclosure in auditors report relating to public offer and term loans used for purpose for
which those were raised
(ix) The Company did not raise any money by way of initial public offer or further public offer (including debt instruments) and term loans during
the year. Accordingly, paragraph 3(ix) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
Textual information (45): Disclosure in auditors report relating to fraud by the company or on the company by its
officers or its employees reported during period
(x) During the course of our examination of the books and records of the Company, carried out in accordance with the generally accepted
auditing practices in India, and according to the information and explanations given to us, we have neither come across any instance of material
fraud by the Company or on the Company by its officers or employees, noticed or reported during the year, nor have we been informed of any
such case by the management.
Textual information (46): Disclosure in auditors report relating to transactions with related parties
(xiii) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records of the Company, transactions with
related parties are in compliance with section 188 of the Act where applicable and details of such transactions have been disclosed in the
standalone financial statements as required by the applicable accounting standards. Further, the Company is not required to constitute an Audit
Committee under section 177 of the Act, and accordingly, to this extent, the paragraph 3(xiii) of the Order is not applicable to the Company
Textual information (47): Disclosure in auditors report relating to preferential allotment or private placement of shares
or convertible debentures
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
(xiv) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records of the Company, the Company has
not made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares or fully or partly convertible debentures during the year. Accordingly,
paragraph 3(xiv) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
Textual information (48): Disclosure in auditors report relating to non-cash transactions with directors or persons
connected with him
(xv) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records of the Company, the Company has
not entered into any non-cash transactions with directors or persons connected with them. Accordingly, paragraph 3(xv) of the Order is not
applicable to the Company.
Textual information (49): Disclosure in auditors report relating to registration under section 45-IA of Reserve Bank of
India Act, 1934
(xvi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not required to be registered under section
45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Accordingly, paragraph 3(xvi) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Disclosure of appointment and remuneration of director or managerial personnel if any, in the financial year [Text Block] Information (71)
Number of meetings of board [INR] 4.00
Details of principal business activities contributing 10% or more of total turnover of company [Table]
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Product/service 1 Product/service 2 Product/service 3
Principal business activities of company [Axis] [Member] [Member] [Member]
Period FY 2023
Details of principal business activities contributing 10% or more of total turnover of
company [Abstract]
Details of principal business activities contributing 10% or more of total turnover of
company [Line Items]
Ground Rent & Storage &
Name of main product/service Cargo Handling Delivery Charges warehousing
Ground Rent & Storage &
Description of main product/service Cargo Handling Delivery Charges warehousing
NIC code of product/service 6301 7010 6302
Percentage to total turnover of company 50% 29% 21%
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Textual information (50): Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory [Text Block]
The Members of
Your Directors are pleased to present the Eighteenth Annual Report on the business and operations of the Company together with Audited
Financial Statements of the Company on standalone basis, for the year ended March 31 st , 2023.
Your Company’s performance during the period under review is summarized below:
Particulars (Currency : Indian Rupees in Millions)
2022-23 2021-22
Interest 0 0
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Interim Dividend
1 st Interim Equity Dividend @ rate of 225% on Equity Share Capital. (i.e., 135 .00 240.00
Rs.22.5/- on Equity Shares of Rs.10 each)
During the year under review your Company has reported a total income in Millions of Rs. 3,014.35/- whereas that of previous year was
Rs.3,275.70/- reporting a decrease in Income by 7.98% in the total Income.
Energy conservation continues to be an area of high priority for the Company. Constant attention is paid to the cost effective use of energy in all
operation. All equipment are regularly checked and selectively replaced with new energy efficient equipment.
The Company has not incurred any expenditure in foreign currency during the year.
The Company did not earn any foreign exchange during the year.
Considering the nature of business activities being carried out by the Company, the Directors have nothing to report regarding technology
During the year under review, your Company continued to provide Container Freight Station (CFS) facilities and logistics services to its
customers and hence, there was no change in the nature of business or operations of the Company which impacted the financial position of the
Considering the performance of the Company during the year under review, your Directors declared and paid dividend as mentioned below:
01 st Equity Interim Dividend at the rate of 225.00% (i.e. Rs.22.50/- per Equity Shares of Rs.10 each) for the period from April 01 st , 2022 to
September 30 th , 2022 amounting to Rs.13,50,00,000/-.
The Financial Statement of the Company/Board Report has not been revised during the Financial Year March 31, 2023.
No material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the Company occurred between the end of the financial year to which
this financial statements relate and the date of this report.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Your Company has not accepted any deposits within the meaning of Section 73(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder.
There were no significant orders passed by any of the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals, which has an impact on the operations of the Company
or affecting the Going Concern status of the Company.
Statutory Auditors have not given any qualification, reservation or adverse remark or disclaimer in their report.
Your Company does not propose to transfer any amount to its reserves, out of the profits of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2023.
During the year ended March 31 st , 2023, 4 (Four) Board Meetings were held on the following dates:
The Board of Directors passed the resolution by circulation dated June 07, 2022, accepted the resignation of Mr. Michael Formoso from the
position of Director of the Company with effect from May 26, 2022. The Board of Directors sincerely acknowledges his efforts and place on
record its deep sense of appreciation of valuable contribution made by him.
The Board of Directors passed the resolution by circulation dated June 07, 2022, appointed Mr. Gobu Selliaya as the non-executive Additional
Director of the Company with effect from June 07, 2022. The Board of Directors welcomed him on the Board of the Company. Mr. Gobu Selliaya
was regularised as the Non-executive Director on the Board of the Company from September 30, 2022.
The Board of Directors passed the resolution in the Board Meeting held on September 30, 2022, accepted the resignation of Mr. Anuj Rathi from
the position of Director of the Company with effect from October 01st, 2022. The Board of Directors sincerely acknowledges his efforts and place
on record its deep sense of appreciation of valuable contribution made by him.
The Board of Directors passed the resolution in the Board Meeting held on September 30, 2022, appointed Ms. Lau Lee Leng as the
non-executive Additional Director of the Company with effect from October 01st, 2022. The Board of Directors sincerely acknowledges her efforts
and place on record its deep sense of appreciation of valuable contribution made by him.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Your Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and formulated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy in
compliance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
Rules, 2014 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013. The statutory disclosures with respect to the composition of CSR Committee, CSR
Policy, CSR initiatives and programs and amount spent on CSR activities are given in the ‘Directors’ Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of
the Company’ as Annexure I which forms part of this Report. The CSR Policy can be accessed on the website of the Company
Your Company does not fall within the purview of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013.
The Board of Directors of your Company has not constituted Audit Committee, as the Company does not fall within the purview of section 177
including related rules of the Companies Act, 2013.
The Board of Directors of your Company has not established a vigil mechanism, as the Company does not fall within the purview of provisions of
the Companies Act, 2013.
The NCLT in its order dated May 11, 2023 approved the Amalgamation by Absorption of its subsidiary Company Honeycomb Logistics Private
Limited with the Company and the appointed date of the Merger was April 01, 2022. Therefore, the Company had no subsidiary as on 31st
March, 2023 having business akin to the business of holding Company.
Your Company is engaged in the business of providing infrastructural facilities as defined under Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 2013. Hence,
the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to your Company.
However, the particulars of loans given, guarantees/securities provided and investments made by the Company during the year under review,
are provided as Annexure II which forms part of this Report.
Pursuant to Section 149 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with The Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014 the
Central Government has prescribes certain classes of the Companies to have minimum number of Independent Directors.
Your Company does not fall within the purview of certain classes of the Companies as specified by the Central Government.
The Board of Directors of your Company have identified industry specific risk and other external, internal, political and technological risk which in
the opinion of the board may threaten the Company and Board has formulated a policy for how to manage the risk and what actions are required
to take for diminishing the adverse effect of the potential risks.
The Company has not appointed a Secretarial Auditor, as the Company does not meet the criteria for mandatorily appointing secretarial auditor
under section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013.
The Company has not issued any equity shares with differential voting rights.
Remuneration paid to Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company is as disclosed in Annual Return.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
None of the employees of the Company is drawing remuneration in excess of the limits prescribed under Rule (5) (2) of Companies (Appointment
and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
Your Company has not provided any stock option scheme to the employees.
Your Company has not issued Sweat equity shares during the year under review.
All related party transactions under section 188 of Companies Act, 2013 were placed before the Board/Members as the case may be for
The related party transactions that were entered during the financial year 2022-23, are given in the notes to financial statements as per
Accounting Standard-18, which form part of this Annual Report.
Particulars of contracts or arrangements with related parties referred to in Section 188(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, in the prescribed Form
AOC–2, is appended as Annexure III to the Board's report.
The Board has laid down Internal Financial Controls (IFC) and believes that the same are commensurate with the nature and size of its business.
The Company has an effective Internal Financial Controls (IFC) and risk–mitigation system, which are constantly assessed and strengthened.
The Company's internal control system is commensurate with its size, scale and complexities of its operations. The main thrust of internal audit is
to test and review controls, appraisal of risks and business processes, besides benchmarking controls with best practices in the industry
There is no material adverse remark made in Internal Audit and Internal Financial Control Report for 2022-23.
Pursuant to Section 92, of the Companies Act, 2013 the Annual Return of the Company shall be placed on the website of the Company
Your Company has always believed in providing a safe and harassment free workplace for every individual working in the Company's premises
through various interventions and practices. The Company always endeavors to create and provide an environment that is free from
discrimination and harassment including sexual harassment.
The policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace aims at prevention of harassment of employees and lays down the guidelines for
identification, reporting and prevention of undesired behavior.
During the year ended March 31 st , 2022, there was no complaints recorded pertaining to sexual harassment.
As per the provisions of sections 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder, the Company had, in its Annual General Meeting
held on 29 th August, 2019, approved
the re-appointment of M/s. B S R & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai, (ICAI Firm Registration No. 116231W/W-100024) to hold
office till the conclusion of the Twenty First Annual General Meeting,
CRISIL has re-affirmed the “CRISIL A+/STABLE” rating to your Company. This rating indicates adequate degree of strength with regard to
honouring debt obligation.
in the preparation of the annual accounts for the financial year ended 31 st March, 2023 the applicable accounting standards have been followed
along with proper explanation relating to material departures.
the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give true & fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31 st , 2023 and of the profit and loss of the Company for
the year ended March 31 st , 2023.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; and
the Directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
Directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and
operating effectively.
The Directors wish to convey their appreciation to business associates for their contribution and support during the year. The Directors would
also like to thanks employees, customers, Bankers, suppliers and auditors for their continued support given by them to the Company and their
confidence reposed in the management.
A brief outline of the Company’s CSR Policy, including overview of projects or programs proposed to be undertaken and a reference to the
web-link to the CSR policy and projects or programs.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited has been an early adopter of corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, along with sustained economic
performance, environmental and social stewardship as a key factor for holistic business growth. The Company during the year had contributed in
many sectors of the society of which a detailed contribution is listed in Table A.
The CSR initiatives/activities of the company will be identified and initiated by CSR Committee
The average net profit of the Company for the last three financial years shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of section 198 of the
Companies Act, 2013.
Financial Year Net Profit (as per Section 198) Average Net Profit
2021-22 93,15,33,700
= Rs. 80,02,72,291/-
2020-21 87,95,19,860
2019-20 58,97,63,315
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Total 240,08,16,874
Financial Year Net Profit (as per Section 198) Average Net Profit
2021-22 27,42,02,437
= Rs. 31,75,75,905/-
2020-21 39,62,65,492
2019-20 28,22,57,784
Total 95,27,27,714
Accordingly, the prescribed CSR expenditure (2% of the above-mentioned amount) is Rs.63,51,518/- + Rs.1,60,05,446/- = Rs.2,23,56,964/-
Outlay (Pro Expenditure
Details of CSR al areas
Sr. Sector(s) covered within gramme/ on
Programmes Project Description where
No. schedule VII Project programme
/Project/Activities project was i
Wise) or project
Promoting education,
including special
PROJECT DISHA a partnership education and
between the Department of Social employment enhancing
Jai Vakeel Foundation (Jan
4 Justice & Special Assistance, vocation skills especially Mumbai 5,50,000 5,50,000
18, 2023)
Government of Maharashtra and among children, women,
Commissioner of PwD, Maharashtra elderly and the differently
abled and livelihood
enhancement projects
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Total 1,21,85,945
6. The whole amount under CSR for the FY 2022-23 was not spent, As per section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, the unspent CSR amount
has to be transferred to Funds mentioned in Schedule VII within six months from the end of the financial Year. Therefore the Company had
transferred the unspent CSR amount for the FY 2022-23 to Prime Minister National Relief Fund in compliance with the section.
Ashish Goel
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Details of Material Contracts or Arrangement or Transactions at arm’s length basis in the ordinary course of business
“Annexure A”
Table (1)
Year Lakhs
21-22 5000
22-23 3400
23-24 4200
Table (2)
Year Lakhs
21-22 100
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
22-23 200
23-24 400
Table (3)
Year Lakhs
21-22 2000
22-23 2000
23-24 2000
Table (4)
Year Lakhs
22-23 250
23-24 250
24-25 250
Table (5)
Year Lakhs
22-23 5
23-24 5
24-25 5
Place: Mumbai
Particulars Amounts (Currency : Indian Rupees in Millions) 2022-23 2021-22 Sales & Other Income 3,014.37 3,275.70 Operating Expenses
2,429.95 1,670.92 Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Taxes 922.47 801.62 Interest 0 0 Depreciation and Amortization 338.05 158.77 Profit
before Tax 584.44 1,604.78 Provision for Tax/Taxes 170.85 187.37 Profit after Tax 413.57 1,544.20 Profit brought forward from Previous Year
4,590.37 3286.17 Amount available for Appropriations 4,585.45 4,830.37 Appropriations: Interim Dividend 1st Interim Equity Dividend @ rate of
225% on Equity Share Capital. (i.e., Rs.22.5/- on Equity Shares of Rs.10 each) 135.00 240.00 Tax on Interim Dividend 0.00 0.00 Tax on
Preference Dividend - - Transfer to General Reserve - - Transfer to Capital Redemption Reserve - - Profit carried to Balance Sheet 4,868.94
Considering the performance of the Company during the year under review, your Directors declared and paid dividend as mentioned below: (a)
01st Equity Interim Dividend at the rate of 225.00% (i.e. Rs.22.50/- per Equity Shares of Rs.10 each) for the period from April 01st, 2022 to
September 30th, 2022 amounting to Rs.13,50,00,000/-.
a) Energy conservation continues to be an area of high priority for the Company. Constant attention is paid to the cost effective use of energy in
all operation. All equipment are regularly checked and selectively replaced with new energy efficient equipment. b) The Company has not
incurred any expenditure in foreign currency during the year. c) The Company did not earn any foreign exchange during the year. d) Considering
the nature of business activities being carried out by the Company, the Directors have nothing to report regarding technology absorption
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
continues to be an area of high priority for the Company. Constant attention is paid to the cost effective use of energy in all operation. All
equipment are regularly checked and selectively replaced with new energy efficient equipment. b) The Company has not incurred any
expenditure in foreign currency during the year. c) The Company did not earn any foreign exchange during the year. d) Considering the nature of
business activities being carried out by the Company, the Directors have nothing to report regarding technology absorption
. DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT: Pursuant to Section 134(3)(c) read with Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board
of Directors to the best of their knowledge and ability confirm that: (a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the financial year ended 31st
March, 2023 the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures. (b) the
Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give true & fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31st, 2023 and of the profit and loss of the Company for
the year ended March 31st, 2023. (c) the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud
and other irregularities; and (d) the Directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis. (e) Directors had devised proper
systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.
Textual information (56): Particulars of loans guarantee investment under section 186 [Text Block]
Your Company is engaged in the business of providing infrastructural facilities as defined under Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 2013. Hence,
the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to your Company.
However, the particulars of loans given, guarantees/securities provided and investments made by the Company during the year under review,
are provided as Annexure II which forms part of this Report.
Textual information (57): Particulars of contracts/arrangements with related parties under section 188(1) [Text Block]
Table (1)
Year Lakhs
21-22 5000
22-23 3400
23-24 4200
Table (2)
Year Lakhs
21-22 100
22-23 200
23-24 400
Table (3)
Year Lakhs
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
21-22 2000
22-23 2000
23-24 2000
Table (4)
Year Lakhs
22-23 250
23-24 250
24-25 250
Table (5)
Year Lakhs
22-23 5
23-24 5
24-25 5
Textual information (58): Disclosure of extract of annual return as provided under section 92(3) [Text Block]
Textual information (59): Disclosure of statement on declaration given by independent directors under section 149(6)
[Text Block]
Pursuant to Section 149 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with The Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014 the
Central Government has prescribes certain classes of the Companies to have minimum number of Independent Directors.
Your Company does not fall within the purview of certain classes of the Companies as specified by the Central Government. NA
Textual information (60): Disclosure for companies covered under section 178(1) on directors appointment and
remuneration including other matters provided under section 178(3) [Text Block]
Your Company does not fall within the purview of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Textual information (61): Disclosure of statement on development and implementation of risk management policy [Text
The Board of Directors of your Company have identified industry specific risk and other external, internal, political and technological risk which in
the opinion of the board may threaten the Company and Board has formulated a policy for how to manage the risk and what actions are required
to take for diminishing the adverse effect of the potential risks.
Textual information (62): Details on policy development and implementation by company on corporate social
responsibility initiatives taken during year [Text Block]
Your Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and formulated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy in
compliance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
Rules, 2014 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013. The statutory disclosures with respect to the composition of CSR Committee, CSR
Policy, CSR initiatives and programs and amount spent on CSR activities are given in the ‘Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of
the Company’ as Annexure I which forms part of this Report. The CSR Policy can be accessed on the website of the Company
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Particulars (Currency : Indian Rupees in Millions)
2022-23 2021-22
Interest 0 0
Interim Dividend
1 st Interim Equity Dividend @ rate of 225% on Equity Share Capital. (i.e., 135 .00 240.00
Rs.22.5/- on Equity Shares of Rs.10 each)
During the year under review, your Company continued to provide Container Freight Station (CFS) facilities and logistics services to its
customers and hence, there was no change in the nature of business or operations of the Company which impacted the financial position of the
Textual information (65): Details of directors or key managerial personnels who were appointed or have resigned
during year [Text Block]
The Board of Directors passed the resolution by circulation dated June 07, 2022, accepted the resignation of Mr. Michael Formoso from the
position of Director of the Company with effect from May 26, 2022. The Board of Directors sincerely acknowledges his efforts and place on
record its deep sense of appreciation of valuable contribution made by him.
The Board of Directors passed the resolution by circulation dated June 07, 2022, appointed Mr. Gobu Selliaya as the non-executive Additional
Director of the Company with effect from June 07, 2022. The Board of Directors welcomed him on the Board of the Company. Mr. Gobu Selliaya
was regularised as the Non-executive Director on the Board of the Company from September 30, 2022.
The Board of Directors passed the resolution in the Board Meeting held on September 30, 2022, accepted the resignation of Mr. Anuj Rathi from
the position of Director of the Company with effect from October 01st, 2022. The Board of Directors sincerely acknowledges his efforts and place
on record its deep sense of appreciation of valuable contribution made by him.
The Board of Directors passed the resolution in the Board Meeting held on September 30, 2022, appointed Ms. Lau Lee Leng as the
non-executive Additional Director of the Company with effect from October 01st, 2022. The Board of Directors sincerely acknowledges her efforts
and place on record its deep sense of appreciation of valuable contribution made by him.
Textual information (66): Disclosure of companies which have become or ceased to be its subsidiaries, joint ventures or
associate companies during year [Text Block]
The NCLT in its order dated May 11, 2023 approved the Amalgamation by Absorption of its subsidiary Company Honeycomb Logistics Private
Limited with the Company and the appointed date of the Merger was April 01, 2022. Therefore, the Company had no subsidiary as on 31st
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)
Textual information (67): Details relating to deposits covered under chapter v of companies act [Text Block]
Your Company has not accepted any deposits within the meaning of Section 73(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder.
Textual information (68): Details of deposits which are not in compliance with requirements of chapter v of act [Text
Your Company has not accepted any deposits within the meaning of Section 73(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder.
Textual information (69): Details of significant and material orders passed by regulators or courts or tribunals
impacting going concern status and company’s operations in future [Text Block]
The NCLT in its order dated May 11, 2023 approved the Amalgamation by Absorption of its subsidiary Company Honeycomb Logistics Private
Limited with the Company and the appointed date of the Merger was April 01, 2022. Therefore, the Company had no subsidiary as on 31st
March, 2023 having business akin to the business of holding Company.
Textual information (70): Details regarding adequacy of internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements [Text Block]
The Board has laid down Internal Financial Controls (IFC) and believes that the same are commensurate with the nature and size of its business.
The Company has an effective Internal Financial Controls (IFC) and risk–mitigation system, which are constantly assessed and strengthened.
The Company's internal control system is commensurate with its size, scale and complexities of its operations. The main thrust of internal audit is
to test and review controls, appraisal of risks and business processes, besides benchmarking controls with best practices in the industry.
Textual information (71): Disclosure of appointment and remuneration of director or managerial personnel if any, in
the financial year [Text Block]
Remuneration paid to Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company is as disclosed in Extract of Annual Return in MGT-7.
Ameya Logistics Private Limited Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 (generated by PrivateCircle)