Sample Paper 6
Sample Paper 6
Sample Paper 6
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
Question No. : 1
Nights spent staring at the ceiling as worries dance manically around the brain. Taking a deep breath before opening the gas
bill. Sacrificing a hot meal so your children don't need to. Living with personal debt can be draining and emotionally
exhausting, and it is the everyday experience of all too many Britons. According to a new TUC report, 3.2m British households
face problem debt, meaning they spend more than a quarter of their overall income repaying unsecured borrowings (ie,
excluding mortgages). For 1.6m households in extreme debt, the picture is even bleaker: more than 40% of their income goes
to creditors.
This is the lived experience of Britain's working poor, those who keep the country ticking with their hard graft and are rewarded
with poverty and insecurity. British workers have suffered the longest fall in wages since Queen Victoria sat on the throne.
Between 2007 and 2015, real wages fell by an astonishing 10.4% - the worst fall in any advanced nation other than Greece.
Growing personal debt is the price many British workers have paid for the disastrous economic failure of George Osborne and
his colleagues one of whom is now the nation's prime minister.
What's the cure? The government will undoubtedly point to a rising minimum wage, but tax and benefit changes are projected
to leave many workers worse off regardless in the coming years. The introduction of a genuine living wage rather than a
minimum wage rebranded as something it is not would help, and it is welcome that both Labour leadership candidates are
committed to it. But the case must be made for workers coming together to secure improved wages: trade unionism, in other
Even during the boom years, wages were stagnating or even falling for millions of British workers. What were the
consequences? Billions more pounds of public money spent on in-work benefits to compensate, for a start. But in the years
leading up to the crash, many workers took on more personal debt to maintain their slipping living standards. That's not good
for the workers, and it's not good for the economy, either. But this was at a time when many companies were reporting healthy
profits. They just weren't sharing the wealth with the workforce who created it in the first place. And why should they? With
trade unionism so defeated by punitive laws and industrial decline, they faced little pressure to do so.
In Nordic countries, it is the norm for workers to be unionised. Better living standards and more equality than we have in Britain
are two of the byproducts. Jeremy Corbyn near-certain to be re-elected Labour leader next month has unveiled policies such as
compulsory collective bargaining for companies with more than 250 workers. Such an approach would help lift the wages of
workers, not only for their own good, but for the good of the British economy, too. But the positive case for trade unionism
cannot just be left to politicians: it needs to be made by all of us. It needs to be put in a language that resonates with the
millions of non-unionised workers, and particularly for younger people for whom the very notion of trade unionism seems
culturally alien. Personal debt is a blight in modern Britain and trade unionism is one of its cures.
The author of the passage clearly mentions that:
I. the concept of trade unions is not something the current generations can be expected to up to speed with.
II. there is co-rleation between better living standards and trade unions.
III. the restrictive laws against trade unions in Britain do not allow them any breathing space for being relevant in society.
Question No. : 2
A) the problem of debt for the working class is born out of systemic ills of the system.
B) in the years leading up to the crash, the greed of companies exacerbated the problems of the working class.
C) Both (A) and (B) D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Question No. : 3
A) the rate of interest for personal loans should be curbed to solve the problem of the working class being in debt.
B) trade unions offer the best way out in delimiting the impact of debt for the working class.
C) the current administration does not have the talent to make telling blows against the problem of debt for the working
D) none of the above
DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form
a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
Question No. : 4
1. A true theory, for example, cannot exist if it is not a reflection on a previous action, having as its goal a return to practice, for
it is only in action that theory is confirmed or refuted, developed and enriched.
2. Systematic education as now known -with the school as the privileged point for the diffusion of knowledge, with the
professor as the only authorized interpreter of the long accumulated wisdom of the centuries - must disappear.
3. All barriers between 'school' and 'life' must fall, for they are artificial and false ; they are only one example, among a
multitude of others, of the separation imposed by a class society, just like the distinction between manual and intellectual labor,
theory and practice, knowledge and action.
4. Against these divisions we must affirm the unity and the dialectical tension in such diverse elements.
5. In effect, life is the real school and education is a permanent process of deciphering what is real, continually redefined and
enriched in the light of action and struggle against oppression.
A) 23451 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form
a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
Question No. : 5
1. The same might be said, with more justice, of the prevalent version of atheism.
2. The racial theories promoted by atheists in the past have been consigned to the memory hole – and today’s most influential
atheists would no more endorse racist biology than they would be seen following the guidance of an astrologer.
3. It has often been observed that Christianity follows changing moral fashions, all the while believing that it stands apart from
the world.
4. But they have not renounced the conviction that human values must be based in science; now it is liberal values which
receive that accolade.
5. If an earlier generation of unbelievers shared the racial prejudices of their time and elevated them to the status of scientific
truths, evangelical atheists do the same with the liberal values to which western societies subscribe today – while looking with
contempt upon “backward” cultures that have not abandoned religion.
A) 31524 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Identify the most appropriate summary for the paragraph and write the key for most appropriate
Question No. : 6
Uber fits neatly into the mythology of the tech industry, which portrays itself as surfing one of the waves of "creative
destruction" through which capitalism periodically renews itself. In this narrative, industrial progress involves a good deal of
destruction in order to make way for new, creative, wealth-creating industries. The abolition of old timers such as licensed taxi
cabs, travel agents and bookshops etc is merely the collateral damage of an essentially benign process " regrettable but
necessary casualties of innovation. You don't have to be much of a sceptic to spot that this is self-serving cant. Far from being a
radical innovation, Uber is a classic example of something as old as the internet itself, namely our old friend 'disintermediation'.
The idea is to find a business in which the need of buyers to find sellers (and vice versa) has traditionally been handled by an
intermediary, and then use networking technology to eliminate said middle man. It happened a very long time ago to travel
agents and bookshops. Now it's happening to taxi firms. If this is technological innovation, then it's a pretty low-IQ
manifestation of it.
1. Companies such as Uber only bring bluster to the table and very little in terms of actual deliverables
2. Economics still runs on the same tenets, with newbie company's claim to fame being re-hashed versions of essentially age-
old established business models
3. Businesses undergo periodic cycles of rejuvenation and claiming this to be one's success only amounts to empty bluster
4. Businesses, which essentially have a technique that is already well-established in the current age, do not have the claim to
fame as touted by some
(write the answer key)
A) 4 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
Question No. : 7
It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is
base and evil. It is as if we were speaking alone to no ears but our own. And we know well that there is no transgression blacker
than to do or think alone. We have broken the laws. The laws say that men may not write unless the Council of Vocations bid
them so. May we be forgiven!
But this is not the only sin upon us. We have committed a greater crime, and for this crime there is no name. What punishment
awaits us if it be discovered we know not, for no such crime has come in the memory of men and there are no laws to provide
for it.
It is dark here. The flame of the candle stands still in the air. Nothing moves in this tunnel save our hand on the paper. We are
alone here under the earth. It is a fearful word, alone. The laws say that none among men may be alone, ever and at any time,
for this is the great transgression and the root of all evil. But we have broken many laws. And now there is nothing here save
our one body, and it is strange to see only two legs stretched on the ground, and on the wall before us the shadow of our one
head. The walls are cracked and water runs upon them in thin threads without sound, black and glistening as blood. We stole
the candle from the larder of the Home of the Street Sweepers. We shall be sentenced to ten years in the Palace of Corrective
Detention if it be discovered. But this matters not. It matters only that the light is precious and we should not waste it to write
when we need it for that work which is our crime. Nothing matters save the work, our secret, our evil, our precious work. Still,
we must also write, for—may the Council have mercy upon us!—we wish to speak for once to no ears but our own. Our name is
Equality 7-2521, as it is written on the iron bracelet which all men wear on their left wrists with their names upon it. We are
twenty-one years old. We are six feet tall, and this is a burden, for there are not many men who are six feet tall. Ever have the
Teachers and the Leaders pointed to us and frowned and said: "There is evil in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has
grown beyond the bodies of your brothers." But we cannot change our bones nor our body. We were born with a curse. It has
always driven us to thoughts which are forbidden. It has always given us wishes which men may not wish. We know that we are
evil, but there is no will in us and no power to resist it. This is our wonder and our secret fear, that we know and do not resist.
The author of the passage uses the pronoun ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ as:
Question No. : 8
A) exhibits a feeling of strong reverence for the Council. B) exhibits a feeling of faint adoration for the Council.
C) exhibits a feeling of nonchalant indifference for the Council. D) exhibits a feeling of crippling fear for the Council.
Question No. : 9
The underlying theme of the passage can be identified as which one of the following?
Question No. : 10
Question No. : 12
From the information given in the passage, it can be said that the society mentioned:
DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form
a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
Question No. : 13
1. The volatility affecting global markets last month appears set to continue amid concern about Chinese economic growth,
falling oil prices and speculation that the US federal reserve could change course with interest rates.
2. "The combination of concerns that the United States could be heading toward a recession and the global stock sell-off is
curbing risk appetite and is sending investors to the safe-haven yen," Takuya Takahashi, senior strategist at Daiwa Securities,
told Kyodo News.
3. After hovering around the 117-yen line on Monday, the Japanese currency briefly rose to the upper 114 zone to its strongest
level against the dollar since November 2014.
4. Investors regard the yen as a "save haven" currency when global markets are hit by the kind of turmoil witnessed in recent
5. The yen is expected to make further gains " a trend that eats into the repatriated profits of Japanese auto and other
(write the ans key)
A) 12345 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: The five sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4, and 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form
a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentence and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
Question No. : 14
1. If it is to appeal to practical men and civic workers, it is important that the methods for the systematic study of cities be not
only the product of the study, but also be those which may be acquired through local observation and practical effort.
2. This point of view has next to be correlated with the corresponding practical experience.
3. My problem is thus to outline such ideas as may crystallize from the experience of any moderately-travelled observer, so that
his panoramic observations should gradually develop towards an orderly Regional Survey.
4. Practical experience may be acquired through varied experiences of citizenship, which rise towards a larger, more orderly
conception of civic action as Regional Service.
5. This department of sociological studies should evidently be, as far as possible, concrete in treatment.
(in numerical value)
A) 51324 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Identify the most appropriate summary for the paragraph and write the key for most appropriate
Question No. : 15
The man of science knows, in one aspect, that the world is not merely what it appears to be to our senses; he knows that earth
and water are really the play of forces that manifest themselves to us as earth and water—how, we can but partially apprehend.
Likewise the man who has his spiritual eyes open knows that the ultimate truth about earth and water lies in our apprehension
of the eternal will which works in time and takes shape in the forces we realise under those aspects. This is not mere
knowledge, as science is, but it is a preception of the soul by the soul. This does not lead us to power, as knowledge does, but it
gives us joy, which is the product of the union of kindred things. The man whose acquaintance with the world does not lead
him deeper than science leads him, will never understand what it is that the man with the spiritual vision finds in these natural
phenomena. The water does not merely cleanse his limbs, but it purifies his heart; for it touches his soul. The earth does not
merely hold his body, but it gladdens his mind; for its contact is more than a physical contact—it is a living presence.
1. The man of science is driven by power alone and cannot understand the world
2. The man of science is blinded by knowledge and true knowledge lies in soul
3. The man of science is always trying to trump the man of soul but never manages to do so
4. The man of science, blinkered by his own knowledge, does not live in harmony with the world
A) 2 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
Question No. : 16
The starting point for appreciating that there is a distinctive part of our psychology for morality is seeing how moral judgments
differ from other kinds of opinions we have on how people ought to behave. Moralization is a psychological state that can be
turned on and off like a switch, and when it is on, a distinctive mind-set commandeers our thinking. This is the mind-set that
makes us deem actions immoral (“killing is wrong”), rather than merely disagreeable (“I hate brussels sprouts”), unfashionable
(“bell-bottoms are out”) or imprudent (“don’t scratch mosquito bites”). The first hallmark of moralization is that the rules it
invokes are felt to be universal. Prohibitions of rape and murder, for example, are felt not to be matters of local custom but to
be universally and objectively warranted. One can easily say, “I don’t like brussels sprouts, but I don’t care if you eat them,” but
no one would say, “I don’t like killing, but I don’t care if you murder someone.” The other hallmark is that people feel that those
who commit immoral acts deserve to be punished. Not only is it allowable to inflict pain on a person who has broken a moral
rule; it is wrong not to, to “let them get away with it.” People are thus untroubled in inviting divine retribution or the power of
the state to harm other people they deem immoral. Bertrand Russell wrote, “The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a
delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell.”
We all know what it feels like when the moralization switch flips inside us — the righteous glow, the burning dudgeon, the drive
to recruit others to the cause. The psychologist Paul Rozin has studied the toggle switch by comparing two kinds of people who
engage in the same behavior but with different switch settings. Health vegetarians avoid meat for practical reasons, like
lowering cholesterol and avoiding toxins. Moral vegetarians avoid meat for ethical reasons: to avoid complicity in the suffering
of animals. By investigating their feelings about meat-eating, Rozin showed that the moral motive sets off a cascade of
opinions. Moral vegetarians are more likely to treat meat as a contaminant — they refuse, for example, to eat a bowl of soup
into which a drop of beef broth has fallen. They are more likely to think that other people ought to be vegetarians, and are
more likely to imbue their dietary habits with other virtues, like believing that meat avoidance makes people less aggressive
and bestial.
Much of our recent social history, including the culture wars between liberals and conservatives, consists of the moralization or
amoralization of particular kinds of behavior. Even when people agree that an outcome is desirable, they may disagree on
whether it should be treated as a matter of preference and prudence or as a matter of sin and virtue. Rozin notes, for example,
that smoking has lately been moralized. Until recently, it was understood that some people didn’t enjoy smoking or avoided it
because it was hazardous to their health. But with the discovery of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, smoking is now
treated as immoral. Smokers are ostracized; images of people smoking are censored; and entities touched by smoke are felt to
be contaminated (so hotels have not only nonsmoking rooms but nonsmoking floors). The desire for retribution has been
visited on tobacco companies, who have been slapped with staggering “punitive damages.”
At the same time, many behaviors have been amoralized, switched from moral failings to lifestyle choices. They include divorce,
illegitimacy, being a working mother, marijuana use and homosexuality. Many afflictions have been reassigned from payback
for bad choices to unlucky misfortunes. There used to be people called “bums” and “tramps”; today they are “homeless.” This
wave of amoralization has led the cultural right to lament that morality itself is under assault, as we see in the group that
anointed itself the Moral Majority. In fact there seems to be a Law of Conservation of Moralization, so that as old behaviors are
taken out of the moralized column, new ones are added to it.
Passage Source: New York Times ( Article name: A moral instinct by Steven Pinker)
A) The Psyche of Morals B) Moral Judgments & Behavior C) The Moralization Switch D) Wave of amoralization
Question No. : 17
Keeping the viewpoint of the moralist illustrated in the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A) If one smokes a cigarette in public place, one should be punished for the same.
B) If one smokes a cigarette personally, one should not be punished as it is not immoral to smoke
C) People are homeless not because they are punished for their past actions but for the fact that they are unlucky.
D) Avoidance of meat makes people healthy by lowering cholesterol and also makes people less aggressive and bestial.
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
Question No. : 18
The starting point for appreciating that there is a distinctive part of our psychology for morality is seeing how moral judgments
differ from other kinds of opinions we have on how people ought to behave. Moralization is a psychological state that can be
turned on and off like a switch, and when it is on, a distinctive mind-set commandeers our thinking. This is the mind-set that
makes us deem actions immoral (“killing is wrong”), rather than merely disagreeable (“I hate brussels sprouts”), unfashionable
(“bell-bottoms are out”) or imprudent (“don’t scratch mosquito bites”). The first hallmark of moralization is that the rules it
invokes are felt to be universal. Prohibitions of rape and murder, for example, are felt not to be matters of local custom but to
be universally and objectively warranted. One can easily say, “I don’t like brussels sprouts, but I don’t care if you eat them,” but
no one would say, “I don’t like killing, but I don’t care if you murder someone.” The other hallmark is that people feel that those
who commit immoral acts deserve to be punished. Not only is it allowable to inflict pain on a person who has broken a moral
rule; it is wrong not to, to “let them get away with it.” People are thus untroubled in inviting divine retribution or the power of
the state to harm other people they deem immoral. Bertrand Russell wrote, “The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a
delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell.”
We all know what it feels like when the moralization switch flips inside us — the righteous glow, the burning dudgeon, the drive
to recruit others to the cause. The psychologist Paul Rozin has studied the toggle switch by comparing two kinds of people who
engage in the same behavior but with different switch settings. Health vegetarians avoid meat for practical reasons, like
lowering cholesterol and avoiding toxins. Moral vegetarians avoid meat for ethical reasons: to avoid complicity in the suffering
of animals. By investigating their feelings about meat-eating, Rozin showed that the moral motive sets off a cascade of
opinions. Moral vegetarians are more likely to treat meat as a contaminant — they refuse, for example, to eat a bowl of soup
into which a drop of beef broth has fallen. They are more likely to think that other people ought to be vegetarians, and are
more likely to imbue their dietary habits with other virtues, like believing that meat avoidance makes people less aggressive
and bestial.
Much of our recent social history, including the culture wars between liberals and conservatives, consists of the moralization or
amoralization of particular kinds of behavior. Even when people agree that an outcome is desirable, they may disagree on
whether it should be treated as a matter of preference and prudence or as a matter of sin and virtue. Rozin notes, for example,
that smoking has lately been moralized. Until recently, it was understood that some people didn’t enjoy smoking or avoided it
because it was hazardous to their health. But with the discovery of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, smoking is now
treated as immoral. Smokers are ostracized; images of people smoking are censored; and entities touched by smoke are felt to
be contaminated (so hotels have not only nonsmoking rooms but nonsmoking floors). The desire for retribution has been
visited on tobacco companies, who have been slapped with staggering “punitive damages.”
At the same time, many behaviors have been amoralized, switched from moral failings to lifestyle choices. They include divorce,
illegitimacy, being a working mother, marijuana use and homosexuality. Many afflictions have been reassigned from payback
for bad choices to unlucky misfortunes. There used to be people called “bums” and “tramps”; today they are “homeless.” This
wave of amoralization has led the cultural right to lament that morality itself is under assault, as we see in the group that
anointed itself the Moral Majority. In fact there seems to be a Law of Conservation of Moralization, so that as old behaviors are
taken out of the moralized column, new ones are added to it.
Passage Source: New York Times ( Article name: A moral instinct by Steven Pinker)
A) When the moralization switch flips inside of us, we feel a sense of contentment.
B) The code of moralization sees the adage, ‘an eye for eye’, as morally acceptable.
C) The increasing amoralization of many behaviors has meant that moralists have been under pressure to create new
behaviors that can be added to the list.
D) The code of moralization is dictated by situations, and needs adaptation according to the situation.
DIRECTIONS for question: Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a
meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.
Question No. : 19
1. In the “bigger is better” climate, calisthenics was relegated to groups perceived to be vulnerable, such as women, people
recuperating from injuries and school students.
2. The body builders also relied on free weights and machines, which allowed them to target and bloat the size of individual
muscles rather than develop a naturally proportioned body.
3. Although some of the strongest and most physically developed human beings ever to have lived acquired their abilities
through the use of sophisticated calisthenics, a great deal of this knowledge was discarded and the method was reduced to
nothing more than an easily accessible and readily available activity.
4. Those who mastered the rudimentary skills of calisthenics could expect to graduate to weight training rather than advanced
A) 2 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for question: Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a
meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.
Question No. : 20
1. Discussing the paintings of Juan-Leon Gerime, Nochlin claims that the absence of a Western colonial presence in the scenes
comprises an attempt to hide the historical reality of that presence, presumably in the furtherance of some vaguely imperialist
2. Another gem comes in an attack on the cultural relativism that has become academic orthodoxy: "relativism, like cholesterol,
comes in two forms: good and bad, the good type of relativism was originally only a way of preaching tolerance to others."
3. Ibn Warraq's defense of the West centers around what he calls the "Three Tutelary Guiding Lights" (rationalism, universalism,
and self-criticism), which he portrays as the cement of Western civilization
4. Ibn Warraq responds with a bit of disarming logic: This is brilliant in its clarity and simplicity " Occam's razor meets art history
A) 3 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
Question No. : 21
Sociologist Joel Charon offers a few reasons why inequality continues in society. His arguments reflect social reproduction
theory, which focuses on the roles of institutions and cultures in the perpetuation of inequality and the process by which the
social class structure is maintained. First, the rich and powerful protect the system of inequality. They are typically the owners of
the means of production (factories, machinery, land, transportation) and have the resources to protect themselves and their
positions. Karl Marx argued that the rich and powerful have control over the means of production, which is economic power,
and they also have great influence on government power, including the rules governments follow, the people who work for the
government, and the laws governments make. The rich and powerful also have control over the media, the schools, the courts,
and many other parts of society and they support institutions (religion, economy, and education) that favor them. For example,
the Walton family made $3.2 million in political contributions in 2004. The Waltons have great economic power and also the
ability to influence government through large donations to political actors that protect their positions and their businesses.
Inequality continues because those at the top protect their positions and use their power to influence other parts of society.
Second, culture teaches the acceptance of inequality. Research shows that Americans believe in equality. Research also shows
that Americans view inequality as justified. One belief system that people commonly embrace--mistakenly, according to
contemporary economic research-- is that the rich and powerful are more talented, hardworking, and intellectually superior and
thus more deserving. The poor are poor because they are lazy or irresponsible or unmotivated. If they can’t make it, it is their
fault. These are ideologies that protect the system of inequality. These ideologies legitimatize the position of the rich and
powerful and explain and justify the position of the poor. People tend to accept inequality, not because they are happy with
their situation, but because over time people believe their situation is natural and normal and it is what they expect from life.
A) the intellectual subjugation of the poor B) the ideological marginilization of the poor
C) the basic concept and ideology of inequality D) the sociological principles that operate behind the concept of equality
Question No. : 22
A) list reasons for a certain occurance B) highlight the reasons for a social reality
C) showcase operative principles for a social discrepancy
D) compare different schools of thought for a social phenomenon
Question No. : 23
A) the rich and powerful are more talented, and therefore rich, than the others.
B) tacit acceptance of the fact that the rich are superior helps in maintaining the status quo with respect to inequality.
C) control over means of production helps in the perpetuation of inequality D) both (B) and (C)
Question No. : 24
A) showcase the power of an individual against a system B) highlight the ineptitude of the political masters
C) showcase how a certain section of scoeity maintains its controls D) highlight how selfish and self-centered the rich are
Question No. : 26
DIRECTIONS for question: Four sentences related to a topic are given below. Three of them can be put together to form a
meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.
Question No. : 27
1. The real power of these technical means lay not in the techniques and technologies themselves but in the disposition of
those who used them, in their unshakable confidence that there were in principle “no mysterious, incalculable forces” they
could not calculate and control.
2. Such a technical rationality had replaced the “magical means” premodern people had used to placate gods and spirits.dence
that there were in principle “no mysterious, incalculable forces” they could not calculate and control.
3. Having conquered everything else, the calculating machines of modernity are now coming for our books.
4. When Max Weber suggested in 1917 that the world had been disenchanted, he meant that modernity was best understood
by the expansion of “technical means” that controlled “all things through calculation.”
A) 3 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Identify the most appropriate summary for the paragraph and write the key for most appropriate
Question No. : 28
It takes some effort to remind ourselves that the way we see other animals is rarely the way they see themselves. Indeed, it is
not clear how, or even if, they see themselves at all. Experiments to detect signs of self-awareness, such as the mirror
recognition test, suggest it is the exception rather than the rule in the animal kingdom. This gulf of incomprehension makes
thinking about what, if any, moral obligations we have towards our fellow creatures extremely difficult. But we must think about
it because we know enough to be sure that billions of them are conscious, form bonds, feel physical and psychological
pleasures and pains. To give their welfare no more thought than we do that of rocks would be shamefully callous.
1. The fact that animals can also feel pain means that we should be more concerned about their welfare and not be as callous
as we are.
2. Our heartless approach towards animals does nothing to alleviate the pain they feel in their lives and reflects poorly on us as
a self-aware specie of the planet.
3. Basing our approach towards animals on the fact that most of them lack self-awareness reeks of indifference and is
something that disregards other aspects of their beings.
4. Being as indifference and heartless as we are, we can no longer expect animals to reciprocate our feelings and we can clearly
see that the conscious pain they suffer because of our actions.
(write the answer key)
A) 3 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question : Read the passage and answer the question based on it.
Question No. : 29
For many years I did what I was supposed to. I visited contemporary Art museums regularly, if not frequently, and wandered
about them trying to understand, to become cultured in and civilised by the deep meaning of Art. I failed of course, and now
that I stop to think about it, I'm not surprised. Contemporary Art has proudly broken free of artistic traditions, meanings and
values. It has lost the ability to speak to the human condition because it has positively decided to become the enemy of beauty,
of ordinary human experience, interests and concerns. It sells this as philosophy, and boy does it sell, thanks to the peculiar
economic structure of the art market and the ability of insiders to manipulate 'value'. The character of contemporary Art seems
to me to derive from a contradictory relationship between Art producers and the public. On the one hand they want to be free
from hoi polloi and our stodgy values, low standards, and ignorance in order to pursue deep and interesting investigations in
the nature of Art. They want the respect of their peers, who really understand and appreciate what they are trying to do. On the
other hand, they also really want our money. The result is a parody of intellectual integrity.
Contemporary art has turned away from the complexity and discipline of technical prowess traditionally associated with art and
now founds its authority on the complexity of its ideas instead. Artists appear to believe that they are now philosophers!
Unfortunately they are terrible at ideas, as one can easily tell by trying to parse their own descriptions of their work and what
they are trying to do. No, the obscurity and jargon do not indicate profundity. It is just what it looks like: incoherent twaddle.
This criticism has nothing to do with the traditional tedious question of whether what this industry is producing is really 'Art'
(which resembles those pointless theological disputes about whether someone, or some belief, is really 'Christian'). When these
jokers pretend to be talking about ideas, any philosopher is fully entitled to jump down their throats.
I say they pretend to be talking about ideas because I don't really think they believe it either. Nevertheless it is part of the self-
identity and popular view of contemporary Artists - "Art for Art's sake" - and worth a short debunking. I trace the infection to a
widely held belief that philosophy is about freedom, which has particularly infected the art world since the Romantics threw up
all over the boring Enlightenment values of reason, progress and liberalism. There is first negative freedom: from tradition,
stodgy thinking, dogma, inauthenticity, bourgeois market forces, and so on. And secondly positive freedom: to see and express
the world truly, as it really is, for which the revolutionary, radical, and original Artist apparently has some kind of special ability
as a seer.
But philosophy isn't freedom. It is the discipline of deep and critical scrutiny. Without discipline, no concepts, and without
concepts, no perception ("true" or otherwise). One finds this make-believe philosophy sprayed about the art world like some
cheap air freshener in a bordello (more distracting than convincing). It pretends that freedom from discipline is a virtue and a
strength, and substitutes for scrutiny a faith in direct perception - a claim that the Artist has special access to the truth and
doesn't need to justify her claims or submit them to scrutiny. Of course, this device produces self-serving shallowness. But self-
serving in a profitable way, for those in the right place.
A) Has contemporary Art become a scam? B) Art and its devilish deceitfulness
C) Art: defined best by its whims and fancies D) Observations of art and philosophy
Question No. : 30
What does the line “The result is a parody of intellectual integrity” mean in the context provided in the passage?
The tone of the author of the passage towards contemporary art can be labelled as:
Question No. : 32
Question No. : 33
Question No. : 34
A) the philosopher’s viewpoint and an artist’s viewpoint of philosophy are fundamentally the same.
B) the philosopher’s viewpoint and an artist’s viewpoint of philosophy are subject to the condition of their analysis.
C) the philosopher’s viewpoint and an artist’s viewpoint of philosophy are fundamentally different.
D) the philosopher’s viewpoint and an artist’s viewpoint of philosophy bear no significance on the real world.
Section : DI & Reasoning
Question No. : 35
DIRECTIONS for the question: Refer to the following information and answer the question given below.
5 girls, Tanushree, Amisha, Raveena, Preeti and Nandita, are sitting in the first row in a mathematics class. Each girl has a
favourite chocolate bar (Dairy Milk, Perk, Bournville, Kit Kat and Crackle), a favourite colour (green, lilac, pink, blue and purple), a
pet (cat, horse, puppy, rabbit and parrot), a favourite sport (swimming, badminton, horse riding, tennis and hockey), and would
like to holiday at a certain place (Singapore, Maldives, Hong Kong, Canada and Australia). The teacher, sitting in the last row
provides additional information about the positions of the girls and about what they like.
Question No. : 36
Question No. : 37
The girl who likes horse riding sits next to the girl who __________.
A) likes Dairy Milk B) likes badminton C) likes green D) owns the horse
Question No. : 38
Question No. : 39
DIRECTION for the question: Read the information given below carefully and answer the question that follow.
The world’s top twelve tennis players, Roger Federer (RF), Rafael Nadal (RN), Novak Djokovic (ND), Pete Sampras (PS), Andy
Roddick (AR), Andre Agassi (AA), Tommy Rick (TR), James Blake (JB), Robby Ginepri (RG), Tim Henman (TH), Roy Emerson (RE)
and Bobby Riggs (BR) respectively ranked 1 through 12, participate in a tournament called DIMBLEDON consisting of two
rounds held in the city of London. In the first round, every tennis player has to play exactly once with every other tennis player.
In the table given below the names (in the short form) represent the winners of the matches played in the first round. For
example, the winner of the match played between Tommy Rick and Andy Roddick, is AR who is nothing but Andy Roddick. For
every win in the first round, the number of points that a tennis player gets is either three or the number by which the losers
rank is better than his rank, whichever is greater. The top four performers (in terms of total points) advance to the second
round. The players, who qualified for the second round, play once with every other player in the second round. For every win in
the second round, the number of points that a tennis player gets is either six or double the number by which the losers rank is
better than his rank, whichever is greater. Considering both the first and the second rounds the player with the highest total
number of points is announced as the winner of the tournament.
Which of the following players has defeated the maximum number of players ranked better than him in the first round?
It is known that Rafael Nadal fails a doping test and is disqualified because of which the next best performer advances to the
second round. Which of the following groups of four players go to the second round from the first to last in the order, in-terms
of their total points in the first round?
Question No. : 41
It is known that Novak Djokovic fails a doping test and is disqualified because of which the next best performer advances to the
second round. Considering both the first and the second rounds, what is the highest possible total number of points that any
tennis player can score?
A) 56 B) 52 C) 57 D) 55
Question No. : 42
The Principal of a school, Prof. Roy, asked Prof. Gupta to provide him with the analysis of the results of recently completed
exams in the school, which was written by 108 students. Prof. Gupta analysed the performance of students in five different
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and English. The following are some of his observations.
1. The students who passed in Maths failed in all other subjects except English.
2. The students who did not fail in Physics, passed in Chemistry.
3. The number of students who failed in four subjects is seven less than those who did not pass in Chemistry. The number of
students who passed in three subjects is 18.
4. The students who failed in English passed in Chemistry and none passed in both the subjects.
5. The number of students who passed only in Chemistry is 17 and those passed in Maths is 13.
6. The number of students who passed in Biology is 46 and the number of students who passed only in English is 10.
7. None of these students passed only in Biology.
How many students are passed in exactly two subjects? (in numerical value)
A) 63 B) C) D)
Question No. : 43
How many students who passed in Physics also passed in atleast one of the other subjects? (in numerical value)
A) 40 B) C) D)
Question No. : 44
How many students passed in all subjects except Chemistry and Maths? (in numerical value)
A) 21 B) C) D)
Question No. : 45
How many students passed in Biology but not in Physics? (in numerical value)
A) 28 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: The question is followed by two statements A and B. Indicate your responses based on the
following directives:
Question No. : 46
A) If the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone but not by using the other statement alone.
B) If the question can be answered using either statement alone
C) If the question can be answered using A and B together, but not using either A or B alone
D) If the question cannot be answered even using A and B together
Question No. : 47
There were only three different varieties of chocolates in a shop. If total number of chocolates bought by Manish is
a prime number, then how many chocolates did Manish buy for Rs. 107?
A. Manish bought at least one chocolate costing Rs. 50 and at least 15 chocolates costing less than Rs.50.
B. The cost of a first variety chocolate is Rs. 1, the cost of a second variety chocolate is Rs. 10, and the cost of the third variety
chocolate is Rs. 50.
A) If the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone but not by using the other statement alone
B) If the question can be answered using either statement alone
C) If the question can be answered using A and B together, but not using either A or B alone
D) If the question cannot be answered even using A and B together
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
Question No. : 48
The principal of the Rosemary Public School is preparing for the annual meeting of the PTA of the Kindergarten classes. This
year she has chosen six classrooms along the same corridor in the school. The six classrooms, from left to right, are named
Daffodil, Tulip, Lily, Primrose, Chrysanthemum and Violet. Five of the classrooms will be assigned one of the teachers – Mrs.
Deshmane, Mrs. Kulkarni, Mrs. Mohite, Mrs. Purohit and Mrs. Shinde and one of the assistants – Miss Damini, Miss Ketaki, Miss
Manjiri, Miss Padmini and Miss Sharada and the remaining classroom will be used to serve refreshments.
Miss Sharada is assigned to the same classroom as Mrs. Mohite while Mrs. Shinde is not assigned to the same classroom as
Miss Damini.
Miss Ketaki is assigned the classroom next to the classroom assigned to Mrs. Mohite.
Mrs. Kulkarni is assigned to Chrysanthemum while Mrs. Purohit is assigned to either Tulip or Lily.
The classroom used to serve refreshments is not at either end of the corridor.
Question No. : 49
A) Mrs. Purohit is assigned to Tulip B) Miss Padmini is assigned to Lily C) Miss Manjiri is assigned to Primrose
D) Miss Damini is assigned to Chrysanthemum
Question No. : 50
Question No. : 51
If Mrs. Shinde is assigned to a classroom next to that of Mrs. Deshmane’s, which of the following must be true?
A) Miss Padmini is assigned to Tulip B) Miss Damini is assigned to Lily C) Lily is used to serve refreshments
D) Primrose is used to serve refreshments
DIRECTIONS for the question: Analyse the graph/s given below and answer the question that follows.
Question No. : 52
Average Mobile User
(Traffic per Month in MB)
2012 2017
Global Per Month 201 2,037
By Region
North America 752 6,171
Western Europe 491 3,343
Asia Pacific 136 1,788
Latin America 122 1,411
Central & Eastern Europe 200 2,327
Middle East & Africa 73 990
Global Mobile Data Traffic Growth/Regions MEA has the Highest Growth Rate (77%) from 2012-2017 APAC will
Generate 47% of all Mobile Data Traffic by 2017.
If devices with mobile connections generated 900 petabytes of traffic (a petabyte being 1 million GBs) each month in 2012,
then approximate how many mobile subscribers existed in 2012?
Question No. : 53
If 46 percent of all mobile device traffic in 2017 is shunted into Wifi using an access point or femtocell, then what is the
approximate total global mobile data traffic in 2017?
In 2017, Asia Pacific will have 2.8 billion people hooked into the mobile internet, each using 1.9 devices on an average. In North
America there will be 316 million subscribers sporting 2.7 devices per capita. What will be the approximate difference between
the per device data usage between the North American and the Asian consumer?
Question No. : 55
What is the difference between the Compounded Annual Growth Rate ( CAGR ) of the fastest growing region v/s the slowest
growing region in mobile user traffic?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Go through the graph and the information given below and answer the question that follows.
Question No. : 56
Each year, the Meteorological Department of Maharashtra predicts the rainfall for the coming year and compares it with the
actual rainfall recorded during the year. The predicted rainfall in any year is calculated as:
Pn + 1 = (1 + α)An + Pn, where,
Pn + 1 = predicted rainfall for the (n + 1)th year,
An = actual rainfall recorded during the nth year,
Pn = predicted rainfall for the nth year, and,
α = a constant term based on the quality of the nth year as described below .
If the actual rainfall recorded during any year is less than 50% of the predicted rainfall for that year, the year is described
as a Poor year, and α = –0.6.
If the actual rainfall recorded during any year is 50% or more, but less than 90% of the predicted rainfall for that year, the
year is described as an Average year, and α = –0.2.
If the actual rainfall recorded during any year is 90% or more, but not more than 100% of the predicted rainfall for that
year, the year is described as a Good year, and α = 0.3.
If the actual rainfall recorded during any year is more than 100% of the predicted rainfall for that year, the year is
described as an Exceptional year, and α = 0.1.
The chart below shows the actual rainfall recorded in Maharashtra, in mm, during the years 2005 to 2010.
If the predicted rainfall for 2005 was 48 mm, what could the year 2007 be described as?
If 2009 was described as a Good year, what could the year 2010 be described as?
Question No. : 58
If 2008 was described as a Good year, what could have been the predicted rainfall for 2010?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Go through the graph and the information given below and answer the question that follows.
Question No. : 59
Each of the 60 rooms in a hotel is occupied on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. One or more of three newspapers,
the Daily Overview, the Daily News and the Daily Post, are delivered to each of the occupants of these rooms on each of these
four days. The total number of newspapers delivered on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are 68, 76, 90 and 113
respectively. The number of copies of the Daily Overview delivered is the same on all four days. At least 20 copies of the Daily
News were delivered on Wednesday. The same number of copies of the Daily News and the Daily Post were delivered on
Wednesday. The number of copies of the Daily News delivered on Wednesday through Saturday form a reducing arithmetic
progression. The number of copies of the Daily Post delivered on Wednesday through Saturday increases by 50% as compared
to the number of copies of the Daily Post delivered the day before.
How many copies of the Daily Overview were delivered each day? (in numerical value)
A) 20 B) C) D)
Question No. : 60
How many copies of the Daily News were delivered on Saturday? (in numerical value)
A) 12 B) C) D)
Question No. : 61
How many copies of the Daily Post were delivered on Saturday (in numerical value)?
A) 81 B) C) D)
Question No. : 62
Over the four day period, how many more copies of the Daily Post were delivered than copies of the Daily News? (in numerical
A) 123 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the information given below and answer the question that follows.
Question No. : 63
A total of 91 students of a reputed B - School, studying in one of the four specializations Marketing (Mktg), Finance (Fin),
Information Tech (IT) and Operations (Op) are eligible for the Campus Placement Exam to be conducted in their college. The
breakup of number of students in these specializations is in such a way that the difference between the number of students in
any two specializations is at most 10. The ratio of the number of students in Marketing and Finance is 3 : 4, which is same as the
ratio of number of students in IT and Operations. All the students took the exam in which the maximum marks are 100. The
average marks scored by the students of each specialization are calculated.
It is known that if the specializations were ranked according to the average marks of the students of the specialization, these
would be ranked 2, 1, 3 and 4 respectively, with rank 1 allotted to the specialization with the highest average marks, the next
one second and so on. In the same manner if the specializations are ranked according to the total marks of the students of the
specialization, they would be ranked 4, 2, 3 and 1 respectively.
It is also known that the number of students in Marketing is less than that of IT.
The marks scored by each student and the average marks of each specialization are integers.
The average marks of each specialization are at least 50.
A) 18 B) 21 C) 24 D) Cannot be determined
Question No. : 64
If the average marks of Marketing are 64, then the average marks of Operations are at least _____
A) 54 B) 58 C) 56 D) 60
Question No. : 65
If the difference between the total marks scored by the students of Operations and IT is 105, then what can be the difference
between the average marks of these specializations?
A) 12 B) 11 C) 10 D) 9
Question No. : 66
If five persons from IT whose average marks are more than the initial average of IT are shifted to Marketing, then how many
ranking orders are possible if the specializations are ranked by average marks?
(Assume that no two specializations will have the same average after the arrangement)
A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D) 12
DIRECTIONS for the question: Answer the question independently of any other question.
Question No. : 67
Rahul and Vijay are standing on adjacent sides of a rectangular field at points P and Q respectively. The points P and Q divide
the length and breadth in the ratio 3 : 1 and 2 : 1 respectively. Rahul is standing at point P on the length of the field so that he
is at the shortest possible distance from the common vertex and Vijay is at point Q on the breadth so that he is at the largest
possible distance from the common vertex. If PQ is 100 m, and the sides of the field are integers, what is the area of the field?
Question No. : 68
A boy is asked to take a 2-digit number; multiply its digits and keep repeating the process until he gets a single digit number.
What is the probability that this single digit is zero?
A) B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 69
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 70
Vishal, who stands 5’10” tall is digging a pit. He has finished digging 1/3rd of the depth. After he is finished digging the pit, his
head will be twice as far below the surface of the ground as it is now above the surface of the ground. What is the depth of the
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 71
There are an infinite number of pipes attached to a very big tank. Performance of a pipe is the amount of water filled in the
tank in equal time. The pipes are numbered P1 , P2, P3.......... and so on. The performance of every subsequent pipe is 90% that of
the earlier pipe, i.e. the performance of P2 is 90% the performance of P1, and so on. When all the pipes are working together,
the tank gets filled in 4 hours. Working alone, how many pipes can fill the tank within 50 hours (in numerical value)?
A) 3 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 72
If a, b, c and d are positive integers such that form an arithmetic progression, which of the following is true?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 73
The sum of the squares of three positive integers a, b and c is also a perfect square. Which of the following cannot be the value
of a2 + b2 + c2?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 74
In an examination, a candidate wrote seven papers all having equal maximum possible marks. If the marks he secured in these
seven papers are in the ratio 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8: 9: 10, and the average of his highest and lowest scores is 60%, find the number of
papers in which he scored not less than 75%. (in numerical value)
A) 2 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 75
Ajay, Vipin and Anil started from the same place and travelled in the same direction at the speeds of 80, 70 and 60 kmph
respectively. Vipin started 3 hours after Anil and both Ajay and Vipin overtook Anil at 9.00 p.m. of the same day. Find the time
at which Ajay started?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 76
Let n > 6 be an integer and a1; a2; : : : ; ak be all the natural numbers less than n and relatively prime to n. If a2 - a1 = a3 - a2 =
.... = ak – ak-1 > 0 then n must be
Question No. : 77
A man had a certain amount with him. He spent 20% of that to buy an article and 5% of the remaining on transport. Then he
gifted Rs. 120. If he is left with Rs. 1,400, the amount he spent on transport is
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 78
A 100 litre vessel contains water and milk in the ratio 2 : 3 and a 50 litre vessel contains water and milk in the ratio 3 : 2. If the
contents of these vessels are mixed in the ratio 1 : 3 in a third vessel, what will be the respective ratio of milk to water in the
third vessel?
A) 12 : 13 B) 9 : 11 C) 11 : 9 D) 13 : 12
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 79
A pool is fitted with 3 pipes. The first 2 pipes operating simultaneously fill the pool in the same time during which the pool is
filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the pool 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third
pipe. Find the time required by third pipe to fill the pool. (in hours)
A) 6 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 80
The lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle are in geometric progression. What is the ratio of the sines of its acute
A) 1 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 81
Each coefficient in the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is determined by throwing an ordinary die. Find the probability that the
equation will have equal roots.
A) B) C) D) None of these
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 82
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 83
Seema and Sheela start a business. Seema invests Rs.25000 for 4 months and Sheela invests Rs.15000 for 8 months. They earn a
profit of Rs.4400 in a year. Find Sheela's share in this profit. (in Rs.)
A) 2400 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 84
x2 + bx – c = 0; b and c are positive integers. u and v are roots. If |u| > |v|, then which of the following is true?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 85
Two trains T1 and T2 are travelling on parallel tracks and in opposite directions. P1 and P2 are two persons who are travelling in
T1 and T2 respectively. When the two trains just start to cross each other, P1, who is at the tail end of T1, starts running towards
the front end of T1, at a speed of 6 m/s, and P2, who is at the front end of T2 starts running towards the tail end of T2 at a speed
of 4 m/s. If the lengths of T1 and T2 are 216m and 432 m respectively, and the speeds of T1and T2 are 108km/hr and 144 km/hr
respectively, in how much time (from the time T1 and T2 start to cross each other) will the two persons cross each other?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 86
A quadratic expression g(x) = ax2 + mx + n is such that g(-2) < 4; g (2) > - 4 and g (3) < -11. Which of the following best
determines 'a'?
Question No. : 87
In a school that has 1000 students, 99% of the students play at least one game, 49% play at least two games 24% play at least
three games, 14% play at least four games and only 4% play all the 5 games. There are five games played at the school. What is
the sum of number of students who play exactly three games and who play exactly four games? (in numerical value)
A) 200 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 88
What is the radius (in cm) of the biggest possible circle that can be inscribed in a sector of radius 10 cm and a central angle of
A) B) C) D) 5
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 89
The sum of six numbers in arithmetic progression is 3. If the first term is 4 times the third term, what is the value of the fifth
A) -17/2 B) -4 C) 0 D) 1/2
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 90
If a, b and c are different real numbers such that , which of the following is a possible value of the product abc?
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 8
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 91
The S.P. of two articles is Rs. 120 each. One article is sold for 20% profit and the other for 20% loss. What’s the overall result?
Question No. : 92
In what time will Rs. 72 become Rs. 81 at 61/4% per annum simple interest? (write the correct option)
1. 2. 2 years 3. 4.
A) 2 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 93
A 14-digit number has all digits '5'. Find the remainder when the number is divided by 74.
A) 1 B) 55 C) 73 D) None of these
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 94
A triangle PQR is inscribed in a circle where ∠Q is obtuse. The altitude PS of the triangle is tangent to the circle at P. Find PS if
QR = 9m & QS = 3m.
A) 3m B) 4m C) D) 6m
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 95
Find maximum sum of the following sequence 40, 36.25, 32.50, 28.75,.....
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 96
A bank gives an investor double the initial deposit in 5 years, interest being simple interest. Then the rate of interest is (in
A) 20 B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question : Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 97
A) B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 98
After Yudhishthir has lost all his wealth, kingdom and wife to Shakuni; Shakuni gives him a final chance. Shakuni has 5 coins. He
knows that Yudhishthir has 3 coins left. Shakuni places his condition that both of them would toss all their coins simultaneously.
The one who gets more heads wins. In his haste, Shakuni, a skilled gambler, forgot to take into account the possibility of a
draw. Assuming all the coins are fair, what is the probability of a draw?
A) B) C) D)
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 99
An average adult body needs x litres of water everyday. On a cold day 5% of water consumed evaporates, 3 % gets converted
into sweat and 36 % is flushed out of the body as urine. While on a summer day 17% of water consumed evaporates, 28 % gets
converted into sweat and 23 % is flushed out of the body as urine. What should be the ratio of water consumption on a
summer day to a winter day?
DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Viraaj and Siraaj started travelling towards each other from their home towns Delhi and Jammu respectively by car at uniform
speeds. They met at a point X in between. They exchanged their cars (in practically no time) and returned back towards their
respective home towns. On reaching their home towns they at once started travelling back towards each other and met at a
point Y this time. What was the ratio of their speeds such that the distance XY is the highest, if they don’t meet anywhere
before reaching their respective home towns?
Explanation:- Statement I can be derived from the lines: It needs to be put in a language that resonates with the millions of
non-unionised workers, and particularly for younger people for whom the very notion of trade unionism seems culturally alien.
Personal debt is a blight in modern Britain and trade unionism is one of its cures.
Statement II can be derived from the lines: In Nordic countries, it is the norm for workers to be unionised. Better living standards
and more equality than we have in Britain are two of the byproducts.
Option III can be derived from the lines: With trade unionism so defeated by punitive laws and industrial decline, they faced little
pressure to do so.
QNo:- 2 ,Correct Answer:- C
Explanation:- Option 1 can be derived from the lines: Growing personal debt is the price many British workers have paid for the
disastrous economic failure of George Osborne and his colleagues one of whom is now the nation's prime minister.
Option 2 can be derived from the lines: That's not good for the workers, and it's not good for the economy, either. But this was at a
time when many companies were reporting healthy profits. They just weren't sharing the wealth with the workforce who created it
in the first place. And why should they?
Explanation:- This is a curious question, wherein option 2 comes closest to being correct. But it is actually not correct. In the
given case, the correct answer is option 4.
Option 1 is ruled out as it is not mentioned in the passage.
Option 2 is ruled out as we cannot say forming trade unions is the best way out. It is one of ways but the usage of the word 'best'
is extreme in nature here.
Option 3 is a judgment that cannot be made in the given context. The author does not espouse confidence in the current political
leadership but that not mean they current administration does not have the talent to solve the given problem.
Against these divisions " the these here refers to the separation mentioned in 3.
Hence 4 will follow 3.
The passage talks about the systematic education and that it must disappear.
Hence the best introductory sentence is 2.
In this case, sentence 3 is the generic opening sentence of the paragraph and it is followed by statement 1. You can also observe
that statements 1, 2, 4 and 5 are all about atheism and thus connect with each other. The next group of connected statements is 5
2 and they are linked by the common reference to racial theories. Statement 4 then completes the sentiment put forward in the
pair 52 and thus we have a set of three connected statements, 5, 2, 4. Using this information, we can identify option 2 as the
correct answer. Remember, statement 3 cannot be placed between any of sentences as it does not connect with any other sentence
except 1.
Option 4 is the best answer.
Option 1 is incorrect, as Uber brings something to the table, though not to the degree it claims.
Option 2 is a close option but commits the mistake of highlighting 'economics' instead of 'businesses'. Business models are being
discussed in the paragraph, and not economics.
Option 3 is incorrect as 'no periodic cycles' have been mentioned in the given paragraph.
Option 4 is the perfect representation for the paragraph as it essentially points out the significant points of the paragraph.
QNo:- 7 ,Correct Answer:- D
Explanation:- In the given case, the pronoun ‘we’ is symbolic of the shackled existence the author and others live. His usage of
the pronoun is because of the way he has brought in a world where individual existence does not matter and there is only
collective reference to all the members of the given group. This makes option 4 the correct answer in the given case.
Explanation:- The author of the passage clearly talks about the Council in a negative tone and describes the feeling of fear and
dread he feels towards it. He is, in fact, constantly feeling dread that action will be taken against him and he repeatedly mentions
the same in the passage.
Explanation:- In order to answer this question, you need to know the meaning of the word ‘dystopian’. A dystopia is a state in
which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation, oppression or terror. The author of the passage talks about a
similar state in the given case and highlights how the whole society is suffering in the given case. This makes option 4 the best
answer in the given case. None of the other options match the unique sentiments expressed in the passage.
Explanation:- In the given passage, the author highlights a world where individuals cease to exist and there is a common
reference for all. This sentiment is best expressed by option 3 in the given case.
Explanation:- All of the statements can be derived from the given context. Refer to the lines: We are six feet tall, and this is a
burden, for there are not many men who are six feet tall. Ever have the Teachers and the Leaders pointed to us and frowned and
said: "There is evil in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers." But we cannot
change our bones nor our body. We were born with a curse. It has always driven us to thoughts which are forbidden. It has always
given us wishes which men may not wish. We know that we are evil, but there is no will in us and no power to resist it. This is our
wonder and our secret fear, that we know and do not resist.
Explanation:- Statement III clearly goes against what is mentioned in the passage: We are alone here under the earth. It is a
fearful word, alone. The laws say that none among men may be alone, ever and at any time, for this is the great transgression and
the root of all evil. But we have broken many laws.
Explanation:- In this case, the given order is the correct one. Statement 1 introduces the given context and statement 2 connects
with statement 1 (the common reference to the US market). Statement 3 then provides an input regards to the current status of
yen and statement 4 describes how the yen is viewed. Statement 5 is the concluding statement in this case and it wraps up the
given paragraph.
QNo:- 14 ,Correct Answer:- 51324
Notice how the lines 3 and 2 are linked logically with the words "My problem.. and This point of view".The word next in line 2
clearly indicates that it should be preceded by line 3. The words practical experience in line 2 find an echo in line 4, which serves to
further explain the given idea. Thus, line 2 should be followed by line 4. Line 5 is a fairly general comment, which deserves a place
in the beginning.
In the given case, options 1,3 and 4 commit the common mistake of only focusing on the man of science. Option 2 provides the
other side as well and is the only complete option in the given case.
The author mentions moralization as switch which can flip inside us and lead us to label acts amoral, moral or immoral on
multiple instances, and this is the common thread that ties the passage together. This makes option C the most suitable answer for
this case.
Options A is mentioned by author in paragraph 3 wherein passive smoking is immoral now as it can harm others beside self.
Options B and C are non-moralist viewpoints and hence rejected. Option D is false as the author mentions that “They are more
likely to think…… believing that meat avoidance makes people less aggressive” The author says moralists believe or think this
way but it is not definitely true.
Option B can be inferred from the lines: The other hallmark is that people feel that those who commit immoral acts deserve to be
Option A mutilates the lines: We all know what it feels like when the moralization switch flips inside us — the righteous glow, the
burning dudgeon, the drive to recruit others to the cause.
Option C is built around the last paragraph, but new behaviors are added to the list (they are not created).
Option D contradicts the line ‘The first hallmark of moralization is that the rules it invokes are felt to be universal’.
Explanation:- The paragraph is talking about the fact that though some of the strongest and most physically developed human
beings ever to have lived acquired their abilities through the use of sophisticated calisthenics, it was relegated to vulnerable groups
and for people who were recuperating. People studied rudimentary skills but not the advanced ones.
Statement 2 talks about developing a good body through weight training and machines than on calisthenics, which is different
point from what the other three statements.
QNo:- 20 ,Correct Answer:- 3
Option 3 is the best answer.
The lines 1,4 and 2 given here in continuation and form a logical paragraph but line 3 is out of place as it alludes to an altogether
different issue tackled by Ibn Warraq.
Explanation:- Refer to the following lines: The poor are poor because they are lazy or irresponsible or unmotivated. If they can’t
make it, it is their fault. These are ideologies that protect the system of inequality. These ideologies legitimatize the position of the
rich and powerful and explain and justify the position of the poor. People tend to accept inequality, not because they are happy
with their situation, but because over time people believe their situation is natural and normal and it is what they expect from life.
The role of the author is clear from these lines. He is highlighting the ideological contributions to the concept of inequality and
how these ideologies are used to spread the concept further. Considering this, option 2 is the best answer in the given case.
Explanation:- In the given case, the author of the passage is trying to highlight the reasons for inequality and explain what are
the factors for the same. He goes on to explain two such factors and how they contribute to inequality. Remember, these are
factors that highlight why inequality exists. Considering this, we select option 2 as the correct answer.
Explanation:- Option 2 can be derived from the lines: One belief system that people commonly embrace--mistakenly, according
to contemporary economic research-- is that the rich and powerful are more talented, hardworking, and intellectually superior and
thus more deserving.
The same lines help us reject option 1.
Option 3 is stated in the first paragraph of the passage.
Explanation:- Statements I and III can be derived from the second paragraph of the passage.
Statement II can be derived from the first paragraph of the passage.
Explanation:- The answer to this question can be derived from the lines:The rich and powerful also have control over the media,
the schools, the courts, and many other parts of society and they support institutions (religion, economy, and education) that favor
them. For example, the Walton family made $3.2 million in political contributions in 2004. The Waltons have great economic
power and also the ability to influence government through large donations to political actors that protect their positions and their
businesses. Inequality continues because those at the top protect their positions and use their power to influence other parts of
The first line of the above extract directly provides us the answer.
QNo:- 26 ,Correct Answer:- B
Explanation:- In the given case, the tone of the author of the passage can be labelled as analytical. Remember, he is analysing
the reasons for inequality (these reasons are negative in themselves). This does not make his tone/attitude as a negative one; the
job of the author himself in an analytical one here.
In this case, statements 1, 2 and 4 are connected. The correct order for these statements is: 4-1-2. These statements are generic
statements and statement 3 does not fit the given context highlighted by these three statements.
Explanation:- In the given case, the best answer is option 1. The author of the passage clearly adopts a negative tone in the
passage and he clearly explains how the current scene has become a sham. This sentiment is best reflected by option 1 in the given
Explanation:- The answer can be derived from the lines: They want the respect of their peers, who really understand and
appreciate what they are trying to do. On the other hand, they also really want our money. The result is a parody of intellectual
It is clear from these lines that the work produced by artists is a confused one and lacks intellectual clarity/integrity.
We can see that option 2 is the best fit in the given case.
QNo:- 32 ,Correct Answer:- D
Explanation:- In the given passage, the author of the passage is clearly concerned with attacking the modern standpoint of art.
He goes on the describe the issues in the current situation and explains how the current approach of art is wrong. This helps us
identify option 4 as the correct answer.
Explanation:- Refer to the lines: Nevertheless it is part of the self-identity and popular view of contemporary Artists - "Art for
Art's sake" - and worth a short debunking.
In the given case, the statement is used by artists to justify their own work and this is something that the author of the passage
goes on to attack.
Explanation:- This is an easy question. The author clearly states that these two viewpoints are completely different and the
viewpoint of artists about philosophy is faulty.
Suppose the seats are numbered 1 to 5 from left to right. Nandita sits at 1, she likes lilac and wants to go to Maldives.
The person who like swimming and owns the cat sits at 5. Since the girl who owns the cat is at 5, the girl who likes badminton
must be at 4. Since the girl who likes hockey sits next to the girl who likes badminton, we can conclude that Amisha, who eats
Dairy Milk and likes hockey, sits at 3. Raveena is on the right of Preeti. So Raveena, who wants to go to Australia and likes green,
must be at 5 and Preeti must be at 4. Now, Tanushree, who like the Bournville must be at 2 and the girl who wants to go to Hong
Kong and likes pink must be at 3. Since the girl on the right of the girl who likes horse riding likes tennis, Nandita must like tennis
and Tanushree must like horse riding. Since the girls who like Perk and Kit Kat are next to each other, Nandita must like the
Crackle and she owns the rabbit. Since the girl who likes Perk owns a horse, she must be Preeti and Raveena must like Kit Kat. So
the girl who likes blue and owns the puppy must be Tanushree. Since the girl who likes purple wants to go to Canada, she must be
Preeti, and therefore Tanushree wants to go to Singapore and Amisha owns the parrot. The correct order is as follows:
Seat 1: Nandita eats Crackle, likes lilac, owns the rabbit, plays tennis and wants to holiday in Maldives.
Seat 2: Tanushree eats Bournville, likes blue, owns the puppy, likes horse riding and wants to holiday in Singapore.
Seat 3: Amisha eats Dairy Milk, likes pink, owns the parrot, plays hockey and wants to holiday in Hong Kong.
Seat 4: Preeti eats Perk, likes purple, owns the horse, plays badminton and wants to holiday in Canada.
Seat 5: Raveena eats Kit Kat, likes Green, owns the cat, likes swimming and wants to holiday in Australia. The girl who owns the
parrot likes hockey.
QNo:- 36 ,Correct Answer:- A
Suppose the seats are numbered 1 to 5 from left to right. Nandita sits at 1, she likes lilac and wants to go to Maldives.
The person who like swimming and owns the cat sits at 5. Since the girl who owns the cat is at 5, the girl who likes badminton
must be at 4. Since the girl who likes hockey sits next to the girl who likes badminton, we can conclude that Amisha, who eats
Dairy Milk and likes hockey, sits at 3. Raveena is on the right of Preeti. So Raveena, who wants to go to Australia and likes green,
must be at 5 and Preeti must be at 4. Now, Tanushree, who like the Bournville must be at 2 and the girl who wants to go to Hong
Kong and likes pink must be at 3. Since the girl on the right of the girl who likes horse riding likes tennis, Nandita must like tennis
and Tanushree must like horse riding. Since the girls who like Perk and Kit Kat are next to each other, Nandita must like the
Crackle and she owns the rabbit. Since the girl who likes Perk owns a horse, she must be Preeti and Raveena must like Kit Kat. So
the girl who likes blue and owns the puppy must be Tanushree. Since the girl who likes purple wants to go to Canada, she must be
Preeti, and therefore Tanushree wants to go to Singapore and Amisha owns the parrot.
The correct order is as follows:
Seat 1: Nandita eats Crackle, likes lilac, owns the rabbit, plays tennis and wants to holiday in Maldives.
Seat 2: Tanushree eats Bournville, likes blue, owns the puppy, likes horse riding and wants to holiday in Singapore.
Seat 3: Amisha eats Dairy Milk, likes pink, owns the parrot, plays hockey and wants to holiday in Hong Kong.
Seat 4: Preeti eats Perk, likes purple, owns the horse, plays badminton and wants to holiday in Canada.
Seat 5: Raveena eats Kit Kat, likes Green, owns the cat, likes swimming and wants to holiday in Australia. The girl who wants to
holiday in Singapore likes Bournville.
Suppose the seats are numbered 1 to 5 from left to right. Nandita sits at 1, she likes lilac and wants to go to Maldives.
The person who like swimming and owns the cat sits at 5. Since the girl who owns the cat is at 5, the girl who likes badminton
must be at 4. Since the girl who likes hockey sits next to the girl who likes badminton, we can conclude that Amisha, who eats
Dairy Milk and likes hockey, sits at 3. Raveena is on the right of Preeti. So Raveena, who wants to go to Australia and likes green,
must be at 5 and Preeti must be at 4. Now, Tanushree, who like the Bournville must be at 2 and the girl who wants to go to Hong
Kong and likes pink must be at 3. Since the girl on the right of the girl who likes horse riding likes tennis, Nandita must like tennis
and Tanushree must like horse riding. Since the girls who like Perk and Kit Kat are next to each other, Nandita must like the
Crackle and she owns the rabbit. Since the girl who likes Perk owns a horse, she must be Preeti and Raveena must like Kit Kat. So
the girl who likes blue and owns the puppy must be Tanushree. Since the girl who likes purple wants to go to Canada, she must be
Preeti, and therefore Tanushree wants to go to Singapore and Amisha owns the parrot.
The correct order is as follows:
Seat 1: Nandita eats Crackle, likes lilac, owns the rabbit, plays tennis and wants to holiday in Maldives.
Seat 2: Tanushree eats Bournville, likes blue, owns the puppy, likes horse riding and wants to holiday in Singapore.
Seat 3: Amisha eats Dairy Milk, likes pink, owns the parrot, plays hockey and wants to holiday in Hong Kong.
Seat 4: Preeti eats Perk, likes purple, owns the horse, plays badminton and wants to holiday in Canada.
Seat 5: Raveena eats Kit Kat, likes Green, owns the cat, likes swimming and wants to holiday in Australia. The girl who likes horse
riding sits next to the girl who likes Dairy Milk.
QNo:- 38 ,Correct Answer:- C
Suppose the seats are numbered 1 to 5 from left to right. Nandita sits at 1, she likes lilac and wants to go to Maldives.
The person who like swimming and owns the cat sits at 5. Since the girl who owns the cat is at 5, the girl who likes badminton
must be at 4. Since the girl who likes hockey sits next to the girl who likes badminton, we can conclude that Amisha, who eats
Dairy Milk and likes hockey, sits at 3. Raveena is on the right of Preeti. So Raveena, who wants to go to Australia and likes green,
must be at 5 and Preeti must be at 4. Now, Tanushree, who like the Bournville must be at 2 and the girl who wants to go to Hong
Kong and likes pink must be at 3. Since the girl on the right of the girl who likes horse riding likes tennis, Nandita must like tennis
and Tanushree must like horse riding. Since the girls who like Perk and Kit Kat are next to each other, Nandita must like the
Crackle and she owns the rabbit. Since the girl who likes Perk owns a horse, she must be Preeti and Raveena must like Kit Kat. So
the girl who likes blue and owns the puppy must be Tanushree. Since the girl who likes purple wants to go to Canada, she must be
Preeti, and therefore Tanushree wants to go to Singapore and Amisha owns the parrot.
The correct order is as follows:
Seat 1: Nandita eats Crackle, likes lilac, owns the rabbit, plays tennis and wants to holiday in Maldives.
Seat 2: Tanushree eats Bournville, likes blue, owns the puppy, likes horse riding and wants to holiday in Singapore.
Seat 3: Amisha eats Dairy Milk, likes pink, owns the parrot, plays hockey and wants to holiday in Hong Kong.
Seat 4: Preeti eats Perk, likes purple, owns the horse, plays badminton and wants to holiday in Canada.
Seat 5: Raveena eats Kit Kat, likes Green, owns the cat, likes swimming and wants to holiday in Australia. From the above analysis
we know that Preeti owns the horse and Raveena likes Kit Kat. So statements III and IV are false.
By observation, we see that JB has defeated tennis players AR, AA and TR and no one else has defeated (3 or more) better ranked
tennis players. Hence, the correct answer is option 4.
Points scored by tennis players PS, RG, RF, RN, ND and JB:
PS : 8 × 3 = 24 points
RG : 3 × 3 + 4 + 3 = 16 points
RF : 10 × 3 = 30 points
RN : 9 × 3 = 27 points
ND : 9 × 3 = 27 points
JB : (3× 3) + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18 points
The four tennis players that go through are RF, ND, PS and JB in that order.
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.
QNo:- 41 ,Correct Answer:- B
The only contestants into the second round are RF, RN, PS and JB.
If RF won all the matches, then
The net total of RF is = 30 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 48.
If RN won all the matches, then
The net total of RN is = 27 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 45
If PS won all the matches, then
The net total of PS is = 24 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 42
If JB won all the matches, then
The net total of JB is = 18 + 14 + 12 + 8 = 52
Hence, the correct answer is option 2
The following venn diagram represents the no. of passed candidates in given subjects.
From (1), (2) and (4), the information can be represented as follows:
From (3), the number of students who failed in four subjects is equal to the number of students who passed in only one subject = a
+ f.
The number of students who failed in Chemistry = e + f + g
a + f = e + f + g – 7 ⇒ a + 7 = e + g ------(1)
From (4), c = 18 ------ (2)
From (6), c + d + e = 46
⇒ d + e = 28 -------(3)
From (5), a = 17 and g = 13, f = 10
a = 17, g = 13
⇒ e = 11 (from (1)) ⇒ d = 17 (from (3))
As a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 108 ⇒ b = 22
The number of students who passed in exactly two subjects = b + d + e + g = 22 + 17 + 11 + 13 = 63.
QNo:- 43 ,Correct Answer:- 40
The following venn diagram represents the no. of passed candidates in given subjects.
From (1), (2) and (4), the information can be represented as follows:
From (3), the number of students who failed in four subjects is equal to the number of students who passed in only one subject = a
+ f.
The number of students who failed in Chemistry = e + f + g
a + f = e + f + g – 7 ⇒ a + 7 = e + g ------(1)
From (4), c = 18 ------ (2)
From (6), c + d + e = 46
⇒ d + e = 28 -------(3)
From (5), a = 17 and g = 13, f = 10
a = 17, g = 13
⇒ e = 11 (from (1)) ⇒ d = 17 (from (3))
As a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 108 ⇒ b = 22
The required number of students = b + c = 22 + 18 = 40
QNo:- 44 ,Correct Answer:- 21
The following venn diagram represents the no. of passed candidates in given subjects.
From (1), (2) and (4), the information can be represented as follows:
From (3), the number of students who failed in four subjects is equal to the number of students who passed in only one subject = a
+ f.
The number of students who failed in Chemistry = e + f + g
a + f = e + f + g – 7 ⇒ a + 7 = e + g ------(1)
From (4), c = 18 ------ (2)
From (6), c + d + e = 46
⇒ d + e = 28 -------(3)
From (5), a = 17 and g = 13, f = 10
a = 17, g = 13
⇒ e = 11 (from (1)) ⇒ d = 17 (from (3))
As a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 108 ⇒ b = 22
The following venn diagram represents the no. of passed candidates in given subjects.
From (1), (2) and (4), the information can be represented as follows:
From (3), the number of students who failed in four subjects is equal to the number of students who passed in only one subject = a
+ f.
The number of students who failed in Chemistry = e + f + g
a + f = e + f + g – 7 ⇒ a + 7 = e + g ------(1)
From (4), c = 18 ------ (2)
From (6), c + d + e = 46
⇒ d + e = 28 -------(3)
From (5), a = 17 and g = 13, f = 10
a = 17, g = 13
⇒ e = 11 (from (1)) ⇒ d = 17 (from (3))
As a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 108 ⇒ b = 22
The required number of students = d + e = 17 + 11 = 28
Consider two quadratic equations x2 – 5x + 6 = 0 and 4x2 – 20x + 24 = 0. We can observe that both the equations would have the
same roots i.e 2 and 3. Also we can see that for these two equations as the roots are same, so the ratio of their coefficients also is
same. i.e ¼ = -5/-20 = 6/24.
Using the same logic, we can say that from the statement B, as the quadratic equations have the same roots, we have (2D - 1)/(E
+ 1) = (2D + 1)/(4E + 1) = C/3C. Here we need to know whether C is non-zero or not, otherwise we cannot find the answer
uniquely. Statement A tells us C is non-zero. Now we can find out the value of D and E. Hence, the correct answer is option 3.
QNo:- 47 ,Correct Answer:- C
By observation, we can say that either statement alone is not sufficient to find out the answer.
Let the number of first, second and third variety of chocolates bought by Manish be x, y and z. From statement A, Manish buys at
least 16 chocolates. From statement B,
x + 10y + 50z = 107 (1) From statement A and B together, Since he buys at least 1 chocolate in third variety, Case 1: z = 1
Equation (1) becomes x + 10y = 57 y = (57 – x)/10 The minimum value of y is 0 and the maximum value of y is 6. There are 6
possibilities when z = 1 They are (7, 5, 1) (17, 4, 1), (27, 3, 1), (37, 2, 1), (47, 1, 1) and (57, 0, 1). Case 2: z = 2 Equation (1) becomes
x + 10y = 7 Clearly x = 7 and y = 0 is the only solution when z =2. This possibility of (x, y, z) is (7, 0, 2), since he buys less than 16
chocolates, this cannot be included. Hence, the total number of ways Manish could buy the chocolates is 6. Out of 6 possibilities,
there is only one way where the total number of chocolates bought by Manish is at least 16 and total number of chocolates is a
prime number. That is (27, 3, 1). Because in (7, 5, 1), he buys less than 16 chocolates. Hence, the correct answer is option 3.
We know that Miss Ketaki is assigned the classroom next to the classroom assigned to Mrs. Mohite and Mrs. Kulkarni is assigned to
Since Mrs. Mohite is not assigned to Chrysanthemum, Miss Ketaki cannot be assigned Violet.
The best answer is option 4.
We know that Mrs. Purohit is assigned to either Tulip or Lily.
Since Mrs. Shinde is assigned to Lily, Mrs. Purohit must be assigned to Tulip.
If Tulip is used to serve refreshments, then Mrs. Purohit is assigned to Lily.
We know that Mrs. Kulkarni is assigned to Chrysanthemum.
So, the remaining three teachers – Mrs. Deshmane, Mrs. Mohite and Mrs. Shinde could be assigned to any of the classrooms –
Daffodil, Primrose and Violet.
The best answer is option 3.
QNo:- 51 ,Correct Answer:- D
If Mrs. Shinde is assigned a classroom next to that of Mrs. Deshmane’s, then there are two possible arrangements:
Daffodil Tulip Lily Primrose Chrysanthemum Violet
Mrs. Shinde Mrs. Deshmane Mrs. Purohit Refreshments Mrs. Kulkarni Mrs. Mohite
Mrs. Deshmane Mrs. Shinde Mrs. Purohit Refreshments Mrs. Kulkarni Mrs. Mohite
Total traffic was 900 × 106 × 1000 MB.
The average traffic per month was 201 MB.
So the number of subscribers was = 900 × 106 × 1000 / 201
= 9 × 1011 / 2 × 102
= 4.5 × 109
The remaining 54% accounts for 11 exabytes of traffic.
If the total traffic is x, then 0.54 x = 11
So x = 11/0.54
= 20 exabytes
Asia number of devices = 1.9 × 2.8 = 5.3 billion devices
N America number of devices = 2.7 × 0.316 = 0.85 billion devices
For Asia per device usage = 11 × 1012 × 0.471 / 5.3 × 109 = 11 × 0.471/5.3 × 1000 = 977 MB
For N America per device usage = 11 × 1012 × 0.187 / 0.85 × 109 = 11 × 0.187/0.841 × 1000 = 2420 MB
Highest is Africa – 73 to 990 – 13.6 times
Lowest is Western Europe – 491 to 3343 – 6.8 times
The required difference is 13.6 – 6.8 = 6.8
QNo:- 56 ,Correct Answer:- A
Since the predicted rainfall for 2005 was 48 mm and the actual rainfall in 2005 was 45 mm, we have A2005 / P2005 = 45/48 =
So, 2005 was a Good year and therefore α = 0.3.
P2006 = (1 + 0.3)A2005 + P2005 = 1.3 × 45 + 48 = 106.5 mm.
A2006 / P2006 = 58/106.5 = 54.46%.
So, 2005 was a Average year and therefore α = –0.2.
P2007 = (1 – 0.2)A2006 + P2006 = 0.8 × 58 + 106.5 = 152.9 mm. A2007 / P2007 = 76/152.9 = 49.7%.
Thus, 2007 can be described as a Poor year.
Since 2009 was a Good year, we know that 0.9 P2009 < A2009 < P2009 and α = 0.3.
If 0.9P2009 = A2009 = 94, we get P2009 = 104.44 mm and if P2009 = A2009, we get P2009 = 94 mm; in other words, P2009 ranges
from 94 mm to 104.44 mm.
If P2009 = 94, then P2010 = 1.3 × 94 + 94 = 216.2 mm and A2010 / P2010 = 108/216.2 = 49.95% and 2010 will be described as a
Poor year.
If P2009 = 104.44, then P2010 = 1.3 × 94 + 104.44 = 226.64 mm and A2010 / P2010 = 108/226.64 = 47.65% and 2010 will be
described as a Poor year.
Thus, even though we do not know the exact value of the predicted rainfall for 2010, we are sure that in the entire range, 2010 will
still be described as a Poor year.
Since 2008 was a Good year, we know that 0.9 P2008 < A2008 < P2008 and α = 0.3.
If 0.9P2008 = A2008 = 80, we get P2008 = 88.88 mm and if P2008 = A2008, we get P2008 = 80 mm; in other words, P2008 ranges
from 80 mm to 88.88 mm.
If P2008 = 80 mm, then P2009 = 1.3 × 80 + 80 = 184 mm and A2009 / P2009 = 94/184 = 51.08% and 2009 will be described as an
Average year so that α = –0.2.
In this case, P2010 = 0.8 × 94 + 184 = 259.2 mm.
If P2008 = 88.88 mm, then P2009 = 1.3 × 80 + 88.88 = 192.88 mm and A2009 / P2009 = 94/192.88 = 48.7% and 2009 will be
described as a Poor year so that α = –0.6.
In this case, P2010 = 0.4 × 94 + 192.88 = 230.48 mm.
So, the predicted rainfall for 2010 must lie between 230.48 mm and 259.2 mm.
The best answer is option 2.
QNo:- 59 ,Correct Answer:- 20
Explanation:- Let the number of copies of the Daily Overview, the Daily News and the Daily Post delivered on Wednesday are x,
y and y respectively. The number of copies of the Daily Overview delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are x each. Suppose
the number of copies of the Daily News delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are (y – z), (y – 2z) and (y – 3z) respectively
and the number of copies of the Daily Post delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are 3y/2, 9y/4 and 27y/8 respectively.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Wednesday is x + 2y = 68.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Thursday is x + (y – z) + (3y/2) = 76 or 2x + 5y – 2z = 152.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Friday is x + (y – 2z) + ( 9y/4) = 90 or 4x + 13y – 8z = 360.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Saturday is x + (y – 3z) + (27y/8) = 113 or 8x + 35y – 24z = 904.
Consider Thursday – 2(Wednesday) = 2x + 5y – 2z – (2x + 4y) = y – 2z = 152 – 136 = 16.
Consider Friday – 2(Thursday) = 4x + 13y – 8z – (4x + 10y – 4z) = 3y – 4z = 360 – 304 = 56.
Now, 3y – 4z = 56 can be rewritten as 3y – 6z + 2z = 56. Substituting y – 2z = 16, we get 48 + 2z = 56 or z = 4. So, y – 8 = 16
yields y = 24, so that x + 48 = 68 yields x = 20. We can now tabulate the number of copies of each newspaper delivered on each
of the days as shown below.
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total
Daily Overview 20 20 20 20 80
Daily News 24 20 16 12 72
Daily Post 24 36 54 81 195
Total 68 76 90 113 347
Explanation:- Let the number of copies of the Daily Overview, the Daily News and the Daily Post delivered on Wednesday are x,
y and y respectively. The number of copies of the Daily Overview delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are x each. Suppose
the number of copies of the Daily News delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are (y – z), (y – 2z) and (y – 3z) respectively
and the number of copies of the Daily Post delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are 3y/2, 9y/4 and 27y/8 respectively.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Wednesday is x + 2y = 68.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Thursday is x + (y – z) + (3y/2) = 76 or 2x + 5y – 2z = 152.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Friday is x + (y – 2z) + ( 9y/4) = 90 or 4x + 13y – 8z = 360.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Saturday is x + (y – 3z) + (27y/8) = 113 or 8x + 35y – 24z = 904.
Consider Thursday – 2(Wednesday) = 2x + 5y – 2z – (2x + 4y) = y – 2z = 152 – 136 = 16.
Consider Friday – 2(Thursday) = 4x + 13y – 8z – (4x + 10y – 4z) = 3y – 4z = 360 – 304 = 56.
Now, 3y – 4z = 56 can be rewritten as 3y – 6z + 2z = 56. Substituting y – 2z = 16, we get 48 + 2z = 56 or z = 4. So, y – 8 = 16
yields y = 24, so that x + 48 = 68 yields x = 20. We can now tabulate the number of copies of each newspaper delivered on each
of the days as shown below.
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total
Daily Overview 20 20 20 20 80
Daily News 24 20 16 12 72
Daily Post 24 36 54 81 195
Total 68 76 90 113 347
Explanation:- Let the number of copies of the Daily Overview, the Daily News and the Daily Post delivered on Wednesday are x,
y and y respectively. The number of copies of the Daily Overview delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are x each. Suppose
the number of copies of the Daily News delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are (y – z), (y – 2z) and (y – 3z) respectively
and the number of copies of the Daily Post delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are 3y/2, 9y/4 and 27y/8 respectively.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Wednesday is x + 2y = 68.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Thursday is x + (y – z) + (3y/2) = 76 or 2x + 5y – 2z = 152.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Friday is x + (y – 2z) + ( 9y/4) = 90 or 4x + 13y – 8z = 360.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Saturday is x + (y – 3z) + (27y/8) = 113 or 8x + 35y – 24z = 904.
Consider Thursday – 2(Wednesday) = 2x + 5y – 2z – (2x + 4y) = y – 2z = 152 – 136 = 16.
Consider Friday – 2(Thursday) = 4x + 13y – 8z – (4x + 10y – 4z) = 3y – 4z = 360 – 304 = 56.
Now, 3y – 4z = 56 can be rewritten as 3y – 6z + 2z = 56. Substituting y – 2z = 16, we get 48 + 2z = 56 or z = 4. So, y – 8 = 16
yields y = 24, so that x + 48 = 68 yields x = 20. We can now tabulate the number of copies of each newspaper delivered on each
of the days as shown below.
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total
Daily Overview 20 20 20 20 80
Daily News 24 20 16 12 72
Daily Post 24 36 54 81 195
Total 68 76 90 113 347
Explanation:- Let the number of copies of the Daily Overview, the Daily News and the Daily Post delivered on Wednesday are x,
y and y respectively. The number of copies of the Daily Overview delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are x each. Suppose
the number of copies of the Daily News delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are (y – z), (y – 2z) and (y – 3z) respectively
and the number of copies of the Daily Post delivered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are 3y/2, 9y/4 and 27y/8 respectively.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Wednesday is x + 2y = 68.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Thursday is x + (y – z) + (3y/2) = 76 or 2x + 5y – 2z = 152.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Friday is x + (y – 2z) + ( 9y/4) = 90 or 4x + 13y – 8z = 360.
The total number of newspapers delivered on Saturday is x + (y – 3z) + (27y/8) = 113 or 8x + 35y – 24z = 904.
Consider Thursday – 2(Wednesday) = 2x + 5y – 2z – (2x + 4y) = y – 2z = 152 – 136 = 16.
Consider Friday – 2(Thursday) = 4x + 13y – 8z – (4x + 10y – 4z) = 3y – 4z = 360 – 304 = 56.
Now, 3y – 4z = 56 can be rewritten as 3y – 6z + 2z = 56. Substituting y – 2z = 16, we get 48 + 2z = 56 or z = 4. So, y – 8 = 16
yields y = 24, so that x + 48 = 68 yields x = 20. We can now tabulate the number of copies of each newspaper delivered on each
of the days as shown below.
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total
Daily Overview 20 20 20 20 80
Daily News 24 20 16 12 72
Daily Post 24 36 54 81 195
Total 68 76 90 113 347
The total number of copies of the Daily Post and the Daily News delivered over the 4-day period is 195 and 72 respectively. The
required difference is 195 – 72 = 123.
QNo:- 63 ,Correct Answer:- B
Explanation:- Let the number of students in Mktg, Fin, IT and Op specializations be 3x, 4x, 3y, and 4y respectively.
3x + 4x + 3y + 4y = 91, x + y = 13 (1) and 4y - 3x = 10 (2). From (1) and (2): x = 6 and y = 7.
Number of students in the given specializations: Mktg = 18, Fin = 24, IT = 21, Op = 28.
Explanation:- Average marks of specialization Mktg = 64. The least average marks of specialization Fin = 65.
The least total marks of specialization Fin = 65 * 24 = 1560.
But the total marks of specialization Op. > 1560.
Average marks of specialization Op. > 1560/28 i.e., > 55.71
the average marks of specialization Op. are at least 56.
Explanation:- Let the average marks of the specializations Operations and IT be x and y respectively. 28x - 21y = 105 (1) and x
≥50; y ≥50 (2).
From (1) and (2) there are several possibilities as follows:
(i) when x = 51, y = 63 and y - x = 12. (ii) when x = 54, y = 67 and y - x = 13
(iii) when x = 57, y = 71 and y - x = 14.
We can observe that minimum difference between y and x is 12. Hence, only 1st option is possible as the difference between the
average marks of Operations & IT.
Explanation:- According to the given information, the average marks of IT may become less than that of Op.
And the average marks of Mktg may become more than Fin.
´Four different arrangements M1, M2, M3 and M4 are possible
Triangle formed by points P, Q and common vertex is a right triangle with hypotenuse 100. Since the sides of the field are integers,
2y and x take values 60 and 80 respectively, or 80 and 60 respectively, besides that another possible values of 2y and x is 96 and
28. Now as there are different possible lengths and breadths, there will be three different areas of the rectangles. Hence the answer
will be data insufficient.
QNo:- 68 ,Correct Answer:- C
Vishal’s height is 70”. Suppose the depth of the pit is 3x”. Vishal’s head is (70 – x)” above the surface. After he is finished digging,
his head will be 2(70 – x)” below the surface. So, 2(70 – x) + 70 = 3x ⇒ x = 42”. So, the depth of the pit is 42 × 3 = 126” = 10’6”.
QNo:- 71 ,Correct Answer:- 3
We do not know whether it is an increasing AP or a decreasing AP.
What we can say with surety though is that
1/a – 1/b = 1/c – 1/d
So (b – a)/ab = (d – c)/cd
We cannot be sure if b – a = d – c, hence the answer is option 4.
This question can be solved by trial and error. 15625 = 1252 = 452 + 602 + 1002. 28561 = 1692 = 252 + 602 + 1562. 33049 is not
a perfect square and 10000 = 1002 = 362 + 482 + 802.
Alternate solution: Suppose a2 + b2 + c2 = x2 and a2 + b2 = d2. We can rewrite this as a2 + b2 + c2 = d2 + c2= x2. This means
that we can make use of Pythagorean triplets. (a2 + b2) = d2 will yield a Pythagorean triplet (a, b, d) and (d2 + c2) = x2 will yield a
Pythagorean triplet (d, c, x) i.e. In the first example, having a knowledge of triplets it can be stated that 752 = 452 + 602 and when
it is 1252 = 452 + 602 + 1002, it can be further thought of as 1252 = 752 + 1002. So that method can also be applied.
Average of 4 and 10 is 7 which is 60% of total. Hence total is 7/60% and 75% of which is 8.75. So required number of papers is 2.
QNo:- 75 ,Correct Answer:- A
Distance covered by Anil in the 1st 3 hours = 180 km
Time taken by Vipin to overtake Anil = 180 / (70 – 60) = 18 hours
Distance traveled by Vipin in this time = 18 × 70 = 1260 km
Given that the distance traveled by Ajay in this time is also 1260 km.
Therefore, time in which Ajay overtook Anil = 1260/80 = 15.75 hours
Now subtracting 15.75 hours from 9 p.m. the time happens to be 5:15 a.m. Thus Ajay started at that time.
Suppose n = 7. Then numbers that are relatively prime to 7 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. These numbers form an AP with common
difference 1. So, n is odd and n is prime.
Suppose n = 9. Then numbers that are relatively prime to 9 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8. These numbers do not form an AP. So, we know
that n is not an odd composite number.
If we take n = 8, then the numbers which are relatively prime to 8 are 1, 3, 5 and 7. Hence they also form an A.P. So n may be an
even number. Hence answer is option D.
Let x be the total amount
Money spend on article = 20% of x or 0.2x Amount left = x – 0.2x = 0.8x
Money spend on transportation = 5% of 0.8x or 0.04x Amount left = 0.8x – 0.04x = 0.76x
Money spend on gift = 120/- Amount left = 0.76x – 120
We are given that 0.76x – 120 = 1400 => x = 2000/-
Money spend on transportation = 0.04x = 0.04 × 2000 = 80/-
Suppose we take 5 litres from the first vessel and 15 litres from the second vessel.
The 5 litres taken from the first vessel will contain 2 litres of water and 3 litres of milk.
The 15 litres taken from the second vessel will contain 9 litres of water and 6 litres of milk.
So the final mixture will contain (2 + 9) = 11 litres of water and (3 + 6) = 9 litres of milk.
Thus the required ratio milk to water will be 9 : 11.
QNo:- 79 ,Correct Answer:- 6
Let V = Volume of the pool
x Time taken by second pipe to fill the pool
x + 5 = Time taken by first pipe to fill the pool
x - 4 = Time taken by third pipe to fill the pool
x2 - 8x - 20 = 0 (x - 10) (x + 2) = 0
x = 10 (neglect x = - 2)
Hence, time taken by third pipe to fill the pool is = 10 - 4 =6 hours.
Let the sides of the triangle be a, ar and ar2. Since it is a right-angled triangle so a2 + (ar)2 = (ar2)2 (By Pythagoras theorem)
1 + r2 = r4 or, r4 – r2 – 1 = 0
In any right triangle, the ratio of the sines of the acute angles will simply be the ratio of the perpendicular sides. We can use this
idea to eliminate the choices. For, example in choice (B), if AB : BC = Ö3, then the hypotenuse will be
QNo:- 81 ,Correct Answer:- B
If the equations of two parallel lines are ax + by + c1 = 0 and ax + by + c2 = 0,
Explanation:- Sheela's share in the profit will be in the same ratio as product of thier capital and time period.
Seema : Sheela
25000 * 4 : 15000 * 8
5 : 6
Sheela's share in profit = 6/11 * 4400 = Rs. 2400
The product of roots is uv = –c. So, either one of u or v is negative. Also, the sum of roots is u + v = –b. For the sum to be negative,
the larger number has to be negative. Thus, u is negative and v positive. Hence option 3.
Alternate solution: Consider x2 + 2x – 15 = 0 which can be factored as (x + 5) (x – 3) = 0. The roots of this equation are –5 and 3.
Since |u| > |v| and |–5| > |3|, we have u = –5 and v = 3. Thus, u < 0 and v > 0. Hence option 3.
QNo:- 85 ,Correct Answer:- D
Let the two persons be P1 and P2, as shown below.
Given g(x) = ax2 + mx + n.
For x = -2; g(-2) = 4a – 2m + n < 4 ……(1)
For x = 2 ; g (2) = 4a + 2m + n > - 4
i.e., - 4a – 2m – n < 4 …..(2)
For x = 3; g(3) = 9a + 3m + n < - 11 …….(3)
Adding the inequalities (1) and (2):
- 4m < 8 i.e., m > - 2.
Adding the inequalities (2) and (3) : 5a + m < - 7
⇒5a < - 7 – m i.e., 5a < - 5 (Since m > - 2)
∴a < - 1
The number of students who play exactly three games = students who play at least three games-students who play at least four
games = 24% - 14% =10%.
The Number of students who play exactly four games = students who play at least four games - students who play all the five
games = 14% - 4% = 10%.
∴The total number of students who play exactly three games and exactly four games = (10% + 10%) of 1000 = 20% of 1000 =
QNo:- 88 ,Correct Answer:- C
In the 1200 sector of radius 10 cm the biggest possible circle is to be drawn. The biggest circle when drawn will touch the two radii
and the arc of the sector at its midpoint C. Now draw a tangent at the midpoint of the arc and extend it in either direction and
also extend two radii so as to meet the tangent at A and B. The triangle OAB is similar to the isosceles triangle OPQ. Since the
altitude (which is also a median) of the triangle OAB is twice that of OPQ, all the dimensions (lengths) of the triangle OAB will be
twice that of OPQ.
Now the radius of the circle required is the inradius of the OAB which is twice the inradius of OPQ.
Alternative Solution
After drawing a basic diagram, it can be observed that the diameter of the circle is slightly less than 10 cm. Hence, the radius must
be close to 5 cm. but less than 5 cm. An approximate calculation of the answer choices shows that only choice 3 is possible. Choice
Suppose the 6 numbers in AP are a, (a + d), (a + 2d), (a + 3d), (a + 4d) and (a + 5d). From the given information, a = 4(a + 2d),
which yields 3a + 8d = 0. The sum of the 6 numbers is 3(2a + 5d) = 3 ⇒ 6a + 15d = 3. Solving these simultaneously, we get a = 8
and d = –3. So the six numbers are 8, 5, 2, –1, –4, –7. Thus the fifth term is –4.
The cost of the article sold at a 20% profit is 120/1.2 = Rs. 100. The cost of the article sold at a 20% loss is 120/0.8 = Rs. 150. The
total selling price is 2 × 120 = Rs. 240 and the total cost price is 100 + 150 = Rs. 250. Thus, there is a loss of Rs. 10.
Alternate solution: Since the selling prices of the two articles are the same, we know that the overall profit or loss is 20 – 20 –
400/100 = –4%. The total selling price is Rs. 240 after incurring a loss of 4%. Thus the loss incurred must be (4 × 240)/96 = Rs. 10.
Amount = P + Interest
Amount = P + P R T/100
x x
81 = 72 + (72 25 t ) / 4 100x
T = 2 years
Explanation:- Any number of the form aaa, where a is a single digit number is always divisible by 111 = 3 - 37. So, 555 is
divisible by 37. Hence, the number formed by repeating the digit 5, 12 times (multiple of 3) is divisible by 37.
Hence the remainder 555 -------- 14 times =100(555........12times) +55
100(555......12times) =x
x is divisible by 37 as well as by 2 i.e. by 74.
Hence the required remainder = remainder of 55 divided by 74 = 55.
PS is a tangent to the circle from the point S. As SQR is a secant from S & PS is a tangent , following property holds:
SP2 = SQ × SR
⇒SP2 = 3 × 12 = 36
⇒SP = 6
QNo:- 95 ,Correct Answer:- D
Let Principal be Rs x.
As per the question, amount after 5 years is 2x.
Now, simple interest = 2x - x = x
We know,
Therefore, r = 20 %.
Explanation:- Probability that Shakuni gets 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0 heads is resp. 1/32, 5/32, 10/32, 10/32, 5/32, 1/32.
Probability that Yudhishthir gets 3, 2, 1 and 0 heads is resp. 1/8, 3/8, 3/8, 1/8.
Probability of a draw occurs when both of them get 3 heads each or 2 heads each or 1 heads each or no heads each =
QNo:- 99 ,Correct Answer:- C
Let a person drink w litres of water in winter and s litres of water in summer. Then, in winter 44% of w is wasted while 56% of w is
used up by the body. This 56% of w = x. Same way for summer, 32% of s = x. Thus, 32 s = 56 w. Hence, s: w = 7:4
They are exchanging the cars and coming back to their respective hometowns means that the direction and speed of cars remains
the same. Thus, the car which started from Delhi will reach X and from there move towards Jammu at the same uniform speed.
Similarly the car started from Jammu reaches X and from there moves towards Delhi at the same uniform speed.
Solving by options
For option 1, if the distance between Delhi and Jammu is 7x, then they will meet at point X which is 2x distance from Delhi. If we
consider the cars covering these distances in the next equal intervals of time, we see that the car which is at 5x speed would catch
up the other in the midway before the later reaches its destination. Thus, the option is ruled out.
For option 2, if the distance between Delhi and Jammu is 3x, then they will meet at point X which is x distance from Delhi. If we
consider the cars covering these distances in the next equal intervals of time, we see that the car which is at 2x speed would catch
up the other at the later’s hometown. As per condition they do not meet anywhere in between before reaching their hometowns
implies they can meet at hometowns. Therefore, this option is valid.