Chapter-5-Time and Distance

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In this chapter, we will look at problems in the following If a body travels from point A to point B with a speed of
different areas: p and back to point A (from point B) with a speed of q,
then the average speed of the body can be calculated as
– General problems on Time, Speed and Distance 2pq/(p + q). Please note that this does not depend on
– Relative Speed the distance between A and B.
– Boats and Streams
– Races and Circular Tracks If a body covers part of the journey at speed p and the
remaining part of the journey at speed q and the
Before we look at problems in various areas, let us first distances of the two parts of the journey are in the ratio
look at some basic concepts pertaining to speed, time m : n,
and distance. then the average speed for the entire journey is
(m + n)pq/(mq + np).
SPEED Examples
Distance covered per unit time is called speed. 5.01. Express 72km/hr in m/sec.
i.e., Speed = Distance/time
 5 
The above relationship between the three variables Sol: 72 km/hr = 72   i.e. 20 m/sec
distance, speed and time can also be expressed as  18 
5.02. A car can cover 90 km in 3 hours. If its speed is
Distance = Speed x Time or increased by 15 kmph, find the time taken by it
Time = Distance/Speed to cover this distance.

– If two bodies travel with the same speed, Distance Sol: Speed of the car = 30 kmph
covered  Time (Direct Variation). If its speed is increased by 15 kmph,
– If two bodies travel for the same period of time, 90
time taken = = 2 hours.
Distance covered  Speed (Direct Variation). 30  15
– If two bodies travel the same distance, 5.03. Ashok covered a certain distance at a certain
speed. If his speed was 20% more, he would
Time  (Inverse Variation) take 10 minutes less to cover the same
Speed distance. Find the time he takes to cover the
Distance is normally measured in kilometres, metres or distance.
miles; time in hours or seconds and speed in km/hr
Sol: If his speed was 20% more, it would be
(also denoted by kmph), miles/hr (also denoted by mph)
or metres/second (denoted by m/s). 6
120% i.e., times his actual speed.
To convert speed in kmph to m/sec, multiply it with 5/18. 5
 Time taken would be times his actual time.
To convert speed in m/sec to kmph, multiply it with 18/5. 6
Reduction in time = (actual time)
In the case of moving trains, three different situations 6
need to be considered. = 10 minutes
 Actual time = 60 minutes.
When a train passes a stationary point, the distance
covered (in the passing) is the length of the train. If the 5.04. A car covered a certain distance at 90 kmph
train is crossing a platform (or a bridge), the distance and returned back at 60 kmph. Find its average
covered by the train (in the crossing) is equal to the length speed for the entire journey.
of the train plus the length of the platform (or bridge). If two
trains pass each other (travelling in the same direction or Sol: Let x km be the distance to be covered, each
in opposite directions), the total distance covered (in the way.
crossing or the overtaking, as the case may be) is equal to Total time of travel (in hours)
the sum of the lengths of the two trains. x x 5x x
= + = =
90 60 180 36
AVERAGE SPEED Average speed (in km / hr)
Total distance travelled 2x
Average speed of a body travelling at different speeds is = = = 72
Total time taken x
defined as follows:
Total distance travelled
Average Speed = 5.05. Find the time taken by a 200 m long train
Total tim e taken running at 36 kmph to cross a boy standing on a
Please note that the Average speed of a moving body is platform.
Not equal to the Average of the speeds.
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 5  If two bodies are moving in opposite directions, the relative
Sol: Speed of the train = 36    10 m / sec speed is equal to the sum of the speeds of the two bodies.
 18 
Distance to be travelled by the train to cross the 5.09. Find the time taken by a train 175 m long
stationary boy = length of the train running at a speed of 54 kmph to overtake another
Time taken by the train to cross the boy train
200 75 m long running at a speed of 36 kmph.
= = 20 sec
10 Sol: Relative speed = 18 kmph = 5 m/sec
Time taken for the faster train to overtake the
5.06. Find the time taken by a train, 100 m long, slower train =
travelling at a speed of 63 kmph to cross a Lengthof the faster train  Lengthof the slowertrain
platform of length 250 m.
Their relative speed
 5  35
Speed of the train = 63   
175  75
Sol: m / sec = = 50 seconds
 18  2 5
Distance to be travelled by the train to cross the 5.10. A train overtakes two persons, cycling at 9
platform = length of the train + length of the platform. kmph and 18 kmph in 40 seconds and 48
100  250 seconds respectively. Find its length and speed.
Time taken to cross the platform =
Sol: Let the length and the speed of the train be ℓ m
2 and s kmph respectively.
= 20 seconds
ℓ = 40 s  9  48 s  18
5 5
5.07. Find the length of the platform which a train 400 m 18 18
long, travelling at 45 kmph can cross in 40 seconds. s 9 48
 =  s = 63
s  18 40
 5 
Sol: Speed of the train = 45   12  5 m / sec 5
 18   ℓ = 40 (63 – 9)  = 600m
Length of the platform = distance travelled by
the train – length of the train 5.11. Two trains running at 36 kmph and 45 kmph
= (125) (40)  400 = 100 m cross each other in 20 seconds when they run
in the opposite directions. When the trains run
5.08. Ashok would reach his office 15 minutes early if in the same direction, a person in the faster
he walked at 4 kmph from his house. He would train observed that he overtook the slower train
reach it 45 minutes late if he walked at 3 kmph in
from his house. Find the distance between his 48 seconds. Find the lengths of the trains.
house and office.
Sol: Let the lengths of the faster and the slower
Sol: Let the distance be x km. Time taken by Ashok trains be f and s respectively.
x f s
if he walked at 4 kmph = hours. Given that,  20
Time taken by Ashok if he walked at 3 kmph 36  45 5
x f + s = 450 ––––––––– (1)
= hours. In this case he would take
3 When the trains run in the same direction, the
one hour more to reach his office compared to time taken by the person in the faster train to
the time taken if he had walked at 4 kmph. s
overtake the slower train =  48
x x
   1  x = 12.
3 4
45  36 5
In general, if a person travelling between two s = 120
points reaches p hours late travelling at a From (1), f = 330
speed of u kmph and reaches q hours early 5.12. Two trains have lengths of 300 m and 200 m.
travelling at v kmph, the distance between When they run in the same direction, the
faster train will take 100 seconds to cross the
the two points is given by .
slower train. When they run in the opposite
directions, they will take 20 seconds to cross
each other. Find the speeds of the trains.
Relative speed
Sol: Let the speeds of the trains be x m/sec and
The speed of one (moving) body in relation to another y m/sec where x > y.
moving body is called the relative speed of these 300  200
two bodies, i.e., it is the speed of one moving body as  100
observed, from the second moving body.
5 = x  y ––––––––– (1)
If two bodies are moving in the same direction, the 300  200
 20
relative speed is equal to the difference of the speeds of xy
the two bodies. 25 = x + y ––––––––– (2)
Solving (1) and (2)

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x = 15 and y = 10 5.14. Anand can row 20 km in 2 hours in still water. If
the speed of the stream is 6 kmph, he would
BOATS AND STREAMS take 375 hours to cover a round trip journey.
Problems related to boats and streams are different in Find the distance that he would then cover each
the computation of relative speed from those of way.
When a boat is moving in the same direction as the Sol: Speed of the boat in still water =
stream or water current, the boat is said to be moving 20
 10 kmph
When a boat is moving in a direction opposite to that of Let the total distance covered be 2x km.
the stream or water current, it is said to be moving x x
AGAINST THE STREAM OR CURRENT. Given that,   3  75
10  6 10  6
If the boat is moving with a certain speed in water that is x = 12
not moving, the speed of the boat is then called the
5.15. Arun rowed a distance of 36 km in still water in
3 hours. He rowed 30 km in 2 hours with the
current. Find the time he would take to row
When the boat is moving upstream, the speed of the
27 km against the current.
water opposes (and hence reduces) the speed of the boat.
Sol: Let the speed of his boat in still water and the
When the boat is moving downstream, the speed of the speed of the current be x kmph and y kmph
water aids (and thus adds to) the speed of the boat. respectively
Thus, we have 36
x  12
Speed of the boat against stream
= Speed of the boat in still water – Speed of Downstream speed = x  y   15
the stream 2
Speed of the boat with the stream  y = 3 (As x = 12)
= Speed of the boat in still water + Speed of 27 27
Required time = = = 3 hours
the stream xy 12  3

These two speeds, the speed of the boat against the 5.16. In a certain time, a boat can cover either a
stream and the speed of the boat with the stream, are 5
certain distance upstream or times that
distance downstream. If the speed of the
If u is the speed of the boat down the stream and v is the current is 6 kmph, find the speed of the boat in
speed of the boat up the stream, then we have the still water.
following two relationships.
Sol: Let the speed of the boat in still water be
Speed of the boat in still water = (u + v)/2 x kmph.
Speed of the water current = (u – v)/2 x6 5
  2x + 12 = 5x – 30
x6 2
In problems, instead of a boat, it may be a swimmer but  x = 14
the approach is exactly the same. Instead of
boats/swimmers in water, it could also be a cyclist 5.17. Balu can row 2 km upstream in 20 minutes and
cycling against or along the wind. In some problems it can return in another 15 minutes. Find his
can be person(s) going up/down an ascending or average speed for the entire journey.
descending escalator. The approach to solving the
Sol: Average speed of Balu
problems still remains the same.
22 48
=  kmph
20 15 7
5.13. A boat travels 30 km upstream in 5 hours and 
100 km downstream in 10 hours. Find the 60 60
speed of the boat in still water and the speed of
the stream. 5.18. An escalator is moving downwards. Anil takes
60 steps to reach the bottom of the escalator
30 starting from the top. Bala takes 140 steps to
Sol: Upstream speed =  6 kmph reach the top of the escalator starting from the
bottom. The speeds of Anil and Bala are equal.
100 Find the number of steps visible when the
Downstream speed =  10 kmph escalator is stationary.
Sol: Let the number of steps that the escalator
6  10
Speed in still water =  8 kmph moves for ten steps of Anil or Bala be e.
2 Let the number of steps visible when the
escalator is stationary be N.
10  6 N = 60 + 6e = 140 – 14e
Speed of the stream =  2 kmph
2 20e = 80
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N = 60 + 6e = 84 - from one meeting point to the next meeting point,
the faster person covers one COMPLETE ROUND
5.19. A takes 120 steps to reach the bottom of an
more than the slower person.
escalator which is moving upwards. B takes
60 steps to reach the top of the escalator. If
A takes two steps for every step of B, find the We can now tabulate the time taken by the persons to
number of steps visible when the escalator is meet for the first time ever or for the first time at the
stationary. starting point in various cases.
When TWO people are running around a circular track
Sol: Let us say the number of steps that the
escalator takes when A takes 120 steps is e. In
Let the two people A and B with respective speeds of a
the time that A takes 120 steps, B takes 60
and b (a > b) be running around a circular track
Let the number of steps on the escalator when it (of length L) starting at the same point and at the same
is stationary be N. time. Then,
N = 120 – e = 60 + e
e = 30
N = 90


When two persons P and Q are running a race, they can
start the race at the same time or one of them may start
a little later than the other. In the second case, suppose
P starts the race and after 5 seconds, Q starts. Then we
say P has a "start" of 5 seconds. Alternatively, in a race
between P and Q, P starts first and then when P has
covered a distance of 10 metres, Q starts. Then we say
that P has a "start" of 10 metres.

In a race between P and Q where Q is the winner, by the

time Q reaches the winning post, if P still has another
15 metres to reach the winning post, then we say that Q
has won the race by 15 metres. Similarly, if P reaches
the winning post 10 seconds after Q reaches it, then we
say that Q has won the race by 10 seconds.

In problems on RACES, we normally consider a

100 m race or a 1 km race. The length of the track NEED
NOT necessarily be one of the two figures mentioned
above but can be as given in the problem.

When two or more persons running around a circular

track (starting at the same point and at the same time),
then we will be interested in two main issues:

- When they will meet for the first time and

- When they will meet for the first time at the starting

To solve the problems on circular tracks, you should

keep the following points in mind.

When two persons are running around a circular track in

OPPOSITE directions
- the relative speed is equal to the sum of the speeds
of the two individuals and
- from one meeting point to the next meeting point,
the two of them TOGETHER cover a distance equal
to the length of the track.

When two persons are running around a circular track in

the SAME direction

- the relative speed is equal to the difference of the

speeds of the two individuals and

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When the two
When the two  B’s speed =  5 m / sec
persons are 2
persons are
running in 200 m
running in the
OPPOSITE Time taken by B to complete the race =
SAME direction 5m / s
= 40 seconds
Time taken
to meet for L L  Time taken by A to complete the race
= 38 seconds
the FIRST (a  b ) (a  b )
200 100
TIME EVER A’s speed =  m / sec
38 19
Time taken
5.21. Ramu is 50% faster than Somu. In a race,
to meet for L L  L L 
LCM of  ,  LCM of  ,  Ramu gave Somu a head start of 200 m. Both
the first time
at the STARTING a b  a b  finished the race simultaneously. Find the
length of the race.
Sol: Let the length of the race be x m.
Please note that when we have to find out the time taken x 150

by the two persons to meet for the first time at the x  200 100
starting point, what we have to do is to find out the time  x = 600.
taken by each of them to complete one full round and
then take the LCM of these two timings (L/a and L/b are 5.22. In a 1200 m race, Ram beats Shyam by 300 m.
the timings taken by the two of them respectively to In the same race, Shyam beats Tarun by 400 m.
complete on full round). Find the distance by which Ram beats Tarun.
When THREE people are running around a circular track
Sol: Let the speeds of Ram, Shyam and Tarun be
Let the three people A, B and C with respective speeds r m/sec, s m/sec, and t m/sec respectively
of a, b and c (a > b > c)) be running around a circular r 1200 4
 
track (of length L) starting at the same point at the same s 1200  300 3
time. In this case we consider the three persons running s 1200 3
in the same direction as the general case.  
t 1200  400 2
r  r  s 
Time taken to meet  L L       2
for the FIRST LCM of  ,  t  s  t 
TIME EVER  ( a  b ) (b  c) 
 By the time Ram covers 1200 m, Tarun
Time taken to covers 600 m.
meet for the first L L L  Ram beats Tarun by (1200 – 600) i.e. by 600 m.
LCM of  , , 
time at the a b c  5.23. In a 600 m race, P gives Q a start of 200 m.
Ratio of the speeds of P and Q is 5 : 4. Who
The logic in obtaining the above is as follows: wins the race? By what distance does the
winner beat the loser?
A and B will be together with a time gap of L/(a  b);
B and C will be together with a time gap of L/(b  c); for Sol: Q has to run 400 m to finish the race. In the
A, B and C to be together, A and B should be together time Q runs 400 m, P can run 500 m.
as well as B and C should be together. Hence the LCM of  When Q finished the race, P would have
the two timings L/(a  b) and L/(b  c) will give the time another 100 m to run.
when A, B and C will all be together.  Q wins the race and he beats P by 100 m.
When we have to find out the time taken by the 5.24. On a circular track of length 1800 m, X and Y
three persons to meet for the first time at the starting start from the same point simultaneously with
point, what we have to do is to find out the time taken by speeds of 36 kmph and 45 kmph respectively.
each of them to complete one full round and then take Find the minimum time after which they will
the LCM of these three timings (L/a, L/b and L/c are the meet if they are running in
timings taken by the three of them respectively to (i) the same direction.
complete one full round). (ii) opposite direction to each other.
Even if we are given a case where three persons are
running around a circular track with two persons running Sol: (i) Time taken to meet for the first time
in the same direction and the third in the opposite 1800
direction, we can work out the time taken by them to =  720 sec onds
meet for the first time ever and for the first time at the 45  36 5
starting point by extending the above logic. 18
5.20. In a 200 m race, A beats B by 10 m or 2 seconds.
Find B’s speed and A’s speed. (ii) Time taken to meet for the first time
Sol: A beats B by 10 m or 2 seconds. 1800
= 80 seconds
 When A reached the finishing line B was
10 m behind the finishing line and took 2 seconds 45  36 5
to cover it.
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5.25. In the previous example, find the time after Therefore, Relative Speed = 6 – 1/2
which they will meet at the starting point for the = 5½° per minute.
first time. Alternately, in 1 hour, minutes hand covers 60 minute
divisions whereas hours hand covers 5 minute divisions.
Sol: Time taken to meet at the starting point for the Relative Speed = 60 – 5 = 55 minute divisions per hour.
first time
  However, taking the route of actual angles covered is by
  far the simplest and easy to understand as well as
 1800 1800  helpful in solving ALL the different models of problems
= L.C.M  , 
 36 5  45 5   on CLOCKS. Hence, we will look at mainly that method
  only and not the relative speed method. This will not
  18   18  
create any confusion.
= LCM [180, 144] = 720 seconds
The following additional points should also be
5.26. On a circular track of length 1200 m, P, Q and R remembered.
start from the same point simultaneously with In general, every angle is made TWICE in
speeds of 18 kmph, 27 kmph and 36 kmph ONE HOUR by the two hands of the clock.
respectively. Find the minimum time after which
they will meet if they are running in the same In a period of 12 hours, the hands make an angle of
direction. - 0° with each other (i.e., they coincide with each
other) 11 times and hence the time gap between
Sol: If three runners with speeds of a m/sec, b m/sec two successive coincidences is 12/11 hours, i.e.,
and c m/sec respectively start from the same 11/11 hours, i.e., 655/11 minutes.
point in the same direction on a circular track - 180° with each other (i.e., they lie on the
and a > b > c, they will meet for the first time same straight line) 11 times.
after - 90° or any other angle with each other 22 times.

 L L L  5.27. Find the angle between the hands of a clock

LCM any two of , ,  seconds when the time is 3:40 p.m.
 ab bc ac 
Sol: From 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. the minute hand
In the problem given, the required time would effectively cover 3 (0°) = 0°. In the next
  40 minutes, it would cover 40 (6°) = 240°
   The minute hand would have covered a total
 1200 1200 
= LCM , of 240° effectively by 3:40 p.m. Similarly the

 36  27
27  18 5  hour hand would cover a total of 110° effectively
 18 18  by 3:40 p.m. from the 12:00 noon.
= LCM [480, 480] = 480 seconds The angle between the hands is 240° – 110° i.e.,
130° at 3:40 p.m.
5.28. At what time between 5 O’ clock and 6 O’ clock
The hours and minutes hands of a clock move in relation in the evening will the hands of a clock be at an
to each other continuously and at any given point of time, angle of 90° with each other?
they make an angle between 0° and 180°with each other.
Sol: Let the time be 5:x p.m.
If the time shown by the clock is known, the angle Angle effectively covered by the hour hand by
between the hands can be calculated. Similarly, if the 
 x
angle between two hands is known, the time shown by 5:x p.m. =  150  
the clock can be found out.  2 
When we say angle between the hands, we normally Angle effectively covered by the minute hand by
refer to the acute/obtuse angles (upto 180°) between the 5:x p.m. = 6 x°
two hands and not the reflex angle (> 180). 
 x
 150    6 x  90 (or)
For solving the problems on clocks, the following points  2 
will be helpful. 
 x
6x  150    90
Minutes hand covers 360° in 1 hour, i.e., in  2
120 480
6° PER MINUTE. x or
11 11
Hours hand covers 360° in 12 hours. Hence  The required time is
HOURS HAND COVERS 1/2° PER MINUTE 5 : 10 p.m. or 5 : 43 p.m.
11 11
All angles are measured in the clockwise direction 5.29. At what time between 8 O’ clock and 9 O’ clock
starting from the vertical line at 12 o' clock. in the evening will the hands of a clock be in a
Note: We can also solve the problems on clocks by straight line and in opposite directions?
the route of "Relative Speed" Sol: Let the time be 8:x p.m.
In 1 minute, Minutes hand covers 6° and Hours hand Angle between the hands = 180°
covers 1/2°.

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Angle effectively covered by the hour hand by Sol: In a clock showing correct time the hands
 x coincide after every 65
minutes. If the hands
8:x p.m. =  240   11
 2
coincide every 66 minutes, it take 66 minutes to
Angle effectively covered by the minute hand by 5
8:x p.m. = 6x° cover 65 minutes of correct time.

 x 6
 240    6 x  180 (or) It is losing time. It loses minutes every
 2 11
 66 minutes
 x
6 x   240    180 6
 2  11 24 60 109
11 In a day it loses  11
x = 60° or 420 66 121
2 minutes
120 840
x or
11 11 5.32. At a certain time between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.
840 the angle between the hands of a clock is 6°.
If x  , x > 60 which is not possible. This time can be ______.
120 10
x =  10 Sol: Let all possible times be denoted by 9 : x a.m.
11 11 From 12 midnight to 9 : x a.m, the hour hand

 The required time is 8 : 10 10 p.m  x
11 would have covered  270   , from 9:00 a.m. to
 2
5.30. In 24 hours, how many times do the hands of a 9:x a.m. the minute hand would have covered (6x)°.
clock coincide?
Sol: In 12 hours, the hands of a clock coincide 11 times. 6x    270  x   6 
x  276
In 24 hours, they coincide (11) (2) = 22 times.
 2 2
 x = 50 OR
5.31. If the hands of a clock coincide every 66 minutes, 11
how much time does the clock gain/lose per day? x 11x
270 +  6x  6  = 264  x = 48
2 2
The time can be 9 : 50 2 a.m (or 9 : 48 a.m.)

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Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/58
Concept Review Questions
Directions for questions 1 to 50: For the Multiple Choice Questions, select the correct alternative from the given
choices. For the Non-Multiple Choice Questions, write your answer in the box provided.

1. Convert the following speeds into meters per second

(a) 36 km/hr
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 15 (D) 20 12. Rakesh travelled for 2.5 hours at 40 kmph and for
(b) 12.6 km/hr another 2.5 hours at 60 kmph. Find his average
(A) 3.5 (B) 4 (C) 0.35 (D) 6 speed for the journey (in kmph).
(A) 48 (B) 50 (C) 45 (D) 52
(c) 252/35 km/hr
(A) 2.2 (B) 2.4 (C) 2 (D) 2.6 13. Bala travelled for 3 hours at 40 kmph and then for
5 hours at 60 kmph. Find his average speed
2. If a man rides a cycle at 2.5 m/s, what distance will (in kmph) for the journey.
he cover in 4 hours? (in km) (A) 52.5 (B) 50 (C) 42 (D) 48
14. Alok travelled from Hyderabad to Tirupati at
60 kmph and returned at 90 kmph. Find his average
3. If a man runs at 6 metres per second, what distance speed for the journey (in kmph).
(in km) will he cover in 3 hours and 45 minutes?
(A) 81 (B) 96 (C) 91 (D) 27

4. The ratio of the speeds of X, Y and Z is 3 : 4 : 6. 15. When Ajay was about to leave for home from his
Find the ratio of the time that they take to travel a office he noticed that his car had a problem. Hence
certain distance. he travelled at a reduced speed and took 5 times
(A) 4 : 3 : 2 (B) 3 : 4 : 6 (C) 6 : 4 : 3 (D) 2 : 3 : 4 4
the usual time. His average speed must have been
5. A train travels for a total of 16 hours. The first half of the
distance at 35 km/hr and the second half at 45 km/hr. (A) 4 th of the usual average speed.
The total distance travelled is km. 5
(B) th of the usual average speed.
6. Travelling at 5/6th of his usual speed a man is 3
(C) th of the usual average speed.
10 minutes late. What is the usual time he takes to 4
cover the same distance? 4
(D) rd of the usual average speed.
(A) 50 minutes (B) 70 minutes 3
(C) 1 hour (D) 75 minutes
16. Alok maintained his average speed for a journey at
7. A person saves 6 minutes by increasing his speed 25% more than his usual average speed. The time
by 25%. What is the time taken to cover the distance he must have taken to cover it must be
at his usual speed? (in minutes) 5
(A) th of the usual time.
(B) th of the usual time.
8. X and Y are 270 km apart. At 9:00 a.m, buses A and 5
B left X and Y for Y and X respectively. If the speeds 4
of A and B are 50 kmph and 40 kmph respectively, (C) rd of the usual time
find their meeting time. 3
(A) 11:00 a.m (B) 12:00 p.m (D) th of the usual time
(C) 1: 00 p.m (D) 2:00 p.m
17. A car travels x km at 60 km/hr and another 3x km at
9. Car A left X for Y at 9:00 a.m. Car B left Y for X at
90 km/hr. Find its average speed over the entire
10:00 a.m. XY = 180 km. Speeds of A and B are 30
kmph and 20 kmph respectively. Find their meeting
(A) 84 km/hr (B) 75 km/hr
(C) 72 km/hr (D) 80 km/hr
(A) 12:36 p.m. (B) 1:36 p.m.
(C) 1:00 p.m (D) 2:00 p.m 18. A car left X for Y and travelled at an average speed
of 60 kmph. It reached Y, 2 hours after the
10. Car P started driving north from X at 7:00 a.m. Car scheduled time. If it had left X for Y and travelled at
Q started driving north from X at 10:00 a.m. The an average speed of 80 kmph it would have reached
ratio of the speeds of P and Q is 3:4. Find their Y 2 hours before the scheduled time. At what
meeting time. average speed must it travel in order to reach Y at
(A) 7:00 p.m. (B) 12:15 p.m. the scheduled time? (in kmph)
(C) 6:00 p.m (D) 10:00 p.m 440 480
(A) (B) 70 (C) 500 (D)
7 7 7
11. Ashok left X and reached Y in 4 hours. His average
speed for the journey was 90 kmph. Find the 19. The ratio of the speeds of Ram and Shyam is 5 : 4.
distance between X and Y (in km). Shyam is ahead of Ram by 12 km. If they are

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/59
travelling in the same direction, what is the distance (A) 1 : 1 (B) 9 : 10 (C) 10 : 9 (D) 19 : 20
(in km.) that Ram has to cover to catch up with Shyam?
32. X beats Y by 200 m in a kilometer race. Find Y’s
speed (in m/sec) if X’s speed is 10 m/sec (in m/sec).
20. A and B start simultaneously from P and Q towards (A) 10 (B) 12.5 (C) 12 (D) 8
Q and P respectively. A takes 20 minutes to cover
PQ. B takes 30 minutes to cover QP. Find the time 33. In a 100 m race, Ganesh beats Harish by 10 m or
they would take to meet each other (in minutes). 2 seconds. Find Harish’s speed (in m/sec).
(A) 5 (B) 5 (C) 4 1 (D) 6
9 2

21. What is the time taken by a train 800 m long to cross 34. In the previous question, find Ganesh’s speed.
an electric pole, if the speed of the train is 40 km/hr? (in m/sec).
(A) 60 sec (B) 80 sec (C) 75 sec (D) 72 sec 4 5
(A) 5 (B) 5 (C) 5 (D) 6
9 9
22. A train of length 500 m takes 25 seconds to
completely cross a pole. Find its speed (in kmph). 35. In a 100 m race, Akbar gives Birbal a start of
(A) 54 (B) 72 (C) 60 (D) 90 2 seconds. Birlbal covers 10 m by the time Akbar
starts. If both of them finish together, find Akbar’s
23. What is the time taken by a train 650 m long speed. (in m/sec)
travelling at 72 km/hr to cross a 750 m long 5
platform? (A) 5 (B) 5 (C) 4 1 (D) 4
9 2
(A) 60 sec (B) 65 sec (C) 70 sec (D) 75 sec
36. In a race, P beats Q by 20 seconds. Q beats R by
24. A train 400 m long travels at a speed of 36 kmph.
30 seconds. By how many seconds did P beat R?
Find the time it would take to cross a bridge 300 m
long. (in sec)

37. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10 m and B beats C by

20 m. Find the distance by which A beats C. (in m)
25. A train, 300 m long, crosses a bridge 1200 m long in
(A) 30 (B) 28 (C) 32 (D) 36
3 minutes. Find the speed of the train. (in kmph)
38. Anand can row a boat in still water at a speed of
5 kmph. The speed of the stream is 3 kmph. Find the
time taken by him to row 40 km downstream (in
26. A train took 12 seconds to cross a person standing
on a platform. If the speed of the train is 72 kmph
then, find the length of the train.
(A) 180 m (B) 240 m (C) 300 m (D) 120 m
39. A and B are 2 points on a river. Akbar took 6 hours
27. How long will a train 250 m long travelling at to row from A to B and 8 hours to row from B to A.
90 kmph take to cross a train 200 m long travelling Find the ratio of the speeds of his boat in still water
at 36 kmph in the same direction? and the river.
(A) 20 seconds (B) 22 seconds (A) 7 : 1 (B) 4 : 3 (C) 5 : 3 (D) 3 : 1
(C) 30 seconds (D) 18 seconds
40. Ram, Shyam and Tarun started cycling from a point
28. What is the time taken by a 750 m long train on a circular track 600 m long with speeds of
travelling at 99 km/hr to cross a boy running at 9 10 m/sec, 15 m/sec and 20 m/sec respectively. Find
km/hr towards the train? (in sec) the time taken by them to meet at the starting point
for the first time (in seconds).
(A) 120 (B) 60 (C) 240 (D) 600

29. Trains P and Q have lengths of 400 m, and 41. Amar and Bhavan started simultaneously from a
600 m respectively. They are running on parallel point on a circular track of length 600 m with speeds
tracks towards each other. Find the total distance of 15m/sec and 5 m/sec respectively and cycled
covered by the two trains from the time they start to around it. Find the time taken by them to meet for
cross each other to the time they completely cross the first time (in seconds) if
each other. (i) they cycled in the same direction
(A) 200 m (B) 1000 m (A) 60 (B) 30 (C) 20 (D) 40
(C) 1200 m (D) Cannot be determined
(ii) they cycled in opposite directions
30. In a kilometer race, A beats B by 250 m. Find the (A) 60 (B) 30 (C) 20 (D) 40
ratio of the speeds of A and B.
(A) 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 3 (C) 5 : 4 (D) 4 : 5 42. In the previous question, find the time taken
(in seconds) by them to meet at the starting point for
31. In a 200 m race, Eswar gives Girish a start of 10 m the first time if Bhavan’s speed doubled.
and beats him by 10 m. Find the ratio of their
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/60
47. Find the number of times in a day that the hands of
43. Ram and Shyam are running along a circular track a clock coincide.
of length 60 m. If their speeds are 2 m/sec and (A) 11 (B) 44 (C) 22 (D) 12
4 m/sec respectively, how many more rounds than 48. Find the time interval (in minutes) between
Ram would Shyam have completed in an hour? two successive instants when the hands of a clock
(A) 240 (B) 60 (C) 120 (D) 30 concide.
44. Ashwin and Bhaskar started running simultaneously (A) 55 6 (B) 55 5
11 11
from a point on a 300 m long circular track. They ran
in opposite directions with speeds of 6 m/sec and (C) 65 5 (D) None of these
4 m/sec respectively. After meeting for the first time, 11
they exchange their speeds. Who will reach the
starting point first? 49. What is the time when the hands of a clock coincide
(A) Ashwin between 1:00 p.m and 2:00 p.m?
(B) Bhaskar 5
(A) 1: 05 p.m (B) 1:05 p.m
(C) Both reach simultaneously 11
(C) 1 : 06 5 p.m (D) 1 : 07 5 p.m
45. Find the angle (in degrees) between the hands of a 11 11
clock at 2:30 p.m. in degrees.
50. The minute and hour hands of a clock coincide after
every 67 minutes. Is the clock losing time?
(A) Yes (B) No (C) Cannot say
46. Find the number of times in a day that the hands of
a clock will be at an angle of 63.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/61
Exercise – 5(a)
Directions for questions 1 to 35: For the Multiple Choice Questions, select the correct alternative from the given
choices. For the Non-Multiple Choice Questions, write your answer in the box provided.

1. Walking from home at 3/4ths of his usual speed, a 9. How far is the point where the rear ends of the
man reaches his office 20 minutes late. Had the two trains cross each other, from the point of entry
person walked at 4/3rds of his usual speed, find the of the slower train?
time taken by the man to reach his office. (in minutes) (A) 40.5 m (B) 81 m
(C) 84.5 m (D) 68.75 m

10. P, Q and R start from the same place X at a kmph,

2. A boy walks from his home to school at 5 kmph, (a + b) kmph and (a + 2b) kmph respectively. If
reaches the school 4 minutes early. If he walks from Q starts p hours after P, how many hours after
his home to school at 4 kmph, he reaches the Q should R start, so that both Q and R overtake P at
school 2 minutes late. Find the time taken by him to the same time? (a > 0, b > 0)
go to school if he walks at 6 kmph.
(A) 15 minutes (B) 20 minutes pa a
(A) (B)
(C) 25 minutes (D) 30 minutes ab pa  b 

3. M and N start at the same time from two ends (C) pa  b  (D) pa
S and T, at speeds of 3 m/sec and 4 m/sec towards a  2b a  2b
each other, ST being 7 m. After reaching the
opposite ends, they retrace their path and start 11. Two men, M and N started walking towards each
moving towards each other. Find the total distance other simultaneously from two places F and G
travelled by M when he meets N for the second time. respectively, which are 50 km apart. They meet after
(A) 20 m (B) 15 m (C) 9 m (D) 26 m 5 hours. After their meeting, M reduced his speed by
1 kmph and N increased his speed by 1 kmph. They
4. A person travels a distance AB of 15.625 m in arrived at G and F respectively at the same time.
5 seconds. In the last four seconds, every second Find the initial speed of M. (in kmph)
he covers a distance equal to one-fourth of the total
distance covered upto the end of the previous
second. Find the distance covered in the 1st second.
(in m)
12. A thief was running along to a median on a road at
6 kmph. He crossed a police jeep moving at
9 kmph in the opposite direction. The jeep had to
5. A stone, allowed to fall under gravity falls 5t2 metres continue for 10 more minutes before it could find a
in t seconds. Find the distance travelled by the stone gap in the median and start chasing the thief. Find
in the last two seconds before it reaches the ground, the total time taken by the jeep to catch the thief
if the stone is dropped from a height of 180 m. from the time it crossed him (in minutes).
(A) 30 m (B) 60 m (C) 100 m (D) 90 m (A) 45 (B) 50 (C) 55 (D) 60

6. A train crosses two bridges 430 m and 550 m long in 13. Anand and Bala started from towns P and Q
30 seconds and 36 seconds respectively. Find the simultaneously towards Q and P respectively. After
speed of the train. 6 hours, they crossed each other at town R. After
(A) 36 kmph (B) 72 kmph that, Anand took 5 hours more to reach Q than Bala
(C) 27 kmph (D) 45 kmph took to reach P. Find the sum of the times taken by
them to reach their destinations from R (in hours).
7. A train travelling at 60 kmph, crosses a cyclist who (A) 15 (B) 11 (C) 13 (D) 17
is cycling at 12 kmph in the opposite direction in
20 sec. Find the time taken by the train to cross 14. A man left X for Y. Another man left Y for X at the
another cyclist travelling at 20 kmph in the same same time. After reaching their destinations, they
direction as the train does. (in sec) turned back without stopping. They crossed each
other at a point 30 km from X on their onward trip
and 20 km from Y on their return trip. Find XY.
(in km)
Directions for questions 8 and 9: These questions are
based on the following data.
Train T of length 100 metres moving at 54 kmph and
15. P started from town X at 10 a.m. and went towards
train U of length 150 metres moving at 90 kmph running
town Y. Q started from Y at 12 p.m. and went
on parallel tracks enter a 200-metre long tunnel at the
towards X. They met at 2 p.m. P reached his
same instant from opposite directions.
8. Which train exits the tunnel first and at the moment it 20 minutes after Q did. At what time did Q reach his
exits, what length of the other train is still in the tunnel? destination?
(A) T, 50 m (B) U, 10 m (A) 4:20 p.m. (B) 4:40 p.m.
(C) U, 90 m (D) T, 75 m (C) 5 p.m. (D) 5:20 p.m.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/62
Directions for question 16: This question is based on 22. Find the angle between the hands of the clock at
the following data. 4:30 p.m.

Three friends - Anil, Bala and Chetan, from X wanted to 1
travel from town X to town Y which was 40 km. Anil who (A) 30° (B) 52
had a bike started along with Bala while Chetan started (C) 60° (D) 45°
simultaneously on foot. After some time, Anil dropped Bala
on the way and went back to pick up Chetan while Bala 23. There are two clocks which have been correctly set
proceeded to Y on foot. Anil picked up Chetan and at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, 1st January. The first clock
reached Y at the same time as Bala. Anil traveled at gains 4 minutes every hour uniformly, while the
50 km/hr. The speed at which Bala and Chetan walked second clock loses 6 minutes every hour uniformly.
was 10 km /hr. When is the next time that the two clocks show
8:00 a.m. simultaneously?
16. (i) Find the time after which Anil turned back. (A) 9th January
(A) 24 minutes (B) 48 minutes (B) 15th January
(C) 36 minutes (D) 30 minutes (C) 13th January
(ii) Find Bala’s average speed for the entire trip. (D) 31st January
(A) 12 km/hr (B) 24 km/hr
(C) 20 km/hr (D) 25 km/hr 24. If the hands of a clock coincide every 80 minutes.
and the hands of another clock coincide every 65
17. Peter and Paul are running in opposite directions minutes, what is approximate time difference
along a circular track of length 600 m with initial between the two clocks in exactly 24 hours time
speeds of 3 m/s and 6 m/s. They start at the same interval as shown by a correct clock?
point and at the same time. Whenever they meet, (A) 272 min (B) 145 min
they exchange their speeds and carry on in their (C) 220 min (D) 200 min
respective directions. Find the shortest distance
between Peter and Paul (when measured along the 25. Flight A started from a city P at 4 a.m. local time and
track) when Peter completes 41/4 rounds. (in m) reached city Q at 8 a.m. local time. It started back
from Q at 8 p.m. local time and reached P at 10 p.m.
local time. If the speed of A for either direction was
800 km/hr, the distance between P and Q is (in km)
18. Two runners run in the same direction along a
circular track 3 km in length. The faster runner .
overtakes the slower every 1 hour. Find the speed of
the slower runner, if the faster one completes one 26. Anwar leaves home everyday at 4 p.m. to pick his
length of the track 2 minutes sooner than the other. wife from office and returns home at 6 p.m. One
(A) 20 kmph (B) 18 kmph day, the office was over at 4 p.m. and his wife
(C) 15 kmph (D) 12 kmph started walking home from office. Anwar, unaware of
this, starts from home as usual and meets his wife
19. Prakash and Pramod are running along a circular on the way and returns home with wife 15 minutes
track having started at the same time from the same early. If the speed of Anwar’s car is 30 kmph, find
point, in the same direction. How much more the walking speed of his wife.
distance would Prakash have travelled compared to (A) 30/7 kmph (B) 3.6 kmph
Pramod by the time they meet for the 11th time given (C) 34/5 kmph (D) 5.4 kmph
that the radius of the track is 7 m, Prakash and
Pramod run at 22 m/s and 11 m/s respectively? (in 27. In a race of 500 m, L beats M by 40 seconds and
m) beats N by 125 m. If M and N run a 500 m race,
M beats N by 40 seconds. Find the time taken
(in seconds) by M to run the race.
(A) 160 (B) 240 (C) 280 (D) 320
20. P and Q started moving simultaneously from points
X and Y respectively on a circular track in the same 28. Rahim and Saleem are competing in a 1000 m race.
direction. XY = 2 km and the length of the track is Rahim gives Saleem a head start of 200 m, but his
6 km. The initial position of P was behind that of Q. speed is twice that of Saleem. When Rahim reaches
P caught up with Q for the second time in the 600 m mark, Rahim reduces his speed by half
40 minutes. Had P started in the opposite direction, but still beats Saleem by 20 s. What is Saleem’s
they would have met for the first time in 12 minutes. speed?
Find the speed of P (in km/hr). (A) 14 m/s (B) 5 m/s
(A) 16 (B) 14 (C) 6 (D) 4 (C) 3.5 m/s (D) 7 m/s

21. Anant started answering a mathematics test 29. Akbar takes a certain time to go downstream on a
sometime between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. and river between two villages. He takes 4 times as
ended at sometime between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. If much time to cover the same distance upstream.
it is known that the position of the minute hand and What is the speed of the stream, if the distance
the hour hand at the start interchanged with the position between the villages is 10 km, which can be covered
at the end, for how long did Anant take the test? in 2 hours if the boat travels in still water? (in kmph)
(A) 25/11 hours (B) 210/13 hours
(C) 25/7 hours (D) 213/14 hours
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/63
30. A boat travels from point P to point Q upstream and 34. A car travels a total distance of 300 km. After
returns from point Q to point P downstream. travelling a part of the distance without any trouble,
The boat travelled a total of 96 km. If the round trip the car develops an engine problem and proceeds
takes 9 hours and the speed of the boat in still water at 3/4th of its former speed and arrives at the
is 8 kmph more than the speed of the stream, find destination 80 minutes late. Had the problem
the time taken for the downstream journey. developed 50 km further on, the car would have
(A) 3 hours (B) 4 hours (C) 8 hours (D) 6 hours arrived 20 minutes sooner. Find the original distance
it travelled without any problem, and the speed over
31. There are two identical escalators, one is ascending that part of the journey.
and the other is descending. A person took 90 (A) 100 km, 50 kmph
seconds to go up using the descending escalator (B) 50 km, 75 kmph
and (C) 150 km, 50 kmph
18 seconds to go up using the ascending escalator. (D) 50 km, 100 kmph
Both times walking at the same speed. If the speed
of the two escalators is the same, then the time 35. One day, Hari walked along a circular track for
taken to go up/down using either of the escalators 3 hours. He then cycled along the track for the time
when they he would take to walk one round around the track and
are switched off is sec. thereby covered a total of 9 rounds. Another day, he
walked along the track for 4 hours and then drove his
motorcycle along the track for the time he would take
32. A ship 154 km from the shore springs a leak which
to walk one round around the track and thereby
admits 4½ tonnes of water in 11 minutes. When
covered a total of 14 rounds. If the speeds of his
184 tonnes of water enter the ship, the ship would
cycling and motorcycle were 5 km/hr and 10 km/hr
start sinking. But the pumps can throw out 1 tonne
respectively, then find his walking speed.
every five minutes. Find the average speed so that
she may just reach the shore as she begins to sink. 4
(A) 10.5 kmph (B) 12 kmph (A) 5 km/hr (B) km/hr
3 3
(C) 10 kmph (D) 13 kmph
(C) 2 km/hr (D) 7 km/hr
33. An artillery gun is fired twice at an interval of 3
24 seconds. A motorist moving towards the gun
heard the sounds of the gunfire at an interval of
22 seconds. If the speed of sound is 330 m/s, what
is the speed of the car?

Exercise – 5(b)
Directions for questions 1 to 50: For the Multiple
Choice Questions, select the correct alternative from the
given choices. For the Non-Multiple Choice Questions, 4. A cat on seeing a dog 100 m away turns around and
write your answer in the box provided. starts running away at 24 kmph. The dog spots him
one minute later and starts chasing the cat at a
Very Easy / Easy… … ……… speed of 33 kmph. After how much time, from the
… start of the cat’s run, will the chase end?
(A) 160 s (B) 220 s (C) 260 s (D) 280 s
1. Ram covers a distance of 100 m in a certain time. If
he increases his speed to 3 times his original speed, 5. In a 200 m race, Raja gives Rakesh a start of 20 m
the time taken reduces by 40 seconds. Find the original and beats him by 20 m. If Raja beats Rakesh by
time taken (to cover the same distance of 100 m). 4 seconds, find Raja’s speed (in m/sec).
(A) 30 seconds (B) 120 seconds
(C) 180 seconds (D) 60 seconds

2. The distance between two points P and Q is 84 km. 6. (a) A train takes 30 seconds to cross a 200 m long
Two persons start at the same time but one platform and 40 seconds to cross a 300 m long
travelling from P towards Q and the other travelling platform. Find its length (in m).
from Q towards P. If their respective speeds are 36
kmph and 27 kmph, where do they meet each other?
(A) 48 km from Q (B) 24 km from P
(b) A train takes a minute to cross a stationary pole.
(C) 36 km from P (D) 48 km from P
It takes 240 seconds to cross another 3600 m
long train traveling at 54 kmph. Find its speed
3. Towns P and Q are 80 km apart. Cars A and B are
(in kmph).
stationed at towns P and Q respectively. If they start
(A) 108 (B) 144 (C) 90 (D) 72
simultaneously towards each other, they would meet
in an hour. If both start simultaneously in the same
7. A train takes 2 minutes to overtake a cyclist traveling
direction, the faster car would overtake the slower car
at 18 kmph and one and a half minutes to overtake
in 4 hours. Find the speed of the faster car (in kmph).
a cyclist traveling at 9 kmph. Find its length (in m).
(A) 1200 (B) 800 (C) 1500 (D) 900
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/64
15. Ram and Gopi run towards each other starting from
K and L respectively with respective speeds of
Moderate… . .… … .... 2 kmph and 3 kmph. After meeting each other, to
reach L, if Ram takes 7 hours less than the square
8. Mr. Ashok takes 16 hours to go by train to a certain of magnitude of the time (in hours) taken by Gopi to
town and return by car. He would save 4 hours if he reach K, find the distance between K and L.
travelled both ways by car. Find the time he would (A) 25 km (B) 28 km (C) 30 km (D) 32 km
lose, if he travelled both ways by train (in hours).
16. M and N are two points that are 8 m apart. Anand
and Ajay started simultaneously from M and N
respectively. Anand moved towards N at 3 m/sec.
Ajay moved towards M at 5 m/sec. After reaching
9. A man reaches his destination which is 16 km away,
their destinations, both turned back at their original
9 min late, if he travels at 8 kmph. What should his
speeds towards their starting points. Find the total
speed be if he wishes to reach 15 minutes ahead of distance (in m) that Ajay would have travelled before
the right time? crossing Anand for the second time.
(A) 10 kmph (B) 3 m/sec (A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 14
(C) 20/9 m/sec (D) 12 kmph
17. P and Q are two points, 10 km apart. Anand started
10. A person covered 50% of a certain distance at from P towards Q and at the same time, Ashok
15 kmph, 60% of the remaining distance at 18 kmph started from Q towards P. They crossed each other
and the rest at 45 kmph. The total travel time of the after 1 hour. After that, Anand reduced his speed by
person is 9.8 hours. Find the total distance covered. 2 kmph and Ashok increased his speed by 2 kmph.
(in km) They reached their destinations simultaneously.
Find Anand’s initial speed (in kmph).

11. Train A starts at 6 a.m. from city P towards city Q at

a speed of 54 kmph. Another train ‘B’ starts at 18. Mahesh travelled from Hyderabad to Tirupati at a
9 a.m. from P towards Q at 72 kmph. If the distance certain speed and returned at a certain speed. His
between P and Q is 1440 km, find at what distance average speed for the entire trip was the average of
from Q would the two trains meet each other? his onward and return speeds. He travelled a total
(A) 648 km (B) 792 km distance of 1200 km in 12 hours. Find his onward
(C) 486 km (D) 954 km speed (in kmph).
(A) 100 (B) 80 (C) 60 (D) 40
12. Towns P and Q are 265 km apart. Car A started
from P at 60 km/hr at 8:00 a.m towards Q. Car B 19. A person travels one-third of a certain distance
started from Q at 40 km/hr at 10:00 a.m, towards P. AB at x kmph, one-fourth of the remaining distance
At at 2x kmph and the remaining distance at 3x kmph.
11:00 a.m, B stopped for half an hour. A stopped for If his average speed for the entire journey is
28 minutes at town S, which is at a distance of (x + 2) kmph, then find the total distance he covers.
210 km from P. Find the time at which B crossed A. (A) 60 km (B) 50 km
(A) 11:35 a.m. (B) 11:54:30 a.m. (C) 40 km (D) Cannot be determined
(C) 11: 52:30 a.m. (D) 11:48 a.m.
20. Rahul ran around a square plot ABCD of side 048 km
13. P and Q are two stations. Train A started from P once. He ran the distance AB, BC, CD and DA at
towards Q at 6:00 a.m at 90 kmph. At the same speeds of 4 kmph, 6 kmph, 4 kmph, and 6 kmph
time, train B started from R, an intermediate station respectively.
60 km from P, and travelled towards Q at 60 kmph. (i) Find his average speed from A to C (in kmph).
Train C started from Q towards P at 7:00 a.m at 120 (A) 2.4 (B) 3.6 (C) 4.8 (D) 7.2
kmph. All the trains crossed each other
(ii) Find his average speed for the entire distance
simultaneously. Find PQ (in km).
(in kmph).
(A) 2.4 (B) 3.6 (C) 4.8 (D) 7.2
(iii) Find the time taken for the entire distance
14. Two cars left simultaneously from two places
(in hours).
P and Q, and headed for Q and P respectively. They
(A) 0.05 (B) 0.53 (C) 0.4 (D) 0.27
crossed each other after x hours. After that, one of
the cars took y hours to reach its destination while 21. Two cars C and D start from a junction along
the other took z hours to reach its destination. Which two perpendicular roads at 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
of the following always holds true? respectively. If at 12 noon, the cars, which travel at
yz 2yz the same speed, are 150 km apart, then, find the
(A) x  (B) x  speed of each car. (in kmph)
2 yz

y2  z2
(C) x  yz (D) x =
yz 22. Rajesh started in his car from town P towards town
Q at 51 km/hr. After every minute, the speed of his
car increased by 1 km/hr. The distance between

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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31. A boat takes 9 hours to make a round trip in a river
P and Q is 3775 km. Find the time he would take
60 between two points 24 km apart. It would have taken
to reach Q (in minutes). 4 hours to cover the upstream distance in still water.
(A) 40 (B) 45 (C) 55 (D) 50 Find the speed of the stream (in kmph).
23. Two persons R and S had to meet at a place 36 km
from where they were at that moment. S, who was
given a head start of 2 hours, reached the
32. The difference of the squares of the speed of a boat
destination 12 minutes earlier than R. If R travelled
in still water and the speed of a river is six times the
18 kmph faster than S, at what speed did R travel?
speed of the boat in still water. Find the average
(A) 25 kmph (B) 24 kmph
speed of the boat in covering a round trip. (Assume
(C) 30 kmph (D) 16 kmph
all speeds are in kmph)
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 7.5
24. In a race, Mohan beats Sohan by 40 m and Sohan
beats Rohan by 80 m. Mohan beats Rohan by 104 m. 33. Girish takes 1 minute to complete a round around a
Find the length of the race (in m). circular track. Harish is twice as fast as Girish,
Suresh is thrice as fast as Harish. All three start at
the same point. Find the time taken by them to meet
at the starting point for the first time (in minutes).
25. In a 500 m race A beats B by 25 m or 5 s, what is
A’s speed?
(A) 4 m/s (B) 5 5 m/s 34. Kavya, Suma and Sowmya are running along a
11 19
circular track of length 1120 m in the same direction
3 1 with respective speeds of 10 m/s, 8 m/s and 7 m/s.
(C) 7 m/s (D) 10 m/s
13 2 (i) When will they be together again for the first
26. In a kilometre race, Ram beats Shyam by one (ii) When will they be together again at the starting
minute and Shyam beats Tarun by 30 seconds. If point for the first time?
Ram beats Tarun by 250 m in the same race, find (A) 280 s, 140 s (B) 756 s, 560 s
the time taken by Ram to run the race (in seconds). (C) 140 s, 1120 s (D) None of these
(A) 180 (B) 270 (C) 360 (D) 330
35. Tony and Harry begin to run in opposite directions
27. In a 100 m race, Karna beats Kiran by 20 m and on a circular path of radius 35 m at 20 m/sec and
Kiran beats Kumar by 7.5 sec. What is Kiran’s 11 m/sec respectively from the same point. What is
speed if Karna runs twice as fast as Kumar? (in the time taken by them to meet for the third time at
m/sec) the starting point?
(A) 11 min (B) 220 sec
(C) 8 min 40sec (D) 325 sec

28. In a 500 ft race, Habib beats Akram by 60 ft. If Habib 36. Amar, Akbar and Anthony start running in the same
takes 5 paces for every 4 paces taken by Akram, direction and from the same point, around a circular
what is the ratio of the length of Habib’s pace to that track with speeds 7 m/sec, 11 m/sec and 22 m/sec
of Akram? respectively. If Akbar can complete 5 revolutions
(A) 10 : 11 (B) 11 : 10 (C) 25 : 22 (D) 22 : 25 around the track in 40 sec, when will they meet for
the first time after they start? (in sec)
Directions for questions 29 and 30: These questions
are based on the following data given below.

Two people Allen and Donald start off to complete a race

37. P and Q start cycling simultaneously around a circular
of distance d km, with speeds of a kmph and b kmph
track 48000 m long with speeds of 10 m/sec and
respectively (where b > a). After reaching the halfway
30 m/sec respectively in opposite directions. After
mark, Allen picks up speed and both of them reach the
every crossing, P’s speed increases by 10 m/sec and
finishing post together.
Q’s speed decreases by 10 m/sec. Find the time
taken by them to cross for the third time (in seconds).
29. What is Allen’s speed (in kmph) after the halfway (A) 3600 (B) 7200 (C) 4800 (D) 9600
38. Ram and Shyam started simultaneously from the
2a  b d ba ab
(A) (B) (C) (D) same point on a circular track 1800 m long in
ab ba 2 2a  b opposite directions with speeds of 6 m/sec and 12
m/sec respectively. After every crossing, they
30. What is Allen’s average speed over the entire exchanged their speeds and continued to travel in
journey? the same direction. Find the distance between them
ab (measured along the track) when Ram completed
(A) kmph (B) a2 kmph
2 1
3 rounds.
(C) a kmph (D) b kmph 4
(in m)

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3:00 p.m. Ashwin, not aware of this, started from
home as usual. He met his son on the way and they
39. A watch set correctly at 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday reached home 20 minutes earlier than usual. If the
shows 20 min more than the correct time at 6:00 p.m. speed of his car is 55 kmph, find his son‘s speed (in
on that day. When the clock shows 10:30 p.m. on kmph).
the same day, what is the correct time?
(A) 7:00 p.m. (B) 10:00 p.m.
(C) 10:10 p.m. (D) 10:20 p.m.
40. Dinesh started answering a test at a time between 47. (i) In a race of length d m, Amar beats Bhavan by
3:00 p.m and 4:00 pm. He noted the position of the x m and Charan by y m. By what distance does
hands of his watch. He ended the test at a time
between 4:00 p.m and 5:00 p.m The positions of the
hands were interchanged. For how many hours did
the test last?
13 12 9 10
(A) (B) (C) (D)
14 13 10 11

41. City A is to the west of B. A steady wind blows from

east to west. The total time taken by a flight
(assuming zero stoppage time) to make a round trip
from A to B and back to A is reduced by 20% when
the speed of the flight increases by 100% and the
speed of the wind increases by 300%. Find the ratio
of the speed of the flight to the speed of the wind.
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 3 : 2 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 4 : 1

42. Arjun travelled from A to B at a speed of 20 km/hr.

While returning to A, he travelled two-thirds of the
distance at 30 km/hr and the remaining at 10 km/hr.
As a result, he took 20 more minutes for the return
journey than he did for the onward journey. Find the
total distance travelled by Arjun.
(A) 60 km (B) 75 km (C) 120 km (D) 150 km

43. Two persons A and B start from point P towards

point Q. A starts 1 hour after B, yet both reach Q
simultaneously. By the time A travels half the
distance, B travels 60 km. Find the ratio of the
speeds of A and B, if the distance between P and Q is
100 km.
(A) 3 : 2 (B) 4 : 3 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 5 : 4

44. Cities A and B are 300 km apart. Cities C and D lie

between A and B such that the distances between A
and C, C and D, and D and B are all equal. Two
persons P and Q start simultaneously from A and X
respectively towards B, where X is a point between
A and C. Each of them travels at an average speed of
100 km/hr, 50 km/hr and 25 km/hr between A and C,
C and D, and D and B respectively. By the time Q
reached B, P was 10 km behind him. Find the
distance (in km) between A and X.

Difficult / Very Difficult … …… .

45. A car had to travel a total distance of 600 km. After
travelling a part of the distance, it developed an
engine problem. It travelled the remaining distance
at 4/5th of its usual speed. It arrived an hour late at
its destination. Had the engine problem occurred
after it had travelled 150 km more, the car would
have arrived half an hour earlier at its destination.
Find the distance it travelled without any problem (in km).
(A) 150 (B) 250 (C) 200 (D) 300
46. Everyday, Ashwin starts at 3.00 pm from his home
to pick up his son from school. They reach their
house at 5:00 p.m. One day, school was over at
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Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/67
Bhavan beat Charan in the same race? 51. Find the speed of the train, which crosses a signal
y  x d m (B)
y  x d m post in 10 sec.
dy d x . The length of the train is 200 m.
. The train crosses a platform in 40 sec.
d( d  y )
(C) m (D) (y  x)m
d x 52. In a race, Ram gave Shyam a head start of at least
x m and was beaten by him by at most y m. Was
(ii) In a race of length d m, Amar beats Bhavan by Ram faster than Shyam?
x m. Bhavan beats Charan by y m. By what . x  y . x  y
distance does Amar beat Charan (in m)?
(A) x  y  xy (B) y  x  xy 53. Mohan rowed his boat from a point A in a river
d d 12 km upstream and returned to A. If the river was
xy moving at a constant rate, then was his speed in still
(C) x + y (D) x  y 
d water more than 3 kmph?
. He took four hours for the upstream journey.
48. In a 100 m race, Ajay gives Bala a start of x m . He took three hours for the downstream journey
(x  20) and is beaten by him by y m (y  20). If the
speeds of both are distinct, which of the following 54. Two people A and B drove one car on a 500 km trip.
cannot be the ratio of the speeds of Ajay and Bala? A drove for 5 hours, which was half an hour more
(A) 6 : 5 (B) 4 : 3 (C) 7 : 5 (D) 9 : 10 than the time B drove. What was B's average speed?
. B drove 50 km more than A.
49. A train 360 m in length, travelling at a uniform speed . A’s average speed was 5 kmph less than that of B.
overtook a car, travelling parallel to the tracks at
72 kmph and passed it in 12 sec. Fortyeight minutes 55. A boat started moving from A to B, what is the
later, the train starts overtaking a cyclist and passed speed of boat in still water?
him in 9 sec. How much time after the train overtook . Speed of the river current is 2 m/sec.
the cyclist would the car over take him? . The distance between A and the boat is
(A) 2 hrs 24 min 36 sec (B) 3 hrs 49 min 49 sec increasing at the rate of 1 m/s.
(C) 3 hrs 12 min 9 sec (D) 2 hrs 24 min 27 sec
56. What is the distance covered by a car during a
50. P and Q are two points on a 1 km long circular track. certain trip?
The distance PQ, along the track is 200 m. Rohan . The average speed of the car is 50 kmph.
started running from P. Sohan started running . The car would have covered 100 km more
simultaneously in the same direction from Q. Both (in the same time) if the average speed
reached P for the first time simultaneously. If both increases by 25%.
started simultaneously from P in opposite directions,
57. If Ram walked from his home to his office at a kmph,
they would take 111 1 seconds to meet for the he would be a minutes early. Instead had he walked
at b kmph, he would be b minutes early, where a
first time. Find the time taken by them to meet for and b are distinct. Find the usual time he takes to
the first time (in seconds), if they started
reach his office.
simultaneously from Q in the same direction.
. a + b = 10 . a  b = 2
58. Trains A and B have their lengths in the ratio 3 : 2.
Data Sufficiency … … …… ... A takes x seconds to cross platform P1. B takes
x 5
Directions for questions 51 to 60: Each question is y seconds to cross platform P2. Is  ?
y 4
followed by two statements  and . Indicate your
responses based on the following directives: . A and B have equal speeds.
. P1 and P2 have equal lengths.
Mark (A) if the question can be answered using one
of the statements alone, but cannot be 59. Train A takes 50 seconds to cross a bridge B1 500 m
answered using the other statement alone. long. Train B is twice as long as A and has half its
Mark (B) if the question can be answered using speed. Find the time taken by it to cross bridge B2.
either statement alone. . Length of A is 300 m.
Mark (C) if the question can be answered using . Length of B2 is 1000 m.
 and  together but not using  or  alone 60. In a kilometre race, A beats B by x m and B beats C
Mark (D) if the question cannot be answered even by y m. Does A beat C by more than 400 m?
using  and  together. . x = 200 ; y  200
. x = 200 ; y  200
Concept Review Questions

1. (a) A 3. A 7. 30 11. 360 15. A

(b) A 4. A 8. B 12. B 16. B
(c) C 5. 630 9. C 13. A 17. D
2. 36 6. A 10. A 14. 72 18. D

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/68
19. 60 26. B 33. A 40. A 46. 44
20. 12 27. C 34. C 41. (i) A 47. C
21. D 28. 25 35. B (ii) B 48. C
22. B 29. B 36. 50 42. 120 49. A
23. C 30. B 37. B 43. C 50. A
24. 70 31. C 38. 5 44. C
25. 30 32. D 39. A 45. 105

Exercise – 5(a)

1. 45 9. D (ii) D 24. A 32. A

2. B 10. D 17. 150 25. 2400 33. 30
3. C 11. 5.5 18. C 26. A 34. A
4. 6.4 12. D 19. 484 27. C 35. A
5. C 13. C 20. A 28. B
6. B 14. 70 21. B 29. 3
7. 36 15. B 22. D 30. A
8. C 16. (i) C 23. D 31. 30

Exercise – 5(b)
1. D 11. B (iii) C 31. 2 42. C 52. A
2. D 12. C 21. 30 32. B 43. D 53. A
3. 50 13. 300 22. D 33. 1 44. 40 54. B
4. C 14. C 23. C 34. D 45. D 55. C
5. 6.25 15. C 24. 200 35. A 46. 11 56. A
6. (a) 100 16. C 25. B 36. 88 47. (i) B 57. A
(b) B 17. 6 26. B 37. A (ii) D 58. D
7. D 18. A 27. 8 38. 450 48. D 59. A
8. 4 19. D 28. A 39. B 49. D 60. A
9. A 20. (i) C 29. D 40. B 50. 1000
10. 180 (ii) C 30. D 41. C 51. A

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002206/69

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