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Store Operations Assisstant Class X

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1 Retail Store Operations 1

2 Delivery of Goods 22

3 Health & Safety Practices 47

4 Work in Team & Organization 76

Unit-1: Retail Store Operations

In our daily life, we come across retail shops in the nearby residential areas or
shopping malls. Retailing
affects every facet of our life.
Have you ever thought how
many daily contacts we have
with retailers when we eat
meals furnish our home, have
our car fixed, and buy clothing
for a party? A retail store is a
business that sells products
and/or services to consumers
for their personal or family use.
If you look around, you will
find different forms of retail
stores such as departmental
stores, discount stores, variety
stores, speciality stores,
convenience stores.

A retail store is also classified by the type of products they sell, for example
food products, durable goods (appliances, electronics, furniture, sporting
goods, etc.) and soft goods or consumables (clothing, apparel, and fabrics).
Often people think of retailing which are sold and bought in stores, but retailing
also involves the sale of services: staying in a hotel while on vacations, a haircut
saloon or a beauty parlour, a DVD rental, or a home-delivered pizza. Not all
retailing is done in stores. Examples of non-store retailing include online selling
or the direct sales of cosmetics by Amway.

Store operations is operating and overseeing all the functions of the store from
setting up shop, deciding what type of products you want to sell, deciding on
what type of customers you are trying to attract into your store, then ordering
the products, hiring personnel, pricing the products, deciding on a location,
taking an inventory, advertising the products, etc. Whatever form, the retail
store enters into for buying and selling, every retailer rolls out a standard
operation procedure (SOP) which includes all functions of operating relating to
customer service, health safety and protection, maintenance and distribution.
Good Layout for a Retail Store

The success of a retail store is influenced by its layout design and the ambience
(atmosphere) created by the retailers. You never get a second chance to make a
first impression. This age-old saying is especially true in relation to design and
atmosphere of a retail store. The first impression given to the potential customer
determines whether the retail store has gained or lost a buyer. The basic
functional principle of a retail store is to show the products and sell the product.
Both these activities require a space to accommodate products, services and


The space needed for a retail store differs with the nature of the retail store. It
could be a fixed location in a building, a more flexible location like a market
tent often seen in fairs, or a mobile space like an ice cream cart or a street vendor.

Considerations for the Store Layout

A good store layout serves many purposes:

1. Store Atmosphere: The physical characteristics and surrounding

influence of a retail store creates an image in order to attract customers.
The store must offer a positive ambience to the customers for them to
enjoy their shopping and leave with a smile.

➢ The store should not give a cluttered look.

➢ The products should be properly arranged on the shelves
according to their sizes and patterns. Make sure products do not
fall off the shelves.
➢ There should be no foul smell in the store.
➢ The floor, ceiling, carpet, walls and even the mannequins should
not have unwanted spots.
➢ Never dump unnecessary packing boxes, hangers or clothes in the
dressing room. Keep it clean.
➢ Make sure the customers are well attended.
➢ Don’t allow customers to carry eatables inside the store.

2. Enhance Sales: The store layout should enable the customers to move
around the store conveniently. This is done by preparing a circulation
plan. Circulation is an invisible force which revolves around the
customers so that they cover the entire range of merchandise under
display leading to maximize the purchase. Normally the destination
category is kept in the last so that the customer is forced to walk up the
entire store. In this way, the retail store owner tempts the customer to

make impulsive buying. You must have noticed in a grocery shop that
the popular items such as milk, curd are kept at the end. Why? Because
they are necessary items and customers will certainly lay hands on them
however far they are placed. If they are laid at the entry of the store, the
customer will always remain foreign to the rest of the store. Ultimately,
the aim is to make sales and earn profit.

3. Maximize Returns per Square Foot: A well planned layout enhances the
utilization of customer’s time and best of the shopping experience. A
good layout provides a balance between available space for display and
the return on productivity. In this way, it becomes important to decide
the alternative design types, allocating space for bulk stock selling and
effective use of walls and windows. These provide opportunity to
customers to move around and experience the products in a much better

4. Match the merchandise with the format: Retail stores are designed to
target the specific kinds of customers. Have you visited the music stores
like Planet M, Music World etc? What kind of ambience do you find? On
the other hand, compare it with the designer boutique, jewellery shop or
a home fashion store. Do you see any difference the ways store layout is
treated? A music store focuses on youth so the fixtures are heavy filled
by flashing lights and lively music. Whereas, the later categorized stores
have lighter and organised serene ambience to capture the mood of
customers. Therefore, different types of target groups by age, education,
gender affect the store design, ambience and layout.

5. Assistance for differently abled women, children and safety of

customers: The layout for the store should provide convenience for
variety of shopper’s visiting it. Now, if you visit the retail stores, Kine
Globus, shoppers stop, pantaloons etc., we will observe the stores
arrange for handicap access along with the rooms for mothers with
babies and rest rooms for old people.

Care is taken that the furniture has no sharp edges and the flooring is not
slippery. The main aisles are wide to avoid cramping during peak shopping

Hence, the importance of layout can be summarized in the following manner:

1. It guides the flow of customers to all parts of the store showcasing the best of
merchandise offered on sale.

2. It provide for impulsive buying.
3. It permits the store to maximize the use of space in relation to non-selling
space in the store.
4. It aids the customer in selecting and comparing merchandise
5. It leads to maximize sales.

Steps for Designing Store Layout

Planning a store layout involves the following steps:

1. Determining the availability of space.
2. Determining ‘space needs’ for selling and non-selling area.
3. Fitting ‘space needs’ for good customer flow and maximum sales per square
4. Provision for self service
5. Types of merchandise presentation techniques.

Forms of Layout in Retail Store

The retailer must plan out each and everything well, the location of the shelves
or racks to display the merchandise, the position of the mannequins or the cash
counter and so on.

1. Straight Floor Plan

The straight floor plan

makes optimum use of
the walls, and utilizes the
space in 69 the most
judicious manner. The
straight floor plan creates
spaces within the retail
store for the customers to
move and shop freely. It
is one of the commonly
implemented store
designs. This type of
design you find in
Reebok and Nike.

1. Motivates shoppers to spend time and explore the merchandise.
2. Maximizes sale through impulsive buying.
3. Appropriate for stores where selling approach is consultative and personal.

1. Inefficient use of space resources.
2. As vision is blocked, the chances of shop lifting are higher.

2. Diagonal Floor Plan

According to the
diagonal floor plan,
the shelves or racks
are kept diagonal to
each other for the
owner or the store
manager to have a
watch on the
customers. Diagonal
floor plan works well
in stores where
customers have the
liberty to walk in and
pick up merchandise
on their own. The major customer aisles begin at the entrance, loops through
the store and returns the customer to the front of the store generally used in
departmental stores. Examples are Ritu wears, Shopper’s stop.


1. Loops facilitate impulsive buying. The latest or fashion merchandise is

prominently displayed on the main aisles.
2. Overhead directional signs and departmental graphics provide visual cues
to the location of other departments helping shoppers while they shop.


1. This layout is costlier to design, construct and maintain.

3. Angular Floor Plan

The fixtures and walls are given a curved look to add to the style of the store.
Angular floor plan gives a more sophisticated look to the store. Such layouts
are often seen in high end stores. You generally find it in grocery stores, drug
stores. An example of such type of layout is Reliance Fresh.


1. Methodological,
efficient and convenient.
2. Visibility of
merchandise is better.
3. Useful in self-service.
4. Effective use of space
and cost efficient.
5. Easy maintenance of
selling area.


1. Not very aesthetic, looks clumsy and the very principle of impulsive selling
is not served.

4. Mixed Layout

This type of layout blends the advantages of straight floor and diagonal store
layout thereby eliminating the disadvantages of both. In spine layout, the main
aisle runs through front to the back of the store transporting the customers in
both directions. On the either side of this spine, the merchandise departments
use either the straight floor or diagonal layout which branches out towards the
back aisle walls. You find this type of store layout in United Colors of Benetton.


1. Visit a retail store, interact with the store owner/store personnel and
customers and ask the following questions and write their reply in not more
than 50 words:

Questions for Store Owner/Store Personnel

(i) How the types of fixtures, merchandise presentation methods and

techniques are planned and help in sales floor.


(ii) How has store design led to the store’s success.

(iii) How has aesthetic ambience and visual communications increased the store

Questions for the Customers

Testing the Store Image from Customers

(iv) Is the shopper able to determine:

a. Store’s Name
b. Line of Trade
c. Price Position
d. Ambience and store environment

(v) Do you visit the store again for shopping centre _______ y/n
If yes, the most preferred point for return

If no, state why.


A. Fill in the blanks

1. A retail store space is divided into __________ and ____________.

2. Three important forms of store layout are________________,
_____________ and __________________.
3. The primary objective of a retail store is to _________________.
4. _________________ is the key to success in a retail business.

5. ____________ and __________ leads to the long-term relation of customer
with the retail store.

Store Layout; Design; Straight floor plan; Ambience; Mixed layout; Show and sell
the products; Angular floor plan; First impression; Layout design

B. Multiple Choice Questions

Tick the correct answer

1. The purpose of effective store layout is

a. To earn profit
b. Better shopping experience to customers
c. Attract the target potential customers
d. All of the above

2. Ideally, a store design should include:

a. Adequate non selling space for the assorting the stocks
b. Big room for the stores manages
c. Maximum returns per square foot and flexibility in store design
d. None of the above

3. The blend of straight floor and diagonal floor layout is called

a. Free flow layout
b. Grid layout
c. Rack Layout
d. Spine layout

4. Nutritional imbalance and digestive disorder results in increased occurrence

a. Obesity
b. Body strength
c. Performance

d. All of the above

5. The ISO specified Symbol for the First Aid Kit is

a. Red Cross on a green background.
b. White Cross on a green background.
c. Red Cross on a white background.
d. Green Cross on a white background.


Use the following checklist to see if you’ve met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.

Part A
What do you mean by the store layout?
State the considerations for store layout?
Explain the forms of retail store layout?

Part B
Discussed in class the following:
Importance of store layout and design in a retail store
Steps for designing retail store layout.
Differentiate between the store design and store layout.
Different forms of retail store layouts.
Planning a retail store layout

Elements of Store Design

The basic elements in a design that guide customers through the store are the
layout, signage, and feature areas. A good store layout helps customers to find
and purchase merchandise. Several types of layouts commonly used by
retailers are the grid, race track, and free-form. The grid design is best for stores
in which customers are expected to explore the entire store, such as grocery
stores and drugstores. Racetrack designs are more common in large upscale
stores like department stores. Free-form designs are usually found in small
specialty stores and within large stores' departments.

Signage and graphics help customers locate specific products and departments,
provide product information, and suggest items or special purchases. In
addition, graphics, such as photo panels, can enhance the store environment

and the store's image. Digital signage has several advantages over traditional
printed signage, but the initial fixed costs have made the adoption of this
technology slow. Feature areas are areas within a store designed to get the
customer's attention. They include freestanding displays, end caps,
promotional aisles or areas, windows, cash wraps or point-of-sale areas, and

Space management involves two decisions: (1) the allocation of store space to
merchandise categories and brands and (2) the location of departments or
merchandise categories in the store. Some factors that retailers consider when
deciding how much floor or shelf space to allocate to merchandise categories
and brands are (1) the productivity of the allocated space, (2) the merchandise's
inventory turnover, (3) impact on store sales, and (4) the display needs for the
merchandise. When evaluating the productivity of retail space, retailers
generally use sales per square foot or sales per linear foot.

The location of merchandise categories also plays a role in how customers

navigate through the store. By strategically placing impulse and
demand/destination merchandise throughout the store, retailers can increase
the chances that customers will shop the entire store and that their attention
will be focused on the merchandise that the retailer is most interested in selling.
In locating merchandise categories, retailers need to consider typical consumer
shopping patterns.

Retailers utilize various forms of atmospherics—lighting, colours, music, and

scent— to influence shopping behaviour. The use of these atmospherics can
create a calming environment for task-oriented shoppers or an exciting
environment for recreational shoppers.

The goal of any retail location is to draw customers into the store and then
persuade them to make a purchase. Good advertising and promotion work to
bring customers in, but what happens once customers get into a store largely
depends on the layout and design of the store. Both play a huge role in how
customers rate their experiences and whether they decide to buy, and if they
return or recommend the store to others.

Opening a retail store can reap many rewards. Retail stores must offer a unique
environment that set them apart from others. Well-planned retail store design
ideas concerning layout should allow a retailer to maximize sales for each foot
of the allocated selling space within the store. By utilizing a grid wall, for
example, a retail store can accommodate almost any product. Every inch of
every available space must be efficiently planned for maximum display
advantage. Nothing is an accident when it comes to retail store design ideas.

A retailer should study successful floor plans and retail store design ideas. One
of the secrets to successful sales is to create the right atmosphere. Selling is a
seduction of sorts and setting the mood is part of the equation. Lighting is very
important; it should be bright enough to enable customers to easily see
products but not too harsh. Spotlights can call attention to specific items. It is
very important to select and care for store fixtures, as well as using special
lighting techniques to accent your products.

Tips for Store Design and Layout

The signage displaying the name and logo of the store must be installed at a
place where it is visible to all, even from a distance. Don’t add too much

The store must offer a positive ambience to the customers. The customers
must leave the store with a smile.

Make sure the mannequins are according to the target market and display
the latest trends. The clothes should look fitted on the dummies without using
unnecessary pins. The position of the dummies must be changed from time to
time to avoid monotony.

The trial rooms should have mirrors and must be kept clean. Do not dump
unnecessary boxes or hangers in the dressing room.

The retailer must choose the right colour for the walls to set the mood of the
customers. Prefer light and subtle shades.

The fixtures or furniture should not act as an object of obstacle. Don’t

unnecessary add too many types of furniture at your store.

The merchandise should be well arranged and organized on the racks

assigned for them. The shelves must carry necessary labels for the customers to
easily locate the products they need. Make sure the products do not fall off the

Never play loud music at the store.

The store should be adequately lit so that the products are easily visible to
the customers. Replace burned out lights immediately.

The floor tiles, ceilings, carpet and the racks should be kept clean and stain

There should be no bad odour at the store as it irritates the customers.

Do not stock anything at the entrance or exit of the store to block the way of
the customers. The customers should be able to move freely in the store.

The retailer must plan his store in a way which minimizes theft or shop lifting.

Merchandise should never be displayed at the entrance or exit of the store.

i. Expensive products like watches, jeweller, precious stones, mobile
handsets and so on must be kept in locked cabinets.
ii. Install cameras, CCTVs to have a closed look on the customers.
iii. Instruct the store manager or the sales representatives to try and assist all
the customers who come for shopping.
iv. Ask the customers to deposit their carry bags at the entrance itself.
v. Do not allow the customers to carry more than three dresses at one time
to the trial room.


(i) What are the objectives of store design?


(ii) State the elements of store design?

(iii) Explain the tips for store design and layout?

(iv) What precautions are taken to minimizes theft/ shop lifting?


A. Fill in the blanks

1. The store should be adequately lit so that the products are easily visible to
the ___________.

2. The trial rooms should have the ___________ and must be kept clean.

Mirrors; Customers

B. True or false

1. Free-form designs are usually found in small specialty stores and within large
stores' departments.

2. A good store layout does not help customers to find and purchase

3. The goal of retail location is to draw customers into the store and then
persuade them to make a purchase.

4. Merchandise should be always displayed at the entrance or exit of the store.

5. Signage and graphics help customers to locate specific products and

departments, provide product information, and suggest items or special


Use the following checklist to see if you’ve met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.

Part A
State the elements of store design?
What are the objectives of store design?
Explain the tips for store design and layout?
What precautions are taken to minimizes theft/ shop lifting?

Part B
Differentiate between the store layout and design.
Explain the tips for store design and layout.

Standard Operating Procedures in Retail

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of written instructions that

document a routine or repetitive activity followed by an organization.
Operational procedures are vital to the business of running a retail store.
Procedures typically cover all activities in the store, from sales transactions to
customer support to inventory. The development and use of SOP have various
advantages for the organization. Following standard operating procedures
increases sales, boosts worker productivity and enhances a store's image.


An SOP minimizes the variation and promotes standardization through

consistent implementation of a process or procedure within the organization.


Retail stores use some type of business software or point-of-sale system to track
sales. This allows managers to determine what products are selling well and
helps them track inventory. Retailers often use this electronic information to
generate product orders when replenishing stock levels.

Inventory Management

Inventory management procedures pertain to the handling of products in a

store. These procedures include receipt of inventory by verifying that each
product is in the order as quoted; regular counting of inventory; and installing
cameras or mirrors to limit or prohibit theft.


Retailers use marketing strategies to draw customers into the store and entice
them to purchase goods or services. Marketing tools include radio, newspaper
and television advertisements; special pricing; in-store promotions; and signs
outside the store to attract buyers.

Labour Practices
Employees are typically a large expense for retailers. Companies often devise
schedules to ensure enough workers are available to cover the business' needs
without increasing
operating costs. Retailers sometimes hire younger people willing to work for
lower wages to save the company money.

Store Procedures in regard to Exchanges and Returns

Depending on the size of the retailer, other transactions may take place at the
point-of sale. Small retailers commonly deal with lay-by, returns and exchanges
at the point-of-sale area, whereas larger retailers may have a dedicated section
dealing with these other transactions. The necessary documentation must be
completed accurately and efficiently to facilitate the transaction.

Common Transactions Include

Lay-by–allows goods to be purchased by instalments. The goods remain the

property of the retailer until they are paid for in full. The procedure for laybys
varies according to the retailer’s policy and procedures; however, there are
strict guidelines that all retailers must adhere to.

Refund or exchange of goods – certain conditions must be met for retailers to

refund money for goods returned or exchange items. Refunds are governed by
law under the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987, and the Trade Practices Act 1974.
The Australian Competition & Consumer Corporation (ACCC) is charged with
enforcing statutory rights under the Act.

In a retail environment, opening and closing times present unique security

risks. At these times, employees are particularly vulnerable to robbery. The
following policy can be modified for any retail business that stores cash and
valuables such as banks and jewellery stores.

This procedure assumes that the store has an alarm system designed to
arm/disarm the premise alarms (motion detectors, door and window contacts,
etc.) and burglar alarms (safes, vaults and other storage containers) separately.
The policy can easily be modified to accommodate other alarm system

Opening Procedure

At least two employees must be present to open the facility. One employee will
enter the facility, while the other waits outside in a locked vehicle with access
to a mobile phone. The outside employee will maintain a clear view of the
facility and wait for the predetermined all clear signal from his/her associate.

If the outside employee notices anything suspicious, or does not see the all-clear
signal in a reasonable period of time, he/she will immediately call police and
then call the company's security department.

Upon entering the facility, the inside employee will relock the front door and
disarm the premise alarm system. If the employee is threatened while
disarming the system, he/she will enter a duress code into the alarm system
keypad. After disarming the premise alarm system, the employee will walk
around premise to look of signs of intruders or forced entry. The employee will
pay special attention to rest rooms, offices, and other areas where an intruder
may hide. If an intruder is suspected, or a sign of forced entry is noticed, the
employee will immediately leave the facility and call police and then call the
company's security department.

After checking the interior of the facility the inside employee will post the
predetermined all clear signal. The signal must remain visible until all
scheduled employees have reported for the day.

Safe and vaults should be disarmed at the latest practical time. If an employee
is threatened while disarming the vault he/she will enter a duress code into the
alarm system keypad.

The front door will remain locked until opening time.

Before opening for business, all camera views will be checked to make sure
cameras are aimed properly. The DVR will also be checked to verify that it is
recording. Any problems with the cameras or DVR will be reported to the
security department immediately.

Closing Procedure

At closing time, one employee will lock the customer entry door(s) from inside.
An employee will be stationed at the front door to let any customers remaining
in the facility out one at a time.

Employees should take special notice of any customers that seem to be loitering
or intentionally trying to be last in line. Anyone who seems to be intentionally
loitering should be reported to the manager.

No customers will be admitted after the doors have been locked. Any
employees attempting to gain entrance must show proper identification. No
vendors or service technicians will be allowed access unless they have been
given prior authorization.

After the final customer has left, and the front door has been locked, one
employee will conduct an initial walk-through of the area. Special attention will

be paid to restrooms, closets, employee lounge, storage rooms and any areas
where individuals may be hiding.

One employee will be designated to conduct a final walk through of the

premises before final closing. At this time, the employee will confirm that all
cash, negotiable items and valuables have been properly stored and that all
safes and cabinets have been locked. The alarm system controlling the safes and
vaults will be armed at this time.

Prior to leaving, all lights should be turned off, except for those lights which
will allow the lobby to remain visible from the street after hours.

Two or more employees will remain in the facility until final closing. Before
leaving, one employee shall arm the premise alarm system and verify that the
employee exit door is locked from outside.


Visit a store (Hyper market/discount store/specialty store) and observe the

store procedures and understand their modus operandi then write down their
operation procedures, its pros & cons and suggest how it can be more effective.

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Standard operating procedure is a set of _________ that document a

routine or repetitive activity followed by an organization.
2. __________________ minimize the variation and promotes _________
through consistent ____________ of a process or procedures within the
3. Inventory management procedure pertain to the _____________ in a
4. ____________ allows goods to be purchased by instalments.
5. Retailers use __________ to draw customers into the store and entice
them to purchase goods and services.

Handling of products; Written instructions; Lay-by; Standard operating system,

Standardization, Implementation; Marketing strategy

B. True/False

1. Standard operating procedure typically cover all activities in the store.

2. A standard operating procedure does not minimize the variation. (F)
3. Inventory management procedures pertain to handling of product. (F)
4. Employees are never a large expense for retailers. (F)
5. In a retail environment opening and closing times present unique
security risks. (T)


Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.

Part A
What is standard operating procedures.
Discuss opening and closing procedure.

Part B
Describe standard operating procedures.
Discuss store procedures in regard to exchange and return.

Maintenance of Stores

Retail store maintenance management that helps in keeping facilities

maintenance and repair cost on track.
Emergency services should be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Store history to identify problem areas is part of preventive maintenance
Store maintenance reporting solutions customized to meet customer’s needs.
Fixture installations and National roll outs on time.
Cost effective preventive maintenance programs, fire extinguishers and
yearly inspection tracking should be programmed.
Open invoicing; its open procedures for vendors to ensure that they are
getting an honest price.
Have access to qualified facilitators for retail store maintenance.
The ability to resolve maintenance problem through communications, your
locations and our contractors.

Store Maintenance provides all of the management services & maintenance

trades that is needed in a retail environment. Retail maintenance is a very

specialized field. To maintain a store is not a one man task. For this, retailer
requires help of maintenance company.

Following working process of maintenance management solution:

100% Web-Based Application requiring no installation on client machines

The Service Requester allows members to request maintenance using their
web browser
Technicians can be paged and assigned work
Work History is stored and recorded for each location and asset
Easy to set up Preventive Maintenance schedules
Open architecture with easy integration to other applications
Built using standard Microsoft Web Technologies

Maintenance connection provides a full-featured maintenance management

solution that runs entirely inside your Internet browser. This allows you to get
up and running quickly – without having to install anything on client machines.
You can focus on what you do best rather than having to maintain maintenance
software. Employees, contractors, requesters and management can access
Maintenance Connection from wherever they are using an Internet browser.
Organizations with multiple sites can easily keep their maintenance records in
one place.

With the growing demand for retail outlets and chains, the maintenance
management system of these buildings is becoming increasingly important. In
order to maintain a clean street appeal and a 100% operational facility, it is
important to have software to help manage maintenance. As your chain of
stores grows, you can expand the asset hierarchy and develop reports of how
much was spent on any given store or group of stores over a period of time.
Use the Service Requester to allow those working within stores to request
maintenance at their location. The software can store an unlimited number of
service vendors that you can then search for and contact to resolve maintenance

Using Maintenance provider service is simple, easy-to-use web-based

application can help to retail chain track maintenance costs, prevent and predict
equipment failures, improve labour productivity, reduce costly downtimes,
minimize investments in inventory, and lower the total cost of maintenance.

Retail stores can set up maintenance management system complete with

preventive maintenance schedules for facilities and equipment such as the

Multiple Locations (chains) HVAC Units Signs
Flooring Pipes Elevators
Ceiling Fans Computers POS Machines
Windows and Glass Carpet Wood Flooring
Ceramic Tile Lighting Exterior Finish


Visit a store (Discount/Speciality/Super market). Observe the methods or

procedures of store maintenance and what are the main points to be considered
while maintaining a store. Write about store maintenance procedures or
method of two stores and compare between two (either similar nature store or

Compile your report by exploring pros and cons in their procedures and
suggest the practical approach in maintaining store.

A. Fill in the blanks

1. Grainger delivers thousands of items to ______________ quickly and

2. Store ______________ reporting solutions customised to meet needs of
the customers.
3. The ability to resolve maintenance problem through _____________.

Maintenance; Multiple locations; Communication

B. True/False

1. Open invoicing is a open procedure for vendors to ensure that they are
getting honest price. (T)
2. Store history to identify problem area is a part of preventive maintenance
software. (T)

3. Work history is stored and recorded not for each location and asset. (F)


Part A
Discuss store maintenance.
Describe points to be considered while maintaining store.

Part B
Discuss store maintenance procedure followed by different store types.
Discuss their main focus points in store maintenance.

Unit-2: Delivery of Goods


Marketing is regarded as crucial element for the success of any enterprise. Over
the last decade, the retail marketing in India has grown significantly. We have
witnessed the launch of a large number of retailers entering into retail industry.

Retail is the final stage of any economic activity. By virtue of this fact, retail
occupies an important place in the world economy. Retailing refers to all
activities involved in
selling goods or services to the final consumers for personal, non-business use.
A retailer or retail store is any business enterprise whose sales volume comes
primarily from retailing. Put simply, any firm that sells products to the final
consumer is performing the function of retailing.

Retail market refers to place where a group of consumers with similar needs
and a group of retailers meet using a similar retail format to satisfy those
consumer needs.

The supply chain distribution logistics encompasses all activities and

exchanges involved in extracting, processing, manufacturing and distributing
goods and services from raw material through to the end consumer. It requires
retailers to take a complete view of these activities and adopt innovative
approaches to meet customer’s needs with great efficiency. Keeping in view the
importance of logistics the billing, transport and delivery aspects are very much
required for running the retail business. In this module we covered the retail
aspects like billing procedure in retailing, elements of transportation and
delivery system in retail business.

Billing Procedures

The maximum number of customer interaction that one faces in a retail store is
the cash counter. Hence, it becomes very important to keep the cash counter
very efficient and manned at all times. An effective and neat cash counter is a
sign of a very professionally managed store.

It’s the responsibility of the cash counter in-charge or the head cashier to see to
it that each and every cash counter is managed properly. At start of the trading,
it’s important that the cashier assigned to a specific cash counter needs to look
into the following points:
The cash counter is neat and tidy
To ensure the cash till/POS machine is working
To check all telephone lines and EDC machines are working
To ensure stationery is available
To ensure returns are sent back

Cashiers should ensure that Q-managers are in place in front of the cash counter
to avoid crowding of customers in front of the cash desk.

The head cashier should ensure this is practiced religiously every day.

Usually, a head cashier is expected to generate a report which shows the total
number of transactions done in all the cash counters, a detail SKU wise report,
a detail tender wise report and a detail report in all individual cash counters
which will reflect all the cancellations done, refunds made, and any other
specific transaction made apart from the billings made. Based on these reports
the head cashier has to submit his daily submission report to the store manager.
Also, all investigations are done based on these reports. Some software also has
the efficiency to generate report period wise, apart from date wise, and also
time wise, i.e., between a specific time period in a day, individually in all cash
counters. The more the reports are detailed the easier it becomes for a head
cashier to investigate a case.

This highly loaded POS is capable of integrating with all types of POS

Users reduce the waiting time of their customers at billing counters. They also
prevent shrinkage loss at the front end of the store by eliminating chances for
malpractices & mistakes. The Key Features retail billing is as under:

➢ Provisions to capture additional information in invoice helps better

tracking in cases of home delivery
➢ Easy to use Product search interface helps in quick & efficient product
search based on different parameters like product code, name, product
alias & barcode
➢ Supports EAN, UPC, GTIN, QR and custom designed bar code scan
➢ Hold bill is great feature to hold a particular bill & resume it after some
➢ Facility to maintain scanned copies of important documents in the
software for parcel entry tracking
➢ Supports Exchange feature which allows setting of multiple exchange
prices for the same product

➢ Supports Exchange scheme in billing. Multiple exchange price can be
defined for the same product based on condition
➢ Supports retail & tax invoice
➢ Quotation/Proforma/Sales Order/DN to Sales Bill conversion
➢ Fix price of the product depending on purchase price or as per demand.
This results in fixing optimum selling price if same product is purchased
at different rates
➢ Swipe card readers interface to reduce credit/debit card tender time
➢ Supports all types of payment modes like Cash, Card, Coupon, Gift
voucher, mixed payment tender type such as part cash, part credit card,
➢ Auto recovery & Offline billing possible if connection with server is
➢ Supports Till Management which facilitates recording of all sales,
purchase details & cashing up
➢ Supports exchange dues
➢ Due bill payment feature allows processing of unsettled bills
➢ Facility to maintain manufacturer, supplier & your own product code

Solution Highlights

Easy, Fast & Robust Billing

Enhance billing through the integration of barcode scanners and weighing scale
to the POS. The cashier just needs to scan the products & print the bill. In some
cases, they can even hold a bill and recall the same thereby serving the long
queue of customers faster.

Re-order based on Sales/Stock

Our comprehensive re-order features help you plan replenishment wisely
based on previous PO, purchased quantity and item sold quantity for a
particular period. You can also generate supplier-wise PO by analyzing last 'N'
day, weekly, monthly & yearly sales details.

Purchase Formula & Price Level

Simplify purchase entry for each one of your suppliers using our PURCHASE
FORMULA with discounts, taxes, freight, etc. It takes one time configuration
that helps you to do inward process entry easily without any mistakes &

Effective Day-end Process

You need to have control over the billing counter staff to prevent pilferage.
Achieve this by using snapshot, session management, till management & cash

hand over features in your POS. In-fact, day-end report will reflect counter-
wise excess or shortage of cash accurately.

Repacking, Split & Kit items

Inventory of grocery items which are purchased in bulk quantity and later
repacked in small quantities are manageable. Items can also be bundled as a
KIT item like gift pack.

Home Delivery & Due Bill

Orders which need to be delivered at the doorstep can be billed as Due bill.
Type of payment by customer can be captured later with delivery status.

Credit Card & Coupon Tracking

Entire cycle of debit or credit card and coupon transactions are trackable in
detail. Apart from that, you can also trace coupons collection, deposit and
reimbursement details.

Swipe Card Reader Interface

By integrating swipe card readers, the job of cashier becomes much easier. Card
payments get captured directly without manual entry and ensures accuracy.

Check Actual & Analyze Status on the go to Support Decision Making

Go-Frugal's report tool is very flexible, easy to use, fully customizable. It
provides MIS reports that help decision making, analyzing the trends &
competition. This helps you to know the current status of the stores, keeping
track of various transactions, etc. This reporting tool includes more than 350
pre-defined reports & designed to take care of all reporting needs of any
business. Go-Frugal's Webreporter, an add on product gives you the ability to
see reports on the Internet via browser from remote locations.

The Key Features of this Webreporter is as follows:

➢ Report personalization allows you to configure the reports i.e. grouping

fields in a report, customizing columns display order, related reports can
be grouped/mapped & report filters can be customized.

➢ Reports can be added to "Myreport" for frequently viewed reports.

➢ All reports can be exported to Excel, HTML, PDF & mail formats.

➢ Comprehensive stock, sales & purchase analysis based on product,

distributor, manufacturer, category & returned transaction.

➢ Supports generation of Inventory Analysis reports such as age analysis,
product margin, category-wise stock & excess stock.

➢ Master data analysis like newly created customers list for a given period.

➢ Salesman commission analysis based on total value of sales, sales return,

commission slab based or product age based.

➢ Generates list of Top N customer for month, non-regular customers, fast

and slow moving products, dead stocks/non-billed products, inventor
transaction, etc
➢ Supports report scheduler & report security (reports can be configured
by each user)

➢ Supports Day end report for filtering the records on a given date for
given bill types & choose the bill to edit (in Bill Entry Screen).

➢ Generates other reports like Sales & Purchase tax, Price level, Price drop,
repack, current stock, stock re-ordered, stock ledger, stock movement, etc

➢ Users can create customized report templates by defining & selecting


Telecom Retail Billing

When we talk about telecom billing then by default it is about retail billing. As
defined earlier telecom retail billing is defined as follows:

Telecom Billing is a process of collecting usage, aggregating it, applying

required usage and rental charges and finally generating invoices for the

Telecom billing process also includes receiving and recording payments from
the customers.

Retail billing deals directly with the end customer and comes with lot of
challenges to meet end customer expectations and regulatory obligations. A
billing is assumed to be successful as long as it is fulfilling following criteria:

➢ Timely Billing: End customer's invoice is being generating on time i.e.

nominal date. There may be some circumstances when end customer

does not get there on time because of some logistic issues. But it is IT's
responsibility to generate all the due bills on due date.

➢ Billing Accuracy: This is most important factor for the customer

satisfaction and from regulatory obligation point of view. If billing
system is not generating accurate bills, then it can lead to serious business
issue from legality point of view as well as leaving a customer in
unhappy state.

Retail Vs Wholesale Billing

Retail billing deals with end customer and billing an individual customer
whereas wholesale billing dealing with billing to the following entities
depending on situation and nature of business:

➢ Billing resellers associated with a telecom operator.

➢ Billing interconnects partners for providing interconnection to make calls
to other operators' customers.
➢ Billing roaming partners for providing services to their customers when
they roamed in an operator's coverage area.

Wholesale billing is easy in comparison of retail billing and allows a big level
of threshold of tolerance whereas retail billing always needs to be 100%
accurate. Wholesale billing can never if 100% accurate because of various
reasons like difference in prices configured in two operators’ systems or
difference in number of calls rated because some of the calls may got missed at
any network element.

There are specialized billing systems which are being used to handle retail
billing like Convergys and Amdocs Billing systems are famous for retail billing
where as ASCADE and INTEC billing systems are famous for wholesale billing.

Wholesale billing can also be settled using retail billing systems by using simple
reports because they do not deal with t0o many discounts and promotion types
whereas retail billing needs all these complications and cannot be handled
using wholesale billing systems.

All the concepts discussed so far in this tutorial was related to retail billing and
subsequent chapters will discuss about interconnect billing, roaming billing
and other billing types.


Visit two malls or stores of your nearest area observe the billing procedure and
write your report comparing of two stores for billing procedure and summarize
with suggestions to improve billing in the store.

Note: For this assignment you can gather to 10-20 customers of each store,
suggestions on billing procedure of each store.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. It’s the responsibility of ________________ to see that every cash counter

is managed properly.
2. ______________ features which allows setting of multiple exchange
prices for the same product.
3. Auto recovery and ______________ is possible is connection with server
is distributed.
4. Telecom billing process includes ____________ and ___________
payments from the customers.
5. Wholesale billing can also be settled using

Offline billing; Receiving; Recording; Support exchange; Retail billing system;

Cash counter in-charge/ head cashier

B. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Placed cashier is expected to generate report which shows that

a) Total number of transactions done

b) Detail SKU wise report
c) Detail tender wise report
d) All the above

2. Billing accuracy s most important factor for

1. Customer satisfaction
2. Reseller satisfaction
3. Purchase satisfaction
4. None of the above


Part A
Describe billing procedures.
Responsibilities of billing in-charge.

Part B
What is the billing procedure?
What are the responsibilities of billing in-charge?
What are the key factories of retail billing?
Effective billing solutions.
Wholesale and telecom billing.

Modes of Retail Transportation

As said in the above paragraph that transportation can be done in any of the
three modes namely; road, water and air. But in retail marketing there are two
important types i.e. store and non-store retailing. In non-store retailing and in
e - retailing in most of the cases all three modes may be adopted. Here postal
department services or courier services are adopted. Both postal department
and courier services use various methods/use various modes with main
objectives to deliver goods at a shortest time and low cost. Normally a
combination of different modes of services is adopted to obtain best result. This
combination is usually decided by origin and destination points.

Some of the points which decide about modes are:

➢ Distance between two points is small: if distance is small and well

connected by road, then, normally water and air modes are not
➢ Distance between two points is too high and weight of the goods is small:
A combination of road and air can be used.
➢ Distance between two points is too high and weight of the goods is high:
A combination of road and water (ship) can be used.

➢ A combination of water and road is used when road connection is not
good and boat is a mode of transportation.
➢ A combination of road and train is used depending upon facility
available for the same.

In case of store retailing normally different modes of road transportation is

adopted depending upon the situation. Here delivery of the goods is of two
types (1) delivery of the goods from store to customer example: hardware
materials, tails etc. or (2) from showroom to customer example: normal grocery
items in kirana store. In the above two, method adopted depends on easiness
of loading and unloading process.

In general retail transport can be treated as movement of goods from store or

showroom of retailer to handing over it to the consumer.

Objectives of Retail Transport

To deliver the goods to the customer in a short time.

To deliver the goods at a lease cost.
To reduce loading and unloading as much as possible.
To improve safety measures during transporting.
To adopt all legal requirement towards transportation.

Loading and Unloading of Merchandise

Loading and unloading of the goods is a very important activity in retail

management. This activity is associated with cost, time, wastage, handling of
material, safety of employees and others.

Factor Affected by loading and unloading:

Time of delivery
Wastage of material
Safety of employees
Government rules

Objectives of Loading and Unloading

When the finished goods are received from factory or wholesale dealer the
retailer must receive these goods in his store/showroom. For doing this job he
has to unload the material from the transport device. In the same way when the
customer purchases the material from the retailer, he has to load the purchased

material into the transportation vehicle. These activities are called as loading
and unloading of the materials. There are various good practices of loading and
unloading, some of them are:

1. When a bulk order is obtained, send the delivery of the material directly from
factory/whole sale dealer to customer.
2. Load the materials for delivery to the customer, as early as possible which
helps in reduction in stock storage space, early realization of selling price,
avoiding obsolesce and minimization of safety cost.
3. Protect the material from fire, rain water, theft etc.
4. Delicate materials must be handled carefully.
5. While handling hazardous material extra safety measures must be taken
while loading and unloading.
6. While loading and unloading government rules must be followed towards
7. Some materials cannot be stores for longer duration and it has to be handled
with care. Example: vegetable etc.

Problems associated with Retail Transport

1. Maintaining supply chain efficiency in face of increasing risk and


2. Infrastructure congestion exacerbated by unforeseen or uncontrollable

a) Natural disasters
b) Labour strike and shortages
c) Terrorism

3. Heightened supply chain security.

4. Increasing costs
a) Inventory just-in-time to just-in-case.
b) Congestion e.g. demurrage, fuel, traffic, mitigation fees, container fees.
c) Security.

5. Using retail transport for cross border is very complex, time consuming and
costly, for example, retail companies need at least 12 different permissions
issued by different authorities.

6. For import and export of goods needed customer clearances before sending
to distribution centres.

7. It is needed to translate all information into national or regional language
trigger additional handling and logical efforts regarding the separation and
specific treatment of merchandise for different countries. Merchandise has to
be logistically separated and relabelled to continue to final destination.


1. Visit a retail outlet or a mall located in your area, interact with the owner and
employees and ask the following questions and write their replies in not more
than 50 words.

2. Visit a Retail organization, nearby your area, interact with the owner and
employees and ask the following questions and write their replies in not more
than 50 words.

A. Questions to Employee/owner

1. What are the modes of retail transportation?

2. Is there is any analysis done to improve retail transportation in terms of
cost, time, quality of delivery etc.?
3. Are you using door delivery system as one of the methods to attract
4. What are the problems faced by you in loading and unloading of a
5. What action taken to solve above problems?

B. Question to Employees

1. What are the innovative methods suggested by them in handling the


C. Fill in the Blanks

1. Distance between two points is too high and weight of the goods is small
then a combination of ______ and ________ can be used in retail
2. Distance between two points is too small and weight of the goods is small
then ___________________________ can be used in retail transportation.

3. If the distance is high and weight of goods is also high, then
_______________ and ______________ can be used for retail

Water and air mode; Road and air mode; Road and water (ship)

B. Multiple Choice Questions

Tick the correct answer

1. Most important mode of retail transportation is

a) Rail
b) Air
c) Road
d) Water

2. Objective of retail transportation is -

a) improve quality of goods
b) reduce production wastage
c) increase in sales
d) timely delivery to customer

3. This is not one of the modes of retail transportation -

a) e-mail
b) road
c) air
d) water

4. Loading and unloading must be -

a) reduced
b) increased
c) maintained
d) none of above

5. Hazardous material must be loaded and unloaded

a) quickly
b) carefully
c) do not handle
d) both a and c


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
1. Various methods of store and non-store retail transport.
2. E-commerce retail transporting.
3. Objectives of retail transporting.
4. Definition of retail transportation.
5. Identify the factors affecting loading and unloading.
6. Determine objectives of loading and unloading.
7. Differentiate the various methods of loading and unloading.

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
1. Define retail transportation.
2. What are the modes of transportation in e-commerce?
3. Explain all types of transportation.
4. What are the objectives of retail transportation?
5. What is Retail loading and unloading?
6. What factors influence Retail loading and unloading?
7. What are the objectives of Retail loading and unloading?

Retail Delivery Process

Fitting out a major retail scheme owes a lot to effective retail delivery
management. We know retailers value flexibility. The ability to delay decision-
making until the last minute is very important – enabling the latest trends to be
incorporated into a store’s design, or units to be let at short notice.

Retail developments, by contrast, rely on tight control and effective

management to achieve trading dates. The retail delivery manager provides a
single point of contact that balances the needs of retailers with the discipline
required to meet the opening date. We know this can’t be undertaken as part of
another role. We use a dedicated resource to ensure that and we understand
what the stakeholders need before they come on board.
Bringing together the centre management, existing tenants, new tenants and the
construction team, we align all the stakeholders by communicating the design
vision, practical constraints and risks face to face.

We make sure that agreements for lease, contract documents and warranties all
contain the necessary safeguards and deliverables for a successful fit-out on

site, driving out problems that may otherwise only become apparent the day a
tenant arrives on site.

Once on site, we manage the process and interface between stakeholders.

Everyone is kept on the same page and aligned with the commercial goals of
the project.

We have used our insight and experience to develop a dedicated method. This
framework provides a clear view of the process from inception to close out, so
that each member of the project team knows what they are doing and when. In
turn, this allows our clients to concentrate on structuring deals in the
knowledge that everything will dovetail together on site.

The Retail Delivery is the management process designed to help guide our
tenants from the design stages through to the successful opening and trading
of a store within a Westfield centre. Fitting out so many stores at once can put
tremendous pressure on supply chains and specialized resources as there are a
huge number of developments completing during the same timeframe. Plan
ahead and don't be afraid to ask one of the Retail Delivery team for assistance
if you need to. The main stages in the Retail Delivery process are set out below:

1. Tenant's Briefing

➢ The Retail Design Manager (RDM) introduces the vision for Westfield
Stratford City and presents the Design Guidelines to your design team.
The RDM outlines the design approvals process and all design-related
queries can be tables at this meeting.

➢ Westfield's Retail Project Manager (RPM) will answer your queries on

any technical aspects of the project, discuss a programme of works and
outline the process ahead. During (or shortly after) the Retailer Briefing
Meeting, you will be issued with a Detailed Tenancy Pack which will
contain all the information required for you to start designing your store.

2. Design Approval

➢ The Tenant will submit the concept design to the RDM at this stage. The
RDM will review the concept design and issue comments and approval.
➢ The Tenant will submit a more detailed concept design to the RDM. The
RDM will review the concept design and issue comments and approval.

3. Fit-out

➢ At this stage, the Tenant appoints its Fit-Out Contractor and the premises
is inspected by the Tenant for access. Westfield conducts the Pre-start

➢ Induction and the Tenant submits pre-start information to the RPM and
H&S for review.

➢ The RPM and RDM issue comments. Access to the premises is granted
and the Tenant's fit-out work commences. The RPM and RDM monitor
the fit-out.

➢ This includes the Tenant's Commissioning, Consent to Trade,

Merchandising and Store Opening. Necessary steps are: tenant
commissioning and landlord interface; tenant completed snagging;
tenant issuance of H&S file (O&Ms), as built drawings and statutory
certificates to RPM; RPM Consent to Trade issued.

4. Completion Stage

➢ During the close out stage, the Tenant Snagging Remedial occurs and the
Tenant issues as-built drawings. The RDM issues the Documentation of
Works and the Developer releases the Deposit and Deductions.

Retail Delivery Services through different Agencies

Show Me Moving and Home Delivery

We specialize in delivering the items from your warehouse to your customer’s

homes. Your customer has made the purchasing decision, paid for the item, and
now you need a reliable, trusted partner who knows the importance of an on
time, damage free delivery.

Whether you need professional, insured delivery service three times a week,
once a month or a variation in between; whether you need threshold delivery
or white glove service; whether you have your own program you'd like us to
follow or you'd like us to customize a service to create efficiencies and
maximize your profits; Show Me Moving and Home Delivery will deliver a
hassle-free experience to you and your customer.

With over 75 years of management experience, our team is dedicated to
delivering a service that is developed to eliminate the obstacles that keep you
from growing your business.

Tapping customers to deliver goods would put the world's largest retailer
squarely in middle of a new phenomenon sometimes known as "crowd-
sourcing," or the "sharing economy."

A plethora of start-ups now help people make money by renting out a spare
room, a car, or even a cocktail dress, and Wal-Mart would in effect be inviting
people to rent out space in their vehicle and their willingness to deliver
packages to others.

Such an effort would, however, face numerous legal, regulatory and privacy
obstacles, and Wal-Mart executives said it was at an early planning stage.

Wal-Mart is making a big push to ship online orders directly from stores,
hoping to cut transportation costs and gain an edge over Amazon and other
online retailers, which have no physical store locations. Wal-Mart does this at
25 stores currently, but plans to double that to 50 this year and could expand
the program to hundreds of stores in the future.

Wal-Mart currently uses carriers like FedEx Corp for delivery from stores - or,
in the case of a same-day delivery service called Walmart To Go that is being
tested in five metro areas, its own delivery trucks.

Retail Delivery by CKDC

As an expert on retail delivery, CKDC will work with landlords to ensure they
have best practice processes and procedures implemented within their business
so that it operates with better efficiency to more expediently open shops,
provide improved landlord-tenant relationships and enhance the landlord’s
retail brand and reputation.

CKDC can assist with:

➢ Assessing and critiquing current retail delivery processes

➢ Assessing current documentation and procedures
➢ Analysing current personnel, consultants and resources and the
operational framework they work within
➢ Recommending improved processes and procedures
➢ Preparing relevant documentation – Fit Out Guide, Site Constraints
documents etc

➢ Implementing improved procedures
➢ Assisting with the procurement of additional specialized staff and
➢ Training personnel on and rolling out new processes

Delivery Services Dynamex

Through years of experience, Dynamex has developed industry-specific

transportation and logistics solutions. Have a unique shipping need? Require
logistics services support? Dynamex offers a variety of support services for all
types of specialized delivery and logistical needs, including our retail logistics

Retail Distribution

Distribution and delivery across a global supply chain is becoming increasingly

sophisticated and complex. Customer-focused enterprises are under increasing
pressure to satisfy customers while reducing costs and streamlining operations.
At the same time, they must comply with regulations from every region.

Wherever your goods must be moved or stored, Dynamex can develop the most
efficient and effective way to meet your requirements in the US and Canada.
Our proven retail distribution services make Dynamex the single, trusted
resource for warehousing, third party logistics, and retail goods distribution.
Flexibility and outstanding service ensures that your shipments make it to your
stores complete and on-time.

When you need immediate delivery, both you and your customers can rely on
Dynamex. Flexibility and outstanding courier service ensure that your
shipments make it to your house complete and on-time.

Dynamex knows the sale cannot wait. Retail fulfilment is deadline sensitive and
requires the goods be delivered at exactly the right place, at the right time, and
in the right way. There is no margin for error.

We offer
Product distribution management
Inventory management and warehousing
Electronic data interchange (EDI)

With Dynamex, you can be assured of having your products available, in the
store, and on the shelf so your store staff can focus on customers and making a

Dynamex offers a transportation and logistics solution designed just for your
specific needs. We work with you to optimize your service levels and vehicle
mix to provide the most cost-effective routing, handling, and delivery available.

Home Delivery Courier

Home delivery across a global supply chain is becoming increasingly

sophisticated and complex. Customer-focused enterprises are under increasing
pressure to satisfy
customers while reducing costs and streamlining operations. Dynamex is your
term solution for a seamless home delivery program. We are a leading network
courier company serving a wide range of retailers and manufacturers including
consumer electronics, appliances, home improvement, office supplies, and
furniture companies throughout the United States. We specialize in all sizes and
weights, white glove service, and weekend/holiday delivery.

Our success is due to extensive experience and expertise in managing

national and regional shipping programs. We provide extraordinary customer
service and use state-of-the-art technology to provide you with the most
efficient and cost-effective home delivery solutions in the retail and e-
commerce industry.

Through years of transportation and logistics experience we have learned tried

and true methods for successfully implementing and executing simple to
complex programs. Dynamex has been operating in the market for many years,
working in partnership with a range of leading manufacturers and retailers,
providing services from order placement to final delivery.

E-Commerce Courier
If your customers have to wait on the phone for every delivery, they may
quickly turn into someone else's customers. With the time demands of e-mail
and the Internet changing everyone's perceptions of speedy response, dxNow®
brings an online advantage to your same-day shipping fulfilment needs.
dxNow® is your online gateway to e-commerce.
Customers can remain ahead of the curve with our online courier solution for
fulfilling all of your same-day delivery needs. With secure order entry, real-

time tracking, and account management reporting, you have access to every
aspect of the shipping process 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

With Dynamex's e-commerce shipping solutions, order entry is quick and easy
with your personalized address book and smart code referencing. Every order
you place at dxNow® appears directly on Dynamex dispatch screens for
seamless transmission to the appropriate driver with the right vehicle to handle
your order immediately.

And, with online waybills and shipping labels ready to print, one click of your
mouse has your package is ready for pick-up.

During the shipping process, you can log on to your account to view real-time
status updates, or choose to have pickup and delivery updates sent straight to
your email, or your customer's email. Then, use our instant reporting system to
generate customized management reports for online viewing or download.
From start to finish, you are in control of your time-critical deliveries.


Interact with delivery department head of the store and write down the
procedure followed by that store and problems encountered by the store in
delivery procedures with practical solution of that problem by you.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. The retail delivery manager provides a single point of contact then

balances the needs of ______________ with the _____________ required
to meet the ___________ date.

2. Retail delivery is the ______________ process.

Management; Retailers; Discipline; Opening

B. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Walmart same day delivery called Walmart To GO that to being listed in

a) Five metros
b) Two metros

c) Three metros
d) None of the above

2. Retail fulfilment is require the goods be delivered at

a) Right place
b) Right time
c) Right way
d) All the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
Identify delivery procedure in retail store.

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
Discuss delivery procedures.
Discuss web based delivery process.
Discuss different agencies providing delivery services.

Maintenance of Records and Inventories

A. Every inventory and other records required to be kept under this part must
be kept by the registrant and be available, for at least 2 years from the date of
such inventory or records, for inspection and copying by authorized employees
of the Administration.

1. Financial and shipping records may be kept at a central location, rather than
at the registered location, if the registrant has notified the Administration of his
intention to keep central records. Written notification must be submitted by
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, in triplicate, to the Special
Agent in Charge of the Administration in the area in which the registrant is
located. Unless the registrant is informed by the Special Agent in Charge that
permission to keep central records is denied, the registrant may maintain
central records commencing 14 days after receipt of his notification by the
Special Agent in Charge. All notifications must include the following:

➢ The nature of the records to be kept centrally.

➢ The exact location where the records will be kept.

➢ The name, address, DEA registration number and type of DEA
registration of the registrant whose records are being maintained
➢ Whether central records will be maintained in a manual, or computer
readable, form.

2. A registered retail pharmacy that possesses additional registrations for

automated dispensing systems at long term care facilities may keep all records
required by this part for those additional registered sites at the retail pharmacy
or other approved central location.

B. All registrants that are authorized to maintain a central recordkeeping

system under paragraph (a) of this section shall be subject to the following

➢ The records to be maintained at the central record location shall not

include executed order forms and inventories, which shall be maintained
at each registered location.
➢ If the records are kept on microfilm, computer media or in any for
requiring special equipment to render the records easily readable, the
registrant shall provide access to such equipment with the records. If any
code system is used (other than pricing information), a key to the code
shall be provided to make the records understandable.
➢ The registrant agrees to deliver all or any part of such records to the
registered location within two business days upon receipt of a written
request from the Administration for such records, and if the
Administration chooses to do so in lieu of requiring delivery of such
records to the registered location, to allow authorized employees of the
Administration to inspect such records at the central location upon
request by such employees without a warrant of any kind.
➢ In the event that a registrant fails to comply with these conditions, the
Special Agent in Charge may cancel such central record keeping
authorization, and all other central recordkeeping authorizations held by
the registrant without a hearing or other procedures. In the event of a
cancellation of central recordkeeping authorizations under this
paragraph the registrant shall, within the time specified by the Special
Agent in. Charge, comply with the requirements of this section that all
records be kept at the registered location.

C. Registrants need not notify the Special Agent in Charge or obtain central
record keeping approval in order to maintain records on an in-house computer

D. ARCOS participants who desire authorization to report from other than
them registered locations must obtain a separate central reporting identifier.
Request for central reporting identifiers will be submitted to the ARCOS Unit.

E. All central record keeping permits are issued by the Administration

F. Each registered manufacturer, distributor, importer, exporter, narcotic

treatment program and compounder for narcotic treatment program shall
maintain inventories and records of controlled substances as follows:

➢ Inventories and records of controlled substances listed in Schedules I and

II shall be maintained separately from all of the records of the registrant

➢ Inventories and records of controlled substances listed in Schedules III,

IV, and V shall be maintained either separately from all other records of
the registrant or in such form that the information required is readily
retrievable from the ordinary business records of the registrant.

G. Each registered individual practitioner required to keep records and

institutional practitioner shall maintain inventories and records of controlled
substances in the manner prescribed in paragraph (f) of this section.

H. Each registered pharmacy shall maintain the inventories and records of

controlled substances as follows:

➢ Inventories and records of all controlled substances listed in Schedule I

and II shall be maintained separately from all other records of the
➢ Paper prescriptions for Schedule II controlled substances shall be
maintained at the registered location in a separate prescription file.
➢ Inventories and records of Schedules III, IV, and V controlled substances
shall be maintained either separately from all other records of the
pharmacy or in such form that the information required is readily
retrievable from ordinary business records of the pharmacy.
➢ Paper prescriptions for Schedules III, IV, and V controlled substances
shall be maintained at the registered location either in a separate
prescription file for Schedules III, IV, and V controlled substances only
or in such form that they are readily retrievable from the other
prescription records of the pharmacy. Prescriptions will be deemed
readily retrievable if, at the time they are initially filed, the face of the
prescription is stamped in red ink in the lower right corner with the letter
"C" no less than 1 inch high and filed either in the prescription file for
controlled substances listed in Schedules I and II or in the usual

consecutively numbered prescription file for non-controlled substances.
However, if a pharmacy employs a computer application for
prescriptions that permits identification by prescription number and
retrieval of original documents by prescriber name, patient's name, drug
dispensed, and date filled, then the requirement to mark the hard copy
prescription with a red "C" is waived.
➢ Records of electronic prescriptions for controlled substances shall be
maintained in an application that meets the requirements of part 1311 of
this chapter. The computers on which the records are maintained may be
located at another location, but the records must be readily retrievable at
the registered location if requested by the Administration or other law
enforcement agent. The electronic application must be capable of
printing out or transferring the records in a format that is readily
understandable to an Administration or other law enforcement agent at
the registered location. Electronic copies of prescription records must be
sortable by prescriber name, patient name, drug dispensed, and date

Maintenance and Retention of Records

Wholesale dealer shall maintain copies of invoices or equivalent documentation

for each of its facilities for every transaction in which the wholesale dealer is
the seller, purchaser, consignor, consignee or recipient of cigarettes. The
invoices or documentation must indicate the name and address of the
consignor, seller, purchaser or consignee, and the quantity by brand and style
of the cigarettes involved in the transaction.

Retail dealer shall maintain copies of invoices or equivalent documentation for

every transaction in which the retail dealer receives or purchases cigarettes at
each of its facilities. The invoices or documentation must indicate the name and
address of the wholesale dealer from whom, or the address of another facility
of the same retail dealer from which, the cigarettes were received, and the
quantity of each brand and style of the cigarettes received in the transaction.

Manufacturer shall maintain copies of invoices or equivalent documentation

for each of its facilities for every transaction in which the manufacturer is the
seller, purchaser, consignor, consignee or recipient of cigarettes. The invoices
or documentation must indicate the name and address of the consignor, seller,
purchaser or consignee, and the quantity by brand and style of the cigarettes
involved in the transaction.

The records required above must be preserved on the premises described in the
license of the manufacturer, wholesale dealer or retail dealer in such a manner

as to ensure permanency and accessibility for inspection at reasonable hours by
authorized personnel of the Department. With the permission of the
Department, manufacturers, wholesale dealers and retail dealers with multiple
places of business may retain centralized records, but shall transmit duplicates
of the invoices or the equivalent documentation to each place of business within
24 hours after the request of the Executive Director or his or her designee.

The records required by this section must be retained for not less than 3 years
after the date of the transaction unless the Department authorizes, in writing,
their earlier removal or destruction.


Write down the Record Maintenance Procedures of one retail store.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. The retail sales records required under WAC 246-889-095 are __________
and accessible by the low enforcement agencies.
2. Only __________ employees have access to the data base.
3. Retail dealer shall maintain copies of ________________ or equivalent
4. documentation for every ______________.

Authorized; Invoices; Transactions; Confidential

B. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Retail sales records of restricted procedures, electronic or written must

be kept for a minimum of
a) Two years
b) Three years
c) Four years
d) Five years

2. The invoice or documentation must indicate

a) Name and address of consignor/ seller
b) Quantity by brand
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
Describe record maintenance procedure.

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
Discuss legal procedures of record maintenance in retail environment.

Unit-3: Health and Safety Practices
Delivery of Goods


An incident that happens unexpectedly, unfortunately, typically and

unintentionally causes damage or injury is called accident.

An emergency can be explained as an unplanned critical event that could lead

to injury, illness, death and property damage. It may also refer to a dangerous
or serious situation that happens and needs immediate action.

Though most retail stores are maintaining safety measures for shoppers, store
owners and employees still there are some accidents and emergencies may
occur as there are thousands of customers coming and going in retail stores
every day.

Identify Accidents and Emergencies

Accidents can be identified if one or more of the followings are noticed –

• Caught fire.
• Knock by vehicle.
• Falling from height.
• Injury due to slipping on floor.
• Stepping on sharp object.
• Unexpected fire explosion.
• Injury or damage causes due to miss handling or Machine failure.
• Cuts.
• Chocking.
• Hit by shrapnel.
• Falling objects.
• Asphyxia.
• Glass related injury.
• Poisoning.
• Burn or injury for touching hot object.
• Hit against any heavy or sharp object.
• Bruises.
• Drowning.

• Eye or Skin exposure to chemical.

Emergencies can be identified if one or more followings are noticed

• Accident.
• Bomb Threats.
• Explosion.
• Electrocution.
• Equipment Failure.
• Emergency Requiring Evacuation.
• Flammable Gas or Fluid Leaks.
• Hostage Situations or Terrorism.
• Hazardous Substances and Chemical Spills.
• Internal Emergencies.
• Serious sickness, injury, medical emergencies or death.
• Theft or Robbery.
• Unexpected Fire.
• Assault.
• Chemical accident.

Procedure for preventing further injury

It is essential that everyone working in retail workplace is capable of using the

tools and equipment in a manner that will harm neither whom they work nor
• The correct equipment should be used for the appropriate job.
• Equipment should be in very good condition and it should be in a correct
running order before use.
• Guards should always be in place when the machine/equipment is in
• Wearing proper/safety uniforms should be worn at work place.
• All electronic equipment/machineries should be switch off before
• Floors are always kept clean, clear and dry for preventing slipping.
• Should use proper safety gears during work, e. g- wearing hand gloves,
helmets etc. wherever applicable.
• Handling and uses of hazardous substances should be in correct manner.
• Everyone should be free from stress at work.

Follow Instructions in emergencies

When an emergency occurs in speed and some of the time responders don’t
have much time to respond or plan, emergencies may come in any form –

earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, bomb threats etc. Emergency plans must be a
part of the SOPs.

Following instructions are followed in emergencies –

a. Bomb Threats – If received bomb threat we should report and call

immediately to emergency services such as Police, Fire service etc.
o In case of Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) call ambulance
and till the medical help arrive give first aid.

➢ Fire – Alert the public and fire department by pressing the fire alarm and
dialing the fire station number.
o Rescue people in danger without risking own health. Extinguish
fire using fire extinguisher.
o Guide others to rush to the assemble area and don not leave the
assemble area until being told to do so.

b. Assault – Save evidence, seeking medical treatment, reporting to police,

note down the assailant’s identification marks and identifying
characteristics. Collect doctor’s certificate of the injury. Record witness
personal details.

c. Theft, robbery and burglary – Report to the incident to the nearest police
station without wasting much time. In case of robbery stay calm,
corporate with the robber, we should observe the robber without his/her
attention. If possible, dial emergency number.

d. Electric shock –

➢ Cut off the power supply or unplug the wire attached with the appliance
from the main switch.
➢ Before touching the victim, ensure that there is no current in the victim
or the appliance the victim is touching.
➢ Place the victim on his / her side if breathing and call for the medical
➢ If the victim is not breathing then give CPR and call for the medical help.

e. Poisoning – Give first aid for poisoning and call for medical help.

f. In general emergency if someone’s life, health, property or the

environment is threatened or in danger, dial emergency number.

g. In case of bleeding or heavy bleeding apply pressure to the wound with
finger or palm. Provide first aid and rush to the medical immediately.

h. If Firearm threats – Ensure all lights are switch off in all the rooms. Turn
off mobile. Close all the doors and lock properly. Ensure all the persons
in the room are lying on the floor. Inform police or dial emergency
number by keeping in mind the convenient time and situation. Do not
talks stay calm.

Maintaining Hygiene in Retail Store

The organized retail business establishments maintain hygiene and safety by

practicing housekeeping and guarding against any mis-happenings due to the
negligence of personnel working in retail store, Customers want to shop in a
clean, well-lighted store so they have confidence that the merchandise
purchased there is also clean and of good quality. Housekeeping at the retail is
an ongoing task.

Following are some of the points for maintaining consistent cleaning and

• Plan a cleaning schedule: Regular cleaning schedule can include

cleanliness of the store by organising regular inspections of other high-
traffic areas such as changing rooms, store entry-ways and popular
departments. Getting staff to regularly do a quick once-over to pick up
rubbish, mop up any mess and cleaning of the area will not only improve
customer experience but protect people from potentially injuring and

• Always keep your entrance and exit clean: Preventing the spread of
germs to begin with is a great way to stop the problem before it starts.
You can do this by providing sanitation stations equipped with hand
sanitiser throughout your store for both employees and customers to use
starting from the entrance till exit gate. The presence of these sanitation
units is helpful for two reasons. Firstly, it sends a message to your
customers that you care about them and their health, making them look
more favourable to your store. The second is that by providing a more
hygienic working environment, your employees are less likely to come
in contact with infectious bacteria that could make them sick and unable
to work.

• Regularly clean of the store: Display cabinets, cash registers, storefronts
and changing rooms; all of these areas are going to have the most footfall
during the busy hours, so they’re going to require the most attention.
Infectious bacteria are most commonly transferred via touch, so it’s
important to keep the health of your employees and your customers in
mind by instructing staff to wipe down windows, benches and registers
throughout the day using disinfectant products.

• Maintain clean washrooms: Toilets can quickly become messy, dirty

and incredibly unpleasant for customers to be in if not thoroughly
inspected and cleaned regularly. To avoid this issue, it can help to
organise a roster for inspections throughout the day. If tended to
consistently, you are likely to find that you’ll be able to keep on top of the
mess without any extensive cleaning needed. It can also be helpful to put
up signs telling customers to report any unsanitary areas to the nearest
staff member.

• Perception of the Customer: Many people visiting your store every day,
your usual methods to keep it smelling fresh aren’t likely to get you very
far. Although bad odours aren’t necessarily a health risk, they do affect
the way people perceive your business and impact on how likely they are
to stay in your store. Installing air purifiers or fresheners throughout
your space will help to reduce unpleasant smells and improve overall
customer experience. This should particularly be a focus at the entrance
to your store so you make a good first impression on potential customers.

Materials used for Maintaining Hygiene in Retail Store

Differentiate Between Health and Hygiene

Health Hygiene
The state of being free from physical The science of health, its promotion
or psychological disease, illness, or and preservation.
A state of well-being or balance, Those conditions and practices that
often physical but sometimes also promote and preserve health.
mental and social; the overall level
of function of an organism from the
cellular (micro) level to the social
(macro) level.
It is a physical condition. It involves cleanliness


List out the examples of Accidents and Emergencies.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. An incident that happens unexpectedly, unfortunately, typically and

unintentionally causes damage or injury is called _______________.
2. __________________ should always be in place when the
machine/equipment is in use.
3. Everyone should be free from ___________ at work.
4. The organized retail business establishments maintain hygiene and
safety by practicing ____________________ and __________________
against any mis-happenings.
5. _________________ is a physical condition.
6. ____________________ involves cleanliness.

Hygiene; Stress; Guards; Accident; Health, Housekeeping; Guarding

B. Multiple Choice Questions

7. Emergencies can be in form of

a) Earthquakes
b) Floods
c) Tsunamis
d) Bomb threats
e) All of the above

8. Accidents can be in form of

a) Cuts
b) Burns
c) Choking
d) Knock by vehicle
e) All of the above

9. Maintaining hygiene at retail store is done through

a) Plan a cleaning schedule
b) Always keep your entrance and exit clean

c) Regularly clean of the store
d) Maintain clean washrooms
e) All of the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
Explain the instructions to be followed during emergencies.
Safety precautions to be taken while travelling
Safety precautions to be taken while operating with tool and equipment

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
Procedure for preventing injury
Significance of safety

Understanding Possible Health and Safety Threats at Workplace

Usually, there are many short-term and long-term risks involved in the
workplace. For instance, musculoskeletal disorders may develop after getting
exposed to ergonomic factors (such as limited workspace or non-adjustable
chair) for several months or years, whereas getting an electric shock or physical
injury on handling equipment can happen suddenly.

The following are several workplace-associated threats to health and safety:

• Repetitive exertions
• Posture stresses
• Noise

• Voice problems, especially for telemarketers
• Improper electrical wiring
• Dysfunctional safety tools, like surveillance camera or biometric system

Parameters that Help Reduce Breaches in Safety, Security and Health

Breaches in safety, security and health occur when the company’s policies are
ignored or the law not upheld. For instance, not taking appropriate steps to
avoid a risky situation from occurring or not complying with regulatory
requirements is considered as a breach

Examples of breaches in safety, security and health:

• When workers are exposed to excessive noise risk.
• When workers are exposed to the risk of falling from a height, with no
safety measures in place.
• Usage of specific equipment through unlicensed operators.
• When it is not ensured that the store is correctly and properly guarded.
• When a serious injury or illness has not been notified by the concerned

Safety Equipment

Safety gears are the tools that protect you from injuries and risks at the
workplace or in real-life activities. It is important to know how to use the safety
gears while performing your job.

Protective gears vary on the basis of the industry and employee’s role within
the retail store. Employees working on the production floor, construction site,
or other areas where hazards may occur are required to utilize protective gears.

Some of the commonly used safety gears are as follows:

• Masks and gloves

• Safety glasses
• Hard hats
• Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) gears
• Nitrile glove (used for chemicals)
• Latex gloves (used in hospitals) Hazmat Suit (hazardous materials suit)
• NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) suits
A hazmat suit is an overall garment worn to protect people from hazardous
materials or substances, such as chemical, biological and radioactive agents.

Common Safety Concerns in Retail Store

The Government of India, in accordance with the Ministry of Environment, has

created several laws on how to dispose hazardous substances that are produced
during production of goods. For instance, there is a law on disposal of chemical

It is the obligation of a retail store to follow the laws while disposing waste.
Failing to do so can incur heavy penalty on the retail store. To avoid penalty
and ensure a safe work environment, there are several recycling methods that
can be used by the retail stores.

Following a Company’s Safety Policies

The best way to stay safe at the workplace is to follow the safety policies of the
retail store. The safety policies are designed after considering the potential risks
at the workplace. A safety policy includes standard procedures that are
performed to avoid potential risks or are performed in case of an emergency.
For example, using protective gear or other safety equipment wherever

Understanding and Following Safety Policies

With changing environment company policies are also updated regularly. To
be able to comply with company’s current health, safety, security, and
environmental policies, you need to read and understand the guidelines of
those policies.
Environmental policy highlights an organisation’s responsibilities towards a
clean and safe environment. For example, it deals with how to treat various
hazardous wastes – chemical or electronic-generated by the organisation before
disposing them.

Potential Hazards in Store

An unpredictable phenomenon, which poses a certain level of threat to health,
life, property, or environment, is known as a hazard. Undue exposure to a
certain factor or substance at workplace. May cause hazards. For instance, a

continued exposure to low levels of formaldehyde can cause respiratory
difficulties, such as eczema and sensitisation.

Hazards can be categorised as follows:

Chemical Biological Physical Ergonomic

hazards hazards hazards hazards

Let us learn about the different types of hazards:

• Chemical Hazards: Some of the common chemical

substances that can be found at workplace include:
➢ Formaldehyde
➢ Cigarette smoke
➢ Carbon monoxide
➢ Carbon dioxide
➢ Cleaning agents

• Physical Hazards: Different causes of physical hazards include:
➢ Physical injuries
➢ Poor office lighting
➢ Noise
➢ Dry air
➢ Air current

Biological Hazards: Different causes of biological hazards include:

➢ Pollens, allergens, and dusts
➢ People, plants, mites, and pests
➢ Condensed water in air conditioners,
clogged drains, etc.

• Ergonomic Hazards: Different causes of ergonomic hazards (physical factors

within the environment that harm the musculoskeletal system) include:
➢ Limited workspace
➢ Non-adjustable chair
➢ Repetitive task
➢ Shift work (especially, night-shift jobs)
➢ Mental and physical workload

Occupational Health & Safety

Retailers should take steps to make the employees adequately aware of health-
related concerns a workplace and their potential solutions. This can be achieved
through various training programme

Some of the key recommendations that help increase employee participation in
workplace health promotion activities are shown below:
➢ Actively involve employees in the design and implementation of
workplace health promotion activities
➢ Use formal and informal communication strategies to raise employee
awareness on health issues
➢ Provide employees with adequate information on health concerns
➢ It is important that workplace health promotions activities satisfy
individual needs at the workplace

Upgrading Safety Tools

Regular maintenance of safety tools and other equipment plays an important

role in eliminating workplace hazards. However, it is also important to
periodically upgrade the safety tools to the latest technologies. For instance,
upgrading fire, gas, or electrical safety equipment.

Performing Mock Evacuation Drills

Mock evacuation drills must be conducted at unexpected times at least once per
year. Prior to conducting the drill, all employees should be trained on the
evacuation procedure,
The purposes and objectives of any fire evacuation drill include:

• Identifying any weakness in the

evacuation strategy
• Testing the procedure
following any recent alteration
or change to working practice
• Familiarising new employees
with the procedures
• Testing the arrangement for
disabled people
• Identifying weakness in
emergency communication procedures and systems
• Identifying positive and negative reactions of staff members with
designated responsibilities

When carrying out a drill, the organiser may block the main routes, as if they
are affected by fir that occupants can use the emergency exits. During the drill,
the nominated observers should p particular attention to:

Communication difficulties

The use of the nearest available escape routes

Difficulties with the opening of emergency exits

Difficulties faced by people with disabilities

The role of specified people, such as fire fighters

Inappropriate actions, such as attempting to use elevators

Adopting Eco-Friendly Working Techniques

Retailers should encourage eco-friendly working techniques among employees
to have a positive impact on the environment. Retailers can adopt principles,
policies, and practices that improve the quality of life for its employees and
business. For instance, employing the use of eco-friendly office accessories,
such as paper bags.

The following methods can be used for establishing an eco-friendly work

➢ Use of digital communication, such as e-mails instead of paper

➢ Use of plants at workplace
➢ Judicious use of electricity at the workplace
➢ Use of solar energy
➢ Use of reusable products
➢ Proper disposal of electric waste
➢ Filtering the chemical residues before discharging

Violence, Shoplifting and Robbery at Workplace and Measures to Prevent


Security risk is considered as one of the major concerns in the retail industry. A
retail store may face threat from shoplifting, employee theft, terrorist activities
and aggressive customers. Such threats are security risks, which every retail
store is prone to. Therefore, it is important for a retailer to prevent such risks
and maintain the security of the retail store to reduce its loss of merchandise
and goodwill. A company should vide the right level of security in order to
prevent any crime, theft or danger.

The following figure shows an example of shoplifting:

Types of Security Risks

A store is always prone to various security risks. In order to offer a secure
shopping environment to customers, it is very important for a retailer to
understand various types of security risks and the ways to handle them.
Various types of security risks include:

Shoplifting: It is an act of lifting or stealing an item from a shop without
actually paying for it.

Employee Theft: This is one of the most common types of security risks for
store merchandise. The risk increases due to the fact that some employees have
free access to all the areas of the store including the storeroom from where they
can easily lift expensive items. Some stores prohibit their employees from
carrying bags inside the store and require them to be frisked at the time of

Vandalism Activity: This sort of activity includes robbery and violence in a

retail store.

Aggressive Customers: Customers get aggressive due to many reasons namely;

when they are not getting appropriate services, when they are charged with
shoplifting crime, when not attended properly by sales representative etc.

The above-mentioned risks should be minimised in order to keep the store
secure. Let us understand with the help of an example how security risks can
be reduced.
Example: Mr. Vikas Mehra is a retail store manager at ABC Pvt Ltd. While
checking the last quarter’s account for the store, he found a large amount of
merchandise missing from the store. To keep a check on the merchandise and
reduce the threats to store security, Mr. Vikas performs the following activities:

• Fixes CCTV cameras throughout the store

• Asks the security staff to be alert and check everyone entering and
leaving the store.
• Asks the sales associate to number and tag every merchandise in the store
• Ensures proper lighting in the store
• Implements various security tools, such as secured doors and windows,
and screen secured shelve arrangements.
• Marks the theft-prone merchandise

In case of unfortunate incidents, the store staff members should follow the
following instructions:
• Activate the alarm system.
• Call the police as soon as possible
• Avoid touching or disturbing the area of crime.
• Identify items that have been robbed.
• In case of riots or violent activities, lock up the store and try to escape from
a back door.
• Help customers escape from the store premises.
• If possible, record details about the attackers

Role of Employees in Handling Security Risks

A retailer's biggest assets are his/her customers and employees. A retailer's first
and most priority should be to create and maintain a healthy, safe and secure
environment for working there and shopping there. Any kind of threatening
situation can happen in a matter of seconds in such situations a retailer should
respond speedily and efficaciously, in order to p the maximum possible
protection to employees and customers in the store. In case the re fails to protect
people and assets, he/she might have to face severe implications for his/her
retail organisation.
Employees play a very important role in handling security risks, as they are the
ones who situation as and when it happens. An employee's role in handling the
security risks are as follows:

• Preventing theft, both internal and external

• Identification and discouragement of shoplifting
• Being alert and providing effective customer service
• Acknowledging every customer
• Letting customers know that you are there for their assistance

Authority of Employees in Handling Security Risks

The authority of employees to deal with security risks varies according to the
department ne working in. For example, a security guard can take a direct
action on a threat detected as per responsibilities assigned to him/her, while a
sales associate needs to report the same risk the store manager or to the sales
manager. However, authority is also needed as per the situation. Some
authorities required to deal with situations are as follows:
Irritated or difficult customers: In retail businesses, individual employees and
teams have to face irritated or difficult customers. The aggressive behaviour of
such customers may leave sales associates or managers feeling vulnerable and
threatened. So, certain authorities are required to deal with such types of

• In case the Sales Associate is not able to resolve the customer's complaint
and issues adequately, he/she should direct the customer to speak to the
store manager or to whoever else is authorized to take decisions or make

• On seeing that a customer is getting angry when asked about his/her ID,
explain and show him/her the stickers and posters stating ID-requirement,
and also make him/her understand that you are just obeying the law.
• Also, find out the ways that satisfy the customer most.
• Do not go with the judgments or opinions, just remember to stick to the
facts. Always try to bring the conversation back to the actual issue.
Abusive customers: Here the definition of abusive conduct does not
essentially mean physical violence, it says that starting of
the physical violence might be abusive conduct. Abuse in
any of the form is not acceptable. Whenever any employee
faces abusive conduct, he/she should:

• Ask the customer to stop. This should be done at the

right moment. Basically, it must be done before an
unwanted behaviour takes place.
• Explain to the customer why a particular behaviour is not acceptable. And,
in case the customer continues behaving in the same manner, just tell him
or her to leave.
• Report the incident to the authorised or concerned person, who usually
deals with such types. of complaint.
• In case you feel that you are being followed or tracked, call the police from
a safety point of view.
• In case the abuse or threat is from someone directly linked to an employee,
do not be hesitate to call the police, and this should be done especially when
the situation is intensifying.
In a retail store, it is the responsibility of every employee to be alert and to
monitor customers. They should report any security risk to the concerned
person. Employees' responsibilities include the following:

Measures To Prevent Shoplifting

Remember it is easier and safer to prevent shoplifting than to deal with a

shoplifter. Simply watch out for people who:
➢ Avoid eye contact and are nervous
➢ Are roaming around the store and not purchasing anything
➢ Come back soon after leaving the store
➢ Try to stay in that part of the store where it is quite difficult to watch them
➢ Are looking around or watching the sales person constantly

Discouraging potential shoplifters:
➢ Greet and acknowledge customers politely and with a
smile as they enter the store
➢ Ask customers if they need any kind of help and try to
be as friendly and polite as possible
➢ If somebody looks suspicious, simply make friendly
eye contact with him/her
➢ Store should be kept in order and clutter free.
➢ Be focused towards those areas where shoplifting is
most likely to occur.
➢ Make the store a difficult target for shoplifters.

Measures To Prevent Robbery

➢ Remember that an orderly and tidy store always invites customers and
discourages robbers. So, the store should be kept neat and clean.
➢ Burned-out bulbs should be immediately replaced by informing the
employer or keep the store well lit.
➢ Be alert and keep watching for people who show
similar behaviour as potential shoplifters do
➢ When somebody is found suspicious, while in the
billing line, just ask the customer standing behind him
or her whether they are together. When a person
creates discomfort, the other customers usually turn
around and look at the other person.
➢ Do not try to handle situations by yourself if you notice something
➢ Managers should urge the police of the area to do periodic patrolling.
➢ Cash should be handled carefully and it must be a minimum amount. In
case a customer is to pay a large bill in cash, courteously ask him/her to
pay in smaller amount giving the reason for the same that little cash-in
hand is kept in store.

Measures to be followed to deal with trespassers?

• It is suspected that somebody is hiding in a back room or washroom, do not
call out or make noise. Just go to a safer place and make a phone call for

• In case somebody is found loitering in an unauthorised area, never block
the eve because when a person feels that he/she is trapped, the chances of
panic and violent behaviour increases.
• If some break-in, never try to enter the premises until and unless it is safe
to contact police and wait till they arrive
• The legal and authorised right to ask people to leave the


Visit an industry to study the various Health and Safety threats at Workplace.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. There are many ________________ and _________________ risks

involved in the workplace.
2. _____________________ are the tools that protect you from injuries and
risks at the workplace or in real-life activities.
3. Limited workspace is an example of _________________ hazard
4. It is an act of lifting or stealing an item from a shop without actually
paying for it is called ____________________.

Shoplifting; Short-term; Long-term; Safety gears, Ergonomic

B. Multiple Choice Questions

5. Hazards can be categorised as:

f) Chemical hazards
g) Biological hazards
h) Physical hazards
i) Ergonomic hazards
j) All of the above

6. Examples of breaches in safety, security and health
a) When workers are exposed to excessive noise risk
b) When workers are protected from falling from a height
c) Usage of specific equipment through licensed operators
d) When the store is correctly a properly guarded
e) All of the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
Explain various security risk at workplace and measures to prevent them

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
Occupational Health and Safety

Techniques of Lifting and Handling Goods

Lifting heavy items is one of the leading causes of injury in the workplace.
Overexertion and cumulative trauma were the biggest factors in these
injuries. Bending, followed by twisting and turning, were the more
commonly cited movements that caused back injuries. Strains and sprains
from lifting loads improperly or from carrying loads that are either too
large or too heavy are common hazards associated with manually moving

When employees use smart lifting practices, they are less likely to suffer
from back sprains, muscle pulls, wrist injuries, elbow injuries, spinal
injuries, and other injuries caused by lifting heavy objects. Please use this
page to learn more about safe lifting and material handling.

Lifting Stages

1. Preparation
2. Lifting
3. Carrying
4. Setting Down

1. Preparation

Before lifting or carrying, plan out your lift. Think about:

• How heavy/awkward is the load? Should I use mechanical means
(e.g. a hand truck) or another person to help me with this lift? Is it
possible to break the load into smaller parts?
• Where am I going with the load? Is the path clear of obstructions,
slippery areas, overhangs, stairs, and other uneven surfaces? Are
there closed doors that need to be opened?
• Are there adequate handholds on the load? Do I need gloves or other
personal protective equipment? Can I place the load in a container
with better handholds? Should another person help me with the

2. Lifting

Get as close to the load as possible. Try to keep your elbows and arms close
to your body. Keep your back straight during the lift by tightening the
stomach muscles, bending at the knees, keeping the load close and centred
in front of you, and looking up and ahead. Get a good handhold and do
not twist while lifting. Do not jerk; use a smooth motion while lifting. If
the load is too heavy to allow this, find someone to help you with the lift.

3. Carrying

Do not twist or turn the body; instead, move your feet to turn. Your hips,
shoulders, toes, and knees should stay facing the same direction. Keep the
load as close to your body as possible with your elbows close to your sides.
If you feel fatigued, set the load down and rest for a few minutes. Don’t
let yourself get so fatigued that you cannot perform proper setting down
and lifting technique for your rest.

4. Setting Down

Set the load down in the same way you picked it up, but in the reverse
order. Bend at the knees, not the hips. Keep your head up, your stomach
muscles tight, and do not twist your body. Keep the load as close to the
body as possible. Wait until the load is secure to release your handhold.

Lifting and Handling Techniques

• Use mechanical means (e.g. hand trucks, pushcarts, etc.) when

possible for heavier or awkward loads. Remember to obtain training
and authorization before using a forklift.
• It is easier and safer to push than to pull.
• Keep loads as close to the body as possible and do not twist while
lifting, carrying, or setting down a load. Nose, shoulders, hips, and
toes should all be facing the same direction.

• Minimize reaching.
• As a general rule, bend at the knees, not the hips.
• Get help when needed. Do not lift or carry things you don’t feel
comfortable with, no matter how light the load.
• Plan ahead for all parts of the lift: lifting, carrying, and setting down.
• Try to utilize proper handholds while lifting. If an item does not
have a good handhold, think of ways to remedy this, such as placing
the item in a container with good handholds, creating a safe and
proper handhold with an appropriate tool, etc.
• Use personal protective equipment where needed, such as gloves
with good grip and steel-toed boots where appropriate.
• Implement rest breaks and job rotation for frequent and/or heavy
• Place items to be lifted within the “power zone”. The power zone is
close to the body, between the mid-thigh and mid-chest of the
person doing the lifting. This is the area where the arms and back
can lift the most with the least amount of effort.

Safe and Efficient Route for moving Goods

Efficient route planning should always be the basis for scheduling jobs and
tasks that need to be conducted through fleet vehicle operations, not only if
you are a delivery company but in any logistical activity. When people talk
about route planning and vehicles, only some of the reasons in favour of
efficient route planning come out, such as the need to reach a destination
more quickly. But if you think about it, there are quite a lot of advantages
your company might profit from if you optimise route planning.

1. Efficient route planning helps you to save fuel

This is probably the most obvious reason for efficient route planning that if
you use better routes it will lead to less driving and this means you will save
fuel. Route planning is necessary for drivers in order not to get lost or waste
time and fuel searching for the road leading to their destination, but
by optimising it, they will choose best route leading to their destination.

2. Efficient route planning means increased safety

Think about the time drivers could spend trying to find a place on unfamiliar
roads, immersed in traffic and getting increasingly anxious—all the

conditions that might make driving far more stressful. If you plan routes
beforehand, you can familiarise drivers with them before getting behind the
wheel. You can also predict and avoid heavy traffic—an advantage for not
only their safety but also for all road users.

3. Efficient route planning leads to reducing overall expenses

Less fuel, less possibility of incidents (safety first, as we always say!). So, all
in all, it makes for less fleet expenses, less wear and tear on your vehicles, less
insurance claims, and ultimately that means more money you can keep in
your pocket.

Precautions to be taken while travelling to and from Work

Taking public transport to commute to the office can be risky as it is difficult to

maintain social distancing and may involve interaction with a large number of
people. Hence, using a private vehicle or a private cab is advisable. However,
if you must use public transport, ensure that you follow these precautions:

• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
before you leave for the office. You can also use a sanitizer that contains
at least 60% alcohol.

• Avoid taking pooled rides or multiple passenger rides with people who
are from different households. Prefer occupying the back seat in larger
vehicles like buses and vans. This will ensure at least 6 feet distance
between you and the driver.

• Avoid touching the surfaces of the vehicle frequently touched by

passengers, ticket collector or drivers (like handles, door frame, windows
door frame and handles, windows, etc.) during the commute.

• Use cashless and touchless payment options, if possible. Try not to

purchase water or eateries at the bus stand, market place or station. Keep
a sanitizer handy to use at places where you have no access to soap and

Precautions to be taken while Tool or Equipment is Operating

1. All machine operators must be thoroughly trained before operating a

machine tool

2. Never remove machine guards or operate a machine with doors open.

3. Keep equipment well maintained.

4. Reduce risk of fatigue, discomfort and injury by using ergonomic


5. Always wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

6. Protect your eyes when working with a wide range of tools and

7. Never leave machinery running unattended.

8. Always read labels and instructions

9. Always use the appropriate tool for the respective task.

10. Turn off machines and equipment

Significance of Safety

A work environment free from injuries and accidents attracts employees.

Employees are more satisfied and productive in such an environment.

A safe work environment is essential for both employees and employers. It is

the right of all employees to have safety in the workplace.

Workplace safety is essential regardless of the size of a company. All

companies, big or small, need to incorporate safety in their workplaces.

Well-implemented safety measures keep employees safe and also protect

industrial equipment. It is the responsibility and duty of employers to protect
their employees and keep them safe.

• The safer the work environment, the more productive it is. Productive
employees are an asset to all companies. For instance, productive
employees can produce more output in less time, reducing operational
• Workplace safety promotes the wellness of employees and employers
alike. Better safety equates to better health. Healthier employees do tasks
more efficiently, and they are happier in general.
• There are very few accidents in a safe working environment. This results
in less downtime for safety investigations and reduces costs for worker’s
compensation. This also reduces the time needed for employees to heal
from injuries.

• Damage to industrial equipment creates costs for replacement and repair.
Avoiding workplace injuries and damage to industrial equipment will
incur fewer expenses and increase profit.
• If employers are concerned about the safety of their employees, the
employees are more confident and comfortable in general.
Also, absenteeism rates drop, and employees are more focused on doing
their tasks.


List out the examples of Accidents and Emergencies.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. A safe work environment is essential for both _________________ and

2. Productive employees are an ___________ to all companies.
3. Efficient route planning leads to reducing _____________.
4. ____________________________________ should always be the basis for
scheduling jobs and tasks that need to be conducted through fleet
vehicle operations.

Employees; Employers; Overall expenses; Asset; Efficient route planning

B. Multiple Choice Questions

5. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least

a) 15 seconds
b) 2 minutes
c) 1 minute
d) 20 seconds
e) None of the above

6. Stages in Lifting includes

a) Preparation
b) Lifting
c) Carrying
d) Setting Down
e) All of the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
Safety precautions to be taken while travelling
Safety precautions to be taken while operating with tool and equipment

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
Significance of safety

Unit-4: Work in Team & Organization


Teamwork is a set of actions done by a group having a common purpose or

goal. Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal
or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way.
This concept is seen within the greater framework of a team, which is a group
of interdependent individuals who work together towards a common goal.

Importance of team to achieve target in retailing

Retail outlets sell finished goods directly to the public face-to-face or online.
Conventional retail storefronts are generally staffed with younger employees
who work together in small teams to serve customers, facilitate transactions
and keep the store in order. Effective teamwork is crucial in retail settings, and
managers who understand the importance of teamwork can direct their
subordinates more effectively.

The wide range of work tasks required of retail associates can be completed
much more efficiently when team members work together, coordinating their
efforts to leverage individual team members' strengths and preferences. A
lack of solid teamwork can cause certain tasks to be completed more than once
while other tasks are neglected. Communication between team members, a
key component of teamwork, is vital to ensuring that all employees know
what needs to be done, and what their specific responsibilities are.

Workplace Challenges

High-volume retail outlets can be some of the most stressful workplaces in the
job market, combining low wages with disrespectful customers while
requiring employees to stand, squat down, lift heavy items and move quickly
for prolonged periods of time. Combine this with the fact that retail stores
place small teams in close proximity to each other for long hours on a regular
basis and you have a recipe for conflict.

Effective teamwork is crucial to work around stressful situations and ensure

that team members stick together rather than turning on each other as an
outlet for their frustration. Teams who work well together are more likely to
thrive and perform well in stressful situations.

Customer Experience

Consistent professional and friendly teams can create welcoming atmospheres

that make customers feel at ease. Teams who communicate and work
awkwardly with each other can similarly create awkward environments that

simply don't feel right. Dysfunctional teams who act aggressively or snidely
with each other can create a hostile store atmosphere that drives customers
Solid teamwork can give customers the impression that store employees work
almost like a family, making them more prone to ask team members for
guidance or engage team members in conversation.

Building Teamwork

Teamwork is not always something that happens on its own, especially in a

workplace setting. Understanding retail managers know the value of using
team building exercises to strengthen relationships within retail stores. Retail
businesses who treat teams with respect can facilitate the team building
process and make it easier for team members to form lasting friendships in
addition to professional workplace relationships.

How to Work Effectively in team

a) Behave fairly, politely and respectfully: Each team must set up their own
guidelines to behave among the colleagues. Though discussion and
negotiation the members choose the items that are most important for
their clear communication as a team.

b) Make realistic commitment: These often include commitments such as:

➢ Respect and listen to others

➢ Not blame (work hard on the problem, not on the person)
➢ Group members and project process
➢ Supportive and constructive feedback
➢ Agreed upon goals and clear timelines
➢ Positive interdependence
➢ Individual accountability
➢ Analysis of work done and planning for next steps
➢ Process for conflict and problem management

c) Suggest alternatives: To work effectively in team always suggest


d) Encouraged in difficult working conditions

People who have high self-esteem are more likely to continuously improve the
work environment. They are willing to take risks because they have confidence
in their ideas and their competence to take on new while performing capably.
They shine with motivation in your workplace.

Value System of the Organisation

A system of belief that helps one to make decisions (personal/business) is
known as a value system. In a professional environment, such core values form
the foundations that build any business. These values need to be upheld and
implemented across the entire business. The employees need to treat such value
system as too important and use them regularly throughout the decision-
making process. When they use optimally, these core values can provide
benefits to an organisation to grow fast and evolve into a larger organisation.


Visit a retail store and learn how they work effectively in team.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a

__________or___________ a task in the most effective and efficient way.
2. Communication between ____________ is a key component of teamwork.

3. Retail outlets sell finished goods directly to the public ___________or
4. A system of belief that helps ones to make decision is known as

Face-to-face; Online; Team members; Common goal; Complete; Value system

B. Multiple Choice Questions

5. Realistic commitments comprise of

a) Respect and listen to others

b) Unsupportive and constructive feedback
c) Negative interdependence
d) Group accountability
e) All of the above

6. Customer Experience depends on

a) Support
b) Quality
c) Service
d) Satisfaction
e) All of the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
How teamwork is important to achieve targets in retailing?

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
Demonstrate the teamwork in classroom with video clips.
Why value system of the organisation should be followed?

Rights of Employees

People work in companies or organization as employees to earn money and to

meet out the needs of their family. Employees have certain rights when they
work in an organization. Knowing about their basic rights would be helpful to
employees and their families. You can also avail certain benefits when you’re
aware of the basic employee rights.

Employees working in any organization, big or small, must know their

employee rights, which can be claimed anytime if they are denied. Here we list
out six basic rights that every employee must be aware of, in skilled and
unskilled sectors. Let us look at what are the basic rights of workers / basic
rights of employees.

➢ Rights to be paid equally

➢ Rights to be paid the minimum wages for organised and scheduled work
➢ Rights to get earned leave
➢ Rights to know of termination
➢ Right against sexual harassment at workplace
➢ Gratuity

Responsibilities of Employees

Employees have responsibilities towards their employers, even if they

work part time or don’t have a written contract with their employers. Below
mentioned are some of the main responsibilities of employees:

• to personally do the work they were hired to do
• to do their work carefully and seriously (In some cases, they could be
fired or disciplined if they’re often late for work, or if they’re absent too
often or for no good reason.)
• to avoid putting themselves or others in danger
• to follow their employer’s instructions (There are some exceptions. For
example, if an employer asks an employee to do something dangerous or
illegal, the employee doesn’t have to follow these instructions.
• to be loyal

Help other colleagues in

a) Giving work related information

Giving work related information is a great way to offer support to your
colleagues at work. Draw on your experience with the company and from your
own job duties to advise other team members.
b) Offer advice in difficulties

➢ Ask Before offering advice, be sure it is something your colleague wants.

➢ Be kind.
➢ Be honest.
➢ Listen.
➢ Collaborate.
c) Give clear, accurate and relevant information overwriting and using
technical language will lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Keep it simple
and clearly outline expectations

d) Demonstrate the procedure

Always try to help the co-worker by demonstrating the procedure. This will
help to run the organisation smoothly.

e) Encouraged colleague to ask question

As adult, we have mistakenly learned to stop asking questions, even though it
is the critical key to opening doors to knowledge, if not wisdom. so how can we
create an environment where our employees feel free to ask questions? Here’s
some step of what you can do –
➢ Lead by example
➢ Focus on initiative and not just on the question
➢ Make sure you listen to what is being asked
➢ Time and practice are the key
f) Practice new skill and constructive feedback

While working in an organization, every individual is equipped with different

skill sets, thinking process, knowledge etc. To meet the common goal of the
organization, every individual should help each other through knowledge
sharing and understanding of each other’s skill sets and through sharing
constructive feedback and ideas.


Gather information on Rights of Employees prevailing to different industry.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. People work in companies or organization as employees to earn

_______________ and to _________ of their family.

2. The main responsibilities of employees

to ______________________________ in danger.

3. Overwriting and using technical language will lead to

_________________ and _____________________.

4. _________________________ is a great way to offer support to your

colleagues at work.

Meet out the needs, Money; To avoid putting others; Confusion;

Misunderstanding; Giving work related information

B. Multiple Choice Questions

5. Information given to colleagues must be

a) Clear
b) Incomplete
c) Ready to use
d) Vague

6. Main responsibilities of the employee:

a) Loyal
b) Slow in work
c) Irregular
d) To put others in danger


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
What are the rights of employees?
What are the responsibilities of employee?

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
How can you help your colleagues in work place?

Skills required for achieving goals

A. Conceptual skills
B. Communication skills
C. Effectiveness skills
D. Interpersonal skills

A. Conceptual Skills

Conceptual skills are the abilities that allow an individual to better understand
complex scenarios and develop creative solutions. With conceptual skills, it becomes
easier to understand abstract or complicated ideas. People who have good
conceptual skills are adopt at solving challenging problems and scenarios using
a creative or innovative approach.
B. Communications Skills

Communication skills allow you to understand and be understood by

others. Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving and receiving
different kinds of information. Some examples include communicating new ideas,
feelings or even an update on your project. Communication skills involve listening,
speaking, observing and empathising. It is also helpful to understand the differences

in how to communicate through face-to-face interactions, phone conversations and
digital communications like email and social media.
C. Effectiveness Skill

It’s an approach to success that involves utilising all of your energy, skill and
motivation to develop and reach the goals you set for yourself. Individuals with
good personal effectiveness tend to constantly strive to achieve more, advance
their careers and grow in both a personal and professional sense.

When you demonstrate personal effectiveness, you will be working with all of
the resources available to make the progress you aspire to. Whilst making use
of the help and support that other people can give you, it will also involve
confidently managing yourself and understanding that it is your responsibility
to take the necessary steps towards growth and change.

On an individual level, personal effectiveness means different things to

different people. We all have our own standards of success and achievement,
and working at the highest level of personal effectiveness will look different for

D. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills help us to interact with others effectively, on the job, and
in the larger world. Some people are born with such skills but everyone can
improve them with practice. Expressing appreciation, resolving disputes,
and listening well are all interpersonal skills worth practicing.

Legal Requirements Regarding


Discrimination against, or profiling of individuals can occur at two stages

namely; pre-recruitment and post-recruitment. The former entails rejecting
potential candidates on the basis of their gender, religion, caste, marital status,
pregnancy etc., stemming either from certain assumptions regarding their work
ethic or product, or personal considerations of recruiters and so on. Post-
recruitment discrimination manifests in lesser pay, fewer benefits and/or leave
or even termination, based on the same grounds.

a. The Equal Remuneration Act 1976

The Equal Remuneration Act 1976 (“ERA”) is aimed to prevent gender-based

discrimination in the workplace.

b. The Maternity Benefit Act 1961
The Maternity Benefit Act 1961 (“MB Act”) aims to provide paid maternity
leave to women employees and related aspects.

c. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 (“RPD Act”) is a very
progressive legislation, establishing in unambiguous terms that there shall be
no discrimination in Government employment against persons with

Sexual harassment:

The Sexual Harassment at Workplace allows employers to protect their

employees, especially women at workplace against any incidence of sexual
harassment. In fact, as per the law, all incidents of sexual harassment whether
– big or small require employers or managers to respond quickly and
appropriately. So, next time if someone tries to cross the line, don’t hesitate
from complaining because of his/her position in the company.

a. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,

Prohibition And Redressal) Act 2013

Sexual harassment is the most egregious form of discrimination against

women. In recognition of this, The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act 2013 (“PoSH Act”) empowers the
Internal Complaints Committee to recommend a compensatory sum to be
deducted from the wages of the perpetrator and provided to the victim.


Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through

repeated verbal, physical and / or social behaviour that intend to cause mental
or physical harm.

Some of the sections they may be found guilty under are:

Punishment for criminal intimidation

a. Criminal intimidation occurs when a person threatens another

individual to injury to body, reputation or property, and in turn coerces

him/her to do an illegal act or something that he/she would not
normally do.
b. Causing hurt and grievous hurt and the punishments for the same, etc.
In cases resulting in the death of the victim of bullying or ragging, almost
every serious case of ragging involves causing hurt of some kind to
another person voluntarily and in full knowledge of his/her actions.
Many juniors across medical, engineering and other colleges have to face
physical abuse and sometimes have to endure for long periods of time.
c. The sections of the IPC dealing with culpable homicide,
Culpable Homicide is one of the most serious crimes under which a
ragging case can be booked.
d. Abetment of suicide may apply. This is also a common section under
which ragging offenders are charged. Many students from around the
country are driven to committing suicide because they are exposed to
such serious forms of violent and abusive behaviour by their seniors in

Work Routine

The first few hours of the work day can have a significant effect on your level
of productivity over the following hours of work, therefore it is important to
have a work routine that sets you up for success. Having a good start to the
day where you have greater control is critical in achieving better results and
ultimately greater career success.

1. Setting Priorities:
The first hour of the work day is the best time to assess priorities and to
focus on what you absolutely need to accomplish, Kerr says. “Too many
people get distracted in the morning with unimportant activities such as
diving right into their swamp of e-mail, when there may be a whole host
of more important issues that needs attention.” Make a to-do list, or
update the one you made the previous day, and try to stick to it

2. Complete Task:
Allocating a finite time period to tasks help you complete them on time.
It also helps you to manage your workload in the most effective way.
When you have time-boxed tasks, your brain gets overloaded to follow
the structure and accomplish those activities within the desired time-
frame. Thus, you can easily deliver work on time if you have managed
your time well.


Discuss the skill required for achieving goals.

A. Fill in the Blanks

1. ___________________________________ are the abilities that allow an

individual to better understand complex scenarios and develop creative
2. ________________________________ is aimed to prevent gender-based
discrimination in the workplace.
3. Work routine have a significant effect on your
4. Discrimination against or profiling of individuals can occur at two stages
namely; _____________________________ and

The Equal Remuneration Act; Pre-recruitment; Post-recruitment; Conceptual

skills; Level of productivity

B. Multiple Choice Questions

5. Communication skills involve

a) Listening
b) Speaking
c) Observing
d) Empathising
e) All of the above

6. Which skill makes it easier to understand abstract or complicated ideas

a) Effectiveness skills
b) Conceptual skills
c) Interpersonal skills
d) Communication skills
e) None of the above


Part A
Use the following checklist to see if you have met all the requirements for
Assessment Activity.
Set a daily routine for yourself

Part B
Discuss the following in Class Room:
The various Legal requirements at Workplace.


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