Hmpe00 Semis
Hmpe00 Semis
Hmpe00 Semis
REVENGE TOURISM – observed post- pandemic, when more
people decide to travel after being confined to their homes - One of the unequivocally best cruise destinations. A
during the height of the health crisis. place the leads to visualization of vast white beaches,
slouching palm trees and turquoise waters.
- World’s largest cruise shipping market, representing
over 40% of the annual cruise supply. It serves as an
A cruise ship is a passenger used for pleasure ideal cruising destination for the following reasons:
voyages. Geography: Caribbean is mostly a chain of
Cruise ships are destinations in themselves with islands (archipelago) in proximity implying
features and amenities comparable or superior to short cruising distances between ports of
land-based resorts. call.
Cruising is remarkably affordable, and one can enjoy Historical and cultural: The region has a
his/her dream vacations. long history associated with European
colonialism and accounts for the oldest
settlements in the Americas. Therefore, the
HISTORY cruise industry can offer its customers a
variety of cultural experiences in proximity.
Cruise tourism made its small beginnings in 1839 as Commercial: Being adjacent to the United
part of the fortnightly crossing mail service between States, it offers a large market of potential
Liverpool and Boston. tourists able to afford cruise packages
The twentieth century competes for progressively without having to travel far to start a cruising
larger and faster passenger ships. itinerary.